Posted by The Centre [Open]

Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-22 18:39:09

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------------------------------------------------------- The World -------------------------------------------------------
In a supernatural-dominated world, The United States had the most lax regulations on supernatural beings, causing most pure humans to have left for countries with stricter policies, such as Canada, which is human-only. In this world supernatural beings are known and have been a big part of history. Some countries (Most of eastern Europe) treat supernaturals as little better than animals, others have them as slaves (Africa), and others still regulate them like criminals, and lock them up for simply being born with certain powers (Western europe). Canada, of course, is a refuge for the puritans who believe humans are the superior species, and does not allow supernaturals within their borders.

My character Avery runs a supernatural medical centre in Central City, Colorado. He has been around for quite a while, and had money to spare, so he founded the centre with help of his friend's hoard. It's a open, spacious building with adaptations for all manner of creatures. Avery often goes on runs to other countries to save supernatural beings in deplorable situations, with input from Steven, an unknown being with a third eye and the ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. Steven was dropped off by an interdimensional rift in Miami, one of the most active areas for random supernatural activity. Avery often goes undercover as human on these runs, and risks his life and freedom. (Ideally I would like a team here) He brings back as many supernaturals as he can, and rehabilitates them in the centre. There is a team of healers and counselors at the centre as well, but he feels personally responsible for many of the people he brings back.

The friend mentioned earlier is a dragon.

------------------------------------------------------- The Centre -------------------------------------------------------
The Center is like a combination of Doctors Without Borders and the Mayo Clinic in this world, so any other place would have their own places- plus there are healers who can deal with most things in their town.

So, location wise, I was thinking Salida, but logistically it would have to be somewhere like Central City, which is what I am going with. That's an hour's drive from Denver International Airport. All observations are from the road. There are portals, which take people to the centre and back.

The centre is comprised of four buildings connected by tunnels- a skywalk and an underground tunnels- one filled with water so the creatures more comfortable in water can swim between the buildings should they choose. The buildings are connected because of the harsh winters.

The buildings are arranged in an arc around the parking lot, with a small airstrip to the left of the buildings. the building closest to the airstrip is for international patients- those brought by Avery seeking asylum. (There is a lot of paperwork Avery [read: Avery's friend Leo] does to allow that.) The first two floors of building closest to the road is for general patients- the clinic. The two buildings in between have different specialties- One building is for intense healing: Trauma, Oncology, Neuropathology, the like. The other is more mentally oriented, they deal with depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, and any number of other mental issues, and are open twenty four hours a day and see - at last count- over one hundred patients a day.

The building for international patients is somewhat of a mystery, no visitors aside from direct family are allowed and then they are usually not allowed past designated meeting rooms. There is another associated building in Denver itself that helps international patients get back on their feet in a completely different social structure. Any people who work there are carefully screened, and those who quit or retire are often bound under memory charms that are meant to protect patients and the supernaturals who work to help them.

The doctors are a mix of healers and those with no healing power, but they all are trained.

The buildings are all constructed with scent neutralizers, so as not to overwhelm the patients with enhanced senses- it can be a little disorienting, as the walls seem to absorb scents.

Those are the technical details- now for the visual description.

Driving up, there is very little to see on the highway, except the mountains trees, and snow, driving into the large parking lot there is a lot set aside for ambulances and trauma, just between the intense healing building and it's sister area in the clinic. A few doctors take shifts in the clinic trauma centre on a rotating basis. The other three buildings are respectively, five stories for international, four for intensive healing, and four for mental health. the buildings all look like a cross between grecian and modern architecture, supported by pillars. I can do descriptions for the second and third buildings if you need, but here's hoping we won't have much set in there.

In central Denver, Upper East Side New York, and Los Angeles, there is a white building with a green cross on the front, and a tiled entryway with one person manning a desk. Just inside the door a portal shows the main lobby, with flashes of light flickering around the edges of the image. passing through the portal would feel like putting your hand in jello, but your entire body.

Walking into (or being deposited by a portal into) the clinic building, you are greeted by a wide, open area five floors high, with balconies at each floor. There is a blue glass dome ceiling, letting the natural light in and refracting it. The building inside is white and grey, with Grecian style architecture. Pillars support each floor, each with a sconce that lights up as night falls. There are stairs to each floor, as well as elevators. To the right of the entrance is the waiting area, filled with comfortable chairs of various colors, and a small, set in pool that connects to the other buildings. Straight back is the general medicine, and to the left is injury and trauma. The clinic itself is about equal in capability to a hospital. The balcony above is lined with rooms- patients who made appointments are often seen there. Above that are the offices that keep the centre running, with scheduling and the like.

------------------------------------------------------- Species -------------------------------------------------------
Species in this world can be anything- even species with the same name can be different. For example, there could be werewolves that perpetually have wolf features and must turn on the full moon, or human-appearing werewolves that are only tempted to turn on the full moon, or anywhere in between.

I have a few species worked out, for which the rules will never change:

Changelings are the product of Fey Magic encountering a growing human soul. The more magic involved the more powerful the changeling will be. Modern genetic testing has proven that the changelings are genetically purely human, with any enhanced characteristics being the product of their magical influence.

Faeries (Seelie) are the only species no longer found anywhere on earth. originally they lived in a separate realm and travelled back and forth between their home, and this world. Political issues arose, and the seelie sealed themselves off somewhere around the 1700's

Dragons ; It is said they are as old as the earth and will die when it does. They used to be one, a hundred-headed dragon, each head with their own mind, named Ladon, but after failing to protect the tree of immortality, they were split in to a hundred different dragons. The main head, was cursed by the gods to be unable to interact with any of the other heads. Dragons cannot be killed. Ladon- the main head- knows this firsthand. The first few hundred years after he was separated he spent trying to die- until Avery got ahold of him. They meet up every few years for things now, and he was the one to help Avery found the Centre. So, dragons are always white, except Ladon, who has a red crest on his head. Ladon protests both their classification with the Eastern Ryuu and the Western Drako, preferring to be called a "Helenistic Drake"
------------------------------------------------------- Boring stuff (Rules) -------------------------------------------------------

-Respect Lioden Rules
-No Godmodding
-Follow your character's agenda, not your own.
-This is a literate RP, full sentences please.
- Clearly indicate what character you are roleplaying.
- No Time-Travel
(You can put an indicator as the first line of your post with your character's name. Indicate again if you switch characters.)
-Have fun

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Edited on 26/12/17 @ 20:38:50 by Eden 🌹 πŸ”₯Triple Rosette (#113650)

Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 15:48:44

Leo suppressed another laugh as Ari skidded down the slope. He himself had no trouble on the ice, the treads of his boots providing more than enough traction. Leo reached the bottom of the hill in a couple jumps, covering ground faster that way, and skidding slightly at the bottom, where Ari was just picking himself up. "You okay?" Leo asked, double-checking. The other shifter looked extremely fluffy with his coat shaken out, soft.

The diner was a small place, off the beaten path and only three blocks from where they currently were. It had a homely, warm atmosphere, and was often used for test-runs for beings learning to control their powers in public, or even get used to other people. It wasn't unusual to find Leo there the day after a long Run, just being glad to be home. Steve would join him sometimes, slumping into a worn vinyl booth and fiddling with a pair of headphones while Leo did one thing or another to keep his hands busy. The diner was named Rosa's, after the owners wife, a matronly old tiger shifter.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 17:38:24

With a wag of his tail to confirm that he was entirely fine after getting over the mild embarrassment and shock, the dhole-shifter continued to bound after Leo. Dragging his tongue around his jaws in a mix of anticipation and anxiety, he chuffed and sniffed the breeze curiously. As they drew farther away from the main civilisation, the stench of smoke and asphalt faded. The bustling streets grew quieter. He wondered how much farther. His lanky limbs moved briskly, swift in order to keep up with Leo's pace. But he didn't mind. The cool air bit at him, keeping him from growing hot under his russet pelt, and therefore energising his body to keep moving.

{Sorry it's short, low muse and heading out }

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VeraLynn (#115583)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 19:05:18

Slowly he stood back up and kept a hand on Leslie's shoulder. While his more serious injuries had been healed, he just had some broken ribs, bruises, and a pretty nasty concussion. The duo made their way to join Landon, they were inseparable now that they had found each other again. Stoping a few feet shy of Landon, Leslie eyed him nervously and twitched her nose He smells like smoke, her brown eyes meeting Quin's. Sighing, Quin stroked Leslie's nose He is just fine. Slowly he stepped past Landon and figured he could make his way back somehow. Lets see did they make a right or a left to get here? His brown eyes scanned the colorless hallways for any sort of clue.

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Edited on 29/12/17 @ 14:14:27 by tea.bee (#115583)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 20:01:30
Nehema Isaac

Nehema watched through half-lidded eyes as the taxi approached the centre. In truth, she was more than hesitant about the building and those inside; even after all this time, she was wary about being around so many. Still, she did need help. As a Phoenix, her healing powers were effective on others, but not herself. The only way she could really fix herself was the Rebirth, but she was nowhere near dying.

Suppressing a wince, she gave the driver his payment and pulled herself out of the door. The movement of sent a jolt through her arm; it was more than just broken, as painful as it was, meaning she couldn't have flown here if she tried. Here eyes narrowed with focus as she limped inside. The large gash in her leg was bandaged, but just as painful. With the addition of a few scratches below her left eye, and a few others, she had been lucky to get away with so little. Phoenixes really weren't built for combat.

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VeraLynn (#115583)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 20:08:52

Having found all of her patients doing well, she checked in for her ER rotation. The Dryad flicked through paper work, making sure everything was in order. She really hated this part of her job. Luckily, for her at least, she spotted the injured woman. Jumping out of her chair she rushed over to Nehema, brushing off a nurse. "What are you and what happened?" Her words were calm, though brisk and no nonsense. Ushering Nehema to a gurney, she got her into an exam room. Sending a small burst of magic, she hoped it would be enough for pain relief until she got some more information on what had happened.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 20:31:29
Nehema Isaac

Nehema was taken aback by how quickly she was approached by a doctor. Before she could reply, the other woman had gotten her on a gurney (somehow, she wasn't really sure as distracted as she was) and they were ontheir way to a room. "My name's Nehema, and I'm a Phoenix. A griffon took it into his head I was too close to his nest," she said with a grimace. Her posture relaxed as a wave of relief washed through her, dulling some of the pain, and a sigh escaped her lips. "I'm not much of a fighter," the red-head admitted with a soft sigh.

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Edited on 28/12/17 @ 07:05:06 by Hawkmask (#41743)

Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 21:08:24

Seeing Quin searching for a way back, Ladon motioned to the fourth building. "Whether I like it or not, the nurses will pitch a fit if I take you back to the trauma ward. We have a few beds open in building four, and you will be able to stay with Leslie there. Honestly, the way we run things is a bit strange there, but you'll be fine. We are the 'do what it takes to get the patient better' building, and I know separating you from your bonded animal is not good for you." Ladon said this quietly, and started walking towards the set-apart building. "At least it won't be boring."

Building four has five floors- floor five is the Runner's apartments, and a couple spare rooms for healers pulling long shifts. Leo and Steve live there, along with any Runner that choses to do so. Floor four is severe cases of abuse, physical and mental, and Avery is often found talking through issues with the patients there, helping those who choose to do so with memory therapy. Floors three and four are meant to house and acclimate beings found on Runs, get them used to life in a society where supernaturals are not hunted, or seen as lesser. Floors two and one overlap a lot, with a two-story training area for the Runners taking up part of the building. The rest of the first two floors are miscellaneous rooms, with herb and charm ingredient storage, triage for patients that come in by plane or portal, and some spare rooms for patients Ladon doesn't thing the main Centre is handling right.


It was strange for Leo to be around someone so obviously curious, either they didn't care enough to look around, or were good at making it look like they weren't paying attention. Soon the diner came into sight, and Leo smiled slightly as he smelled raspberry-rhubarb pie- Rosa's specialty. Opening the door, he motioned for Ari to go in first, and followed the other shifter inside. The entire wall of the diner facing the street was made of clear glass, and there was a row of booths set against said wall. Other tables and chairs occupied the remaining space, neatly set up with plastic salt and pepper shakers and a desert menu. The diner had tile floor, and the scents of many different beings overlapped into a mosaic, with the scent of hamburgers and pie overlaying it all. There was a counter on the back wall, where he scent of pie originates, and a hole in the wall where orders seem to magically appear. Leo knows that the cook is just shy, a Snow Leopard shifter who was born in Norway and imprisoned for being unable to control his shift. A negotiation later and Ladon was training the kid. Now, he works here because no one cares if he walks around with his ears shifted. Two waiters leaned against a wall, chatting casually.

Leo walked through the diner, to sit at a booth completely saturated with his scent, stale and new overlapping from many years of habit. He slumped down in the seat, looking around and observing the four other customers in the building- students studying on their laptops. The wood of the tabletop had a few new marks- what looks like the result of letting a toddler play with a fork. Leo pulled a scrap of paper from his jacket, and scribbled on it "Pickup?" He then touched the piece of quartz he hung around his neck, letting it flare with heat, knowing the sister necklace Steve wore would flare in response and get the being's attention. He tapped the piece of paper until the necklace flared in response, knowing Steve had seen. He then folded up the piece of paper and put it in his pocket, before turning to Ari. "We'll be here a while. What do you want to get?"

(I HATE writing setting)

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-12-27 22:39:50

As they finally reached their temporary destination, he took the time to familiarise himself with the sight. The clear sheet known as glass stretched down the entirety of the front of the the building, granting them view into the welcoming interior. Glancing to Leo, he found the handsome young man politely holding the door open like the gentleman he was- wait, he he just think that?

Shaking it off, he huffed and trotted inside. There were only a few customers occupying the seats, all buried in some form of work or another. Therefore, it was quiet. Peaceful. Warm. Raising his muzzle, he wrinkled his nose at the rainbow of colourful new smells invading his senses, most those that made his mouth water. His black claws clicked softly on the clean tiles, dark tail swishing.

Eventually, Leo took the lead to show Ari the way to a free seat. The heavy scent of Leo wreathed them, something that was oddly comforting to the canine. Leaping up onto the plush surface, he sat his haunches back down and shifted back into human form. Leaning back, his finger drummed on the table top mindlessly. "I don't mind. Uh, whatever you get." he smiled sheepishly, aiming his focus on the indents marking up the wood.

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Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 00:04:45

Smiling Leo got up, poking his head through the order window. A few murmured words later, and Leo came back smiling. "They know me here, and I told them to make a double order. I'm not that much for fancy food when I don't have to, so it's just a double cheeseburger and fries, with a slice of raspberry-rhubarb pie. I'm assuming you don't have any allergies, but if you do, now would be the time to say." Leo stated calmly, before taking a seat again. He finally shed his jacket, having no reason to keep it on in the warm diner, where he at least knew he was safe. He unbuckled his holster as well, removing the clips from his belt before shrugging it off of his shoulders and laying it on top of his coat. He hoped the sight of it wouldn't scare Ari, but heaven help the man who wore weapons in Rosa's diner.

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 04:47:25

The man didn't blame his wounded fellow for his silence; however much he wished he would get a response from the ampithere. No problem, since now Andrea had a new problem to deal with.

The sound of flapping wings, feathers in the wind caught the Caster's attention. The problem was, the winged beast could've been anything from a Phoenix to a Gryphon; and both variants weren't desireable. A knot started to form in Andrea's throat, weighing heavily on his chest. He had to protect the more or less helpless ampithere.

He reached out a hand to the sky, casting off a wave of magic energy, warm to whatever creature happened to be hit by it in its way across the horizon. And like a spider with its web, Andrea felt the wave crashing against Avery's silhouette. "I can feel you there, circling like a vulture. Come down here. We need help." he called, both out loud and through telepathy; although on the path no words the sound arrived distorted. He wasn't such a good telepath.

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Xolani (#132964)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 05:19:20
( Aaah- sorry I didn't reply soon enough-- )

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 06:23:46
No problemo fren, make your reply something in between. Or I can delete mine, no problem. Whatever works for you ^^.)

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Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 07:10:30

If Avery was not a telepath, the message Andrea send would have been about as decipherable as a person with a southern accent shouting through a bullhorn and heard over a forest service radio. So.... Not at all. The message was accompanied by a warm brush of air, making Avery want to grin. A caster, perfect. Reaching telepathically he sensed the meaning behind the message, and swooped grab fully to the ground, before leaning against a nearby tree.

"Don't mind me, I am just a passerby. I got curious when I saw an injured Ampithere, it's not exactly common. You can call me Avery if you want, but mostly just ignore me, you seem to be handling things." Avery lied through his teeth. It was killing him not to run over to the Ampithere and heal it, but he was really curious how the caster would handle the situation. What made his decision was the fact that there was no risk of further permanent damage if he waited at this point. This caster was powerful- but is he capable?

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 07:42:11

'Just a passerby? He must be kidding.'
Andrea gulped down the concern and panic beggining to grow inside him, responding to the newcomer with a frown before gracing him with any words. It was hard to believe that someone like Avery just so happened to run into him and the ampithere; then again, he gimself had ended up there that way. So what was valid, what could be trusted to believe and to do in such a moment?
For now, he just needed to focus on getting the stranger on his side, and maybe even to do his job in healing. And what better way to do that than some good old-fashioned reverse psychology?

So the Caster began piecing together a strategy, knowing full well that he was going to ignore it and wing it, or that it would turn up to be of no use. How would he excuse his lack of healing skills to the stranger? He could bring up his lack of sight. But... No, just no. Seeming weak in front of a potential predator was not the way to go.
"Ah, great then." Andrea smiled, bright as the morning sun as he drew a few steps away from the serpent and closer to Avery, confident in his moves. "But I don't particularily appreciate your presence here if you're not going to be helping. As you can see, that beast is like ten times my size; so yeah, I'm pretty pissed that you sit your smug ass in here being completely useless!"
Andrea hated that he couldn't see people's expressions; in many cases - such as this one - that could completely break his arguments. Did he really know that Avery looked smug? No, he just felt kind of like that. Every word the Caster spoke was a gamble at that point, a shot in the dark.
Still, he had to finish it up somehow.
"So if you're 'just a passerby', oh so innocent, then pretty please get your DAMN sorry carcass out of my way before you need as much help as he does!" he snarled, pointing back at the 'patient'.

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Edited on 28/12/17 @ 07:45:54 by Darkness (#102911)

Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2017-12-28 08:01:48

For the record, Avery looked damn impressed. He had been following the caster's thought process, and while it was a shock to realize the caster was blind, he showed impressive fire.

Pushing off against the tree, Avery walked up to the caster, and reached to touch his shoulder. "The name is Avery Waite. I'm assuming you know who I am. You are resourceful, Caster. You would have figured a way without my help, but if you insist....."

Avery turned to face the Ampithere "Sine Sensu, Cura Restituete" He rolled the Latin words off his tongue like a prayer, backed with his own healing power and a several lifetimes of experience. Avery could see the bone set, the wing straighten and align, each delicate bone pushed back into place and knitted together with magic. He walked over to the Ampithere, for all intents and purposes ignoring the caster as he laid a hand on the stunned ampithere's flank. "Don't move it too much. We will get you in a splint so your wing can heal properly, right now everything is just being held together and numbed. Don't worry, a couple weeks and you will be fine. You can stay here or at the Centre.

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Edited on 28/12/17 @ 09:43:09 by Eden {Side} Mlem (#116337)

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