Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-19 14:53:30
Stormberry - 30 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - StarClan - Mentions: Snowecho (ID), Sunstar, Lionpaw

Stormberry seemed startled slightly by Snowecho suddenly bolting to his side, though he was quick in bumping his head back against him. He was about to greet him properly when he heard the hopeful whisper from the medicine cat, and he puffed up his fur as he looked away. The large tom was definitely still aware of the past he had with Snowecho, and was painfully so about how the smaller tom seemed to be having a difficult time getting over his love for him. It made him feel a wave of second-hand embarrassment, and he honestly had no response for the question. He curled his tail and watched on awkwardly at the small confrontation between Sunstar and Snowecho, wincing slightly as the leader made his feelings on the matter clear. Snowecho, it seemed, was terrible at choosing his moments. He let out a sigh and licked Sunstar's cheek, hoping that the seriousness of their predicament would help dull the memories of what had just happened. "I'm fine. I-" He paused for a moment as he looked up, as a group of StarClan cats made their way towards them. A few of them he vaguely recognised, but his breath caught in his throat at the sight of a familiar, sand coloured pelt, and dark green eyes. The deputy stiffened beside Sunstar; as Lionpaw and his cold gaze approached ever closer he felt physically sick, and an urge to run greater than he had ever felt before. And yet, he remained rooted to the spot, hearing nothing else but the slow, methodical rise and fall of Lionpaw's chest.

Alderpaw - 13 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Softpaw, Stagthorn (ID)

Alderpaw hesitantly curled his tail around Softpaw's in return and thought for a few moments about all that was going on, though he seemed startled out of his thoughts as both Softpaw and Stagthorn tried to offer him further physical reassurance. It comforted him for a few moments, offering some kind of feeling of hope. It didn't last long though, and with each passing tragedy, the cynic in him grew ever stronger. Uncurling his tail from Softpaw's, he began to pad out of the temporary home the Clan had made for itself. "I need some time alone." He breathed, pushing past any cat that got in his way as he disappeared deeper into the forest. As the voices of his Clanmates grew quieter, he used his large ears to listen out for the signs of prey, and caught a bird in his claws without too much trouble. He didn't kill the bird instantly, however, instead letting it go, chasing and catching it again, and repeating the process several more times before he crushed it in his jaws. If nature was going to be so cruel in its treatment of himself and his Clanmates, he thought, then he had every right to return that cruelty.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-09-19 15:25:48
Sunstar - 26 moons - Co-Leader - Starclan - Mentions: Thistlestar, Stormberry, Vixenpaw, Lionpaw, everyone in Starclan currently

Sunstar felt a mix of emotions that he could not quite comprehend, and looked at his father with longing. He wanted to stay where he was to prove he had responsibilities and needed to attend to his clanmates, but instead he ran over and embraced his father. Thistlestar let out a purr, though his body language still showed he was unsettled.
"The Dark Forest will be here soon. We've formed a battle line on the edge of Starclan, but I don't know if it will be able to hold for long."
Thistlestar looked at the rest of the crowd. "Horsetail, Snowecho, we need your assistance with injuries. There's no way we're getting out of this fight without a scratch. Stormberry, Hollowfall.. you're here to fight with us. As the same for Willowstar and you, Sunstar."
Thistlestar broke from Sunstar's embrace, going up to Hollowfall and dipping his head. "Don't look so shocked to see me, huh son?"
Sunstar turned to look at Vixenpaw and Lionpaw. "Vixenpaw, it's nice to see you. And who might you be?"
The other apprentice finally looked away from Stormberry, nodding to Sunstar. "I'm Lionpaw, Stormberry's brother."
The leader's hair fluffed up, and he smiled widely. "It's nice to meet you! I didn't know Stormberry had a brother."
In the distance, the alarming sound of hisses and yowls were heard, but no sounds of pain. The battle has come.

Brokenbone stepped out of the Dark Forest and into Starclan, feeling immediately comforted by the presence of the stars. He let a wicked grin spread across his face, and looked at the crowd of cats in front of him. His army came behind, all of them coming out of the Dark Forest, teeth bared.
"Let's make this easy shall we? If you don't go into the Dark Forest willingly, you will die. Starclan is now ours for the taking."

Sunstar turned to Willowstar. "If anything happens to me, I want you to keep leading the United Clans to peace and prosperity. And just so you know.. if one of us doesn't make it.. we will not only die in Starclan, but in life as well."
He looked at his family, and wave of fear passed over him. As soon as it had come, it was gone. They're fighting for their freedom, and their survival.
And with that, the battle had begun.

(RNG will be used to determine injuries, battle outcome, and loss of life from now on. Discord is REQUIRED to use the dice roll bot. Please PM me if you do not have the Discord so I can send you the link.)

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 14:51:13
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-8/18-River
Spottedpaw takes a huge gulp. She swallows it feeling relieved that she is finally felling better. Was that yelling she heard? Surely not. What in the name of StarClan could have happened now? She turns and limps in the direction of the noise. All of a sudden she stops. Where was Mumblepaw. He was just there. She limps faster toward the noise. She knows she should go to the station but she wanted to know what all the fuss was about. She also wanted to find out where Mumblepaw went. "Mumblepaw?" She says without thinking.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 14:51:50 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 14:57:10
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|camp
Dappledpaw heaved a huge branch over to one of the dens, tugging it across the scorched ground. She used it to patch one of the many holes burned in the den and wondered how such a bad fire could have happened. Once the hole had been patched, she went to find some more brambles to rebuild another den.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:33:11
Swallowpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Territory | Mentions: Stormberry

Swallowpaw yowled in alarm when Stormberry crumpled before her. Her heart began to race and her paws felt numb. Her breaths began to come quickly and she lept towards him. "Stormberry, Stormberry!" Swallowpaw cried. She began to nudge his limp form and prodded him with increasing urgency. She gulped air desperately and sat next to her mentor's body. Gradually her breathing slowed and she calmed slightly. Swallowpaw began to nudge her way underneath Stormberry's large fluffy body and she shivered as it began to rain.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 15:47:50
Willowstar | 34 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Starclan | Mentions: Thrushwillow, Sunstar, Others in Starclan, Starclan and Dark Forest Cats

The two siblings contently reminisced as the others talked to each other and it wasn’t until she could hear the sound of yowls and hisses that their chatter finally came to a stop. Her brother held a firm expression, and to her, she could tell that he was ready for the battle ahead. The moment the Dark Forest cats stepped into Starclan, Willowstar felt a strange sense of calmness and she wasn’t sure why. Her ears twitched when she heard Sunstar call over to her and she gave him a slight smile. “I can say the same to you. If anything happens to me, I’m sure you’ll continue to do a nice job leading the clan as you already do. I also ask if you would look out for Wolfpaw too, worse case scenario.” Thrushwillow lightly bumped his head against her’s and she turned back to look at the dark cats before them. As long as she stood with her clanmates and the cats she trusted and cared for, she felt that she had nothing to fear, and if something should happen to her, it would be for the greater good and protecting those around her and those back in the forest.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 16:57:30
Softpaw - 13 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Alderpaw, Swallopaw, Stormberry, Open!

Softpaw flattened his ears when Alderpaw said he needed time alone. He watched the other apprentice leave and looked around for another cat to seek comfort in. He soon spotted Swallowpaw by Stormberry's limp body. It seemed nobody had gone to the deputy to get his body to the rest of the high ranking cats. Did nobody care for the dashing deputy? He padded over to the two cats, nuzzling against Swallowpaw to keep her company. "We should move him to the rest, he could get sick here." He mewed, giving Swallowpaw's head a comforting lick. He knew what she was going through. Sunstar had collapsed in front of his very eyes mere heartbeats ago. He looked the other apprentice over, to see if she was injured by the recent fire. He first now took notice of how pretty she was. Shaking his head, he cleared the though as quickly as it had come. He had not had the chance to talk to her since the fire happened. "Maybe we can find shelter once he's safe." He felt an increasing need to find somewhere he could be a bit more private with Swallowpaw, catch up with her, and perhaps bond some more.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 18:31:19 by Balder(CleanArcticPatches) (#117962)

Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 17:08:57
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|17.5/18|camp, territory
Dappledpaw pulled a thorn out of her pad. There were cats with far worse injuries than a thorn in their pads, so the medicine cats had their paws full, so Dappledpaw decided not to bother them. She decided to take a break, so she padded out of the camp, senses alert for any sign of prey. A little more food wouldn't hurt the clan. She dropped into a hunting crouch and pounced at a mouse, frowning at how skinny it was. At least it was something. She buried the fresh-kill and went to search for more.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 17:18:38
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|16/18 Health|River|Rainpaw, Softpaw

"And done." He meowed happily finishing the last next. He looked to Rainpaw and smiled the stood up. He took three nests in his mouth. He dragged on over to Sunstar and managed to get it under him with hurting the leader. Then he went to Stormberry. He managed to put a nest under the deputy as well. He looked to Softpaw. "You okay ther Softpaw?" He asked his eyes full of concern, and maybe a little qeustioning.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 18:43:57
Swallowpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Territory | Mentions: Stormberry, Softpaw

"Thanks Softpaw I'd like that," Swallowpaw said softly, accepting the comfort the lick brought and leaning into the warmth of her fellow apprentice. In a stronger voice she meowed, "You're right. We should move him before anything happens to his body." Swallowpaw grabbed his scruff and began to move ponderously towards the makeshift camp. His body was most likely too heavy for her legs to support so she just didn't chance it. Having not slept since the fire, her paw pads still stung a bit and her limbs ached with fatigue but she didn't let herself give up yet.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-20 19:03:14
Snowecho - 25 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - River - Mentions: Sunstar, Stormberry, Open!

Snowecho felt his heart leap in his chest as Stormberry bumped his head against his, starting to feel calmed by the strong cat's presence. The soothing feeling was quickly cut short at Sunstar's sharp tone, replaced instead by irritation. Could the leader not cut him some slack? They were dead. What did it matter? Seeing as Stormberry did not protest at all felt like the deputy did not care at all. Was he unworthy of love as a medicine cat? He flattened his ears and stepped away from the two cats. Stupid medicine cat role, stupid rule. Why were medicine cats not allowed a mate? He could understand kits, but not two toms being together.

A voice spoke up, breaking the white tom out of his thoughts and he turned his head to see a gathering of Starclan warriors approaching them, perhaps to either welcome them or explain why they had all spontaneously died and ended up in a place he previously thought did not exist. He listened to the cats speak, though did not get an answer to the question he had yet to ask. Everything felt wrong, not right at all. He did not fully understand what was going on, and knowing that Stormberry and Sunstar hated him did not help at all. He sighed, he might as well help during this fantasy war. Yay him, getting to patch up dead guys again. Awesome. Snowecho paused his thoughts, shaking his head.

This was unlike him. Taking a deep breath, the tom recalled what life had been like before this huge mess. Before the fire, before Stormberry breaking his heart, before the twolegs kidnapped him. He was... Happy. Happy, and playful, with an unquenchable curiosity. He was playing with Echofern outside the nursery. "I'll be the best warrior!" He exclaimed, puffing out his chest proudly. His mother purred with amusement and nodded her head in agreement. Snowkit felt warmth well up in him, his mother's faith meant everything to him. He opened his eyes again. Oh how he missed his mother. He choked back a wail. She had died while he was gone, those stupid twolegs had robbed his last moments with her away.

The medicine cat swallowed back his sorrow and let his gaze wander over the cats once more, all seemingly battle ready as yowls and hisses started sounding in the distance. His heart twisted as he saw Echofern gathered amongst the cats. "P... Please no." He mewed quietly. Was he again too late to be with his mother before she met a gruesome end? His throat felt closed up. No, this time would be different. He got up and hurried towards the white tabby she-cat. "Echofern!" He called, immediately catching her attention.

Their reunion was bittersweet, both knew that this could very well be the last time they saw each other. Soft purrs and comforting licks were exchanged between the two, and Echofern encouraged Snowecho to keep loving despite how difficult it was. She told him that love would always find a way, that even medicine cats deserved love. With a few heartfelt goodbyes, and promises to do his best, Snowecho hesitantly left Echofern's side and hurried away from the battle ready cats. He felt like wailing out his sadness and frustration, but he wanted to show his mother just how strong he was.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-20 20:21:31
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Lioncloud / Spottedpaw

The apprentice remained silent for awhile, then he let out a sigh. "The clouds are dark, they're blocking the sky. It just surprised me, got me thinking about a few things." He chuckled as he looked back to Lioncloud, forcing a smile towards him. Mumblepaw then looked down to his paws as his smile began to fade. "I understand how hard everybody is working, trying their best not to think about the current situations. But I just can't stop worrying about all the things that could happen now that the leaders and deputies are gone..." He sighed. "How long will they be like this, what if they never wake up, and how long can we last without them... until things start going downhill. Sure, everything's going smoothly now... but it's only a matter of time." He let out forced chuckle. "But most importantly, how am I going to protect Spottedpaw from it all? I don't how well she'll take this. How can I help her if I can't even help myself?" Mumblepaw let out a frustrated grumble. "I'm exhausted and stressed from watching over my injured fellow apprentices, from repairing camp, I don't have time to care for myself. I want to be away from all this, just for a few minutes. But I don't want to go off and leave Spottedpaw by herself. I'm in desperate needs for advice Lioncloud..." He sighed sadly as he closed his eyes. Mumblepaw then paused as he distantly heard a familiar voice call for him, it sounded like Spottedpaw. The young tom looked around, he soon found her figure in the distance. She seemed to be limping around. Did she come looking for me, even though she isn't fully healed? He thought to himself, he felt glad and extremely worried at the same time. "Spottedpaw, I'm over here with Lioncloud! Be careful where you're walking!" He called out to the she. "Don't trip..." He muttered with a frown. Mumblepaw then turned back to the elder, his frown still present. "Can that talk be between just us Lioncloud? I don't need Spottedpaw to be worried about me." He yawned before forcing a tired smile.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-21 19:32:58
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Clearsong, Stripepaw, Rainpaw

Pebblesplash left her brother to his thoughts and padded off. Gazing up at the sky, she noticed how it grew darker by the minute. She noticed Stripepaw and Rainpaw working with the nests. Pebblesplash padded over, “Hey, can I help?”

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 04:42:48
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 17/18 Health - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Stripepaw

She was just weaving the last of the moss together when she saw Stripepaw's tail go up and his exclamation of "Done!" Waving her tail to him she watched him saunter off. She watched as his short gray fur fluffed up a little on the breeze, she knew rain was coming. When she saw the dark gray tip of his tail disappear around a bramble bush, she realized she was staring. She shook herself, looking around to see if anyone saw her, when she locked eyes with a certain Pebblesplash. Her ears grew hot and she licked her chest in embarrassment, did she see me staring? How long was she there? Why was I staring? She shook herself again less obviously and almost missed Pebblesplash's question. "O-oh, yeah, sure." She looked down at the nest by her paws, and prodded it. It was finished, she had one more to do. "Stripepaw uh- he just left with his nests. I'm almost done but I can always make more." She smiled, regaining her compsure, still confused as to why she was so embarrassed. She was just watching the other apprentice leave safely, she told herself. Yeah, that's it.

Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash (ID), Stagthorn, Honeyfrost

Clearsong sat and thought for a while when he half heard Pebblesplash say she was going to go. He gave a grunt of acknowledgement and waved his tail. He felt the breeze change and knew rain was coming. His thought was constituted as fact when a large raindrop landed on his nose and jolted him out of his thoughts. He let out a chirp as he jumped up high, twisting his orange tail and landing gracefully on the ground. He heard a snicker from some cat nearby and twisted to see who it was, but whoever it was had joined back into conversation. He padded over to the small group of cats he had left when he saw Pebblesplash earlier. He waved his tail again, as he approached.

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 04:45:51 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 06:53:37
Please make sure all replies are 4+ lines in length in compliance with the rules!

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