Posted by | The Centre [Open] |
![]() Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 18:39:09 |
Chat Thread------------------------------------------------------- The World ------------------------------------------------------- In a supernatural-dominated world, The United States had the most lax regulations on supernatural beings, causing most pure humans to have left for countries with stricter policies, such as Canada, which is human-only. In this world supernatural beings are known and have been a big part of history. Some countries (Most of eastern Europe) treat supernaturals as little better than animals, others have them as slaves (Africa), and others still regulate them like criminals, and lock them up for simply being born with certain powers (Western europe). Canada, of course, is a refuge for the puritans who believe humans are the superior species, and does not allow supernaturals within their borders. My character Avery runs a supernatural medical centre in Central City, Colorado. He has been around for quite a while, and had money to spare, so he founded the centre with help of his friend's hoard. It's a open, spacious building with adaptations for all manner of creatures. Avery often goes on runs to other countries to save supernatural beings in deplorable situations, with input from Steven, an unknown being with a third eye and the ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. Steven was dropped off by an interdimensional rift in Miami, one of the most active areas for random supernatural activity. Avery often goes undercover as human on these runs, and risks his life and freedom. (Ideally I would like a team here) He brings back as many supernaturals as he can, and rehabilitates them in the centre. There is a team of healers and counselors at the centre as well, but he feels personally responsible for many of the people he brings back. The friend mentioned earlier is a dragon. ------------------------------------------------------- The Centre ------------------------------------------------------- The Center is like a combination of Doctors Without Borders and the Mayo Clinic in this world, so any other place would have their own places- plus there are healers who can deal with most things in their town. So, location wise, I was thinking Salida, but logistically it would have to be somewhere like Central City, which is what I am going with. That's an hour's drive from Denver International Airport. All observations are from the road. There are portals, which take people to the centre and back. The centre is comprised of four buildings connected by tunnels- a skywalk and an underground tunnels- one filled with water so the creatures more comfortable in water can swim between the buildings should they choose. The buildings are connected because of the harsh winters. The buildings are arranged in an arc around the parking lot, with a small airstrip to the left of the buildings. the building closest to the airstrip is for international patients- those brought by Avery seeking asylum. (There is a lot of paperwork Avery [read: Avery's friend Leo] does to allow that.) The first two floors of building closest to the road is for general patients- the clinic. The two buildings in between have different specialties- One building is for intense healing: Trauma, Oncology, Neuropathology, the like. The other is more mentally oriented, they deal with depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, and any number of other mental issues, and are open twenty four hours a day and see - at last count- over one hundred patients a day. The building for international patients is somewhat of a mystery, no visitors aside from direct family are allowed and then they are usually not allowed past designated meeting rooms. There is another associated building in Denver itself that helps international patients get back on their feet in a completely different social structure. Any people who work there are carefully screened, and those who quit or retire are often bound under memory charms that are meant to protect patients and the supernaturals who work to help them. The doctors are a mix of healers and those with no healing power, but they all are trained. The buildings are all constructed with scent neutralizers, so as not to overwhelm the patients with enhanced senses- it can be a little disorienting, as the walls seem to absorb scents. Those are the technical details- now for the visual description. Driving up, there is very little to see on the highway, except the mountains trees, and snow, driving into the large parking lot there is a lot set aside for ambulances and trauma, just between the intense healing building and it's sister area in the clinic. A few doctors take shifts in the clinic trauma centre on a rotating basis. The other three buildings are respectively, five stories for international, four for intensive healing, and four for mental health. the buildings all look like a cross between grecian and modern architecture, supported by pillars. I can do descriptions for the second and third buildings if you need, but here's hoping we won't have much set in there. In central Denver, Upper East Side New York, and Los Angeles, there is a white building with a green cross on the front, and a tiled entryway with one person manning a desk. Just inside the door a portal shows the main lobby, with flashes of light flickering around the edges of the image. passing through the portal would feel like putting your hand in jello, but your entire body. Walking into (or being deposited by a portal into) the clinic building, you are greeted by a wide, open area five floors high, with balconies at each floor. There is a blue glass dome ceiling, letting the natural light in and refracting it. The building inside is white and grey, with Grecian style architecture. Pillars support each floor, each with a sconce that lights up as night falls. There are stairs to each floor, as well as elevators. To the right of the entrance is the waiting area, filled with comfortable chairs of various colors, and a small, set in pool that connects to the other buildings. Straight back is the general medicine, and to the left is injury and trauma. The clinic itself is about equal in capability to a hospital. The balcony above is lined with rooms- patients who made appointments are often seen there. Above that are the offices that keep the centre running, with scheduling and the like. ------------------------------------------------------- Species ------------------------------------------------------- Species in this world can be anything- even species with the same name can be different. For example, there could be werewolves that perpetually have wolf features and must turn on the full moon, or human-appearing werewolves that are only tempted to turn on the full moon, or anywhere in between. I have a few species worked out, for which the rules will never change: Changelings are the product of Fey Magic encountering a growing human soul. The more magic involved the more powerful the changeling will be. Modern genetic testing has proven that the changelings are genetically purely human, with any enhanced characteristics being the product of their magical influence. Faeries (Seelie) are the only species no longer found anywhere on earth. originally they lived in a separate realm and travelled back and forth between their home, and this world. Political issues arose, and the seelie sealed themselves off somewhere around the 1700's Dragons ; It is said they are as old as the earth and will die when it does. They used to be one, a hundred-headed dragon, each head with their own mind, named Ladon, but after failing to protect the tree of immortality, they were split in to a hundred different dragons. The main head, was cursed by the gods to be unable to interact with any of the other heads. Dragons cannot be killed. Ladon- the main head- knows this firsthand. The first few hundred years after he was separated he spent trying to die- until Avery got ahold of him. They meet up every few years for things now, and he was the one to help Avery found the Centre. So, dragons are always white, except Ladon, who has a red crest on his head. Ladon protests both their classification with the Eastern Ryuu and the Western Drako, preferring to be called a "Helenistic Drake" ------------------------------------------------------- Boring stuff (Rules) ------------------------------------------------------- -Respect Lioden Rules -No Godmodding -Follow your character's agenda, not your own. -This is a literate RP, full sentences please. - Clearly indicate what character you are roleplaying. - No Time-Travel (You can put an indicator as the first line of your post with your character's name. Indicate again if you switch characters.) -Have fun Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 26/12/17 @ 20:38:50 by Eden πΉ π₯Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 09:38:02 |
Andrea Though he was confused out of his mind and purely puzzled by the fact that his plan had actually worked out, Andrea did his very best to keep a neutral expression; though a little something nagging in the back of his mind was giving him the feeling that that was pointless. Only as Avery had begun his healing chant did the caster realize that he had just been touched a few seconds earlier, which was a big deal for someone living in the forest for centuries. What was this Waite character all about anyway? But yet again he wasn't given time to process as soon as he noticed that the language Avery spoke was Latin. And of course it was Latin, it was a healing chant dammit! Andrea felt stupid now. So he slithered closer to the winged healer to listen to the chant, an odd grin flickering on his features as he felt the wounded beast slowly healing under the touch of Avery's charm. "Beautiful work, Avery Waite. Nice pronunciation too! I must say... I'm glad you stood in my way." ![]() Edited on 28/12/17 @ 09:39:51 by Darkness (#102911) |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 18:07:28 |
~ARI~ An alert honey-coloured gaze tracked the progress of the lion-shifter hybrid as he made his way to a window, uttering into it for a few moments. As he turned to return to the comfy booth, Ari snapped his eyes away, ears burning. Hearing Leo take a seat, he let his optics trail upwards. "Sounds good," he commented, despite never having eaten pie. Although, he had gone to take-away places and bought himself some cheap burgers and fries before. "I don't have any allergies." That I know of, shaking his head softly, he blinked at Leo with his gentle, inquisitive eyes. Then, the other proceeded to remove the jacket, finally. It seemed heavy, laden with a metallic scent. Almost immediately, his sharp gaze caught sight of the weaponry. He recognised a holster. Was Leo carrying a gun? Stiffening, he slumped in the corner, pushing himself between the wall and the back of the seat as he surveyed his surroundings. His fingers continued to anxiously tap against the table softly, dhole ears blooming from his skull, replacing his weak human ears. ![]() Edited on 28/12/17 @ 18:09:36 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927) |
VeraLynn (#115583)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 19:28:40 |
Monica She felt relieved that the attacker was not a poisonous creature. Though there was the small problem of she had never healed a Phoenix before. Her reddish eyes scanned over the bruises and minor cuts, they could heal on their own. The gash in the leg was her first task, then she would check out the arm. Bleeding was always a priority for her. Scanning the room, she realized not much of her supplies were in reach. "Okay just wait here for a moment, I have to go gather some supplies." Her hands fluttered over the Phoenix one more time, making sure nothing was fatal for the moment. Down the hall in another room, UV lights stood over plants as Monica selected her medicines. Something for bleeding, some pain relievers, and items to splint the arm. Gathering her supplies she made her way back down the hallway into Nehema's room. She threaded a needle before mixing up a poultice to keep out infection and quicken healing. Giving the Phoenix a brew to block pain, she unwrapped the self-administered bandage. Disinfecting the cut, before she stitched it shut and smeared the poultice on. Bandaging it back up, she put the left over poultice on the minor cuts. Now she needed to fix the arm. "Could you straighten out your arm for me?" Monica looked up as she asked her. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 19:46:52 |
Leo "Good," Leo smiled as Ari said he didn't have allergies. "I would hate to hurt you accidently." Then he noticed Ari stiffening. Seeing the fear on Ari's face, Leo flinched, raising his fisted hands and looking down and away. He hated himself a little for thinking Ari's ears were cute, because he knew that meant the other shifter was wary. It's the gun. Leo thought, dismayed. He carefully reached for it, slowly moving it to sit on the table between them, before withdrawing his hand, telegraphing his movements clearly. "Habit from work. I almost never leave the Centre without it." He retuned to his non-threatening position, hands closed to impede his claws, raised to be in sight, head tilted to look at the ground, not making eye contact and exposing his neck. The waiters watched the exchange, knowing Leo could handle it, but watching, just in case. ![]() |
Hawkmask (#41743)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 20:22:26 |
Nehema Isaac Watching the doctor almost warily, Nehema fidgeting slightly under her scrutiny. It wasn't the other woman's fault really, it had just been a long while since Nehema had been forced to rely on someone else. She nodded when she was told to wait there, and did so, holding her right arm closely and looking around at the room. It was bare except for the medical supplies, and eerily devoid of scent except for disinfectant. Upon returning, the doctor - whose name she saw to be Monica - gave her pain medicine she swallowed gladly. Nonetheless, the redhead found herself gritting her teeth as the stitching was done on her leg. It didn't hurt, per-say, but it was an uncomfortable feeling ans hard to watch. And the poultice stung when first applied, the pain fading thanks to the painkiller. 'And now the arm,' she thought grimly, even as Monica asked her to straighten it. Having had it broken while in her bird form, bones that didn't exist now had been badly damaged; that, in turn, transferred the damage to what bones she did have in human form. The choice to ahift had been a necessary, albiet painful, one however. Birds couldn't order taxis, for one. Second, she'd be trapped awhile in that form ones it was splinted. Nehema took a deep breath before releasing her grip on her injured arm and forcing it straight in one swift movement. Damn, it hurt even through the meda. ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 21:13:10 |
~ARI~ Utterly silent, the dhole-shifter's gaze darted around the diner nervously, noting everything around them with clarity. The waiters watched them. It made him uncomfortable. What exactly did they think he'd do? Attack Leo? Movement in his peripheral vision caused him to snap his head back towards the young man seated across from him. Leo pushed the gun between them, causing him to narrow his soft honey optics. They flickered between Leo's face and the weapon before he exhaled shakily and relaxed, though didn't ease away from his safety corner. However, he did angle his body forwards slightly, leaning over the table as he reached for the gun. Glancing at the waiters and Leo warily, he let his fingers brush over the cool metal before he withdrew quickly, ears flattening. Then, he turned his cautious eyes on the lion-shifter hybrid before him. Carefully, he grasped Leo's chin, lifting it gingerly to let deep amber eyes meet honey irises with dilating pupils for a fleeting moment. "It's okay, I'm sorry." he finally whispered, avoiding Leo's gaze as his hand dropped from his face, cheeks warming. His shoulders slumped and he rested his head on his arms that were situated on the table, ears flicking lazily as he calmed down. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 22:02:45 |
Leo When Ari reached for the gun, Leo stayed frozen still, barely breathing. He closed his eyes, fearful. With the life he led, if he was holding that pose more than likely he was in danger. That was what had worried the waiters, Leo usually just removed himself from any situation where he felt threatened enough to take a submissive pose like that. Logically, he knew he hadn't been in any danger, but he last Run had ended with.... complications. Leo suppressed a flinch at the unexpected touch, eyes flying open and his breath stalling in his chest. When he met Ari's eyes, he let out a breath before lowering his hands back to the table and flattening them out. "No problem." Leo said softly, before taking the gun and placing it on the seat beside him, tucking it under his coat. He took a second to pull his guard back up, lips curving into a smile just before Jamie, one of the waiters, came over with the two hamburgers and a couple glasses of Coke. Looking up at the witch, Leo smirked at Jamie's expression. "Guard down Jamie, he's a friend, I hope." Jamie remained silent, giving Leo a hard stare, and looking at Ari suspiciously before walking back over to his usual corner, where Jessie, his twin brother and the other waiter, still watched. ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 22:32:05 |
~ARI~ The scent of fear had hinted in the air, eliciting an ashamed whimper from Ari's throat. He had managed to scare Leo, the tough, kind, undeniably attractive man whom had rescued him from an inevitably agonising death. With relief, though, he noted it quickly dissipated after Leo's eyes opened again, the young man tucking away the glistening weapon. Away from where I can reach it, he thought with a pang, half-closed lids shadowing his marigold-hued irises. After a few moments, he returned the smile tentatively, only risking glances at the other before a waiter moving towards them captured his attention. It was only then that he noticed both waiters had exceptionally similar features. They must be littermates, he stored away the information, smug at his observation. Listening to Leo's words, he suppressed the urge to grin. A friend. Leo thought of him as a friend? The thought made his chest flutter, his face only growing hotter. He hoped it wasn't dusted rosy in a flush. But, Leo didn't seem sure of their friendship. Tilting his head, his ears fell down to the sides of his head as he showed his throat briefly in a small show of obedience to Leo, reciprocating the submissive posture he had previously taken on. "Sorry for, uh, scaring you." he muttered after a few beats of silence, before returning his now subdued gaze back to the waiter. Meeting the waiter's gaze blankly, his ears perked towards him and he stuck out his tongue defiantly, yet playfully, in response to the wary look he was cast. A smile twitched at his lips, and he turned his head towards what had been set upon the table. Sitting up, he pulled his legs up onto the seat, nestling into the corner with his legs crossed. If he tried hard enough, he could imagine curling up in a warm burrow to devour a lucky meal that would actually fill his painfully empty stomach. Licking his lips, he glanced uncertainly towards Leo before grabbing one of the burgers and bringing it close to his body as he bit into it, remembering the common etiquette humans used whilst consuming food. Use your paws- uh, hands, don't chew with your mouth open, don't tear your food apart... the look of adorably serious concentration on his face was quite amusing. ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 23:02:34 |
Jessie smirked, tilting his head at Ari. Leo Leo felt the warmth of something softer than straight up attraction, but similar enough for his nature to alert him when he called Ari his friend, which while he may not be entirely sure of it, he hoped the other shifter could be. The apology made him shift uncomfortably, running his hand through his hair and muttering "It's no big deal," barely loud enough to hear. Leo had to admit, he paid more attention to Ari than his food. With his ears still visible, Ari looked cute, softer than he did as a tired, underfed human. He still didn't look healthy, and Leo looked up at the clock on the wall, knowing they had another two hours before they were in the danger zone for Rosa showing up and mothering Ari to death. The other shifter's mannerisms were one of a shifter living in a feral pack, one who spent most of their time in their animal form. Those packs were usually close knit, and Leo was curious why Ari would leave, but he decided it could wait. The expression on Ari's face made Leo's chest flutter in a way he hadn't felt since he had a crush on one of the Runners when he was a kid. He almost wouldn't have recognized it, if he wasn't used to feeling it from other people. Leo finally looked at his hamburger, which was frankly huge for a hamburger. The double cheeseburger was a pound of hamburger, American cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce, with a strangely thin bun. This diner was used to accommodating carnivores. He knew for a fact they served raw steak at dinnertime. Leo carefully picked the lettuce off, laying it on his plate, before taking a packet of sugar and coating the lettuce with it. He let it sit on his plate as he finally started eating his hamburger. ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-28 23:47:18 |
~ARI~ Feeling eyes trained on him whilst he wasn't looking, the perceptive boy quickly looked up with a knowing grin. Leo. Dropping his gaze back to his food without a word, he continued to contentedly munch on his massive meal, stretching his jaws over it as the comfortable silence ensued. He didn't mind the crunchy green stuff packed in with the meat, and hardly tasted the red ringlets. He recognised them as lettuce and tomato, if he wasn't mistaken. Weary honey optics remained regarding everything with a laid-back, yet observational view, flickering around the room sharply even as he ate. It wasn't long before Ari has managed to devour more than half of the burger. It sat comfortably in his stomach, and he had to admit it was a tad disconcerting not to hear the constant grumblings from his abdomen. Hearing the rip of a packet, his gaze briefly cast itself upon Leo's hands as he moved the lettuce aside and sprinkled a sweet smelling version of salt over the greenery. Curious. What was what called again? Ah, sugar, he remembered, giving himself an enthusiastic mental high-five for recalling all the human terms for their complicated food. And, of course, the meat making up the brawn of space between the two slabs of bread- buns, was clearly beef. It was the usual thing humans put in their burgers, he knew. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-29 09:37:15 |
Leo Leo looked out the window as the few pedestrians that came this way walked past. He knew this area of town well, he had spent a couple months after his eighteenth birthday exploring Central City and Denver. Actually had ended up learning a few things about his fathers that he could have lived without knowing, but in the end of it he could honestly say he would be able to find a safe place in any region of the city, which with the way he was trained was necessary for him to feel safe. It had become more important recently, but still, he was working on it. For a second he wished Ari had met the confident, self-assured and eternally capable person he had been even six months ago. Honestly, with a perfect record at the age of nineteen with almost thirty-seven successful Runs under his belt, he was a bit (a lot) arrogant. That person wouldn't have reacted to another's shifter's fear with fear of his own, he would have tried to comfort. That person would have never bared his neck and looked away from a threat, he would have met it head-on. His eyes flashed with the memories, and he looked back toward Ari, the sound of Jamie walking over with the pieces of pie making him turn his head out of habit. Steve Steve was currently parked a block down the street, napping in the car. He wanted to give Leo a chance to talk to this new shifter, knowing that the lion's natural charisma would do most of the work in convincing him to stay at the Centre. Leo and Steve had been inseparable friends ever since Steve had joined the Centre, with Steve gravitating to Leo as a base for normal interactions, half hoping Leo's charisma would rub off on him, and Leo began taking Steve to places around town. It took all of a week for people to start joking that they were closer than most couples they knew, to which both of them pulled a completely disgusted face. They saw each other as siblings, although Leo did offer to use his powers to help Steve figure out what gender he was attracted to, if any. That was a failed experiment, with Leo shifting into any number of men, women, and variations thereupon. Steve had been attracted to exactly none of them. But then again the test wasn't exactly accurate because he was laughing so hard at the sight of Leo as a pale, slim girl who looked like she had never done a day's work in her life. They never repeated that exercise. ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-29 14:49:06 |
~ARI~ Following the other's similar gaze through the window, he watched the pedestrians silently. Risking a glance at Leo, he found the tanned man's eyes seemed glazed with thought, as if he was no longer really seeing anything around him. Tilting his head, he finished off the burger in the time it took Leo to mull over whatever was in his head. Ari saw a flash in the other shifter's eyes, and knew he had come back to the present. "Welcome back." he remarked drily, their eyes meeting as the lion-shifter hybrid turned to stare at Ari. But, before long, their contact was lost as the waiter from before - yes, he had memorised their individual scents, however similar they were - approached. He brandished slices of something that smelled delicious. That must be the pie. Licking his lips out of nervous habit, he returned his gaze to the table, lapsing into his own thoughts. However, he kept an ear rotating, ever alert, even in supposed safety. He pondered over his new feelings for Leo, amongst various other troubles of his. Why did he feel that way? Did Leo feel it too? How much longer until they were retrieved by The Centre? Who would come to get them? How would they be transported? As sudden shudder of horror rippled through him as realisation dawned. Of course, getting picked up wouldn't refer to someone walking all the way here and them all walking back together. They would use a vehicle. His pupils constricted and terror boiled in his stomach. Staring blankly at his hands, he couldn't help but be reminded of the road-kill he had seen. And were they expecting him to willingly go into one of those monstrous creations? Struggling to even out his breathing, he blinked and breathed out slowly. Gradually soothing himself, telling himself he would deal with it when the issue arose, he reached up and raked a hand through his ruffled sandy-brown locks. ![]() |
Xolani (#132964)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-29 15:17:41 |
Nero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Andrea loosened and let go some, the ampithere jerked and pulled away from him. Strangely, he seemed.. bigger. It appeared that he was puffing himself up, almost like a hognose snake. It was obvious he was rather anxious and vulnerable. He stared warily and shuffled backwards, trying to distance himself some. As Andrea shifted and transformed he recoiled backwards, apparently in fear. He had seen people and humanoids before, but nothing like this insane, form-shifting.. creature. His vibrant orange eyes cautiously observed Andrea as he approached, questioning his calm movements. Was this a ploy to get closer to him? He didn't know, but he didn't yet trust the caster, either. He listened as Andrea spoke to him, and slightly tilted his head in confusion. "My- name?.. my name's.. Nero. It's not that 'beautiful'," the ampithere huffed, getting distracted from his defensive and nervous stance. "My wing? Oh, my wing.. a-alright." The draconian sighed, fully focused on Andrea now. He seemed slightly puzzled as Andrea became alert. Nero didn't notice anything unusual, The serpent-like reptile curled up the remainder of its body length closer to it, ready to attack or flee if that was the case. He would stand behind Andrea. It appeared that he was now on the comfortable side with Andrea now, as well. He stayed in place as the caster stepped towards the changeling, almost surprised. Who knew what this random person could do, as well? Normally, Nero was never this cautious, but he sort of felt like he had a bit of a purpose being defensive and trying to 'help'. Which, he kind of wasn't. The ampithere showed an expression of surprise as Andrea rolled out the sentences, listening intently. Alright, now he was sure this person was okay. Then, his arrogance took over for a short moment. "Hey! I don't need-... help.." Nero said, his speech slowing as he acknowledged he was, genuinely, very hurt. As Avery began his pace towards the Andrea and him his wings would flare up a bit, insecure, still, of this man's safety. Obviously, he was shocked when his wing began to shift by itself, and a tingling sensation spread across it. For now, he could feel it again. At a loss of words, Nero uttered a simple word, stuttering. "A-Alright." ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-30 10:25:06 |
Avery Avery kept his distance from the Ampithere, giving the creature space as he turned to look at Andrea. "I trained with some of the best healers in Athens and Alexandrea, a healing chant is mostly just for focus now." He said, gathering his wings tight to his back before willing them invisible. Avery was good with the healing aspects of casting, but much more and the wheels fell off. He could sense the caster- Andrea -had questions, but refrained from looking telepathically, for now. When he situation had been riskier, he didn't have a problem with looking in the caster's mind to see what was going on, but with the situation calmed down a little... "How are you at making portals, caster?" Leo Blushing a little at the fact Ari had noticed him getting lost in his own head, Leo thanked Jamie before inhaling the sweet-tang scent of the pie. He looked over at Ari, opening his mouth to ask if the other shifter had ever had Raspberry-rhubarb pie before, when he noticed the other shifter was lost in thought. Leaving him to it, Leo took the piece of sugared lettuce, and cut a piece of the pie with a fork, before wrapping it in the lettuce. Childhood habit, don't ask. He was just about to take a bite when he noticed the scent of quiet terror- horror, made him look up and watch Ari, who looked stricken as he reached up, combing his fingers through his hair. Leo frowned in concern, reaching across the table to touch Ari's arm. "Are you okay?" ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-30 10:40:13 |
Andrea The Caster's eyes fluttered shut, as he stepped back by the ampithere's side keeping a low profile in order to seem as friendly as possible. He smiled, a soft aura of warmth draping him as he spoke to the serpent, "Nero... It is a very beautiful name. I'm honored to be entrusted with your name." After a few moments he returned his attention to the changeling, a tad less earm and more... Respectful. Serious, but trusting. Eager to impress. And yet, he still cracked a joke for a reply. "I could cast one with my eyes closed, Avery Waite. But why do you need to know? " ![]() |