Posted by | The Centre [Open] |
![]() Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 18:39:09 |
Chat Thread------------------------------------------------------- The World ------------------------------------------------------- In a supernatural-dominated world, The United States had the most lax regulations on supernatural beings, causing most pure humans to have left for countries with stricter policies, such as Canada, which is human-only. In this world supernatural beings are known and have been a big part of history. Some countries (Most of eastern Europe) treat supernaturals as little better than animals, others have them as slaves (Africa), and others still regulate them like criminals, and lock them up for simply being born with certain powers (Western europe). Canada, of course, is a refuge for the puritans who believe humans are the superior species, and does not allow supernaturals within their borders. My character Avery runs a supernatural medical centre in Central City, Colorado. He has been around for quite a while, and had money to spare, so he founded the centre with help of his friend's hoard. It's a open, spacious building with adaptations for all manner of creatures. Avery often goes on runs to other countries to save supernatural beings in deplorable situations, with input from Steven, an unknown being with a third eye and the ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. Steven was dropped off by an interdimensional rift in Miami, one of the most active areas for random supernatural activity. Avery often goes undercover as human on these runs, and risks his life and freedom. (Ideally I would like a team here) He brings back as many supernaturals as he can, and rehabilitates them in the centre. There is a team of healers and counselors at the centre as well, but he feels personally responsible for many of the people he brings back. The friend mentioned earlier is a dragon. ------------------------------------------------------- The Centre ------------------------------------------------------- The Center is like a combination of Doctors Without Borders and the Mayo Clinic in this world, so any other place would have their own places- plus there are healers who can deal with most things in their town. So, location wise, I was thinking Salida, but logistically it would have to be somewhere like Central City, which is what I am going with. That's an hour's drive from Denver International Airport. All observations are from the road. There are portals, which take people to the centre and back. The centre is comprised of four buildings connected by tunnels- a skywalk and an underground tunnels- one filled with water so the creatures more comfortable in water can swim between the buildings should they choose. The buildings are connected because of the harsh winters. The buildings are arranged in an arc around the parking lot, with a small airstrip to the left of the buildings. the building closest to the airstrip is for international patients- those brought by Avery seeking asylum. (There is a lot of paperwork Avery [read: Avery's friend Leo] does to allow that.) The first two floors of building closest to the road is for general patients- the clinic. The two buildings in between have different specialties- One building is for intense healing: Trauma, Oncology, Neuropathology, the like. The other is more mentally oriented, they deal with depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, and any number of other mental issues, and are open twenty four hours a day and see - at last count- over one hundred patients a day. The building for international patients is somewhat of a mystery, no visitors aside from direct family are allowed and then they are usually not allowed past designated meeting rooms. There is another associated building in Denver itself that helps international patients get back on their feet in a completely different social structure. Any people who work there are carefully screened, and those who quit or retire are often bound under memory charms that are meant to protect patients and the supernaturals who work to help them. The doctors are a mix of healers and those with no healing power, but they all are trained. The buildings are all constructed with scent neutralizers, so as not to overwhelm the patients with enhanced senses- it can be a little disorienting, as the walls seem to absorb scents. Those are the technical details- now for the visual description. Driving up, there is very little to see on the highway, except the mountains trees, and snow, driving into the large parking lot there is a lot set aside for ambulances and trauma, just between the intense healing building and it's sister area in the clinic. A few doctors take shifts in the clinic trauma centre on a rotating basis. The other three buildings are respectively, five stories for international, four for intensive healing, and four for mental health. the buildings all look like a cross between grecian and modern architecture, supported by pillars. I can do descriptions for the second and third buildings if you need, but here's hoping we won't have much set in there. In central Denver, Upper East Side New York, and Los Angeles, there is a white building with a green cross on the front, and a tiled entryway with one person manning a desk. Just inside the door a portal shows the main lobby, with flashes of light flickering around the edges of the image. passing through the portal would feel like putting your hand in jello, but your entire body. Walking into (or being deposited by a portal into) the clinic building, you are greeted by a wide, open area five floors high, with balconies at each floor. There is a blue glass dome ceiling, letting the natural light in and refracting it. The building inside is white and grey, with Grecian style architecture. Pillars support each floor, each with a sconce that lights up as night falls. There are stairs to each floor, as well as elevators. To the right of the entrance is the waiting area, filled with comfortable chairs of various colors, and a small, set in pool that connects to the other buildings. Straight back is the general medicine, and to the left is injury and trauma. The clinic itself is about equal in capability to a hospital. The balcony above is lined with rooms- patients who made appointments are often seen there. Above that are the offices that keep the centre running, with scheduling and the like. ------------------------------------------------------- Species ------------------------------------------------------- Species in this world can be anything- even species with the same name can be different. For example, there could be werewolves that perpetually have wolf features and must turn on the full moon, or human-appearing werewolves that are only tempted to turn on the full moon, or anywhere in between. I have a few species worked out, for which the rules will never change: Changelings are the product of Fey Magic encountering a growing human soul. The more magic involved the more powerful the changeling will be. Modern genetic testing has proven that the changelings are genetically purely human, with any enhanced characteristics being the product of their magical influence. Faeries (Seelie) are the only species no longer found anywhere on earth. originally they lived in a separate realm and travelled back and forth between their home, and this world. Political issues arose, and the seelie sealed themselves off somewhere around the 1700's Dragons ; It is said they are as old as the earth and will die when it does. They used to be one, a hundred-headed dragon, each head with their own mind, named Ladon, but after failing to protect the tree of immortality, they were split in to a hundred different dragons. The main head, was cursed by the gods to be unable to interact with any of the other heads. Dragons cannot be killed. Ladon- the main head- knows this firsthand. The first few hundred years after he was separated he spent trying to die- until Avery got ahold of him. They meet up every few years for things now, and he was the one to help Avery found the Centre. So, dragons are always white, except Ladon, who has a red crest on his head. Ladon protests both their classification with the Eastern Ryuu and the Western Drako, preferring to be called a "Helenistic Drake" ------------------------------------------------------- Boring stuff (Rules) ------------------------------------------------------- -Respect Lioden Rules -No Godmodding -Follow your character's agenda, not your own. -This is a literate RP, full sentences please. - Clearly indicate what character you are roleplaying. - No Time-Travel (You can put an indicator as the first line of your post with your character's name. Indicate again if you switch characters.) -Have fun Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 26/12/17 @ 20:38:50 by Eden πΉ π₯Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 05:55:02 |
Andrea Seconcruise, as they called it; Andrea hadn't set foot in there for maybe... hundreds of years? The Caster couldn't remember quite how long it had been, but something was for sure: he still had sight back then. And the great Fire Dragons of the East were still alive. Andrea found the marketplace of his youth unchanged; and, unsurprisingly, didn't mind it at all. With a large can of what the usuals of Seconcruise called 'ichor' - which was a mixture of energizing tea brews and a ton of sugar, the alchemic equivalent of an energy drink - the young Caster roamed the maze of alleys and streets that composed this marketplace under the weight of a few large satchels and a guitar he had adopted off the street out of pity. There were many more humans than back in the glory days, but at least they were easily fooled. Or maybe they didn't even bother to look around for the supernaturals that they now outnumbered. Andrea entered one of the many shops, hands spread out coyly, trying to navigate himself without really bothering anyone or drawing attention to himself. Not that it helped. Next thing he knew, he was bumping into a wall- And oh, if only it were a wall... A few hindered touches and the Caster froze. It was a human. And one that towered above him at least five feet. "Didn't mean to bump into you... 'Scuse me." Andrea uttered, gulping down the panic welling in his chest until it was all gone. Unfortunately, he was to quickly begin growing uneasy once again; there was no escape. Whoever this was, they were blocking the way. All color drained from Andrea's face, his jaw freezing shut but shaking. (god this is terrible) (i tried though) ![]() Edited on 14/01/18 @ 06:09:06 by Darkness (#102911) |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 07:53:14 |
Steve Steve shrugged his shoulders, and tapped the markings on his wrist and opened his third eye. "No-one is sure. I was raised by a pod of mer-creatures after they found me floating in the water off the coast of Miami. Based on rift activity, they think I fell through an interdimensional portal." He twisted his fingers nervously, curling them over each other's backs before straightening them again. "I'm unique." He was glad to see his tattoos regain some life. Whatever danger there had been, it seems to have passed. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 08:34:47 |
Aridion A short distance away, a tall man walked through the town, a satchel settled over his long coat. His dark hair falling around his shoulders, eyes darting, the man saw the seemingly blind young man trying to navigate. He settled against a nearby wall to watch, curious. The man had visited a prison the previous night, and the fury, hopelessness, and hate were a very good meal for him. Now he was just riding out the high of being over-fed, trying to blend into a human town. It was amusing to watch the humans and beings with prey instincts giving him a wide berth as he mingled When the young man- he assumed a caster- reached out so as not to run into anyone, Aridion saw the apprentice mark, and his interest was instantly intensified. Avery Waite. He hadn't thought of the man in months. He wondered how his little falconet was doing. Well, if the apprentice mark was any indicator. He hadn't seen them since he had helped collect Leo from the Swedes. Shaking his head to clear it, he followed Andrea into the shop, just in time to see him run into a mountain of a man. When the man seemed to have not intention of moving, glaring at Andrea unimpressed, Aridion moved over by the young man, standing behind him, and settling his hands on the caster's shoulders. "Do we have a problem?" That tone was one that promised swift destruction to those who opposed. A dark curl of power and nightmares, yet soft, delivered by the voice of an angel. The man backed up, instincts screaming to get away from the apex predator he had just ticked off. When he was gone, Aridion released his hold, and the threat hanging in the air disappeared. "Hello. I'm Red." He introduced himself cordially, moving to stand in front of the Caster, hand extended in greeting. ![]() Edited on 14/01/18 @ 12:53:13 by Eden πΉβοΈ {Side} (#116337) |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 15:54:27 |
~ARI~ Cheeks flushing at the wording Leo mistakenly used, he ducked his head. "Oh, okay." he mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek. Wrinkling his nose, he let his cranium raise, feeling a weight lift off the couch. It seemed Leo was going to retrieve something. Curious. Inquisitively straightening, he wished he could have his dhole senses to get an idea of what Leo was doing. Just then, he realised there was a quiet, bird-like sound emanating from a cage by the door. Tensing, he swallowed, eyes narrowed as the other reached inside, revealing a slim, serpentine creature covered in scales with a cranium resembling that of a cat and a feathered tail. Slumping as he noted it was small, coiling tamely around Leo's arm, he once again scrunched his nose and watched it warily. Despite its size, he had seen the sharp claws protruding from its front feet, and wasn't about to get on its bad side. Leo introduced it as Des, using feminine pronouns in his words. Tilting his head to the side, he raised a hand and timidly waved in greeting to the reptile-like creature. Seeing as it was a pet, he wasn't sure of its level of intellect, but he waved anyway, just to be polite. ![]() Edited on 14/01/18 @ 15:56:33 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927) |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 16:12:50 |
Leo Leo smiled as Des trilled high and sharp at Ari, before wincing as she pricked her claws into his hand in warning. "Oh come on, I drop you once and you never forgive me." He says to the small creature. She just continues trilling softly. He shrugs, looking over at Ari. "Des here is a tatzelwurm, she's one of the stranger creatures people keep as pets. Tatzels are about as intelligent as an elephant or dolphin. Watch out though, Des here breathes fire and she's not shy about using it." Holding her carefully, Leo motioned for Ari to follow him to the other door. When they got there he let Des crawl into the door, clinging to it like a gecko. Letting his claws appear, Leo started tapping a design in the wood, a rosebush starting from the handle. He looked over at Ari. "It will take a bit to do the whole door, any design ideas? I just want it to be recognizable by touch." ![]() Edited on 14/01/18 @ 16:14:08 by Eden πΉβοΈ {Side} (#116337) |
Hawkmask (#41743)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 19:04:43 |
Nehema Turning the flowering branch in her hands, Nehema listened carefully to Steve's explanaition. Her green eyes studied his third eye, and then tattoos before realizing she might make him self-concious and blushing. "You, ah, seem to have had an eventful life, to say the least," the phoenix half-smiled. It was... odd to think he might be the only one. She herself hadn't seen another phoenix in years, but that was normal, since they tended to be loners. She wanted to ask what it was like, but quickly decided against it; he gad been so nice, she'd hate to make him feel bad. "How did you get here, with the Centre?" ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 19:21:16 |
Steve Steve pointed at his third eye. "This isn't just for show. I can see anyone, anywhere with it. No sound though which sucks sometimes." He shrugged, not put off by her looking. "I saw what the Centre was doing for people, how they helped, and just how messed up the world is. I couldn't just keep drifting with the currents. When I was fifteen I said goodbye to my pod, and joined the Miami Centre, where Sara Jane and Alice showed me the ropes of living on land. Wasn't long after that I came here, and they haven't been able to get rid of me. I watch the Runner's backs while they are away, and I tell the healers when and where they are needed, provided they listen." He shrugged. "It's not a bad life." He moved to study Nehema, and looked closely, trying to figure out.... "I'm sorry if this is rude, but you are female?" He wanted to get that cleared up before he made a mistake. Males tended to be touchier when he got it wrong, but still, he didn't want to use the wrong pronoun... Again. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 03:14:00 |
Andrea Andrea wasn't used to danger just veing swatted away from him so easily and so swiftly; especially when he hadn't done anything to cause that. Thus, imagine his utter surprise and awe to have a total stranger off the street fend for him - furthermore, to have that stranger so casually set his hands on him. The Caster fluttered his eyes in a few puzzled blinks before reaching his hand out to the mysterious man in greeting, figuring that if the stranger had already done that - which was very likely - he definitely didn't want to touch him anymore trying to find his hand. It was all just too creepy. "Andrea... Good to meet you. And thanks for um, the save..." Andrea muttered with a nervous grin, his jaw yet lacking stability. Curiosity eating at him, the Caster decided to linger a little more around his rescuer and maybe try to find out who he was. And there was only one way to go about with that. "It's been a long time since I've come across a knight in shining armor fending for the weak and disadvantaged... I mean, that's what you are, right? My knight in shining armor." Andrea had turned coy, alluring. Emphasizing on certain words, he could get across a whole different message than that of the words he spoke; and he was confident of this tactic. After all, it was the oldest trick in the book. The fluttering eyelashes, the shoulders brought together just slightly, the light curve of a waist... And, of course, the slow graduate metamorphosis into a literal god of beauty. ![]() Edited on 15/01/18 @ 03:18:43 by Darkness (#102911) |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 07:22:35 |
Aridion Bowing, Aridion accepted the offered hand, unperturbed by the fact he was ignored when he offered his own. The Caster was blind, it probably saved him some dignity. Pressing a quick kiss to the Caster's hand, as a knight would a lady, Aridion grinned, still lightly holding the Caster's hand. "Andrea. It's a pleasure to meet you." His voice was a sinful purr, made all the more effective by a slight Scottish lilt. He straightened, letting the Caster's hand fall. When the Caster began speaking, Aridion recognized the intent behind his words, but couldn't sense the sincerity he would normally prefer. Reaching just a bit telepathically, he whispered softly in the Caster's mind. No need for false pretenses, beautiful one. If you want to know me better just ask. He was extremely careful projecting, knowing how easily the strength of his telepathy could crack a mind, yet he still kept his suggestive tone. When he was done projecting he reached for one of the bags, stopping to ask for permission. "How about this- I help you carry your things, and you can ask me whatever you want, with the promise I will respond truthfully, although I can't promise I will answer at all. " ![]() Edited on 15/01/18 @ 08:39:34 by Eden πΉβοΈ {Side} (#116337) |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 08:33:27 |
Andrea Struck down in his pride, the Caster found himself having to put aside his intents; however, this state of self-importance was replaced by one of fluster in the blink of an eye. He melted down completely and irreparably under Red's touch and at his words, so much so that he wasn't even that surprised to find out that the stranger could project telepathically. A randy gulp, muffled best he could, came from the young man who was as bright scarlet in the face as a streetlight; he cursed his own proneness for taking to heart any flirty word, however insignificant. There was nothing he could do now, though... After giving a nod of consent, Andrea dropped his bags on the floor, keeping only the guitar held in a strap of old blackened leather over his shoulders. "Well then, Red." Andrea began with a reserved tone, his head swimming. This stranger's name felt odd on Andrea's tongue; he didn't like it so much. After giving the other man a little time to burden himself with the satchels, the Caster reached out a hand in search for Red's arm and coiled his own around it, pulling himself close before taking off in a comfortable pace, out of the store. "First things first... How come you were around when I was in need? Do you come here often? And... Well, where do I drop you off? I wouldn't like to have your girlfriend yell at me for keeping you so long..." Andrea smirked at the last part, burying his head in between his shoulders to hide it. ![]() Edited on 15/01/18 @ 08:35:14 by Darkness (#102911) |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 09:23:05 |
Aridion Noting how red the Caster had turned, Aridion withheld comment as he lifted the bags, settling the satchels on his shoulders and not questioning Andrea's decision to keep the guitar. He also noted how the Caster practically spat his nickname, and couldn't help frowning slightly. He didn't understand the distaste. The nickname had a couple things behind it, but the best reason he had for introducing himself with it was that it's a hell of a lot easier to pronounce that Aridion. He let Andrea take hold of his arm, and let his intimidating presence return just enough to give them space to walk on the busy street. Aridion chuckled at the flow of questions, warm and low. "I found you merely by chance. I was lingering in the market and saw you wandering, and you piqued my interest. I don't come here often, I'm a bit of a drifter." He paused, taking a second to answer the last question. "There's really nowhere you need to drop me off. I'm completely unattached right now, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I showed my face in the home of my last girlfriend it would be blown off, and that's always a bitch to heal from." He shuddered at the memory. He wasn't known for staying in one place very long-or with one person very long. He had streaks of loyalty- twenty five years with Avery, and they've had flings since, ten with a beautiful countess named Emily, and a several others, but those were rare in his long life. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 10:08:04 |
Andrea "Aha." the Caster clicked his tongue, nose scrunched up just slightly in a sheepish manner. So, in recap: An impressive man shrouded in mystery, who just-so-happened to have his interest piqued by someone the likes of Andrea; not only that, but he had the power to keep Andrea out of danger, and had a pretty voice. To top it all off he was single. Suspicion creeped up on the Caster, but he swatted it away with ease in his smitted state of mind. Hundreds and hundreds of years, countless, had passed since Andrea could say he had any sort of fling. It could be all fun and games; this Red character appeared to be the type for that. "I see. Too bad you parted ways with her im such an unpleasant way, I always hate when that happens... Although usually I'm on the other side of the ordeal." He was lying through his teeth. All romantic connections Andrea ever had lasted until the other one died; though, that could count as a break up ideally. Wars were frequent back then, not to mention the hate humans held against those who nurtured a love different than theirs. ...But that was a long time ago. Snapping back to reality, the Caster pulled on a warm smile full of understanding and compassion, but a lot more chaste and reserved than the previous smirks that crossed his features. Maybe it wasn't time for fun and games just yet... There were still enough wounds to heal. Plus, he had promosed Avery that he would devote his whole life and breath to the apprenticeship. Andrea let his eyelids fall shut, resigningly. Silence settled for a good deal of time among the two, the only sounds to be heard being the deaf noise of the marketplace; that too, however, toned down considerably when the pair reached a strictly supernatural alley draped in shadows and secrecy. Muffled moans, heavy breathing and lewd songs joined in on the sound of the area, coming from beneath the walls and sealed doors of the large clay houses built to host one craft and one type of crafters alone. Here, the Caster broke gis grasp on Aridion's arm and quickened his pace for a few steps before turning around to face his escort. "I'm... Sorry." A disturbingly nervous chuckle broke the man's words, "But I am actually going to have to drop you here. I... I have a place I need to return to now. A home. Maybe. And... And, and... And I'm very greatful that you helped me with my bags and all! Yeah. But I need them now and and I need to go." he stuttered with unease, wishing above all that he could punch something right then and there. Instead, he shifted his weight from one leg to the other a few times until deciding to take advantage of the sudden energy outburst to cast himself a portal back to the Centre before being drained again. ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 10:47:59 |
Aridion Why are we heading down this alley? Aridion wondered as they continued walking, his predatory aura dwindling in surprise. He hadn't thought Andrea the type. He was a little startled as Andrea dropped his arm and turned around to face him, but he shed the bags easily enough. The suspicion and nervousness he could feel weren't helping. "You give off the strangest emotions." he muttered as he sorted through the whirlwind of the past few minutes. Suspicion, curiosity, resolve, loyalty, nervousness, and something that felt like the meeting of aggression and impulsiveness. His head ached. "Alright, as you say. Tell your mentor hello from me. Tell him 'Aridion James' says hello, and wants to know where he found such a beautiful apprentice " He nods, and hands Andrea the bags. "I have a place in Denver if you ever decide you want to get to know me, ask Leo, and he'll show you." Aridion bowed courteously in farewell. ![]() |
Hawkmask (#41743)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 15:30:53 |
Nehema Listening to Steve, Nehema nodded, smiling a little when he talked about coming to the centre. Though this was the first time she had been ther, it certainly wasn't the first she had heard of them. "Yeah, they do a lot of good work... this world, as broken as it is, was a lot w-worse once..." And it had been. Supernaturals had so many more rights these days, even as few as they did have. His next question made her pauae in surprise, before letting out a laugh. "Yeah. Some species that regenerate change, but phoenixes stay the same. Um, and you're male?" Nehema thought he looked male, but if he had to ask about her, then it stood to reason that he had a reason for it. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-15 15:55:43 |
Steve Steve shrugged. "I mean kind of? As far as I remember and anyone can tell, my species doesn't have a binary gender system. For simplicity's sake I do my best to stay within male norms, so I don't have to explain this to anyone I meet." He waved at his body "I mean, breasts are the easiest way to differentiate, and while I'm told it's rude to look at someone's chest, I never developed breasts, so I guess I went with the right gender." He was now hopelessly embarrassed, but he fought the blush that would give him away. Avoiding her eyes, he fixed his glasses, which had slipped a little bit down his nose. "Anyways, yes." ![]() |