Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-03 21:54:15
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Brambleheart, Snowball
Earthquake stared ahead, his only intent on that smell and heading back to camp to report anything.
"Hey!" Earthquake was yanked from his thoughts, apparently Snowball was talking to him. He didn't stop however "What?" he answered, whiskers twitching. She spoke from behind him "What happens if there is a dog?"
"There won't be any dog...
"But promise me..." He turned around "That you and Brambleheart make as far away from danger as possible."

(rly, there is no dog, just building suspense and character)

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Edited on 03/08/18 @ 21:57:48 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-03 22:06:04
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Earthquake, Snowball

Brambleheart listened to Snowball's worrying and rolled her eyes, flicking her tail in annoyance. Really? How dumb was the other she-cat? "There won't be a dog, unless you don't stop talking," She muttered loudly, her tone less than amused as she flanked the other two cats, making sure to look around and keep her ears open. There wouldn't be a dog this deep into the woods, and if there was, she would be glad to sink her claws into something at the moment.

(Ahh, gotcha)

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-03 22:30:19
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Territory|Mentions: Brambleheart, Snowball
He continued, stepping lightly, Snowball finally shutting it. Some birds cawed above him and all was quiet, until... "Hey, Earth?.." Snowball was going to be the death of him. "Yes?.." he answered patiently. Snowball dug a claws in the leaf litter "S-sorry." He turned to face her, she really did look slightly hurt. "It's fine." he said softly "Just please stop talking."

Snowball|27 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Territory|Mentions: Earthquake
Snowball followed beside Earthquake, Brambleheart on the other side of him. She felt awfully awkward, she really wanted to make friends with other cats, the reason she left her old kittypet life was to have a new one. Now it seemed only more frustrating, especially with Earthquake. It's like he's- she shook her head clear, her crystal eyes moist No... he's long gone.
She kept her head down and just followed silently beside them.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-08-04 14:46:21
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp, Camp Territory - Mentions: Open

Shrewflight smirked at the sleeping pile of fur that was Foxflame and went on her merry way; her stomach growled, and she realized she hadn't eaten in a good bit. She decided to hunt and replenish the pile before taking a piece for herself. She looked around the camp for a moment before deciding to go on her own; she padded off past the oak tree that had originally caught her eye, telling herself she would climb it another day.

Finding herself away from camp, she walked until she came across a small clearing; it was smaller than the one she'd seen with the apprentices before, and was perfect to find shrews and moles, if she was lucky. She crouched and waited, her ears swiveling in anticipation.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-05 16:11:17
Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Wolfpaw, Stripepaw, Willowstar, Duskflight Open!

Softpaw stopped working on the nest when he briefly ran out of materials to use, it could need some more moss, but Wolfpaw had gone to get some. He looked up at Stripepaw, having paid attention the entire time, but only now taking the time to properly look at him. "We all make mistakes sometimes, as long as we learn from them, it's okay." He assured, giving his fellow apprentice an encouraging look. "You're plenty useful, you keep the medicine cats company, and you brighten up the entire medicine cat den." He purred, looking over at Wolfpaw when he heard him enter. He noticed Willowstar with Duskflight come in soon after. "It's almost done, let me just put these last parts in place." He mewed, grabbing the moss and finishing up the nest for the injured warrior.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-06 08:05:32
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Medicine Cat Den~Mentions: Swiftstrike, *OPEN*
The apprentice nuzzled her mentor when he managed her name out. She wanted to do back-flips tell she was dizzy, but she kept herself controlled. "I'm right here." She reassured her mentor softly, giving his head a couple licks. She touched her nose to the moss to make sure enough water stayed in it, and wondered if she should set it on a leaf and not on the ground. She quickly walked out of the den, and to the nearest bush. One leaf wouldn't hurt, right? She picked the best leaf she could find quickly, and went back to the medicine cat den. She sat the leaf down, and picked the moss up gently and used her paw to push the leaf over, and placed the moss on it. She re-positioned it close to the tom again, before tip toeing around him to what would be her make shift bed for the next little bit. She wondered if the tom would like a bath, and after a few minutes decided that she would test the water by licking his shoulder a little.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 08:54:20
Swiftstrike|27 Moons|Warrior|27/30|Clan|
Swiftstrike wakes up. He felt much better. He can walk around now, just a pain in his ribs but he could tell that would go aways soon. He feels a licking on his shoulder. "Hey, Harepaw." He says. He looks up at his apprentice, still upset that she missed so much training. He sat up. He was happy that he could move around now but his ribs hurt more when she was moving. He smiles at his apprentice.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-06 09:20:32
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Medicine Cat Den~Mentions: Swiftstrike, *OPEN*
She returned the smile, "How are you feeling?" She sat up as well. The tom looked to be a lot better, and that was reassuring to her. It was a tough spot he was in, but he pulled through, to her relief and many others. "You ready for a morning meal?"

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 09:56:38
The next victim of the thunderstorms has been chosen! Stormberry has been struck by lightning!

The thunderstorms are beginning to calm. Perhaps the event will be over soon!

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 12:51:36
Swiftstrike|27 Moons|Warrior|27/30|Clan|
Swiftstrike nods as he hears a thunder. He stands. His ribs hurt but he ignores it. He wanted to walk around again and if he could then he would. And he could. He takes a step and smiles at the fact that he can, well take a step. "It feels good to walk." He mutters softly as he takes another step. "Yeah." He says. He smiles at his apprentice. He takes a deep breath of air. He could smell the rain.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-06 13:12:19
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw chuckled, "This place can't be brightened. No offence to any medicine cats but this place is just depressing. Basically everyone in here is hurt and weak. We will all heal but that takes time." He meowed with a sigh. He looked to his arm. He wanted to get out of the medicine den more that anything. He just wanted to heal. He wanted to become a warrior, not sit in the medicine den and wait for time to pass.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-06 13:43:06
Harepaw~8 moons~18/18~ Camp~ Mentions: Swiftstrike, *OPEN*
Harepaw smiled, and stayed closed to her mentor in case he needed help. The wet smell hung heavy in the air. The she-cat liked the smell of rain, usually, but it was getting old for her. She touched her tail to the toms's side from time to time as they walked. The she-cat was relieved to see her mentor walk. He made it through a horrible ordeal, and would live to tell the tell. She respected him for that.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 15:37:38
Sunstar - 24 moons - Leader - 40/40 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry

Sunstar was awoken by thunder crackling overhead. He rolled out of his nest, unaware of how long he had been asleep. Willowstar's nest was empty, as it usually was. He made his way out of the den, going over to pick a vole out of the fresh kill pile.
He noticed Stormberry in the clearing, and gave a smile as he started purring. He wondered when the storms would be ending, as there have been many close calls. He can't have his clanmates keep getting injured left and right, it was dwindling their supplies and someone could actually die. This was the first time he actually would admit that he hated Starclan. They expected to be relied on, praised, and put on a pedestal just so they could kill their living blood. How could he put his trust into those barbarians?
The storm started to pick up, and Sunstar's ears flattened when lightning started to dart across the sky.
His heart started beating faster.
After the strike pounded through his ears, he couldn't breathe when Stormberry was suddenly on the ground. He ran over, wailing and dropping to the ground beside the deputy. "Stormberry! Stormberry, stay with me now!"
He yelled louder, "Snowecho! I need you!"

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-06 15:47:03
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Willowstar(ID), Duskflight(ID)

Snowecho saw Willowstar head to the medicine cat den. He was done eating, but wanted to check on Stormberry before tending to Duskflight. He was sure Horsetail would be able to take care of the warrior, plus, he really needed to plan that talk with Stormberry. He was not even able to turn towards the deputy before lightning raced across the sky, followed by a loud rumble. His ears rung again, and he was sure that the lightning had hit another cat. His heart sped up when he heard Sunstar's wail. He almost froze in place when he opened his eyes to see Stormberry on the ground. Emotions welled through him, one stronger than the other, as he rushed to the deputy's side. "H-He'll live." He stuttered, laying his ear close to Stormberry's face to feel for his breathing. His heart thumped painfully in his chest. His disbelief in Starclan intensified.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-06 15:51:58
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw heard a yowl. He looked out of the medicine den and saw Stormberry on the ground. He saw Sunstar over him wailing for Snowecho. He watched in horror staring at Stormberry's limp body. Stormberry had been the one who carried him back to the Medicine den. Stripepaw didn't want anything bad to happen to him. He started feeling anger. Why was StarClan doing this? Why were they punishing the Clan. He saw Snowecho rush over and saying that the deputy would live.

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