Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 07:11:18 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar —- Pebblesplash caught up with Rainpaw and gasped dramatically. “I think... I prefer water!” She laughed. She looked down at the river, and her ears perked apon seeing some fish. “At least the river is full of prey,” Pebblesplash mewed happily, despite the growing tensions once again within the clan. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 09:37:35 |
Sunstar - 24 Moons - Co-Leader - 8 Lives - 34/40HP - River - Mentions: Dapplepaw, Softpaw, Stormberry Sunstar looked at Dapplepaw, giving a small sigh. "Now is not the best of times, Dapplepaw. Especially since we currently have no mentor for you, and the clan is going to be busy rebuilding the camp when the fire has settled. What I need you to do right now is focus on helping out in any way you can, so things can be back to normal and we can assess all apprentices that have been waiting for their warrior ceremony." He dipped his head, excusing himself when he suddenly saw Softpaw. His heart started racing, and he was instantly ashamed that he had completely forgotten about his own apprentice. He pulled Softpaw away from the crowd after giving a worried glance to Stormberry, and curled his tail around his paws. "Softpaw, I am so, so sorry for not being with you more. Being a leader is no excuse for not training you when you've needed it. But I'm here now, and I promise I'm going to make it up to you. You've been so loyal and patient with me, and I feel as the leader I'm lacking that right now. So let me make it up to you." ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 09:49:55 |
Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar Softpaw was a little surprised that Sunstar apologised for his absence, but appreciated it. He understood that being a leader made him a very busy cat. He appreciated that they were away from the crowd, feeling more confident about confiding his problems when it was just the two of them. "It's okay Sunstar, I understand that you're busy a lot, and I forgive you." He mewed calmly, though he could not hide a slight worried tone. "I actually wanted to confide something in you." He started, looking around to make sure nobody was watching or listening to them. He would hate for anyone to overhear this conversation, as it was very private and personal. "With everything going on... I'm scared." He left out his doubts for now, deciding that he would take Alderpaw's words of at least trying warrior life to heart. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 09:50:04 by Balder (WCU) (#117962) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 10:09:11 |
Sunstar - 26 Moons - Co-Leader - 8 Lives - 34/40HP - River - Mentions: Softpaw Sunstar immediately showed a sympathetic look, putting his muzzle on top of Softpaw's head to comfort him. "No one is ever fearless. It goes through everyone in certain points in their life, and is unavoidable. It's what you decide to do when that fear shows up. Do you let it control your every action, or do you rise above it and prove that you won't let it hold you down from living?" He smiled at his apprentice, and decided to share some of his own fear. "I've been afraid lately too. When I went to the Dark forest, I didn't know what was going to happen. I thought I was actually dead. But here I am. I'm going to fight above it and prove to them that we are strong, and will always keep fighting, no matter what gets thrown at us." The older tom felt a lump grow in his throat. He hated keeping secrets, and knew that the truth about him and Stormberry is going to come to fruition soon. He couldn't let that fear overpower him, but he is.. I'm a hypocrite, and no one even knows it. While Sunstar was thinking he accidentally let that fear slip across his face, but just as quickly replaced it with determination. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 10:09:32 by Quake™ (#69866) |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 10:13:38 |
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw, Mumblepaw, Icepaw, Lynxpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Sunster, Snowecho, Hollowfall|Location: River The tom had been listening closely to Sunstar words, Starclan had spoken to the leader? Horsetail could sense that there was something more, something that the ginger pelted leader was not telling the rest of the clan. Horsetails eyes went from the leader, to the rest of the clan. So many cats were injured, some more severe than others. As the meeting wrapped up, the dark sand colored tom stood up. His eyes followed Snowecho, as the other medicine cat looked after Hollowfall. Seeing the new area, Snowecho had decided would be the place for all the sick cat to come too, Horsetail looked to Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw. The apprentices would need to move. Walking over, Horsetail gave a nod to Mumblepaw, "Could you help Spottedpaw to move over there?", the medicine cat asked, indicating the spot Snowecho had lead Hollowfall too. Leaning down, Horsetail gave Hawkpaw a gentle nudge. "Can you move?", the tom asked. As he waited for the young tom to wake up, the sand colored medicine cat looked over to Icepaw. "Can you carry the Honey to the healing station?", Horsetail asked his apprentice. "I'll help to move Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw", the tom added. Looking around for Lynxpaw, just to see if the other medicine cat apprentice could also help carry some of the other herbs, Horsetail let out a sigh. He could not make out the silver tabby she-cat amongst the rest of his clan mates, letting out a sigh, the medicine cat leaded down again to Hawkpaw. Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Earthquake|Location: River Lioncloud still had his long tail wrapped around himself, when the meeting came to an end. A sigh escaped the elder, what had things come too. First the camp went up in a blaze and now Sunstar had a vision, what was next? Seeing his other clan mates start to break apart, the elder slowly go to his paws. His long fur was still a bit wet, from his hunting trip. Looking around, the large tom searched for Earthquake. Not able to find his son amongst the other cats, the elder picked up his large fish. Not really knowing where to bring the fish too, the tom could not see a fresh-kill pile set up anywhere yet, Lioncloud instead looked for anyone who needed something to eat. ![]() |
Mooneater (#142050)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 12:31:34 |
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|Camp|Mentions: Sunstar, Open Dappledpaw dipped he head respectfully. "Yes, Sunstar." She mewed, a bit disappointed, but she understood that her clan needed to be rebuilt after the devastating fire, and in order to be a good warrior she needed to help, so she padded over to some warriors who were helping rebuild a den. "hey, do you need help?" she asked. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 13:32:50 by Deathbringer (#142050) |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:31:18 |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:52:25 |
Swiftstrike |29 moons| Warrior | Camp Swiftstrike looks over at Harepaw. "Would you like o go on a hunting portal, the clan needs all the food it can get right now." Swiftstrike says. "We need to ask Stormberry or Hollowfall and it seems like for ever since I've last trained you." Swiftstrike adds. He still felt guilty but he didn't show it. He lets a small smile out at the thought of being able to train his apprentice ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 14:33:53 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash Rainpaw chuckled at Pebblesplash's comment, "I was her first so I get first-" she got cut off when she saw a shiny fish swim past, she darted her paw into the water. It was a second too late, however, because the fish was startled and it darted off. "I swear, I'm good at this!" She said looking up at Pebblesplash. "I caught that trout before all by myself!" Then she remembered that she still hadn't eaten and had left the trout in camp. "Mouse dung! I left the the trout at camp." She gave her chest a swift lick, she was so eager to dash off she had completely forgotten about the trout they were going to share. ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 19:58:45 |
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Horsetail / Spottedpaw Mumblepaw's ear flicked as Horsetail came up to him and Spottedpaw. He nodded at the medicine cat's order. "Hmm, alright.." Mumblepaw mewed to the tom. He then turned his attention over to Spottedpaw, he gave the she a few soft nudges with his nose. "Spottedpaw-" He mewed softly to the she. "We'll need to move. Do you want me to help you, or do you feel strong enough to move on your own?" The apprentice asked as he nudged his head over to the direction Horsetail had signaled them to go. As much as Mumblepaw wanted to take care of Spottedpaw, she would need to start being able to do things on her own again, not to mention it would show signs of healing. "If you'd like I'll be beside you incase you start to wobble if you want to do it yourself, so there's no need to worry about falling." The young tom added, chuckling a bit at the thought of Spottedpaw wobbling like a kit. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 20:05:33 by Komasan {Mass Breeder} (#147164) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 21:12:23 |
Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|River Stripepaw looked to Hawkpaw. He prodded the tom awake. Hawkpaw opened his eyes slowly. "Hey, Hawkpaw, can you stand up?" The grey tom asked. He didn't know really if Hawkpaw could stand up on his own. He had a small feeling he couldn't. Stripepaw flicked his ear then scratched it. Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|3/18 Health|River Hawkpaw gave a grunt. He had just been woken up from a wonderful dream. "M-maybe." He stuttered barely able to form it. Hawkpaw tried to sit up but it was extremely hard. He felt Stripepaw help him up. The brown tom finally managed to get up. Hawkpaw could feel his legs tremble, screaming at him in protest. He didn't really have then energy to stay standing. He was putting all his weight against Stripepaw. The grey tom was having a little trouble. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 21:31:33 by WolfGirl500 (#140739) |
Highfunctioningsocio path (#144944) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 21:28:32 |
Spottedpaw- 7 moons -apprentice- 6/18-River Spottedpaw has to get up. She was wondering when she would have to. She tries getting up. All her muscles screaming to lay back down. She almost stumbles as she gets to her paws. Her shoulder throbs only a little. "I'm not going to wobble so stop chuckling!" She starts chuckling herself as she says this. Her throat feels dry. "Can we get some water first?" She asks. She walks forward a little limping as she goes. Icepaw-7 moons-med cat apprentice-16/18-River She looks at Horsetail as he walks toward her. "Spottedpaw and Hawkpaw look like they are doing better." She smiles at Horsetail. It feels good to help her fellow apprentices get better. "Yea I can take the honey over to the healing station." She picks up the honey very careful not to drop the golden liquid. She walks over to the heal station. She carefully puts down the honey, happy that she didn't spill any. Her throat was dry. She walks over to the river and takes a quick cool drink. ![]() Edited on 07/09/18 @ 21:29:06 by Hermione2242 (#144944) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 09:25:09 |
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar — Pebblesplash flicked her ear at the thought of the trout. “I know you can fish,” she purred, amusement running through her. “Don’t worry about the trout- we can eat it later or something else.” Pebblesplash’s eye caugh a small glimmer in the river. A smaller fish swam by— it was too hard to tell what kind it was. She crouched down and patiently waited. ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 11:43:07 |
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Spottedpaw / Stripepaw The young tom carefully observed Spottedpaw as he watched her begin to stand. He let out another chuckle as she tried to balance herself. "It's alright if you trip every once in awhile. You haven't been on your paws for awhile so it's normal, not to mention I might get a few laughs out of it." Mumblepaw snorted as he got to his paws, listening to the she's request as he did. "Some water sounds good." Mumblepaw nodded, he soon followed behind Spottedpaw. "I'm glad you're beginning to move on your own again Spottedpaw." The apprentice mewed. "Though I did enjoy it, watching over you.. making sure you were alright." He mumbled shyly. "I didn't sleep much, you and Hawkpaw were my first priorities. But Stripepaw and I did switch out every now and then to care for ourselves, he was a big help." He huffed tiredly before letting out a yawn. "Don't tell him I said that." He mewed as he closed his eyes for a bit, they felt heavy. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 12:04:50 |
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash Rainpaw smiled, nodding, Someone else can have it then, She thought. Looking up she saw Pebblesplash's ear twitch and her attention slide to the water. She looked at where her gaze was and saw a small minnow quickly swimming past a rock, deciding it was too small, she gazed up the river. There was a tall oak tree, its branches gnarled with age. At the base of the tree stood a bluejay, pecking at the ground, not hearing the two cat's conversation or Rainpaw's totally graceful entrance to the area. She slowly lowered herself into a hunting crouch, belly close to the ground. She inched forward, keeping her weight off her paws, her eyes glittered at the thought of redemption. However, at one point she must have stepped on an extra crisp leaf and alerted the bird of her scent. The bird let out a loud alarm call and stretched its wings to fly away, but Rainpaw was faster. She darted forward and snagged the bluejay's wing with her claw. Bringing the bird down, she killed it in a swift bite, and trotted back to Pebblesplash, tail held high. She dropped it before her, "I mean, all the prey from here to Fourtrees may be gone," She started, "But, I mean, at least the fish are too mouse brainded to pay attentiion." She chittered. Rainpaw did hope, however, that she didn't scare all the prey away; they clan really needed that right now. ![]() Edited on 08/09/18 @ 12:06:22 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966) |