Posted by | Dusk and Dawn: Roleplay board |
![]() Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-06 14:38:31 |
Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 23:05:52 |
⇺ [ Hornetpaw ] ⇻ ![]() Edited on 16/09/18 @ 23:07:28 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-17 09:53:32 |
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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-17 11:37:16 |
Mothpaw | Duskclan | Medicine cat apprentice | 13 Moons old | location: territory | Mentions (D) Blackstar, Sootpaw, open (ID) Fleetwhisper, Flamepaw | Mothpaw already knew that he wouldn't be going to retrieve Cherryshadow’s body, after all, he was only just an apprentice. The tom sighed in frustration as he watched his leader race off and out of camp, he wanted so badly for every cat to see past his apprentice title and treat him like the medicine cat he was close to becoming. The white and grey tom padded over to his and Fleetwhisper’s den and called out for his mentor, but only silence greeted him inside. Sometimes it felt like Mothpaw had made a mistake when he chose to train with herbs and medicine, instead of becoming a warrior. As the days dragged and nights dragged on he found himself becoming more and more unhappy with his choice. Or maybe it was because his mentor and he weren't as close as they should be. At least if he was a warrior then seeing his friend Flamepaw wouldn't be so rare, it seemed like the tom never ventured outside of this den. A smile formed on the apprentice's muzzle at the thought of the ginger she-cat and her long messy fur. It was strange really the two have met plenty of times before but seeing the Dawnclan cat now, made his pelt prickle. Mothpaw looked up at the dark clouds as the storm began to pick up, and rain fell rapidly from the sky and soaked his pelt. A shiver ran through the top as the clouds seemed to dance in his eyes. Each strike of lightning that pierced through the heavy clouds made his chest feel tight, and his body feels light. What was this feeling that suddenly overcame him? And Why couldn't he tear his eyes away from clouds? Mothpaw felt his body tremble and shake as flashes of lightning filled the entire sky all at once. The tom nearly let out a cry of fright as one giant bolt shook the sky, and filled the air with a deafening sound. The grey and white cat gasped as his eyes were filled with clouds taking the form of cats who looked to be fighting something much bigger and darker. His Ears were filled with the howling and shrieking that came with battle and filled him with terror. Within seconds the forms were gone, leaving Mothpaw with a feeling of dread and confusion. Did he just receive a vision from Starclan? And if so, what did it mean? I must tell Blackstar and Fleetwhisper! The apprentice only managed to take a few steps forward before he stopped dead in his tracks. What if Blackstar and his mentor only brushed it off as his imagination? If this really was a vision from Starclan then something needed to be done to stop it! Mothpaw was conflicted about what to do, but he couldn't just not tell his leader about a possible prophecy from their ancestors. He was just going to have to wait until Blackstar returned. ![]() |
⍟ chennie 🏜️ g1 olive nrlc (#84624) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-17 19:54:44 |
Sparrowclaw||She-cat||27 Moons||Dawnclan Warrior||Location: Camp||Mentions: None [Open] ![]() |
Zesha [Side] (#17686)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 07:48:39 |
Larkclaw ![]() |
the-grey-ace (#38669)
![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 20:28:02 |
Cloudburst || 26 moons || Female || Dawnclan Warrior/Queen (4 weeks) || Long white fur with dilute tabby calico marks || polydactyl || Location{Dawnclan camp} || Mentions {directly-Hornetpaw} {indirectly-Gingerstar, Ravenblaze, Mousefur (NPC)} Cloudburst followed along, much happier than she had been in the past few days now that she wasn't thinking about the tragedy. She simply admired the wind, the rain, and the plants. She had no idea what any of them were other than grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees- but she admired their beauty none-the-less. As they walked along, she was startled a bit by a burst of lightning causing her to jump. Hornetpaw's reaction concerned her though, he seemed to see something in the clouds, but she either couldn't see it, or wasn't attentive enough to. Trying to stop herself from stressing about it, she looked back to the greenery around her, beautiful flowers, soft grasses, perfect climbing trees, and- a pawprint... Cloudbursts fur stood on end, it didn't look like it could belong to a Dawnclan cat. She approached, it didn't Smell like a dawnclan cat. Looking back at Hornetpaw and Ravenblaze, She began to speak, "There's a pawprint over here..." she said quietly, not sure if it was really something to worry about. Vulturepaw || 10moons || Male || Duskclan apprentice {Mentor Redeye} || short dark brown/black tom with yellow eyes || deformed throat/trachea || Location {Duskclan Camp} || Mentions {directly- Redeye, Weaselflight Owlfeather, Sootpaw} {indirectly- } Vulturepaw was silent when they reached camp, the black tom still in a sort of shock from what he had seen, his normally optimistic way was no where to be found. He stood beside Sootpaw as the older tom explained what happened, but he paid no head to the two, instead looking around the camp for any sign of Harepaw. A shiver ran down his spine when he realized she wasn't in camp, in fact most the clan seemed to be out. None of them were safe, and the lack of their presence made him feel unsafe inside his own home. His yellow eyes drifted back to the leader as he told them to dry off. Vulturepaw looked down at his soaked fur, it was cleaner now that he had been standing still, "I'm going to the den..." He half-mumbled to Sootpaw before soddenly walking towards the apprentice's den. Once inside he would curl up into himself, wrapping his tail over his head. How had this day gone so terribly wrong, and how many other cats would they loose? He was starting to think that Fernfoot really wasn't going to come back. Maybe they were all doomed to be killed by whomever or whatever did this. ![]() |
Razz [Clean Sidereal Svelte] (#18166) Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 20:56:26 |
Gingerstar | DawnClan Leader | 48 Moons | Mollie | Camp | Ravenblaze; Hornetpaw; Cloudburst; Strange Figure ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 23:36:09 |
⇺ [ Hornetpaw ] ⇻ ![]() Edited on 18/09/18 @ 23:51:52 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 01:16:11 |
Ravenblaze | Dawnclan Medicine Cat | 25 Moons | White Green-Eyed Tom | Camp, Right Outside Camp |Mentions: Hornetpaw, Cloudburst, Gingerstar, Open! Ravenblaze waved his tail to Hornetpaw and Cloudburst as they caught up with him, starting to lead the way to the marigold patch. His fur suddenly felt a little electric, and he turned his head upwards, almost expecting to see lightning. Instead, loud wailing filled his ears for a split second, causing the tom to tense up. His gaze did not leave the sky however, as he once again saw shapes in the clouds. His fur started spiking along his spine. This time the shape covering the light cats did not seem like much of a cat other than having claws. He nodded slowly to Hornetpaw's question, finally averting his gaze from the clouds. His attention was soon snapped up by Cloudburst's quiet observation. A pawprint? The white tom, now with a brown blaze thanks to the mud, padded over to the queen and inspected the pawprint along with his apprentice. He frowned at it, lifting his head and looking around in the nearby area to see if he could spot any other pawprints. Perhaps they could find where the trail lead and avoid that path while going to the marigold and the rest of the herb patches. At least they would be safe while they..... And there Gingerstar appeared. Mouse dung. "Gingerstar, my favourite leader..." The medicine cat trailed off as he saw her ears flatten. That was a sign he did not like. He reluctantly started heading back to camp, not wanting to argue with her when the only way they could communicate was shouting at each other. "Got it!" He called, walking to the front of the little group to lead it. He figured that if anything dangerous did lurk up ahead, he should be the first one to face it. He could not bear the thought of Hornetpaw getting injured, and Cloudburst was expecting. ![]() |
Katia (#134163)
True King View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 02:05:16 |
Umbraclaw|Dawnclaw Deputy|Mollie|Location: Patrol group|Mentions: Foxpaw, Larkclaw, Scorchwing Umbraclaw was glad that the other two warriors had raised no objections to Foxpaw and herself joining the patrol. Hopefully a patrol would rid her apprentice of her excess energy and thus make her easier to manage. Yet for now, she wanted to see if she could subtly improve small cat's mood and thus would ask the question about how to hunt a loon. Upon been given the apprentice's answer, the deputy would reply with. "A logical answer, very good Foxpaw. Now while I never intend to ask you to hunt a duck, much less a loon, it is still a good thing to consider. While normally easier prey is plentiful enough to avoid having to hunt such difficult targets, that may not always be the case. I remember my mother telling me of a severe famine that occured while she was still a warrior. As a result, everyone would take every hunting opportunity they saw, even if that meant taking on a pheasant, duck or a loon. After all, if they managed a successful kill against any of those three, the carcass would be a valuable windfall in such difficult times. Of course I hope that none of us ever have to go through such difficult times, but it is still something to consider." After this, she would leave Foxpaw to her thoughts which was probably for the best as it had started to rain. Unlike Scorchwing, Umbraclaw would look less then enthused about this turn of events, though that really wouldn't be much of a surprise. For you see, while the deputy possessed the highly unusual ability to climb trees, she was also unusual in fact that she was only an average swimmer. That was because her thick pelt had a tendency to quickly become waterlogged which slowed her down. So that meant that she was soon going to have to carry some extra water weight on this patrol thanks to the rain. However aside from her annoyed expression, the black mollie would otherwise keep her displeasure to herself and instead focus on the patrol. It was then that Larkclaw would notice the paw prints and bring them to her attention. After looking over them herself, she would say. " I think we should indeed follow them, but let me mark this place first before we do." With that she would head over to a nearby to claw at it's bark and quickly rub her cheek against it to scent mark it at well. Afterwards, she would have the group start to follow the tracks. ![]() Edited on 19/09/18 @ 20:01:45 by Katia (#134163) |
Silentjay (Silent) (#35582)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 11:52:15 |
Sootpaw | Duskclan Apprentice | 13 moons | Small, gray tabby tom | Location: Duskclan Camp | Mentions: (Direct) Blackstar, Mothpaw, Vulturepaw (Indirect) Harepaw, Cherrysong(NPC), Fawnfur(NPC) ![]() |
⍟ chennie 🏜️ g1 olive nrlc (#84624) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 14:26:12 |
Sparrowclaw||She-cat||27 Moons||Dawnclan Warrior||Location: Camp||Mentions: Falconstrike [Open] ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 19:32:44 |
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🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 21:28:37 |
Flamepaw|Dawnclan|Apprentice|13 Moons Old|Ginger She-Cat|Location: border|Mention(s) Directly: Foxpaw, Scorchwing|Mention(s) Indirectly: Umbraclaw, Sunspots, Weasleflight Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Border|Mention(s) Directly: Wealseflight, Flamepaw. Foxpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: Dead Body ![]() Edited on 19/09/18 @ 22:04:56 by (<LightQueen>)DwarfKing (#59203) |
Razz [Clean Sidereal Svelte] (#18166) Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 21:33:10 |
Weaselflight | DuskClan Warrior | 21 Moons | Tom | River Rocks | Redeye; Owlfeather, Cherrysong; Unknown Bodies; Foxpaw; Umbraclaw; Flamepaw ![]() |