Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 07:12:25

Slateleaf Mentions:
Directly: Quietshadow

Slateleaf’s tail flicked harder with every collected word that escaped Quietshadow’s mouth, never rising in tone or wavering. Slateleaf hissed at her when she finished, ”You seem incapable of getting mad!” Slateleaf finally snapped, ”Picking on cats is no fun if there’s no anger!” She stopped herself, realizing that she had started to whine. She wasn’t a kit! What was this?

No matter, ”What clan? You’ve been here about three moons. If anything, you were gone for your kit’s entire life. Now where does that sound familiar?” Her voice had become sarcastic, Slateleaf finally ceded her chatter. Snarling, she lept at this cat, rage bubbling over at how she could possibly such a good cat. Such an excellent display of redemption. How she could be accepted back but Slateleaf, killed on the spot. How were they different? The reason escaped the Dark Forest shecat.

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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 07:12:37 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 14:08:25


Glade | Dark Forest Warrior | Invading United Clans | Mentions: Harefeather (D), Lioncloud (ID)

Glade felt the blood running down his claws, and felt shock for a moment in realizing that he killed his nephew. He jumped back into the bushes, his ears flat against his head when he heard a caterwaul, other cats related to Clearsong running over to mourn for him. He looked around the battlefield, seeing all of the destruction. When he wanted to be happy, was this what he visioned? Death, and darkness everywhere? No..
He just wanted to rule. He never wanted to kill anyone. He only did it to get what he wanted. Power. And now, look what it costed him..
His family was torn in half, and it was not impossible to stitch it back together.
Glade left the scene, searching to find Harefeather. He noticed the larger queen heading over to help Willowstar and her brother, and crept up behind her. He pulled at her tail, wanting to get her attention.
Harefeather.. I-I.. I need you to come with me. Something terrible has happened. Brokenbone killed Clearsong."
For once, he felt real grief, even in his lie. He wished Clearsong was back, so he could teach the warrior how to be better than what he was. But now.. it will never happen. Simply because it was his fault.
Without waiting, he dragged Harefeather over to the edge of the clearing where the cats were gathered around Clearsong, and he wimpered, "I am so sorry for your loss. He was my nephew.. and I should have been there to protect him. He would have made a great leader one day."
Glade knew he shouldn't spend too much time in the open, when his eyes made contact with none other than the starry pelt of Lioncloud. His heart starting beating twice as fast, and at that moment he knew.
I'm going to die.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 15:31:45

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | Mortally Wounded|Temp. Camp| Mentions: Slateleaf, Amberstone (NPC) (D) Pebblesplash, Clearsong (ID)
Quietshadow sprang forward, meeting Slateleaf’s blow. Somehow, she knew she had already lost. That was okay. She didn’t need to win,or even survive. She had saved her kit. That’s all that mattered. The pounding in her head intensified.
I swore I would die for my kits today.

She wondered which cat would grace her mind before death came knocking.


Memories of them flooded together in a vicious tide, dragging her back in time.

Quietpaw stood next to Amberkit, gently pushing a moss ball toward him.
”Come on. I don’t have anything better to do,” she said, trying to coax him into playing.
”No! I’m too old for that!” Amberkit stomped off, his little tail waving high like a flag. Quietpaw chuckled, biting back her own retort. She sprang up after him.
”Come on, you think your too old? I’m going to be a warrior sooner then you!” the she-cat protested lightly, amused at the kit’s “grown-up attitude”. Amberkit paused, looking back.
”Besides, it will help your hunting skills,” she teased him, flinging the moss back at him.
Amberkit, convinced, caught it and hit it back.
”Okay, one more game.”

”Amberpaw! Amberpaw!” she chanted, her tail sticking up. Quietpaw was so happy to see her friend finally, finally made an apprentice. Of course, Quietpaw’s own warrior ceremony was soon. She padded up to Amberpaw, beaming.
”Finally! Now we can go hunting together and train and EVERYTHING!” words tumbled out her mouth, but she didn’t care.
Amberpaw grinned, flashing her a quick smile.
”I can’t wait.”

“Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?”
”I do.”
”Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Quietpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Quietshadow. We honor you patience and integrity, and we welcome you as a full member of the United Clans.”
Quietshadow’s heart was racing as she licked Thistlestar’s shoulder.
”Quietshadow! Quietshadow! Quietshadow!”
The cheering subsided, and congratulations flooded her.
But the only cat she cared about seeing was Amberpaw. They’d quickly become closer after his apprentice ceremony. She definitely considered him her best friend.
”Congrats, Quietshadow! I’m jealous,” Speak of the cat, Amberpaw appeared at her side.
”It will be your turn soon! Just have something called patience.”
”Patience is overrated.”
”I completely agree,” Quietshadow burst out laughing, and so did Amberpaw, ”But I’ll need it tonight. It’s my vigil.”
”Have fuuuun sitting in the dark in the middle of leafbare. I’m actually happy now that mine isn’t soon,” Amberpaw nudged her, smirking.
”Your pelt is perfect for it, though,” she grumbled. Amberpaw just smiled cheekily at her, and bound off. Quietshadow, still grumbling, took her place at the entrance to camp.

As night fell, Quietshadow grew more and more agitated. Something felt off, almost as if she was being watched. Everytime the newly made warrior turned, nothing but shadows greeted her. Her nerves were fried by the time dawn emerged and her vigil ended. She was about to go to Thistlestar with her concerns when two warrior dragged a shrieking,clawing she-cat in. She had the same scent Quietshadow had smelled during her vigil.
Who is--?
”Slateleaf! What in the name of StarClan are you doing here?!” a cat behind her spat. Slateleaf whipped around, trying to get out of her captor’s grip.
”None of your business!” she hollered back. Another tom stalked up, glaring at her manevoltently.
”You should have stayed gone, you filthy excuse of a cat. What are you doing here?”
Quietshadow shrank into her pelt, nervous. This newcomer seemed oddly familiar.
Slateleaf wirthed around until her eyes locked on Quietshadow’s own. A flare on recoignition flooded through her eyes.
”My you’ve gotten big,” she mused. The grey she-cat could not take it anymore and barged forward.
”How would you know?! I’ve never seen you before in my life,” Quietshadow hissed. A spark of sadness could be seen in the dark she-cat’s eye.
”So the Clan took you too? Fitting. They’ve taken everything else from me. Might as well add my daughter to the mix,” Slateleaf looked away. Quietshadow was left to fester in her shock. My mother was a Clan cat? And an exile? She was in too much shock to process the fights breaking out around her.
She was suddenly snapped out of it by a shriek of rage from Slateleaf and even more fighting.
Eventually, it ended with Slateleaf dead. Eyes turned to her.
”Oh um… Quietshadow, we—“
”She is not my mother.” Quietshadow spat, and kicked the body once before striding into the warriors den. Of course she was related to an exile. The Clan has lied to her. They’d had to known. They’d had too. Why didn’t they warn her?
”Hey,” Amberpaw padded into the den, his eyes bright.
”What are you so happy about?” she snapped, irritated by Amberpaw’s happiness.
”Oh… right sorry. I don’t mean to be… look I know—“
”It’s okay… I’m upset right now. It’s hard finding out your supposedly dead mother shows up and then dies. I don’t know what to do anymore, Amberpaw I just feel so alone.”
”You’re not alone. You have me.” Quietshadow cracked a smile to him.
”Will you stay for a little bit?”
”Of course.” they sat in silence for a few minutes, letting the calm back in.

“Okay, come on. We’ve been mates for a moon now, and haven’t had any nightly excursions forever. Tonight. Please?” Amberstone pouted to Quietshadow, tail waving.
”Alright, alright… tonight I promise.”
Amberstone beamed at her, eyes wide.

Night fell, and Amberstone dragged her to the old RiverClan territory.
”Okay… okay close your eyes…. and open!” Quietshadow opened her eyes, taking in the site. It was a gorgeous place, the clearing with willows and water so dark it looked like the night sky.
”I couldn’t wait to see your face,” he laughed.
”I hope it was worth it… this place is stunning,” Quietshadow walked in a full circle, examining the glade.
”This can be our place. This is where we go when we are sad, our upset. And I’ll always know to meet you here or you will know to meet me here. I know it’s simple but—“
”Say no more, I love it,” she purred. This place-- this place was special. She’d cherish it. Always.

They met there often.
It was where Quietshadow told Amberstone she was expecting kits.
It was where Quietshadow told Amberstone about her dreams of a brother.
It was the last place on Clan Ground that Quietshadow ever visited.
It was the first place she came back to when she found out Amberstone was dead.
”I’m so, so sorry… I never should have left, it was all for nothing, nothing!” Quietshadow paced the clearing, her paws pressing so hard into the earth they left little imprints. She could feel him here. Her tail dusted the cold earth. Last time she’d been here it was greenleaf-ish. Now leaf-bare was approaching… She’d never said goodbye. She’d left them to fantasize over what had happened. She shouldn't be forgiven. But she wanted it. Maybe he’d talk to her here… just maybe...

”Amberstone… I’m still sorry. I love you. Please tell me everything will be alright, please…” but the only thing that answered was the trees as the wind shook them.

Quietshadow was jolted out of the memories with a gasp. Blood was pouring from a wound Slateleaf inflicted. But there was no shock. She staggered back once, twice, then fell. Pain seared her through her chest, and it hurt down to her tail. Quietshadow closed her eyes.
Amberstone raced over to her side as she lay dying.
”I-I I didn’t mean this soon! I want you to stay, Pebblesplash and Clearsong--”
”Sshh… Clear-clearsong… dead…” she coughed, blood staining her chest fur black red, ”It’s… it’s okay. Peb-blesplash will live thro-through Sla-Slateleaf...hopefully… and I’ll s-s-see you later… tonight… at least this time… I’ll s-say good…”
The pain was unbearable. She wanted to scream, but she couldn’t. Pebblesplash will hate me for leaving her again… and this time no brother to lean on. I hope she’ll forgive me again… goodbye daughter. I’ll see you again soon. Amberstone was by her side, gently twining his tail with hers. The battle may be going on around her, but it was over for her. She’d given her life for good. And she would see Amberstone, Clearsong… her friends that she’d left. It had been worth it. She shut her eyes wearily.

I kept my promise.

When death finally came, Quietshadow let it come.

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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 15:32:24 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-10 17:32:42


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Mumblepaw(ID), Horsetail, Willowstar, Wolffang, Stagthorn(ID), Blossomheart(ID), Honeyfrost(ID), Open!

Snowstorm backed away as Aldershade swatted him and hissed. The other tom clearly needed some time to get over the initial shock and grief. As much as he wanted to continue his mourning for his brother, he knew he had duties to the alive cats. He closed his eyes against a wave of grief, letting out a low, mourning yowl. Taking a breath to steel himself, the white medicine cat turned and ran for the medicine cat den. Mercifully, no cat tried to fight nor stop him. Once inside, he was surprised to see all the cats gathered there. His eyes fell upon Willowstar and Wolffang, and his heart wrenched painfully. He carefully approached them, they needed to know first. "W-Willowstar, Wolffang... S-Softsong." He paused, his throat closing. It was almost like he still tried to refuse the truth. "S-Softsong... H-He's... He's dead..." He finally said. He felt his chest tighten with pain and he knew he had to get his paws on some goatweed, and quick.

The white medicine cat left the two siblings to handle the news alone, knowing they could comfort each other better than he could. His tail drooped as he carefully made his way to the herb store. He located the little goatweed they had gathered, making sure to take only the minimum requirement. More cats would need this. He then turned to the rest of the cats. "Softsong is dead... M-More cats are too." He informed. He looked at Horsetail, wishing he had time to sneak away with the other tom for comfort and a safe cat to grieve with. He had no such luxury, so instead turned back to the herbs and grabbed some thyme, and a little more goatweed. He was worried that Aldershade would leave soon, and if his worries were correct, he wanted him to at least have had the herbs to help with the grief and shock over losing Softsong.

He approached Horsetail, hoping he would not mind him talking to him while he was busy. "I'll help soon here, I promise, b-but Aldershade... He needs me now." He informed. "I don't want to be too late... We may lose him." He added, hoping it was a good enough excuse to be away for so long. He dipped his head apologetically, then rushed outside again.

The white tom made his way across camp swiftly, only one goal in mind. He finally got back to Aldershade and paused a little distance away from him. "Herbs, to help you. P-Please let me help." He mewed. He took one step closer to the other tom, making sure to show off the herbs he had brought with him.

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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 17:34:16 by The Cat Prince(Clean) (#117962)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 17:55:02


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|\/\/|Lioncloud|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Glade|Mentions Indirectly: Harefeather, Pebblesplash|Location: Camp

Lioncloud leaned back and his eyes followed Pebblesplash, as the she-cat ran off. His gaze narrowed and he shook his head, more to himself than anyone else. His right paw was still on Earthquake's shoulder, patting him. A sudden twinge right behind his ears hit him, almost as is someone had grabbed him. For several heartbeats he was confused, then realized that it must be Lionkit. His blue eyes scanned his surroundings, he hoped the kit's body was safe. He needed to hurry, finish with his business, and return Lionkit back to his body.
As his gaze had swept over the camp, his eyes fell on Harefeather. The she-cat was expecting Clearsong's kits, Lioncloud's heart went out to her. She was going to have to be brave now. As his blue eyes looked passed Harefeather, his eyes landed on a familier siamese pelt. Anger stirred in the large tom. Lioncloud took a large gulp of air and his paw slowly retracted from his son's shoulder. Looking down to Earthquake, he gave the brown and white tom a kind, fatherly smile, "I'll be right back." As he got to his paws, he nodded to Harefeather, "Comfort her, she'll need it", the large calico tom told his kit.
Lioncloud then slowly turned on his heels and started to slowly walk forward. His starry blue eyes where transfixed on Glade. As he walked closer to the siamese cat, the large calico's speed and anger increased. By the time he was a meer tail length away from Glade, his eyes were narrowed in rage and ha had his fangs bared, a snarl coming from his mouth and his claws digging into the ground, as his ran now at top speed. Within a few more heartbeats, he was towering over the smaller siamese tom. "Glade!!", Lioncloud bellowed, as he jumped. He was no longer an elder, but a Starclan warrior. He was still a massive cat, but now his muscles felt like they had when he was a warrior, his claws and fangs where also both razor sharp again.
His jump did not land on Glade, he had not wanted to pin the tom, instead he landed left of the siamese cat. Using all of his weight, he slashed at the tom's face. Whether he made contact or not, he did not care, Lioncloud was already preparing the next attack. Using the momentum from his slash, Lioncloud spun and kicked at Glade with his hind legs. Quickly backing off, the large Starclan warrior snarled. "That", Lioncloud said, pointing to the lifeless body of Clearsong, "Was your work, wasn't it?" At the end of his sentence, Lioncloud's words had grown into a roar. He had been livid enough, knowing that... that this sack of fur, had killed him and then taken charge of the clan. But to also have this cat kill one of his kin, his grandkit. Lioncloud would never, never forgive him.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 18:13:53


Pebblesplash|20 moons| (minor) Injured| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: (ID) Slateleaf, Earthquake, Lioncloud (ID)Amberstone (NPC)
Pebblesplash opened her eyes as the tightness finally eased. She could breathe again, without coughing. And she wished she could shut them again.

Quietshadow was facing off with Slateleaf. They were exchanging words, until Slateleaf broke and…

No. Not again.

Quietshadow stumbled and fell almost in slow motion. Slateleaf was… enjoying this.
Amberstone was suddenly there, holding Quietshadow as she died.

Pebblesplash wailed suddenly, her emotions exploding out of her. She wanted to run to her mother, apologize. But Slateleaf was still there. Pebblesplash didn’t want to face her again. Reluctantly, she backed off.

She turned to Clearsong again and stiffened. After all the events… it had slipped her mind. Pebblesplash collapsed in a feeble heep next to him again. She didn’t see if Earthquake and Lioncloud were still there.

”I couldn’t save her! I’m sorry, I’m so,so sorry… Please tell Quietshadow I forgive her! Tell her I’m sorry, tell her I love her, tell her…” she trailed off.

Pebblesplash gripped her brother’s fur once more, “sobbing” into it. How was it her mother, father, and brother all died before she broke twenty moons? How was it she was present for all of them?

Amberstone’s death came back to her in a flash. She remembered tracking him with Clearsong- Clearpaw at the time and arriving just after the monster hit. They’d been too late.

”Why must everyone I care about die?” She moaned softly.

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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 18:15:16 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-02-10 18:32:18

Blossomheart~23 moons~Warrior~Very Injured~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, Stormflight (NPC), *OPEN*

A tom who's scent she couldn't recognize pulled her by the scruff. She grunted to let them know that she was still alive, but not by much. She was placed in a nest, she couldn't mistake the feel of moss. In the matter of a tail flick Horsetail's scent joined the unknown tom's, before seeds were being fed to her. She lapped them up weakly, but knew with Horsetail's instruction the tom must be doing the right, and best, thing for her. Their muffled words buzzed in her ears.

Harefeather~14 Moons~Warrior~Healthy ;)~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Glade, Willowstar (ID), Wolffang (ID), Lioncloud (ID), *OPEN*

Harefeather had just got close enough to Willowstar and Wolffang to consider it safe, when a scream pierced her ears and heart. She was froze in place with horror upon hearing it, but she hoped she was wrong. She hoped, pleaded, and begged in the matter of a mouse whisker twitch that it wasn’t. She wanted to turn around and find the cat that had caused him enough pain to scream like that, but her paws were frozen to the ground. She had never desired to harm a cat like she had in that moment, but her body didn’t react. Something heavy rested on her heart, making her chest twist in the worst pain she had ever felt. Her head whirled, his scream the only thing she could hear, and the pain in her chest being the only thing she could feel. A tug on her tail made her slowly turn around to see the last cat on earth--well one of them at least, standing there: Glade. His words fell on numb ears, but two words rung clear in them, echoing in her head. ”..killed Clearsong.” Her fears had been confirmed. Her beloved is gone. So soon, and before they had a chance to see their kits. To have a chance to even celebrate the fact that they are having kits! She mumbled something to Glade, a mumble of, true, nonsense, or a thank you, she wouldn’t ever remember.

She got lost in the sound of the scream, those words, '...killed Clearsong', echoing after the scream before repeating, and the agonizing feeling that lay on her heart, for Starclan knows how long, before becoming aware that her numb body had slowly made the trek in the direction of the small gathering of cats. Pebblesplash, Earthquake, and Lioncloud huddled around a cat on the ground, but Harefeather didn’t need anyone to tell her who lay there. The pain in her chest worsened. She stopped a tail length behind Pebblesplash, and Earthquake, as she wasn’t sure she was ready to see the full force of the truth that lay in front of her. Her legs shook horribly as she took the last few steps she needed, before seeing the horrible, sadistic, sinical scene that lay in front of her. How he laid unnatural, so uncharacteristic, so...dead. The only thing her heart and body could fathom to do as a response, was to let out a shrill and truly heartbreaking yowl.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 18:45:12

Slateleaf Mentions:
Directly: Quietshadow

Slateleaf hissed maliciously as she dug her canines into her daughter’s throat, revelling in the gasping breaths and feebly flailing paws of her daughter. She had tried so hard to make Quietshadow into the right type of cat, but in the end she was just as weak and pathetic as the rest of them. She huffed, snarling at Pebblesplash to keep back before she turned tail back to Clearsong’s body.


Slateleaf’s claws curled as she hopped off of Quietshadow, prowling back into the shadows. He was another bit of potential lost to ideals and loyalties. ”Clearsong! You coward!” She spat, ”Taking the easy way out like always!”

Her eyes had been glazed with fury as she walked, when suddenly she ran into a wall of fur. Her eyes went wide for a moment, before narrowing again. She smirked her eyes portraying her excitement as she looked up, recognising the pelt of the stocky, orange-and-white tabby tom that loomed over her.

”Hello, dear.” She couldn’t help to chuckle for a moment at the timing.

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions:
Directly: Slateleaf, Pebblesplash, Harefeather, Earthquake, Lioncloud
Indirectly: Quietshadow, Softsong, Sunstar, Willowstar, Whorlpaw

Clearsong's head pounded. The scar on his face sent hot lava across his muzzle as his vision swirled. He felt his body get jerked around, and suddenly felt solid ground beneath his feet yet his vision was etched in black. Clearsong fell on his rear, Make it stop. Make it stop. Emerald green eyes pierced the haze that enveloped Clearsong's vision, they looked sympathetic, they looked warm. The feeling of suffocation stopped and his sight cleared to reveal Slateleaf sitting in front of him. Her fur was splattered in blood, and her eyes gleamed with a wild light. Her face was contorted into a sadistic smile, yet her eyes still showed sympathy. No... That was pity.

Something was off however, he felt light- lighter than normal- and he couldn’t feel the cold breeze ruffle his fur. He felt strong, yet not entirely existing.

As Clearsong’s attention wavered, a shrill laugh broke from her, Clearsong stared in horror at the blood staining on her teeth. Eventually she calmed down, "It's so thrilling!" Slateleaf cried, her tail curling in satisfaction.

"Your family. It's so dysfunctional! The look on Pebblesplash's face when her mother died! You'd think she never hated her!" The glittering excitement that bounced in Slateleaf's eyes sent a cold rush through Clearsong's veins.

”Quietshadow’s dead?” Clearsong’s voice shook with shock. Speaking was odd to him for some reason, he couldn’t remember what had happened after Glade had attacked him, but he hadn’t expected that of all things to have happened when he passed out.

Slateleaf stared, confused for a moment, before realization crossed her gaze. Her eyes lit with amusement and she howled with laughter. ”Oh that’s right! You died before you could even get to witness my victory over that worthless rat.”

“Dead?” Clearsong’s feeling of this all being mystical made him feel detached, almost. His eyes widened in realization, he remembered the fight, Glade leaving him to die, Pebblesplash’s cries of grief, his last words.

He was dead...

"Honey, look at yourself!" Slateleaf whined disapprovingly, "You’re covered in stars. Disgust was apparent on her features as her lip curled. "It’s not too late to turn back, though."

The scar on his face burned from her presence. Clearsong wanted to shrink back, to get away, this cat was dangerous. He could see that all too clearly now. Clearsong shook his head, taking a moment to stare, dumbfounded at her pelt. The blood of two cats, not one mixed in her fur.

This cat had killed his mother and his friend.

Sure, Quietshadow was quick tempered and not exactly the most trustworthy cat of the bunch, but she had proved herself loyal to the clan time and time again over these past few weeks. She had died at the paws of this demon, no one could doubt she would go to Starclan.

”What’s wrong honey?” Slateleaf fixed her stare on Clearsong, padding forward and wreathing around him, rubbing her scent onto him. Clearsong cringed as the stickiness from the blood on her transferred to his own translucent fur, making it stick up in red and orange clumps. ”I wouldn’t dream of hurting you, if that’s what you think!” Slateleaf’s voice seemed hurt, however her maniac eyes betrayed otherwise. She sat in front of him, tilting her head, ”Those cats I killed were traitors! Betrayers! Their loyalty wavered to you and your clan time and time again. They deserved what they got.” The innocence in her voice vanished as she lowered her head in a growl. ”It was all to protect you! All for you! My favorite kin. We could have ruled this clan together. You were so close too, becoming deputy! If only the leaders hadn’t woken up. If only you hadn’t died…” Slateleaf trailed off, a contemplating look crossed her gaze.

”What do you care about loyalty to this clan?” Clearsong began, ”I thought…” He was light headed, in a stupor. ”I thought I could trust you. I thought people misunderstood you. I thought your intentions were good…” He got to his feet, subconsciously as he went on. ”I thought you were trying to protect me. I thought you meant well. I thought…”

”You thought correctly!” Slateleaf interjected. ”I do want to protect you! I do want to help! It’s just, I get frustrated when people try to stop you. I-” Slateleaf’s voice shook with hurt.

”Stop filling my head with lies and deceit! I can't take it anymore!” Clearsong spat, cutting her off. ”I should have known, trusting a Dark Forest cat, I’m just as absurd as you are.” He hissed, padding nose to nose with the slate colored she cat. ”I see past your charade now, Slateleaf. You’re an old, weary grandmother seeking validation from at least one of her kin. Each one turned you down, but when I needed help, you took advantage, manipulating me to wits end. I believed you, I had no choice. Accepting you in was my first mistake, trusting you, my second, letting you get away with it will not be my third.”

Clearsong unsheathed his claws, baring his teeth in a malicious snarl. It didn’t matter who this cat was to him, he’d be better off living with a tick infested pelt than with this maniac. His tail lashed, once, twice, then he lept. Using his size to his advantage again, he tried to barrel into her, but she saw it coming. Dodging left, she gave a smile. This time, however, the true nature showed through. ”I’ve done nothing for you but help, and each time you turned away from it, held back. Because you have these damned ‘morals’ that benefit everyone but yourself.” Clearsong had lept again, harder because of her words. He rolled the sleek, muscly cat onto her stomach and dug at her belly fur with his hind claws. Her form was unlike those he had fought before. Other dark forest cats had an off kind of airiness to them, when he cut into them they didn’t bleed.

At least, not this kind of blood. This was the blood of a living cat, partially murkey with the taint of the Dark Forest.

How much of Clearsong’s living body had Slatelead already consumed? Was she growing real while Clearsong slowly died? The thought of it made his skin crawl. “Protection.” Yeah, that was protection, alright.

Slateleaf twisted under him, her bloody pelt now mixing with her own blood. Her eyes shone with unmistakable envy, ”You had it all. You have it all. We could have gone so much further together. It’s not too late, believe me! You still have time to rule!” Her pleading words were mixed with a persuasive croon, ”Accept me. Let me lead you fully. You don’t have be alive to work together with me! You’ll see what I mean, these cats have been lying to you! There is so much you don’t know!” Slateleaf made no attempt to fight back or escape anymore, not with Clearsong so set on pinning her.

Clearsong hesitated at her words, doubt flooding his mind. What if she was telling the truth? Have I been wrong? Have I really been believing the wrong cats? He looked at Slateleaf again, fixing her with a contemplative stare. Look at that envious look, she wants to take control and lead you to your clan’s destruction. How could you think of believing her? You’re betraying your clan. Clearsong was washed with guilt, his loyalties were with his family- his clan was his family!

Slateleaf saw his eyes grow distracted. Taking advantage of this moment, she surged her body, throwing Clearsong off balance and turning the tables. She swiped at his legs, hooking her paw around one and tugging him to the ground. Pressing on his back to keep him down, she lowered her head over his large ears, her muzzle inches from it. ”You could have power. You wouldn’t be betraying them, they could rule at your side! I could rule at your side! All you have to do is say ‘yes.’ ”

Clearsong’s mind flickered with indecision, his choice could affect the clan immensely. Should he stay loyal to his clan and leaders, or listen to his aching heart? His mind flashed, he wanted power, he wanted to rule and lead the clan to greatness. Ambition filled his gaze. ”...What would I have to do…?”

”Kill them.” Slateleaf whispered, venom dripping from her words. ”Kill Sunstar and Willowstar. Accept me in. We can rule together, and Glade will guide us!”

Clearsong felt claws start to pierce his skin as Slateleaf spoke. Say no. Don’t do this Clearsong. Think about your kits, your family. Not your blood family- your actual family: the clan. They raised you since birth, protected you, taught you, lead you. Don’t turn your back on them, no noble leader would do that. The voice in his head was achingly familiar, why did it make his heart ache?

Fragments of his life flashed before his eyes.

Clearkit and Pebblekit scuffled outside the warrior’s den. Sunflare watched, amusement glittering in his eyes as Pebblekit got distracted and started playing with his tail.

Clearpaw limped into the medicine den, whining about the splinter embedded deep in his paw. “Horsetail it hurts!” Horsetail turned around, took one look at Clearpaw, and scoffed. “Well, what in Starclan did you do to get it so deep?” He grumbled, padding forward to inspect his paw.

Willowheart gazed sympathetically at Clearpaw and Pebblepaw as Amberstone mourned the loss of his mate. Padding forward, she leaned against the two apprentices, “It’ll get better. It’s okay.” Clearpaw nuzzled deep into her fur, glad for her comfort.

Sunstar and Willowstar smiled down at the two newly made warriors, Clearsong puffed out his chest whilst Pebblesplash gave herself a shy lick. Clearsong locked eyes with Earthquake. He was sitting next to Lioncloud, the two shouted their names loudest of all of the cats.

"I think Honeyfrost is most capable of doing the addressing, seeing as you are retired after all." Clearsong flicked the elder's ears teasingly, a sly smile breaking on his face. "I dunno Honeyfrost, you think good ol' lovable Lioncloud could manage to get to the low hanging branch on the oak over there?" He teased with a purr.


Clearsong let out a long sigh as he saw Softsong emerge from the tunnels. He closed his eyes for a moment, then padded forward. "Look," he started, "I know you're a warrior now and you don't need supervision, but-” he flicked his tail to the two worried cats behind him, "you can't just run off like that. You half scared us all to death thinking you could get lost or drown in a tunnel flood with the storm that seems to be coming." He stepped back a bit, "But I'm glad you're okay."


Pebblesplash took a deep breath, "Clearsong, I... I know that this isn't going to make up for what I did, but I am so sorry. I should not have done what I did to you. I let Glade drive a wedge between us... and I have to live with the consequences. I nearly killed you, Clearsong. I don't know why, or how, but I know... I know I wouldn't have done that, had I had a clear head on me. Anyway, I hope you can... forgive me.”

Honeyfrost looked from Earthquake to Clearsong. “No, don't apologize you two. What happened just now was of none of your control and you shouldn't apologize for something you couldn't stop.”

“We’re having kits!” Harefeather smiled, a bright light in her eyes.

Shaking, Clearsong was brought back to the present, Slateleaf’s expectant eyes bore into him. Some of those events, he didn’t remember happening, others, dug long claws in his thoughts. Each thought brought up a new cat, an important figure, a clanmate, a friend, a mate…

Clearsong scrunched his eyes shut, he didn’t want to see Slateleaf’s emerald gaze anymore, but her claws still pricked his spine. Her breath was still hot on his ear. Her presence was strong, his muzzle burned hot. Clearsong shook his head aggressively, ”Please, get off of me. He growled, cold contempt in his voice. Slateleaf obliged, backing away and sitting in front of him, a wicked smile curled across her face.

”So you’ve decided.” A purr rumbled deep in her throat, it sounded metallic, rough, like she hadn’t done it in a long while.

”I have.” Clearsong sat up, locking his gaze on her. He smiled back, an eerie smile, one that disfigured his features. His eyes glowed with a wild look, and a chuckle erupted from him. ”You know, I never thought I’d stoop to your level…”

Slateleaf’s tail curled up in delight, ”You’re going to accept? Good. I knew I made the right decision about you, you’re much more tolerant than your other family members, though I have to say, Glade came pretty close.”

Clearsong sat steady in his spot as the she cat started rambling, his grin never wavering. Long seconds passed in between blinks as he stared at Slateleaf.

”Clearsong? Are you alright? Why do I still sense a barrier on you?”

Clearsong started to laugh, his teeth were white, his eyes glowed an icy blue. If nearby cats hadn’t noticed the pair, they surely would have now hadn’t it been for the shadows that covered the pair. He stood, chuckles still slipping out from time to time, stalking toward Slateleaf. ”The most peculiar thing I’ve noticed since you’ve been present, is that you have no patience. You’re erratic.”

”Erratic?” Slateleaf paused, confusion and feigned shock clouding her gaze.

”I guess that’s how all Dark Forest cats are, huh?” Clearsong sighed, padding around Slateleaf in long, slow steps, his tail flicking. ”I guess I am like you then.”

He unsheathed his claws this time, leaping for Slateleaf’s throat. She matched him stride for stride, ducking out of the way and rolling right. She had no choice but to play the defensive. The pair was evenly matched, for every swipe Clearsong took, Slateleaf dodged, and Clearsong got angrier. He’d have to get crafty. He weaved right, aiming a blow for her head and watching her ready herself to defend. At the last moment however, Clearsong shifted his weight on his paws and lept for Slateleaf’s back. He pinned her down, however Slateleaf wiggled free.

”A traitor!” She screeched, lunging forward, ”Every last one of you, you Starclan-loving maggots!”

Clearsong fell back and Slateleaf caught his ear in her jaw, crunching down. He yowled in pain, the cartilage breaking, feeling his starry ear fold down. ”All you are is a smooth talking pile of mange with nothing better to do but to terrorize her own kin.” Clearsong hissed through clenched teeth, bunching his muscles once more to leap again. He saw a golden liquid start to drip in front of his eye, he flicked his head to move it.

”You’re just like me.” Slateleaf said, a mocking tone in her voice. ”A strong warrior that can’t think for himself and has to rely on others to do it for him.” Slateleaf came forward again, her eyes gleaming. ”You’re just like me. A cat so overwhelmed with self doubt, you can’t decide if the better choice is loyalty, or killing your kin and clanmates.” Her words were sculpted, crisp, sharp. They stuck like daggers no matter how hard Clearsong tried to ignore it. ”You are just like me. Wishing the best for your clan but so desperately wanting to rule that you go insane. You kill your mate. You get exiled. You think your daughter is dead and mourn her for moons. You find the cats who had stolen your daughter. They won't give her back. You fight desperately, but you know deep down that no one could ever believe you. You can’t take on the whole of United Clans at once. Your daughter’s “father” attacks you. You die at your daughter’s feet, she doesn’t even know how much her mother cared, or the feeling of burning hatred she gets when her daughter spits on and kicks her dead corpse and leaves her to rot with the crows.” Slateleaf’s cooing taunts turned into shaky breaths as her eyes glazed from comparing the two of them. She shook, and Clearsong knew this wasn't about him anymore.

”I swore in that moment to make her regret everything. She would leave her kits. I’d tell her to. I’d promise her false wishes that would ultimately bring her back to a clan of cats that hates her. To kits that loathe her. All she wanted was reconciliation, but she got a savage death by the same cat she had thrown into the river so long ago. I made her pay. I made her regret it! She learned her lesson in that very moment!” Slateleaf’s voice had risen to a loud roar, her muzzle drawn back into a terrifying snarl that kept Clearsong riveted in his spot.

"You’re just like me. Just like me. Dying for what you think is a good cause, but it’s inevitably just another passing soul from mortal to astral planes. You’ll be forgotten in a couple of moons, not talked about, your image not cared for enough. You’ll find yourself, moons later, your story almost completely gone, you being almost completely gone, when, for some freak reason, someone remembers you. And you’re brought back." Slateleafs growl grew deeper, her snarl more ferocious, her claws dug deeper. "But they don’t remember your good qualities. They remember you as a villian." Her voice started to rise again, her loathing and malice pouring out as she spoke. She took deep breaths between words as her eyes burned with hatred. Clearsong’s ears were flat against his head.

"You have to come back to this miserable world- this miserable excuse for a life- without any redeeming qualities. You’re remembered as the monster that left her kit behind to die, not as the mother that spent twenty moons trying to find her." Her voice was starting to break and sound grievous, however she kept up her anger for as long as she spoke. "The only memories you’re retrieved after such long desperation was when you killed your mate. When you lost your kit. When you spent every. Aching. Hour. Of your postmortem life seeking revenge, because you knew you were blamed for ‘Murder’ and ‘Abandoning your kit.’ For being exiled because you not only called out your leader for his stupidity, but had the entire clan believe your mate wasn’t lying and decisive. That he wasn’t going to kill yourself if you hadn’t gotten to him first." Slateleaf seemed to grow tired from her anger, she relaxed her crouch into a sit and weakened her features.

”You see? Were just like each other. We’re the same.” Her voice weakened as Slateleaf met his gaze, a mournful smile on her muzzle. It somehow made him more irritated.

”Don’t you agree, Clearsong?”

He stayed silent, his claws digging deeper into the dirt as his tail lashed.

Slateleaf pressed, ”Both of our families left us. We both were driven to believe we were worthless, that we needed to prove ourselves. If you’re not careful, you’ll be forgotten, too. You’ll end up like me.”

Clearsong’s tail lashed in quick flicks. She’s the reason they’re dead. She’ll kill more if she has to. Its her fault. Her fault.

”Agree with me!” She suddenly hissed, claws digging into the cold soil as she leaned forward.

How much more of this will I have to endure? How much? I don’t want it. I don’t need it.

Slateleaf’s gaze suddenly softened, her charade fell and her ears flattened in sadness. She backed away, sitting down and bowing her head. It was another scheme of manipulation, it had to be.

She’s worse than death.

”You don’t seem to want this… My offer...” She whispered, suddenly, recognition filled her voice.

Accepting her deal will only make it worse.

”You know what, just ignore my offer… It’s a bad idea anyway...”

She deserves it.

Slateleaf looked up at Clearsong, ”Clearsong? I...”

Do it.

”Clearsong I’m sorry.”

Kill her.

”Im so, so sorry. I… What I did… It was horrible…” Her round eyes filled with regret, as if she had suddenly been flooded with guilt. ”I think… I think I see why you forgave Quietshadow…”

” ‘Sorry won't cut it.’ “ Clearsong quoted in a growl.

Slateleaf flattened her ears, looking away ”I know. And I don’t deserve forgiveness, I’ve-”

She was cut off with a startled yowl as Clearsong bowled into her, jaws snapping at the air where her neck used to be. His claws dug deep into her flesh, his paws growing warm from the sticky, murky red blood that started to ooze from the puncture wounds.

Slateleaf made no effort to defend herself.

Clearsong slashed and dug, watching as deep lacerations formed all over her pelt. Her legs were bruised to the point where she staggered when she tried to sit up, fur was missing in large patches, her ear became shredded, and blood pooled around her. Clearsong kept her pinned to the cold ground, blood bubbling around where his claws resided, embedded in Slateleaf’s fur. This cat had ruined his family, tore them apart, and left them divided. Those around him were forced to choose between believing some crazy cat screaming “possession” or turn against him and fear being attacked themselves. Now, he had met his demon face-to-face. He had heard her story: a sad, sob tale that had about as much merit to it as a wolf in a sheep’s pen. Did she expect him to feel sorry for her? ‘After all she had done for him.’ Clearsong spat at the thought, his eyes blazing wild fury.

”Just… Just finish it..” Slateleaf murmured, pausing to hiss loudly as the adrenaline rush subsided and she was rushed with the pain of Clearsong’s attack. ”End this!” She shrieked, writhing in pain, ”Make it stop! Clearsong, stop this, please! End my suffering you worthless-”

The rest of her taunt would never be heard.

Clearsong stood growling, a burning fire in his eyes, as blood dripped from his raised claw. Slateleaf lay choking, gurgling on her own blood, the slash that was drawn across her throat spilled blood that mixed with the soil beneath her. The once snowy ground had been stained red and turned to slush. A putrid black fog, smelling heavily of sulfur and iron, rose from her body.

A whisper.

Brought on the breeze.

"Thank you…”

And then she was gone.

Nothing but a scarlet puddle and fur that had manifested in the real world.

But there was no body.

She was gone. Slateleaf was finally gone. However, something deep inside of Clearsong told him that he may never be free of her voice for as long as he lived… Until he’d eventually die again himself...

”A sob tale.” He hissed, backing away with a twitch of his broken ear.

A few tail lengths away, he saw Pebblesplash watching him. He looked at her evenly, before the reality of what had just happened hit him. His eyes widened as he looked back at the spot where Slateleaf was killed. He… killed her.

His eyes narrowed.

He’d freed himself.

That was not something to regret.

Turning around, his eyes met with three cats leaning over- Oh.

Clearsong sucked in a breath, padding out of the undergrowth and to his body. The sight of himself, dead on the ground, made him shiver. He tentatively placed a paw on his body, feeling a whisper of a touch on his starry form. This was eerie. He closed his eyes, before looking up again.

Clearsong’s starry form rushed over to where Harefeather, Pebblesplash, and Earthquake stood together. He stared at them sadly, his breath shaky. He curled around the three of them and purred in grief.

”I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I’m sorry.” It was all he could say, all he could form, as he felt his being get drawn toward Starclan’s hunting grounds. The battle didn’t need him, he’d go to Starclan and wait as long as it took for the two of them.

”Earthquake, thank you for everything you’ve done. Please continue to watched over Pebblesplash for me.” He padded forward, his heart aching strongly as he pressed his forehead into his adoptive father’s chest, as he did when he was an apprentice. After a moment, he turned around and looked at Pebblesplash and Harefeather. ”Pebblesplash, help Harefeather with our kits, and watch over Whorlpaw for me.”

A sad smile curled on his muzzle, he looked for his former apprentice, wanting to talk to her once more before he officially joined Starclan, however his tail sagged a bit when he didn’t see her. He looked back, finally at Harefeather. ”Harefeather, mother our kits with more love than you could ever manifest for me.” Clearsong curled around the three, tightly, one last time.

”I love all of you so, so much.”

Looking up, he caught Lioncloud’s eye beside Sunstar for a moment and smiled. A solemnly warm feeling washed over him.

And then they were gone. His vision was bathed in white as he saw Starclan’s forest, eternally in bloom. A familiar orange pelt sat next to a smaller, dark gray pelt, wrapped around each other. They watched as Clearsong joined their midst.

”We won't ever leave you again.” Amberstone said to him sadly.

”They’ll grieve for a while, but your kits will bring them solace.” Quietshadow added.

”And they will have each other.” Clearsong finished, his voice cracking.

Clearsong padded forward and curled around the two of them, his heart breaking. He let out a long wail of grief as he felt his mother and his father hold him tighter.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 19:30:27


Glade | Dark Forest Warrior | Invading United Clans | Mentions: Lioncloud (D), Clearsong (ID), Slateleaf (ID), Quietshadow (ID)

Glade watched in stunned silence at what was happening before him. His sister was killed at the hands of his mother. Slateleaf attacking those she wanted to protect. All of the words that came tumbling out of Slateleaf's mouth, and the retaliation of Clearsong's starry form. He felt a bit better knowing that the dead warrior wasn't truly gone, but his heart became bitter. This was all his fault.
As soon as he turned away, he was met with the blazing fire of Lioncloud's eyes. The Siamese shrank, when all of a sudden, a feeling came over him. Why did he have to take sides with his mother? Simply because she was your mother. You're not bound to her anymore. You can make your own destiny. Right your wrongs, be the good guy, and maybe... maybe you'll be a leader one day. The right kind of leader.
His thoughts were cut off when Lioncloud jumped at him. He veered out of the way at the last second, but he was still startled.
"I-.. I didn't want to! I had to! Slateleaf made me do it!"
A shadow went over his gaze, and he accepted the snarl from the starry warrior. He deserved it.
"I wanted to be loved. I wanted to lead my family to greatness. But someone beat me to it."


Runningkit pounced on Quietkit, nipping at her ears. He pinned her down, holding his head high. "Surrender, you stinky rogue! I am Runningstar, the leader of this clan, and you will never defeat me!"


Runningkit felt a sharp pain in his neck as a large cat picked him up. He mewed, not sure what was happening. "Where are we going?" His voice was met with a hiss, and he went quiet. He was taken through the trees, through parts of the forest that all looked foreign to him, and he wanted to cry for his mum.
Within a moment, he was dropped on the ground, and the large cat who had been holding him disappeared.
"Mum? Where are you?" He mewled, crying in the middle of a small clearing.


"From now on, you will only call me by the name of Glade, so remember it well. Now.. TELL ME, WHERE ARE THE UNITED CLANS?!"
He slashed the neck of a loner he had once asked for help as a kit, and looked at the body with disgust. He left with the flick of his tail, his loner allies following him.


"Follow me, and I'll lead you home."
Glade woke with a start. His paws pushed him up, and without even eating, he started walking. He never looked back.

Glade gulped, the memories pouring back into him. He pushed them away for so long, not knowing that he had become such a monster, simply because nobody wanted him. He would die knowing that no one truly wanted him.
"Kill me, Lioncloud. Maybe there's something waiting for me beyond this forest. Maybe one day, you'll both forgive me."
He walked right up to Lioncloud, defiance in his gaze. "You know what will happen if you don't. Every mind of the Dark Forest goes into madness. You can't stop the inevitable."
He hissed louder, "Do it! SAVE YOUR CLAN! OR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-10 20:28:53


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Harefeather (D), Slateleaf, Earthquake, Quietshadow (ID)
Pebblesplash turned to see Harefeather- oh. Harefeather let out a piercing wail like her own. It tore her heart up. She forced herself up and stumbled over. She locked eye contact with Harefeather.
”I… I…” the words didn’t come. How could she talk to Clearsong’s mate? Pebblesplash should have been there for him.

Her attention was brought to Slateleaf… fear drenched her, thinking she was coming back to finish what she’d started. But then the dark grey she-cat crashed into an orange tabby.


He was here… as a StarClan cat. He looked like he had in life. Pebblesplash wanted to run to him, and ask him why and how. But he was engaged with Slateleaf.

She watched them squabble, unable to tear her gaze away. Then they full out fought. Kind of. Then…

Clearsong killed Slateleaf.

The fear in her chest released, and maybe she would be able to rest a little easier knowing Quietshadow had been avenged. Then shocked replaced her emotions. Clearsong killed Slateleaf. They’d been working as a joint unit forever and now…

Slateleaf deserved every ounce pain she got. Subconsciously, she felt her paw massage her neck. She dropped it as Clearsong turned around to face them. At first nothing changed. But then shock replaced his features too.

He padded over, and tentatively touched his body. Then he began speaking to them. But everything was so underwater… she caught phrases, but all she could think about was what had happened in the last three moons.

I love all of you so much.

Pebblesplash was running forward, just wanting to say goodbye—

Then he was gone.


”Wait! Please! Clearsong! I can’t do this without you! Clearsong! CLEARSONG! she couldn’t yell anymore. Her throat hurt from all the screaming she’d done for the dead.

Pebblesplash returned to his body, and hugged it again. This was as close as she could get.

Why did you leave? StarClan, why did you take him?

”You promised…” the grieving she-cat found herself saying to her brother.

She lifted her head and saw Quietshadow’s body just fox lengths away. She feebly reached for it. As if she could bring them back by being near them. Like they would suddenly start coughing and stand up, like nothing happened.

But she could only hear her own sobs and the other cries around her.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-10 20:45:11


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Breezekit(NPC)

Stripecloud knew Breezekit was right. But the feeling wasn't going away. He looked up at Raindrop. He didn’t want to drag her down. He didn’t think he could. Stripecloud hated telling others how he felt. Especially cats he cared about. He felt like exposing himself would drag them down into his miserable pit of unhappiness.
“Yeah, your probably right. Thanks. Also, who are you?" He looked to Breezekit. He still didn't know who he was. But by the looks of it, he was the brother Raindrop had mentioned before. Maybe...

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Edited on 10/02/19 @ 20:45:25 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 17:17:12


Aldershade - 18 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Snowecho, open!

Aldershade closed his eyes tight when he heard Snowecho yowl in mourning for Softsong - it made things too real, something which he was desperately trying to avoid. He didn't look up from his task to watch the medicine cat run to his den, nor see him return. He simply continued to scramble through the dirt, trying to drag Softsong's body out of camp. The lanky tom did pause, however, when the other tom approached him, and he unsheathed his claws, delusional enough with grief to further attack the medicine cat if he tried to stop him from leaving.

When he saw the herbs he was carrying with him, he tried to slow his breathing down enough to speak.

"H-herbs won't bring..bring him back, so how c-can they" He wheezed, having to drop Softsong's scruff from his jaws to make himself more coherent. Desperately as he wanted some other cat's comfort, he had no real connection with any of his Clanmates, not even Snowecho. He never had family, or close friends, all he had was Softsong. The moment Softsong died, the charcoal tabby's world and only source of comfort and love died with him.

Eventually, however, he had to stop. He collapsed onto his belly once more and snatched up the herbs Snowecho offered him, chewing them messily as his fragile body trembled. He didn't know where he was going to run to, but it had to be done. The Clan no longer offered him a life he could stand to live. As these thoughts overwhelmed his mind, he was shaken by a gentle glow in the corner of his eye. It was faint at first, but it seemed to be getting closer. As it approached, Aldershade curled his long tail, letting his jaws hang open for a few moments.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 20:29:15


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|\/\/|Lioncloud|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Glade, Harefeather, Pebblesplash, Earthquake|Mentions Indirectly: Clearsong|Location: Camp

Even more anger filled Lioncloud, as Glade started to try and speak his way out of the situation. "You're your own cat, so stop blaming things on Slateleaf!", the large warrior snarled. His anger had flared again, he did straighten a bit though, when Glade sounded quite- surprisingly- pitiful. Lioncloud felt more surprised than actual pity for the tom before him, as such he took a step back. The large Starclan tom looked down at the smaller siamese cat, his eyes searching for what was going threw Glade's mind. Lioncloud was not able to discern it though, so instead he just stood there watched Glade's face.
The siamese cat's face was strange, sort of lost, confused, and far away. What was going through the other tom's mind? Lioncloud wondered. He was even starting to contemplate, if he should truly kill Glade. That all changed though, when Glade's face returned to his usual dark and cruel features. Lioncloud's muscles tens, as he expected Glade to attack him. Lioncloud was a bit shocked, as Glade called out, for the Starclan warrior to kill him. The large calico tensed, as Glade came up and into his face. Lionclud contorted his face into a snarl, his blue starry eyes glaring daggers at the evil tom.
"If that is what you want", Lioncloud hissed through his fangs. Before any more words could said, the large tom flung himself at Glade. Knocking into the siamese cat, he through Glade off balance. As the large calico did this, the siamese tom lashed out with his claws. Lioncloud did not care though, not even when the claws made contact with his shoulder and drew not red blood, but a golden misty liquid. Lioncloud turned with unbenounced speed and jumped onto Glade's back, the large tom's weight alone pinned Glade underneath him. "Do you remember this?", Lioncloud breathed into Glade's ear, a sharpness in his voice. "This, the way I'm going to kill you, is the same way you dispatched me", there was bitterness and strength in Lioncloud's voice.
He did not care anymore, not that Glade tried to say something again or the fact that he had started to bite Lioncloud's leg. Moving his other leg, he pinned Glade's face to the ground. "I would normally pray for us to meet each other again in Starclan, but you...", he broke off, only to continue after the face of Clearsong- back when he'd been a happy kit, came into his mind. "For Clearsong's sake and the spirit of any other you've ever killed before their time, I pray for your spirit to wander the eternal darkness for all eternity!", there was coldness in the large tom's deep voice. With lightning speed, Lioncloud's fangs descended and tightly clamped around Glade's neck. With no hesitation, the calico tom snapped Glade's neck. There was not a drop of blood, the tom just vanished. Lioncloud sat back, his eyes marred in shadows. He hated killing, he'd never like it, not when he'd been a warrior and that had definitely not changed. Letting out a sigh, he sank into himself a bit. He hoped that Glade's death would put an end to or at least make the fighting eb. Now he only wished to return to Starclan, return back to Starclan and put it back into order.
Lioncloud shook out his head/mane, trying to get himself back into the real world. His head moved over to where his kin stood, Earthquake, Pebblesplash, and Clearsong? For a brief moment, his heart sorred, maybe Clearsong had not been dead after all. The next heartbeat though, this thought had already vanished. Clearsong's ginger pelt was specked in stars, like his own, he truly was a Starclan cat. Lioncloud walked over, before he could reach Clearsong's side though, the recently departed tom had vanished. He'd gone to the Starclan forest, the large tom heaved a sigh. "I should leave as well", Lioncloud said to himself, but first he wanted to hold his kin. "Pebblesplash, Earthquake", Lioncloud paused and nodded his head to Harefeather as well, "Hearfeather." All of the coldness had left the large calico's voice, now it was filled with warmth and fatherly love. He moved closer to the three and gave all of them kind a heartfelt smiles.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-12 17:03:34
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mention: [D] Pebblesplash, Lioncloud [ID] Clearsong, Quietshadow
Earthquake felt a shift in the air and took a moment to look up from Clearsong's still body to see..."Clearsong." he whispered breathlessly, he ached to embrace him, to tell him he loved him with all his heart and soul, but he was gone before Earthquake could utter a word. His starry form lifted like a feather on the breeze.
He stood, sorrowful.
"Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Harefeather."
Earthquake shot up to turn to his father, a lightness in the dark, a beacon of hope, his presence warming.
He rushed to him, pressing into his starry shape, he took a moment and stepped back, he knew Lioncloud would have to leave soon.
"Please, before you go, tell Clearsong I love him and I'm sorry... I'm so useless, I should've-... I'll miss him, both of you.
He said with moist eyes, staring up at his father.
He knew Quietshadow had sacrificed herself for Pebblesplash, and he uttered a quiet thank you for her on the wind. He didn't know the she-cat as well as his brother did, but she cared enough for Pebblesplash to protect her and he was grateful for that, she would always hold a place in their family. "I'll miss you old mouse-brain." he internally grinned.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-12 19:47:14


Softsong | 17 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong shook his head groggily as he opened his eyes. Things seemed different somehow, but he could not quite put his paw on it. At least not until he saw Aldershade with his body. He stared in shock and surprise, then looked to his current body and saw stars in his fur. He immediately recalled what had happened to him and felt his heart clench again. The least he could do now, was say goodbye and go to Starclan’s forest. The battle had seemed to calm down, and he did not feel like dying twice in one day.

He approached Aldershade and felt his heart break for him while also swelling with love. “I suppose I get to see you one more time.” He mewed, bumping his head against Aldershade’s as he slumped down next to him. He pressed his body as much against his mate’s as he could, relishing in their closeness once more. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for it to end up like this… I just wanted to prove that I belong here... That I'm brave.” He apologised, leaning against the living tom. He just needed this, if so his ghost had to haunt the forest for not going up soon enough, so be it. Aldershade was worth it.

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