Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-08 12:41:12
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw
“That was a great catch!” Pebblesplash said to Rainpaw, “And it’s alright about the prey. The blue jay will feed a few cats!” She turned her attention back to the river. She narrowed her eyes apon seeing a few more fish enter the area, one being a smaller trout. Pebblesplash lashes out with her paw, catching the fish off guard. She flipped it onto the rock and bit down on it until it stopped flopping around.
“Maybe the fish are gone now...” she said apologetically. She didn’t always think before she acts, which means that if a bigger fish was coming, it was gone now.
“At least we have some prey!” She purred happily.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-08 13:23:26
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|16/18 Health|River|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Spottedpaw, Mumblepaw

Stripepaw positioned his paws better to make it easier for both him and Hawkpaw. "Alright, let go. You all right Spottedpaw?" Stripepaw asked looking to Mumblepaw and Spottedpaw. He flciked his ear again looking back to Hawkpaw. The brown tom was panting his eyes opened. Stripepaw smiled. Hawkpaw was a little bit better. He could at least stand now.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-08 14:17:12
Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar

Softpaw let out a soft purr when Sunstar laid his chin on his head, comforted by the physical contact. He listened closely to his words. Despite his chest tightening at the thought of warrior life, he knew he had to push through and fight. Just like Sunstar said. He was surprised to hear that his mentor had been in the Dark Forest at one point. He had heard the elders speak of that place, but thought it was only something to scare kits to behave. "With your and Willowstar's guidance we can overcome anything." He tried forcing himself to sound confident, but there was a twinge of doubt. He saw a flash of fear on his leader's face, but instead of letting it make him feel uncertain, he felt reassured. Sunstar was a normal cat with fears, like he had stated, and that was good to know.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-08 15:48:39
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Icepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Mumblepaw, Sottedpaw, Stripepaw, Hawkpaw, Snowecho, Lynxpaw|Location: Near river - In river

The medicine cat stepped back, as Mumblepaw helped Sottedpaw and Stripepaw helped Hawkpaw to walk. The tom nodded his head to Icepaw, as the she-cat said that she would take the honey. Not really needed with helping the injured apprentices relocate, Horsetail reached down and grabbed the Comfrey and Sorrel in his mouth. The sand colored toms eyes closely followed the apprentices movements, as they made their way across the makeshift camp.
The medicine cat was glad, to see that the two apprentices seemed to be a bit better. They were definitely not back to normal, but at least they were on their paws. Walking quickly to the healing station, the dark sand colored tom placed the Sorrel and Comfrey next to the Honey. Looking up, Horsetail walked over to where Icepaw was drinking water. "Icepaw, I'd like for you, Lyxnpaw and any apprentices not doing anything, to gather some bedding and make as many nest as you can for the injured cats", pausing for a few moments, the medicine cat looked to the rest of the clan, "Who knows, how many more will come to us injured", Horsetail said.
Giving the young she-cat a reassuring tap on the shoulder, the mud covered tom walked passed her. Reaching a shallow part of the rivers edge, the tom wadded in. As he reached a deeper part of the river, Horsetail pushed off the rivers ground and started to swim. As he swam deeper into the river, Horsetail dove into the water. Breaking through the waters surface again, Horsetail gasped. Shaking his head, the tom swam in a circle and looked around at the clan cats gathered on the shore. What had happened to the clan? As his eyes landed on the white pelted tom at the healers station, Snowecho, a thought came to Horsetails mind. Maybe they should go to the Moonstone and share with Starpride? Taking a deep breath, the medicine cat dove under again.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-09-08 22:09:31
Sunstar - 26 Moons - Co-Leader - 8 Lives - 34/40HP - River - Mentions: Softpaw, Open!

Sunstar smiled at Softpaw, proud of his apprentice for him being confident enough to bring that issue to him. He knew that one day, he would make a fine warrior.
He looked out over everyone working on the temporary camp, and watched as cats crowded around the medicine cat area. He hoped that everyone would make a quick recovery soon.
A sudden urge rose in his throat, and he realized that he didn't remember the last time he ate. Sunstar decided to look back at Softpaw. "Want to go hunting for the clan? I'm starving, and I'm sure others are too."
He purred softly, tapping his tail against the ground.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-09 16:57:46
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplah, Earthquake (ID), Brambleheart (ID)

Rainpaw purred at the praise of Pebblesplash, watching as she turned to catch a fish. At Pebblesplash's comment she swished her tail, "The fish cant be gone! Where would they go? Into the ground?" She chuckled, though the river did look slightly less active than before. "What if there are more hiding downstream?" He gaze swept past a juniper bush to look in the direction she was mentioning. Something caught her eye, it seemed like two cats, one sodden and one bent over, licking them dry. "Hey, Pebblesplash," She started, squinting her eyes to make out the frame of the brown cat. "I think... I think there are cats downstream..." She looked back into Pebblesplash's green eyes, she was still holding the fish, "Wanna go see if they want to join us in hunting if they're well enough?" She lashed her tail, they looked familiar... She couldn't place it, though, why was one of them sodden?

(She sees Brambleheart and Earthquake, but doesn't realize it)

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-09 17:11:42
Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - River - Mentions: Stormberry(ID), Sunstar, Open!

Softpaw followed Sunstar's gaze, taking in how every cat seemed to work together to make things work. Some cats were fishing, others were being tended to by medicine cats, and others again seemed to be making new dens. The last bit confused him slightly, would they need dens? Surely they would move back to camp once everything was sorted, would they?
The ears of the apprentice perked as his mentor mentioned hunting. "It would be a pleasure, maybe I can catch a rabbit big enough for you and Stormberry to share~" He purred, adding soft teasing tone to his reply. He was not blind, he had seen the two together and it was obvious as a black cat in snow that they were mates.

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Edited on 09/09/18 @ 17:11:54 by Balder (WCU) (#117962)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 12:57:48
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Open!

Clearsong padded around the perimeter of the camp, pelt bristling in case there was any sense of danger. Clearsong was lucky to not have been hurt in the fire and the clan did not need another attack on them in this state. He noticed a trout sitting in an open spot and he placed it on the makeshift fresh kill pile, then went back to circling the border.

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Edited on 11/09/18 @ 12:29:37 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 15:46:07
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Brambleheart (ID), Earthquake (ID)
(Oof sorry for long wait)
Pebblesplash narrowed her eyes in the direction Rainpaw was looking. It did look like a cat fishing, but the fish looked rather large.
“Yeah, let’s go ask,” she responded with an absent mind. As she started working her way down the shape looked less and less like a fish.
:What is that?: she though as she padded nervously toward the shapes.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 16:44:15
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Brambleheart
(Its fine :) )

Rainpaw scuffed some dirt over the fish and bluejay, keeping some space between them. Afterwords, she went over to Pebblesplash, following her as she padded toward to two shapes. Her pawsteps were cautious but her mind was racing. Soon she noticed the lithe shape of Brambleheart and she tilted her head and waved her tail. "Hey! Brambleheart! Who's that?" She looked over and suddenly realized the sodden pelt was Earthquake's. Eyes widening in alarm, she darted forward away from Pebblesplash to Earthquake's side. She sniffed him and nosed him, not really knowing what to do, his breathing was shallow and he didn't seem conscious. She looked from Brambleheart to Pebblesplash, waiting for an order.

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Edited on 10/09/18 @ 16:44:38 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 16:54:29
Willowstar - 33 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - River - Mentions: Wolfpaw, Open

Seeing everyone start to pad off and go do their own thing, Willowstar let out a small sigh. It was one thing after another in the clan, so she worried how everyone would handle it if the fight between the two stared forces came down to them. She shook her head slightly and let her gaze drift over those remaining in the makeshift camp. There were other times to worry or fret about the ‘what if’s, but with things as they were, now was not the time. Her ear twitched as she heard pawsteps approach her and saw her younger brother standing next to her.

“Are they really going to go after Starclan?” The fluffy tom tilted his head as he asked her the question. “If what Sunstar saw is true, then I wouldn’t put it past them. If anything happens, we just have to be ready.” Wolfpaw seemed content with her answer before he peeked up a bit. “Mind if we go fishing? I know you said that you would stay in the small camp here, but the river is right next to it. That way, we could catch fish together and still be close by in case anyone needs you.” Willowstar looked down at the young apprentice for a moment before smiling softly at him and giving a nod. She had to give him credit for thinking it through, both of them helping out the clan while still being able to keep an eye on things. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve learned so far and I can give you some tips if you’re up for it.” She purred before heading off towards the edge of the river with her younger brother right beside her.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 17:01:54
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Brambleheart, Earthquake (ID)
Pebblesplash was at a lost for words. Earthquake lay sodden in Brambleheart's mouth. When she finally gained her voice she asked, "What happened?"
Her mind was spinning and as she looked as Earthquake. He had a bit of blood on his head, and was hardly breathing.
"We need a medicine cat," Pebblesplash said. She then winced, realizing she stated the obvious. She looked nervously at Rainpaw.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 17:24:27
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Brambleheart, Snowecho, Horsetail (ID), Earthquake (ID)

Rainpaw dipped her head to Pebblesplash and Brambleheart, understanding. She dashed off into camp and looked for either of the medicine cats. She spotted Snowecho, and realized Horsetail had left probably to gather herbs. She shook her head, now wasn't time! She raced over, "Snowecho!" She panted, "I know you're busy, but I think Earthquake needs your help!" She kneaded the groud and heard pawsteps behind her, "What's going on?" Clearsong asked, his fur spiked, "Did someone get into a fight?" His eyes blazed with the light of battle and she saw his claws flex. "No," She replied, looking back to Snowecho and waving him off with her tail, "I think he fell into the river and hit a rock! He's barely breathing!" Clearsong grumbled as he padded off, but Rainpaw paid no mind to the grumpy furball, he was always in his mind anyways.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-10 20:36:13
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Brambleheart, Earthquake
Pebblesplash watches Rainpaw sprint off. She turned back to Brambleheart.
“Here, let me help get him on smoother ground,” she said to her as she helped pull Earthquake onto a patch of grass.
“The poor thing,” she murmured.

(Sorry kinda short)

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GayDinoNuggy (#128606)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 05:17:00

Silvermoon - 20 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Hunting grounds - Mention-OPEN

SilverMoon Stood up as he watched everyone running around doing what Sunstar told them and looked around as he quickly licked his fur before walking to the edge the camp sniffing the air as he shoulders tense as he smelled something but relaxed a bit as it was just Clearsong. As he walked around he perked his ears trying to decide if he should go ahead and go around the edges or to go join the hunting patrol.

( sorry since I haven't been on for a while.)

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