Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-02-07 18:17:32

Harefeather~14 Moons~Warrior~Healthy ;)/Expecting~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar (ID), Wolffang (ID), *OPEN*

Harefeather currled her paw around Clearsong's leg, pulling him closer, and rubbed her head against his neck. A small purr tickled her throat. She hesitated for a moment, before slowly walking away from her very cheerful mate. She wondered in the direction of Willowstar and Wolffang. It is very unusual of Willowstar to want or need help, so it must be a good cause if she's being carried. She tip toed around the edge of camp, jumping out of the way of tussling cats a few times, as she didn't want to risk her life or her kits.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 19:19:12

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Dead | Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Pebblesplash, Glade
Indirectly: Earthquake, Whorlpaw, Harefeather

Clearsong waved his tail as Harefeather stepped away, reluctantly. He’d talk to her after the battle and shower her with appreciation. He smiled a little at the thought. Kits. His smile grew, he couldn’t believe it. Hopefully one looked like Harefeather, it would be beautiful. What would they name her? Would it be a girl? If it was a boy, would he be strong and fierce or more of a hunter? Maybe a medicine cat? Clearsong broke into a happy purr, his tail curling as excitement coursed through him. He turned around in a bubbly, dream-like state as he decided he wanted to look at the kits before returning to battle.

His purr-choked off as he saw Glade standing before him, tall, in his typical authoritative stature. When he did this, he stood at the same height as Clearsong. Then came the taunting, the blaming, the berating. It was all too familiar. It reminded him of her. Clearsong stood rooted to his spot, his fur prickling at his former ally’s words, cruel and sharp.

And then he came rushing forward with claws extended. Former friend, now turned to foe.

Clearsong felt himself get swept off his paws, stumbling for a moment as the siamese found his weak point with ease. He swirled his tail before hopping back. Forcing away his shock, Clearsong recalled his training. Left, right, duck, back. Glade seemed to start with the simple moves that delivered force, they didn’t last long before becoming more creative. Clearsong managed some offensive attacks as well, he utilized his weight to ram his body at Glade and knock him over. Glade was smart about exposing his weak points, however, and swiftly returned to his feet. Clearsong was faster, clawing out some fur from Glade’s side, before narrowing his eyes at the thick, sticky liquid that replaced the dark forest tom’s blood. Clearsong suddenly switched to the defensive as Glade rallied a slew a blows at him, tearing out his fur in chunks. The scent of his own blood filled his nose, bringing memories back to him.

Pebblesplash threw herself at him, mercilessly clawing at him until red was all he saw. Clearsong’s vision swam, he crumpled to the ground in a pathetic heap, half dead. She turned away in a huff.

Clearsong’s eyes clouded for a moment as the memories rushed into him, hitting him harder than Glade ever could, and he didn’t know why. Glade sucked up his distraction, bowling into him with a wild look in his eyes.

The difference between the pair of toms was that Glade did not hesitate.

He did not hesitate when he sunk his claws into his shoulders.

He did not hesitate to clamp down his jaws on Clearsong’s throat.

He did not hesitate to claw him over and over until he wasn’t clawing at anything but blood. Blood that drenched his skin, blood that drenched his fur. Blood that pooled to the ground. Blood that could not be stopped.

Clearsong’s eyes widened as he choked on it, struggling under Glade’s weight on the ground. ”No…” He rasped, the wound on his stomach throbbing endlessly, searing red hot pain through his body. He shook, his eyes wild, ”What have you-” He was cut off by a scream that sounded like his own, he wasn’t sure. His head was swimming. He heard voices floating in the distance, but his vision was etched in black lines and the faces of those closest to him.


His uncle- no, his father- he cared so deeply for his sister and him. His brown and white face was always a gentle smile, his green eyes soft and glowing. He never saw ill in either of them and always looked at the bright side if he could. He was the only cat he hadn’t talked to today, would he ever get to say goodbye? Would he leave him alone to grieve?


His first apprentice. His only apprentice. Sure, he took Harefeather in when she had broken her leg, but that was different. Whorlpaw had a quick temper, but she also had a quick wit. She was very keen and strong. If things had been different, they might have developed a sibling type of bond. He felt himself soften, she reminded him of Pebblesplash.


His mate. His companion. His solace. Her gentle words and continuous compassion seemed to have no limits. Her love had no bottom, and she bore his kits. He hoped they’d grow up to be great warriors, though he knew they’d probably hate him. The dream of being a better parent than his own washed away from him in fading echoes.


His sister. His best friend since kithood, she had a sharp tongue but was always eager to talk and compassionate in important matters. Sure they fought, but it made their bond stronger. They were close-knit, nothing could drive a permanent wedge between them. His heart ached so much at the grief he may cause her.

But his blurry vision slowly focused and Pebblesplash was still there. Glade had disappeared, probably assuming he was done for anyway. If only he hadn’t hesitated. If only Clearsong had gone for the kill when he eventually saw a chance. Things could have been so much better. So much better… if only…

Pebblesplash’s pain stricken face stared back at him, he smiled at her hazily.

”Hey-” He was interrupted by a sudden, spluttering cough.

”Pebblesplash…” He croaked out softly, hoping to be heard. He gasped for breath, ”I need… to tell you…”

His mouth felt dry, yet his throat wet and tinged with the taste of copper. He wanted to speak, to cry out. Why? Why like this? But the words never came, instead he used his energy on something else. Something more important than complaints or confusion.

”Despite everything…”

Forcing his words out was terribly difficult, but he wanted his last words to be for her. She had done everything for him and he tried to do the same for her. However, he had never outwardly told her something because the phrase felt awkward on his tongue. He couldn’t leave her without saying it though. He needed to tell her how much he actually cared.

”I love you.”

His body convulsed, his breath hitched in his throat as the shooting pain suddenly flooded his senses from the bleary, dazed state. His screams rose above the yowls of fighting, his eyes blazed with fire so unnatural, his eyes almost glowed turquoise. His throat burned from the blood and his screaming as he bled out rapidly.

Then it stopped.

There was peace.

Clearsong didn’t even need to catch his breath.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 19:32:13
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mention: Hawkstrike, Pebblesplash, Honeyfrost
Earthquake watched nearly heartbroken as Pebblesplash persisted with Hawkstrike. He himself was at a loss for words, but he licked Pebblesplash's ears for support. All they could do was believe in their medicine cat's ability and hope that Hawkstrike recovered, and recently Earthquake had just started caring for the time. He prayed to Starclan that Hawkstrike would survive for Pebblesplash's sake, the sudden sentiment for his family brought him back to Honeyfrost.
"What if something like this happened to her?" he couldn't bare the thought.
His attention was trained to her, she might not have seen it, but he was staring at her intently. His mind was made up, he truly cared for her like no other, he could never let any harm come to her.
But it tugged at his very being to see Hawkstrike like this, to see sorrow in Pebblesplash's eyes and hear her cry.
His felt dismay and desperation "When will this battle end?!" he nearly begged for an answer as he watched the flurry of fights and screeches familiar rivalries.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 19:34:04


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong,Earthquake (D), Quietshadow,Softsong, Aldershade, Harefeather (ID)
She leaned into Earthquake briefly, looking up at her uncle.
"Thank you... for everything. In case I don't make it, I want you to know you're the best father anyone could ask for." She hear Snowecho ask for help, so she stood up.
Pebblesplash stepped back, her flanks heaving. Not just with exhaustion. With relief that Hawkstrike could survive this.
Then she saw Snowecho run off to... Softsong. Oh StarClan no. He was dead… or dying. His throat was stained red, like the ground below him.
He apologized to me… when I should have to him. He didn’t deserve the things the Quietshadow and I did. This… this isn’t right She stood up quickly, and began to run over to see if… she could do anything at all. But then something else caught Pebblesplash’s eye.

She walked forward and froze.

This wasn’t right.
Silence clogged her ears.
He was lying there, unmoving. Like he was sleeping. Expect for the blood. He looked so peaceful. But turmoiled at the same time.
But he was still alive. Barely.
he promised.
”I… love you.”
Clearsong’s labored breathing stopped.
His eyes stared into nothing.

The silence broke.
Her wail split the air.
Her paws unfroze.
Flinging herself forward, she grabbed him feebly.
Not you too! Pebblesplash “cried” and curled up next to Clearsong.
The battle once again faded out.

Her cough-sob subsided, leaving her clutching her brother’s fur, clinging on like a kit to her mother. This wasn’t right.
”You promised! You promised! You promised! You promised….” Pebblesplash continued to “sobbed” into Clearsong’s still warm fur.

How would she react? Pebblesplash should go find her and tell her, but her legs didn’t work. They had just become mates. They would never get to raise kits together, grow old together… it wasn’t right. Especially because she had just been thinking how lucky they were. It was a cruel joke, that’s it.

His nephew he raised since seven moons was dead. The nephew who should have lived a long life. And Earthquake had already lost so, so much. How would his almost-son’s death affect him?

She was just starting to get along with her kits. Something might have gone right for her. If only she had time to make up with him too. Now that chance was torn away from her.

The thoughts grazed her, but were gone quickly. Right now she could only think about Clearsong and how unfair this was. Her best friend was dead. Her brother was dead.
He had so much.
He had everything.
I’m not strong enough. I can't get back up after this. Almost losing Hawkstrike, and now losing...
Another short cry escaped her.

”You can’t leave me! Please…”

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Edited on 07/02/19 @ 19:49:18 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 19:48:04
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mention: Pebblesplash, Clearsong
Earthquake rubbed against Pebblesplash's cheek, feeling warmth in her words amidst the coldness of what seemed like an endless war. Clearsong and Pebblesplash had been his spark of hope ever since he began raising them. "I love you too, you're gonna make it. I'll die myself protecting you if I have to, you kids are my everything."
He couldn't help but feel a cold chill run down his spine at the mention of Clearsong. "Something's not right. He didn't get time to ponder, he felt a dark cat on the wind, it felt like...Glade. The darkness gripped him, and swarmed his fur, before the feeling disappeared all at once with a foreshadowing tone.
He rose to his feet instantly when he realized what happened, Pebblesplash rushed past him, a wail in her throat.
"Starclan, no...nonononono!" He picked up his speed racing to Clearsong's side, Pebblesplash was already there, sadness in her eyes.
He could hardly believe it.
He didn't want to.
"Y-you're gonna be okay Clearsong, just focus on me..."
He felt his blood run cold when he didn't respond "Clearsong...
Clearsong...please, get up..."

andnother beat went by and Earthquake found himself on the verge of tears.
He collapsed onto the ground, unblinking staring at his son's dead body. His claws pierced the earth, and he let out a shuddering breath
He hadn't been fast enough, he hadn't been strong enough, had he'd been there Clearsong would still be here with him, by his side with Pebblesplash. He was gone and it was all his fault...again
Deep down, a part of him seared and festered, he wanted more than ever to avenge Clearsong's death, he couldn't care less whether or not if he had to go to The Dark Forest himself.
Why did they have to take him...

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Edited on 07/02/19 @ 20:42:21 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 21:17:01


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy//Lioncloud|Starclan warrior|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Sunstar, Mosspaw|Mentions Indirectly: Brokenbone, Glade, Amberstone|Location: Camp

The large calico tom's claws extended, as the leader mentioned Brockenbone. His body had gone rigid, from the strong feelings he had for that cat. Lioncloud relaxed though, when Sunstar started to speak with Mosspaw. His blue, star speckled eyes, grew kind, as he looked upon the leader and young apprentice. As the leader seemed to calm, Lioncloud's mind went to Glade. Although he was a Starclan cat, Lioncloud felt hate for that cat. He had been the one to kill him and then Glade had even taken over the clan, the large calico tom shook his head. He needed to calm down, clear his head.
As the large calico Starclan tom started to calm down, his blue eyes moved around the camp, searching for places he was needed. His searching stopped, as he spotted a dark grey pelt and brown with white splotched pelt side by side, leaning over a ginger tabby cat laying on the ground. Lioncloud's heart hit the snow covered ground, he knew those cats. "NO!", Lioncloud whisper called, his face having gone slak. His large paws carried him across the camp quickly, his eyes where transfixed at the scene before him. His son, his only living kit, Earthquake slumped to the ground, his grandkit, Pebblesplash next to her and.... and Clearsong? The ginger tabby tom's blood spread out around him. Lioncloud's head lowered, sadness clear in his eyes.
He knew, as a Starclan cat, that Clearsong was dead. Why? He had been so young. A sigh left the large cat, the sigh was heavy and heartbreaking. Taking a few steps forward, Lioncloud stopped right behind Earthquake and Pebblesplash. Pressing down the lump in his throat, the large calico tom stepped forward. He'd moved in between his kit and grandkit, "Earth, Pebble", Lioncloud said, looking to both in turn. Leaning over, he pressed his nose into Pebblesplash's cheek. At the same time, the laid his large paw on Earthquake's head, this was something he'd often do when the tom was a kit. The large calico tom sat there, in silence, there was nothing to say, nothing needed to be said.
As his blue eyes fell on Clearsong, a small sad smile came to Lioncloud's face.

"Come on, please Lioncloud", Pebblekit said, a pout on her face as she looked up to her grandfather. The senior warrior gave a chuckle, at the kit's words. "No, your father said you can't go out, so no", Lioncloud said, a bit of amusement in his voice. He was lying in her sun, next to the nursery, together with Clearkit and Pebblekit. Amberstone had wanted to go out and hunt, so Lioncloud had decided to look after his grandkits. The two where 4 moons old, so very active and rambunctious.
"Now, how about we play... ow!!", Lioncloud cried out mid sentence, small thorn like teeth suddenly dug into his tail. Glaring around, he saw Clearkit, with his small fangs tightly wrapped around Lioncloud's tail. "That's it!", the large tom said, jumping to his paws. "You're in trouble now", he said jumping at the small tom. Clearkit flitted between Lioncloud's legs and he, together with Pebblekit, raced around the camp, Lioncloud hot on their heels.
They'd played like this, until the sun started to set and Amberstone had returned. "Love you Lioncloud!" Pebblekit had called over her shoulder, as their father started to usher them back to the nursery. Clearkit just set his jaw in a pout. The large calico tom reached over and ruffled the small ginger tabby kit's head. "Time for bed", Lioncloud said, nodding to the nursery. " But I...", Clearkit did not get the chance to finish his sentence, as Lioncloud gave him a brisk lick. "Now, bed", Lioncloud had said, pushing the young tom in the direction of his father and sister.
~~End Flashback~~

He wished he could go back to those days, shirked his warrior duties and spent more time with his kits, mate, and grandkits. Another heavy sigh, left the large Starclan tom.

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Edited on 07/02/19 @ 21:24:18 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-02-07 21:34:53

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | Injured |Camp | Mentions: Sunstar (D), Clearsong (ID), Lioncloud (ID), Whorlpaw(ID), Softsong(ID)

Mosspaw ducked his head shyly at the sudden attention, still a little in awe of the ginger tom. After all, he had just watched Sunstar die, and come back to life. A part of him had never quite believed it was true, that the leaders had nine lives granted to them by Starclan. He certainly believed it now.

"I... I will, once the battle is finished." He nodded once in answer to the leader's words, glancing down at his bloodstained paws. The pain radiating from the bite on his leg and the claw-marks that carved across his back seemed to intensify when he thought about them. "There are so many injured already." He said quietly, more to himself than anything.

The young apprentice looked up to Sunstar after a moment, green-gold eyes hazy with pain and uncertainty. "Can you really make the Dark Forest cats stop attacking us by talking to- to this Brokenbone?" He stumbled on the name. It felt foreign and strange on his tongue, and he didn't like it. The grey-and-white tom's gaze wandered the clearing, not really seeing. "There are so many of them... even with Starclan helping us, I..." He trailed off, swallowed hard. "I am worried."

Mosspaw turned his head when Lioncloud suddenly broke away from them, eyes following the Starclan cat across the clearing to where a body lay in the snow. It took the apprentice a long moment to realize who it was. Clearsong? His heart plummeted. "Oh no..." The young tom made a quiet sound of distress, grief flashing across his features. His mind flicked to Whorlpaw, how she would feel, react... Then his thoughts turned to his own mentor. Softsong. Please be safe. Please... he prayed, eyes closing for the briefest of moments. Claws of dread, of fear sunk into his heart, stealing his breath away.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 04:56:27

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Tanglepaw (ID)
Indirectly: Aldershade, Softsong, Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Lioncloud

Raindrop flicked her ear, rolling her eyes, "I guess you leave me no choice." She teased with a chuckle, "It's not like I have anything better to do, so why not?"

Getting to her paws, Raindrop started pondering who this she-cat the toms were referring to could be. Family? So their mother? Raindrop shook her head, she'd find out sooner or later.

Then two yowls, different in tone but of the same meaning spit the air, one moments after the other. Raindrop spun, seeing Softsong first. Her pelt prickled, she liked that tom, considered him a friend even. He never intentionally hurt anyone, yet there he was, covered in blood, Aldershade crouching low in grief over him. Raindrop's paws pricked the ground, the second yowl coming from another direction. She turned to see three familiar cats huddling around him, a lithe dark gray, a bulky brown and white, and a starry calico. Shifting her gaze slightly, she saw what was going on.

Clearsong had died too.

The size of the tom, she considered a large brute, lying on the ground motionless sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't like him, but he didn't deserve to die.

Two cats, already dead. Her shoulders hunched for a moment before she tore her gaze away and shifted it back to the two toms who had previously been talking with her.

"Let's go." She said in reference to whatever Stripecloud and Tanglepaw were referring to. She shook herself, this was battle. There were going to be casualties.

That didn't stop it from being upsetting, however.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 15:31:32

Slateleaf Mentions:
Directly: Pebblesplash
Indirectly: Quietshadow, Lioncloud, Earthquake, Clearsong, Glade

Slateleaf sat back, her tail curled as she watched the fight between uncle and som unfold. Glade had made her a promise to strike him down when he showed signs of turning away, and he did. She nodded, all he had to do was see to Pebblsplash and-

Slateleaf stopped as she saw the first cat to approach Clearsong as he died, wailing with grief. Quietshadow? Slateleaf tilted her head at this uncharacteristic display of affection before shrugging. It didn’t matter how she felt, it was just the cat Slateleaf had been meaning to… talk to.

Then other cats started to gather around the tom, and she realized she’d have to think of a way to lure her away from Clearsong. A thrill filled her veins at the thought of vengeance on her daughter for what she did all those moons ago, shed pay the price.

A malicious light filled her eyes as her claws pricked the ground, if she were angry about Clearsong’s death, she’d most likely want Glade. Slateleaf prowled over to where Glade had left, letting out a low growl loud enough for her to distinguish. Maybe she’d fall for it… just maybe...

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Edited on 08/02/19 @ 15:32:05 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:15:27


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Slateleaf (D) Lioncloud, Earthquake
Pebblesplash’s world was falling apart. Her brother was dead. Her brother was dead. Why was Clearsong dead? She felt Earthquake beside her, feeling the shock radiating off of him like it was with her.

She heard another cat approach. Lioncloud. The join of reuniting with her grandkin was overshadowed by Clearsong’s death. Pebblesplash felt Lioncloud’s nose against her cheek. She was grateful for such a supportive family… but why couldn’t any of them stay alive?! Biting her tongue, she wasn’t going to let another sound escape her. Not yet… not until she had time alone.

A growl in the background caught her attention. Her head shot up, green eyes blazing. A shadow of a cat stood a few paces away. It was smiling one of those evil, cruel smiles. It must be the cat who killed him!

Ignoring all instincts screaming in protest, she leapt up, tail bushing as Pebblesplash bound over to the cat. It turned out to be Slateleaf.
”How could you!?! I thought he trusted you! And yet you murdered him where he stood,” she spat at her less friendly grandkin. She was prepared to kill this cat. Slateleaf had ruined Clearsong’s life, then ended it. Pebblesplash would make her pay.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 16:16:30


Aldershade - 17 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Softsong, Snowecho, open!

Aldershade had turned his head to look for Softsong while the fighting seemed to be getting more intense in camp. It was something he didn't think would pass through his mind, but whatever the risk was to the Clan, Aldershade didn't feel like risking his life for it, or Softsong's for that matter. It was then that his copper eyes locked on the black and white tom with Slateleaf, and it made his fur stand on end. He willed his legs to move as he stood frozen in fear, and felt like some force was compressing his chest, making it difficult to breathe. After a few moments, however, he found his strength and ran with the intent to defend his mate, but it had happened all too quickly, and he was too late.

The lanky tom was forced to watch the blood get let out of Softsong's throat by his opponent's claws. He tore to the fluffy tom's side, but his legs ultimately failed him, causing him to buckle over and collapse in grief, a distressed yowl leaving his open jaws. His ears picked up Softsong's last few words, but he desperately didn't want them to sound so final. He almost couldn't stand the way his mate's voice was gurgled with blood, it made him want to be sick. However, he replied without forcing it, while his mind separated itself, too overwhelmed to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Shh, I-I love you too, the bravest c-cat in the Clan.." Aldershade's voice was almost a whisper. He put his paw over Softsong's chest and rasped his tongue over the fur on the other tom's cheeks, though his eyes were open wide and unmoving in contrast to the affectionate gesture. He had to ignore the metallic taste in his mouth.

The charcoal tabby tom froze in horror when he felt Softsong's chest stop moving under his paw. Perhaps this was all some sick dream, and he would soon wake up in his nest, the black and white tom by his side. Many bad things had come to the Clan and many things had crushed his spirit before, but there was no turning back now. All he could focus on was the way his heart felt like it was cracking in his chest, ready to burst with each wave of anguish it forced around his trembling body. His future disappeared before his weary eyes; with it went the dreams that had always willed him to keep on going, no matter how hard it got. He didn't hear Snowecho approach, but his reaction was quick, instinctive. He yowled with a shrill, broken voice at the medicine cat and struck a paw out at him, voicing his grief and defending his fallen mate at any cost. He'd failed to do it while he was still alive. It was all he could do to keep alert and let no other cat touch the body.

Aldershade suddenly felt stared at by every cat in the Clan. If he was going to grieve any longer, if he was going to die, it wasn't going to be here. Suddenly he grabbed Softsong's scruff, willing his muscles to let him stand and start to drag him away. But he had barely any strength to lift his own body, let alone the limp form he held between his jaws.

His breath rasped heavily against Softsong's fur, faster and faster, so fast it felt like he wasn't breathing at all.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-08 17:23:05


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Tanglepaw(NPC), Raindrop, Whitestripe(NPC)

Stripecloud looked around. So many deaths. Tanglepaw looked at him nodding.
"Alright, let's go." Stripecloud sniffed the air and caught her scent. He ran off after the scent Tanglepaw bounding after him. They spotted her yelling at another dark forest cat.
"Running away from a battle! Cowardly move." She raised her claws.
"Whitestripe! Don't!" Whitestripe turned over and the other cat ran off.
"Oh, Stripecloud and Tanglepaw. And, friend... I was wondering when you would come back to see your dear mother." Stripecloud hissed crouching low.
"Whitestripe." The two toms circled the she, they had an advantage. Two of them, and one of here. Besides, she was a terrible fighter, but she did fight dirty. That was probably why she ended up in the dark forest in the first place. Stripecloud threw himself at Whitestripe grabbing her by the scruff. Whitestripe hissed as Tanglepaw threw himself at her legs biting and nipping at them. Whitestripe snarled and grabbed Tanglepaw. She grabbed his throat and sunk her teeth in. Stripecloud let go of Whitestripe. The way Whitestripe held him reminded both of the toms of the dog from so long ago. Tanglepaw’s eyes filled with fear. Stripecloud clawed against his mother’s back but tumbled off her as she gave her body a shake still keeping a tight hold on Tanglepaw. She then threw her son at Stripecloud knocking both of them over. Tanglepaw lay still as Stripecloud struggled to get back up.
“I don’t understand, you were a terrible fighter!” Stripecloud spat getting back up to his paws.
“Oh no Stripecloud, I am a great fighter. One of the best in the dark forest. Of course, I’m not the best, but I’m pretty good. I spent basically all my time training. Night, after night. After I died, my whole life was dedicated to training.” Stripecloud looked at Tanglepaw who was on the brink of death, again. He thought he had an advantage because it was him and Stripecloud. But that wasn’t true, Whitestripe had the advantage. She had trained for so long. Fighting was probably all she knew by now. Stripecloud felt himself shake. He threw himself at Whitestripe again. She threw herself at him as well. The two crashed into each other clawing at each other and wrestling. Whitestripe clawed across Stripecloud’s neck making him cough and wheeze. Stripecloud cuffed her around the ears slicing them. Whitestripe and Stripecloud broke about hissing and spitting at each other. Stripecloud backup over to Tanglepaw eyeing Whitestripe carefully.
"Tanglepaw? C'mon, get up. You're all right." Stripecloud couldn't' bear to see his brother like this. It hurt him so much. Stripecloud looked over to Raindrop the fear in his eyes as clear as day. He looked back to his brother.
"Stripecloud." Tanglpaw croaked lifting his head up slightly. Stripecloud leaned down and touched his nose to the tom. "I'm sorry." Tanglepaw's head fell and his body disapeered. Stripecloud let out a wail of grief, he had lost his brother again. Stripecloud just hoped he made it saftley up to StarClan.
Stripecloud turned back to his mother his eyes narrowed.
“You killed your own son! You foul, evil, useless cat!” Stripecloud ran at Whitestripe and grabbed her neck with his claws. He pushed her back into the ground watching her with unnatural anger.
“Yes, I did, and I still have to kill the other.” Stripecloud processed what his mother had just said. But before he could react, Whitestripe struck. She flipped Stripecloud over and dug her claws into his belly. She clawed at him tearing through his soft underbelly. Stripecloud dug his claws deeper into Whitestripe’s neck. “Ahhh, I might be dying, but my mission will be complete. It’s a shame, you really are a good fighter.” Stripecloud dug his claws in and ripped through her neck killing the foul cat. It felt so good to see his mother die in front of him. She had caused him so much pain. Mental and physical. Stripecloud rolled to his side panting heavily. He coughed and felt his eyes start to droop down.
“I’m sorry, Raindrop.” The tom whispered before going limp, dead.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 18:14:01

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Stripecloud
Indirectly: Tanglepaw (NPC), Whitestripe (NPC)

In less than a minute, she had watched three cats get stricken down, slowly dying one after another. Her heart had slowed when Tanglepaw had died, pity in her throat at Stripecloud's grief-stricken cry. She wanted to console him, to finish his fight so he could be with his brother for longer, however the tom dissipated too quickly- too soon.

Raindrop whorled to fight Whitestripe so Stripecloud could have a minute, but hesitated in uncertainty if he would want her to finish his battle. During her pause, Stripecloud had recovered - if it could even be called that - and leaped for Whitestripe. The two rolled in battle, the shecat falling first. Raindrop’s heart quickened when Stripecloud turned to her in victory, however the moment of excitement was short lived, as he collapsed only seconds later.

Raindrop’s fur rose. Her eyes stretched wide in shock. Her blood turned to ice. The sounds of battle, the shrieks and yowls of skirmishing cats, the cooing words of consolation exchanged from one to another, it went dead silent, replaced with solely the slosh of her own slowing heartbeat.

This wasn’t real.

”I’m sorry.”


Raindrop suddenly felt movement restored to her limbs, and sprinted over on an adrenaline high, leaping atop him. ”This isn’t funny!” She yowled, ”You’re cruel! You’re sick! Who plays this type of joke? Get up!” Raindrop shook the tom, his movements were fluid and lifeless. She felt her claws unsheathe and prick into his skin, ”You’re horrible! I hate you!” She wailed, clawing at him, willing it to rouse him. ”Wake up!” Her scratches became deeper, more ruthless, as blood welled around her claws. ”Wake up you fleabag!” Her mind whorled, her head spun, she staggered back.

”He’s already dead, hun. I can help you join him if you want?” A brown shecat stepped in front of her, a facade of pity in her eyes.

Her antagonistic words felt almost comical to her, fake, like she only existed to make things work.

Raindrop didn’t care who this cat was, it didn’t matter. She lept for her, letting out her anger, her hatred, her denial, her fear, her grief, anything she could blame on the she cat as she ruthlessly dug into the shecat. The responsive attacks on Raindrop didn’t register to her, she just dug and slashed in pure grief and despair. She didn’t stop until the dark form disappeared into smoke.

”Rain, you can’t bring him back… I’m sorry…” Raindrop whorled again, ready to fight the new voice that had appeared, only to be met with a sandy-furred shape slightly taller than her. Breezekit.

“He’ll return as a Starclan cat.” He said, staring down at the bloodied tom. His mauled form struck Raindrop, she padded toward Breezekit and collapsed on him, burying her nose into his starry form.

”I loved him…” Raindrop croaked, weak from the adrenaline rush.

Breezekit looked up at her, staying a little bit longer before he’d combine himself with her spirit once more. ”He’ll watch over you, he loved you too much to leave you alone.” Raindrop squeezed her eyes shut, ignoring the sounds of battle and just wishing, for one moment longer, to be alone with her brother to grieve.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-08 18:46:42

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | Injured |Temp. Camp| Mentions: Clearsong (D), Lioncloud, Earthquake, Pebblesplash (ID)
Quietshadow’s eyes glimmered briefly with sadness as Amberstone pulled away. She chose not to linger on it. The battle needed her attention right now. She snarled, her teeth bared. A blue tabby she-cat came into view. The grey she-cat bound forward, claws outstretched. But the tabby she-cat had seen her, and sliced her own claws out, opening a wound on her side.

Quietshadow hissed, collapsing on her side. Before the older she-cat could get up, the other one was on top of her, jaws outstretched for her throat. Quietshadow ducked under them, letting them scrape her scruff instead. Hot blood dripped down her neck. She ignored it, deciding to kick her away with her back claws. Before she could return to the fight, a yowl pierced her ears. She was up in a flash, eyes blazing.


Her son was dead.

Pebblesplash was clutching his fur, grief imprinted on her face. Earthquake soon joined her, grieving side by side. Quietshadow began making her way over, eyes wild. Lioncloud made it there first, comforting Pebblesplash and Earthquake. A heartbeat past before Pebblesplash bolted up, pursuing some mystery cat.

Quietshadow finally made it over to Clearsong. She collapsed next to him, “tears” pricking her eyes as she tenderly touched him.

”Oh Clearsong… my son… I… I’m so sorry,” she buried her face in his fur briefly before collecting herself. I never thought I would out live you… It was a mother’s worst nightmare, seeing her kit dead before her. She could have sworn her brother’s scent hung on the air… But Quietshadow ignored it. She shook her head once, twice, trying to clear her turmoiled thoughts.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-09 10:07:15

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Breezekit (NPC), Stripecloud

Raindrop lifted her head from Breezekit’s starry form, sniffling. Her eyes were round, ”Why couldn’t… I save him?” Raindrop felt her heart breaking as she padded back over to Stripecloud, pushing her nose into his now bloody fur. ”I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”

Lifting her head, she curled her tail around his own and placed a paw on his flank, before backing up and looking around. Breezekit was a few paces from her to give her space, but when he locked eyes with her, he padded forward and brushed against her in comfort. She would miss his rosey scent, the thought of which reminded her of when he asked her to be his mate.

”Late hunting? Again? Stripecloud we’re gonna get sick.” Raindrop chuckled, nuzzling the tom.

“I know, but this time I want to show you something.”

The pair walked side by side, under the stars, until they reached the old border between Windclan and Riverclan, the sound of rushing water filled the air around them. Soft rustles of nocturnal creatures flitted about her, making her ear’s prick at the thought of a hunt. There was an opening in the trees that let moonlight spill through as Silverpelt watched over them. Raindrop looked at Stripecloud, letting out a breath, “It’s so pretty here.”

Stripecloud smiled, curling his tail with hers, “I have a question.” He mumbled, pawing at a flower beneath his paw.


He had asked her to be his mate, making a bright smile curl on her face as she nuzzled him, purring and nodding all the same.

The flower on the ground had been a rose.

Raindrop shook once more with grief as her eyes landed on a rose, more purple and slightly wilted from being detached from its bush. It reminded her of it all the same.

She rushed over, gingerly picking it up to save it from being trampled and ruined. She flicked her ears as a fresh wave of mourning washed over her as the scent of the rose filled her mouth. Padding back, she placed it behind Stripcloud’s ear, the petals laying on his cheek. The dark purple complimented the gray of his pelt, Breezekit walked over and looked at the flower, before looking at Raindrop sympathetically. He laid his tail on Stripecloud briefly before padding back beside Raindrop and sitting with her in comforting silence.

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