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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 17:31:35
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw stared at Mumblepaw his eyes questioning. "You're lying, but that's totally fine. It was just a yes or no question truly." He hissed looking to the other tom. "You do you. Also I did say upset." He growled and walked to his nest in the corner of the den. He still felt cold but his fur was ruffled. He never liked to be lied too. He curled up feeling desolated. He had liked Mumblepaw, sure he was grumpy most of the time, but he seemed like a cool cat. Now Hawkpaw wasn't sure how he felt about the older tom. He could only tell that the tom was lying because of his sigh. And why would he stutter if he really didn't know?

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 17:57:37
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Earthquake, Snowball, Stormberry (ID)

After Snowball had padded along behind Earthquake, she took a sniff for herself. It wasn't just stale. But really stale. "Agreed, although, I sure there's nothing to worry about. That scent is weeks old, probably mouse-brained twolegs or something," She snorted, following the other two cats. If there was one thing she hated, it was dogs. The huge things crashed through the forest loudly, left saliva everywhere, and threatened the clan. If those weren't good enough reasons, she didn't know what was. Up ahead of them, she heard a loud clap of thunder, startling the fiery she-cat so much she jumped, although she had seen a flash of light near the camp, along with hearing distressed yowls. Her fur stood on end as she raced ahead, calling over her shoulder, "That was in camp! Hurry!"

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-10 18:39:43
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw would give a defeated huff, was he really that readable? "Mmm, fine. Yes I was lying.. so what?" He'd grumble slightly, the young tom's ears would flattened once more when he heard the word 'upset'. "You know.. I never thought I'd heard the words 'Spottedpaw' and 'upset' in the same sentence and it being my fault.." He'd close his eyes as his jaw clenched. He'd watch Hawkpaw trot over to his nest. Mumblepaw squinted his eyes.. did Hawkpaw looked a bit... annoyed? He could also see that the other tom's fur was quite glossy, was it still pouring heavily out? 'Did Spottedpaw get that soaked as well..? Even after I dried her off, with all this rain she could be soaked from head to toe...' "T-Tell me Hawkpaw... was Spottedpaw as soaked as you are when she was out there..?" He'd ask in a slight panic, she wouldn't get sick would she?

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 18:50:18
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw looked to Mumblepaw. "I think everyone is as soaked as I am. At least everyone not in the Medicine Den." He meowed with a sigh. "I hope they all heal soon." He meowed looking up to the sky. He was quite worried. StarClan seemed to be very mad. Yet no one seemed to know why. He felt so cold. He started to lick himself spitting out mud every now and then. He needed to warm up. He didn't want to get sick.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-10 19:10:12
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw would let out a small huff. He was sure half the whole Clan was in the Medicine Den for one reason or another. "Mmm, at this rate we should just make the Medicine Den our new Camp.." He'd hiss slightly as he began to groom the ruffled spots of his pelt. Mumblepaw's pelt was quite dry, he hadn't gone out the Apprentice Den in awhile and to be quite honest he wasn't too sure if he wanted to. Mumblepaw didn't like the feeling of drenched fur, nor did he like being sick. The tom would look over to Hawkpaw, who was spitting out mud every now in then. 'How unfortunate for you..' He'd mumble as he turned his head away from the tom, chuckling just a bit. "Hmm, yes.. I want them to heal aswell, it's a bit too quiet now." He'd huff in his usual tone before laying down on his side. "I wonder..." He blurted out of nowhere.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 19:52:58
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw was now confused. What was the tom talking about. He decided to ask because he was well, Hawkpaw. "What do you wonder?" He asked twitching his tail. He continued to clean his pelt continuing to spit out mud. He hated the taste but it kept his pelt nice and smooth. He liked it better smooth.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-10 20:14:27
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

The tom rolled his eyes as he heard Hawkpaw ask, it seemed like he was clearly waiting for some kind of answer. 'Mmm, well I've already come this far' He huffed to himself. "I wonder how Spottedpaw is feeling right now.." He'd mew before continuing. "I just can't seem to get her off my mind lately." He'd admit. Ever since he told her to go away he's had some odd throbbing pain in his heart, he wasn't sure if he was imagining it or if he was having some type of body shutdown. All he knew is that it was annoying and getting in the way of his daily life. Maybe it was this 'crush' thing he heard about? If so he just wanted it to go away. "Perhaps I'm just getting ill, with all these sick cats and the rain it'd only make sense." He huffed.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-10 20:35:47
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw laid his head on his paws. "You sound like you have a problem on your paws. Maybe talk to someone about it. I don't think it's all the sick cats I think you like Spottedpaw." He meowed closing his green eyes. He wondered who Mumblepaw would go to if he had a problem. Hawkpaw obviously annoyed him. "Also, I get that you don't like me and all but I have to ask why." He opened his green eyes. He didn't have to be liked by everyone but he at least wanted to know why he was being hated.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-10 21:14:14
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Brambleheart, Snowball
Earthquake wasted no time, running alongside Brambleheart, his fur standing on end like the bristles of a brush. He could nearly feel the static circulating the camp as he rushed past. He chuffed, his sides heaving as he skidded to a halt in the clearing, his fur splayed everywhere. Acting almost like a generator, static circuits were present in the ends of his thick coat and whiskers. Snowball stood close to his side coming after Brambleheart. "Eep!" Snowball recoiled, a shock from Earthquake making her step back.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 09:50:38
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw would give Hawkpaw a blink of shock and confusion. 'Like her..? We were close friends and I enjoyed my time with her more than anything else..' He'd huff to himself. He was a bit troubled on how he was going to talk to anyone about it, he wasn't particularly close with anyone. 'I guess I'll just keep it to myself then..' He thought. Mumblepaw would stare at Hawkpaw for a moment when he asked why Mumblepaw wasn't fond of him. "Well, to be honest I'm not fond of most cats for my own reasons I do not care to explain." He'd answer before continuing. "But.. it is true that I dislike you a bit more than others.. for that-" He paused. "I'm just jealous of you Hawkpaw.." He gave a sad smile as he closed his eyes. There, he admitted it. It felt weird to say it.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-11 10:02:33
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw looked at Mumblepaw with shock. 'Jealous, of me?' He though looking to the other tom. "W-why would you be jealous of me?" He asked looking to the tom. He was a little worried if he was honest with himself. There was nothing to be jealous about. He was just another cat. His mother had died and he never met his father.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 10:28:39
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

"It's a childish reason.." He'd give out a sad chuckle. "It's just that.. you're so happy and cheery all the time. Yeah a few of the other apprentices including myself think it's annoying at times, but they'd rather hangout with cheery go-lucky Hawkpaw then a snobby buzzkill like me.." He'd sigh. "I always wondered why Spottedpaw would want to hangout with me, who's so blunt and emotionless then someone like you. Deep down inside I always thought she was just doing it out of pity.." Mumblepaw would pause before continuing. "I could.. never be like you Hawkpaw, and for that I envy you." He huffed before looking away. "I bet that didn't even make sense." He'd give a grumble like laugh.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-11 12:00:47
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

"I think it makes a little sense. I always thought I just annoyed you." He chuckled twitching his ear. He was glad he could talk to Mumblepaw. He noticed the rain was slowing down. "Well, I'm so tired right now. Maybe Featherheart and I will train tomorrow." He yawned slowly closing his eyes. The sound of rain started becoming faint. "I'm sure Spottedpaw didn't pity you, I think she saw that you needed a friend." He murmured and felt himself start to relax. His breathing became even as he fell asleep.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 13:47:07
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Medicine Cat Den/Camp - Mentions: Duskflight, Wolfpaw, Stormberry, Sunstar, Swallowpaw, Snowecho, Mumblepaw

Once the nest was set up, Willowstar carefully crouched down and slowly let the male warrior slide off of her back and gently into the nest. After making sure that he was going to be okay, she let out a sigh as she thought about the lightning strikes and worried about those that were injured. If Starclan hadn’t said anything to the medicine cats, she wondered if they would talk to either leader or not. For now, all she could currently do was hope that the incidents would end soon and there wouldn’t be any more injuries. Her gaze shifted to the young apprentice beside her and placed her tail on his shoulder. “He’ll get better, Wolfpaw, so don’t worry. Until he gets better, you’re welcome to take a break from training, or you can join Alderpaw and I.” The fluffy tom was quiet for a moment before perking up and turning to look at her. “I want to keep training and show him my improvement once he’s better.” He mewed with firmly. She blinked, surprised since there would be plenty of apprentices who would take a break, but after a moment, she purred and nodded. “Alright. Just let me know whenever you’d like to go out and I’ll help you with what I can. Now, make sure you don’t get in any of the medicine cats way if you plan on staying here. I still have some things I need to do.” Once she finished talking to him, she probably shed herself to her paws and padded out of the den.

There was still a fairly heavy downpour when she walked outside and before she could take a few more steps, a bright flash, a cracking sound, and the rumbling of the ground indicated another lightning strike. Due to the sound, she realized how close it was and as she gave a quick scan of the area, she noticed Sunstar, Swallowpaw, and Snowecho surrounding Stormberry. Her ears flattened at the realization that one of the deputies was the next victim, and she cast her eyes up at the dark sky. What have they done to receive this punishment from their ancestors, she silently wondered. With all the cats helping the fallen tom, she knew that she would end up getting in the way if she tried to help. Plus, she figured that she would help handle any issues in the meantime while Sunstar stayed with the co-deputy. She had seen how the two looked and acted around each other, so she figured she would cut the other leader a break from things in the camp and let him worry over Stormberry for awhile. Recalling what Snowecho had told her before, she figured she would go and talk to Mumblepaw and see what was going on. While it frustrated her that some of the apprentices didn’t get along, she know that there had to be some sort of reason. Making her way across camp, she approached the apprentice den and poked her head through the entrance. “Mumblepaw, may I have a word with you, please?” Willowstar called to him once she picked up on his scent.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 14:09:28
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw / Willowstar

Mumblepaw would huff. 'You do annoy me, sometimes.' He'd sigh quietly to himself, not bothering to talk to Hawkpaw anymore since he had already began to fall asleep. It was quiet again after that, Mumblepaw would just lay in his nest while quietly listening to the now calmer rain outside. The apprentice closed his eyes for a moment, getting lost in his thoughts and worries. His eyes shot open as he looked towards the entrance of the den, where Willowstar was standing. 'A word, hm?' The tom's ears would flick, he could only assume what that meant. "Yes, of course." He replied blankly before standing from his nest, stretching and yawning.

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