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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 09:30:14
Honeyfrost - 36 moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - River - Mentions: Lioncloud, Clearsong

Honeyfrost nodded quickly, her determined gaze sharpening at the elder's words. "Perhaps, we should have the apprentices tend to them whilst we fiure out what to do. Even though they're in training, they know better than any of us what do." She turned to Clearsong, "We must continue with our duties until they wake up. If we stop now, nothing will get done and they won't know what's going on." She gave him a reassuring smile and dashed off, looking for the apprentices.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-16 11:59:57
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Lioncloud / Snowecho (ID) / Horsetail (ID) / Willowstar (ID) / Sunstar (ID)

Mumblepaw let out a tired grumble as he felt himself begin to wake; he could distantly hear his fellow clanmates' chatter. Why did it get so chatty all of sudden? He wondered as the chatter grew louder. I can't sleep like this! He gave an annoyed huff to himself. Mumblepaw would open his eyes, getting to his paws and stretching. He looked around, he wasn't sure what was happening. "I should ask someone to fill me in..." He muttered. His yellow orbs soon fell upon Lioncloud; Mumblepaw would quickly make his way over to the elder, hoping he could explain the situation to him. "Lioncloud!" The apprentice called out as he continued walking. Mumblepaw let out a small huff as he finally reached the elder. His eyes drifted off to other directions now and then to find any signs of the current situation. "Lioncloud what is-" The young tom gave a mew of confusion as he looked off elsewhere, though he cut himself off when he saw something odd. He saw Sunstar who seemed to be knocked cold; Mumblepaw would've assumed he was napping, but the thought began to fade when he saw Willowstar in the same state. For some reason his eyes immediately began to scan for Horsetail and Snowecho. The apprentice's eyes soon found them, the medicine cats were down as well. Sparks of panic began to fill him. "-g-going.. o-on..?" The apprentice gave a shaky mew as he turned back to the elder. "W-What is going on..?" He repeated a bit more clearly, his confused look now replaced with an expression of fear and panic.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 13:03:05

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Hollowfall, Earthquake, Willowstar, Sunstar, Snowecho|Location: Makeshift camp

The elder looked after the she-cat, Lioncloud was glad to see that the warrior still had her head on strait. Letting out a sigh, the elder started in the direction of Holowfall. He was stopped though, when he heard his name being called. Looking around, the large tom's eyes fell on Mumblepaw. Lioncloud waited for the young tom to reach him, then inclined his head.
Seeing the sudden panic in the young cats eyes and the shaking in his voice, Lioncloud laid his large tail protectively over the apprentice. "We don't know yet", the elder honestly answered. Looking around, the large elder looked for the apprentices mentor. Mumblepaw was his sons apprentice, where was Earthquake? The elders heart dropped, as Lioncloud spotted Earthquake at the healing station. Was his son sick? or injured?
Snowecho was also still lying at the healers station, turning back to the apprentice next to him, he gave him a small smile, "Why don't you stick with me for now?", Lioncloud kindly said. Walking forward, his tail still on the smaller tom, the elder led the way to Holowfall. Stopping beside the dark gray deputy, the elder leaned down. Lioncloud grabbed the tom first by the scruff of his neck and then lifted Holowfall onto his back, tugging on the deputy's leg, to reposition the tom, Lioncloud stood up straighter. Although his body was old, the large tom was still strong. Looking down at Mumblepaw, he nodded to the spot that Sunstar and Willowstar had already been placed at. This time much slower, the elder started to walk. Wanting to get his own and the apprentices mind off the current situation, Lioncloud started to speak, "How has your training been going, Mumblepaw?", the elder asked.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 14:50:38
Wolfpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | River | Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong, Sunstar

Wolfpaw kneeded his paws against the ground beneath him as he silently panicked over his unconscious sister. She had seemed fine while they were fishing and she seemed fine even before that, so he couldn’t understand why she would collapse all of a sudden. He could see that she was still breathing, so she was still alive, but that didn’t erase any of the worry he had. Before he could do anything, Clearsong had come over and picked her up, starting to move her elsewhere. The young apprentice could feel his fur rise and dug his claws into the ground, about to tell the warrior that he could have moved her himself, but when he thought about it, his sister was still a bit bigger than him, so he would’ve had a bit of a hard time. Biting back his growl, he followed after the warrior, watching over her silently until he placed her down near Sunstar. His annoyance faded when he saw that the other leader had collapsed as well, growing concerned as to what was going on. His gaze shifted between the two leaders before he finally settled down next to the fluffy female, resting his head on her side.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 14:52:30
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Snowecho, Brambleheart, Earthquake
Pebblesplash’s eyes widened when Snowecho collapsed.
“Is he breathing?!?” She gasped. A steady rise and fall of his flanks said he was.
what in the name of Starclan— she turned to Rainpaw, who was carrying Earthquake by his scruff. Pebblesplash ran over and supported his hind legs. “Brambleheart, can you and Lynxpaw carry Snowecho?” Pebblesplash asked. They padded along, anxiety creeping up in her. She shivered, wondering why Snowecho collapsed.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 16:00:53
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - StarClan - Mentions: Silvermoon (ID), Swallowpaw (ID), Sunstar, Willowstar (ID), Hollowfall (ID), Snowecho (ID)

Stormberry was about to reply to Silvermoon and Swallowpaw as he prepared to lead them out on patrol, but he suddenly felt extremely unwell, and felt his legs start to fail him. He only managed to give a yowl of distress and confusion before he fell completely unconscious, and it was only a few moments later that he felt able to open his eyes once again and look around. He was shocked by what he saw - he had never seen StarClan before - at least not like this. He hesitantly got to his paws and looked around for any cat he recognised, quickly letting out a sigh of relief once he spotted Sunstar. "Sunstar! W-what just happened?" The large tom called out as he bounded over to his mate through the soft grass of StarClan. How could they be in StarClan if they hadn't died? The deputy didn't know much about medicine, but he was certain death couldn't come on that quickly - right? Either way, his mind was jumbled - even more so when he saw Willowstar, Hollowfall, Horsetail and Snowecho not too far away. All the high ranking cats seem to have suffered the same fate: what did that mean for them, as well as the other cats of the Clan left behind?

Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Softpaw, Stagthorn (ID), open!

Alderpaw had been cheered up slightly when Sunstar agreed to let him come along hunting with him and Softpaw. Everything changed, though, when the leader suddenly fell unconscious. From a distance, he might have even looked dead. The young tom's short fur bristled in shock, though it didn't stop him from following Stagthorn's orders and helping to move Sunstar to the temporary den he had been working on. In moments like these, it was sometimes much easier to follow someone else's orders than have to think what to do for yourself. He looked worriedly at Softpaw, who seemed a lot more obvious about his shock and worry for the fallen leader. Then, looking around, it became hard to miss the sight of all the high ranking cats falling to the ground in the same way that Sunstar had, and he curled his tail in distress as he watched. "S-Softpaw.."

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-16 16:03:22
Snowecho - 25 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Starclan - Mentions: Horsetail, Sunstar, Stormberry, Open!

Snowecho lifted his head when he felt a tail touch his side, turning it slightly and seeing Horsetail. "Oh great, we're both dead!" He exclaimed dramatically, flopping onto his back with a soft groan. He heaved a sigh. It turned out Starclan was real. He had been very wrong earlier it seemed. He supposed that somehow both him and Horsetail had died, how tragic. He made a soft humming sound when he heard Horsetail speak again, tilting his head back to see what he was nodding at. His head now rested neatly upside-down on the ground, forming a line from the top of his head to the tip of his tail along the ground.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw Stormberry. How had the strong, courageous tom died? He quickly rolled onto his belly, head perked up, and stared in disbelief. "Let's." He replied to Horsetail, seeming somewhat distant. Before the other medicine cat could say anything else, the white tom bolted to Stormberry's side, completely ignoring the rest of the cats, even his cousin Willowstar. "Stormberry!" He called worriedly, looking over the bigger tom. He bumped his head against the deputy and took a shuddering breath. It did not take him long to realise something. "If we're in Starclan... There's nothing stopping us from being together, right?" He asked the tom, his tone hushed and hopeful.

Sure Snowecho was aware of Sunstar and Stormberry's relationship, but he desperately pretended and hoped that it was just a façade. After all, Sunstar had had a mate before in Daisyheart, surely the leader could not move on from her so easily. Stormberry and Snowecho had a long history, they had a special bond, surely the deputy had not forgot what they had been through together.

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 18:13:14 by Balder(CleanArcticPatches) (#117962)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 16:46:42
Earthquake|33 Moons|Warrior|17/30|Makeshift Camp|Mentions:[Indirectly: Brambleheart, Lioncloud, Rainpaw] Pebblesplash

Earthquake mumbled something inaudible under what breath he had before groaning and coughing up a stream of water. He shivered, looking through half-lidded eyes, his vision shifting and spinning. He slowly processed that he had been moved upriver, he faintly caught whiffs of other cats like Brambleheart, Rainpaw and his father Lioncloud. He faintly remembered hearing their voices not long ago, as if they had walked within his dreams.
He tried to focus on the cats around him, but it just made his head hurt. He tensed, attempting to shift on to his side to sit up, but his legs gave in and he was back to laying on his side. Something warm was trailing down between his brow and he cautiously touched it with his paw and stared at it, not really knowing what to do.
"I need to get up, that's what." he said hoarsely.
He strained and squinted his eyes, landing his line of sight on what look to be some-cat (Pebblesplash). He voiced dryly "Can you help me please, I have to get up." he felt so cold and lethargic. "I just need help getting to my nest is all."

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 17:14:56

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Hollowfall, Stormberry, Sunstar, Willowstar|Location: Starclan

Horestal got a bit startled, at Snowechos sudden antics. Just getting his paw out of the way, as the white tom flopped down, Horestai watched Snowecho lay on his back. The dark sand colored tom was just about to say, that they were probably not dead. As far as he knew, all of the high ranked cats were in good health. He did not know why, but somehow StarClan wanted to speak with all of them. Before he could say anything though, Snowecho had jumped to his paw and raced off to the other cats.
Letting out a sigh and shaking his head, Horsetail followed. The medicine cats eyes narrowed, as he saw Snowecho nuzzle Stormberry. Having known Snowecho for such a long time, Horestail had long ago noticed the white toms affection towards the deputy. The dark sand colored tom sat down and hunched his shoulders a bit, sometimes he wished that he had also fallen in love. Lifting his head back up again, the medicine cat nodded to the deputies and leaders in greeting. Looking around them, Horsetail wondered if any StarClan cat would come to meet them soon. The medicine cat had often been called to StarClan, but never had they kept him waiting this long. What was going on? What need was there for so many cats to be here at once?

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 18:05:30
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Snowecho, Brambleheart, Earthquake
Pebblesplash was startled by Earthquake's voice.
"Thank StarClan you're alright!" she gasped out. She helped him to his paws.
"Snowecho just collapsed- we don't know why. He's alive, but we don't know for how long..." she trailed off, "We just need to get back to camp."
She looked over at Rainpaw, Brambleheart and Lynxpaw.
"I hope Horsetail can help him," she mewed nervously.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 18:22:11
Sunstar - Co-Leader - 26 moons - 40/40HP - Starclan - Mentions: Stormberry, Snowecho, Horsetail, Hollowfall, Willowstar

Sunstar squinted under all the brightness, but he instantly felt comforted by the presence of the stars all around him. He turned and saw Stormberry, as well as Snowecho coming up to him and touching him. The thought not only disgusted him, but angered him as well. With a grunt, he got up and headed over to the two. "Excuse me Snowecho, but now isn't the time to confess your love for my mate. We're here because Starclan needs our help, obviously."
He subtly pushed Snowecho off of Stormberry, showing immediate concern for his partner. "Are you okay?"

Moments passed when a familiar voice startled him, and he turned around to see his father, Thistlestar, heading towards them. Beside him was Vixenpaw, Ivytuft, and a smaller cat that he hadn't seen before. He noticed Stormberry grow stiff beside him. "Father.. why are we all here? How are we here?"
His father showed a look of fear, as well as concern for his sons Hollowfall and Sunstar.
He cleared his throat. "We've sent you here, to ask you for your help. Starclan is in danger."
Vixenpaw spoke up. "The Dark Forest is starting an all out war for Starclan."
Thistlestar showed a hint of annoyance on his face, but continued, "If we lose, the Dark Forest will take control as your ancestors, and all hope at peace within the clan will be decimated. They will destroy the clans and everything we've stood for."
Sunstar felt his heart go into his throat, and gave Horsetail a fearful look. He exchanged glances with Hollowfall, and knew that they would want to talk to their father since they might have the chance.

Willowstar seemed quiet, and he wanted to comfort her. Together, they as leaders will fight as hard as they possibly can to preserve the warrior code and the clan. So they can make it back home.. and hopefully before their souls begin to tear from their bodies.

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Edited on 16/09/18 @ 18:28:35 by Quake™{CleanSolarisDawn} (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 19:13:32
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Lioncloud, Honeyfrost, Lynxpaw (ID), Hollowfall (ID), Featherheart (ID)

Clearsong nodded as Lioncloud talked about moving cats to a safe place. "The temporary medicine den near to the river would probably be best as I'm pretty sure the medicine apprentices are still around." He said, flicking his tail in the direction of Lynxpaw. "I saw Hollowfall by Featherheart, in that direction as well; maybe I could go help her carry him back?" He added, willing to help make sure everyone was safe before anything else happened. A new thought forming in his mind, he turned to Honeyfrost, "With all respect to you Lioncloud," he started, his eyes glinting mischievously, the only way to make Lioncloud do this was through a little trick called reverse psychology, "I think Honeyfrost is most capable of doing the adressing, seeing as you are retired after all." He flicked the elder's ears teasingly, a sly smile breaking on his face. "I dunno Honeyfrost, you think good ol' lovable Lioncloud could manage to get to the low hanging branch on the oak over there?" He teased, purring to show he wasn't trying to come off as mean.

Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 Health - River - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Lynxpaw, Snowecho (ID), Hollowfall (ID)

Rainpaw struggled to move Earthquake, tugging at his scruff and trying not to hurt him, she let out a purr of gratitude when Pebblesplash came over which only grew louder when she felt Earthquake stir. She moved away a bit and braced him as he tried to stand. If he managed to walk back to camp it would be even better, though his forehead was still bleeding. "Hey, Lynxpaw!" She shouted to the apprentice medicine cat, "I can gather cobwebs and whatever you need to dress his wound. Just tell me what and where to find it and I'll go for it!" She looked from Snowecho to another cat who she assumed to be Hollowfall in the distance, this would be hard if we don't have a medicine cat. She was determined to see this through though, her claws sheathed and unsheathed as she prepared to dash off to find some plants.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:34:55
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 29/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Brambleheart, Earthquake
Pebblesplash turned to the rest of the cats.
"Do you mind if I run ahead and tell the other cats at camp what happened?" she asked. She looked over at Rainpaw who was looking like she wanted to run. For cobwebs she said.
"Can you manage him Brambleheart?" She flicked her tail, hoping she would say yes.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:51:02


@Featherheart feels a current of wind brush her pelt, and with it brings comfort.

@Honeyfrost immediately felt overwhelmed at the loss of the leaders, and anxiety washed over her.

@Horsetail suddenly heard whimpering in the distance, the sound of a young apprentice fearing for its life.

@Willowstar felt a tap on her shoulder, and heard the whisper of a very familiar voice. "Hello, sister." Thrushwillow smiled, curling his tail around her.

@Snowecho had a distant feeling wash over him. It was neither comfort or fear, but it didn't feel right.

@Stormberry sees his brother, Lionpaw standing next to Thistlestar, and it forces feelings to erupt in his chest.

@Hollowfall saw his father and some past emotions stir in him.

@Clearsong felt sudden determination, and wanted to find leadership immediately so the clan wouldn't be in complete chaos.

@Stripepaw felt that is was a good idea to go with Rainpaw and find bedding to make the unconscious cats more comfortable.

@Lioncloud felt a shiver in his old bones. He sensed that something big was about to happen.

@Softpaw felt the need to be near someone, and so he felt the urge to cling to Alderpaw, and have him tell him everything would be alright.

@Alderpaw felt his heart get restless, but he wouldn't let this current craziness get the best of him. He felt hope in the coming darkness.

@Lynxpaw felt overwhelmed, not sure what to do with all of the leaders dropping like flies.

@Pebblesplash saw the sky darken, and soon it started to rain. The suddenness of it made her spine shiver.

@Brambleheart felt cold, her mind distracted.

@Wolfpaw felt the rise and fall of Willowstar's flank, his conscious was trying to convince him to sleep.

@Earthquake quickly felt the need to direct everyone, since cats were shocked and didn't know what to do.

@Snowball felt a pressure in her stomach, but shrugged the feeling off. Perhaps it was her stress.

@Rainpaw realized that the leaders could use some nesting since she decided to go out and find herbs.

@Stagthorn felt a pain in his foot, and looked down to see a thorn stuck in his paw pad.

@Goldenpaw sensed trouble coming with the wind, and wanted to get under cover as it started raining, but wanted to do whatever he could to help.

@Mumblepaw looked up at the sky, noticing that dark clouds started to cover the expanse. The sight unsettled him.

@Swallowpaw felt guilty for some reason, and knew that he had to attempt to try and make things right.

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Edited on 16/09/18 @ 21:16:14 by Quake™{CleanSolarisDawn} (#69866)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-16 21:30:29
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Lioncloud / Earthquake

Mumblepaw wasn't quite fond of the answer Lioncloud had given him, though it did spark an question in his mind. Does anybody know? He'd gave a frown as he looked down at his paws, he'd let his fear and worries sink deeper into his panicked mind. Mumblepaw was surprised as he suddenly felt the elder's tail rest against him, he felt a sense of comfort. His ear flicked as he listened to Lioncloud's request. "...Yeah okay." He gave a saddened smile before getting to his paws and following after the old cat. Mumblepaw came to a stop as Lioncloud began to haul the unconscious Hollowfall onto his back. Mumblepaw gave an amazed mew, he never thought an elder could be so strong. I wonder if I'll ever be that strong as an elder.. The young tom thought, it seemed Lioncloud had became a mini inspiration to the apprentice. As he began to walk again Mumblepaw listened to Lioncloud's wonder on his training. "Well-" Mumblepaw closed his eyes for a moment as he thought. "My training with Earthquake has going pretty well. I don't think I've 'mastered' anything yet, but I think I'm doing better than when we first started." He mewed as he nodded along with his words. "I heard he's not in his best state currently. I have yet to go see him myself though, I thought he would want the rest." He huffed. "Earthquake is a really cool warrior, I'm sure he's quite respected too... I want to be like that someday." Mumblepaw frowned. "But.. lately. I just don't know anything anymore. I don't know how I want to help the clan anymore.. if I.." He paused as he looking up towards the sky; sky scenery usually calmed him down. His eyes widened at the sight. Dark clouds were beginning to cover the sky in darkness. Mumblepaw stopped dead in his tracks. What is this? Is this some sign, or am I just freaking out? Mumblepaw mewed to himself, he felt an odd feeling about this. "...I-" Mumblepaw couldn't manage to say anything, his eyes were locked onto the darkening sky.

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