Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
twomy 🐺 (#123703)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 03:44:05 |
Hopepaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice - River - Mentions : Open (Please talk to me. ;-;), Rosesong Hopepaw leapt on a mouse, swiftly killing it, she dragged it back to camp and lay it on where the fresh-kill pile used to be, she'd go on every hunting patrol if it meant she could build up the Clan again! She padded outside to catch more kill and came across Rosesong under a tree! "Great StarClan!" she exclaimed "Push with your legs, I'll do all I can." she ran at the tree as Rosesong pushed with her legs, she put all of her power into pushing the tree, but it was so weak it snapped! It was good enough, "Get up, Rosesong and walk beside me, lay your tail on my back so it doesn't drag along the ground." Rosesong did so and they walked back, they walked into the medic's den "Snowecho? Horsetail? Icepaw? Lynxpaw? Rosesong's broke her tail!" ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 14:37:28 by Lostsalt (#123703) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 14:45:59 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Hawkpaw, OPEN --------- Pebblesplash returned to the river holding a bundle of moss in her jaws. She carefully laid it down next to Hawkpaw. "Would you like some extra moss for your nest?" she asked, seeing him sit up briefly. Joy fluttered through the speckled grey she-cat. Was this a sign? Would things start to get better? ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 15:04:10 |
Snowecho - 24 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Horsetail, Rainpaw(ID), Hawkpaw(ID), Open! Snowecho quickly felt nervousness grow in him when more and more cats flocked to the scene. He wished more than anything to hurry back to Stormberry's side, maybe tend more to Sunstar, but the cats needed him here. He felt a small wave of relief when he heard Horsetail's voice, trying to focus on just him. "Do you think you got these two covered? I want to check over the rest of the Clan." He mentioned. It was a thinly veiled excuse to get away from this crowd, but he just hated addressing so many cats at once. He watched as Hawkpaw managed to eat some herbs, taking that as a sign that he could leave and inspect the rest, maybe even gather some more herbs. Rainpaw had been so helpful with gathering feathers and moss, he would have to thank her later. He backed away from the group, setting a slow pace as he looked for herbs they would need to heal their Clan mates. ![]() |
twomy 🐺 (#123703)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 15:35:16 |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 16:07:00 |
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Swallowpaw (indirectly), Willowstar (indirectly), Sunstar Stormberry waited for a moment for Swallowpaw to respond to him, but it seemed like his apprentice was already busy with Willowstar. It was understandable, though. They hadn't been at the river very long, they probably needed some time to process everything that had happened. Just as he thought about possibly trying to hunt and start trying to fill some empty bellies, he heard Sunstar wake up, and call his name. He let out an audible sigh of relief and quickly went to his mate's side, curling his fluffy tail around him but growing concerned at what he said. "Sunstar! What do we need to talk about? What happened? I was so worried.." He trailed off, having plenty of questions, but not being confident that there were many answers. He flinched slightly as the leader howled for Willowstar's attention, and it only made him more nervous about what Sunstar might have seen while he was losing a life. Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Softpaw, Hopepaw (indirectly), open! Alderpaw looked worriedly at Softpaw, then back at the Clan before them. They had talked before about their reservations about the life of a warrior, but things had never got this serious before, or this real. The two of them were so young, but they had already seen things that would likely trouble them for the rest of their lives. What, then, did the future have in store for them? He knew he had to try and be logical in the face of fear, however. Tragedies like this didn't happen everyday, and the Clan would rebuild. It always did, it had to. "I know, Softpaw, but imagine the shame in deserting the Clan that raised us." He breathed, torn between his loyalty to the Clan and his fear of the uncertainty they faced if they stayed. "There's more to being a warrior than violence. If there wasn't, I don't think any cat would want to be one." He added, nudging Softpaw slightly. "We have to try, try for the Clan and for ourselves if nothing else. We can't say we don't like something if we haven't tried it yet.." It wasn't long after he'd trailed off, however, before he heard cries in the distance, as if another cat had been hurt. Was that Hopepaw's voice? Perking his large ears, he looked at Softpaw with even more concern than before. "Did you hear that?" ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 16:33:30 by Ash [WCU] (#117922) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 16:27:27 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Hawkpaw, Hopepaw, Rosesong (open) —— Pebblesplash left the moss beside Hawkpsw Incase he wanted it. She twitched her ear as she heard yowling in the distance. Was a cat injured. Just what they needed. Pebblesplash ran off towards the direction of the sound. When she arrived, she saw Hopepaw and Rosesong. Rosesong’s tail was twisted in an awkward position. “great starclan...” she muttered to herself “What happened here?” She asked Hopepaw. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 16:43:52 |
Sunstar - 24 Moons - Leader - 24/40 HP - Outside Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Willowstar Sunstar didn't know where to begin, but he swallowed his feared and looked at Stormberry, then Willowstar. He opened his mouth, and let it all out. "This isn't the end. Things are about to get worse, and I don't know if the clan can handle such struggles.. When I died I was in a dark place.. I think it was the Dark Forest. One cat that I had killed found me as I was sneaking in on their meeting, and he.. he.." Sunstar put a paw up to his muzzle to make sure he was in one piece. He didn't know if he could believe it, but he said the next words slowly. "The Dark Forest is going to attack Starclan. And by seeing their numbers.. They could actually do it." Sunstar clung to Stormberry. "If Starclan is driven out of the divine planes, the Dark Forest will have reign over us all." Suddenly he had an urgency to hold a clan meeting, but he waited to see what his closest clanmates had to say on the matter. ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 16:44:41 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866) |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 17:02:46 |
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 14/18 | Outside Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw Mumblepaw would lift his head from Spottedpaw's body, he hoped to Starclan that she'd survive. He could feel his heart ache in pain for every second he saw her in this current state. He wasn't ready to lose a friend, he refused to let it happen. The apprentice would move his muzzle close to Spottedpaw's ear. "Spottedpaw.." He whispered softly. "...I'm not sure if you can hear me but- I just wanted to let you know that I'm here. I'll be here beside you, I'll comfort you until you wake, until you heal..." He mewed. "You still have so much life left ahead of you, so much to do." He gave a painful chuckle. "But also, I can't lose my closest friend. I'll be alone if you die Spottedpaw, don't- don't leave me alone.." He croaked. Please- He gave a shaky mew to himself. Starclan please don't take her away from me! He pleaded quietly. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 17:56:42 |
Willowstar - 33 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - River/Territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Stormberry Willowstar could feel a chill run through her pelt as the male leader spoke of the Dark Forest and the relaxed and affectionate attitude she had felt before while resting near the two apprentices was quickly replaced with concern and seriousness. If Starclan were to be attacked and overtaken by the dark cats, it meant nothing but darkness for all of the clan cats. “While I would love to believe that maybe you’re wrong on their numbers, it would be extremely foolish to dismiss something as big as that. It’s possible that maybe these storms and lightning attacks were a warning as to what’s to come, should this be the case.” She spoke, glancing between the two toms before taking a moment to think. “If what you say is true, then we will have to figure out how we’re to handle this whether they succeed or not. While I would like that we all have time to get some more information, I believe that the clan should have some idea of what’s happening because we never know when their attack may be.” ![]() |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 03:40:16 |
Lynxpaw | 8 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Snowecho Lynxpaw weaved her way quietly through the cats around her, looking for her mentor. She'd been especially quiet since the fire, and today was no different, she seemed distracted and unable to focus. The knowledge that her Clan's home, her home, had been destroyed forever was deeply distressing, and she was still taking time to come to terms with it all. Sometimes, when she was out herb gathering, she would find herself wandering back to where the camp had been. She would sit at the camp entrance, staring at the ashes and charred wood, and she'd remember the memories she'd had here. She was shaken from her thoughts by the glimpse of a familiar white pelt, and looked up to confirm it was indeed Snowecho. He was moving away from the group, presumably to find more herbs, and she followed, seeing the opportunity for more training, or even just some company. "Snowecho!" she called, putting up a facade of happiness as she approached him. "Is there anything I can do to help?" ![]() |
twomy 🐺 (#123703)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 04:00:35 |
Hopepaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - River - Mentions : Rosesong, Alderpaw, Softpaw, Pebblesplash "I found her while I was hunting with her tail under a tree, it must have fell on her." Rosesong looked up at Pebblesplash, pain in her eyes "After the storm I ran off, to hunt." she lied, she didn't want to embarrass herself "There was still some rain so I hid under the tree, and then it fell, I jumped out of the way and my tail got trapped under." she said. "Please find a medicine cat!" the warrior wailed "It hurts really bad." Hopepaw nuzzled into Rosesong's side to comfort her "You'll be ok, there's nothing our medicine cats can't fix." ![]() |
Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584) Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 04:07:37 |
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Clan territory- Featherheart sat there looking for Hawkpaw to make sure he was ok.She haf gotten him out earlier but she didn't know if he was ok or not.Her tail wrapped around her paws her ears were perked up listening for his voice.She didn't like the fact that Hawkpaw had inhaled so much smoke.She sighed the thought of knowing that they would never see their home again was just sad.She felt in easy out here the camp was gone and they didn't have a home. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 04:31:15 by Ash167 (#137584) |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 05:49:54 |
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|27/30|Territory|Mentions:N/A [Open] Opening his eyes he took in the unfamiliar sights of his makeshift sleeping spot. He took refuge in the open roots of a great tree after getting lost, but he had wasted enough time and he needed to get back to camp. Blindly walking through the forest wasn't gonna help, he had already tried that... Leaving the spindly roots of his tree, he walked past a wall of shrubs. The ground beneath him sloped and the peaty soil gave way to sand and stone, eventually leading into a river. The water pacing as usual, it must lead away back to camp, it all seemed so familiar some how. "Then I'll follow the river." Snowball|27 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Outside Camp|Mentions: N/A [Open] A drop of dew splashed her nose until she woke, contemplating whether she wanted to get up or not. "What's the point anyway." she felt so useless and undriven to even leave her spot, her once vibrant spirit had burned out just like the camp had done. She wanted to vent to Earthquake, but he wasn't even there "Probably on patrol or something." she guessed "Must be one heck of a patrol, he's been gone all day..." she said in no particular, rolling on to her back. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 05:52:01 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034) |
GayDinoNuggy (#128606)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 06:33:35 |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 07:01:22 |
Snowecho - 24 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Lynxpaw, Open! Snowecho felt more relieved when he heard Lynxpaw's voice. He had been worried that the fire had scared the voice out of her. "Yes, I was thinking to go get some herbs. Particularly chamomile and thyme." He mewed, starting to head for the nearest chamomile patch. He was relieved that he had already started teaching Lynxpaw about how to treat shock, but it was a shame she was originally old enough to learn about treating burns. It was such an uncommon injury that they usually put it off until necessary or at 9 moons. Despite this, he did not know if Horsetail had had enough time to start teaching Icepaw about burns yet. Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory - Mentions: Alderpaw, Hopepaw, Rosesong, Pebblesplash Open! Softpaw flattened his ears and looked away from Alderpaw. He kept quiet as Alderpaw went on, taking a deep breath to try to calm himself down. He dared glance up at the other apprentice. "M-Maybe we can request to just hunt... I've tried fighting and I don't like it." He murmured, flicking his ears when a faint wail rang through the air. "I heard that." He perked his ears up. His green gaze scanned the nearby forest, then he bolted in the direction he thought the sound came from. He pushed his own worries aside in order to focus on a potentially hurt Clanmate. He came to a halt when he saw and heard Hopepaw, Rosesong, and Pebblesplash. "Why aren't you by the river?" He asked, shocked that not one, but two cats had disobeyed Willowstar's orders. ![]() |