Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-01-27 17:16:07


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | Lightly Injured | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit, Blossomheart

Maplekit didn't know what to say to her brother, but then she figured that Blossomheart did the job. But what did she mean by "find you both a safe place"? Surely they weren't in that much danger?
She looked at the wounds of the other warrior, and felt a pang of guilt. She had taken the blow, for her and her brother.
"Lionkit, we need to do what Blossomheart says. Either way.. she doesn't look very well, Snowecho and Horsetail will make her feel better."
Starlingkit awoke, pushing herself to her feet and giving a blank expression on her face. Almost.. bored. She went to the back of the nursery, shoving a small patch of leaves out of the way, where a hole small enough for a kit to pass through was.
"Didn't think I'd need it this soon, but let's go. We don't have time to waste. We can find an empty rabbit hole right beyond camp, somewhere we can easily be found. Blossomheart will let our uncle know, and he'll be the first to find us."
She tapped her paw, waiting for Lionkit to join her. Her shoulders were stiff from sitting for so long, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the blow Maplekit had took earlier on.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2019-01-27 17:57:40


Swallowfall | 17 Moons | Co-Deputy | Injured | Camp | Mentions: Raindrop, Blossomheart, Lionkit, Maple/Starlingkit

Swallowfall took a deep breath, listening to Raindrop's words. "Thank you, Raindrop." She said sincerely, nodding her thanks to the younger she-cat. She brushed her tail along Raindrop's flank as she bounded away in the direction of the nursery. Her icy-blue eyes caught sight of a wounded Blossomheart in front of the entrance speaking to someone in the darkness of the den, presumably the kits. Swallowfall slunk around the edge of the camp, avoiding the gazes of any Dark Forest warriors. She reached the nursery in time to hear Blossomheart telling the kits to find a safe place. "Blossomheart! Are you okay?! Are the kits okay?!" She cried, taking in the sight of the injured she-cat.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-27 19:13:31


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Whorlpaw, Aldershade, Hawkstrike, Horsetail, Snowecho (D), Slateleaf, Softsong, Honeyfrost, Stagthorn, Stripecloud
Pebblesplash dipped her head to Aldershade and Whorlpaw, and stood up. She smiled quickly at Clearsong one last time before she too rejoined the battle.

She bowled over the nearest cat, snarling. Of course, this cat shoved her off and clawed her stomach in the process. Screeching, she flung herself away, not wanting to risk it. The cat folllowed her, nearly knocking her over again. Pebblesplash batted the dark cat away and fled into the crowd.

Panting, she scrambled back. Her gaze searched the clearing, finally landing on her uncle and Hawkstrike.
Oh no.
Hawkstrike was wrestling with a she-cat. The fight was brief, but both cats were injured. Severely.
Pebblesplash’s paws unfroze and she bound over as Hawkstrike fell.
I’m not losing you to these vile cats!
”Hawkstrike! No! You’ll be okay, you’ll be okay…” she should have never left him alone. She should have stayed nearby, where she could have helped him.
Earthquake was being especially vicious, obliterating any dark cat that crossed his path.
I will worry about that later.
Pebblesplash looked at Hawkstrike nervously.
”I’m going for Snowecho or Horsetail, I’ll be back soon,” she promised, looking him dead in the eye.

Spring away, she tore through the battlefield, determined to reach the medicine den.
Just a little further.
Suddenly, she stopped dead.
Slateleaf and Softsong and Honeyfrost were facing off. Pebblesplash considered joining them, but then backed out. Hawkstrike could die.

Bursting into the den, she cried, ”Hawkstrike is hurt! He’s collapsed on the ground, please one of you help him!” Her words spilled out, and she frantically looked across the den. Stagthorn. Stripecloud. The two warriors were in the den, one passed out and the other losing a lot of blood. She felt a little ashamed for asking for help, but Hawkstrike could die at any second.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-27 23:11:57


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|He’s Lost A Lot of Blood|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike felt his pelt burning with pain. He heard Pebblesplash’s worried voice sweep over his ears. He barely heard it. The Tom could hear this high pitched ringing sound from his one ear that was left. He let his mind sink over to Thornheart. Not knowing why, but he let it happen. He thought of all the times his mother could have told him. One moment stood out in particular.


Hawkkit and his brother tussled in the nursery. They were only two moons but they acted like apprentices sometimes. Mudtail pushes them apart softly chuckling to herself.
“Stop making a mess, your father would be displeased.” Hawkkit and Eaglekit both looked straight at their mother for this.
“Why doesn’t our father see us? The other kits get to see their father.” Eaglekit whined looking at his paws. Hawkkit looked to his brother curling a comforting tail around him.
“I will tell you two when your older.” The queen murmured softly looking away.
“No Eaglekit! No more questions.” The queen snapped.
“You have to tell them one day Mudtail.” Blossompeak apple from across the den.
“I will Blossompeak, one day. But not today.” Blossompeak gave her a stern look making Mudtail shift uncomfortably.
“Your father was a great cat, kind and gentle. He died before you two were born. You would have loved him though.” Blossompeak let out a small noise but Mudtail ignored her. “His name was Lionstripe.”

End FlashBack

The memory hurt. His own mother had lied right to his face. Hawkstrike tried to lift his paw up but couldn’t. He let out a groan of pain as he tried to move. The Tom didn’t even make it a centimeter. The pain was unbearable. His life was hanging off the cliff.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 07:24:36
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mention: Hawkstrike, [ID] Pebblesplash
Earthquake was thrown out of his battle induced haze as Hawkstrike called to him, he faints and Pebblesplash runs to his side. Panicked, she runs to find help, Earthquake bounds to his other side "Here, hold on just a little longer Hawkstripe." he grabs the tom's scruff, lifting him upward and retreating to a secluded bush away from the noisy clash of battle. He heard Hawkstrike groan, and Earthquake made sure to set him down gently.
He was bleeding quite an amount, it tugged at him, he needed help urgently. Earthquake curled around him, watching Hawkstrike's breath rise and fall, he could only hope Pebblesplash could make it back in time.

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Edited on 28/01/19 @ 09:57:18 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 12:01:53


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Maplekit, Blossomheart, Swallowfall|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

"Alright", Lionkit said, still a bit disappointed that he could not help. A small smile came to his face though, when the she-cat flicked his ear with her tail. He was glad for the clan, since both of their parents were no longer here, the clan was like one big family too the kits now. Looking back, as Maplekit opened up the hole in the side of den and said that they could hide in an abandoned rabbit burrow, the young calico tom nodded his head. It was a good idea to leave that way, since then they could sneak out of the camp. Turning, he was about to walk over to his sister, but stopped and looked back around to Blossomheart. "Since we're going to hide, you can go and see the medicine cats", leaving the warrior with that, Lionkit turned back around and walked over to Maplekit.
He nodded his head to his littermates, they should be careful. Leaning down, he looked out of the hole, just to make sure there was no one there. He could not see anyone, "I think it's clear", Lionkit said, glancing over to his littermate. Sitting back, he nodded his head to Maplekit. "We should hurry", the young tom said, "You should go first, I know which rabbit hole you mean, but I don't know the way by heart", he added. Before he could say more, Lionkit looked back to the nursery entrance, as he heard voices outside of the den. "I think that's Swallowfall", Lionkit said. Turning back, head headed for the nursery entrance and poked his head out. "We're fine", Lionkit said, nodding to Blossomheart he added, "Blossomheart has been guarding us. What's happening?" Looking back to Swallowfall, the kit cocked his head to the side and waited for the deputies respond

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 13:03:16


Sunstar | 29 Moons | 7/9 Lives | Co-Leader | Near Dead - Unknown Injury | [Camp] | Mentions: Brokenbone [D], Glade [D], Everyone [ID]

Sunstar's eyes bore into the camp, he felt the blur of everything move so fast. He didn't know what to do.. they could kill these Dark Forest cats all day, but who's to know that they will win? And where was Brokenbone and Thistlestar? Surely they must be showing up soon..
Without a chance to look up, he heard a yowl at the entrance of the camp. The sound made his fur stand, but he refused to let it get to him and raised his shoulders to stand taller. His eyes burned, but he screwed up his eyes and managed to see Brokenbone, looking over at the leader. He groaned, noticing his father next to him. How could you have abandoned me.. for him? What could you possibly love about him?
Brokenbone yelled over the clearing, "So, looks like this is where it all ends for you, Sunstar. You've lost everything.. and now it's time for you to join me. Your father doesn't want me to kill you, even though I'd do it in a heartbeat. Ally with the Dark Forest, and we will spare half of your clan."
He was about to speak, when a voice interjected. "He's always the worst at making decisions. Sunstar should have never been leader."
Sunstar watched in horror as a shadow slid into view, and Glade gave him his signature wicked grin. He unsheathed his claws in an instant, ready for such a fight. Though, Starclan knows.. This was a battle he would most definitely lose.
Brokenbone and Glade charged, heading straight for Sunstar. He hissed, pushing his hind legs in a defensive position.
The moment he attacks you, his grip on Thistlestar will be lost.
Sunstar didn't know what it was. It was a whisper on the wind, easing his anxiety. He yowled, leaping on Glade. The shadowy warrior was careful, blocking the attacks from Sunstar and slashing down the leader's forepaw.
Brokenbone was there shortly after, nipping at Sunstar's legs. He tried to shove the evil cat away, but Brokenbone gave a victory yell as he sank his teeth into Sunstar's neck.
The co-leader yowled in pain, trying to shove both of the Dark Forest warriors off of him. He felt blood pouring out of his neck, but he refued to give up now. He hissed, throwing Glade off of his back.
Moment later, he heard a hiss, looking up just in time to see Thistlestar leap at Brokenbone, flinging the cat into a broken tree. He looked at Sunstar with a hopeful gaze.
"I don't know what happened, son. I was blinded when he came into Starclan.. It was like he set me in a trance or something. I'm not in love with him, and I would give up my life for you. I'm sorry."
Sunstar purred, brushing his muzzle along his father's flank. He understood immediately, the voice on the wind knew. He could trust it.
The next moment, everything was too fast to comprehend. The co-leader looked around camp, and watched as Starclan warriors spawned out of nowhere. They had taken back Starclan!
Lioncloud was in the midst, and gave Sunstar a dipped head before throwing himself into a throng of shadowy warriors. He smiled with hope. Starclan had not abandoned them.
While he was watching on, Brokenbone had snuck up behind him. He leaped on Sunstar's back, tearing at his fur. Glade was off somewhere else, and he needed to warn the clan. Before he could yowl in warning, Brokenbone jumped off of Sunstar, kicking his feet out from beneath him. He raised his claws, blood dripping from his fangs.
Thistlestar leaped at him, but Brokenbone simply slashed the tom's neck, and he exploded into stardust, disappearing into the wind. "His usefulness is now over. Now.. You're all I need in order to live."
Brokenbone bit down hard, as Sunstar didn't have time to yowl, or grieve, or even say goodbye to his father who tried to save him. He watched the fighting around him as his muzzle fell to the side, landing in the dirt. He blinked slowly, feeling his 2nd life drain from him as he went to join Starclan. The tom felt warmth surround him, and his glowing blue eyes glazed over, empty.

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Edited on 28/01/19 @ 13:06:27 by Quake™ [WB🐾] (#69866)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 14:37:37
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Willowstar | 38 Moons | Co-Leader | Full | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Thistlestar, Brokenbone, Glade, Wolffang, Thrushwillow

The female leader's pelt prickled as she saw all the bloodshed happening in her camp and how greatly outnumbered they were. A few cats had already been brought to the medicine cat den with severe injuries and she cast a small look up at the sky, wondering what any of these cats have done to deserve such. Her attention was drawn towards the orange furred leader as he seemed to be confronted by two cats, which she recognized from their battle in Starclan as Sunstar's father, Thistlestar, and Brokenbone. It wasnt too long into their conversation when she saw Glade appear beside the two and her eyes slightly widened in surprise. She shouldnt have been since the Dark Forest was where the tom belonged, but since he wasnt a clan cat, the fact that a rogue had been let into their dark ranks was what caused her initial surprise. Once Sunstar was locked in battle with Glade and Brokenbone, her legs were about to move her to go and help her friend, but felt a wave of relief when his father stepped in and help protect his son. He seemed to say something that set the younger tom at ease and before she knew it, starry figures began to take form within the camp.

"Seems you need our help this time instead of us needing your's." An amused purr sounded behind her and when she turned her head, a familiar silver sleek tom came into view. Joy bubbled in her chest and she bounded over and nuzzled her head against his before pulling away.

"Thrushwillow, im glad to see you again."

"I can tell." He laughed before looking at her with soft eyes. "I'm glad to see you as well, little sister."

While she was distracted being in her brother's presence, Willowstar almost didnt notice Wolffang approach the two of them, warily looking over Thrushwillow, an expression on his face as if he didn't like this strange tom being close to his sister. The starry tom seemed to notice and let out another purr of amusement and nudged the female leader.

"I think you better introduce me before a fight starts."

Willowstar looked at him with a confused expression before finally noticing Wolffang was there and took note of his expression. Her expression softened and she gave the younger tom a quick lick on the top of his head before using her head to motion towards their older brother. It made sense that he would be wary of him since they had never met before, but a sense of warmth filled her to see both of her brothers at her side.

"Wolffang, i'd like you to meet our older brother, Thrushwillow."

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Wolffang | 14 Moons | Warrior | Full | Camp/Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Willowstar, Thrushwillow, Reedheart, Frostecho, Troutsplash, Mumblepaw, Horsetail, Snowecho/storm
Indirectly: Stagthorn, Stormberry, Sunstar, Honeyfrost, Quietshadow, Earthquake

Wolffang looked over at the sleek gray striped tom and realized that his sister wasn't kidding on how similar they were. If not for his long fur, he would be nearly identical to his older brother. Thrushwillow offered a smile to the young tom and glanced over at his sister as her pelt brushed against his.

"Seems like you raised him up pretty well on your own. It's a shame things turned out the way they did. It would've been nice having a brother like him around."

For once, at the mention of his death, his sister didn't seem upset about it and purred fondly at her littermate's words, looking between the two of them. He knew how hard she took their sibling's death and was really surprised by her reaction. It was possible that maybe it was because it was coming from him himself, or just the fact that he was there with them now. Either way, he felt better knowing that she wasn't falling into a moment of self-loathing.

"He was a good kit, was a good apprentice, and I have high hopes for him now that he's a warrior. He's a lot like you in some ways, but I think he turned out fine."

"I have to agree with both of you. Wolffang has grown to be a fine warrior and I expected nothing less with you helping him out."

The sound of a new voice had the fluffy tom a bit on edge, yet curious at the same time. He glanced over at his siblings for a reaction, but since they didnt seem ready to attack, then they must know who the voice belonged to. His head moved to look at the approaching starry cat and the was a faint familiar feeling as he took in her appearance. She was a calico, much like his sister, but she had short fur like his brother. Willowstar noticed the confused look in his eyes and let out a small purr.

"Wolffang, this is Reedheart. I'm sure you know that name, right?"

"Reedheart? As in our mother?"

"That's correct. I'm sorry for how things turned out, but I think your sister did well in taking care of you in my place." The starry warrior spoke up, a proud look in her eyes as she looked between her two living children. Though her pelt was made up of stars, that didnt stop her from lightly brushing her muzzle affectionately against the side of his head. The warmth she gave off felt different that the usually warmth one would feel, but it was also soothing, so he didn't move away. He could never remember what his mother looked like since he still pretty young when she died, but he realized that his sister had a similar case that he did; that was that her and their mother were pretty similar themselves, except Willowstar had long fur and her eyes were amber, whereas Reedheart had short fur and had light green eyes. Using the time he had, Wolffang made a note of his families appearances so he wouldn't forget.

"If you're in Starclan, does that mean father is with you?" He asked curiously when he didnt see anyone else approaching them.

His siblings and mother exchanged a glance and it almost seemed like they were having a silent conversation when he saw his sister lightly shake her head at them. Wolffang tilted his head slightly, a bit confused at their actions and started to wonder if maybe something had happened. He studied their expressions for a few moments, figuring out that since none of their expressions really held any sorrow to them, then maybe there was more to the story than he thought. If anything, he noted that they all held a hint of anger and maybe a hint of pain in his mother. His attention snapped back when he heard a small sigh come from his sister and she turned to look at him.

"Wolf, there's some things I need to tell you that I had kept from you." She started before another voice stepped in, a sneer evident in the tone.

"Like the fact that you killed your own father while your mother and brother had him pinned down and unable to move or defend himself?"

All four turned their heads to see a dark brown tabby female stalk towards them, bloodlust and rage clear in her expression as she looked over his family. Since her pelt held no star in it, the young warrior determined that she had to be a Dark Forest warrior and put his guard up, ready to fight she he need to. Her focus never seemed to linger on him for long and seemed to pay more attention to his siblings and mother. None of them seemed to recognize who she was and Thrushwillow confirmed it when he spoke up.

"Who are you to be interrupting a matter that only needs to be discussed within our family?"

"What does that matter to a cat who helped murder their parent? I'm simply answering his question." It was then that her sharp blue eyes shifted over to him and lingered on him for a moment. "He looks similar to him too. If only he had his amber eyes; then he would be nearly identical to Troutsplash." For a moment, a flicker of pain and longing held her expression before returning back to the way it was moments before. If it weren't the fact that she was a Dark Forest cat and that she was attacking his clan, then he almost might have felt pity for her. He could be wrong, but when he thought about it, he figured that maybe she had fallen for his father.
"I'm here to kill the three of you since you took away the cat that mattered most to me. After he first died, he cared nothing about revenge and only longed to see his precious Reedheart." The tabby spat. "The longer he was there though, the more he realized that if he helped us out, then he would be able to take revenge on the one who kept him from having his happy family and be with his old mate again. I was there for him after his betrayal and I could've stay with him at his side after we took over this place too had you not taken his life once again."

As she hissed out her reason, the dark tabby female seemed to inch closer as her gaze focused solely on his sister. Wolffang didnt understand what this cat meant when she had accused his sister of killing their father, and not just once, but twice. The questions kept piling up, but he knew better than to ask, especially with how things were playing out. He cast a quick glance at his kin, but while Willowstar and Thrushwillow kept their eyes narrowed and stayed on guard, he could see anger slowly starting to fill Reedheart's expression.

"Huh, so he managed to catch the attention of some random female during his time in the Dark Forest? Don't think you're all that special. It's not like you would be the first or second female. Even after death, did he ever ask to become anything more? No, because he had settled down with me before and we started our own family. We had three kits together, and that's not including the other ones he's the father of."

The more Reedheart spoke, he could feel the dark female's anger grow and started to question why in Starclan his mother was provoking her. Her last sentence seemed to stun all of them except her and she pushed her chest out slightly, almost as if to make a show of it.


"You heard me. This isn't the only family that Troutsplash had. He's also the father to some kittypets over in the twolegplace. Four of them if I remember right. So whether you managed to get with or not, it's not like you would be first in his heart of mind, you sad sack of fur."

"The name is Frostecho and you best keep that name in mind for the rest of the short time you have to live because it's also the name of the cat who will kill your kits in front of you due to that mouth of yours. I don't get what he ever saw in you. From what i've seen, just about every word that comes out of you is crowfood."

Without waiting another moment, she swiftly turned her attention to Willowstar and lept at her with claws unsheathed and fangs bared. Seeming to snap out of their shock, the calico leader reared up, ready to meet her attacker as she crashed into her. The two females rolled across the snow, a ball of teeth and claws until Willowstar pushed Frostecho off of her and put herself into a crouch. While the Dark Forest warrior was recovering, Willowstar made her move and struck swift and hard. Frostecho seemed to be ready for that as she quickly had herself back on her paws and started her own assault of attacks on the female leader. Her moves were sharp and precise, and the dark cat seemed to be quicker than the calico female, showing the clear difference in abilities. The white fur of the calico started to stain as she struggled to keep on the defense as the Dark Forest warrior kept up her attacks with ease, almost as if she had spent over a lifetime training. Willowstar managed to get a few more hits in, and even though they weren’t deep enough to cause any major damage, they were enough to have her start to slow down.

Seeing Willowstar get cornered despite the successful hits she had landed before had Thrushwillow spring into action. Wolffang wanted to jump in as well, but Reedheart held him back. While three on one cat would be good odds on winning the fight, too many cats could get in each others ways and it could backfire on them, especially if they aren't used to working together or know one another's fighting style. The starry tom rammed into Frostecho's side before her claws could meet the calico leader and the two went tumbling. Thrushwillow was the first to recover, mostly due to how few deep wounds he had, and his claws raked themselves across the dark cat's face, having a pained howl sound in the air. She went to retaliate, but the slimy dark liquid started to drip into her eyes and her aim was far from connecting. His brother's next attack had the Dark Forest warrior knocked back on the ground, and the silver starry tom prepared to pounce, looking like he was ready to end the fight, yet none of them expected for her to use the snow to clear the dark blood from her face in time. As Thrushwillow launched himself into the air, Wolffang saw a smirk cross Frostecho's face and before he could call out to stop his brother, she rolled onto her back once he was closer and let herself sink a little further down in the snow, wiggling herself so she was closer to him and just shortly away from where the starry tom was expected to land. Claws flexed, they deeply pierced his soft belly as he flew over her and his body went rolling once he finally landed.


Her panicked cry sent a shiver down his spine and quickly followed after his sister as she seemed to forget about her wounds, pushed herself back to her paws, and ran to his limp body. Looking at him, his wounds seemed pretty severe, but his sides continued to rise and fall, so that was enough to reassure him that he was still alive. That wasn't enough for his sister though, as fear and panic seemed to consume her as she looked down at their brother. It wasn't until he just how deep the wound on his belly way that he realized what had Willowstar in the state she was. The golden liquid steadily poured from the wound and the calico female frantically tried to push snow against it in an attempt to slow it down.

"Why in Starclan did you step in?"

His sides shuddered as he tried to breathe and looked up at her with a faint smile. "Did you think I would just leave you to fight her on your own?"

"You should have! Look at how badly you're hurt because of that!"

"You're my littermate and younger sister. I'd put my life on the line if it were to help keep you safe."

Her body trembled as she continued trying to stop the bleeding, but even Wolffang knew that at this rate, it would end how he knew it would. It was clear that Willowstar didnt believe that, due to her current actions, and the gray warrior's heart ached. Thrushwillow seemed to understand that as well and lightly tried to nudge her paws away in an attempt to stop her.


"You're not dying and nor will you die on me, so I don't want to hear it." She hissed, though her amber eyes contradicted her words. "You're not allowed to die. I haven't made up for the first time."

That seemed to earn her a sad look from the wounded tom and he shook his head in response. "There's nothing to make up for. I told you that I would put my life on the line if it were to keep you safe and that's what I did. You would have drowned in the river if I didn't go in after you. The flood would not have shown you mercy and I wouldnt have that. It was my choice and my choice alone."

"I should have just stayed in camp or left you behind and then you would still be alive and here. I was too excited for our ceremony the next day and wanted us to have our final meal as apprentices be our favorite pieces of prey. If I hadn't let it get to me..."

Through the fear and regret, Wolffang could see the obvious self-loathing as she tried proving their brother wrong and he tried to place a paw on her should, but she shook it off. The female leader refused to take any types of comfort and felt helpless as he watched he slowly start to crack. His gaze shifted over and saw their mother had taken on Frostecho to keep her distracted from them and his ears flattened against his head, wondering how she would handle what was soon to come. Even though he had only met his brother not too long ago, he could feel a small pain forming in his chest at the thought of him no longer being around. His gaze managed to meet Thrushwillow's and the toms shared a knowing glance. He was going to die and Willowstar would not be accepting that fact anytime soon.

"You'll keep looking out for her, right?"

"Of course. She's my only close family afterall. I would do anything for her."

A small smile formed on the starry tom's face and the two of them lightly brushed their muzzles against each other before the Starclan cat turned to look at the female leader once again. There was a flicker of pain in his eyes when he knew nothing he could say would change what she thought and that things would probably be bad once he was gone, but that didnt seem to matter too much as he called out to her once more.

"Willow, remember when we would sneak out of camp at night and play by the river while watching the stars?"

"We would always talk about the things we would do when we became warriors, though sometimes you would get second thoughts about being one."

"In the end, I decided that being a warrior was the right fit for me. Who else would've been able to keep you under control?"

A shaky laugh spilled from her and she seemed to quiet down a little. "If you can still talk and joke around, maybe you're not in as bad of a condition than I thought."

She gave the top of his head a quick lick while looking over the rest of his body. Wolffang was hesitant on whether to speak up or not, but Thrushwillow shook his head. Looking at her eyes, the silver warrior started to get the feeling that something was different about her. It was like the rational part of her was starting to crumble and Thrushwillow currently dying was disturbing the balance she once had to keep herself there.

"Hey, I want you to remember that what happened wasn't your fault and that I would've done what I did anyways."

Before she could try and tell him that he was wrong and deny it, his body grew still and his body faded into a clump of stardust before disappearing. Wolffang felt himself droop when his brother faded from sight and turned to look at his sister, concerned about how she would take this. The faint smile she had held from his earlier joke slowly faded to shock and then quickly to pain and grief. She collapsed on the spot where Thrushwillow had been moments before and let out a loud wail, calling out for their brother, and begging for him to come back. At the sound of her cries, Reedheart and Frostecho both stopped their battle, both turning to see what the noise was about. Both had different reactions and while sorrow held their mother's, Frostecho had a pleased grin, proud that she had taken down one of the cats.

"That's one of you down. It's about time too. I was getting tired of waiting to hear those cries. How does it feel to lose someone you cared so deeply about? Rips a hole right in your chest and despite the pain, you feel equally as empty without them, hm?" She sneered while slowly stalking over towards the grieving cat.

Reedheart went to go intervene and block the dark warrior, but Willowstar's cries seemed to give her a boost of energy and slammed her out of her way. The calico leader didn’t seem to notice her approach as she was still calling out for Thrushwillow and Wolffang gave up on letting the others be the only ones part of this fight and stepped in the way to make sure his sister would be safe. Frostecho's pace seemed to falter when her gaze moved over him and stopped just a couple tail lengths away from him.

"I'm only giving you this opportunity once due to how you're nearly identical to your father and that is to get out of my way."

"And why would I ever do that?" The fluffy tom snapped.

"You don't seem to realize that this family of yours has lied to you about its history and didn't seem to mind doing so. Did they tell you that your sister left your father to die at the claws of a badger? That she watched as he was struck down, even while he cried for help, and then claimed that she tried to distract the badger from him, but that he was dead before she could do much else? She's a murderer and yet goes on with her days like everything is fine. This same sister also killed your father while in the battle when we were taking over Starclan. Your mother and brother pinned him down while she cut him open without any hesitation. None of this is including that your mother kept the fact that you have kittypet siblings away from you as well. Is it really wise of you to try and protect those who kept all these secrets from you?"

He wanted to retort back that they had to have had their reasons for doing so, but something caught in his throat, preventing him from saying so. When his eyes met his mother's, she met it for a moment before it dropped and she looked away, guilt in her eyes. Part of him felt hurt that none of them felt the need to share any of this with him and kept him from responding. Frostecho seemed to notice his confliction and she took a step forward.

"If you move out of the way, i'll tell you all that I know and will even let you live. As for your family, I cant promise that as they killed your father and took him away from me. I fully intend on getting my revenge and nothing will stop me."

The appeal of getting to learn more secrets that his family kept from itched at him, but the sound of his sister's cries seemed to snap him out of his confusion and he narrowed his eyes and shook his head before fluffing himself up and unsheathing his claws.

"They may have kept secrets from me, but I would rather hear it out of them."

"That's a pity. I thought you might have inherited the qualities that your father had, but it seems you take more after the other side of your family more."

Before getting the rest of her words out, she launched herself into the air and landed on Wolffang's back, sinking her claws into him and slamming him against the ground below. Though she was a sleek cat, the sudden force managed to knock the breath out of him, momentarily stunning him, and a surge of panic flooded his body. If he couldn't recover in time, then it would be over for him and he would be leaving his sister behind. As he tried to catch his breath, Frostecho appeared over him and with her teeth bared, she went to lunge at his throat, but a multi-colored shape slammed into the dark cat's side and the two figures went rolling. Finally catching his breath, he pushed himself to his paws and saw that the cat now ruthlessly clawing at the Dark Forest warrior happened to be none other that his sister, Willowstar. In her crazed eyes, he could see a multitude of emotions containing rage, pain, grief, and something else, though he felt it more was that she was lacking something that made her seem different than the cat he knew. Whether it was adrenaline or something else, Wolffang wasn't sure, but it seemed to cause a spark in the female leader and she was relentless in the attacks she unleashed on the dark cat. While she had been the one cornered and battered before, his sister seemed to have flipped the tides this time around and Frostecho was now growing more and more battered by the second, surprised by the turn of events. Willowstar wasted no time when the Dark Forest warrior finally collapsed in a heap, the dark slimy substance oozing out in a replacement of blood.

"So much for your pathetic revenge. If I had the choice, I would've killed Troutsplash over and over and it would mean nothing to me. He deserved everything he got and now you're going to die as well. You stripped me of my brother and now i'll strip you of your own life."

Though her voice was raspy from her cries, the cold tone to it had sent shivers down the fluffy warrior's spine, a bit unnerved by this new side of his sister. As Frostecho tried to force herself to her paws, Willowstar lurched forward and sunk her teeth into the dark cat's throat and held on until she could feel her stop struggling and go limp in her jaws. She dropped the body and silently watched as the Dark Forest warrior changed into a mass of shadows and disappeared into the air around them.

Willowstar hovered over the spot where Frostecho had melted into shadows, her breathing heavy and claws still unsheathed and Wolffang hesitantly approached her. He softly called out to her and she whirled around and seemed about ready to attack him as well until she took in his appearance. Confusion seemed to cloud her eyes and she tilted her head slightly and took a step forward.


Wolffang stopped and then shook his head, his heart sinking as he could see the realization flood her gaze and her body drooped. He moved to her side and lightly brushed against her, letting her know that he was there for her, though he received no response. Reedheart cautiously walked up to them and her presence seemed to trigger something in the calico leader as hate radiated off of her body and pushed herself into their mother's face.

"Why didn't you stop him? He would still be alive now had you stepped in and kept him from fighting her!"


"No!" She snapped, rounding on her younger brother. "She had an opportunity to keep Thrushwillow out of the fight with Frostecho and yet she did nothing! Reedheart let her own son rush into battle while she did nothing but watch!"

Reedheart seemed like she wanted to argue against what Willowstar was saying, but in the end, she kept her mouth shut and slowly shook her head. Wolffang wasn't sure what to say so he let out a small sigh and glanced away. The calico leader let out a hiss and stalked away from their mother and after a few steps, it seemed whatever had kept her moving and able to fight started to fade away as her walk eventually turned into a limp. The fluffy silver warrior hurried to her side and lightly nudged her in the direction to the medicine cat den. He was sure that there were other cats who could be a lot more injured than she was, but Wolffang truly believed that it would be more harmful to her to fight in her current mental condition.

"Here, lets at least get your wounds checked out and patched up and see what Snowstorm or Horsetail have to say about them."

"I'm fine." She said with a low grunt, but still followed his lead as he directed her towards the den anyways.

The battle around them was still raging on, but once his sister's physical condition was handled, he would then mention to either medicine cat about her mental state and see what to do from there; whether stay with her or go back out and try to fight, even though the odds weren't looking too great. When he finally was able to nudge her into the medicine cat den, the sharp scent of blood caught his attention and he noticed the few injured clanmates tucked in nests and being treated and then others chatting. The calico leader leaned against his shoulder as her dull eyes seemed to stare into nothing and he quietly murmured in her ear, finally getting a very small nod in return after awhile. With a breath of relief, he then turned his head to see who he should ask for help. Mumblepaw and Horsetail seemed to have their paws full tending to a severely wounded Stagthorn and Snowstorm seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with Stormberry. He didn't want to interrupt any of them since he didn't want to cause a disturbance, so he lead the calico leader off to side and started to lick the blood around her wounds out of her fur while he waited for any of the medicine cats to be available.

As he sat there and waited, Wolffang started to wonder how well his sister was going to cope with Thrushwillow no longer being there and whether she was going to be okay. The only cats in the clan that he knew that were alive during his brothers first death were Sunstar, Stormberry, Earthquake, his cousin Snowecho, Horsetail, Honeyfrost, Quietshadow, and Stagthorn. Willowstar had talked to him about it before and was able to figure out some cats and then told of the others. Since a lot of the cats now were newer warriors, he wasn't sure who all knew and who didn't since she very rarely ever talked about it, so the silver tom was a bit concerned on if she would be okay and if she would have someone she would be able to confide in who at least knew what happened.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 20:41:07

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Injured |Camp | Mentions:
Directly: NPC, Sunstar (Briefly), Swallowfall (Briefly)

Raindrop smiled sympathetically to Swallowfall before the she cat rushed away to the nursery. Raindrop turned, bounding toward to warrior’s den after seeing a white Dark Forest cat slip by it. Her entrance was all but discreet, however, as by the time she reached the tom, he had turned and stared back at her with a flicking tail, a smirk on his muzzle.




”Small. Like yourself. Figures.” Rushflake chuckled, his lip drawn into a snarl. ”You always were getting into peculiar situations.”

Raindrop’s claws curled into the cold earth, ”At least I’m still alive. I didn’t die for being an idiot.”

”No one told me deathberries were deadly!”

”It’s in the name, mousebrain! Kits know this!”

”I’m sure warrior kits know.” Rushflake grunted, narrowing his eyes at Raindrop. ”Maybe if Breezekit weren’t a halfblood, he’d still be alive. He’d have known to stay in the den.”

”Just because we have kittypet blood doesn’t mean we have to be kittypets, and keep my brother’s name out of your mouth.” Raindrop growled in response, her voice dangerously low.

”Are you sure? It won't stop the involuntary comparisons, though, will it? It’s in our blood. Accept it Raindrop. Accept the fact that your brother was picked from the start.”

Rushflake had picked a nerve with this comment, Raindrop’s tail lashed. ”To be a kit, is to be curious, Rushflake. She flashed back, stalking nose to nose with the tom, ”A warrior should know basic herb knowledge, a kit is going to be curious of everything. Blood doesn’t determine anything except how you look and where you’re parents decided to find love. My brother was being a kit, you were hungry. We all were.”

Deciding she had enough conversation, Raindrop flung herself at the tall, white tom, claws outstretched. Rushflake ducked at the last second, however, causing Raindrop to overshoot and topple over him. Rushflake easily launched himself to land on her, yet Raindrop was prepared to claw at his belly, ripping out clumps of belly fur at a time. Rushflake yowled and tried to pummel her himself. Rolling Raindrop onto her back, he dug his claws into her silver dappled fur, taking fur in patches. Raindrop shook herself, making Rushflake lose balance and fall from her. Both cats rolled aside and collected themselves, slowly circling one another.

”Nice moves.” He panted, ”Want to see a few tricks I know?” Before he had even finished his sentence, he had already started charging at Raindrop. He ducked to slide beneath her, forcing Raindrop to leap and twist in the air. Reaching up, he grabbed her stomach and slammed her into the ground, leaving her winded. Raindrop’s eyes were dazed for a moment before she recovered. It was too late, however, as she was already being gouged at the stomach while she shrieked in pain. Raindrop attempted to throw off her attacker, however he held fast.

”Get off me you pile of mange!” Raindrop shrieked writhing beneath the white tom.

”Now why would I do that?”

His attention lapsed for a moment, and that was all Raindrop needed. Bleeding heavily from her stomach, Raindrop surged her body upward, however she must have been weaker than she thought as the tom merely readjusted his balance and continued to claw at her stomach.

It burned to Dark Forest, it felt like it was being torn apart. Raindrop’s breathing was fast as adrenaline filled her, however nothing she tried shook Rushflake’s hold.

Suddenly to tom hit something.

Her body convulsed.

Raindrop's quick panting stopped and her vision faded to black, her flailing paws slowing to a slow kick, and eventually stilled. The searing pain in her stomach relaxed and she was suddenly filled with tranquility. Looking down, she saw her body and the tom standing over her with a malicious grin. She growled, trying to attack him, however even she passed through his form. What was happening? She sat back, panic slowly rising in her chest as her mind comprehended that was her body on the ground.

”I’m... dead?… How am I dead? Why? No. This can’t be real…” Raindrop was at an utter loss for words. ”I have so much to live for…” The words fell like stones in Randrop’s stomach. Stripecloud would be heartbroken, and she had only just found out Finchpaw was related to her. Pebblesplash would also be upset with her, she’d probably make the white tom go running for the hills. Raindrop’s ears flattened as she shrank to the ground, shaking from shock. She’d been killed so easily. Maybe she was weaker than she thought. Maybe her size was a drawback. Maybe, after all these years of being told it wasn’t, Breezekit’s death was her fault…

The thought of his name made her remember her brother. He was a small, sand colored tom with no markings, he was always trying to run even as a kit. He’d kick in his sleep, scamper around the den after a moss ball, and try to leave camp unnoticed. Then they had found a fox den. They got the idea to go in. Two fox cubs came out and attacked the pair. Instead of running, Breezekit stayed to fight. Rainkit panicked and fled, hearing Breezekit smack painfully against a rock. She was chased, her tail caught, but she didn’t stop running.

She had left her brother behind to die.

It would always be her fault.

Maybe she deserved this, after all…

Raindrop curled on the ground, a low, grieving moan escaping her. She missed her brother. She wanted him back. Maybe… Maybe she’d see him in Starclan. Maybe her death wasn’t pointless. Raindrop began to stand, to look for a way to Starclan. How was this supposed to happen? She didn’t see any light or path to follow. She looked around her as the scenery around her was enveloped in blackness, Raindrop’s eyes widened. What was happening?

”It’s not your time yet. I’ll meet you long after the battle, hopefully.”

A soft voice, barely there, carried on a small wind. A scent came with it, sickly sweet, almost like a wilting flower. The wind strengthened until buffeted her fur, and suddenly she was in her body again. Her eyes opened wide, looking around wildly before landing on the tom who had killed her. He was now looking at her in utter shock and confusion, ”But you’re not-” He began.

Raindrop cut him off after prying her weak body from the ground. It was badly battered and her legs shook. However, she refused to give this cat a moment to kill her… Again. She’d do it first. It was the only way.

Rushflake had been paralyzed from shock and it was easy for Raindrop to grab his throat. Easy to squeeze. Easy to kill him. His form rose up in black smoke, leaving behind a thick, black, sticky liquid Raindrop could only assume was his blood. As he disappeared, Raindrop felt her stability disappear too. Raindrop staggered, another scent suddenly reaching her nose. Through the smell of blood there was the scent of a healing herb, one she’s scene and smelled enough times before. horsetail. She concluded, with a confused flick of her tail. Sitting, she began to wash quickly, hoping not to be distracted too long. The intertwining scents made her dizzy and it didn’t help that she had used a lot of energy already.

To her surprise, she did find a paste of horsetail on her. It had, oddly enough, stopped the bleeding and closed most of the wound. Confusion rolled off of her in waves when the voice was carried on the breeze again,

”I will always be here for you.”

As the young voice came to her, Raindrop’s eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat. ”Breezekit?” Raindrop barely whispered it.

Suddenly a yowl sounded by the entrance of camp. Raindrop’s fur bristled as she saw Brokenbone and Glade charge in, however Starclan cats soon started appearing too. One appeared before her as a small sandy orange kit, maybe three moons old. Raindrop’s legs wobbled and gave out under her as she saw her brother for the first time since the night of the fox. She immediately wrapped herself around him with a loud, rumbling purr, her throat constricted of words.

Breezekit looked up at her with amber eyes full of wisdom, he looked tired, yet they still shone. ”I’ll be here to protect you. Always.” He said, touching her nose and nuzzling her cheek.

His form slowly turned to stardust and started to wrap around her, his scent filled her nose and she felt renewed strength. A voice filled the back of her head, ”Always.”

Raindrop closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, before she stood again, feeling renewed. Her happiness didn’t last long, however, as she suddenly saw Sunstar get stricken down by Brokenbone. ”Sunstar!” She shrieked, but her paws stayed riveted in her spot. Brokenbone was dangerous, she’d get killed… again. It would be best if he tried to handle this on his own.

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Edited on 28/01/19 @ 20:51:22 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-28 21:32:19


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, NPC

Stripecloud wandered around. He sniffed the air, he caught the scent of a cat.
"Who's there?" He asked looking around. A cat walked out of the shadows. He looked so familiar, Stripecloud thought the darkness was messing with him.
"No, the darkness is not messing with you, brother." Stripecloud stepped back in surprise.
"Tanglepaw!" Stripecloud ran up to his brother in joy but the tom stepped back his eyes narrowed. "What is it Tanglepaw?" The smaller of the two looked away from Stripecloud.
"You were supposed to protect me. We made a promise to each other. And you broke it when I got killed by that dog." Stripecloud was the one to step back this time. He shook his head.
"No, I tried. I did my best. I just couldn't take on the dog. But I tried Tanglepaw, I tried to protect you." Tanglepaw looked at him. His eyes held coldness.
"You should have been the one that died, not me! Mother always liked me better, and you know it. I was brave, you were a coward. You were always a coward Stripecloud! I bet you are just pretending to be sick so you don't have to fight." Tanglepaw hissed his tail lashing. Stripecloud arched his back his claws digging into the ground.
"How dare you! You're my brother! I will not take these false accusations!"
"Then go out there and fight! Stop sitting around in the medicine den. So what, you have a cough. Get over it! Don't be a coward!"

Stripecloud woke up with a jolt. He looked around and stood up. He held back his cough and looked at the entrance of the den and saw a frantic Pebblesplash. He let out a soft sigh and thought back to the dream. Maybe it was just a dream? No, it seemed so real. He walked to the entrance and slipped past Pebblesplash. The tom looked around and spotted Raindrop. He froze, she would make him go back to the medicine den. Which was probably best, but his mind was really fuzzy at the moment. He ran away from the medicine den and ran right into a cat. He stumbled back and looked at the cat straight in the eyes.
"Why hello Stripepaw." Stripecloud froze not even able to correct she.
"Whitestripe." He gulped. She smiled back at him.
"It's been a while."
(Check out relations-notes in the discord. You can find out who Whitestripe is.)

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-28 21:42:28

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior |Minir Injury |Temp. Camp| Mentions: Mosspaw, NPC (D), Clearsong and Pebblesplash (ID)
//Shame on you if you couldn’t see this coming\\
Quietshadow jerked her head up, hearing a new commotion. Starry figures exploded into camp.
StarClan is here!
Turning to Mosspaw, she simply stated,
”Quickly, get to shelter. StarClan is here to help us, you should rest.”
Efficiently, the she-cat wove herself back into the battle, like she never left.

She wasn’t looking where she was going, and collide with a starry figure.

This time, it was an ally.
It was a tom, standing tall, around Clearsong’s height. His fur glowed with a warm orange hue, complementing his amber tabby fur. His eyes… they had the same gleam they did when she left.

The words tasted funny on her tounge. She hadn’t dared speak his name, for all it brought was shame. His eyes widened in shock for a minute, almost as if he couldn’t believe she’d come back.

”Why?” he croaked out, staring her down ”Why come back now? Why leave in the FIRST PLACE?!? the shock had worn out of both of them. Amberstone’s voice was laced with anger and pain.
”Do you realize how much it hurt me? Clearsong? Pebblesplash? The Clan?”

Quietshadow, true to her name, was silent for a minute.
”I… I thought that the Clan wasn’t really where I belonged. After she came back, it really got me thinking. Then a notion of a sibling, finding someone else like me, I couldn’t pass that chance. I wanted you and my- our- kits to come, but you said no. I just wanted to find my family, Amberstone. It was an impossible choice, and I clearly chose wrong.”

Amberstone lashed his starry tail, eyes shining.
”That’s not good enough! You left on the day our kits became apprentices. I was distraught for a moon, I lost myself in finding you. I died for it. On Thunderpath, of all places. Do you know how old “our” kits were? Seven. Moons. They were practically orphaned at seven moons. At least my brother was able to raise them better then we did. I wonder if things would have been different if you hadn’t been so selfish, Quietshadow.”

She was taken back at first, ears pinned back. As he continued talking, her horror and shock grew. No cat had bothered telling her anything about Amberstone, or how he died, or that her kits had been so young.

”I didn’t want to choose! I wanted to stay! I don’t know why, I don’t know—“ Quietshadow cut herself off, as heat coursed through her face. This was stupid. There was no excuse for what she had done. She had left, end of story. Amberstone shouldn’t forgive her. But she still wanted him to know how much she still cared.

”I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”

Amberstone pauses, his ear pricked.

”But I am so, so sorry. I can’t ever make it up to you… but I just wanted to apologize. I still love you, I always will. I want you to know that.”

Amberstone was nose to nose with her now, looking her dead in the eye. Memories rushed back to her.

Quietshadow bound across the grass, stars shimmering above her. Amberstone was on her heels, the pair racing across the old WindClan territory. She turned and smiled at her best friend (who she may or may not have a crush on), and thwacked him with her tail, before sprinting to the edge of the old ThunderClan territory.
”No fair, you cheated!” Amberstone grumbled.
”I was going to win anyway, I hope you know that,” Quietshadow snickered, nudging him. Amberstone just huffed and collapsed in a heap.
”Next time I’m choosing the challenge.”

Quietshadow laughed, a simple sound.
”Okay, I deserve to feel the pain of having no choice.” She flopped down beside him, purring.
”Look how pretty it is tonight. The stars are so bright,” she said, tracing some with her paw.
Amberstone squinted, following her paw.
”What are you drawing?”
”You. Hold still, I won’t make it fluffy enough.”

This time, Amberstone laughed.
”I’m sure it would be stunning if I could actually see it.”
”Use your imagination, mouse-brain. It is amazing,” Quietshadow could clearly picture Amberstone’s portrait in the stars. She leaned into him, shivering.

”It’s cold all the sudden,” she shivered, fluffing up her fur. Amberstone curled his tail around her, forming a little dome of warmth. She looked up at him, tilting her head quizzically. He had never done this before when she’d complained about the cold. Almost sensing her thoughts, she responded.
”Don’t worry about it. It’s a nice night, so I mean we should stay out. I mean, if you want to..”
Suddenly, it felt veeeery hot.
”Yeah, I love it. No worries at all.” she laughed, looking up at him, heart racing.

”Quietshadow… I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but uh…”

‘Oh StarClan why now.’
Quietshadow blinked once, her only sign of nervousness. Amberstone and her had kind of gone on unofficial “dates”, but it was an unspoken kind of thing. She had suspected that he felt the same way, seeing as the kept doing their nightly excursions. Slowly, Quietshadow felt like they became more then friends, if not in name.

”Would you, uh,— I know we haven’t really done anything together, together, but would you—“

”I’m going to save you the embarrassment and say yes. Yes, I love you too. Yes, I’m not opposed to being your mate,” she pressed into him, a small purr rumbling in her throat.

”Then I’m not opposed to being your,” Amberstone purred back, beaming, ”I was worried for a second that—“

”Shh. It’s okay. We’ve done so much anyway. Every night, yeah? Let’s call those “getting to know each other” and call it good,” she leaned into him, closing her eyes. For a minute, her instincts screamed to back out. But Quietshadow let her heart decide.

And it was worth it.

She was pullled back to the real world by Amberstone, who’s eyes glimmered with… some emotion.

”You came back,” he stated, ”That’s all the matters.”

The starry tom touched noses with her.
”I never stopped loving you either, Quietshadow. I may never understand why you did it, but—“

”Shhh. It’s okay. I don’t even understand why I left. I don’t want you to understand. I just want you to know I still need you,” Quietshadow pulled back, her eyes shining with something between joy and sadness.

”I’ll see you someday again, my love. We will talk more once we can be reunited.”
With that, Amberstone dissolved back into the battle. A ghost of the smile was etched across her face, but Quietshadow quickly wiped it away.
Her heart was still in her throat, but she pushed it away. He was right.

Someday. Someday I’ll make up for everything, I swear it.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-01-29 14:49:46

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | Minor Injuries |Camp | Mentions: Quietshadow (D), Finchpaw, Olivepaw (ID) DFC NPC, Starclan NPC

Mosspaw drew up sharply to avoid colliding with Quietshadow when she cut in front of him. He looked up at the warrior with a surprised expression, and flattened his ears with dismay. "I-" He started to protest, only to break off when the chaos in the clearing abruptly shifted. He caught a glimpse of starry pelts through the crowd. Starclan! His breath caught in his throat, hope fluttering in his chest.

Quietshadow spoke again, told him to find somewhere safe. He managed a quick nod in response, and then she was gone, vanishing back into the fray. He took a few halting steps towards the apprentice's den, still hoping to find some of the others, perhaps Finchpaw or Olivepaw. He hadn't seen any sign of either of them yet. If he could just make it there...

A screech off to his left startled they grey-and-white tom. He spun around, alarm spreading across his features at the sight of a smoky grey Dark Forest cat, wicked eyes fixated on him. The cat had a set of long gashes stretching from muzzle to ear. They oozed, oily black trails dripping down the cat's face and onto the snow where they dissipated like fog. The shadowy cat snarled, coiled to spring at him. Mosspaw tensed, heart fluttering against his ribs. Quietshadow was right. I can't last through another fight! He thought, despair threatening to crush him.

Just as the Dark Forest cat lunged, a pale-furred starry cat pounced onto their back. The darker cat howled in pain and fury, trying to twist free. Mosspaw scrambled out of the way as the two fell and wrestled in the snow, teeth flashing, claws tearing out clumps of fur. The starry cat managed to get their jaws around the Dark Forest cat's throat, and bit down hard. The dark cat convulsed once, letting out a final rattling gasp, then slowly dissolved into shadows. After a long pause, the Starclan cat finally looked up at the stunned apprentice, their gaze sweeping over him.

Mosspaw felt a small jolt go through him when he met that intense blue stare. Those eyes were ancient, deep and filled with knowledge, and it was as if the starry cat could see right through him, into his very spirit. It sent prickles along his spine, yet he couldn't seem to look away. The clearing, the raging war that surrounded him, it all seemed to fade for a moment.

"Don't linger here. Go." The pale-furred cat spoke finally, voice low and deep. Then they were gone. The sounds of battle came crashing back, startling the apprentice back to reality. Mosspaw blinked at the empty space before him, surprised and a little unnerved. He stood there for a moment more, then gave his head a hard shake and turned, limping towards the apprentice's den, sticking to the edge of the fighting. "Hello, anyone?" He called quietly when he reached the entrance, trying not to draw attention to himself from the clearing.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-01-29 17:13:56


Stormberry - 34 moons - Co-Deputy - Healthy - Medicine cat den - Mentions: Snowecho, Horsetail (ID), Stagthorn (ID), Sunstar (ID)

Stormberry looked away with a small amount of guilt as Snowecho reminded him that he cared. Their experience together in StarClan would, in normal circumstances, have been more than enough to convince him of that. But the medicine cat has been ignoring him for a long time, and it obviously made him feel like the other tom didn't care about him. As these thoughts passed through his mind, the large tom froze for a moment as Snowecho implied that he didn't have much idea what he was talking about. The white tom began to explain further, but Stormberry felt with each second more and more like he didn't want to listen to it, didn't want to think it was real...

He was distracted when Horsetail ordered him to move Stagthorn to a nearby nest, and the severity of his injuries dragged the deputy reluctantly back to reality. It didn't matter how much he tried to rest his body or his mind, the life of a Clan cat offered no respite from trauma and suffering - at least that was how it seemed to him right now. He shakily forced himself to his paws before picking Stagthorn up and moving him to the nest as best as he could, before he moved back to his own nest and looked back at Snowecho.

"If...if you're trying to play some kind of joke or revenge on me, Snowecho, I don't want to hear it." He grumbled, his tail starting to lash slightly with distress. Stormberry was willing to accept any other explanation than the truth around it all; that Snowecho really had lost all his memory of him. All the moons they had spent growing up together, the bond they shared...was it really all gone, just like that? If it was, he didn't think he could find a way for his heart to cope.

In that moment, he heard yowls from elsewhere in camp about Sunstar, and it made his heart drop even more than it already had. Suddenly feeling that the medicine cat den was becoming just as toxic a place as the rest of camp, the deputy stood back up and pushed himself out into camp. It didn't take long for him to see Sunstar having been struck down by Brokenbone, and it made his fur stand on end. No...all other worries aside, he wasn't going any cat harm his mate without a fight. His grief encouraged him onward, claws unsheathed.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-29 17:51:40


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: Lioncloud|Location: Nursery

The young tom looked back to his sister, he wanted to go out and see what was happening. At the same time though, he wanted to leave and make sure that his sister was in safety. The young tom nodded to himself, he needed to make sure Maplekit was safe. Walking back to his littermate, Lionkit bumped his head against Maplekit's shoulder. "Come on", the young tom said, feigning a smile. "Now, where's that....", the kit was about to ask, where the rabbit burrow was, but stopped. His legs suddenly felt weak and his head started to swim, Lionkit's vision became blurry. "What?", the young tom managed to say, before collapsing. With a soft thud, his small body hit the ground. Lionkit's blue eyes blinked once, twice and then they closed. He was scared, what was happening to him? "Calm yourself", a deep and raspy voice said in his head, "Don't fight it", the deep voice continued. "L..Lioncloud", Lionkit said into the darkness, remembering the deep voice. "Sorry young one, I have some things to do right now. Just wait for a bit", Lioncloud said, there was care in his voice and the kit could feel a large and warm pelt wrap around him. "Now, rest", the Starclan tom purred into the kit's ear.


Lioncloud|Mentions Directly: Stormpaw/fang, Mosspaw, Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Amberstone, Quietshadow, Earthquake|Location: Just outside of camp - Camp

A large cat walked along the outskirts of the camp, leaving large paw prints in the snow. As the snow glistened with slight sparkles, so did the large tom's pelt. He was a Starclan cat, he had been one of the few who had been able to hold out against the Dark Forest Cats. The large Starclan tom stopped at the entrance of the camp, he had not appeared in the camp- like the others- he had wanted to secured the area. His sparkling blue eyes moved over the cats in the camp, as he did this another cat came up beside him. The second cat's pelt was cover in a veil of darkness, his eyes dark and claws gleaming in the soft white snow. The Dark Forest cat did not attack the large Starclan tom, instead he dipped his head in respect. "Could I?", the Dark Forest cat asked, not knowing how to really ask. The Starclan cat looked over and nodded his head to the Dark Forest cat, giving the dark tom permission. Relief shown on his face, "Thank you", the tom quickly said and was about to head through the camp. "I think you should change your form though or the clan cats might attack", the large Starclan cat said, in his deep voice. This made the shadowy cat stop in his tracks, "Change?", the Dark Forest cat asked, looking back confused.
Taking a step forward, the large Starclan tom placed his nose on the other cat's head. All of a sudden, the darkness lifted off the cat. This revealed the younger tom's light grey coat and startling light blue eyes, Stormpaw. "How?", he asked, looking down at himself. "You will be accepted into Starclan", the Starclan cat said, a smile of pride on his face, "For turning on the Dark Forest cats and helping us", he added. "Thank you, Lioncloud", Stormpaw said, dipping his head to the older tom. The grey tabby then turned and quickly walked into the camp, not seeing any cat really, the new Starclan cat headed straight for the medicine cat den. There was someone he needed to see, Horsetail. Stormpaw moved between the fighting cats, unaffected by it all. His mind was solely on seeing Horsetail.
Lioncloud's starry blue eyes followed Stormpaw with amusement, 'Young love', the old Starclan tom chitted. He was glad, that the two toms had a chance to see each other again. Flexing his muscles and twitching his ear, as the sounds of fighting drifted over, the large Starclan tom shook out his long pelt. With his large paws, Lioncloud made deep imprints in the snow, as he started towards the camp entrance. Within a few moments, he was inside the camp. There were cries and the flash of claws all around him, Lioncloud let his claws slide out and dig into the ground. His blue eyes traveling over the cats, his eyes fell on a grey apprentice, Mosspaw. The apprentice seemed to be looking in the apprentice den for someone, not noticing a Dark Forest cat was coming up behind him. Before the Dark Forest cat could lunge, Lioncloud had jumped forward and swiftly killed the cat. Looking over, he glanced at Mosspaw. The apprentice was bigger now, bigger than he remembered. "Don't let down your guard", the Starclan tom told Mosspaw, not in an unkind way, but more like a mentor. Turning away he looked over the fighting, he needed to fight. Looking around, he searched for Earthquake. Lioncloud could not find his son, the calico tom shook his head, Earthquake could take care of himself. Lioncloud stopped, as his eyes fell on a tom and she-cat. That was not possible, Amberstone and Quietshadow. The Starclan tom was about to head over to his kit and Quietshadow, but stopped when he suddenly felt a deep pang, looking around Lioncloud searched from where it had come from. Lioncloud's starry blue eyes fell on Sunstar, the leader had been killed. "Oh no", Lioncloud said to himself. The Starclan cat quickly ran over and stood beside the leader's side, he could not help the leader, but he could protect his body until Sunstar came back to it. Looking around, he bared his teeth for a fight.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-29 21:02:04


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Whitestripe(NPC), Tanglepaw(NPC)

Stripecloud crouched low. "Didn't make it to StarClan did you? Of course, you didn't. You were always filled with hatred." He broke into a coughing fit. Whitestripe grinned her tail swaying.
"Yes, I was. It's good to see you Stripepaw. This should be an easy fight though. You're blind in one eye, you have a limp, and you are sick. Tsk, you should just surrender now." Stripecloud let out a yowl throwing himself at Whitestripe. Not ready for it, she was bowled over easily. She struggled under Stripecloud's claws.
"That's Stripecloud. I became a warrior. How does it feel knowing you were wrong. I did become a warrior." Stripecloud whispered in her ear digging his claws into her chest. Whitestripe let out a yowl of pain kicking his stomach. Stripecloud let out a small grunt loosening his grip. Whitestripe wriggled out of his grasp and got back up quickly.
Whitestripe bared her teeth circling the tom. Stripecloud watched her sheathing and unsheathing his claws. He then twisted around quickly clawing across her face. Whitestripe took the blow hissing her eyes wide. She yowled and threw herself at Stripecloud.
The two tussled batting each other, drawing blood, and throwing hate at each other. Stripecloud coughed slightly letting Whitestripe dig her claws into his shoulders hooking them in. Stripecloud yowled and threw his claws against her cheek drawing blood. Whitestripe fell back hissing. Stripecloud crouched low his eyes narrowing.
"Enough!" The two stopped and looked over at the voice. Stripecloud stepped back and looked at the tom.
"Tanglepaw..." Stripecloud opened his mouth but it was Whitestripe who spoke.
"Did you know that you two act like kits. You. Shouldn't. Be. Fighting. You should be side by side, not-"
"We are not family. At least he is not my family." Stripecloud turned his head away avoiding Tanglepaw's gaze.
"I don't care if you disowned Stripecloud, Whitestripe. You are still family. You two are so different. Whitestripe, you are now evil (like that was ever new), and Stripecloud, you seem so much less fun. What happened to you." Stripecloud couldn't look his brother in the eye. "Our family really is broken. If only you hadn't told Greyclaw to leave." Stripecloud looked up from his paws.
"What?" He looked at Whitestripe who hissed.
"You had to tell him. Couldn't have waited for him to be in StarClan or whatever." Tanglepaw sat down curling his tail around his paws.
"No, he should have known. Also, I wanted to tell you Stripecloud, your eye makes you look really cool." Stripecloud shot his brother a glare.
"I have to ask you something Tanglepaw," He took a shuddering breath, coughing slightly, "do you blame me for your death?" Tanglepaw smiled his ear twitching.
"No, I don't. I think you went through a lot more than I did. You had to go through it alone. I didn't, I had other family in StarClan. Like our half-sibling up there. I did blame you for a while. But I realized it wasn't your fault. You tried so hard to protect me. You had to live with being blind in one eye and live without anyone. I'm glad you have someone know though. What's her name., Raindrop? She is quite pretty." Stripecloud felt his face heat up.
"Yeah, she is. Tanglepaw, I'm glad you don't blame me. But why did you call me a coward in my dream?" Tanglepaw looked at him confusion clouding his eyes.
"What dream? I don't like visiting dreams." Tanglepaw mumbled under his breath, but loud enough so Stripecloud could hear.
"Then it was just a dream... My own inner demons..." He trailed off then broke into another coughing fit. Tanglepaw and Whitestripe both flinched.
"You should get back to the medicine den. It's not safe-"
"No." Stripecloud cut him off. "I'm fine, I can't go back there, not now. They don't need to worry about me." He silenced Tanglepaw with a glare to show that this conversation was over.
"So, Whitestripe," Tanglepaw turned to where Whitestripe had been. But she was gone.
"Where did she go?"

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