Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 18:43:45 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 15/18 - River - Mentions: Dappledpaw, Pebblesplash, Mumblepaw (ID), Wolfpaw (ID), Hawkpaw (ID) Rainpaw turned her head at the same time as Pebblesplash when she heard Dappledpaw crash into the clearing. She waved her tail in greeting to the older apprentice, noticing how large she was. She would probably be made a warrior soon as well as quite a few other cats. She smiled at the thought of her warrior ceremony that may happen in two moons time. She and her denmates, Wolfpaw, Mumblepaw, and Hawkpaw, might be made warriors around the same time. Her eyes narrowed at the thought that she may not be able to attend the ceremony with Hawkpaw if his condition worsens. She didn't even have a proper mentor either, her training was shared with the other mentors. She shook her head, looking back to Sunstar, now wasn't the time to fuss about that. It can be thought about after she heard Sunstar's news. Though, by the look on his face, it didn't look too good either. ![]() Edited on 03/09/18 @ 18:46:07 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-03 20:02:10 |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 17:31:54 |
Sunstar - 24 Moons - Co-Leader - 8 Lives - 28/40HP - River - Mentions: Everyone, Willowstar, Stormberry Sunstar looked at Willowstar to make sure he was cleared to speak, and he nodded to her, taking a breath and looking at the crowd. "We've been through a lot these past weeks. Now I'm not going to give you a long sob story of how things are going to get better, because.. frankly, I don't things are going to get better so soon. I've had a message from Star-" He didn't know whether to say Starclan or his Starclan ex-mate, but well, did it matter? "This is just the start of the dark times to come. Starclan has shown me that future events to come may end us all. We have to stand up and fight, to do what we do best. Survive. We have fought everything that has come at us this far, and damn us if we were to stop trying now." He intentionally left out the disturbing message of him and Stormberry dying, but couldn't bring himself to reveal it to anyone yet. Revealing it.. might break more than just Stormberry. The leader looked up at the sky, the clouds dark over the growing sunset. "Now, Horsetail and Snowecho will be setting up a small station next to the river to support the wounded. If you are not badly injured, visit Stormberry or Hollowfall and they will direct a hunting and patrolling team. Med cat apprentices, help find herbs for the wounded. If you have any concerns for the leaders, Willowstar and I will remain in camp for now." He looked to Willowstar if she had any other words to say, or if she wanted to dismiss the meeting. ![]() Edited on 04/09/18 @ 17:33:29 by Quake™ (#69866) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 17:54:42 |
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|River Stripepaw stood up and walked to the back near Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw. He would have to help them get to Horsetail and Snowecho's station. He waited wondering if Willowstar was going to say something. His tail twitched and he itched behind his ear. He didn't know why, he always seemed to do that when he had mixed emotions. Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|3/18 Health|River 'A station?' The tom thought his side rising and falling. He gave a grunt coughing. It felt good to get some smoke out of his lungs. He felt a paw on his shoulder and opened his eyes. No body had touched him. He closed his eyes again when he felt it again. 'Great, now you're going crazy. Wonderful, splendid!' He thought in his head. He started feeling tiredness creep over him. Pain mixed with sleepiness. He finally gave in and let the wonderful sleep wash over him. ![]() |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 18:24:23 |
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|17/30|Territory|Mentions: [Indirectly]: Sunstar, Stormberry, Willowstar Earthquake paced along the river, the sooner he gets back to safety the better, he kept his head low, concentrating on the path of the river. Again, his mind wandered back to his fellow clanmates, and a knot formed in his belly when he thought back to his leader Sunstar. How was the fiery pelted tom? And Stormberry, what would happen if the clan lost support from the resolute deputy. Willowstar was also so calm and collected, he wondered what ever goes on inside of the she-cat's head... Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the river bend and plunged face first into the rushing river, sweeping him off his feet and tumbling head over heels. Trying to fight the current, he was flipped over and his head banged against a now dislodged stone, he passed out and sunk under, stars clouding his vision. Snowball|27 Moons|30/30| Outside Camp|Mentions: Sunstar Snowball fidgeted in her spot as she listened to Sunstar speak. Did Starclan even acknowledge them at this point? So much destruction and too little time for repair, the whole clan wouldn't have a choice but to move... But that wasn't why she was so anxious, Earthquake still hadn't come back from his patrol, despite patrols being over hours ago. Her eyes narrowed with worry and her pelt stood up on end, something wasn't right ![]() Edited on 04/09/18 @ 18:38:20 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034) |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 19:03:40 |
Swallowpaw | 12 Moons | 17/18 | Territory | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Sunstar, Willowstar, Stormberry, Hollowfall Swallowpaw nodded to Wolfpaw, a soft hint of a smile on her face. "I'm glad you're okay." She mewed. "I know how you feel though about the whole not being able to help but I definitely hope we'll be able to help with the rebuilding." Swallowpaw added. When Sunstar began to speak she sat up a little straighter and gave him her attention. She shivered and a sour taste came into her mouth when he spoke of the darkness to come, but vowed to fight for her clan with everything she had. When Sunstar was finished Swallowpaw looked to Willowstar but simultaneously tensed, ready to rise and find Stormberry or Hollowfall to ask about a patrol. She knew her clan couldn't spare any cat right now who could still stand on their own four paws and so she would help. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 19:22:02 |
Willowstar - 33 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - River - Mentions: Sunstar, Everyone The long furred calico sat quietly as she listened to Sunstar address the clan with the message that he had received, wondering how the future would turn out for all of them. She sat in thought for a moment until the sound of her name caused her to snap back into attention and noticed the the co-leader was looking at her. Willowstar didn’t want to give them any false hope or assurance, but she also didn’t want them spiraling into chaos and panic over the news. She gave a slight acknowledging nod to the tom before pushing herself to her paws and moving forward to address the cats before them. “I know that this all is a lot to take in, especially with everything that has gone on, so focusing on things around us now is a priority. Like Sunstar said, if you aren’t badly injured, then speak with Hollowfall or Stormberry on which patrol to be out on. With the camp in the state that it is, I’m sure it’ll take some time on rebuilding, so in the meantime, once the territory is patrolled and we have prey to fill us, I think that we should gather materials to establish a temporary camp. I want apprentices to go out with their mentors or with another warrior if they’re going to be out and about and for anyone to help either the medicine cats or their apprentices should they need help with anything.” Her gaze scanned over her clanmates, observing their expressions and leaving a moment for her words to sink in before speaking up once more. “If we let this get under our fur and go into a worried frenzy, then it’ll do us more harm than good and leave us more vulnerable than we should be. I trust that everyone will do their part to help out and that we’ll be able to get through these troubling times. As he said, Sunstar and I will be staying here should any of you have any questions or concerns for us. With that, the clan meeting is dismissed. Go off to where you need to go and help with what you can.” Once she finished, she let out a small breath before backing up and sitting down once more. She hoped that by keeping things going as they should, it would help keep everyone relatively at ease and that by keeping them busy, they wouldn’t have anymore troubles to handle. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-04 21:05:04 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar —- Pebblesplah’s eyes narrowed at these words. She looked over at Rainpaw to gauge her reaction. “Do you want to go hunt or fish? I mean there’s not much else...” Pebblesplash trailed off, her mind spinning. All she could think about were Sunstar’s words. ![]() |
Mooneater (#142050)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-05 13:28:53 |
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|camp|mentions: Sunstar "Sunstar! Sunstar, wait!" Dappledpaw pushed through the crowd, trying to get to her leader. "Sunstar, I've been training hard for six moons and I was wondering if I could be assessed soon? I'd like to be a warrior- I mean, if you think I'm ready, of course!" Dappledpaw laughed nervously. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-05 18:35:59 |
Rainpaw - 10 moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - temporary camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID) Rainpaw's eyes widened at Sunstar's news. The fur along her spine rose and she lowered her head. Fear of the omen trembled though every hair in her pelt, she let out a low sound, hints of fear, determination, and anger all mixed in. Fear for what's to come, determination for the survival of her clan, and anger at Starclan for being so helpless. She zoned back in to hear Sunstar finishing up: "... any concerns for the leaders, Willowstar and I will remain in camp for now." After she finished listening to Willowstar's speech, she had calmed down enough to hear Pebblesplash ask her if she wanted to fish. Rainpaw's tail lashed, "No such thing as not wanting to fish!" She purred trying to ease tension, however it was only half hearted seeing as she was still a bit shaken up herself. She shook herself out forcing her fur to lay flat. She needed to move, run, do something to get her mind off of things, everything. She needed to just forget everything and enjoy the soothing feeling of the water. She had a thought, "Do you want to walk further downstream to fish?" She asked Pebblesplash, her tail flicking with the tension of wanting to dash around but nowhere to go to. ![]() |
Kaz 🏳️🌈 {SIDE} (#69967) Scourge of Lions View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-05 21:53:20 |
Hollowfall | 28 Moons | Co-Deputy | Temp. Camp | 30/30 HP | Mentions: Sunstar, Stormberry, Willowstar, Snowecho, OPEN The smokey grey tom had awoken as he'd heard a yowl ring around the temporary camp, dragging himself to his feet with a cough. He had padded to the crowd, instead of joining the other high ranks, since he was sure that he wouldn't want to seem so ragged in front of the camp. He listened to both leaders with interest sparking in his gaze as he listen about StarClan, who must've abandoned them. He had enough loud bout of coughs rack his ribs and he looked around, spotting Snowecho. He shook out his messy fur as he walked over to the other tom, his words coming out more like rasps, "I think the smoke must've effected my lungs. Do you have anything to get rid of this coughing?" Brambleheart | 15 Moons | Warrior | Temp. Camp | 30/30 HP | Mentions: Everyone, Earthquake, OPEN Brambleheart had listened during the meeting, rather surprised when Sunstar talked about StarClan warning him about the future. Hadn't they abandoned them? She shook her head as she padded out of the makeshift camp to be able to think about what the tom had said. "Certainly the Clans can't end?" She mumbled to herself as she swiped at a pebble, which bounced and skittered along the ground until it reached the edge of the bank, to which she followed. However, when she saw a large furry, sodden lump in the river, she jumped into action, leaping into the swirling river. Though it wasn't practiced often that much anymore, she had kept her swimming skills sharp. But, as she neared she realized the lump was a cat. She paddled faster as she dove underneath the surface, grabbing the cat's scruff in her mouth as she resurfaced with a gasp through the darker colored cat's fur. ![]() Edited on 05/09/18 @ 21:53:30 by SASSHOLE {WCU} SIDE (#69967) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-06 07:19:42 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar —- “Of course. I think we all need to work off a little tension!” Pebblesplash said, seeing Rainpaw’s tail flick in anticipation. Pebblesplash scanned the crowd for a few seconds. It looked like everyone needed to run or swim or climb. :StarClan why are you doing this to us?: she thought angrily. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-06 13:19:08 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash Dappledpaw (ID), Sunstar (ID) Rainpaw kneaded the grass, excited to go, she was about to dash to the river when she overheard Dappledpaw ask Sunstar for an assessment. She smiled at the thought of her finally becoming a warrior. Rainpaw looked once more at Pebblesplash, flicking her with her tail, before skidding off to the river. At one point she looked over her shoulder and tumbled head first down the hill leading to the lake. She let out a peal of laughter, got up, and plopped at the river's edge careful not to cast a shadow, watching for fish to come. She had her ears pricked as well, listening for Pebblesplash to catch up. ![]() |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-06 18:44:26 |
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|17/30|Territory|Mentions: Brambleheart Earthquake's body bobbed above the surface of the water, still nearly conscious from the bump in the river. He grunted as someone grabbed his soaked fur and dragged him from the greedy mouth of the river. Now rested along the shore, he woke suddenly, heaving up gulps of water. He looked around in a haze only to see a blurred cat standing above him as his eyes dimmed and he found himself going under once more. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 02:29:13 |
Snowecho - 24 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar(ID), Hollowfall, Open! Snowecho got up after Sunstar finished the meeting. At least their leaders had faith they would do well. He had his doubts, as so much had happened, and so many cats had been on the brink of death. His attention was caught by loud coughing, and he looked in its direction. He spotted Hollowfall, and he could already guess what was bothering the deputy. "Yes, we have some juniper berries not far away." He mewed, padding closer to the river where he wanted to set up their little healing station. "Wait here for a bit, and try drinking some water." He ordered, swiftly trotting off to find the small blue berries. After finding some not too far away, he hurried back and settled the small branch he had torn off close to the deputy. "Eat one for now, and if it doesn't get better you can have another." He instructed. He was aware that Horsetail had gathered honey, but honey was a scarce resource, and should be saved. If a more common cure worked, then they should try the common one before a rare one. Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar, Dapplepaw, Open! Softpaw's doubts about warrior life were fuelled by Sunstar's somber words, and he forgot to pay attention to the rest of it. His mind started whirling with possible ways he could die, how he could lose his friends. He was snapped out of it when Snowecho got up and bumped into as he left. He blinked, and got up himself. Maybe he should confide his fears in Sunstar, hopefully get some reassurance from his mentor that things would be okay. As he headed to his mentor, he heard Dapplepaw request her assessment. He groaned inwardly, sure he was excited for her, but this was literally the worst possible time. "Sunstar, can I speak to you?" He mewed. He felt like he would have priority over Dapplepaw, seeing as he was Sunstar's apprentice. Besides, Willowstar was right there, so Dapplepaw could talk to her about her assessment. What was on his mind was not his future assessment, but his worries. He felt like a coward for it. He felt like he shamed his heritage, after all, his mother had been the leader of Windclan when the clans were still separated. Why could he not be strong and fearless like her? ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 02:29:48 by Balder (WCU) (#117962) |