Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 17:19:58 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- outside camp/heading towards river- mentions: Snowecho (ID), Softpaw (ID), Stripepaw (ID), Hawkpaw (ID), Horsetail (ID), Rainpaw (ID) -------------- Pebblesplash sheathed her claws. She nodded a goodbye to Softpaw and Stripepaw, walking off towards the river. Thoughts of Hawkpaw flashed across her mind- the poor apprentice. He wasn't that much younger than her. She saw Snowecho- who was drenched-,Horsetail- also drenched-, and Rainpaw -who was coughing-. Pebblesplash figured she should hunt for the injured cats. She went over to the river and settled down to fish. ![]() |
Highfunctioningsocio path (#144944) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 18:11:32 |
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-5/18-Outside Camp Spottedpaw starts wheezing as Mumblepaw talks. "Mumblepaw," She is just barely able to whisper his name. "I hate to admit it but I think I am having a-" She takes many breaths before continuing. "hard time breathing." She lets out a little yelp as something flops right next to them. Breathing heavily she asks "What was that?" She winces a little a her flanks send a searing pain through her body. ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 18:34:16 |
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Outside Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw Mumblepaw's teeth would clench. You as well, hm? He huffed to himself, he could only assume it was the smoke's doing. Everybody had inhaled at least a good chunk of smoke, they would all need breathing herbs sooner or later. "I see... I'll keep that in mind. What about your wounds-?" He was cut off by the sudden 'flop' of something on the ground. He turn towards the sound, it was- A fish..? He questioned himself. He looked around, he then saw Rainpaw dashing off to the next few cats. "...Ah- it's a fish." He mewed to Spottedpaw, he could hear his stomach growl slightly. He hadn't eaten in awhile, but Spottedpaw was first priority. "...You should eat, you must be a bit hungry yes? Here, it'll help get your strength back up." He slowly push the fish towards Spottedpaw. ![]() Edited on 22/08/18 @ 20:00:35 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164) |
Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 18:51:18 |
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp/River~Mentions: Lioncloud, Rainpaw(Indirectly), Earthquake(Indirectly), Swiftstrike(Indirectly), *OPEN* The young she cat followed the elder, "My training was good up until the accident, but he's better now, so my training should pick back up any day now, well..." She looked back at camp, what remained anyway. A commotion by the river got the apprentice's attention. Rainpaw lay on the ground, obviously ill. They needed to get food and quick. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 19:49:33 |
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|13/18 Health|Outside Camp Stripepaw stood up and looked at Horsetail and Snowecho. "I think Hawkpaw's just getting worst. I'm going to go do something useful for the clan." He meowed and walked off. He broke off into a run, well as fast as he could on three legs. He slid to a stop before sliding down a hill. He let out a yowl of alarm as he slid down the hill. It was amazing, he hadn't hurt his shoulder as all. He had probably scared all the prey away. He sniffed the air. He could smell rabbit. He shook some dirt of his pelt. He followed the scent. After a while of walking he saw it. It was huge! He crouched low eyeing it. Stripepaw stalked forward then ran forward quickly. He grabbed the rabbit by the scruff before it could get away. He killed it swiftly. He panted heavily then covered the rabbit with some leaves. The grey tom flicked his tail and sniffed the air. He took a deep breath in tasting the air. "Crow." He whispered and followed the scent. He saw it. Perched on a rock facing the other way. Stripepaw narrowed his eyes determined and ran forward. He leaped up as the crow started to fly away. Stripepaw used his hind legs to push him up. He used his paw to bat the crow down. It fell to the ground and Stripepaw grabbed it before it could fly away. He killed it swiftly and quickly. Stripepaw blinked panting. He couldn't shake off the look of Hawkpaw. It brought him back to his brothers death. He had to get that off his mind. He looked to his paws sitting down catching his breath. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 08:49:58 |
Swiftstrike|28 moons|Warrior|30/30 health| Outside camp Swiftstrike sits alone, lost in thoughts. He thinks about the fire. He looks up at the camp. He sighs. His thoughts refused to leave his head. The smell of smoke still seemed to be lingering in the air. He felt lucky he was not angered in the fire, but he knew others were. He thinks about Hawkpaw, wondering how he's doing. But he doesn't move, Swiftstrike just stairs at his paws. Snowpaw|8 moons|Apprentice|18\18 health|Outside camp Snowpaw was stunned still. She was surprised of the fire. She aways tries to make the best of everything but now, she couldn't. What good thing would come of this? Snowpaw wonders around alone, knowing she probably shouldn't. be alone. She wonders if Hawkpaw is getting better or worse. She doesn't want to disturb him so she continues to walk around. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 12:06:41 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: —- Pebblesplash curled her head in, making sure not to cast a large shadow over the river. Fish weaved through the currents, and it took all her will not to lash out at one. A trout swam around- not the largest but it would certainly feed some cats. She decided that was the one and struck out with a paw. The fish dodged barely, causing some of the other fish to scatter. She kneaded the earth in frustration. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 17:20:37 |
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|13/18 Health|Outside Camp Stripepaw stood up and burried the crow. He sniffed the air again. He walked around making sure to remember where his prey was. He caught the sent of, another rabbit. He purred happily glad he had a great sense of smell. He followed the scent making sure to watch where he was stepping. He saw the rabbit just eating the grass. Stripepaw stalked forward then ran. He ran after it but started to slow down. He panted heavily stopping. The rabbit ran for it speeding up. "Fox dung!" He hissed digging his claws into the ground. He walked back to where he burried his prey. He dug the crow up and uncovered his rabbit. He carried it back to his Clan. He dropped the prey panting. He had been walking around a lot. Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck Hawkpaw opened his eyes gasping slightly. His mother was sitting beside him. "Mudstripe?" It was barley a whisper. The brown she-cat smiled and stood up. Hawkpaw opened is eyes. "W-what a-are you-" He couldn't finish. "I'm not here." She walked away. Hawkpaw jumped up. "Mudstripe wait!" Hawkpaw opened his eyes slightly. He saw a brown cat sitting next to him again. It was his mother. He blinked and she was gone. He groaned slightly his ears flattened. Hawkpaw took a breath in but found trouble. He couldn't breath! He gasped and gagged trying to get oxygen into his lungs. His paws twitched as he gasped and gagged. He closed his eyes just wanting it to be over. ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 17:30:38 |
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Outside Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw / Hawkpaw / Stripepaw Mumblepaw would quietly scan Spottedpaw, quietly checking her breathing. He listened, it was absolutely terrible. "....Hm." His eyes narrowed as he said no more. He then quickly padded to Hawkpaw, doing the same. "Don't you dare die, you cheery mouse-brain." He mewed quietly in the tom's ear. He didn't have the best way of showing it, but he cared for Hawkpaw's survival. As Mumblepaw began to pad back over to Spottedpaw he paused and let out a groan. He felt his stomach growl once more from hunger, it was louder than the last one. ...Deal with it... He hissed to himself, Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw were in worse conditions than him, he didn't have time to rest. Though because of that he was exhausted and famished from watching over the two, he could feel himself becoming faint. He huffed as he watched Stripepaw returned, he didn't even noticed he had left. "Hmm Stripepaw." He mewed to the tom. "Switch out?" He asked nudging his head over to Spottedpaw and Hawkpaw, he thought it would be best to go herb hunting even in his condition while Stripepaw watched over the two cats. "I have important things to do." He added. ![]() Edited on 23/08/18 @ 18:05:56 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 17:43:56 |
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|13/18 Health|Outside Camp Stripepaw let out a yawn. "Sure. Make sure to catch more prey." He looked over to Hawkpaw. He was twitching and Stripepaw started feeling worried. Very worried. The grey tom took the crow and walked over to Spottedpaw. "Eat." He meowed pushing the black crow towards her. He the walked over to Hawkpaw. He nudged him but the brown tom just rolled. Stripepaw nudged him again. This time Hawkpaw twitched a little. Stripepaw pressed his ear to Hawkpaw's chest. His heart was beating but it was so faint. "Horsetail! Snowecho! He needs help right now!" The apprentice hissed his mind panicing. He felt his heart beating faster and faster. Would the tom die? ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-23 17:53:41 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Stripepaw, Hawkpaw (Italics don’t work on my phone for some reason, sorry) ——— Pebblesplash took a deep breath and went back to staring intently at the water. Waiting. Another trout swam up, unaware of what had happened mintues ago. She narrowed her eyes and waited a few more moments before striking, this time with success. She started towards camp, carrying the fish. She couldn’t help but be a bit pleased with herself. When she arrived, she heard Stripepaw calling for the medicine cats. Hawkpaw! The apprentice must have gotten worse. StarClan please spare this cat! she thought, anxiety creeping in. ![]() Edited on 23/08/18 @ 18:00:28 by Hurri (#147819) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 00:35:56 |
Snowecho - 24 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Hawkpaw(ID), Stripepaw(ID), Horsetail, Sunstar, Stormberry, Open! Snowecho opened his mouth and panted, remaining on the ground as he recovered from his almost drowning. He could hear Stripepaw's cries, but his limbs refused to let him move. "W-We need to get to H-Hawkpaw." He mewed, glancing up at Horsetail. He had not seen Hawkpaw, so did not know how he was injured, but it sounded bad. He tried to force himself up, but his legs refused to support his weight. He did give up however. His clan needed him now more than ever. He could not be out of commission. After some trial and error, he managed to make his way away from the bank, but did not manage to get close enough to Hawkpaw. His legs gave out underneath him when he was close to Sunstar and Stormberry. He was still trembling from the cold, he had not had the strength to shake himself off properly, and the two toms looked warm. It was now he noticed that it seemed like Sunstar was out cold, some dark liquid close to his muzzle. He crawled closer to them, worried about why Stormberry was trembling, and about that mysterious liquid. "S-Stormberry?" Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Hawkpaw(ID), Stripepaw(ID), Mumblepaw(ID), Spottedpaw(ID), Alderpaw, Open! Softpaw stepped aside as the rest of the apprentices he had been sitting with hugely ignored him. He guessed that Spottedpaw probably had not noticed him, and he had a lingering feeling that Mumblepaw disliked him. Why he was disliked was unknown to him, as he was quite the dashing cat. It seemed Stripepaw had busied himself hunting, and there was not much he could do for Hawkpaw. He opened his mouth and breathed in the air. He tried picking out Alderpaw's scent. He missed the other tom, and wanted his company to recover from the trauma they had been through. He managed to pick up a faint trace and followed it. He dashed in the direction of the scent. He did not care that he was loud as he ran. He just wanted to find Alderpaw. ![]() Edited on 24/08/18 @ 02:28:54 by Andy-tired-af (WCU) (#117962) |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 02:29:48 |
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Snowecho Stormberry felt some of his anxiety towards Sunstar's situation decrease a bit; he was a leader, of course, and surely StarClan would keep him safe. He licked at the other tom's ears comfortingly and tried to work on calming himself down when he heard the whole commotion at the river, but his view of what had happened was mostly obstructed. He didn't get a sense of what had happened until a drenched and exhausted Snowecho came his way and collapsed close to him, and it was easy to tell that the water and the breeze combined was making the medicine cat too cold. He shuffled over to Snowecho and curled around him for warmth, while still trying to keep a close eye on Sunstar, to make sure nothing more happened that would need his attention. His hearing was getting a little better with each passing day, so he was able to hear Snowecho call his name, and started licking the younger tom's fur to try and dry him off somewhat. "I'm right here, Snowecho, don't move." He mewed softly, his tail curled in distress. He knew there was so much else going on, and other cats that needed Snowecho's medical help, but a cat had to be able to help themselves before they could get up and help anyone else. Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Softpaw (indirectly), open! Alderpaw, despite his continued fear about the devastation that seemed to be ravaging the Clan right now, knew he couldn't stay away forever. The Clan needed to rebuild, after all, for things to get better, and to make life bearable again. He perked his large ears and started listening out for the sound of cats who had made it safely out of camp, and it wasn't long before he managed to track down the Clan to the river. He hesitated in joining his Clanmates, however - he felt guilty about having run away all that time ago now, and felt like he needed to make up for running in the face of adversity. He circled around the river widely and managed to catch a squirrel that was running for the safety of a nearby tree, by smacking it to stun it with his fast paws, and then clamping his jaws down on its throat before it could run any further. He considered the prey a good peace offering. If the camp really was destroyed, as it looked like it was from a distance, then the Clan currently had no fresh-kill pile to rely on. Sighing through his nose, he padded warily to the river and kept his head low, pinning his ears back against his head and keeping his sharp eyes looking out for Softpaw. He could see a group of apprentices all sat together, and made his way towards them. He had to stop in his tracks, though, when Softpaw suddenly appeared in front of him, so as not to run straight into him. ![]() Edited on 24/08/18 @ 02:34:02 by Ash [WCU] (#117922) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 05:14:41 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 14/18 - Clan territory, river - Mentions: Snowecho (ID), Horsetail(ID), Hawkpaw, Stripepaw, Mumblepaw(ID) Rainpaw panted, jaws parted, to suck in some air. Snowecho had padded away from her just before she was about to drop the minnow by him, she sort of felt as if he were mad at her for ignoring him. Still dizzy, she stood and looked around. Horsetail was looking after another cat and as she continued looking, she saw Hawkpaw laying limp on the ground, barely moving. She raced over to him with the minnow in her jaws still and sat next to him. Looking up at Stripepaw, who was currently watching over him after Mumblepaw had left, she saw her own fear reflected in his eyes. "Hawkpaw," She said tentatively, "Hawkpaw, wake up!" ![]() Edited on 24/08/18 @ 05:18:23 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966) |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 06:14:59 |
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|26/30|Territory|Mentions: [Indirectly] Brambleheart Earthquake felt warm, almost giddy, seeing the little patrol that they arranged. Lioncloud suggested that they split up and cover more ground, Earthquake headed towards the border, where the fire hopefully hadn't touched "It all should still be green and teeming with life" Still trekking under the canopy the trees, he thought while he walked, his steps becoming uncoordinated. His mind became clouded as it drifted back to camp or what it once was. He thought of Sunstar and Stormberry, Willowstar, ever eager Rainpaw, Snowball and Brambleheart. He had mixed feelings about Brambleheart, he wanted to confess obviously but couldn't put into words about how he felt about her. His mind was all over the place now, between being just good friends or turning it into something else... He stopped just for a moment, taking in his surroundings to realize he had walked past the border and was now lost. ![]() |