Posted by Dusk and Dawn: Roleplay board

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 14:38:31

 This is the Roleplay Board for Dusk and Dawn!
Current Weather- Dappled clouds, Warm.||Prey- Medium||Twoleg threat: Low||Overall danger: High


 Dawnclan Info!

Player Characters; Dawnclan
Ranked Cats
Dawnclan Leader: Gingerstar, (F, AGility) Razz
Dawnclan Deputy: Umbraclaw , F Katia Mentor to Foxpaw
Dawnclan Medicine Cat: Hornetpaw; (M, Strength) Vespertine
Dawnclan Medicine cat Apprentice: (reserved)>

Current Messenger: Lightsong (M, Agility) (NPC)

Scorchwing; F Ladyseer Mentor to: Flamepaw
Larkclaw: F Zesha Mentor to Cinderpaw
Cloudburst: (F, Agility) The-Grey-ace Queen
Ravenblaze, (M, Strength) Balder Previous Medicine-cat who renounced title
Shadewing, (M Strength) Dez Mentor to Willowpaw
Falconstrike,(M Strength) NPC Captured.
Swiftclaw F NPC Captured.
Turtlesplash, (F Strength) Vespertine Warrior, demoted to apprentice ranked tasks

Foxpaw; (F, Agility) Peachie Apprentice of Umbraclaw
Flamepaw; (F, Agility) Lightqueen Apprentice of Scorchwing, Messenger Apprentice
Cinderpaw F Ladyseer Apprentice of Larkclaw
Willowpaw (M, Strength) Razz Apprentice of Shadewing
Swallowpaw Limebird Apprentice of Gingerstar, possible temporary

Elders and Kits

Flamepaw, Foxpaw LightsongKin
Sunspots (deceased) Stoneclaw;(parents) Mintkit (sister)
Doegaze (mother) Amberpool;Dewmist(Deceased);Copperfang (Siblings)
Gingerstar's Kin
Embergaze, Icefang (parents)
Hornetpaw's Kin
Beestrike, Otterstripe (Parents)
Larkclaw Kin
Pinecloud (mother) Related to Beestrike (NPC) Hornetpaw (PC)
Cinderpaw's Kin

Other NPCs
Mousefur, Deceased, previous messenger
Badgertail, Elder Tom
Rabbitnose, Elder Tom

Dawnclan Territory:
Dawnclan's territory is lightly forested, with wider, slow rivers connecting to the two small central lakes. The terrain is moss covered and gently hilly. A sandy area on the edge of a shallow river is their training area, and to the south is the two-leg gathering place where small nests nestle between thin cut trees on the edge of a small lake, which merges into the two-leg town the more south one goes.
The camp is nestled in a dip in the land, with a series of rocks that make shelters for the Leader and Medicine cat dens, as well as the nursery. The rest of the nests are in old burrows, the edge of the camp sheltered with prickly brambles. It is spacious and open, with plenty of places to relax on moss covered stones or tussle in soft grass.
the territory is marked to the east and north by a large, uncrossable river. To the south by the two-leg camp ground, and to the east by their boundary with Duskclan, which is marked most notably by a large spread of rocks along a thin river that eventually turns into Duskclan terrain. It is a spot of much conflict.

 Duskclan Info!

Player Characters; Duskclan
Ranked Cats
Duskclan Leader: Blackstar; (M, Strength) Peachie
Duskclan Deputy: Owlfeather; (F, Strength) Lightqueen-
Duskclan Medicine Cat: Temporary: Frost (F, Agility) Peachie
Duskclan Medicine cat Apprentice: Mothpaw M NPC Captured.

Dustpelt; (M, Agility) Peachie Mentor to Harepaw
Weaselflight; (M, Agility) Razz
Redeye; (M, Agility) Vespertine Mentor to Vulturepaw
Wolfstorm (F, Strength) Dez Mentor to Springpaw
Sootwhisker: (M, Agility) Silentjay
Patch, (F Strength) Moemoe Rogue staying with Duskclan

Harepaw; F Ladyseer Apprentice to Dustpelt
Vulturepaw: (M, Strength) Grey-ace Apprentice to Redeye
Springpaw, F Sweet Nightmares Apprentice to Wolfstorm
Spiderpaw Vespertine Apprentice to Blackstar

Elders and Kits

NPCS (Cats Kin) Open for NPC use
Owlfeather kin:
Orion;Scorch- rogues
Harepaw kin
Cherrysong(deceased); Clovershine;Brambletail
Sootpaw kin
Blackstar Kin
Acornfall, Elder She-cat, Nightfall- Queen
Other NPCs
Adderflight (Missing, previous messenger)
Frogwhisper (Missing, Previous Medicine Cat)

Duskclan Territory:
Duskclan's territory lies to the east side of the territories, in thicker forest where mist lingers longer in the mornings, and navigation requires agility and precision. The rivers here are often thinner, but more wild with faster waters in many of the places. Their training area is a clear patch of forest where the ground is soft and a fallen log and tree stumps provide a boundary.
Their camp is nestled up, and along the side of a hill that inclines sharply, with pathways between and going up its walls. The dens nestle close together, with the Leaders den above inside a fallen tree root system, the medicine cat below in the same system. The dens are in a mixture of burrows and makeshift nests in the brush, some nests in the jagged hill walls. Outside the nests they have a spacious area for sharing tongues and meetings, protected by thick foliage and the numerous rocks.
Their territory is marked by a sheer cliff drop to the east, an uncross able river to the north, the two-legs to the south, and their border with Dawnclan.

Two-legs are in the territory!
Currently due to the nice weather, two-legs have been more prevalent than normal, walking along the paths that trace between both clans.
Though they often leave cats alone, the threat of dogs and scared prey is high.


Two-legs have taken a Duskclan cat.
Two-leg traps have been found in both clans.
A Dawnclan cat was killed by an unknown source.
A strange new scent has been found all over the territory, its source leading apparently south.
Ravenblaze has seen a Starclan sign in the clouds.
During a storm, Duskclan cats found three bodies, all deceased. Two Dawnclan, one Duskclan.
Dawnclan on the same patrol found a few pawprints, hard to identify but heading what looks like south.
Mothpaw, Ravenblaze, and Hornetpaw have seen signs in the clouds, cats fighting against an unknown darkness.
Two strangers have been found in the territory, one taken by the two-legs another who seems to be nesting near the Cavern on Dawnclan territory.

The traps are discovered to not be for the cats.

**Please make sure to put your clan in your header! **

Red X is where cats have been found, killed. Red dots are known traps. Yellow arrows are pawprint locations, and direction they lead.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-09-13 15:28:39

⇺ [ Redeye ] ⇻
36 Moons • Male • DuskClan • Warrior
Location: River Rocks • Mentions: Vulturepaw, Weaselflight, Owlfeather, Sootpaw (Directly)


Redeye watched as Vulturepaw disappeared into the underbrush, intent on following the young tom while he trailed Sootpaw. His ears flicked in acknowledgment at Owlfeather's words before padding silently after his apprentice, leaving the deputy to make her way to the river rocks alone. Vulturepaw made good progress in the beginning before eventually losing track of his quarry, only further hindered by the abrupt downpour. Cold droplets drenched his narrow frame, his formerly snow colored coat now caked with mud, turning the once white cat brown.

The forest had grown eerily quiet, nothing beyond the sound of rain splashing against the ground filling his ears. Something He scanned the trees, finding nothing out of the ordinary despite half-expecting to find himself surrounded by traps. Cursing under his breath upon realizing this distraction had allowed Vulturepaw to pull too far ahead of him, he began searching for him, no longer caring if his apprentice heard him coming. Something wasn't right. He could feel it in his bones. He had to find Vulturepaw.

He burst out onto the river stones moments later, catching the last of Weaselflight and Sootpaw's sparring session before a dark shape came hurtling toward him, pelt spiked with fear, causing the battling cats to pause. Redeye raced to meet him, Vulturepaw colliding into his chest within seconds and nearly knocking the wind out of him. His own pelt bristled as he immediately began checking the short tom over, the relief he felt over finding him uninjured shortlived as Vulturepaw begged to return home and mentioned something about Cherrysong.

Sootpaw came racing by next, making a beeline for Owlfeather. Redeye stared down at his apprentice, speechless and unsure how to comfort him. He found he didn't have the words to ease Vulturepaw's fears and could only offer him a reassuring lick between the ears. "Come, stay with Wesealflight. Everything is going to be alright," he murmured, his voice steady despite his trembling limb, guiding Vulturepaw to where Wesealflight waited. "Please stay with him," he asked the cream and brown tom in a hushed tone before moving past him, following the trail of blood until it pooled around a motionless, sodden body.

Redeye stared down at Cherrysong's lifeless form in disbelief. The she-cat had met a violent end, one she didn't deserve. Who within the Clan could have done such a horrible deed? Or were the DawnClan cats to blame? Or some unknown enemy lurking beyond sight? He began to pace, mind whirling with possibilities. 'Things were supposed to be different here.' As Owlfeather came upon the scene, his distress would be clear, his pacing growing erratic. 'Warriors don't kill. Not like street cats.' He walked through blood without noticing, his paws staining red. 'Things were supposed to be different!' He fell back on his haunches, taking in a shaky breath. "I knew it. I knew the traps were a bad omen, but no cat listened," he hissed fiercely, eyes narrowing.

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 16:08:18

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: River Stones | Mentions: (Direct) Weaselflight, Vulturepaw, Owlfeather (Indirect) Redeye

Sootpaw, recovering from the shock of Weaselflight's strike, got back into the brawl. However, they were soon interrupted by Vulturepaw, running past them as though a whole patrol of Dawnclan cats were on his tail. Sootpaw stopped at Weaselflight's command and watched the smaller apprentice crash into Redeye, babbling about something or other. All he really caught was Cherrysong's name and that the young tom wanted to go back to camp. "What do you mean? She didn't come with us.", Sootpaw tried to reason with Vulturepaw, but to no avail. He turned back to see Weaselflight walking away, seeming to follow a trail of red that Sootpaw had only just noticed. What lay beyond the trail, the apprentice couldn't tell, but the fact that the warrior before him seemed to be blocking his view made his stomach swirl with unease.
Sootpaw hadn't realized just how serious the situation was until Weaselflight shouted for him to fetch Owlfeather. Sootpaw wanted to push past the tom, see what it was... or who it was... but decided against it. If Weaselflight didn't want him to see, then perhaps it was best that he didn't.
Sootpaw rushed away from the scene, scanning the vicinity for his mentor. "Owlfeather!" He yowled to the stones, the water, the trees. Wherever the Deputy was, she was hidden, and it would be doubly difficult to find her now that the skies had darkened. He shouted, hoping that, wherever she was, Owlfeather could hear him. "Owlfeather, something's wrong!" Sootpaw turned his head to look back at the warriors and shivered as he watched Redeye examining whatever Vulturepaw had come across. "There's blood..."

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 18:23:57

Foxpaw|Apprentice of Dawnclan|Small Ginger Tabby She-cat|Location: Camp edge |Mentions: Umbraclaw,, Open

To her credit, Foxpaw didn't yelp at the hit, though when her head returned to facing Umbraclaw her hard glare had only increased, the sharp gaze saying all the things her mouth wasn't. Her hackles raised again, and for a moment, her claws extended and it looked as if she were going to lunge at the deputy. However, with twitching muscles she remained frozen, eventually snorting and turning her gaze away, towards the other members of the clan.
"Tch. Whatever." she mumbled to herself, then her ears raised from their flattened state and she straightened up, body still quivering slightly and claws still extended, but a carefully crafted expression across her face.
"Of course, Umbraclaw. I would be honored to learn from you, and it'd be my greatest pleasure if I could go on the patrol." Her voice had taken on a faux sweetness, but was perhaps the closest any cat would get to behaving from Foxpaw when she was in a mood. She was a cat that took a particular type of cat to get her to follow orders, and very few had mastered the task. The closest she came was when the apprentice was worked to the bone, and even then she still often retained some snap. Tail lashing, Foxpaw practically bowed to Umbraclaw, backing away slightly before turn, only when her gaze had left her mentor, that her eyes rolled in frustration. However, she kept her tognue in check as she joined the cats slipping through the camp entrance.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 18:32:15

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: River Stones|Mention(s) Directly: Vulturepaw, Sootpaw, Weasleflight, Redeye|Mention(s) Indirectly: Blackstar, Cherrysong

Owlfeather had been intently watching the sparring match, between Weasleflight and Sootpaw. The deputy was proud, to see that the young tom seemed to be holding his own. The deputy sprang to her paws, in alarm and surprise, as Vulturepaw suddenly raced out of the undergrowth. 'What had happened?', Owlfeather wondered, following the small apprentice with her gaze. Her worry grew even more, when she saw the apprentice snuggled himself against his mentor. Something must be really wrong.
The siamese she-cat tore her eyes away from the white tom and his apprentice, as she heard Sootpaw call out her name. Only then did she realize that she was still hidden. As she made to jump down, the deputy's blood ran cold. 'Blood!', the deputy's fur stood on end. Swiftly climbing down the rock, she razed to Sootpaw. Looking past her apprentice, Owlfeather could see the blood running across the ground. There was a lot, too much blood. Spotting Weasleflight and Redeye, the she-cat swallowed a lump in her throat. She felt scared, scared of the unknown.
Setting her shoulders, the deputy turned to Sootpaw. "Take Vulturepaw back to camp, don't let him out of your sight. When you reach camp, tell Blackster that... that something terrible has happened", the deputy said all of this in a commanding voice, treating the young tom as if he where a warrior already. Tapping Sootpaws shoulder with her tail, the she-cat quickly walked over to where Weasleflight and Vulturepaw stood. The apprentice was shaking, he seemed scared out of his mind. Gently touching the young apprentices shoulder, the deputy tried to get his attention. "Vulturepaw?", her words came out more as a question then anything else, "Sootpaw is going to take you back to camp now, there is no reason for you to be afraid", Owlfeather said, in a calm and reassuring voice.
Trusting that Sootpaw would be able to take Vulturepaw back, the deputy called Weasleflight to her side, with her tail. As she walked forwards, up the stream of red, it only seemed to get more and more. The she-cat heart sank, as she saw Redeye standing over the seemingly dead body of Cherrysong. Walking past the tom, Olwfeather placed her paw on the she-cats jugular vein. Nothing, not even the faintest of heartbeats. Letting her paw sink to the ground, the deputy tore her eyes from the brocke body before her. There where many paw prints scattered around, she needed to do something. They needed to bring the she-cat back to camp. 'Oh Starclan!', A sudden thought had broken into her mind, Harepaw. Cerrysong was the apprentices only living kin, Owlfeathers heart ached even more. Getting to her paws and turning away from the dead body, the deputy jumped onto the nearest rock. From here, she hoped to see where the tracks of all these cats led. Her first thought had been that it must've been Dawnclan, but no. No clan cat would ever do this, right?

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Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 19:40:57

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: River Stones | Mentions: (Direct) Vulturepaw, Owlfeather (Indirect) Redeye, Weaselflight

Sootpaw nodded, accepting the Deputy's order. Though the tap from his mentor's tail was somewhat reassuring, Sootpaw couldn't shake the dread he felt in seeing these warriors react this way. The apprentice followed Owlfeather to Vulturepaw, averting his gaze away from the source of the blood. He no longer wanted to know.
Sootpaw took a few steps toward the forest before looking back at the dark little tom, patiently waiting for him to recover enough to join Sootpaw in walking back to the camp. Any earlier embarrassment towards Vulturepaw was gone, and he only felt sorry for the younger apprentice for what he must have seen. Truly, the small tom looked very young now, curled in fear as the rain plastered his fur to his skin and made him look even smaller than usual. In this moment, Sootpaw realized that he didn't dislike Vulturepaw as much as he had thought. This apprentice was a good cat, Sootpaw knew, and he was always doing his best, despite the difficulties he faced. Sootpaw only hoped that Vulturepaw could face this one as well.

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the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 07:59:22
Vulturepaw || 10moons || Male || Duskclan apprentice {Mentor Redeye} || short dark brown/black tom with yellow eyes || deformed throat/trachea || Location {Duskclan Camp} || Mentions {directly- Redeye, Weaselflight Owlfeather, Sootpaw} {indirectly- Cherrysong(NPC), Harepaw }

Vulturepaw was comforted a bit by Redeye's reassuring lick, but he was still a sniffleing, hyperventilating mess. He watched as his mentor walked off towards the site that he had just seen, huddling into himself more now that the elder cat wasn't their to "protect" him. His fur was soaked to the skin with rain and entire lower half was brown with mud. He was drawn out of his fearful thought by Owlfeather's voice, he couldn't muster the courage to even speak only nodding and letting out a rough "mhm". He was more than happy to have Sootpaw by his side in his current state, despite how he and the tom had been on thin ice lately, he found comfort in having a familiar face there with him to go back to camp, especially when that familiar face was likely to become a warrior, and therefore more than well equipped to defend in Vulturepaw's mind.
The small tom stood, his body shaking and his legs felt like jelly now that the initial adrenaline had wore off. He stepped closer to Sootpaw, keeping out of his bubble, but still close enough to feel safe. He followed the apprentice back to camp.
It had been a silent few minutes as they walked through the woods back to camp before Vulturepaw piped up, "What are we going to tell Harepaw?" He was calmer now, his voice no longer shaking with fear, but now quite solemn. Does Sootpaw even know what was back there? he thought to himself, eyeing the older tom for a split second, "She's gonna be so torn..." he trailed off, the shecat had no family left now from what Vulturepaw understood. He could relate, his own mother abandoned him because he sounded funny. The difference was that Vulturepaw grew up with so many other cats taking care of him, that he could have cared less about his own mother. Memories of wandering through these woods starving and alone began coming back to him, he shook the thoughts from his head. He didn't have to worry about being alone anymore- did he? Maybe she affected my life more than I thought... he furrowed his brow, it didn't matter, they had to worry about Harepaw and who did this to her mother! Not his own issues!

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Edited on 14/09/18 @ 07:59:56 by the-grey-ace (#38669)

Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 10:41:05

Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Duskclan Camp | Mentions: (Direct) Vulturepaw, Blackstar (Indirect) Redeye, Weaselflight, Owlfeather, Harepaw, Mothpaw, Cherrysong(NPC)

"Harepaw...?" Sootpaw murmured back as the two apprentices walked side by side. Vulturepaw's question confirmed the suspicions he had been trying to ignore. So it was Cherrysong. A slight chill ran down Sootpaw's spine, but he didn't look back. "I'm not sure.", he said carefully. Was it their duty to tell Harepaw straight away, or should it be up to Blackstar or Owlfeather to break the news? "I'm... not sure.", Sootpaw said again, helplessly. The two walked through the mud, getting closer to the camp when Sootpaw spoke up again. "...Maybe we shouldn't tell her. Maybe it'll be easier if..." He trailed off. Maybe it'll be easier if they pass the burden off to someone else. That wasn't how he would have worded it, but the meaning would have been the same. He didn't want to tell Harepaw, but would it be right if she wasn't told as soon as possible?
Entering the camp, Sootpaw briefly placed his tail on Vulturepaw's back as some small attempt at comfort before the gray tom trotted toward Blackstar. As he did so, his eyes silently scanned the camp for Harepaw. He didn't know if he wanted her to hear what he had to say to Blackstar or not, but it would be easier to tell the news if the she-cat weren't there.
Coming to a halt before Blackstar, he hesitated to say anything with Mothpaw there. After a few heartbeats of silence, however, Sootpaw willed himself to speak. "Blackstar," he began, his eyes fixated on a small, muddy leaf that lay near his paws. "Something has happened. Owlfeather, Redeye, and Weaselflight are at River Stones now, and..." He paused, watching the leaf slowly sink into the rain-pelted earth. "A body was discovered. It's Cherrysong..."

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-09-15 00:12:14
Umbraclaw|Dawnclaw Deputy|Mollie|Location: Dawnclan Camp|Mentions: Foxpaw, Larkclaw, Scorchwing

Umbraclaw would remain perfectly statuesque and unfazed in the face of Foxpaw's anger. Content to merely glare at her as she waited to see if her apprentice was going to make the biggest mistake of her life. If need be, the deputy was fully prepared to swiftly put her in her place. Fortunately the ginger tabby would wise deadly decide against it and instead ask permission in a blatantly fake show of respect.

In response to this, the black mollie would say. "I don't need or want your insincere flattery Foxpaw. A polite request would have been sufficient, but I'll accept it all the same. Perhaps some more exercise will do you some good." With that she could head to the camp entrance with Foxpaw to meet up with Larkclaw and Scorchwing.

Upon reaching the two warrior, the deputy would call out with. "Scorchwing, Larkclaw, might we join you on your patrol?" Now technically she didn't need their permission to join them, but she preferred to refrain from needlessly exercising her authority as she both felt it built a better rapport with the other cats and wasn't her style to begin with.

Assuming their answer was a yes, she would proceed to follow them out of the camp. Then once they had been walking for a bit, she would ask her apprentice a question. "Foxpaw, what do you think is the best way to take down a loon?" This question wasn't meant to be patronizing, but instead offer her a chance to show off her intelligence to the two other warriors and hopefully cool her anger a little in the process.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-15 09:48:18

Ravenblaze | Dawnclan Medicine Cat | 25 Moons | White Green-Eyed Tom | Camp, Right Outside Camp |Mentions: Gingerstar(ID), Hornetpaw, Cloudburst, Open!

Ravenblaze almost felt giddy with excitement. He felt exactly like how he had felt as an apprentice sneaking catmint, or doing other things he was not supposed to do. He started padding towards the camp entrance, assuming that Gingerstar was busy for now. He prayed to Starclan that Gingerstar would not see him and Hornetpaw sneak out together with Cloudburst, and if they were, he would take full responsibility. He slipped out of the camp, stepping aside as he waited for Hornetpaw and Cloudburst. While waiting for the two, he started planning out their trip.

First, they would visit the marigold patch to make sure every herb was well. Second, they could go to the training beach and get some water. Perhaps he could show off what he had been taught to his apprentice and the queen. He could not think of a third thing they could do, but they could possibly do a round to check on all the herb patches. Maybe they could collect some cobweb while they were already out.

At some point, maybe after this day's outing, he wanted to go to Starstone Cave. He wanted some answers, and felt like he needed guidance about what to do. He would ask Gingerstar if he could bring some warriors to guard him and Hornetpaw. While he did not think Duskclan would attack them while going to Starstone Cave, he knew Gingerstar would not easily let them go alone with what was going on.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2018-09-15 10:23:07

Scorchwing | Warrior of DawnClan | Long-Limbed White & Charcoal Female | Location: Camp | Mentions:Flamepaw, Larkclaw, Umbraclaw, Foxpaw [Direct]

Scorchwing slowed as Gingerstar began to address the Clan upon High-Root. Scorchwing stood silently in the gathering crowd of cats, her warm olive eyes studying the leader as her feathery tail swayed at her hocks. She straightened as Gingerstar addressed her. She acknowledged her with a brisk nod and a small, flashy smile before she gazed past the rest of the gathered cats to take note of Larkclaw’s position, only to find the female already moving towards her.

Scorchwing inhaled quietly, puffing her already overflowing chest out and gave the mollie a tentative smile, trying to keep the situation as light as possible, despite the weight bearing down on their shoulders. “Good morning, Larkclaw!” Scorchwing tried to keep her voice light and hopeful in greeting. “We will wait for a couple moments longer, I’m sure someone will be searching for something to do.” She could sense the restlessness in the cats without orders, so she left herself open. An offer of a brief escape. She would gladly help her Clan with such feelings.

It didn’t take long for someone to approach, and she was glad to see it was her own apprentice. With a soft purr, she lightly touched her nose to Flamepaw’s ear before peering down at her in concern at the simple nod. Was something wrong? She gave the young mollie a gentle smile before turning to greet more cats. She gave them both a nod before moving towards the DuskClan border, instinctively finding the direction. “Thank you for joining us! Hopefully we don’t meet hostility on the patrol, but if we do, it will be a great learning experience!” She chirped, giving the group a closed eyed smile. Suddenly, she flinched, something hitting the curve of her nose. Confused, she looked up, taking note of the darkness that overtook the sky. The light sounds of rain hitting leaves surrounded them. Scorchwing hummed softly and gave her head a shake. “A surprise bath. How neat!”


Harepaw | Apprentice of DuskClan | Small, Hickory & Cream Female | Location: DuskClan Territory | Mentions: Dustpelt [Direct]

The soft brown feline snorted at her mentor’s attempt at explaining the adventures. “Oh sure, most definitely.” Harepaw moved along Dustpelt at an excited pace. This was the happiest she had been in a while. Perhaps things were looking up for her, despite all that had happened within the Clan. She kept her guard up, however, her nose twitching and her ears moving rhythmically, copying Dustpelt as much as she could. She knew she had to keep an eye out anyway, she didn’t want to be a victim to the two-legs.

She blinked, listening to the scrabbling of nails. She perked up, her hunger growing stronger with remembrance. A blur of movement from Dustpelt’s tail caused her to halt, eyes staring straight ahead in the direction of the sound. Was it a squirrel? Her tongue glided over her pink nose as she watched and waited for her reward. It didn’t take the warrior long to come back with the prey limp in his jaws.

As soon as he dropped it, she dropped onto her belly to snack on it more efficiently, holding it between her paws. “Good catch. I don’t like mice that much anyway. That’s all Cherrysong fed me when I was able to actually eat solid food. I’m not even that old and I’m already sick of mice,” she joked lightly, finishing off the squirrel quickly before vaulting back onto her paws to continue the small adventure. “Do you think DawnClan would let you ask questions before they tried to stick their claws in our throats?” She asks, giving him a look. “Because I really don’t think they would stop to have a chat.”

She peered into the Two-leg Place, her interest piqued. What if they could find their Clanmate in there? She’d love to be a part of a rescue mission. The thought sent a spark down her spine. How exciting the possibilities were.

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Edited on 15/09/18 @ 10:23:49 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 06:16:05
Mothpaw | Duskclan | Medicine cat apprentice | 13 Moons old | location: territory | Mentions (D) Blackstar, Sootpaw, open (ID) Fleetwhisper, Flamepaw |

The apprentice dug his claws into the ground anxiously while he waited for Blackstar to scold him. His anxiety only grew when the tom closed his eyes and said nothing for what seemed like ages, “Bl-” Mothpaw shut his mouth quickly to let his leader speak. He understood the rules and why leaving camp alone was dangerous right now, but that didn't mean he liked it. “We were running low on Feverfew, and I couldn't find Fleetwhisper,” It was the truth, after all, Mothpaw just didn't want to take any warriors away from camp when others need them more. “I wanted any leftover warriors to stay here and guard the camp. They'd be wasting their time leaving with me just for some herbs.” It felt like Blackstar didn't think the older apprentice could defend himself, and that really made the toms fur bristle. Maybe he could ask Flamepaw for some fighting lessons the next time they crossed paths alone. Then his classmates would see that he was just as capable as them. But was he? When he and Flamepaw had heard that cat, Mothpaw was just fine with hiding from the danger. That was going to change.
The grey and white cat shook his head, though, he wished that he had seen the intruders pelt. That might help with identifying who they are and why they were snooping around. A shudder ran through his body at the thought of being watched like that. Mothpaw's blue eyes narrowed slightly as his leader suggested it was simply just a Dawnclan cat and that his nerves got him mixed up. Blackstar didn't take anything he said seriously! The apprentice held his tongue and dipped his head respectfully, “Yes Blackstar.” He said while getting up himself, all he wanted to do now was curl up and sleep. But as the older apprentice turned away he spotted Sootpaw trotting towards them with a look of uncertainty. His heart began to pound against his chest past the words said. His eyes glanced over at Blackstar as he tried to gauge his leader's reaction. If they really had found Cherryshadow then they needed to be quick and hurry to her.

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Zesha [Side] (#17686)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-16 06:46:57

15 Moons || Female || DawnClan Warrior
Location: Camp || Mentions: Scorchwing, Flamepaw, Umbraclaw, Foxpaw

Larkclaw nodded in response, knowing that Scorchwing was probably right. The last few days had been tense, with everyone having to double check that no malicious eyes followed them when they stepped out into the forest. Not being able to come and go freely was only driving more of them mad, with pent up energy and fear doing nothing but choking the entire clan. As she looked around, Larkclaw noticed Umbraclaw and her apprentice Foxpaw. It seemed that Foxpaw was giving the deputy a bit of trouble again, and with the current events, it was likely to only get worse. She had already noticed how bored and fidgety the other apprentices were getting, and suspected that there would be more than one of them escaping into the forest on their own before long.

Another ginger apprentice caught her eye and she turned to see Flamepaw. She didn’t seem quite her normal self. Larkclaw tilted her head in confusion when the smell of forest leaves and dirt reached her. Well, smells like she decided to sneak out today. At least she came back safe, she thought, and made the choice to say nothing about it to either Flamepaw or her mentor.

Suddenly Umbraclaw called out to them and the deputy and Foxpaw were heading toward them as well. With three warriors and two apprentices on the prowl, an enemy would be crazy to attack them. She hoped.

Larkclaw had to give a half smile to Scorchwing and her optimistic spin on things. It was definitely refreshing to hear someone say something positive, since their lives had been so full of tragedy and fear lately. With a polite nod to the three cats joining them, she said, “Glad to have you along,” before following after Scorchwing.

She almost ran into the warrior when the black and white cat stopped and stared up into the sky, only to be greeted with yet more optimism. This time she gave a soft snort of amusement. “Maybe the rain will help get rid of some of the twoleg smell. They need a bath more than we do.”

(( I'm sorry this isn't a great post, I'm so tired. We took in some strays so they wouldn't be out in the storm and they've been keeping me up half the night. ))

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 17:52:31

Blackstar|Leader of Duskclan|One eyed Black Tom|Location: Camp/Territory |Mentions: Sootpaw, Vulturepaw, Mothpaw, Owlfeather

Blackstar watched Mothpaw's posture, his short responses letting the older tom know that the young cat was less than pleased with his words. Even still, Blackstar did not want to cause more panic over a possible mistaken identity. His jaws parted, perhaps to explain this to the tom, but no words came out as two new figures made their way forward. It was Sootpaw, and something seemed off.
"Stay here, all of you. Mothpaw, alert Fleetwhisper to the situation, and wait here please. Sootpaw, Vulturepaw, well done getting here fast, get yourselves dry." His body had jerked into alertness the moment Sootpaw mentioned a body, his single eye scanning the camp, but his ears and nose working swiftly, making up for any lost vision.
"Fawnpelt is in charge." His voice raised slightly, the cat acknowledging his words with a nod. Blackstar noticed that there were few warriors in the camp, and this made his pelt prickle. However if something was happening in the territory, he could not ignore it. Not a second time. With that, he gave the apprentices a last look, his yellow eye saying all to clearly to stay put and listen to orders before he turned and darted out into the rain, his black coat vanishing through the entrance.

Dustpelt|Warrior of Duskclan|Leggy Calico Tom|Location: Duskclan Territory|Mentions: Harepaw, Open
Dustpelt chuckled at Harepaw's words about the squirrel, and he bobbed his head in amusement.
"She really does like a good mouse." He was partial to his apprentices Kin, she was a good cat, and clan member. At her question about Dawnclan however, he settled his haunches down, peering towards the direction of their border.
"Hmm. I mean, That's like asking if rogues will always try and pick a fight, or kitty-pets will always run." He mewed, surprisingly thoughtful at the comment.
"I've meet some good, some bad Dawnclan cats." He twitched an ear, thinking back at the skirmish that had led to Duskclans defeat trying to move borders, to a time a Dawnclan cat once helped him out of a flooded river. For a moment, he let himself review his memories before giving a shake, the raindrops that started down jerking him from the reminiscing.
"But, yea, they do like to use their claws first, and words second." He turned with an amused purr, but caught Harepaw glancing towards the Two-leg place, not their neighboring clan. His tail tip twitched as he watched her.
"I do wonder where Fernfoot ended up." He sighed, his fur, wet and flattened from the rain causing him to look a bit more down than perhaps he meant.
"There's a reason the cats stay in the forest. Its dangerous, if not just plain confusing over their if you don't know your way." He shook his head once more, as if he was about to speak further when a sudden rustling noise caused him to duck, ears flattening.
"We should go. Come on, no use sitting around."His voice was light and cheerful, but an anxious glint had entered his gaze. With that, he began to slink through the trees, sticking to the most sheltered parts. He didn't seem to be walking with hunting in mind, but his pawsteps were light and his eyes alert. He began to steer the pair back towards the camp direction, though an indirect path to consider it still a minor 'patrol.'

Foxpaw|Apprentice of Dawnclan|Small Ginger Tabby She-cat|Location: Clan Patrol |Mentions: Umbraclaw, Flamepaw,[id] Dawnclan Patrol

Foxpaw said nothing at Umbraclaws comment, merely joining the patrol with her usual annoyed gait. Her mood only seemed to grow more foul as the rain started, and in her mood, she nearly missed Umbraclaw's question. Shaking the rain from her whiskers her brow furrowed slightly. The question had taken her off guard.
"I'd, try and get it from the back. They're big, fast, and can swim, so being able to get it by surprise, and get its neck would probably be the best since it's wings and beak could hurt if it noticed you first, or it could just swim away." She gave another shake, glancing towards the lake, which was just noticeable through the gaps in the trees. Half of her wondered if the deputy was going to set her off on an impossible mission, it was extremely rare after all, for a cat to get a duck much less a loon. Mostly as they stuck to the islands the cats couldn't reach, but also it was just easier to catch smaller prey. Her attention from the question however, shifted to the other two warriors.
At their amusement, she shifted her pace to match Flamepaws.
"You're mentor might be part fish if she likes the rain this much." She commented, annoyed that the pair could be enjoying the weather, as thunder rumbled overhead.
"I guess beats sticking around in camp though." She shrugged mid trot, giving Flamepaw a half glance. She was curious where he sister had gone off too during her and Umbraclaws training, and the meeting but even she knew better than to pry around so many ears. So, she contented with her silent glaring of everything around them as they neared their border start.


Event for: Mothpaw
As the storm grows, you might get the strange sensation to look at the sky, be it for the odd way the clouds are moving, or the alure of the lightning. After one particularly loud classp, in the flickering of the lightning behind the clouds, it looks as if there are shadows of lighter 'cats' fighting one large shadow. It lasts for a moment before looking like a normal storm.

Event for: Harepaw
After the rustling noise, you see what might be a flash of a dark pelt in the distance. It looks like it could be far enough away to be across the clan border. It happens twice more, then seems to stop. At the same time, a bolt of lightning flashes, and in the aftermath of the light, you see the faintest trace of a silver cat watching from the distance, before it vanishes when you blink.

Event for: Those at the River Rocks, Duskclan Side
As the rain gets stronger, you realize that there are tufts of fur blowing from beneath the River Rocks, where there is a small bit of shallow shore hidden beneath the many Stones. The water is a bit rough however, due to the wind picking up. (If you choose to explore, PM me for your scenario info!)

Event for: Dawnclan Patrol, Warrior Group
As you patrol, scents become difficult, but Larkclaw may notice paw prints in the mud. They lead in an odd pattern, but make towards the River Rocks. As this is close to the Lake Bordering line, Scorchwing or Umbraclaw may figure its a good place to start the patrol, if anything to make sure the river is safe.
Nearing the River Rocks however, you can see or perhaps hear the Duskclan cats.

Event for: Dawnclan Patrol, Medicine-cat Group
As the thunder rumbles, Ravenblaze may feel the sensation of static in their fur. Her and Hornet paw both hear whaat sounds like yowls on the wind, but it vanishes as quick as it comes. Then, there is a flash of lightning and in the clouds it looks like several lighter cats being covered by a dark shadow with claws.
Cloudburst may notice a peculiar pawprint in the mud, just hidden under some foliage that keeps it safer from the rain. It looks like a cats, but slightly larger. It could be any number of creatures, but you don't recall seeing it before. Its difficult to tell due to the rain.
Following behind, gingerstar may notice a flash of a dark pelt happen a few times between the trees, south of the traveling group. It happens fast and could even be passed off as a mis-sight or overreaction of the mind.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 18:59:17

Weaselflight | DuskClan Warrior | 21 Moons | Tom | Camp | Redeye; Owlfeather, Cherrysong; [ID] Unknown Body

Weaselflight's eyes were now sharply squinted, his teeth gritted against the cold. Everything was getting slippery, and the river was swelling slowly but surely, the normally calm water now beginning to spit and hiss around the rocks. He had been watching out to the best of his abilities, but now that this rain had taken up pouring he was half blind, like everyone else. His small form was anxiously waiting for Owlfeather to figure out how they were going to move Cherrysong's body. To any direction they headed, the river would be a barrier that they needed to pass, and now that it was beginning to take on water... well-

What was that?!

Something dark was blowing around near the bottoms of the rock outcropping they were crouched atop. It took him a few moments to realize it was tufts of fur. Cat's fur. Painfully slowly, Weaselflight eased himself down the stones, making sure that all of his paws had a VERY firm grip before he would move again. He was truly and honestly terrified, but he couldn't just ignore this. What if it was from whoever killed Cherrysong?

He dropped down to the lowest unsubmerged stone, staring anxiously down at the river. He could see that in the patch of shoreline, the water was shallow enough to walk in and he lunged down with a splash that sprayed his muzzle. The scarlet of Cherrysong's blood had long since washed off his paws and belly, but he was grateful all the same for the feeling of the river wrenching the scents of death away from him. All around him, fur was stuck in a macabre patchwork, and the little tom eased closer to it, his paws starting to slip against the rocks under him as the current grew stronger. Off a little ways, he could see another body, pinned to a log strainer dipped in the middle of the river. His heart sank a little.

He knew he couldn't get to the body from here, so he turned to regain his position on the rocks. He lunged for them, but he couldn't quite reach all the way with his fur pulled down from the water, and as he slid back off one of his claws hooked on the rough stone and ripped it's way out of his paw. He fell back into the water with a splash and a yelp of pain. Shaking, he rose again, turning back to face the river. After a few moments of deliberation, he lunged into the deeper water nearest to the rocks, kicking and lashing his way towards the shore, keeping as close to the stones as he could. By the time he hauled his way back up onto the shore amidst the underbrush, he was sniffling from a mixture of exhaustion and fear. He slowly slipped through the underbrush towards where he judged the log to have been and after a few seconds of searching he managed to locate it, crawling onto it as carefully as possible. He slowly and cautiously scooted out the log towards where the body hung.

To his relief, it was no DuskClan cat. He did not know their face or their pelt, or their smell. He could, however, see that their body was littered in scratches, deep and shallow, scratches made by claws. Could this have been who killed Cherrysong? He didn't know for sure but an anxious thought could make itself a big deal to him. He stretched his neck down and grasped the body by its scruff, beginning to tug it out onto the log the rest of the way. It took him quite awhile and a lot of readjustment. The force of the river kept it pinned solidly against the log, and everything was slippery. When he finally got them out, he dropped them across the log and crouched down lower to catch his breath. He turned his gaze back upstream, blinking hard against the rain. It occurred to him that he had never told them where he was going. He hoped that they could see him.

He went back to the task at hand, regrasping the body by it's scruff and slowly but surely sliding them off of the log and back onto solid ground. His eyes were burning from the rain and the wind, and as soon as they hid the solid land he dropped down beside the body, panting. He needed to rest.
Better safe than sorry

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:14:12

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: |Mention(s) Directly: Redeye, Cherrysong, Weasleflight|Mention(s) Indirectly: Dawnclan, Body 1, Body 2

The wet siames she-cat narrowed her eyes, as a scowl came to her face. The rain had washed away most of the paw prints, fox dung. Hopping down the rocks, the deputy looked down at the body of Cherrysong. The she-cat let out a sigh, who had done this? They needed to get the warriors body out of this rain and back to camp. Looking around, the deputy noticed that Weaselflight was not by them anymore. To be honest the she-cat could not blame him, turning to Redeye, the deputy started to speak, "Can you start to bring Cherrysong back to camp, I'll go and see if I can find Weasleflight and any trace her attackers left behind".
Turning away from the white warrior and the gruesome sight of Cherrysongs body, the deputy started to look around for Weasleflight. Where had the tom run off too, had he maybe gone back to camp? The she-cat wondered. She shook her head, the rain was coming down to hard now. She doubted that she would be able to find the tom, maybe he had just gone back to camp already, she hoped. Walking along the rivers banks, the she-cat soon noticed some furr hanging from a low rock. Normally this bolder would be quite easily accessible, but the river banks had risen a considerable amount in the short time. The rock was now hanging into the river and the fur was dancing on the water's surface. Moving closer to the edge, the deputy could see the currents below. The water was fast, way too fast for a cat to safely swim through it. Digging her claws into the soft, rain softened ground, Owlfeather stepped forward.
Maybe this was fur from Cherrysongs attacker, the deputy could not just leave it here. Digging her claws into the muddy and rock littered ground, Owlfeather reached her paw forward. Her face was close to the water now, gulping down a lump in the throught, the siamese she-cat reached out her claw. One of them hooked onto the tuft of fur, yes! For a few heartbeat she felt accomplished, then her eyes caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Still hanging precariously over the river, the she-cat looked up. She could see Weasleflight and.... was that? A body!?
Owlfeather slipped.
The she-cat felt as if she was hanging in the air for a moment, then her body broke though the cold waters surface. Her already wet coat suddenly clung to her side even more, the cold water flooded her senses. Opening her eyes, she was still underwater. Panic gripped her heart, as she saw that she was heading straight for a submerged log. Her back legs making contact with a large rock, Owlfeather pushed up with all her might. Before impacting with the log, which would've probably sent her straight to Starclan, Owlfeather broke through the waters surface. Trying to get her bearings, she spotted the shore. Which shore of the river, she did not care. With great effort, she soon made it to the rivers banks. Her pelt clung to her and she was shaking from the cold, the deputy probably looked like a wet kit. Shaking out her fur, she sat down to catch her breath. Looking around her, she did not recognize the trees around her. Fox dung, she was on Dawnclan territory.
Getting shakely to her paws, Owlfeather looked herself over. A few scratches and she was certain that one of her pawk legs felt sprained, probably happened when she pushed off the rock. Her eyes paused on some fur, not her own, stuck between her claws. The tuft of fur she had been reaching for, somehow it had stayed attached to her paw. Owlfeather breathed a slight sigh of relief, looking down the river, she noticed that she was close to the the bridge. She was definitely not keen on swimming back, so that might just be the best option. Starting to head for the bridge, the deputy made sure to hurry and stay close to the river. She did not feel up to getting caught by a Dawnclan patrol, as he eyes scand her surroundings, something caught her eye. It was a pelt, she could barely make it out through the rain, but it definitely looked like a cat was lying there on Duskclans territory. Quickening her steps, he sprained leg completely forgotten, Owlfeather raced over the two leg bridge. Reaching the safety of Duskclans territory again, Owlfeather went over to the body. It was definitely a cat, relief came over the deputy, she did not recognise the cat. It was not a Duskclan cat, but wait? As she leaned closer, she could make out a familiar scent. The rain had washed most of it already, but there was definitely the trace of Dawnclans scent on this cat.
Reaching out, Owlfeather grabbed the body by the scruff of its neck. Although it was not a clan mate, not cat deserved to be out here and have the wild animals tare apart its body.

Flamepaw|Dawnclan|Apprentice|13 Moons Old|Ginger She-Cat|Location: territory|Mention(s) Directly: Foxpaw, Scorchwing, Umbraclaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: Mothpaw

The ginger tabby she-cat followed behind her mentor, she wasn't really paying attention to what the other cats were saying. She was keeping up though, with the rest of the patrol. Flamepaw was still mulling over what Gingerstar had said before, what was the leader going to talk with her mentor about? The apprentice shook her head, it would probably do no good thinking it over like this.
Flamepaw did look up though, when Scorchwing made that strange comment about the rain. Sometimes her mentor was way too optimistic, the apprentice thought. Looking over at the deputy's back, as the black she-cat asked Foxpaw how to take down a Loon. Flamepaw mulled the question over herself, she did sort of agree with her littermates answer, but not quite. Flamepaw would probably hunt a Loon together with another cat, the other cat would scare the big bird up and make it run to the water. Flamepaw would then race out of the bushes, next to the water, and quickly cut it off. She'd then quickly jump onto its back and bit its neck. Spotting a ginger pelt, much like her own, Flamepaw looked over to see that Foxpaw had drawn up next to her.
Flamepaw let out a grunt and shook her head, "And here I thought she did not like the water", with a sly smile, the she-cat added, "You think you know a cat." At her littermates next words, the wet ginger tabby she-cat nodded her head. She could tell that Foxpaw wanted to ask her what was wrong, but did not want the warriors to listen in. Flamepaw wanted to tell her sister, she just had to tell somebody. Maybe her sister would have some idea, about the feelings she was having towards Mothpaw.An idea formed in her head, quickening her steps, the apprentice drew up to her mentor, "Scorchwing?", Flamepaw started, "Can Foxpaw and I go hunting in pairs? I really wanted to work on my hunting with another cat", the ginger tabby apprentice lied.

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