Posted by Dusk and Dawn: Roleplay board

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 14:38:31

 This is the Roleplay Board for Dusk and Dawn!
Current Weather- Dappled clouds, Warm.||Prey- Medium||Twoleg threat: Low||Overall danger: High


 Dawnclan Info!

Player Characters; Dawnclan
Ranked Cats
Dawnclan Leader: Gingerstar, (F, AGility) Razz
Dawnclan Deputy: Umbraclaw , F Katia Mentor to Foxpaw
Dawnclan Medicine Cat: Hornetpaw; (M, Strength) Vespertine
Dawnclan Medicine cat Apprentice: (reserved)>

Current Messenger: Lightsong (M, Agility) (NPC)

Scorchwing; F Ladyseer Mentor to: Flamepaw
Larkclaw: F Zesha Mentor to Cinderpaw
Cloudburst: (F, Agility) The-Grey-ace Queen
Ravenblaze, (M, Strength) Balder Previous Medicine-cat who renounced title
Shadewing, (M Strength) Dez Mentor to Willowpaw
Falconstrike,(M Strength) NPC Captured.
Swiftclaw F NPC Captured.
Turtlesplash, (F Strength) Vespertine Warrior, demoted to apprentice ranked tasks

Foxpaw; (F, Agility) Peachie Apprentice of Umbraclaw
Flamepaw; (F, Agility) Lightqueen Apprentice of Scorchwing, Messenger Apprentice
Cinderpaw F Ladyseer Apprentice of Larkclaw
Willowpaw (M, Strength) Razz Apprentice of Shadewing
Swallowpaw Limebird Apprentice of Gingerstar, possible temporary

Elders and Kits

Flamepaw, Foxpaw LightsongKin
Sunspots (deceased) Stoneclaw;(parents) Mintkit (sister)
Doegaze (mother) Amberpool;Dewmist(Deceased);Copperfang (Siblings)
Gingerstar's Kin
Embergaze, Icefang (parents)
Hornetpaw's Kin
Beestrike, Otterstripe (Parents)
Larkclaw Kin
Pinecloud (mother) Related to Beestrike (NPC) Hornetpaw (PC)
Cinderpaw's Kin

Other NPCs
Mousefur, Deceased, previous messenger
Badgertail, Elder Tom
Rabbitnose, Elder Tom

Dawnclan Territory:
Dawnclan's territory is lightly forested, with wider, slow rivers connecting to the two small central lakes. The terrain is moss covered and gently hilly. A sandy area on the edge of a shallow river is their training area, and to the south is the two-leg gathering place where small nests nestle between thin cut trees on the edge of a small lake, which merges into the two-leg town the more south one goes.
The camp is nestled in a dip in the land, with a series of rocks that make shelters for the Leader and Medicine cat dens, as well as the nursery. The rest of the nests are in old burrows, the edge of the camp sheltered with prickly brambles. It is spacious and open, with plenty of places to relax on moss covered stones or tussle in soft grass.
the territory is marked to the east and north by a large, uncrossable river. To the south by the two-leg camp ground, and to the east by their boundary with Duskclan, which is marked most notably by a large spread of rocks along a thin river that eventually turns into Duskclan terrain. It is a spot of much conflict.

 Duskclan Info!

Player Characters; Duskclan
Ranked Cats
Duskclan Leader: Blackstar; (M, Strength) Peachie
Duskclan Deputy: Owlfeather; (F, Strength) Lightqueen-
Duskclan Medicine Cat: Temporary: Frost (F, Agility) Peachie
Duskclan Medicine cat Apprentice: Mothpaw M NPC Captured.

Dustpelt; (M, Agility) Peachie Mentor to Harepaw
Weaselflight; (M, Agility) Razz
Redeye; (M, Agility) Vespertine Mentor to Vulturepaw
Wolfstorm (F, Strength) Dez Mentor to Springpaw
Sootwhisker: (M, Agility) Silentjay
Patch, (F Strength) Moemoe Rogue staying with Duskclan

Harepaw; F Ladyseer Apprentice to Dustpelt
Vulturepaw: (M, Strength) Grey-ace Apprentice to Redeye
Springpaw, F Sweet Nightmares Apprentice to Wolfstorm
Spiderpaw Vespertine Apprentice to Blackstar

Elders and Kits

NPCS (Cats Kin) Open for NPC use
Owlfeather kin:
Orion;Scorch- rogues
Harepaw kin
Cherrysong(deceased); Clovershine;Brambletail
Sootpaw kin
Blackstar Kin
Acornfall, Elder She-cat, Nightfall- Queen
Other NPCs
Adderflight (Missing, previous messenger)
Frogwhisper (Missing, Previous Medicine Cat)

Duskclan Territory:
Duskclan's territory lies to the east side of the territories, in thicker forest where mist lingers longer in the mornings, and navigation requires agility and precision. The rivers here are often thinner, but more wild with faster waters in many of the places. Their training area is a clear patch of forest where the ground is soft and a fallen log and tree stumps provide a boundary.
Their camp is nestled up, and along the side of a hill that inclines sharply, with pathways between and going up its walls. The dens nestle close together, with the Leaders den above inside a fallen tree root system, the medicine cat below in the same system. The dens are in a mixture of burrows and makeshift nests in the brush, some nests in the jagged hill walls. Outside the nests they have a spacious area for sharing tongues and meetings, protected by thick foliage and the numerous rocks.
Their territory is marked by a sheer cliff drop to the east, an uncross able river to the north, the two-legs to the south, and their border with Dawnclan.

Two-legs are in the territory!
Currently due to the nice weather, two-legs have been more prevalent than normal, walking along the paths that trace between both clans.
Though they often leave cats alone, the threat of dogs and scared prey is high.


Two-legs have taken a Duskclan cat.
Two-leg traps have been found in both clans.
A Dawnclan cat was killed by an unknown source.
A strange new scent has been found all over the territory, its source leading apparently south.
Ravenblaze has seen a Starclan sign in the clouds.
During a storm, Duskclan cats found three bodies, all deceased. Two Dawnclan, one Duskclan.
Dawnclan on the same patrol found a few pawprints, hard to identify but heading what looks like south.
Mothpaw, Ravenblaze, and Hornetpaw have seen signs in the clouds, cats fighting against an unknown darkness.
Two strangers have been found in the territory, one taken by the two-legs another who seems to be nesting near the Cavern on Dawnclan territory.

The traps are discovered to not be for the cats.

**Please make sure to put your clan in your header! **

Red X is where cats have been found, killed. Red dots are known traps. Yellow arrows are pawprint locations, and direction they lead.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 20:43:34 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-07 12:25:47

Ravenblaze | Dawnclan Former Medicine Cat | 25 Moons | White Green-Eyed Tom | Dawnclan Camp | Flamepaw, Hornetpaw, Open!

Ravenblaze flicked an ear when he heard paw steps approaching, at first assuming it was nothing of importance. A green eye opened when he heard a familiar voice call his name, followed by the white tom's head being lifted from his nest. "Flamepaw, it's been a while." He mewed, a little glad to have company once more. "I'm fine, just need something for my pain." He assured quickly. He did not want the apprentice to worry about him. He listened quietly to her telling of the news regarding Cloudburst's litter, surprised to hear that some had passed away. "I'm sure Hornetpaw did all he could, not everyone is favoured by Starclan." He almost spat the last part of his sentence out. It was clear something within the former medicine cat had changed, he had used to adore Starclan. "Hmm, perhaps some prey would be nice, it feels like I haven't eaten in moons." He gave Flamepaw a warm, grateful smile. He had missed Clan life, especially the cats in his Clan.

He turned his head to give Hornetpaw his full attention as he heard the tom enter the den, waving his tail in a greeting. "Do you have something to ease this pain?" He asked, closing his eyes against a small wave of pain. It felt like it got worse whenever he acknowledged it. "It's bearable, but it gets really intense sometimes." He further explained, giving his former apprentice a sheepish smile. His ears perked when he heard Gingerstar's voice. Despite their differences, he had truly missed the prickly leader. He furrowed his non-existent eyebrows. "What's happened since I disappeared?"

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 20:51:21

Owlfeather|Duskclan|Deputy|36 Moons Old|Siamese She-Cat|Location: Duskclan camp|Mention(s) Directly: Wolfstorm, Cattlekit|Mention(s) Indirectly: Nightfall

Owlfeather, still rubbing her sore nose, gave a slight growl, as Wolfstorm laughed. "I'm still deputy, so I don't need coddling", the siamese she-cat grumbled. She knew what it would mean to be a queen, it meant that Owlfeather would not be able to attend to her normal duties. Maybe, once the kits where old enough, Nightfall could take them, while she gets back to her duties as deputy. The she-cat sat down, as Wolfstorm continued to speak. Licking her chest, Owlfeather let out a sigh, "You're probably right."
As her eyes also went to the small kit, a thought came to her. "Does he have a name yet?", Owlfeather asked. The kit could not speak yet, presumably, so they would have to give him a name. A slight smile came to her face at the thought, they would have to name this kit, just like her kits soon. Owlfeather shook her head, to clear her mind. "You're right it's getting late", the she-cat repeated. Reaching out her paw, she trapped the bouncing kit's tail under her paw. "Which means, that it's also time for you to go to bed", a smirk on her face as she leaned down to say this.


Flamepaw|Dawnclan|Apprentice|13 Moons Old|Ginger She-Cat|Location: Dawnclan Camp|Mention(s) Directly: Revenblaze, Hornetpaw|Mention(s) Indirectly: Gingerstar, Foxpaw, OPEN

Flamepaw looked over, as Ravenblaze spoke. The ginger tabby she-cat nodded her head, she didn't really understand what the tom meant, but she knew better then to say anything when a medicine cat spoke. "Sure thing", Flamepaw said, getting to her paws, as the white tom asked for some prey.
The messenger apprentice looked up, as Hornetpaw came into the medicine cat den as well. She nodded her head and was about to give him a smile, but the slightly depressed look behind the young tom's eyes changed this. The other kit must've died, Flamepaw realized. Following Hornetpaws gaze, the she-cat let out a low grumble. If her paws where not already aching, from the run too and from the Duskclan camp, Flamepaw would probably have gone after the leader and her littermate. She gave him a reassuring smile, "I anything has happened, I'm sure you can deal with it", Flamepaw said. Turning back to the white injured tom, she said, "I'll go and fetch you some prey then."
Turning, the fluffy ginger apprentice headed out of the medicine cat den and walked towards the fresh-kill pile.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 22:30:18

⌘{ Patch }⌘
:: Female :: Rogue :: 35 Moons :: M-Shadewing, Open ::
:: Location: Dawnclan Border/Duskclan Border ::

Dipping her head to the tom as he left, Patch sat in silence for a long while after the black and white warrior had long since disappeared quickly into the brush. It wasn't long until the lyrical cries of birds started to dance between the leaves once again as the smaller creatures of the forest cautiously returned to the lives that the two cats had so rudely interrupted several minutes before. Tilting her head to enjoy the isolation after the brief but intense bout of socialization which she had gone through, quite a bit of time passed before the muted calico decided to try and find some shelter among the trees.

A bit of searching revealed...nothing really. No empty dens or hollowed out logs or rocks conveniently placed to create a mini-cave. All the tree limbs she could see seemed too small or too far up to hold her weight...and as for the bushes, they all seemed very compact with quite a few thorns to go along with. All in all...there really wasn't anyplace 'safe' to wait unless she wanted to go deeper within Duskclan Territory...but so far listening to the clan cats (or former clan cats) that she had met seemed to have turned out quite well so as a result she intended to take Shadewings advice quite seriously. Even if it meant spending the night here with little to no shelter in a place the positively reeked of well...other cats. Perhaps a meal would make the prospect more appealing.

Should she wait perhaps until she was found? Well considering she hadn't eaten since the day before and had expended quite a bit of energy during her swim earlier...she honestly didn't have any more willpower to be polite...not to mention the itching in her fur was getting worse. Quite a bit worse....having fleas certainly did make the prospect of swimming much more appealing than it should have been.

Flash forward an hour later after several failed hunting attempts (including a songbird, a vole, a squirrel, two mice, a snake, and a beetle)...and it didn't really matter if she was willing to sacrifice her hunger for politeness. Here, where scavenging seemed to be rare if even existent, Patch was at a notable disadvantage. Her mother hadn't known how to properly hunt and so, by difference, Patch was in a similar position. It looked as if it would be another long night without food...not that this was an unfamiliar situation for the rogue. Underneath the considerably thick pelt, the female boasted, her body was not what one would describe as well fed...luckily it was hard for others to notice thanks to that very same coat of fur as well as her considerably large frame. Thanks to dad, whoever he had been...Patch couldn't imagine how much more struggle a small rogue would have to go through to survive. The small in their world were often seen as a fun time, someone to steal from, or in some cases...a nice snack.

Deciding to call it quits for what was left of the day, Patch would find a small nook between two tree roots to rest between, her back firmly pressed against a truck as she curled up and placed her tail over her nose. The female would occasionally shift her position to chew and scratch at a particularly evil little flea, but for the most part, the rogue would sit still as her thoughts drifted aimlessly revisiting memories as well as what her future might hold. Eventually, as the sun got lower in the sky, the female would drift asleep.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 15:04:57

News/Event for: Patch

Even as the forest seems to settle for the night, the air is filled with noise. From the last calls of birds, to the bugs screeing about the evening heat. From the distance however, there is a sound that is far more alarming. A few barks, and the muted sound of two-leg 'conversing'. Even if they are still several paces away, its clear that they are getting closer. If Patch happens to peek out, towards the south there is the flashes of two-legs and their dog in the distance and to the north, the faintest flicker of what looks like white fur through the dense foliage.

(Feel free to have Patch run into Frost, She'll just be at the edge of the camp location, collecting a few herbs.)

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 15:11:09

Frost |Old Med-cat,Duskclan|white and gray she-cat|Location: Duskclan Camp|Mentions: Springpaw

Frost twitched her whiskers at the small apprentice.
"No, that would have been, Frogwhisper." She gave Springpaw a few final asessing nudges, then relaxed, puling away from the she-cat.
"You seem fine enough. If you start to feel ill, or uncomfortable at all, come back to the medicine-cat den. Otherwise, you're fine to stay in your own den now." She twitched her tail, as if dismissing the young cat before she turned, to trot towards the medicine-cat den, her new, temporary home. It was pathetically sparce, and she could tell that the missing cat had put a strain on the clan. Narrowing her eyes, she shifted back out of the den, passing Blackstar only briefly to alert him to her plan, before she trotted towards the entrance to the camp, slipping out of it without much of a glance at the rest of the clan. She knew there were a few herbs that were close enough to the camp that she could at grab the important bits before night truly fell.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 23:44:07

⌘{ Patch }⌘
:: Female :: Rogue :: 35 Moons :: M- Frost ::
:: Location: Duskclan Border > Duskclan Territory ::

As the sounds of the forest faded away, the distinctive babbling of humanity got louder as they moved closer to where Patch slept. Quite the heavy sleeper, the large cat didn't notice the bipeds until their dog...was almost on top of her. The first thing the rogue became aware of was the sound of bushes cracking beneath a heavyweight. Confused as to what this sound might be, as it made no sense in the context of her dream, the calico was sluggish to opening her eye...just in time to see the dog break through the bushes and make eye contact.

Instantly, Patch's fur stood on end doubling her size as her feet shot underneath her raising her to her full height just as the dog ran at her, it's tail wagging excitedly. Misinterpreting its body language the rogue took a swipe at its nose claws unsheathed before she turned and bolted in the opposite direction...too pumped full of adrenaline and pure fear to understand if she had hit the animal or even if it was currently following her tree trunks flew by as the she-cat ran as fast as she could sure that the larger predator was right on her tail.

Only a few seconds passed before the female reached some bushes, the thorns painfully scraping through her pelt as she forced herself through them and out the other side....only to find herself face to face with a gray and white cat. To overcome with the fierce emotions that had so suddenly taken over her body, instinct, and past experiences had the she-cat's body turn ridged as a deep-throated hiss exited her throat, panic pushing her to move forward but the presence of this newly found stranger keeping her in place....for now.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-11-09 19:54:13
Frost |Old Med-cat,Duskclan|white and gray she-cat|Location: Duskclan Camp exterior|Mentions: Patch

To her credit, Frost didn't inhale the mouthful of herbs that were clamped between her jaws as the form of a cat came barreling forward, pushing through the foliage as if the Dark Forest themselves were chasing after her. She did however, end up spitting the plants out with a jolt of surprise, shaking her head with a few choice mutterings, her fur fluffed up from the shock.
"Oy! No need to get back to your camp that quickly!" she hissed, looking more annoyed than anything by the she-cats aggression. Clan cats. They could have no manners sometimes. She shook her head once more, muzzle still scrunched up as the last traces of the herb scent wafted away. As she did, she scanned the cat before her, the previously annoyed expression shifting as she did so. The cat before her didn't have the traces of Duskclan scent, more obvious now that herbs weren't clogging her nose. Her eyes softened slightly, and she took a step closer to the she-cat, looking more concerned now. Tufts of the strangers fur were left on the thorns she had pushed through, and Frost could only imagine how many had possibly embedded into the cats coat.
"Are you in trouble?" She mewed, then she paused, glancing back towards the camp, just a few fox lengths away. Without waiting for much of an answer, she continued.
"Its not safe in these woods right now, you know." She began to shift through the leaves that had fallen, using a slender paw to bundle them back into a clump.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-09 21:09:47

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 21:10:04 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-11-10 22:30:11

⇺ [ Turtlesplash ] ⇻
24 Moons • Female • Former Kittypet
Location: DawnClan Camp • Mentions: Gingerstar, Scorchwing, Larkclaw

As Scorchwing led her through the territory it was as if everything came rushing back to Turtlesplash. Every scent, sight, and sound felt equally familiar and strange. The tortoiseshell could feel her nerves starting to kick in and steeled herself for the next confrontation. She doubted this one would be as pleasant. As they padded into camp the cats milling about the clearing didn't react immediately, in fact, it seemed as if they'd arrived at a potentially inopportune time. Something had clearly happened. She could sense uncertainty and alarm from the crowd, as well as detecting the scent of blood. Someone was injured.

Sure enough, she could spot a vaguely recognizable brown and white she-cat being led into the medicine cat's den by Gingerstar and a large golden tabby, the concern on his face betraying a closer relationship than just a healer and his patient...Larkkit and Hornetpaw then. It seemed every cat she once knew had done quite a bit of growing. She waited for the commotion to die down, Larkkit...well, she likely had a more adult name now, fully situated in the medicine den before clearing her throat and stepping forward in the hopes of catching Gingerstar's attention.

Several cats whirled around to face her, others gasping in shock once they recognized her. "Gingerstar," she greeted, dipping her head respectfully to the older she-cat before continuing. "It seems I have poor timing, and for that, I apologize, but I feel this may be a sign I was right to come. Twelve moons have passed since I abandoned my place among the Clan. I return to you today in the hopes this transgression can be forgiven. I reject my life as a kittypet and fully dedicate the remainder of my days to you and DawnClan, if you will have me back."

Turtlesplash found herself at a loss for what to say, unsure what would appease her former Clanmates, most of whom were glaring or growling at her in distaste, so she focused on keeping her words polite and sincere. "I understand if you grant me permission to stay I will have much to prove, and I am prepared to accept your conditions, whatever they may be. I truly believe this is where I am meant to be."

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Edited on 10/11/18 @ 22:32:35 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 23:01:02

⌘{ Patch }⌘
:: Female :: Rogue :: 35 Moons :: M- Frost ::
:: Location: Duskclan Border > Duskclan Territory ::

It took a long second to realize that this stranger, this gray and white she-cat, was speaking to her instead of attacking. From what she could gather, through the muddle of adrenaline, was that the stranger thought she was a clan cat...were clans so big you couldn't tell if there was a stranger among your ranks? It seemed odd that this female spoke of a clan with so much familiarity but couldn't recognize a stranger when coming face to face for one. However, these half-formed thoughts didn't mean much under the circumstances as there was potentially a large predator tailing behind and Patch herself didn't wish to be on the toothy end of that reception.

Through ragged breaths, the female managed to get a few broken words out.

"Dog, chasing! Please help."

The moment she mentioned a dog the other cat seemed to stiffen before gesturing with a tail and quickly turning around saying to follow her. Not sure if such a thing was wise, but not really having much of a choice under the circumstances, Patch followed.

(Peachie gave me permission to have Frost take Patch to camp, but I didn't know how exactly would be the best way to go about this so I did this...basically, Frost is leading Patch towards camp.)

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-11-11 02:53:44
Umbraclaw|Deputy of Dawnclan|Black Mollie|Location: Camp|Mentions: Gingerstar, Larkclaw (Ind) Hornetpaw, Ravenblaze

Umbraclaw soon make her way back to the camp, thinking about Larkclaw's wound the entire time. She would silently pray to Starclaw that Larkclaw would be okay and that she would forgive her for the mistake that caused it in the first place. Even now she could almost hear her mother's reproachful voice which filled her with shame.

Yet right now, the best thing she could do for Dawnclan was find Gingerstar and give her a full report. After all, she didn't actually expect Foxpaw to make a proper report, but she clearly did her job well and for that she was proud of her. The deputy would have to tell her that before the day was out.

By now she had arrived back at the camp and quickly started looking for the leader of Dawnclan. It wouldn't take long to find her and upon doing so, she would call out to her before bowing her head respectfully. Umbraclaw would then approach and start to make her report. "I had gone on a hunting patrol with Larkclaw and Foxpaw. However I grew concerned about the unusual silence in the area. So we were about to go hunt elsewhere when we saw an unusual dappled pelt belonging to a creature that looked vaguely feline. We approached it from two sides when Foxpaw tripped alerting the creature's attention. At this point we could tell that it was an extremely large feline of sort, but it had a withered leg. Larkclaw was briefly able to talk to it and we learned that it had been injured by other cats like us before running off."

She would give Gingerstar a moment to take in everything before continuing with her report. " Shortly afterward we encountered a Duskclan patrol consisting of Owlfeather, Redeye and one of their apprentices. We attempted to confront them when we suddenly heard a yowl that came from the creature from earlier coming from the brush between us and the Duskclan patrol. Not wanting to risk being ambushed by the creature, I called out to the Duskclan asking why they were trespassing. I was told that they had encountered another creature like this one that had been caught in a two legs trap. This creature apparently asked them to help it's sister which turned out to be in our territory. I attempted to calm the creature so we could try to get some information out of it as it could be responsible for some of our recent losses. However Redeye started asking it some rather accusatory questions regarding their clan's losses which aggravated it and caused it to run away again. Both he and Larkclaw chased after it with the rest of us quickly following after."

Umbraclaw would take a deep breath here as she was approaching the point in the report where she had screwed up along with Owlfeather. "We would follow it to that cursed cavern where it would head inside with Redeye following close behind. We also learned that the creature's name is Storm. I attempted to bait the Duskclan patrol into following Storm into the cave with the hopes that they would be attacked by either Storm or the dark cats. Owlfeather didn't go for it and at that moment we heard a scream. Both Owlfeather and myself moved closer to the cave to investigate...which unfortunately only made matters worse. Storm would end up leaving a long cut on Redeye's throat before barreling into Larkclaw which knocked her into the rocks and caused her wound." At this moment, she would look utterly ashamed which would likely give Gingerstar the impression that the deputy had been beating herself up over this.

However she would quickly continue with the report by saying. "After this it went deeper into the cavern with Redeye following after it. Owlfeather would call after him before giving up and telling the apprentice that they were going back to camp. At this I ordered Larkclaw and Foxpaw to return to camp to so Foxpaw could report to you and Larkclaw could get her wound treated. Meanwhile I escorted the two remaining Duskclan out as I didn't want to risk them doubling back and causing more problems, perhaps even attacking Larkclaw. As I did this Owlfeather made a request that if Redeye came out of the cavern if we would send him home. I told her that that particular decision was yours alone. Once they had left our territory, I headed back to the cavern and concealed myself to observe it. I only wished to see if either Redeye or Storm would come out, but had no intention of engaging them unless reinforcements came. Ultimately nothing came out before Foxpaw showed up and we went back to camp."

(I don't remember what exactly Larkclaw was thrown into since that information was buried in the abyss that is our chat. So just pretend Umbraclaw said the right thing ok? )

(Edit: Forgot to include Owlfeather's request so I just edited it in.)

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 17:58:23 by Katia (#134163)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 13:11:25

Blackstar|Leader of Duskclan|One eyed Black Tom|Location: Camp|Mentions: Patch, Frost
Blackstars head raised as he saw Frost re-enter the camp, this time with another cat in tow. His brow furrowed, and for a moment, he did not move. The dark leader was tired, and the thought of having to deal with yet another stranger sent a shudder down his spine, ruffling his fur. However, after he closed his eyes for a moment, he forced himself to his paws, and began to make his way over. Frost trotted a few paces ahead, intercepting Blackstar before he could begin talking, her own voice low and her ears flattening slightly as she spoke to the leader in quick words. To his credit, Blackstar did not rise to Frosts less than respectful mannerisms, but his muzzle curled ever so slightly as he gave a faint jerk of his head, dismissing the she-cat before his single eye fell onto Patch.
"Welcome to Duskclan, stranger. Frost says that you were being chased by a dog." He paused, trying to hide the weariness in his paws, keeping his head and tail high.
"Our clan has more honor than to send a cat out in the night with enemies about. If you are passing through, you can rest here until it is safe." His tail twitched as he regarded the she-cat before him. She didn't look much of a threat, but appearances could be deceiving.
"Brambletail." He suddenly called, gathering the attention of a warrior who was resting on the fringe of the clearing.
"Show our guest the outer root nests. " It wasn't an official den, but at least the area would be sheltered enough, and it was in clear view of the cats on guard. As he spoke, his eye clearly said to keep watch as well, before he shifted its glare back to Patch, for a moment it looked like he was going to say something else, then his jaws clicked shut. Instead, he gave her one last scanning gaze before shifting to spread the word about their visitor.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-11 16:50:54
Roseclaw|Warrior of Duskclan|black and ginger calico she-cat|Location: Camp|Mentions: Open!

Roseclaw curled her tail around her paws. Her brother, Firestone, sat next to her. He licked his paw as Roseclaw stared off into space. "Roseclaw, you good?"
"Huh, oh, yeah, sorry. Just thinking." She murmured shifting her position.
"'Bout what?" Firestone asked cocking his head to the side.
"Doesn't matter." She meowed scratching behind her ear. She licked her paw and let out a yawn. Firestone walked off, Roseclaw had no idea why, he just did. Roseclaw looked up at the sky. SHe let out a sigh then laid down laying her head on her paws. She let her mind wander off.

(Sorry if it's not that good. It's always hard to start out in an RP you ahve no clue what's going on)

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Murk]🌈 (#135106)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 17:18:58
☬ |Springpaw| Duskclan Apprentice| 8 Moons| Female| T-Open| Mentor: Adderflight| Location: Camp|Color Code=#0dbab1|☬

She nodded to frost and padded off, it was starting to get dark now. Springpaw looked around the clearing as she felt more alive at when darkness would arrive. Maybe it was in her genetic for her to be more active during the night time then in the day time? She didn’t know the answer to this though, but there was still day light out so she figured she better get some sleep like she was told to do. She padded softly to the apprentices den making sure not to wake up any of the sleeping ones. She payed down in her nest, feathers where wrapped around it and soft moss bound to it as well. She buried her nose in her paws and let out a deep, but quite yawn. She felt so relived her paws seemed to have been aching all day from missing her duties when she was out. Oh no! Would she be held back as a apprentice for not being active, shire not...right? She hissed under her breath and muttered mouse dung. [font color=#0dbab1]”there you go again Springpaw always messing things up”[/font] her mother would say to her. She could already here it being a disappointment, but then she laughed for she was “clan born.” Atleast she had something again her mother. She stretched out her hunches and fell asleep purring with satisfaction.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-11-11 22:38:30

Gingerstar | DawnClan Leader | 36 Moons | Mollie | Camp | Larkclaw ; Hornetpaw ; Turtlesplash ; Shadewing ; Scorchwing ; Umbraclaw ; [ID] All

Gingerstar supported Larkclaw's weight as best she could as they approached the camp, but as the tabby and white mollie began to drift from consciousness, the leader was forced to resort to some less than favorable tactics. She, after some serious irritated poking and prodding, managed to get Larkclaw to help drape herself over Gingerstar's back. This process left the broad shouldered but smaller mollie stained with blood and dust, her fur mussed around. She had a rather difficult time making it the last leg of the way into the camp, but as soon as she was there she braced her legs and walked as confidently as a cat trying to balance another bleeding one on her back could, into the medicine den, where she unceremoniously slid Larkclaw onto the ground. She yowled for Hornetpaw, and as soon as the young tom met her in its depths, she explained the situation. "Hole in her side, right about where the shoulder connects to the body, it looks deep and she was having trouble breathing."

She left then, her face twisted in thought as she neared her den, beginning to pace at its mouth. She was deeply disturbed by the news of the day, frustrated by reckless actions but also by the fact that those actions had not given them any truly helpful information or a step up over DuskClan. Her tail lashed at the thought of the other clan. Blackstar's visit had just been a distraction, a cover for his warriors to sneak into her territory, and she had given him access to the quickest way through it. She was paying very little attention when Umbraclaw finally returned with the rest of the patrol the leader had sent out to fetch her. She jerked her head up at the mollie's voice, and was flooded first with relief that her friend was not hurt, and then a wave of anger at the stupidity displayed in the day's events. She listened with jaw clenched as Umbraclaw told her the events of the day. She said nothing when the black mollie finished, only shot her a look that showed she was unhappy with her deputy, and turned towards the waiting clan. She was about to lunge for the announcement root when yet another curveball was thrown.

It took Gingerstar a moment to identify the tortoiseshell body in their ranks. She stank of twolegs and was flanked by Scorchwing and Shadewing. The creamy mollie's lips pulled up into a snarl, her teeth bared and her fur beginning to raise in hostility. Turtlesplash's voice was dripping with false sincerity. The leader's face twisted and she let out a sharp, harsh laugh as Turtlesplash hinted at 'being right to come'. What a joke.

"No, traitor, you were not 'right to come'," Gingerstar's voice had no sugarcoating. It was obvious that she was loathe to even address the deserter, and her lips twitched before she went on, "I thought it was made plenty clear that your disloyal foxhearted presence was not welcome in DawnClan's territory." She turned her piercing gaze to the two warriors who had accompanied her in. "Scorchwing, Shadewing, you have done the clan a great danger by bringing a deserter into it's home camp. Do you not think before you act? You are fools, letting shattered memories lead your actions before another's actions."

She turned back to Turtlesplash, and approached her very quickly, shoving her face very close to the other mollie's. Her lips curled into a very twisted smile, which was not helped by the fact that her coat was, to this moment, still smeared with blood and grime, including around her face where she had nudged Larkclaw's body into position on her back and adjusted it as she walked. "You are to be placed under immediate watch," she hissed, her horrifying eyes filled with hate, "attempt to leave, you will be killed. Attempt to move about without your guards explicit presence, you will be killed. Do anything without your guard present whatsoever, and you will be killed. I will decide what to do with your traitor's hide after dealing with the other, bigger, problems."

With that she turned, jerking her head at Amberpool and Icefang. "Watch her."

She whipped around again, and sprang onto the root she used for announcements, her furious gaze scanning the clan. "DawnClan," she yowled, knowing almost the entire clan was at her feet already, brought out by the commotion of Larkclaw's recovery, Umbraclaw's arrival, and Turtlesplash's reappearance, "today marks a dark day in DawnClan's history. On a routine patrol, Umbraclaw and her patrol discovered a very large cat in the territory, poaching our prey and threatening our warriors. It appears to have an old injury, a withered leg. This is important to keep in mind in case one encounters the creature- use it to your advantage. It is faster than you, stronger than you, and bigger than you. It is dangerous. You are NOT to attempt to engage this creature alone, or in a patrol numbering less than four cats. Send a delegate back to camp, alert me of it's presence, and we will send you backup.

"When the patrol pursued the large cat, they came across DuskClan intruders. They were about to chase them off when, again, the large cat, disturbed the situation. They chased her off, followed her, and identified that she was taking cover in the Cavern. There was an altercation. Larkclaw was injured, thrown against some rocks, and a DuskClan cat disappeared into the cavern with the large cat.

"Because of these recent events, there are going to be a few new rules. At least two warriors must accompany every apprentice. Patrols must consist of three or more cats. No cat is to enter the Cavern or the surrounding areas, but patrol frequency around there will be increased significantly. The DuskClan border is to be patrolled often as well. Scent marks are to be applied more frequently along the borders and around the Cavern, lay them down thick and refresh them often. If you see the large cat, which DuskClan called a 'serval', you are to send a cat back to inform me of the situation so that I may send backup. They have been proven to be exceptionally dangerous, volatile, and unpredictable. Do not assume to know all about it just because it is another feline like you. The DuskClan warrior who disappeared into the Cavern is not likely to see the light of day again, but if he is you are to escort him to the border and assure he does not return. He is the red-eyed white vermin of their ranks, Redeye.

"You may have also noticed that we have a returning guest amongst our ranks. The traitor Turtlesplash has deemed it appropriate to bless us with her disloyal presence. She is to be under constant watch of at least two warriors. Amberpool and Icefang have the first shift, Falconstrike and Stoneclaw will take the next. Umbraclaw will delegate new guards from that point forward. If she leaves your sight, or tries to escape, do not hesitate to remind her of what deserters deserve in DawnClan. I will decide the fate of her traitor's hide later. Take her on hunts, patrols... whatever you deem necessary, but her kittypet stench is too thick for marking- not that a traitor deserves that right anyhow."

Gingerstar's speech concluded, and she lunged from the root, and promptly disappeared into the depths of her den to think.
If you ask too many questions, or seek too much approval, nothing ever gets done

[I fudged the timing a bit to make it flow better, Turtlesplash and her patrol are addressed after Umbraclaw]

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 22:39:43 by Razz [PUTP Sidereal Symmpie] (#18166)

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