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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-25 15:28:56
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|Outside Camp

Stripepaw heard Rainpaw. He turned around and walked over. "What's going-" He stopped when he saw Hawkpaw. The apprentice was humming softly. He smiled. Maybe there was hope after all. "Hawkpaw, hang in there." The tom meowed crouching down. He stood back up and grabbed some comfrey root. He started chewing it up, he was starting to fill with hope.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-25 15:31:34
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Territory | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw tilted his head in slight confusion as Horsetail began drawing into the soil. What is he- oh. Mumblepaw huffed, it was dock, or something that looked like dock. Now sorrel has large leaves, sort of shaped like this. The apprentice let out a simple oooh and nodded along. It actually look a lot like dock, do you know what that looks like? Mumblepaw gave Horsetail a small nod. "Mmm, I know what dock looks like." He mewed, dock was something he saw a lot of around camp and where he was usually trained. The sorrel does not have a strong scent, but the taste is a bit.... bitter Mumblepaw blinked. He had already come to the conclusion that everything smelled similar to him, bland. "....Oh." Was all the brown apprentice said before looking to his paws. "Got it." He murmured.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-08-25 16:17:04
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Stripepaw, Hawkpaw,Rainpaw,Icepaw
(Sorry will be a bit inactive for a bit)
Hawkpaw was awake! She looked at Rainpaw with glee. Pebblesplash nodded to Rainpaw as she ran off to find Stripepaw.
“Stripepaw!” She called, “Hawkpaw is breathing!”
Pebblesplash purred. This was so great! Her thoughts briefly to Rainpaw. She was a kind cat, and was grateful that she had tried to help take her mind off Hawkpaw.
“Stripepaw! Icepaw!” She called again

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-25 16:29:39
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw|Location: Territory

"Good", Horsetail said, nodding his head. Getting to his paws, the medicine cat looked in the direction that they had come from. "We should hurry, Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw need these herbs rather sooner than later", the dark sand colored tom pressed, he was getting a bad feeling, they had been gone for too long now already. Walking to one side of the hill, the tom waved his tail to call the apprentice over. "The old two leg place is not too far away. Keep walking in this direction, until you reach a very large rock. Then turn right and walk a bit more, you should stumble upon it soon after that. The sorrel grows in a big patch, around to a large wooden stick. Grab as much as you can, we'll probably need more then just for Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw", Horsetail said, nodding his head at Mumblepaw, just to make sure that the apprentice had understood.
Turning, the sand colored tom walked back to the bush. Wrapping the dark berries in a oak leaf he had found nearby, Horsetail picked up the bundle. He needed to make it to the beehive soon as well, Horsetail was not looking forward to it.

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Edited on 25/08/18 @ 16:30:47 by (<LightQueen>)DwarfKing (#59203)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-25 16:58:24
Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw stopped humming. He opened his eyes half way again and looked around. Three cats were by him. Stripepaw, Rainpaw, and Pebblesplash. He let out a cough trying to clear his throat. He somehow managed to roll over to one side. He started gasping though. He couldn't breath. It was happening again!

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-25 17:14:08
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Territory | Mentions: Horsetail

We should hurry, Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw need these herbs rather sooner than later. Mumblepaw nodded in agreement at those words, he just wanted to see Spottedpaw again and tell her that everything would be alright. ...Spottedpaw.. The apprentice murmured, he just hoped that she was being strong despite her current situation. The apprentice would begin to trot behind Horsetail as he signaled him over. The old two leg place is not too far away. Keep walking in this direction, until you reach a very large rock. Then turn right and walk a bit more, you should stumble upon it soon after that. The sorrel grows in a big patch, around to a large wooden stick. Mumblepaw gave a confident nod, though he's never traveled this far, it was a somewhat frightful for him, but for the same reasons it made it exciting. So I just keep going straight? He asked himself. Mumblepaw wanted to ask a bit more questions, but Horsetail was already preparing to leave it seemed. "...What happens if something goes wrong when we split, if I get lost, or if I'm gone too long?" He called out, tilting his head a bit. "...Will you come look for me, Horsetail?" He asked emotionlessly. The apprentice's eyes were narrowed, but they seemed a bit off, nervous even.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-25 18:41:34
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Territory

Horsetail looked back at Mumblepaw, as the apprentice asked his question. Placing his leaf bundle on the ground again, Horsetail let out a sigh. Stepping towards the apprentice, the medicine cat looked down at Mumblepaw. "I know that you are smart, you won't get lost", Horsetail said confidently, but.. "But if you have a hard time finding back, try listening for the sound of the river. Once you find the river you will find us and if you are gone for too long, then I will go and look for you", Horsetail said, giving the young tom a reassuring nod, the tom then leaned down. Pushing lightly on Mumblpaw's shoulder, Horsetail said, "Now, we should both get going, we have some cats counting on us."
Turning, Horsetail swiftly grabbed his bundle and headed in the direction of the beehive. After quickly jumping down the hill, Horsetail started to sprint off. Running away, from the direction of the gathering of clan cats near the river, Horsetail weaved his path through the trees. After some time of running, Horsetail's paw had opened again and was even bleeding now, the tom came to a stop. Craning his neck up, the medicine cat looked up a large pine tree. The air around him was filled with the steady humming of hundreds of bees, the hive living in the tree had existed there ever since he could remember. Only a bit, of the actual hive could be seen through a large crack in the trees trunk. Looking around, Horsetail looked around. Finding what he had been searching for, Horsetail walked over. He had been lucky that it had rained yesterday, there was a large stinky puddle next to a bramble bush. Horsetail hatted this part, placing the leaf bundle on the ground next to him. Horsetail started to roll in the mud, at least the smell would confuse the bees and the thick layer of mud would give Horsetail at least a bit of protection against the bees stings.
Looking over the bramble bush, Horsetail saw that some ivy was growing between the bush and a nearby tree. Grabbing an especially large leaf, the now dark gray-brow tom turned to the large tree.

(Sorry most of the honey gathering part, will probably be very inaccurate. Don't really know where he could get some fire from, to smoke out the bees)

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-25 22:18:59
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Territory | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw groaned as Horsetail gave him a few reassuring words. I regret asking that.. It made the apprentice roll his eyes and groan, but he secretly appreciated the words non-the-less. Now, we should both get going, we have some cats counting on us. Mumblepaw's gaze softened a bit at those words. "Mhm." He gave a more confident nod before heading to the direction Horsetail had told him to go before.
The apprentice would keep an eye out for the large boulder Horsetail had mention, though he did get lost in the scenery from time to time. How fascinating... He tilted his head in awe, only to let out a yelp as his muzzle hit something. What in Starclan's name? His nose twitched as he looked up, it was the rock. Mumblepaw gave a small oh before turning his head to the right. I have to go this way now.. He murmured before turning and walking for awhile. As he finally reached the old twoleg place Mumblepaw immediately went into searching for sorrel. Horsetail mentioned a- Mumblepaw cut himself short as he found wooden stick, as well as the sorrel patch. There should be some leaves around here.. He murmured as he looked to his paws, there were many dry leaves beneath his paws. Carefully stepping back Mumblepaw grabbed one large leaf in his jaws and padded to the sorrel patch. The tom would gather as much sorrel as he could, it left a bitter feeling in his jaws. Mumblepaw flicked his tongue as he wrapped the herbs, making a bundle. The tom huffed, as he stared down at his creation. He let out a sigh. Hang in there, both of you.. He mewed before picking the bundles and began his walk back.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 07:35:35
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Snowecho, Rainpaw, Hawkpaw (indirectly), Willowstar (indirectly), Swallowpaw

Stormberry flattened his ears as he listened to the chaos around them, knowing how hard it must be for Snowecho to see his Clan in such need but not be able to help straight away. From what the other tom was saying , the medicine cats were under far too much pressure - if the medicine cat was exhausted from overworking, how could they possibly help the Clan? Of course, in this case, it wasn't anyone's fault, but that did not change the dire nature of the situation. Perhaps if he could just have a little time to rest, Snowecho would be back on his feet and able to help the injured cats soon. "I know, Snowecho. You work so hard to help the Clan, but you need to take care of yourself too. You can't help or save every me, I know." He murmured, lifting his head and looking at Rainpaw when she approached them. The information she gave them went quickly over his head - he knew a lot about fighting and battle moves, but not a whole lot else - and even though some time had passed since he had been struck, his memory was still recovering, and his hearing still wasn't perfect. "Alright, Snowecho will be there as fast as he can, I'm sure." He meowed, but the demands for Snowecho's attention didn't stop. He struggled to his still shaky legs and looked at Snowecho, thinking that maybe the medicine cat could give some instructions, at least, about how to help Hawkpaw. At the same time, he noticed Swallowpaw and Willowstar make it to safety, and he let out a sigh of relief. Still, there was much to focus on - should he stay with Snowecho? Go to where Hawkpaw was being looked after? Tend to Swallowpaw and make sure she was okay? In the end he tried to make a compromise between the three options. "Swallowpaw! I'm over here, are you okay?"

Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Softpaw, open!

Alderpaw rubbed up against Softpaw and let a big wave of relief wash over him; it meant the world to him that Softpaw had made it to the river unharmed. He put down the squirrel so he could talk to Softpaw, but the prey was open to any cat who needed or wanted it. "I'm sorry..I just had to get away from camp, I didn't mean to be gone for so long." He explained, reluctantly looking around the gathered cats to take in the chaotic situation that he had just walked in on. Looking over at Softpaw again, he curled his tail around the other tom's in an attempt to comfort him, as well as himself. "What do you mean?" He asked, although he already knew what Softpaw meant. He was always questioning the life of a warrior, and if anything was to further sew the seeds of doubt in his mind, it was something like this.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 08:21:24
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: |Mentions Indirectly: |Location: territory

Taking a few more ivy leaves, Horsetail placed them under the tree. Looking up, a growl came from the tom. He always hated this part, the tom loved climbing trees and had always been inherently good at it, but he hated having to go near the bees. Digging his claws into the ground under his paws, Horsetail bunched his muscles and prepared to climb. Taking a large leap, the tom landed fremly on the tree. Diggin his claws into the bark, Horsetail starte to swiftly climb up. With in a few heartbeats the half Skyclan tom had managed to scamper form branch to branch, crouching down Horsetail now lay flat against a large branch. This branch was right in front of the hives opening and provided Horsetail a good vantive point. His stinky mud 'armor' seemed to have worked, the bees had not noticed him yet. Glancing down, Horsetail made sure that the blanket of ivy leaves where in a good position.
Letting out a sigh, Horsetail prepared to attack. He would have to be fast, it would probably be easier to just rip out a part of the comb itself. Letting out a hiss, Horsetail pounced forward. Reaching his right paw in, the mud covered tom grabbed the top of the nearest honey comb. Digging his sharp claws into the white and yellow comb, the medicine cat gave a hard tug. With a crack, the comb snapped. By now many of the bees had realized that hey we're under attack and where angrily swarming around Horsetail's head. Several of the small insects started to attack Horsetail, many of the bees could not get through the mud, but several stung Horsetail. The tom flinched, as on stung him right behind the ear. Giving another hard tug, Horsetail heaved the honeycomb out of the tree hollow. Quickly throwing it off the branch, Horsetail watched as the large honeycomb part landed on the ivy leaves bellow. Good, Horsetail nodded his head.
Leaping down, Horsetail quickly made his way down the large tree. A cloud of bees were following him, but by the time the tom had reached the ground, the bees seemed to have lost interest in him. Leaning down, Horsetail inspected the honeycomb, this would definitely last them a while. Placing the juniper berry bundle on the ivy leaves, Horsetail wrapped the honeycomb up. Taking the large bundle into his mouth, Horsetail started to head for the river and the sick cats. The mud covered tom stumbled on almost every step, this would take a while.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 09:05:31
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-4/18-Outside Camp
Spottedpaw wheezes it felt so hard to catch her breath. She shivers a little even though the fire the ground near the river was still kind of wet. How was Hawkpaw doing? She prays to StarClan that they don't take his life. He is to young! She hears some yell her name. Then she fells someone nosing her in the back. She takes a deep breath. "Hello?" She says very quietly in a raspy voice. She starts coughing again. She yelps in pain. She starts gasping for air. When was this going to end? She hated this pain she was feeling. But she would rather have it than any of her other clan mates.

Icepaw-7 moons-apprentice-11/18-Outside Camp
She hears paw steps walking near her. She turns around to see Stripepaw. She listens to him closely. "I;m not to injured. Just a little burn on my tail." She walks over to where Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw lay. She took a little comfrey root and started chewing. Hawkpaw looked in very bad pain. Spottedpaw not so much but almost. She starts chewing the leaves a bit faster. There was a loud noise. Was that a cat yelling? She runs over to where Rainpaw was yelling. "What is it what happened?'' She hears some cat humming. She looks down at Hawkpaw. She was so happy that he could still hum. "Hawkpaw how do you feel?'' She hopes that he is not feeling any pain.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-26 12:50:24
Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw started breathing normally again. He looked up and saw Icepaw. He gulped opening his mouth to speak. Nothing came out and he closed his eyes again. His world became blurry and dark. The brown tom felt like time was starting to slow down as he fell into a never ending hole. 'Was this death?' He wondered falling slowly down the dark black hole.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 13:30:16
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Stripepaw, Hawkpaw,Icepaw
Pebblesplash continued searching for Stripepaw and Icepaw, when she saw them near Hawkpaw. She ran over to them.
Hawkpaw who opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it.
"Hawkpaw?" she said nervously.
She looked over to Stripepaw and Icepaw.
"We need a medicine cat," she said to them, "Do you know where Snowecho or Horsetail is?"

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Zephyr (#117962)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 13:39:50
Snowecho - 24 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Swallowpaw(ID), Willowstar(ID), Stormberry, Icepaw, Pebblesplash, Open!

Snowecho sighed, looking at Stormberry hopelessly. "While I try to recover, apprentices could be dying." He mewed miserably. He again tried to get up, his legs finally having recovered enough to carry his weight. "Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw, and who knows how many others need my help." He went on, about to turn and leave when Stormberry called out to Swallowpaw. He looked over to see the apprentice and Willowstar, at least they seemed safe. He decided to let the deputy catch up with his apprentice and padded over to Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw, Icepaw, and Pebblesplash. He noticed the young medicine cat apprentice chewing on some leaves. "Do we have any comfrey root nearby?" He asked, not having been able to harvest what he had found by the river. "I'm here, I'm here." He meowed Pebblesplash. He knew why the cats were impatient, but he sometimes wondered if they realised that medicine cats could get injured too.

Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Alderpaw, Open!

Softpaw nodded his head at the explanation. At least Alderpaw was safe and unharmed. He turned his head towards the injured cats again, then looked back at Alderpaw. The tail curled around his own helped calm him, but he still felt a deep cut of uncertainty within himself. "There's so much tragedy, and everyone is injured and dying." He replied, gulping nervously. "I... I don't want to be a warrior... I just want to live a peaceful life." His tone was quiet, almost like he was ashamed of himself for feeling this way.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-26 13:58:07
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw, Mumblepaw|Location: territory - beside the river

Horsetail let out a shaky breath, as the tom paused to catch his breath. Looking up, Horsetail could hear the river close by. The mud colored tom could also hear the voices of cats, he needed to get a move on. His gaze sweeped the bushes to his right, he could not see Mumblepaw anywhere. Maybe the apprentice had already returned or was only a bit away, Horsetail bent down and grasped the large ivy leaf bundle tightly in his maw. Dragging it more than actually carrying it, Horsetail struggled on. Reaching a wall of tightly woven bushes, Horsetail let out a sigh. Just past these bushes he would find the gathered cats, maybe once they had all recovered they could try and rebuild the camp? Or maybe even build a new camp?
Pushing his way through, Horsetail reached the cleaning right beside the river. Spotting Snowecho standing next to Hawpaw and Spottedpaw, the mud covered tom headed for the other medicine cat. Icepaw was standing next to the snow white medicine cat, Horsetail was glad to see his apprentice on her paws. Dropping the large ivy leaf bundle on the ground just behind Snowecho, Horsetail's ears pricked as he heard the other medicine cats question. "I gathered quite a lot", Horsetail said, probably scaring the cats who had not noticed his arrival. "It's over there", the muddy sand colored tom said, nodding to the pile of roots next to the tree Icepaw had laid at. "I gathered honey and Mumblepaw is still off gathering sorrel", Horsetail reported, sitting down. His fur started to itch, the mud had crusted and was starting to peel off his body.

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