Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 08:35:16 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Hopepaw, Rosesong, Softpaw —- Pebblesplash whipped around to face Softpaw. Angry rose up in her. “THAT’S what you care about right now?!?” She snarled angrily, “Can’t you see one of your clanmates is hurt?!” Pebblesplash’s tail lashed. “You can report us later, but help us get her back to camp!” She said to Softpaw, her voice steadily going down, along with her temper. “Come on Rosesong, Horsetail or Snowecho will be around here somewhere,” she mummered to Rosesong and Hopepaw. ![]() Edited on 01/09/18 @ 12:39:04 by Hurri (#147819) |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 09:03:33 |
Wolfpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 HP - River/Territory - Mentions: Swallowpaw, Softpaw, Alderpaw, Pebblesplash, Rosesong, Hopepaw Wolfpaw relaxed in his spot, his gaze occasionally drifting off to see what his sister was up to after she had left when he could faintly hear a commotion occurring not too far off. It had seemed that Softpaw and Alderpaw heard it as well since they had gone off in the direction it was coming from. Curiousity seeped throughout him and he was torn between checking it out and staying where Willowstar had told him. After thinking about it, he pushed himself to his paws and looked at an exhausted Swallowpaw. “I know Willowstar asked me to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re okay, but i’ll be back, I promise.” He told the older apprentice before quickly padding after the other two. The fluffy tom was glad that it wasn’t too far of a walk and he could pick up the edges of the conversation as he got closer, noticing all the cats that were there. Wolfpaw’s head tilted once he reached them, and fully saw what the commotion was about. “It may be awhile before that tail of hers is looked at. Both medicine cats are busy either gathering herbs or tending to those who were caught up in the fire, as some are in some bad condition. There are also some who haven’t been looked over yet, so that’s why I’m giving the warning about it. Also, a few of our clanmates are hurt. Even one of our own leaders took some damage himself.” The tom spoke as he recalled seeing Sunstar not looking too well when he had first arrived by the river. He had seen how unsure and uneasy the two older apprentices were before leaving the riverside, so he couldn’t help but speak up. “Softpaw did have a point in asking though. The camp has burnt down and it has harmed multiple clanmates, so if you think about it, having everyone over by the river would make it easier on both leaders, deputies, and medicine cats to know that everyone is safe and if anyone is missing.” ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 10:25:55 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Hopepaw, Rosesong, Softpaw, Wolfpaw ——- Pebblesplash forced her fur to lie flat. Her eyes flashed warily as her tail lashed back and forth. “You’re right,” she grumbled to Wolfpaw, “The medicine cats are busy...” the grey speckled she-cat kneaded the ground angrily. She shot Softpaw one last angry look and went to where Hopepaw and Rosesong were waiting. “Let’s find somewhere for you to wait,” she said to Rosesong. Pebblesplash’s thoughts whirled in her head :Wolfpaw was right about th camp... and Softpaw... but that doesn’t give Softpaw the right to not take in what was happening!: ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 10:27:53 by Hurri (#147819) |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 10:48:24 |
Duskflight | 26 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | River/Territory | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Swallowpaw, Softpaw, Alderpaw, Hopepaw Duskflight surfaced from the river and gasped for air. He emerged from the water, exhausted, and saw a few apprentices before him. “Thank goodness you’re safe,” he muttered, almost deliriously. Duskflight had tried to help stop the fire, but when that didn’t succeed, he’d hid himself away in the river, which in spite of being water was so hot that it seemed to sear his skin. He drifted down the river, where the water was able to cool, and he felt alright afterwards and crawled out of the river. As he was traveling back to camp, each step he took felt a chore, and he swam through the river until he collapsed on the bank where the apprentices were. “I really can’t catch a break. I hope the few of you realize this isn’t how clans are supposed to be,” he spat, closing his eyes. “I’m alive though…” he said. He fell asleep. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 10:49:42 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 11:40:22 |
Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory - Mentions: Alderpaw, Hopepaw, Rosesong, Pebblesplash, Wolfpaw, Open! Softpaw's worry about their location did not only stem from them disobeying one of the Clan leaders, but also the injury. It would have been much easier if Rosesong had got injured closer to the river, of course even better if she had not got injured at all. He flattened his ears at Pebblesplash snapping at him. He was not used to warriors being angry with him, much less snapping at him. He sent a silent thanks to Wolfpaw when he came to his rescue. "I'm just worried because she's so far away, if she was closer it'd be easier." He mewed to his defence. He did not know much about medicine, but he had picked up how to treat shock and pain from all his time in the medicine cat den. Still, he did not want to mess around with herbs. Unlike some apprentices, he wanted to be fully sure before giving another cat herbs. "We should move her closer to the river, maybe Snowecho or Horsetail can tend to her when they have time." ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 11:53:14 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Hopepaw, Rosesong, Softpaw, Wolfpaw ——- Pebblesplash have a curt nod to Softpaw, and looked over to Hopepaw and Rosesong. They begin walking back to the river. Pebblesplash’s tail still twitched with irritation, but was overall calm. She looked at Wolfpaw. The Tom had prevented a huge fight. Good for him. Pebblesplash wouldn’t admit she had been wrong to snap at Softpaw though. She was still a bit irritated with the young tom. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 14:43:39 |
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Willowstar Stormberry curled his tail in distress as he listened to Sunstar bring up the Dark Forest and their plan to attack StarClan - of course, he was fearful of StarClan, but he would much prefer the rule of StarClan over that of the Dark Forest any day. If Sunstar was shaken by what he had seen and heard, then it was obviously serious. He licked a few times at the leader's ears to try and soothe him, before looking to Willowstar and listening to what she had to say. So then, were the storms the product of StarClan's anger, or were they a warning of even more danger to come? "This sounds bad, Sunstar..the Clan's relationship with StarClan recently has been rocky at best, and now this? I think everyone needs to know, and then we can make some sort of plan. The Clan and its faith is so weak right now, it would be a perfect time for an attack..so if it's going to happen, I think it'll be soon." He mewed, looking around at the Clan surrounding them. "Did you get any advice from StarClan? Any idea as to what we can do?" Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Softpaw, Hopepaw (ID), Rosesong (ID), Pebblesplash, Wolfpaw (ID), Duskflight Alderpaw swiftly followed Softpaw to come across Hopepaw, Rosesong and Pebblesplash, and it was almost an anticlimax to find out that all the fuss was about a broken tail. He narrowed his eyes as Pebblesplash lashed out at Softpaw - if they had followed the rest of the Clan to the river sooner, then this probably wouldn't have happened in the first place! Of course, he himself had been a late joiner to the temporary home of the Clan, but at least he had stayed out of danger during the time he was separated from the other cats. "Calm down, Pebblesplash, it's just a tail injury. It's not exactly life threatening." He pointed out coldly, though he was happy to let Wolfpaw do most of the talking on the matter once he came over. The young tom nudged Softpaw reassuringly before he noticed Duskflight turn up in the corner of his eye, looking drenched and exhausted. He padded over to the warrior and grabbed hold of his scruff, hoping to drag him a bit further away from the water and closer to the rest of the Clan. "Duskflight looks exhausted..think someone can help me bring him to the rest of the Clan?" He asked, his voice muffled. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 15:44:26 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Duskflightm Alderpaw —- Pebblesplash rolled her eyes. "Maybe you should learn that injuries are more important then following a leaders' command! You didn't arrive until after me, anyways. I only got there moments before you," she pointed out, her temper rising again. She looked at Duskflight and sighed. "Fine, I'll help," she muttered. She stiffly walked over to Alderpaw and Duskflight. Pebblesplash went behind him and pushed his haunches. She didn't care what they thought of her. She would defend her honor. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 16:41:36 |
Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory - Mentions: Alderpaw, Hopepaw, Rosesong, Pebblesplash, Wolfpaw, Duskflight, Open! Softpaw decided to turn a blind eye to Pebblesplash' antics. He knew she was hot-headed, he had been in the nursery with her, and right now he could not be bothered to argue. He smiled a little at Alderpaw's nudge, happy that his friend had his back. "Hopepaw, you got track of Rosesong, right?" He asked. He glanced over at Wolfpaw, maybe the two of them could bring up the rear, surely only one cat was needed to help Rosesong back, and two should be enough to help with Duskflight. A thought sprung to his mind, maybe one of them could race back and spot out the medicine cats to see just how busy they were. "Think we should warn Snowecho and Horsetail that two new injured cats are on the way?" He asked the younger apprentice. ![]() |
Highfunctioningsocio path (#144944) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 19:23:46 |
Highfunctioningsocio path (#144944) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 19:41:23 |
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-4/18- Outside Camp Spottedpaw hears some cats voice. Telling her that they will never leave until she got better. Warmth spreads through her. The voice must have belonged to Mumblepaw. She felt comforted by the fact that he will never leave her side until she was better. She opens her eyes slowly. The grass looked blurry at first but then gradually became clearer. "Mumblepaw?" She just manages to croak. She doesn't bother trying to.move her body feels to exhausted. I will make sure.StarClan doesn't take me. She thinks hearing the last of Mumblepaw sentence. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 19:47:44 |
@ EVERYONE Sunstar - 24 Moons - Leader - 24/40 HP - Outside Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Willowstar, Everyone Pulling himself to his feet, Sunstar nodded at both of them. "I believe we should hold a clan meeting right away. Everyone needs to know what's going on, especially since the stakes are so great. And Stormberry.. I didn't get any advice from Starclan. I.." He couldn't finish, but curled his tail around Stormberry's, looking sincerely at Willowstar. He couldn't bring himself to share the part with Stormberry that he deserved to know. But he loved him too much, he had to protect his mate. "We need to do a roll count to make sure everyone is here. Perhaps send some of the apprentices to help Snowecho and Horsetail after we've made the announcement. I'm sure there will be a lot of cats already scared and needing poppyseed. I just hope we have enough." Sunstar looked out into the scattered cats, all of them wounded, exhausted, and lost. He looked past the ashes and raised his voice high, for everyone to hopefully hear. "Let all cats listen, and come close if you can! We have much to discuss, and very little time." He stood beside Willowstar and Stormberry, wondering where Hollowfall and the rest of the high ranks were. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 19:56:42 by Quake™ (#69866) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 22:03:28 |
Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|3/18 Health|Outside Camp Hawkpaw licked at the moss letting the water trickle down his throat. It tasted like the best thing in the world as it ran down his parched throat. The tom settled back down when he heard Sunstar calling. He tried to stand up but just couldn't bring himself to it. He gave a groan and laid back down. The brown colored tom flicked his ear listening to Sunstar. He closed his eyes wondering what the leader was going to say. 'Sounds important.' He thought shifting his position a little. Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|Outside Camp Stripepaw looked over to Sunstar. He saw Hawkpaw try to get up but only to fall back down. Stripepaw remembered not that long ago he was as weak as that. He looked to Hawkpaw. "He'll be fine." He muttered and stalked toward Sunstar. He sat down close to the leader looking at him with curiosity. He curled his long tail neatly over his paws. He let out a yawn feeling a little tired. Moving around all day seemed to be hitting him. "At least I'm not stiff anymore." He meowed softly so no one else could hear. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 23:10:52 |
Wolfpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 HP - River/Territory - Mentions: Softpaw, Alderpaw, Pebblesplash, Rosesong, Hopepaw, Duskflight Wolfpaw’s tail gave a slight twitch when everyone still continued to shoot out comments over the matter and held back a sigh. He figured that it could’ve been worse though and decided to hope that it was just due to the stress that the fire had put on all of them. The fluffy tom blinked in surprise when he saw his mentor, Duskflight, flop down not too far from them. The last he had seen him was in the medicine cat den after he was struck by lightning. He was looking better this time around despite being soaked and relaxed when Alderpaw and Pebblesplash went to help carry him back. Hearing Softpaw speak up, his head tilted slightly as he paused to think. “I think that might be a good idea, that way they have a heads up. I think I saw Snowecho going to collect more herbs and Horsetail was tending to Hawkpaw last I saw them. I could run ahead if you would like, that way you can still be around Alderpaw.” Wolfpaw mewed. He knew that the two toms were close and had a feeling that maybe they were still feeling a bit off like how they seemed earlier. His ears then twitched as he could faintly hear Sunstar’s voice in the distance. “Hm? They must be done talking then. I’d say that we should all hurry back to the river. From what I saw, it seemed to be a very serious conversation, so it should be about something pretty important.” ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-30 03:20:17 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 15/18 - River - Mentions: Lynxpaw, Stripepaw, Sunstar (ID) Rainpaw was walking back to the temporary camp with a plump fish and all the moss she could carry. She was feeling a bit better, now and wanted to help provide. As soon as she walked around a thicket of heather, she saw Sunstar stand up and call a gathering. She dashed over to where Lynxpaw and Stripepaw were, "Here," She said to them, "Take this, it'll keep your energy up." She flicked her tail and sat down by the two, they were close enough to Sunstar that she could hear him clearly enough. She looked over once more to the two cats and nodded, if the somehow didn't hear Sunstar over chewing herbs, she would let them know now. ![]() |