Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-25 15:49:36

Slateleaf | Mentions: Softsong, Honeyfrost, Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Quietshadow (ID), Harefeather (ID)

Slateleaf took full advantage of her shadowy form, used to the way she could slip between dark spots and stay hidden, so long as her eyes remained mostly closed. Out of view from her enemies, Slateleaf lept from shadow to shadow, surveying the scene that unfurled around her. Noticing, many times, the subtle glances Quietshadow made for the shadows. She knew her daughter was looking for her, however she curled her lip at the thought of conversing with her. She’ll know soon. She’ll regret it all. Slateleaf’s eyes flashed once in the shadows before she remembered to close them once more. Proceeding to climb a small overhang, Slateleaf stared at those two cats who called themselves leaders. They’re much too soft. This shouldn’t be too difficult. She scoffed at the thought, lashing her tail. Her claws itched to feel their skin tear beneath them, a contorted grin spreading on her muzzle. She leapt down. That would have to wait. She still needed more cats.

Slateleaf’s eyes picked across the clearing, picking up every detail she noticed. A -paw got badly beaten, another left alone. Two male warriors shared affections. Here! Of all times! What fools. A group of three packed into the medicine den with three medicine cats and the deputy, mostly at different times. Slateleaf watched Harefeather with the most interest of the group. Something must have happened to her whilst she wasn’t present in Clearsong, she should have kept a closer eye on him. She messed up again like how she messed up with Quietshadow.

Slateleaf shook her head and began to stalk around to the medicine den, watching from the shadows and trying to hear the muffled voices when two figures caught her attention. The orange one is back. She noted with curiosity. She slinked forward, noting the limp in Honeyfrost’s step, before she cut off the pair.

”The traitor and the coward,” Slateleaf began cooly, encroaching on the pair from the shadows. ”An interesting turn of events.” Slateleaf’s voice purred in mock approval, locking her emerald green gaze with both Honeyfrost and Softsong in turn. ”What happened? I thought you were exiled.” Her voice dropped on Honeyfrost, forming a statement rather than a question. ”A quarter moon is all it took? Are they incapable of finality?” She curled her tail slightly in pleasure at the look she recieved from Honeyfrost, before she turned to Softsong. ”And you. You seem to like to show people their place when you’re hardly around enough yourself.” She scoffed, flicking her tail, hoping her words had picked a nerve. ”You’re clan is not only soft, but it’s riddled with hypocrites!”

She stepped back, a smirk forming on her mouth before she lifted a paw, flicked it a moment and sat down. ”I have to say, for a clan who doesn’t know what you’re doing, you two have helped out Clearsong, so I guess I can’t discredit you for that.”

Her eyes flashed for a moment as she looked at her, she wanted a challenge. She itched for a fight. Two on one would be a fun battle. She purred lowly, rusty and croaking as she had never done it much.

”I’m sure you’ve heard of me already. Clearsong likes to make quite the scene about me. I’m always flattered.” She paused with bared teeth, her eyes glowing with impatient excitement.

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Edited on 25/01/19 @ 15:50:38 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2019-01-25 16:25:15


Swallowfall | 17 Moons | Co-Deputy | Injured | Camp | Mentions: NPC Dark Forest Warrior, Stagthorn, Anyone in Med Den


"Swallowfall stopped in her tracks, noticing a small patch of grass on the ground that was barren of snow. She inspected it closer, and it began to grow pure back. A figure pushed its way out of the ground, growing into the shape of a cat and smiling wickedly."

Swallowfall's fluffy coat stood on end as the dark cat let out an unearthly wail. There was chaos all around her, her clanmates fighting the shadowy cats too. She yowled a battle cry and lept at the dark warrior. The cat darted to the side but not before Swallowfall's claws caught the side of it's face. Her claw marks left wounds welling with darkness on the nameless cat. It snarled in half pain, half rage before barreling into her and pinning her to the ground, nails raking viciously down her exposed underbelly. Swallowfall howled in agony but before the cat could dig deep enough to be fatal however, a mottled brown cat slammed into it, tearing it off Swallowfall. She scrambled to her feet, looking to her savior who was grappling with the dark feline. "Stagthorn!" Swallowfall cried as she recognized the three-legged warrior. She could see he was struggling and just as she tensed her muscles to leap to his rescue as he had hers, the cat gained the upper hand and latched onto his throat. Swallowfall, enraged, felt a burst of energy as she pried the cat off Stagthorn. She slashed at it furiously, claws tearing through it's pelt. The cat yowled in anger, catching Swallowfall's face with a claw and blood clouded the vision in her right eye. Finally, Swallowfall dealt a final blow and the dark warrior was defeated. She frantically turned to Stagthorn and dragged him to the medicine den, bursting in in a panic. "Please someone help! Stagthorn is severely injured!" She cried breathlessly before darting back outside. Her clanmates needed her and she wasn't about to waste time.


Stagthorn | 34 Moons | Warrior | Severely Injured | Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, NPC Dark Forest Warrior

Without thinking Stagthorn had knocked the dark warrior off of the newly made deputy. The angry cat writhed under his paws, rising up to do battle. Unbalanced by his lack of leg, Stagthorn staggered under the blows of the dark forest cat. It scratched his face relentlessly until he shoved it away. He growled and leapt at the cat, claws out but as he leapt his hind paw slipped on the ground, slick with blood. Stagthorn's pelt went cold as the shadowy cat sprung for his throat, jaws squeezing and crushing, sharp teeth piercing his skin, claws scrabbling at his pelt. Suddenly he dropped like a dead weight onto the ground. Stagthorn lay wheezing, blood flowing freely from his neck and the rest of his body. He let himself stay on the ground, fading in and out.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-25 16:48:29


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Earthquake

Hawkstrike slid to a stop panting heavily. He wasn’t far from camp, just away. He fell to the ground in a heap. What do you think you’re doing?!? Get up you piece of fox dung. Go back to your camp and fight!
“I can’t, too much emotion. I just a killed a cat.” Hawkstrike wailed flattening his ears against his head. I. Don’t. Care. Don’t be a coward, even if everyone knows that you are. I don’t even know what Pebblesplash sees in you. I have been in your head all your life, I know everything about you. This isn’t the first time you killed a cat and you know it! “That wasn’t my fault. I tried to help! I really did!”
Hawkstrike knew this must look weird if a cat just happened to walk in on him talking to himself. But he didn’t care. He just didn’t. I’m trying to help you. But I can’t if you keep doing this I can’t help you. So be a real Warrior or I’m gonna start calling you Hawkpaw. Hawkstrike stood up his claws digging into the ground. Maybe someone in camp needs your help. Go! Hawkstrike ran back to camp his eyes narrowed. He looked around wondering if anyone needed his help. He dropped low as a cat leaped at him clumsily. The cat flew over him hitting the ground with a hard thud . Hawkstrike saw Earthquake fighting a bunch of Darkness forest Cats. Hawkstrike ran over sliding beside Earthquake. “Need any help?”

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-25 18:28:54

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Temp. Camp| Mentions: Mosspaw (D), Snowecho, Horsetail, Honeyfrost, Softsong, Slateleaf (all ID)
Quietshadow noticed Mosspaw limping, and stopped.
”Hey,” she said gently, smoothly cutting in front of him, ”What happened to you? Why aren’t you at the medicine den? You’re not in any condition to be walking let alone fighting. I’ll check the apprentice den, after we get you to Horsetail or Snowecho. Please?” she said, looking the grey tom up and down. He wouldn’t last another fight, it was obvious.

Against her wishes, her eyes darted around the clearing, searching for Slateleaf. Again. She could have sworn she saw her talking to Softsong and… Honeyfrost? Guess she came back.
But no, it probably wasn’t. Slateleaf had no reason to associate with them as far as Quietshadow could tell. But she had been wrong before. Sighing, she turned back to Mosspaw.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-26 00:27:00

Mumblepaw | 15 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail, Stripecloud, Snowecho, Harefeather, Stagthorn, Swallowfall (ID)

Mumblepaw gave Snowecho a nod as he heard the his mentor’s orders, quickly walking to the herb store to gather the juniper berries. With the juniper berries, he would make his way to Stripecloud. ”I’ve gotten the juniper berries for you, Stripecloud. I’m sure they’ll help you.” He mewed to the warrior as he pushed the two juniper berries to him. His attention soon went to Horsetail as the other tom spoke, talking about how it would possibly be interesting to check Harefeather with him. ’Maybe I’ll learn something important from it.’ He thought. ”Alright. I’m a bit curious now.” Mumblepaw said. Walking over to Horsetail and Harefeather, Mumblepaw would sit down as he watched Horsetail examine the she-cat. He made sure to pay close attention to what the medicine cat was doing, though, he was still unsure of what could exactly be wrong with Harefeather. Due to his confusion, he listened carefully as Horsetail then began to ask Harefeather about her and Clearsong, to which she explained they were doing fine. ’...I am missing something. But what is it, what could I be missing?’ He asked himself. Harefeather soon went to asking about what could possibly be wrong with her. ”...Honestly, I would like to know myself.” He mumbled, turning to Horsetail with a expression of clear confusion. He just shrugged, he was stumped. ’But you know, don’t you?’ The words popped into his mind.

Suddenly, Swallowfall had bursted into the den with a heavily wounded Stagthorn, setting the tom down before leaving in a hurry. Mumblepaw immediately got to his paws, rushing over to the herb store. ’Blood. There was a lot of blood coming from his neck, so much of it... too much of it...’ He began to mumble to himself nervously. ’Cobwebs. We would need cobwebs right? They stop bleeding... That wound on his neck, those cats did that to him. I don’t want to go out there.’ His panicked mumbling continuing as he began to gather cobwebs. After gathering up as many cobwebs as he could, Mumblepaw began to walk over to the injured warrior, only to pause. As much as Mumblepaw wanted to help he still didn’t really know what he was doing exactly, he could probably make Stagthorn’s wounds worse. This wasn't like him to do something without thinking. He turned his head to Snowecho and studied his mentor's face for any signs of approval to continue, or at least waiting for him or Horsetail say some proper instructions.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 08:44:20


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Mumbelpaw, Harefeather, Stormberry, Stagthorn|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Swallowfall|Location: Med. cat den

A shadow of a smile spread to the medicine cat's face, as he saw the confused looks both, the medicine cat apprentice next to him and the warrior, gave him. How should he handle this? Horsetail wondered. The warrior tried to think back to the time, when he had been an apprentice. It had been so annoying, Vulturecry had told the she-cat what was the matter with her and in turn he had Horsepaw waist almost the entire day trying to figure it out. Still, it was thanks to that, that Horsetail could now tell it so easily.
He'd let Mumblepaw inspect the she-cat and maybe he could take a few moments to speak with Snowecho, and if neither of them had figured out what was wrong with Harefeather, by the time he came back... he'd probably just tell Harefeather and instruct Mumblepaw what to look for. "Mumblepaw...", the dark sand colored tabby tom started, but trailed off as there was a sudden commotion at the entrance. "What?", Horsetail said, as his eyes fell on the Stagthorn's large wound. That was bad, his throat had been crushed. Seeing Mumblepaw already head off to the herb store, the tom turned back to Harefeather. "Stay here, what you have it not life threatening, but you are not, under any circumstances allowed outside", Horsetail said, getting to his paws, as Mumbepaw came back out. Turning back, he took a few steps forward and nuzzled her cheek, "Congratulations, too you and Clearsong", Horsetail said, smiling. He hoped that would be enough to tell the she-cat what was wrong with her, Horsetail always thought she-cat's could tell instinctively.
"Mumbelpaw", Horsetail said, his golden eyes blazing with life, even though he limped, as he walked over. "Take away half of those cobwebs", he told the younger tom, nodding to the sticky white thread wrapped around the medicine cat apprentice's paw. "Once you did that, press your paw tightly on the wound, we need to stop the bleeding. Do not take your paw off, until one of us tells you too", Horsetail instructed, nodding his head in Snowecho's direction. Turning on his heels, Horsetail quickly walked to the herb store, they needed horsetail, dandelion, ragwort, and honey. Horsetail quickly sorted through the store, for the herbs he needed. Gabbing an ivy leaf, he spread honey over it. Then he grabbed a bushel of horsetail and a paw full of ragwort, next the dandelion. Reaching into a small crevice, he pulled out two leaves, it would probably help more to give the warrior poppy seeds, but Stagthorn was uncauntius and the seeds would not do much good, since you needed to chew on them. Horsetail quickly turned and hobbled out, carrying with him all of the herbs. Setting them down, he turned back to look at Stormberry. Again giving the deputy a look over, to see if he would be fit to help. No visible injuries, good. "Stormberry, can you help and carry Stagthorn over to that nest?", he asked the large deputy, nodding to a nearby nest. Leaning down, Horsetail started to chew the horsetail into a pulp. As he did this, the tom pushed the dandelion leaves over to Stagthorn. The warrior was unconscious, probably from all of the blood loss and pain. Using his paws, still chewing up the horsetail as well, the medicine cat pride pressed the large green leaves, to get the vitale juice out, he then warrior's mouth open and pushed the leaves into his mouth. Hopefully the bad taste of the leaves, would bring the warrior back to consciousness.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 12:12:29

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Harefeather, Swallowfall
Indirectly: Stagthorn, Medicine Cats

Feeling like she may be taking up much needed space, Raindrop decided she should probably leave the medicine den. She stepped forward and touched noses with Stripecloud, "I'll see you when the fighting dies down or if you come out. I hope you get better soon, Stripecloud." She dipped her head to the medicine cats and murmured a cheeky congratulations to Harefeather, not needing to have heard what was happening to know what was going on.

She slipped out the den and immediately ducked to the side as Swallowfall rushed in the den with Stagthorn, he was bleeding heavily from his throat. The large gash rooted her to the ground, making Randrop have to shake herself a few times to stop picturing it.

As Swallowfall rushed back out of the den, Raindrop watched her from the side. She stepped forward slightly and laid her tail on Swallowfall's shoulder. "This is a battle, you have to accept this can happen." Raindrop murmered to the deputy, "I know I'm not one to talk though, I'd be the same way. Stagthorn is a strong cat, he'll work through it."

Raindrop stumbled through her words, trying her best to comfort Swallowfall. She hoped Stagethorn could recover, but how it looked, she wasn't sure.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 16:25:23
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mention: Hawkstrike
Earthquake took a step back at the dark cat's confrontation, his lips drawn back in a snarl. He nearly jumped when Hawkstrike joined him, offering to help. He gave a brisk nod "You take the left one, I'll take the right." he said breathlessly. His muscles flexed under his fur, his snarl turning malicious as he unsheathed his claws.
He could've sworn he saw the dark cat's eyes widden in fear before he pounced on it.
Earthquake being the heavier cat, it didn't take much to throw the smaller Dark Forest cat around, nevertheless it fought back, grabbing his sides in attempt to bowl him over. He complied with the motion, rolling on his back only to grab the cat's scruff, the momentum getting him back on his feet and slamming the cat on the ground.
The cat cried, whether it was in shock or in pain he couldn't care less, he lifted the cat again, slamming it back down, and again and again, he swore he heard bones crunch. Where this sudden brutality came from Earthquake didn't know, it took him a minute to realize what he was doing to finally stop, the small frame of the shadowy cat limp, he dropped the body with a thud and it dissipated into the air with pitiful whispers.
Earthquake blinked, dissatisfaction filling him, he wanted more, his claws itching for battle.
His mind screamed brutality in disgust, that this was not how clan cats fought "Who cares? Not me!" that cat got exactly what was warranted, but deep down Earthquake knew something was off. His body nearly craved battle and victory, his claws and teeth edging him on as his eyes searched hungrily for another opponent.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-26 19:58:40


Softsong | 17 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Honeyfrost, Slateleaf, Open!

Softsong turned his head abruptly as he heard an unfamiliar voice speak, his pelt spiking as he realised a Dark Forest cat had slunk up to them while they were distracted. He was stunned into silence as she spoke, opening and shutting his mouth a few times as he tried to find his voice. He would like to insist to her that he had been in the Clan his entire life, but he had been gone the three moons Glade had reigned. His greatest shame back to haunt him again. His eyes lit up with realisation as Clearsong was mentioned making a scene and he glared at the Dark Forest warrior. ”It’s you who’s been tormenting him and his kin!” He yowled accusingly. He then turned his head to Honeyfrost. ”I’ll hold her off, get to Snowstorm!” He commanded, stepping more between the two she-cats, as to shield his fellow warrior. He would gladly buy her some time by talking back.

”This Clan has been shaken to its core by Glade, but we stand united like always. We just have to find out paws again and then nothing can destroy us.” He started, confident in his words. He thought of Aldershade and felt a surge of strength flow through him. ”Even if some of us die during this battle, we will fight you. And we will keep fighting until we win.” He continued, pushing aside his instincts to run. He had to stay strong, for all the cats he cared about. ”So you better get lost while you have the chance!”

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-26 20:59:02

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~Healthy ;) to lightly injured~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, Clearsong, Raindrop, Frostclaw (NPC clan cat), Bramblethorn (BFC NPC), *OPEN*

Harefeather felt a little embarrassed, how didn't she know? Yet again, she is still young, very young. But she wanted to bounce and leap and twist with excitement. She felt this buzzing burn of pride in her chest as the shock slowly wore off the she cat's face. I have to tell Clearsong! Just as the she cat thought about running to tell him, Horsetail told her to stay.
"Can we keep this between us?" She asked hushly, not wanting anymore to hear.
"I want to tell everybody when I'm ready". She added, her paws excitedly wiggling beneath her. The medicine den got busy, and she got washed away into the back ground of the medicine den as wounded were brought in.

The she-cat was paturbed that she had to sit in the medicine den as her help was obviously needed. She worked her best, out of excitement and unrest. She needed to go help her clan, but she knew why she couldn't. She heard a commotion outside the medicine den, and looked up to see wounded Frostclaw with his hands full with two Dark Forest Cats. She dashed toward the entrance of the den, before stopping. She turned to look at Horsetail, and realized the situation she now was in. She could hear Frostclaw's yowls behind her. She knew what she has to do.
"I'm sorry." She said softly as she dared share a glance with Horsetail, before turned back to dash out of the den. She raced to help her clan mate, but was knocked over by another Black Forest Cat. Harefeather took her chance as the cats tumbled to pummel the Dark Forest Cat's stomach, while sinking her teeth into the toms shoulder. The tom returned smacks to her shoulder, repeatedly slashing it. The ball of hissing fur broke up. Harefeather needed to end the fight quick, and wasted no time to lash at the tom again. He was smart and nimble, stepping to the side to most evade her blows, only getting a nic on the ear, before he knocked her sideways, and planting his massive paw on Harefeather's chest, pinning her down.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 22:32:52
The dice want Clear to be stronk.

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Mortally Wounded | Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Pebblesplash, Whorlpaw, Harefeather, NPC
Indirectly: Quietshadow

Clearsong smiled at his sister, "Any time, Pebblesplash. I'll always be here for you." Clearsong sat in silence next to his sister for a moment, when he saw his apprentice approaching. Clearsong chuckled softly after Pebblesplash had retorted to Whorlpaw's anger about Quietshadow.

"Whorlpaw always had a way with words." He joked playfully, hoping he'd be able to steal this lighthearted moment in the heat of battle a moment longer. "She reminds me of you, in a way, Pebblesplash. Both of you have quick tempers, but deep down the two of you make a great pair. You're very kind cats, underneath." Clearsong teased, nodding to himself thoughtfully. The two were similar enough to be sisters, he mused. Would that mean Whorlpaw may feel like a sibling to him in the future?

Before Clearsong could think any further into it, he saw Harefeather quickly trotting over, her eyes much brighter than someone who normally left the medicine den. As she approached, however, Clearsong eyes slowly widened as a tom caught her off guard. They exchanged blows before he lept on her and pinned her down.

Before Clearsong could stop himself, he rushed over to Harefeather and threw himself at her attacker, blind fury and protectiveness flooding him. He tore the tom from Harefeather and threw him aside, hearing an odd crack before the tom dissipated into black smoke. Clearsong paused, his fury quickly draining, as he realized he had killed the tom before a fight had even started. He forced his gaze away and looked back at Harefeather. "I... What just happened?" Clearsong sat down, flattening his ears as the crack resounded in his head. "I didn't mean... That was your fight Harefeather, I... How did I...?" Clearsong was at an utter loss for words at how easily the tom had been killed. He had misjudged the force of his throw in blind fury and must have made him land awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to get to me as much as it did." Clearsong looked at his paws as he scuffled them on the cold earth.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-27 11:12:21


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|He’s Lost A Lot of Blood|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Earthquake, NPC

Hawkstrike nodded to Earthquake. Double teaming was for cowards. Hawkstrike charged at the cat. The she leaped over him scraping along his back. Hawkstrike let out a yowl twisting around and clawing weakly at the cat’s nose. This is why you should have spent more time on fighting! Not stupid hunting! Hawkstrike hissed at the cat arching his back. The scratches stung but he could still fight.
She circled him her eyes full of hunger. Hawkstrike followed her gaze not knowing where she would strike next. Hawkstrike made the first move.
He charged again and grabbed the cat’s scruff. But she had other ideas. She rolled with him grabbing his ear and latching on. Hawkstrike let out a yowl as she pulled. He let out a yowl and tried to shake her off. He finally kicked her off, but she took his ear with her. He stumbled to the ground slightly his ear bleeding heavily.
The she leaped again but Hawkstrike was ready. She clawed across his cheek, why was everyone going for his cheek he didn’t know, but he grabbed her scruff tightly this time. He threw her against a tree hearing a slight crack and watched the she drag herself away. Hawkstrike laughed slightly but then fell to the ground. All his wounds burned with pain.
“Earthquake?” He closed his eyes breathing softly.


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Medicine Den|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud nodded to Raindrop knowing he probably wasn’t going to come out of this den anytime soon. He sighed his eyes half closing. He was red to fight, his claws itched to fight. But he felt so weak. So tired. He wasn’t helping anyone. Maybe if he took a nap. Just a small, quick nap. He’d wake up soon, just a small nap. That’s all it was. He let his tired eyes close telling himself it would be a small nap. He let sleep wash over his tired body feeling as if he were sinking into the floor.

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Edited on 27/01/19 @ 22:53:41 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-27 14:52:10

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~Very Injured~Camp/Nursery~Mentions: Lionkit, Maple/Starlingkit, Snowecho(ID), *OPEN*

"You should have Horsetail or Snowecho look at that." The young calico tom said, frustration coming off the kit in strong waves. Blossomheart couldn't help but give a small smile at the empathy shown by the tom. She wanted to nuzzle the tom to comfort him but she knew that he was too young to deal with the experience of another cat's blood on him, for now, so she brushed her tail against the tom again, flicking his ear a lightly to hopefully lift his spirits.
"Don't worry so much little one. Soon enough your time for glory will come." She softly informed, before giving him another gentle push back into the nursery. "But for now, I need you and Maplekit to go and find a--" The she cat stopped herself, 'a place to hide', would not help the tom's mood, "I need you to find a safe place for the two of you." She hoped she had corrected her words enough, so the tom would be more eager to do so.

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~Healthy ;)~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

Harefeather hissed at the tom, when a familiar orange tabby pelt yanked the foe off of her. An unusual crack could be heard admits the hisses and yowls of battle, before the tom dissolved away. The gray tabby rolled to her feet, and turned to face her mate, who was obviously disturbed by the event. She stayed quiet as he rambled on, before nuzzling his cheek. "I needed your help." She comforted the tom, before glancing at where the tom should lay. "Besides, was either him or know that." She added more quietly, before the tom shuffled his paws. "I know it's against the warrior code, but..." She struggled to find the words. 'But what? You just said the exact reason what is happening is wrong...Everyone knows it, but we all know if we don't then it'll be us..' She quickly gathered herself. "I have some news that you're going to love."</b She blurted out, still trying to stay quiet, and trying to recover from her awkward pause.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-27 16:15:11


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Stormberry, Open!

”Now don’t talk like that, I care.” Snowstorm quickly interjected, though stayed silent as Storm...bush? carried on speaking. As the bigger tom finished talking, he realised that he thought he remembered him. His heart felt like it stopped right then and there. He had no idea what his relationship with this tom had been, he could hardly even remember his name! He took a shaky breath. He should tell him before he got his hopes up. ”I’m sorry, but I don’t know that.” He started, trying to pick his words with care. ”When I woke up after those 3 moons, I for some reason forgot everything about 5 cats.” Before he could continue explaining, he heard Swallowfall’s cry for help. He was about to get up to help, but saw that Horsetail and Mumblepaw had this one under control. He let out a quiet sigh and looked back to the deputy. ”I’m sorry, but you were one of the cats.” He admitted, almost shamefully.

He recalled when he had told Horsetail. His fellow medicine cat had handled the news well, considering how insensitive he had been about it. He had spent the past few moons getting to know Horsetail again, though had not approached the other cats about his memory issue yet, with the exception of Willowstar. He had yet to talk to her again after their last chat. In his free time, he had tried to mix herbs to try to find a remedy and get his memories back. So far nothing had been successful, and the white tom had lived with pushing aside waves of guilt every time he laid eyes on the cats he had forgot about. He shook his head once to get rid of the guilt and looked back to Storm...blaze? ”But I wouldn’t mind getting to know you again. And maybe I’ll get my memories back one day.”

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Edited on 27/01/19 @ 17:17:34 by Dionysus(Clean Ice Svelte) (#117962)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-27 16:45:54

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Mortally Wounded | Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Harefeather

Clearsong dipped his head after Harefeather had nuzzled him. She was right, that tom would have... not left her okay... if the tom had stayed like that. He didn't want to think about Harefeather dying. Not now. Not ever.

Her excitement suddenly broke through Clearsong's morbid thoughts. What could she possibly be so excited about after leaving the medicine den? "And what would that be?" He watched her with a smile, her joy reflecting onto him. It could be because she wasn't sick, but that wasn't necissarily news. clearsong frowned again for a moment, trying to think. He was no medicine cat, but the symptoms she had sounded pretty bad.

Though her ailments sounded familiar. He remembered a she cat complaining of those issues to Starclan's end a few moons ago, what was her name again? Snowball?

Clearsong's eyes widened in realization. Was Harefeather-?

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