Posted by Decay | RP Thread | Closed

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-13 23:23:55

This RP is closed and has been remade here: LINK

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This is a remake of an old RP that I'm incredibly fond of. You can find the original here.

Click image for it's source.

A feminine, monotone voice echoes through the halls of a suburban family home, "An estimated 250 dogs live at the plant itself, 225 in the city of Chernobyl, and hundreds more roam around, for a total of more than 1,000, according to SPCA International. Wolves and the need for food have driven the dogs from wooded areas surrounding the plant into the Exclusion Zone." Suddenly, a sharper female voice cuts in. "Don't watch something so depressing, sweetie. The puppies are fine." The screen goes black.

setting music
The city is picturesque from the television screen. Though living amongst the crumbling, overgrown, radioactive buildings is another hell entirely. Dogs whose ancestors were abandoned by their masters in order to escape the explosion generations ago still remain here to this day, too far into the Exclusion Zone to be saved by any humans residing outside of Chernobyl. Many have been born with birth defects, sometimes visible but more often affecting their minds, organs and lifespans. Two major packs have risen out of the dust, Abolition and Insurgent. The packs have always been at odds but due to the encroachment of wolves and low resources, space is low and tempers are at an all time high. Can they come together to overcome the odds or will their own greed tear them down?


Current season: Early Winter. [Frigid temperatures. Long nights, short and dark days.]
Current major events:
Time Skip!! 9/5

Two Abolition dogs have been killed by Insurgent pack members. This has caused unrest in both packs.

A massive snow storm has swept over Chernobyl, bringing an early winter and a shortage of supplies.

Packs and Characters:

Image Sources: 1, 2

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Edited on 17/11/21 @ 17:42:16 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Mystic340☾ (#47157)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 06:27:28
Sana | Location: Insurgent Territory | Mentions: Demesu, Fiorello

Gentle blue eyes followed the pale dog as he rushed past them, the large amount of space he seemingly needed bringing slight confusion. A quick glance to her younger companion caused a hushed chuckle to sound from her, oh how he reminded her of someone she so closely knew. Before Demesu could respond, Sana began her aching scamper after the helpful canine, though he may have been a bit too fast.

Wait, why was going so quickly, did his previous warnings startle even himself. Sigh. Whatever it was it must've been important to move faster even if the added speed caused her bones to creak, or her muscles to stretch in an uncomforting way. Sana started after him, quickening her pace to reach the younger aide as a familiar warm pressed against her side. Demesu, what a sweet boy, he was always quick to appear at her side. "He's slowing down." The larger mutt spoke, slowing both of them down as to not run into the poor helper. "Ah, well at least we won't be left in the dark." She muttered, her joke reaching deaf ears as her son seemingly ignored her.

Demesu | Location: Insurgent Territory | Mentions: Sana, Fiorello

The wide window of space their pale companion took was well over enough to make Demesu feel bad, he could almost taste the fear radiating off of him, something his mother readily ignored. She was always like that though, never noticing when others or rather her own son would prefer be left to their own devices. A soft sound tickled his ears as the aforementioned hound seemingly found the scene to be funny, taking off soon after.

Demesu didn't let the space separating the two grow much larger, breaking into a sprint to catch up to her hobbling frame. Thick fur pressed into the smaller one's body, a simple gesture that meant the world to them. "He's slowing down." Demesu's voice rumbled, his attempt to calm her quick pace ending with ideal results. "Ah, well at least we won't be left in the dark." The mother attempted to "joke" once again, the simple thought causing pain to enter his heart. Sigh. I should just ignore it or act like I didn't hear her maybe. The thought orbited in his mind as he silently continued on, deeming better to ignore her, his weary eyes staring dead ahead.

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 12:13:15
Name: Shadow | Location: (I'm not sure anymore XD) | Mentions: Arseny, Tyulen', Quillion, Jade
Shadow stops moving after a moment, their head drooping, and calls out to Quillion. "Quill.... What if she's happy with Saint...? Can I really take that away from her.....?" Their head droops farther, until they give up and flop onto the ground again, snout resting on their paws. "I just want her to be happy.... and safe..... If she's with Saint, she won't run away anymore, and she'll be happy...... Maybe.... Maybe we should let her go....." Tears fill their eyes once again, but they refuse to allow them to fall in sight of the others and they cover their face with their paws.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 13:04:24
Fiorello | Loner | Location: Insurgent Border - Outside the Territories.
Mentions: Sana, Demesu.

The loner jolted a few steps away as the other dogs grew closer, now blatantly refusing to look them in the face. He studied the scars across the older one's body for a moment before shaking himself back into focus. "It-it's here." He all but whispered, slinking around the edge of a building and crawling through a gap in a rusted chain-link fence. His belly scraped along the ground and nails made a harsh screech against the cement before he finally pulled his way through. Ahead of him was a small shed, the door slightly ajar and the roof beginning to cave in. It appeared dilapidated and teetering on the edge of falling in. He slowly weaved through a mess of rubble lying around outside, bits of concrete and gravel where someone had begun construction on the pavement and never finished it. As he neared the entrance, he prodded it with his nose. A soft creak sounded through the air as the heavy metal door swung out a few more inches, making way for the dogs to enter.

The inside was much more cozy. Straw and miscellaneous pelts had seemingly been collected over time and covered the floor. The room smelt of Fiorello, as he had frequented it often for many years. Various items were tucked away into corners, practically useless but interesting to look at. The scrawny canine stepped back out after giving the room a quick glance. He steered clear of the two strangers, making it obvious that he didn't plan on following them inside. "You can stay here f-for as long as you like. It doesn't belong to anyone, so-so you won't be bothered."

Isa | Insurgent Leader | Location: Insurgent Territory.
Mentions: Aramis, Raymond, Mariah.

The hefty animal began to slide across the ground as the three began to tug in unison. Isa dug her claws into the dirt as she struggled against it, her muscles straining and teeth aching under the weight. Despite how uncomfortable it was, she was somewhat delighted as the trio began to move at a reasonable pace. We'll have this back in no time. Her eyes cut towards the path leading towards camp. This would feed the pack for days. The thought made pride swell up in her chest, spurring a surge of vigor through her body. Whatever aches and pains she had felt earlier seemed to have faded away in an instant.

She couldn't help but release an annoyed grunt as a familiar voice chimed from the tall grass. "Do you need any help?" Her brows furrowed as the fair-statured canine emerged from the brush to their side. How exactly can you help? She wanted to spit out, but didn't dare release her grip on the hog. Instead, she sent a loud growl towards the dachshund. A kinder way of saying, "Stay out of the way." She hadn't intended it to be any nicer, however. Isa would have gladly yelled it at the smaller dog if she weren't busy.

Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Abolition Border.
Mentions: Shadow, Ryker, Arseny, Tyulen'.

He had all but lost the mother and son duo in the tall grass as he struggled to keep up. He paused, letting out a worried bark as he tried to locate them. We need to find the pup. Panic set in and he almost completely missed Shadow's plea as they spoke. "Maybe we should let her go..." The last sentence finally echoed into his mind. He swiveled around, fur rising as he intended to bark some sense into the beta. However, seeing their disheveled features made him reel and slowly sit back on his haunches. A pang of something was swirling around in his chest and head. Hurt? Grief? Sadness? He couldn't tell anymore. He was beginning to grow tired of this fight.

Quillon sat for a moment in defeat, letting silence settle around them. It was almost comforting, not hearing something for once. "If you think that's what's best for her, I'll respect your wishes." He reluctantly answered, but the harm was apparent on his features. Only for a moment however, he had quickly returned to a more stoic disposition as he stood once again and stomped past Shadow. I'll return later. I'll do this myself. I'll find- He bit his tongue, his mind flashing back to his own cold mother. They aren't the same. They aren't Isa. He shook the thought away before continuing on.

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Edited on 26/08/21 @ 13:05:01 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 13:35:10
Reo | Abolition Scout | Location: Abolition Camp | Mentions: [Direct] Ferrer, Shiloh

Reo had finally reached the destination only to see the commotion from Shiloh and Ferrer. a death-ridden stench filled his nostrils and his brown orbs moved frantically to see what had caused it. They landed on the lifeless body of Mavy. Mavy, his packmate. An amazing warrior. Mavy... the new mother. She just had her pups just mere hours ago. Reo watched as Ferrer went over to the corpse and nearly let out his own cry when he heard the other canine's. The sighthound walked over to Mavy and gently set down the wildflowers next to her. Why would an Insurgent dog do this? It's not like Mavy crossed the border. But... where was she going anyways? Surely, this would have been a close call if the outcomes were different.

The dog looked at the other two and looked back at the body. "We should.. We should give her a proper burial and report this to Lance when we return." The healer said. Reo wanted him to somehow fix what had happened but he knows, deep down that this was beyond fixable. The light brown canine almost wanted to puke. Ferrer stated she was well and healthy today. What about her pups? Thoughts rushed through his head and he had no time to clear them out. He couldn't be distracted right now. He couldn't. He had to give his former packmate a burial. But flashes of times they shared went through his mind. Reo looked away again before finally speaking up. "Should... should we bury her here or take her back to camp and bury her there?" He didn't want the puppies to see her like this. No matter how old they are or how comprehensible they are as well. They would know anyways.

Reo was half-tempted to go look for the other dog himself but he knew he wouldn't be able to handle that fight alone. His burial would be next if he sought after the murderer. He knows now that the war between the packs will happen. There is no more denying it. No more what-ifs and what-thens. War will happen without a doubt and the pack needs to be ready. At these thoughts, Reo lips curled back. Anger fueled his body and his skin rippled. He knows he will get his fair share of revenge for the used-to-be mother. His whole pack will do their part.

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Chaotic β˜€οΈ (#139312)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-08-26 15:41:23
β€” Shiloh | she/her | Location: Abolition territory | Mentions: Reo, Ferrer, & Mavy

The dog felt breathless, as if another dog had his jaws tightening around her lungs. All Shiloh could do was watch, her paws felt anchored to the earth, she wanted to help– to help Mavy, to help Ferrer and Reo with the warrior’s burial. Mavy deserved a proper burial, she was an amazing dog, a dog who’d proven herself to be incredible and loyal, Mavy put everyone before herself. Oh the list could go on, but how amazing of a dog she was wasn’t what was on Shiloh’s mind; rather why– why was it Mavy? The pitbull mix was a mother, her litter only being born mere hours before; the comforting milk scent still lingered on her bloodied coat, under all of those new unnerving scents. So how was it that her murder didn’t notice? Or perhaps they did, and didn’t care– it wouldn’t be shocking for an insurgent dog. The wolfhound mix had just seen Mavy in perfect shape, with her pups, safe and happy only hours earlier. Why was it that she was all the way out here and not resting like she should’ve been? Perhaps if she’d stayed in camp, she’d still be alive? Mavy’s death wasn’t her own fault, surely not, it was just a coincidence– only an unfortunate chance that she’d been caught near the border, not crossing but close enough to be considered a threat maybe? So many questions, all to which she had no answers to, only hopeful assumptions.

Shiloh looked on as her brother released the herbs from his grasp to hastily rush to Mavy’s crumpled body, a mess of fur and blood. She wanted to cry out, to tell him to fix what was done, to bring her back, but she knew just as well as the two of them that she was beyond saving. There was no repairing the damage that was done. It was a heart wrenching scene, watching as Ferrer, the toughest dog that Shiloh knew, let out such a cry for their packmate. A mixture of emotions seemed to whip her right in the face, nearly causing her to wince. Now Mavy’s puppies had to grow up without their mother, surely they’ll hear stories of their courage parent but that didn’t feel like enough.

β€œI– I can’t...” Shiloh finally managed to get a unfinished sentence out, her voice quiet and her tone laced with pain. She looked between the sighthound and healer with apologetic eyes, her head shaking slowly. Before she could stop herself, she turned tail to run; a useless attempt escape the despair and emotions. No matter how hard she thought about it, she simply couldn’t understand why she couldn’t handle the death of this packmate. Shiloh has seen many dogs fall, laid down to rest for all eternity, so why was it that she couldn’t handle this one. It hurt her nearly as much as the death of her mother did. The female didn’t get far, stopping where a patch of many wildflowers grew. As gently as she could manage, she plucked an array of flowers, returning only briefly to place the bouquet in a place she knew the boys would find. Her eyes lingered on the flowers for a moment before she turned to tread off, to search for a place to grieve alone, a place to think.

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Edited on 26/08/21 @ 15:50:42 by Chaotic_Affection πŸ’« (#139312)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 15:51:02
Shatter| Loner| Abolition Border| Mentions- None

Shatter was on the lookout for food again. She could smell some around, along with other scents... dogs. She growled under her breath, 'Great'. She padded onward though, someone may have died. The wolfdog wasn't about to waste any meal, even if it meant eating her own, but there were more than one, so she had to keep her distance.

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Mystic340☾ (#47157)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 16:02:46
Sana | Location: Insurgent Border --> Outside the Territories | Mentions: Demesu, Fiorello

Their silent steps carried them further as they neared the new territory, seemingly unclaimed. The pure white dog's voice cut into the still air as a building entered her sight. Sana stared at their companion as he made his way under the fencing, the scraping and screeching of nails grated her ears, a look of distaste appear on her face. "Will we have to do that?" She spoke the question out into the air, not necessarily intended for her son. Though he answered anyway, his gruff voice echoing her sentiments. "No, I'd much rather not. Not when your back is like this, and not when I have so much fur." Demesu barked, his face showing displeasure at the thought.

Sana was ready to protest her son's differing opinion on her own body when the metal door swung open. Her eyes immediately search the place, darting from here to there, taking in all the building had to offer. In an unorthodox way, it was surprisingly beautiful. In fact, it was perfect. She hadn't even realized that she'd made her way inside, obviously awe-struck from the scene. Sana turned, a smile upon her face and tired eyes aglow with delight. "If there is any way at all to repay you, please let us know. I truly thank you." She spoke, bowing torward the skinny companion, her eyes darting seriously over to her son who seemed to take her hint.

Demesu | Location: Insurgent Border - Outside the Territories | Mentions: Sana, Fiorello

He couldn't say he was exactly eager to reach this new area, not with so many horrible possibilities flowing through his mind, after all who knows what lies ahead. His mind was soon taken off of his wary thoughts, the large mass of concrete grasping his attention. He hadn't heard the smaller dog speak, though Sana's voice was clear to break through. Scraping nails cutting the silence as they stood with withering looks. "No, I'd much rather not. Not when your back is like this, and not when I have so much fur." Spoke Demesu as he finally came back to reality.

It didn't take long when the metal door opened, the smells of the room emanating outwards. Their companion, that's what it reminded him of, a lone dog in the city. There were no scents of a pack necessarily, just a single fear-filled dog.. It took Demesu more than a second to notice his mother's gaze, the hard stare urging him to give praise. He would bow, this time at least, but something about this just felt off.

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-26 17:38:52
Name:: Shadow | Location: ??? | Mentions: Quillion
Shadow winced as Quill's words reached their ear, and winced again as they heard him stomp past. "Quill, wait, please don't leave me here alone...!" Their anxious bark split the silence as they rushed to follow him, tail tucked and ears laid back in submission. "i-if you want me to go, I'll go but... please don't just leave....." There was pain and fear in their voice. True, gut-clenching terror.

Name: Mariah | Location: Insurgent Territory | Mentions: Aramis, Isa, Raymond
Mariah whimpers at Aramis's low growl, but follows them back to camp in silence.

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π•ƒπ•šπ•ο (#233630)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-08-27 02:12:22
Name: Lance | Abolition camp | Mentions: None

Lance grunted Autumn led to spring he had to get some food stocked up quick.

(Anyone wanna hunt?)

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samael (#237217)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:25:15
Name: Fang | Location: Insurgent Camp | Mentions: Slate

"Of death. Canines give off a certain scent when they die, or are close to death. You smell of one who has killed. I'll only ask once more. Did something happen?" Fang paused in his steps, telling himself that Slate was definitely lying to him. Although he was simply lying to himself. The smeared blood on the corpse of the dead Abolition dog was all real, he felt semi-guilty. Wanting to blame the dog for being near borders.

"Hopefully, you haven't gone insane." He sighed, continuing his path. It seemed that he would have to keep a low profile for now, who knows what would happen to him if the word spread to the Abolition pack that he was the murderer of their 'precious' pack member.

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 11:31:44
Name: Slate | Location: Insurgent Camp | Mentions: Fang
Slate let out a low growl before slowly stalking after him, his expression promising violence. "I have smelled enough of death to know it's like. You will answer my question, scout, or you will pay for your arrogance." He held himself in a ready stance as he stepped in Fang's path. His head was up, ears forward with his tail out straight. This was the stance of utmost aggression to any canine, even a domestic dog, and taking it against a pack member was mighty dangerous, even for one so large as Slate. Isa would likely have his tail for it, but Slate knew that something about Fang was off, and he was going to find out exactly what has occurred, even if he was punished for it afterwards.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 13:05:44
Fiorello | Loner | Location: Outside the Territories.
Mentions: Sana, Demesu.

Fiorello's eyes followed after Sana as she brushed past him without hesitation. As she inspected the building his weight shifted nervously, dread filling his body as he waited for the scarred female's final verdict. His gaze darted between her and thick-furred male, his body language much more unsure. It made sense that he would be nervous. A strange dog, in a strange place, offering them a place to stay? A canine would have to be mad to give away their home, and a dog even more so to accept it without question. He had no real motive behind this gesture. Actually, he hadn't thought about it much at all. He was so used to moving.. constantly. These places were nothing but a temporary place to sleep to him. Ah.. sleep. It's getting dark. Fiorello glanced up for a second before his body betrayed him. His head slowly tilted at an odd angle and began to shake in a soft rocking motion as he visibly fought against his own movements. Keep it together.

He quickly forced his way back into control, just as the older female turned to face him. The glee apparent in her features caught him a bit off guard. It was so radiating, in fact, that his tail involuntarily began to wave. "If there is any way at all to repay you, please let us know. I truly thank you." Repayment? He glanced between the two loners as they dipped their heads in respect. The gesture made him take a fearful step backwards. "N-no." He replied, "I don't n-need any repayment. J-just steer clear of the packs, that's all I ask." Well, he couldn't make them stay away from Abolition and Insurgent but he hoped they would. The less dogs that joined those hostile groups, the better. At least for him.

Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Abolition Border - Insurgent Border.
Mentions: Shadow.

Quillon's fur was still ruffled from the strong emotions coursing through his mind. He did slow down as Shadow's anxious bark reached his ears, but he did little sooth them this time. He was dealing with his own inner turmoil, and he felt as if he opened his mouth to speak he would end up spitting something vile out instead. So he remained quiet, thoughtful, and stiff as they pushed through the tall grass and neared Insurgent's border once again. His vision stayed trained ahead, his eyes narrowed as if he were planning something through in his head. Whatever it was that was holding his concentration, he did little to reveal. Perhaps he was only trying to hold back his temper.

He slowed down to a stop as the rush of Insurgent's scent hit his pallet. They were past the boundary. It was dark. He was empty-pawed. Where had his day gone? Where had it gone wrong? He shook the bombardment of thoughts away and took a deep breath, preparing himself to speak. "I have business to attend to. I'll be departing from here." His voice was cold, lifeless. He didn't turn to look at Shadow as he spoke, and his bland tone didn't give them any room for interjections. Not this time. He still had a job to do, he only hoped that Aramis' and Fang's hunt had gone well. Perhaps they had saved him a little time. He hadn't forgotten about Ryker, either. He wouldn't let this end here, but at the moment he was stuck. There were too many loose ends he had to tie back together, and he could feel them piling on his shoulders as he stood there. It was as if someone had thrown a wrench into a machine and it was struggling to continue working.

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Skippy Brambles Bon
VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 13:10:48
Aramis | Insurgent Scout | Location: Insurgent Territory
Mentions: Isa, Raymond, Mariah

Casting an encouraging look briefly to the mottled healer, Aramis continued tugging at the hig, muscles straining and her jaws aching. Gods, she couldn't wait til they got home; but at least they seemed to be going at an okay pace with the help of Raymond. Another voice caught the scout's attention, dark hued eyes pinning onto the small, short frame of Mariah. While the help was appreciated don't get her wrong, amusement almost managed to flash in her gaze at the subordinates question. Aramis doubted Mariah could do anything to help with that stature, maybe if they were carrying something lighter. It was evident that Isa thought the same, if not a little more harsh and insensitively, from the loud growl she sent towards the dachshund, muffled slightly from the hog. Well, at least she didn't full on yell at her.

By the time they were nearing camp, the sun was hanging much lower than before, but not only that, the sound of agitated growls and snarls became audible. Aramis would force herself to heave at the hogs corpse more vigoriously, hoping Isa and Raymond would do the same to speed up the pace.
And finally, they reached camp, Aramis letting the hogs hind leg fall from her aching jaws. The tension in the air was unusually thick, growls belonging to two dogs ringing out from further behind her. Aramis's head spun sharply, narrowed eyes boring into the two stiff framed brutes. It was undoubtedly Fang, and an insurgent warrior, Slate. Confusion clouded her gaze as she took a few steps over, halting before she got too close. It looked like they were heartbeats away from going at each others throats. What the hell is going on with you two? The thought would have been sharply voiced out from Aramis had Isa not been there.

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 13:47:53
Name: Shadow | Location: Insurgent-Abolition Border | Mentions: Quillion
Shadow wanted to stop Quillion, but... he seemed upset with them. Perhaps they should let him cool off...? No... They want to go with him, if he'll have them. "Quill...? I-is there... anything I can do to help...?" They seem almost frightened of him, stumbling over their words and looking up at him from a submissive position. "i... I want to help, i-if you'll have me....?"

Name: Slate | Location: Insurgent Camp | Mentions: Aramis, Isa, Fang, Raymond, Mariah
Slate noted when the group dragging the hog appeared in the entrance to camp, but he was focused on Fang and ignored them. "Answer me, cur!" He growled, stepping closer to Fang, looming over him, and starting to circle him.

Name: Mariah | Location: Insurgent Camp | Mentions: Aramis, Isa, Fang, Raymond, Slate
Mariah was in the back of the group, but she could smell the death-scent coming off one of the two dogs growling in the center of camp. She thought it was Fang, the lighter scout, but it was difficult to tell with them circling each other as though about to fight. "Someone's died today....." She whispered.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-27 14:34:33
Isa | Insurgent Leader | Location: Insurgent Territory - Insurgent Camp.
Mentions: Aramis, Raymond, Mariah, Fang, Slate.

She gave the dachshund's small whimper a disdainful sniff before brushing it off and dragging onwards. By the time they had neared camp she was exhausted, but too prideful to say it. Her legs shook from over exertion and she could feel her muscles becoming jelly-like as they slowed to a stop. Finally. She threw the leg of the boar to the ground with a huff and stepped back, her tongue lolling out as she tried to catch her breath. I'm not as young as I used to be. The thought was annoying in itself, but the assertive growls sounding from behind her made her fur stand on edge. Great. What is it now? She listened closer, her lip peeling back slightly. "Answer me, cur!" What exactly were they arguing about? Ah, wait. She didn't care.

Wobbly legs and all, she swiveled around. Her eyes landed on the light coats of her scout and warrior, seemingly at odds with one another. Without a moment of hesitation she dashed forwards, her head lowering and tail rising over her back as she ran at the larger of the two. Her weakened condition did little to slow her charge, if anything it had made her all the more angry as she barreled at him. Her shoulder made contact with the side of Slate first, causing her to dig her claws into the pavement as she all but shoved him onto his side. The impact on her already worn muscles made her grimace, but it had gotten her message across. A loud "clack" sounded as she snapped her teeth together in the direction of Fang. "Explain yourselves or a bruised side will be the least of your worries." She barked at them both, not relaxing her posture despite the apparent discomfort her body was in.

Ferrer | Abolition Healer | Location: Abolition Border.
Mentions: Shiloh, Reo, Mavy.

Ferrer's head swung away from the body as Reo stepped past to set the flowers next to Mavy's corpse. He took a long step away and paused, studying the darkening sky thoughtfully. "We should bury her here." He replied, without hesitation. "She wouldn't be wantin' the others to see her in this state." Besides. He wasn't so sure they could bring her all the way back.. Intact. He held the thought in, pushing it aside and turning back towards the gruesome scene.

"I– I can’t..." Ferrer's head swiveled around. He gazed at Shiloh through worry-ridden eyes as she turned and hastened away. He wanted to follow suit, but he now had a burden to carry out and she needed her time to grieve. "You can head back as well, if you'd like. If it's too much.." As he spoke he cast a heavy gaze towards the sighthound. He could see the anger plastered on the scout's face and lowered his head to nudge the other dog's shoulder with his nose. "Don't go startin' a war until we figure out what happened." His voice came out in a soft, soothing tone, but also held a tinge of sternness. They didn't need to make this any worse than it already was.

He lifted his head, his chest sticking out as he inhaled sharply. No more stalling. This has to be done. He made his way to a patch of land barren of grass and sunk his claws into the earth, sending clumps of dirt flying through the air as he dug.

Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Insurgent Border - Insurgent Territory.
Mentions: Shadow.

"No." The word was firm, and so was the hardened gaze he gave his beta. As he looked at them he was suddenly aware of their stuttering speech, submissive demeanor, the fear in their eyes. He was scaring them. He was scaring himself. What a heartless bastard. They just lost their pup. You're acting like- He took a heavy step back, his breath shaky. "I'm sorry, Shadow. I need some time to cool off." He finally answered, turning and staggering away at that. His curled tail was now drooped down, his gait uneven. It felt as though reality had just slapped him in the face. Shadow wasn't to blame for this. He had known that all along.

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