Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 14:48:02

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | Injured |Camp | Mentions: Lioncloud (D), Sunstar (ID), Open!

Mosspaw strained his neck, trying to listen for any sounds coming from within the apprentice's den. A sudden loud commotion directly behind him made him jump and spin around, terror shooting like ice through his veins. The young apprentice made a strangled noise and scrambled back as a Starclan cat intercepted a Dark Forest warrior that had been about to ambush him. He stared in awe as the larger starry-pelted cat dispatched his opponent with ease, the shadows dissipating into the air.

The cat turned to face him, and Mosspaw felt a faint shock of recognition when their eyes met. "Lioncloud?" He said faintly, surprise fluttering across his face. He was glad to see the tom again, even if they hadn't known eachother very well in life. Lioncloud spoke only briefly to him, and the grey-and-white tom gave a small nod at the advice, glancing down to the spot where the Dark Forest cat's body had lain moments before. His gaze flicked back up to Lioncloud's retreating figure, following the older tom's progress across the clearing as he made a beeline for...

The apprentice made a small noise of distress when he caught sight of blood-stained ginger fur, lying horribly still in the snow. Oh Starclan... His chest constricted painfully. Is that Sunstar? It can't be... He stood frozen for a long moment, eyes locked on the unmoving leader. Get up... please! He willed silently, claws digging into the frozen ground.

He let out a sharp hiss when the action caused pain to shoot up his leg, and fresh blood to drip from the bite wound. The young tom gingerly lifted the injured limb, feeling slightly ill at the sight of his own blood dripping onto the snow beneath him. He returned his gaze to Sunstar, only to see the ginger tom stirring, lifting his head to speak to Lioncloud. Relief flooded through the apprentice, and he wilted a little, letting out the breath he'd been holding.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 20:48:10


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Injured|Mentions Directly: Honeyfrost, Mumblepaw, Stagthorn, {NPC Stormpaw/flight}|Mentions Indirectly: Willowstar, Wolffang, Snowecho, Harefeather|Location: Medicine cat den

Horsetail nodded his head, as Mumblepaw dabbed at the wound. Hearing the apprentice call to Wolffang, Horsetail looked over to see the warrior and leader close by him. "You can go over, I can take care here", the medicine cat said, nodding to the apprentice next to him. Stagthorn's wound had by all means not closed, but the bleeding had definitely slowed. As Mumblepaw moved away, Horsetail quickly moved to the large wound. Spreading the horsetail pulp thickly over the wound, the medicine cat tried to judge how deep the wound was. It was definitely deep, maybe even life threatening, if the tom could get through the first night, without catching a fever.... Horsetail sighed, there might be a chance, a chance for him to live.
Spotting a pelt sneaking out of the den, out of the corner of his eyes, Horsetail looked up. He was far too late, to tell Harefeather not to go out. While he turned back to Stagthorn, Horsetail started to thickly wrap the cobweb around his wound. He needed to get a move on, if Willowstar was here, then maybe she was injured. He hoped that Mumblepaw would have a mind about him, to check the leader over at least. Checking that Stagthorn was asleep and that his wound was dressed well, Horsetail got to his paws again. Letting his golden eyes move around the medicine cat den, the tom let out a sigh. He'd seen Snowecho head out, why did he have to go out at this time? Sometimes he just wanted to tie the white tom to the den, so he actually stayed and helped. Shaking his head, Horsetail's mind started to work again, he would need more cobwebs, horsetail, and comfrey root outside with him. Looking around, he saw that Honeyfrost had burst into the den. Her wounds looked serius, they'd need to be treated quickly. Wait, when had she returned? This thought only briefly came into his mind, but quickly pushed it aside again.
"Take that nest!", he curtly ordered Honeyfrost, nodding to a nearby nest, "Keep pressure on your wound". There was no time for niceties. Looking to Mumblepaw, he called, "Mumblepaw, I'm getting herbs and cobwebs. Once I have them out, you take care of Willowstar, I'll take Honeyfrost", Horsetail told the medicine cat apprentice, over the heads of some of the other other cats. Turning on his heels, the medicine cat quickly hobbled back to the herb store. Within a few moments he returned, with a large bundle clamped in his mouth. The bundle was so big, that it was difficult for him to walk. The dark sand colored tabby tom had not noticed, but his neck wound had opened up again and now there was a dark red stain spreading on the white bandage. Horsetail was almost in the center of the den, but tripped, as his legs gave way. Before he landed though, a sturdy shoulder braced him.
"Why do you always have to over do it?", a voice chided in his ear, with a purr.
"That... that voice?", Horsetail said, looking up into the hard face of a large light grey tom. "Stormpaw!", the medicine cat said in surprise, realling back a bit. He looked the silver tabby tom over, he looked alright, but more importantly, there was not a wisp of dark. "You're a Starclan cat", Horsetail stated, dumbfounded.
"Now, now, you're hurting me with that statement. What did you think, that I'd attack you....", Stormpaw said, but broke off, again", he added glumly. Moving forward, he rubbed his head against Horsetail's neck, "I'm sorry", Stormpaw breathed, a stone lifted from his heart, as he said these words. "Oh ya", the silver tabby Starclan cat said, pulling back a bit, "I'm a Starclan warrior now, so my name is Stormflight", there was pride in the silver tabby tom's eyes.
This meant a lot too Horsetail, Stormflight had been the name he had thought of when they'd been apprentices. Leaning forward, Horsetail touched his nose to Stormflight, "It's perfect", the medicine cat purred.
As Stormflight and Horsetail had spoken, to Horsetail at least, it almost felt like time had stopped, but of course it did not. As his sharp ears tuned back into the things happening around them, Horsetail realized that he had patients to attend to. "I... I need to..", Horsetail started trailing off, as he staggered again.
"I'll help, I can at least do that", Stormflight said, nuzzling Horsetail again. "Now, what should I do?", the Starclan tom asked, brightness in his eyes.
Horsetail chuckled and nodded towards Honeyfrost, "I need you to keep pressure on her neck wound, it will take me a bit to chew these up", Horsetail said directing Stormflight. Before he'd even finished though, the Starclan warrior had already turned around and headed for the ginger she-cat. Horsetail chuckled, as he saw the silver tabby tom's back.
"I'm Stormflight", the large silver tabby tom with stars sparkling in his pelt and light blue eyes said, briskly introducing himself to Honeyfrost. Not waiting for the she-cat to respond, he reached over and placed his paw on her neck wound. This might be painful to the she-cat, but it did quench the bleeding. He'd have to wait like this, until Horsetail came over.

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Edited on 05/02/19 @ 12:08:41 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-02-05 07:05:38

Harefeather~14 Moons~Warrior~Healthy ;)~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

She watched in joy at Clearsong's ecstatic reaction to the news, but it was short lived. She wanted to get mad at him for suggestion she couldn't fight, but she knew he was right. What could she do though? The nursery was already being protected, and she wasn't a medicine cat--or even an apprentice medicine cat, it was already crowded in there, and Horsetail wouldn't be happy with her right now.
"What should I do?">/b> She had no ideas, and hoped her mate would.

Blossomheart~23 moons~Warrior~Very Injured~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, *OPEN*

She had made her way across camp, in some miraculous chance of not getting into another fight. Every breath felt forced as her shaky legs carried her into the shade cast by the medicine den. She could smell several cats in the den, and could make out the blurry shape of Horsetail, working on another cat. She had made it. She felt a flicker of joy for just a moment, before her legs, finally, gave way, and she toppled to the ground with a huff. She closed her eyes, and focused on her breathing, trying to get the strength to get up again.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-05 07:53:58


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy\/\/Lioncloud|Starclan warrior|Mentions Directly: Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Brokenbone, Glade, All|Location: Camp

Lionkit sat in darkness, he was surrounded by it, still the young kit was not scared. There was only a spot of light, it was the spot which had drawn the kit's attention. He was seeing the world through Lioncloud's eyes, he was tall, so much taller than Lionkit. The young calico kit, jumped a bit, as he heard Sunstar's voice. With interest, the kit looked on, he wanted to know what would happen now.

Lioncloud looked down, as Sunstar's voice reached him. Turning a bit, the large Starclan tom leaned down and brazed the leader with his shoulder. "Yes, it's me", the large tom said, in his gruff voice. "Don't push yourself so much, just yet", the calico tom warned, "You'll need a bit, to get used to it", he added. "Thought you'd know that already", the chited, "You need to be more careful." This last bit was not meant as a warning, but was concern for the leader. "Rest..", the old tom stopped though, because he knew that these words would probably just fall on deaf ears. So he corrected himself, "Catch your breath at least."
Letting his eyes drift off Sunstar, he looked around. The clan cats, together with the Starclan cats, seemed to be putting up a good fight. As his blue eyes landed on Brokenbone, the large calico tom dug his claws into the dirt. He was keen on tarring into the Dark Forest cat, but knew that Sunstar probably had a more pressing bone to pick with the evil cat, than he did. His blue gaze shifted back to the tom at his side, "Where's Glade?", Lioncloud bluntly asked. He had not seen the siamese tom and still had a vested interest in 'speaking' with him.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-05 12:48:10

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Stripecloud, Tanglepaw (NPC)

Raindrop looked at the smaller tom as Stripecloud spoke. So this was Tanglepaw? That explained why they looked so much like each other. She dipped her head to the tom, ”Pleasure to finally meet you.” So many weird things had been happening lately, such an event as meeting Stripecloud’s deceased brother hardly fazed her. Especially after dying not moments earlier.

Raindrop shot a glance to Stripecloud, ”So you believe in Starclan, now?” She added slyly, flicking her tail at his brother. ” ‘Cause if you still don't, here’s proof.” She puffed out her chest in victory as she finally had visible evidence of Starclan’s presence.

And there were a bunch of Dark Forest cats attacking all around, but that was beside the point. Raindrop cast as watchful glance over her shoulder in case any cat decided to sneak up on them.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-05 20:28:35


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Dying|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Snowstorm/echo, Honeyfrost, Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike heard a voice. It seemed awfully distant. The voice belonged to Honeyfrost. Hawkstrike looked over at her and forced a smile. He probably looked terrible. He dropped his head back on the ground and returned to his comfortable position. Well, there wasn't really any comfortable position.
So, what're we gonna do? I dunno, you usually come up with a plan. Aww, thanks for having so much faith in me. But I say we just kinda stay on the ground. You are cut up pretty bad. Rest. Hawkstrike closed his eyes and breathed softly. He let himself relax, but he couldn't sleep. He just couldn't...
"Pebble...splash?" He choked on the words, it hurt to speak. But he just wanted to talk to someone or hear someone talking to him.


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Tanglepaw(NPC), Raindrop

Stripecloud felt Tanglepaw cuff him over the ears.
"You stopped believing in StarClan?" He hissed narrowing his eyes. Stripecloud chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, I do. And it was only because of everything they did to us. Making us suffer because of what?" Tanglepaw snorted but said nothing.
"Anyways. I hope to see you again soon, but we gotta go find someone. Make sure they ain't killing no one." Stripecloud looked at his brother in confusion. Then he got it.
"Tanglepaw, can't we find her later? I'm sure she's off cleaning her pelt or whatever." Tanglepaw shot him a glare. "Fine, can Rainpaw at least come along?"
"I dunno, do you wanna come along in our little familly fiasco?" Both of the toms looked at Raindrop.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-05 21:09:04

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Harefeather
Indirectly: Willowstar, Wolffang

Clearsong nuzzled Harefeather's shoulder, an apologetic smile on his face. He looked up to find a possible answer to her question. The nursery was already being protected and watched, and the medicine den was too full for her to help. Clearsong's fur prickled at the thought of Harefeather having to fight.

He then noticed Wolffang helping Willowstar to the medicine den after a moment. He tilted his head, she didn't look physically injured. As well, if a wound were bad enough for the noble Willowstar to seek medicinal help, she would have had the help of Starclan. He shook his head at the thought, he knew he shouldn't assume. Though he couldn't shake the feeling that her ailment was something deeper than a physical wound.

He turned to Harefeather, an idea crossing his mind. "I think Wolffang may want some help with Willowstar. Maybe you could help him protect her?" Clearsong lowered his voice as he suggested it, wanting to prevent any cats nearby from overhearing. He nodded, it sounded safe enough. "Don't make it too obvious that you're protecting her, though." He added in a mumble.

Clearsong rested his head on Harefeather's shoulder for a moment, "As for me, I'll stay as safe as I can be." He promised his mate, a hint of a purr on his voice as he said it, he gently twined his tail in hers for a moment.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-05 21:57:18


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike
Pebblesplash ignored the world. Hawkstrike’s blood still coated her paws, making them look a deep red. She leaned down, her eyes shimmering with sadness. The she-cat lapped his ear gently, hugging him close.

”Please don’t speak. I can’t let you die, and if speaking causes it I will never forgive myself. Hawkstrike… over the past few moons, I’ve found I could turn to you more and more. When Clearsong and I were fighting, you were there. When Glade was here, and I was at my breaking point, you brought me back. And when the Clan imploded a quarter moon ago, you didn’t blame me. We’ve… we have come so far Hawkstrike. You’ve been there for me every step of the way. So let me be there too. Don’t let go, don’t speak, just heal. And know that you’ve done everything for me. Hawkstrike… I love you. Heal for me. Don’t let go. Fight. Keep fighting. Please,” Pebblesplash took a deep breath, closing her eyes just briefly. A flurry of emotions passed through her mind.
She sat there, right next to him, looking out to the world, swearing she would not let him die tonight.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-05 23:04:12


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Dying|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike smiled and opened his eyes again. "I love you to Pebblesplash. I've never really had the guts to tell you. I promise I'll heal, I'll heal for you." He laid his head back down on his paws and closed his eyes again. Wow, I thought you'd never tell her. I thought you'd keep hiding behind the wall you always hide behind. How sweet. Hawkstrike felt his heart clench inside his chest. Emotions swirled through his head. He liked Pebblesplash, very much. Much more than just a friend. He had a reason to hold on, but what if he just couldn't?

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-06 02:51:39


Softsong | 17 Moons | Warrior | Dead | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Slateleaf, Open!

Softsong was relieved when Honeyfrost agreed to go to find safety, closing his eyes and nodding his head. Once the battle was done, they could properly catch up. He narrowed his eyes and hissed at Slateleaf. No words, just a hiss. As his opponent leapt at him, he remembered the countless lessons he had on using his small size to his advantage, and put it to use. He quickly moved away, but her claws nicked his ears. He hissed softly in pain and glared at her. He was ready for her next attack, deciding to counter by bowling her over and starting to rake his claws along her sides. He had to let go as she lunged for his legs, but quickly pinned her again. However, she quickly shook him off and pinned him down instead.

The young warrior did not want to waste his breath on a retort, instead focusing on coming out of this battle alive. He let out a surprised yelp as Slateleaf went for his throat and latched on. He tried struggling weakly at first, to no good. The lesson of going limp came to mind and he left all his muscles relax, seeming dead at first glimpse. He felt Slateleaf fall for it and quickly convulsed his body, freeing himself from his opponent’s grip. Once on his feet again, he started running towards her, ready to finish this battle. Much to his confusion, the she-cat crouched and looked down, a sign of defeat. He stopped, not being one to attack when someone had given up. He did not realise his mistake until it was too late. He grunted as he was barreled over and pinned down, though still glared angrily up at Slateleaf.

The black and white warrior could hardly believe the pain that flashed through him as claws dug into his throat. His vision blurred, shock and confusion flaring through him as the reality of his situation dawned upon him. Crimson regret poured from his throat, coating the white of his fur dark red in heartbeats. This was not meant to happen. The world around him blurred as he entered a shocked state, unable to pick up any clear noise, unable to see anything but blurred shapes. He was supposed to have a long life with Aldershade once the battle was over. He was going to train Mosspaw, watch him turn into a great warrior and eventual mentor. All the time he had envisioned spending with his mate, possible kits they would adopt. None of that would happen. At least he had managed to talk things over with Pebblesplash and Honeyfrost.

He struggled to breathe, struggled to even form a coherent thought. His mind was images and feelings, vague echoes of things Aldershade had said to him. A memory of comforting Aldershade when they were still apprentices popped up. That had been soon after Snowstorm was attacked by a rogue. He remembered all the times they had spent together, be it sharing tongues, comforting each other, or gossiping. Why had he not confessed sooner? He had had the perfect opportunity when they were eleven moons old. He had pounced on Aldershade, calling him the most handsome oversized mouse in the forest. Probably not the most romantic thing to say, but they were joking around. The memory warmed him and made the pain feel a little less sharp. If only he had known that his affections for the other tom was more than a friendship at the time.

A sudden flash of the time he had been panicking from the thunder appeared, a vague memory of Mumblepaw of all cats comforting him and giving him advice on how to cope. With the memory of Mumblepaw, the memories of his other friends came up. He remembered playing and training with Swallowfall and Stripecloud, training hard with Sunstar. He remembered first finding out that Snowstorm was his half-brother, and that Willowstar and Wolffang were his cousins. He soon realised he had not been as alone in this world as he thought, remembering that his recent isolation was due to his cowardice when Glade came along. While he regretted running off, a selfish side of him was glad he had done so. He had preserved himself and returned strong, able to hunt and patrol more than the injured and starved cats. But it had hurt his relationship with Aldershade.

It was almost like the claws had slashed into his heart as well as his throat. He vaguely heard and anguished cry that he assumed to be Aldershade. How could he leave him like this? Their life together had only just started, and it was cruelly ripped away. His last act of bravery had cost him his life. At least his name would be cleared from previous mistakes. “A-Aldershade… I… I love you, s-so so... much.” His voice was gurgled and horribly forced. A shaky breath brought with it the intense taste and scent of blood. He was not even sure Aldershade was there. “I am brave.” He declared shakily. Still, he had never sounded stronger or surer of himself. He did not catch anything said in response, if anyone had said anything at all, gaining a faraway look again. Mosspaw would have to find a new mentor, the poor apprentice. Hopefully Aldershade would be able to move on, find another cat he could open up to. His mind went blank, and his eyes glazed over. And with that, his chest stopped moving.

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Edited on 06/02/19 @ 02:52:05 by Dionysus(Clean) (#117962)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-06 12:35:15

Slateleaf Mentions:
Directly: Sharpfang (NPC), Locustwing (NPC)
Indirectly: Softsong, Aldershade

Slateleaf let out a huff as she saw the light flickering from the black and white tom. He had put up a fight, she'd give him that. He could have been a valuable asset to her team. Whatever. She proved that theory wrong.

A grief-stricken yowl broke her reverie as she saw a brown shape flash her way, she backed up in a surprised fright before making it look nonchalant. She sauntered off as the cat approached Softsong, flicking her tail once before she set into a sprint. Another fight would merely waste her time, she needed to talk to some cats and these mundane skirmishes were unnecessary.

Her uncharacteristic contemplating left her guard down which meant she hadn't realized when she stepped away from the shadows into the open. Suddenly a white shape hurtled into her, making her take a step back. She flicked her ear, "Sharpfang. What makes you flee like a badger entered camp? Just because you have no claws doesn't mean you're a defenseless kit."

The typical, brightly sadistic look in the white dark forest tom's eyes shifted into annoyance as he looked at Slateleaf. "Juse because you're friends with Glade, doesn't make you my boss, and it doesn't exactly look like you're fighting either."

Slateleaf flicked her tail, her eyes narrowing. "I don't see you standing tall over a living. I think you're just soft."

At that, Sharpfang lept for Slateleaf. Swiping at her with strong, refined movements, however she was refined as well. Ducking and weaving, she managed to flash out a claw and snag his paw away, twisting him to the ground.

"Stop that senseless infighting!" A voice spat. Slateleaf and Sharpfang looked up, both pausing before anything really got started. "We have bigger matters to attend to rather than having to handle two quarreling kits."

"And who made you so high and mighty?" Slateleaf sneered, forgetting her skirmish with Sharpfang to approach the newcomer. "Last time I checked, Locustwing, you were nothing but a lowly nursery queen when you died."

The remark stung the shecat, but she kept her guarded look. "You two both have things to be doing. I shouldn't have to mother either of you, especially not you, Slateleaf."

Slateleaf huffed, turning away from the two and padding back to the shadows, her eyes searched out a pelt. Leaping from shadow to shadow, she looked for that familiar fur until, at last, she spotted her. Narrowing her eyes, Slateleaf sat and waited for the moment to arise where she'd speak to her again. She started to clean the blood from her pelt.

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Edited on 06/02/19 @ 12:36:39 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-07 04:56:33


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade(ID), Pebblesplash, Hawkstrike, Open!

Snowstorm hated to be the one to break up a loving moment, but it had to be done, so he gently nudged Pebblesplash away from Hawkstrike. He tore away the cobweb and quickly licked in the poultice he had been chewing on. He made sure the paste was smeared across evenly before putting more cobweb on top. He would add some catchweed later for security. "I should get back to the medicine cat den, may you help me carry him?" He asked, perking his ears when he heard the anguished cry from Aldershade. Distracted from the task at hand, he looked to where the sound came from and soon wished he had not. His heart twisted as he saw Softsong on the ground, throat coated in red. He felt like the breath had been knocked out of him and he had to make conscious efforts to keep breathing. He glanced to Hawkstrike, Pebblesplash would be able to find someone to help, Softsong needed him now.

The white tom rushed to the medicine cat den, storming past all the injured cats to the herb store. He dragged out some cobwebs and ran back out, almost like a white blur. He was out before any cat could speak to him, headed right for Softsong's still body. His paws grew heavy. His heart sank as he saw all the blood. He swallowed back a lump in his throat and started searching for the wound amongst the blood clotted fur of his younger brother. He refused to believe it was too late, there was still time, he could still save him. It was his task given by Starclan to heal. So he could not let anyone die on his watch, right? A memory nagged at the back of his mind but he pushed it away. Not again.

Finding the wound, the medicine cat put his paws against it and put slight pressure. He could not properly stop the bleeding without strangling the warrior. He felt his mouth go dry. There was no movement at all from the cat under his paws. Usually he could feel a cat's heartbeat against his paws when pressing his paws like this. Why was there none? He felt like someone had dunked him under water, like rocks were tied to his legs and he sunk to the bottom of the river. "S-Softsong..." He whispered his brother's name, his heart tightening painfully. He battled with reality, this had to be a dream. He fished the cobweb from his tail and pressed it against Softsong's wound. He stared at his face, willing him to open those green eyes, thank him for the help, crack a joke and talk about Aldershade, anything. He could not lose his last living kin.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 09:48:46


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Honeyfrost, Blossomheart, {NPC Stormflight} OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Mumblepaw, Wolffang, Willowstar|Location: Med. Cat Den

Stormflight keeped pressure on Honeyfrost wound, as Horsetail started to chew up the horsetail. {Strangest sentence and a bit morbid} Having finished, the medicine cat leaned down and started to mix the greenish pulp with the honey. Soon enough, the dark sand color tabby tom had finished making the, actually quite nice smelling, brownish pulp. Sitting back, Horsetail let out a sigh and looked around him, he'd made too much of the pulp so that he could give some to the other injured cats as well.
Taking a paw full of the pulp and cobwebs, the medicine cat headed over to the injured she-cat. Her thick fur would make it a bit harder to apply the ointment and bandage, but he was used to that. Stopping beside Stormflight, he nodded his head to the Starclan tom. "You can take your paw off", Horsetail instructed the silver tabby tom. Once Stormflight had removed his paw, Horsetail leaned down and started to lick at the she-cat's large neck wound. As he did so, he nodded for Stormflight to do the same to the she-cat's stomach wound. Once both wounds had been sufficiently cleaned, Horsetail started to apply the pulp thickly. Once both of the still open wounds had been thickly covered, the medicine cat wrapped the cobwebs around it. Sitting back, he looked it over. "Alright, Honeyfrost", Horsetail said, reaching behind him to grab a small bundle behind him. He'd almost forgotten, the tom had grabbed some poppy seeds before he'd left the herb store. "Take these", Horsetail instructed, giving the she-cat two of the small black seeds.
Looking over his shoulder, towards where Mumblepaw was with Willowstar and Wolffang, the medicine cat said, more to himself than any one around him, "I should go and make sure Mumbelpaw is alright."
"Don't worry, he seems bright enough, I don't think he'll kill the leader", Stormflight answered Horsetail's words. His voice had been light and joking, he wanted to get Horsetail into a better mood, it would do no one good if the medicine cat was overstrained.
Horsetail gave a chuckle, under his voice, and he bumped Stormflight with his hips. "He is bright", Horsetail aggread. His neck wound was still bleeding a bit, draining his energy. Letting out another sigh, Horsetail leaned against Stormflight's sturdy shoulders.
"You should get some rest", Stormflight said, concern in his voice. He gladly took Horsetail's weight and laid his head across Horsetail's neck. "You should also redress your own wounds", he added, looking at the red stain on the bandage around Horsetail's neck.
Horsetail let out a sigh, "You're right", he relented. Before he could move to redress his wounds though, there was a noise at the entrance. His golden eyes shifted from Stormflight and moved to the entrance, his breath caught as he saw Blossomheart laying at the entrance. "Stormflight!", the tom said, pointing to Blossomheart. "Take her to a nest, now", he instructed, moving back into his brisk medicine cat mode. Hobbeling over to the pile of the already prepared horsetail and honey pulp, Horsetail grabbed the pulp, poppy seeds, and cobwebs.
At Horsetail's sudden instructions, the Starclan tom straightened. His light blue eyes focused on the uncuntius she-cat, with a brisk nod he turned away from Horsetail and hurried over to the whitish she-cat. Leaning down, Stormflight easily picked up the she-cat by the scruff of her neck. He was quite a bit larger than Blossomheart, so he could carry the she-cat to a nest in the other corner. Reaching the nest, Stormflight gently placed the she-cat on the nest.
Horsetail hurried over to Blossomheart and Stormflight, stopping next to the silver tabby tom with stars in his pelt, the medicine cat placed the bundle down. "Here, try to give her this", he said, pawing two poppy seeds over too Stormfight. As he did this, the golden eyed tom started to examine Blossomheart's wounds.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 16:50:54


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | Injured| 7/9 Lives | [Camp/Starclan] | Mentions: Lioncloud, Mosspaw (Directly)

Sunstar gave a weak laugh to Lioncloud, although he knew he didn't have time to rest. "I'll rest once the clan is safe and I can sleep a whole day. Until then, I have some peace to make with Brokebone. I'm tired of fighting.. maybe I can convince him to leave us alone. As for Glade.. he might have gone after his family." As the words came out of his mouth, he knew he doubted it. It was worth a try though.
He turned to face Mosspaw, who was looking at him with fear, and then relief. He rasped, "Hey Mosspaw. Didn't miss me, did you?"
He let out a rusty purr, giving the apprentice a small nuzzle on his cheek. "Are you doing alright? Are you injured?" He looked the apprentice over, and gave a frown when he saw the bite on Mosspaw's leg. He nodded grimly. "As soon as we drive these Dark warriors into oblivion, you get that checked. You hear me?"
Now, where did Brokenbone go.. if I take care of him, perhaps the rest of the dark forest warriors will disperse.

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Edited on 07/02/19 @ 16:54:15 by Quake™ [WB🐾] (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 17:09:44


Glade | Dark Forest Warrior | Invading United Clans | Mentions: Clearsong (D), Harefeather (ID)

Glade peered out from the bushes. He saw Clearsong talking to Harefeather, but he was unable to hear what they were saying. Soon after, Harefeather left, leaving Clearsong all by himself in the small clearing.
The siamese stalked out of the shadows, raising himself to as tall as he can be. He narrowed his eyes at Clearsong.
"I guess your loyalty lies elsewhere now." He spoke, getting the other tom's attention.
"I blame you for not following me, but I knew I couldn't stop it. I knew you were afraid. You've always been afraid. You're a coward, even if you don't show it. You knew it ran in our family, yet you still succumbed to it. I should have given your sister the chance to stand by my side."
The tom swished his tail from side to side, and Glade felt his claws itching to sink into Clearsong's neck. His nephew was a disgrace to the family. Pebblesplash may be easier to convince, but Clearsong.. with a mate now, there's no way he'd fight for the Dark Forest. And that made him an enemy.
"I'm sorry it had to end this way. But if you're not with me.. you're my enemy. I'll send Harefeather my regards once you're dead." He unleashed his claws, hissing at Clearsong before running toward him to pounce.

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