Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 16:00:15
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 17/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Snowecho

Just as Swallowpaw opened her mouth to answer Stormberry, a flash of light rent the air and she heard an accompanying crackle. The light blinded her for a moment and when she could see again the sight of her mentor, struck down by the lightning greeted her. "Stormberry!" She shrieked and at the same moment, an accompanying wail came from the direction of the leader's den. Sunstar was beside Stormberry in an instant and Snow echo was close behind. Swallowpaw's heart squeezed in her chest as the few seconds dragged on forever while Snowecho assessed Stormberry. When the words, "H-He'll live." were uttered, she collapsed in relief, pushing her nose into her mentor's fur. She viewed Stormberry as a sort of parental figure, not being very close to her own parents and he had always been there when she needed him. Now she had to be there for him. "I can help you carry him to the medicine den...I may be small, but I'm strong...and I need to help." She said softly, her voice catching in her throat.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 17:48:57
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Camp -

Featherheart sat in the camp there were cats all around her but she couldnt help but feeling alone.Probably becuase she wasnt talking to anyone.But sometimes to her being alone was good becuase then she would have time to think alone.Her tail went from side to side it did that sometimes when she was thinking.Her ears twitched from time to time.She looked around to see who was there.Then she looked at the sky she still wondered if Starclan was punishing them...

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-06 18:53:51
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Spottedpaw

Mumblepaw's ears would perk as he heard a crash of lightning burst into Camp. The sound was so loud that it made his ears ring. Shaking his head slightly he'd look over at Spottedpaw, his face filled with concern. "I'm going to see what all the commotion is about. He stay here, I don't need you getting anymore soaked and cold then you already are." He'd mew in a serious tone before standing up and exiting the Apprentice Den, though he wasn't ready for the horrific scene he was about to see.
His eyes widened slightly when he saw the distressed Sunstar. It seemed he was calling out to Stormberry, who was on the ground burned to a crisp. He then saw Snowecho and Swallowpaw come rushing after only seconds later. The young tom looked up at the grey clouds and their rippling thunder, he'd hiss at the sky, at the clouds and at Starclan itself. 'How.. how dare you bring such despair to our Clan? You're suppose to protect us, not harm us!' He had to stop himself from shouting. He'd sigh as a cat popped into his mind. 'I should tell Spottedpaw now..' He'd sigh before padding back to the Apprentice Den, where he looked at Spottedpaw. "I'm sorry Spottedpaw.." he suddenly blurted out of nowhere.
"So much is happening, but there isn't enough time." He'd avoid her gaze. "I'm not the friend you see me as, I'm a terrible cat and I don't deserve you as my friend. Keeping secrets from you makes me more guilty.." He gave out a hurt sigh as he padding to a corner, picking up a leaf wrapped bundle. "Give this to Stripepaw for me, it's his gift. It's a large rabbit and a soft striped feather. A gift for when he made my time at the Medicine Den more enjoyable when I got sick. I'm too scared to give it to him myself. He also knows the things I did to him and the others, so ask him about it.. and if he doesn't everybody else does. It's also a surprise gift, so don't tell him what it is. It's the last thing I want you to do for me as a friend." He mew before padding to his nest. "You'll understand soon.. now leave me alone." He'd plop on his nest as he huffed coldly, turning his body away from the she.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-07 05:52:59
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 1/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar, open!

Stormberry padded put of his nest and stretched luxuriously, having a feeling that today would be a good day. He noticed Sunstar come out of his den and purred loudly, wanting to spend time with his mate before getting on with organising patrols and the rest of Clan life. He felt his fur stand on end, and for a second, he thought it was just his excitement to see Sunstar. But his fur was sticking up much more than usual, and he felt an unusual tingling that made him feel nervous. Before he could react, he felt an intense surge of heat and electricity course through his body, and his mouth snapped open in a silent yowl. The sound of the impact was deafening, and the light seared his eyes for a moment before everything went still once again. He now seemed trapped in his own world, unable to move, hear, see, speak, feel or even think. The deputy soon learnt that the brink of death was a very lonely place indeed.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-07 08:37:07
Spottedpaw-6 moons-apprentice-18/18-Camp
Spottedpaw hears something very loud. Could that be more lightning? She sees Mumblepaw walk out of the apprentices den. What happened? Did another cat get hit by lighting? She sees Mumblepaw come back in. Did he just say sorry? "What are you sorry--" She listens as Mumblepaw keeps talking. She looks at the bundle Mumblepaw mentions. She feels hurt that he doesn't want to be friends anymore. She grabs the bundle and walks out the den. She shivers as the rain soaks her fur. She still had a lot of mud on her fur. She starts heading sadly toward the medicine cat den.

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Edited on 07/08/18 @ 08:39:42 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-07 09:50:27
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw laid his head on his paws trying to get comfortable. His tail lashed angrily in the air. He was angry, StarClan was punishing them when they were supposed to protect them. Three cats had been struck by lighting in the terrible storm. What had the Clan done to deserve this. His ear twitched as he looked over to the medicine supply. He flattened his ears and closed his eyes. He placed his paw over his head trying to block everything out. Too much was happening.

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-08-08 00:17:56
Foxflame | 16 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Warriors’ Den | Mentions: Snowecho

Foxflame flicked his ears and awoke upon hearing the third lightning strike. He got up after realizing what had occurred, and he yowled at the stormy sky.

“What have we done that the stars so despise? ‘Tis it that we have lost faith, or that we have poor temperaments? ‘Tis it not foolish to strike us for such pitiful reasons? Why must we suffer thus?”

He spat angrily. If cats are truly losing faith, these actions will do more harm than good, he pouted mentally. And ‘tis unnecessary to punish us so when we shall be punished in due time for such things as lack of faith.

He was visibly exhausted now. It seemed StarClan was punishing him with lack of sleep. He still went to the fresh-kill pile to prepare food for the cat who had been wounded. Despite it all, he still believed in the stars. However, when he arrived in the medicine cat den, he was shocked at the damage the cats there sustained from the strikes. He’d heard what had happened, but he never witnessed what had occurred.

Great StarClan, why…

He left the prey he’d gathered and looked at Duskflight, then looked away. Duskflight looked as though he were on the brink of death, despite already recovering, and Foxflame felt his heart pulsating in fear. He returned to the warriors’ den and found he couldn’t sleep. Still, he would have to at least rest his limbs if he were to even have a chance of being functional tomorrow.

He thought it’d be nice if one could accompany him in his trauma.

Instead, Foxflame sighed wistfully and closed his eyes, resting in his own nest, realizing he could not tease the others in such a serious time. He tucked his nose in his pelt.

He hoped for a better day tomorrow.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-08 15:47:39
Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Stripepaw, Open!

Softpaw had been about to encourage Stripepaw further, but the loud clap of thunder froze him in place. The thyme must have worn off. He collapsed to his belly and his legs went stiff. His eyes rolled back and he gasped lightly for air. His heart felt like it was about to burst from his chest, it beat so fast. It hurt. The world blurred around him and he could not focus, everything was faint. He was not able to form clear thoughts, everything was a whirl around him and nothing stayed for long. All he knew was his heart pounding painfully in his chest.

Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Swallowpaw, Open!

Snowecho closed his eyes, relief washing over him at the reassuring breath from Stormberry. The deputy was alive, and from earlier experiences, would recover after a while. He turned his head to gaze at Swallowpaw. "You can help, you're almost a warrior." He mewed, standing up properly. He ignored his legs shaking, and let his blue eyes glide over to the medicine cat den. Softpaw! A thought hit him. That last thunder had been pretty loud, the poor apprentice must be terrified. "The den might be a bit crowded... But he can have my nest." He thought out loud. He carefully tried to get Stormberry partially onto his back. His mind wandered to Sunstar. "Sunstar? Could you check on Softpaw? He's terrified of thunderstorms." He hoped he did not need to say more.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-08 16:46:42
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw looeed to Softpaw with shock. "S-softpaw?" He looked to the tom his mind panicking. So many cats were already injured, they didn't need another one. He tried to stand up just to see if he was okay. Stripepaw couldn't stand up but maybe he could help. "Snowecho! Something's wrong with Softpaw." He called from his nest looking outside. Stormberry was on the ground, Swiftstrike was recovering, Duskflight was laying pretty still in his nest, and Stripepaw was sitting there not really knowing what to do.

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Edited on 10/08/18 @ 21:22:37 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-09 20:00:00
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den

Mumblepaw listened carefully as he heard the sound of Spottedpaw's pawsteps as she left the Apprentice Den. The young tom would let out a shiver when he finally couldn't hear her anymore. When did everything become so... cold and silent? All he could hear was the echoing 'drip' of a waterdrop falling to the den ground. 'I regret it..' He'd mumble to himself. He regretted telling Spottedpaw to leave, he regretted the fact that he turned away from her when things were already in a state of agony. Maybe he should've waited till tomorrow, so that he could still nuzzle against her gorgeous fur for awhile longer.
He wasn't sure why but he had an odd pain throbbing in his heart now that Spottedpaw was gone. 'Forget it, what's done is done.' He gave a small hiss to himself before sighing. Maybe he should just sleep. The tom closed his eyes. "...Spottedpaw..." He managed to mumble a bit out loud. '...Sorry.' He huffed before drifting off to another rest, it seemed to be his only comfort now.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-09 20:22:48
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Territory|Mentions: Brambleheart, Snowball (Indirectly): Sunstar, Willowstar
Earthquake opened his maw, tasting the air. He was right, there had been a dog...2 weeks ago. He huffed "Stale. Well, I'm glad we came here to check either way. It would be probable to tell Sunstar or Willowstar, one dog is a dog too many and close to camp." He turned tail, ready to sink his teeth into a juicy fresh-kill. Snowball sniffed the area where Earthquake stood, sure enough the sent of dog was faintly there. "C'mon Snowball, I don't have all day." His stomach groaned, begging for that unfinished meal he buried. Snowball stepped away, catching up to him and Brambleheart.

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Edited on 09/08/18 @ 20:41:24 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-09 20:28:05
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw walked inside the Apprentice's den seeing Spottedpaw walk out with a bundle in her mouth. He shrugged knowing it was none of his buisness.. "Mumblepaw? What are you doing in here?" He shivered feeling cold. The rain had soaked his short fur and he felt it touch his skin. The rain seemed to be slowing down though. He felt a little worried. Three cats had been struck by lightning. Stripepaw was in the Medicine den with a hurt shoulder. Mumblepaw was just sitting in the Apprentice's den. He wanted to know why, the tom didn't look like he was sleeping. He looked like he was in a bad mood.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-09 20:36:33
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw's eyes shot open as his tail twitched at the sound of a voice suddenly echo through the Apprentice Den. He knew that voice too well. 'Hawkpaw..' He grumbled to himself quietly. 'Out of all the apprentices in the Clan it just had to be Hawkpaw..' He'd sigh, Mumblepaw was just about to get some sleep as well. "Mmm?" He mumbled sleepily, turning his body to the tom. "What is it..?" He mewed in a emotionless hushed tone. "Is there something you need..Hawkpaw..?" He'd say as calmly as he could, but his tail was obviously swaying in an annoyed motion.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-09 21:16:50
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice's Den|Green Bandana on Neck

"Nothing, at first I was wondering what you were doing in here. Then I realized that I'm in here now. Do you know why Spottedpaw was carrying a small bundle out of here? She looked upset." He meowed looking outside of the Apprntice's Den. Then he looked back to Mumblepaw itching behind his ear. He flicked his tail twitching his ears. He felt uncomfortable, Mumblepaw never seemed to really like him. He wasn't sure if he liked Mumblepaw or not.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-10 07:09:16
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw's tail would stop moving for a moment. He felt that weird throb of pain is his heart again. 'Spottedpaw...' He could practically hear the name echo loudly in his head. Mumblepaw would avoid Hawkpaw's gaze for a moment as he tried to hide his hurt expression. "Why.. Why I know that?" He'd turn back to the tom, letting out an annoyed small hiss. He went quiet for a moment when the tom said she was upset. "Did you say she was upset..?" He had made Spottedpaw upset? 'I didn't... want to upset her..' He gave a defeated sigh, it was the last thing he wanted to do. "I don't.. know what.. you're talking about Hawkpaw." The young cat stuttered as his ears flattened.

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