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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-16 23:15:39
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|16/18 Health|River|Mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar

Stripepaw stands up. He feels a new emotion wash over him, determination. "Rainpaw, will you come with me to go get moss to make bedding. The ground is hard, we should give them something comfy to lay on." He meowed flicking his ear. He felt the wind ruffle his fur but he had to make bedding. He looked around his yellow eye scanning where a good place for moss was. The grey tom looked to Sunstar letting out a sigh. 'He's not dead, just overly tired.' Stripepaw looked around the camp and saw the leaders, deputies, and medicine cats all on the ground. 'They are all just overly tired.' He thought then looked back to Sunstar. "Don't leave us quite yet. We do still need you." He spoke more than a whisper so only he could hear it. And hopefully Sunstar.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 01:15:31
Willowstar | 34 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Starclan | Mentions: Sunstar, Stormberry, Snowecho, Hollowfall, Horsetail, Thrushwillow

As she continued to look over the scenery around her, she noticed that she wasn’t the only one there. Sunstar, Stormberry, Hollowfall, Snowecho, and Horsetail were all there as well, stirring more confusion in the female leader. Hearing her cousin complain about ‘being dead’ caused her to slightly chuckle, but her mood quickly changed when a small group of starry cats approached them. Hearing them speak of the upcoming battle put Willowstar on edge, confirming that it was as serious as Sunstar had made it out to be. She listened silently as they spoke, but her mind started to drift elsewhere. Sure, it was important to help Starclan when they were in need, but she worried that if the battle took place in Starclan, who could say that the Dark Forest wouldn’t try to take it to the forest as well. The thought of her younger brother’s worried expression before she passed out caused herself to droop a bit and she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she was the reason why.

Willowstar kept to herself as the rest of the group talked with the Starclan cats and didn’t say anything until she felt a tap on her shoulder and heard the sound of a very familiar voice whisper in her ear. “Hello, sister.” Thrushwillow smiled, curling his tail around her. The sound and scent caused her to freeze and she could feel her eyes start to water as she slowly processed what was going on. She finally turned her head and took a moment to take in the sight of her late brother and littermate before letting out a small cry and pressed herself against him. The fluffy female heard him quietly chuckled and nuzzled the side of her head. “I’ve missed you too. I apologize for not visiting you in your dreams as of late. We’ve been having some difficulties up here, though I’m sure you’ve heard.” The sleek tom’s expression grew grim for a moment, but warmed once again as he looked over at her. “It’s alright. Just seeing you now is more than enough for me.” She purred, using her paw to wipe at her watery eyes. “I trust Wolfpaw is alright and doing well?” “Yes, he’s doing fine and has grown quite a bit in his time of being an apprentice. He actually reminds me a lot of you, not just in appearance, excluding him being fluffier than you.”

Wolfpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | River | Mentions: Willowstar, Open

Wolfpaw remained silent as the cats around him were moving around and about, some in a panic after the leaders, deputies, and medicine cats had collapsed. He didn’t feel the urge to take part in anything they were doing and felt more at ease to be beside his sister and help look out for her until she finally woke up. The feeling of the rising of her sides as she slowly breathed reminded him of back when he was still a kit. Their mother, Reedheart, had passed away from greencough shortly after he had been weened off of her milk, and Willowstar stepped in to help raise him. He couldn’t remember much about his mother or father, besides from what his sister had told him that his father, Troutsplash, had gone crazy with grief after the loss of his mate and blindly attacked a badger, resulting in his own death. Sometimes he wondered if his older sister missed their parents like she did with Thrushwillow, but he felt from the times that he had talked with her that she hadn’t felt that close with them, so Wolfpaw knew that most likely wasn’t the case. Her breathing also reminded the young tom of how she would sleep in the nursery with him as he grew, similar to how they were now. The longer he laid there, the more he could feel a small voice inside him urging him to sleep. He tried to resist at first, but the warmth and scent of his mother-like sister finally lulled him off to sleep.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 04:26:23
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 Health - River - Mentions: Stripepaw, Brambleheart, Pebblesplash, Earthquake (ID)

When she was just about to dash off to gather some cobwebs, Rainpaw heard steps approaching from her side. She stood and looked over her shoulder, it was Stripepaw. She turned and waved with her tail, "Heya, it's been a bit!" He nodded and asked her about bedding. "Oh! Yeah that would be needed too, wouldn't it." She looked back and waved her tail at the three others standing near Earthquake, "I'm gonna go gather some moss, too. See ya in a bit!" She saw Stripepaw looking over to the place where Sunstar was, she rested her tail comfortingly on Stripepaw's shoulder for a moment. "Don't worry about it. Wherever they are, I'm sure they can handle what's been laid on their paws. They're strong." She smiled, just hoping she could believe it herself, before padding off to gather some moss.

Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash

Clearsong looked around once more, noticing uncertainty and fear in cats' eyes. He padded forward once more, a feeling of mixed ambition and determination coursing through him. He hated seeing his clanmates look like this, he wanted someone to fill the role, and he knew his clanmates need someone to tell them orders. He knew he was young but he felt the need to fill this role, deep in his chest. Looking up he saw his sister Pebblesplash heading into camp, he decided to tell her how he felt.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-17 13:40:57
Softpaw - 13 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Sunstar, Alderpaw, Open!

Softpaw pawed at Sunstar's body in the nest until the leader was in a more comfortable position, not wanting him to wake up with painful limbs from laying wrong. He gazed at his mentor for a few more heartbeats before padding over to Alderpaw, nuzzling his face into his best friend's shoulder fur and seeking comfort from him. "I-I'm here." He mewed softly, feeling more calm at being close to the other apprentice. He curled his tail around Alderpaw's, starting to groom him to help both himself and the other tom calm down.

His mind wandered as he rasped his tongue over Alderpaw's shoulder fur. Everything was going wrong again, Sunstar and Willowstar was down, and so was the deputies. He had not seen Snowecho yet, but he had heard Pebblesplash and Rainpaw. While he wanted to take Stagthorn's advice of staying calm, it was difficult when so many cats he cared about had gone unconscious for no apparent reason. He had admitted to himself that Willowstar was the closest thing to a mother he had known since his mother died, and Sunstar was like a father to him. Snowecho was his half-brother, he had known this for around a moon now, and firstly now understood why the tom had always seemed to have a special place in his heart for him.

His mind wandered to the rest of the apprentices. He could not remember when he had last seen most of the apprentices, but some he had seen more recently. Stripepaw had gone off with Rainpaw to collect materials for more nests, Mumblepaw had been off with Lioncloud, and he vaguely recalled seeing Lynxpaw with Snowecho. Wolfpaw had been with Willowstar, and Goldenpaw had been with him and Sunstar recently. Where the rest of the apprentices were, he did not know, but he could only hope they were alright.

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 13:41:17 by Balder(CleanArcticPatches) (#117962)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-17 14:35:36
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|16/18 Health|River|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripepaw smiled looking to the apprentice. "I know, but I can't help but be worried about them." He watched the apprentice walk away to go father moss. He walked over to a nearby tree and looks around. No moss... He checked like every tree until he found a good one. He collected a good amount of moss and some other materials. He held the moss he had found in his mouth and walked back to the river. He played the moss down and started to make some comfortable bedding.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 14:40:25
Stagthorn | 30 Moons | Warrior | 29/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Softpaw, Alderpaw, Clearsong, Honeyfrost, Mumblepaw, Lioncloud

Stagthorn gently lay Sunstar down with Softpaw. When they finished, he let out a grumble and lifted up his paw and examined the pad. Discovering a thorn, he began to lick methodically until he caught the offending object in his teeth and pulled. Stagthorn grunted from the sharp sting but gave it a few licks until the bleeding subsided. He then turned to Sunstar's limp body and swore he would destroy anything that prevented him from waking up safely. The last thing his clan needed in such a time was the loss of a leader. Stagthorn looked to the two apprentices huddled nearby in the makeshift den and gave both of their heads a comforting nudge. "Don't worry. Everything will be all right." He said gruffly. Stagthorn then limped out into the open air and took in his surroundings. Rain pitter-pattered around him, beginning to soak into his pelt. Turning back to Softpaw and Alderpaw, he meowed, "Why don't you two stay and watch over Sunstar." Stagthorn then bounded away to the river.

The rain was coming down more heavily when he reached the river and spotted Clearsong, Honeyfrost, Lioncloud, and Mumblepaw. "What's going on down here?" He asked, his usual irritable demeanor somewhat diminished in light of recent events. "Sunstar's body is safe in a temporary den at the moment."

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 18:06:39 by Denebola {WCU} (#121897)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 15:24:07
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 17/18 Health - River - Mentions: Stripepaw

Rainpaw nodded again, thought clouding her eyes once more before she saw some cobweb in a knot hole a bit up a tree, she made a mental note of it and carried on until she saw some moss growing at the base of a large rock. Clawing it off as neatly as possible, she picked up as much as she could carry and trotted back to Stripepaw, adding moss to the pile he had started. She was going to start making a nest of her own before she saw a bright white feather from what seemed to be a dove. She snuck off to get it and returned back with her tail up, the feather tickling her nose. She placed it down, "Bam! Best nest finder!" She tucked the feather into the moss pile and separated the pile into groups. She took another two trips and decided they had enough moss for about six nests. Rainpaw then remembered the feather. She pulled it free of moss and batted it around a bit. Pushing it in circles and ended up flicking it right at Stripepaw's paws. "My feather!" She gasped in feigned shock, "How will I ever get it back?"

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 15:24:45 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 15:43:12
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Clearsong, Snowecho (ID)
Pebblesplash gazed up at the sky. The rain began to fall rapidly, causing her to shiver. What is going on? The strangeness of this all made no sense. First the medicine cat falls unconscious for no reason, then rain without warning? This was odd, even by Pebblesplash’s standards. She felt a need to find her brother. She burst in to camp, and spotted Clearsong.
“Hey Clearsong,” she said, walking up to him.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-17 16:08:27
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|16/18 Health|River|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripepaw looked at the feather that had just landed on his paws. He would usually snap for acting like a kit stupid but he just handed the feather back. "There you go." He meowed and then continued making the nest. He finished then started his next one. The striped tom looked up for a second. 'Why didn't I snap?' He thought feeling a little strange.

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 16:44:23
Honeyfrost | 36 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 Health | River | Mentions: Stagthorn, Clearsong, Lioncloud

Honeyfrost's ice blue eyes twinkled mischeviously. "Perhaps not. I'd be surprised if the old furball made it that far really," she mewed playfully. She perked up towards Staghorn as he approached. "Staghorn!" she exclaimed. "Thank Starclan you're here. We need to gather everyone together. I'd do it, but..." she shivered. "I don't do well in front of large crowds."

She looked down shamefully.

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 17:45:30 by Twixie (#152150)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 17:20:55
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash

Waving his tail as he heard his sister greet him, he bounded forward. "Hey! I was looking for you." He sat down to collect his thoughts before telling his sister how he had been feeling lately, "I noticed how everyone has been acting since the leaders, deputies, and medicine cats have gone... unconscious." He scraped at the wet dirt as his mind fumbled for the right words, "And I don't want people to feel as if the world is falling apart... I just have this feeling in me and I know I haven't had an apprentice yet and I'm still quite young..." He started to flick his tail in impatience, how could he explain this without making it seem as if he were trying to claim leadership as soon as the leaders were gone? "I just want people to have a voice of certainty that everything will be alright and we can still function... and I... I want to be that voice of reason, or at least one of them." He finished, thinking about the group of cats he had been talking to previously. Looking up from the ground, he looked his sister in her eyes, hoping she'd understand how she felt.

Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 17/18 Health - River - Mentions: Stripepaw

Rainpaw stuck out her tongue as she grabbed the feather back, her ears growing hot as she realized she couldn't restrain herself at the thought of play, she flicked her ears a few times. She couldn't help but realize that Stripepaw didn't make any remarks. Passing it off as merely distraction due to recent events, she padded over to the moss bedding groups and placed the feather in one. A small smile spreading on her face for no apparent reason.

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 18:14:54 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:04:47

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Thistlestar, Snowecho, Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Vixenpaw, Ivytuft, Lionpaw, Stormberry, Willowstar, Hollowfall|Location: Starclan

The dark sand colored tom wrapped his tail, around his paws. As the small dispute came on, as Sunstar went between his mate and Snowecho. The medicine cat lightly shook his head, he could've seen that coming a fox length away. The medicine cat looked over, as he saw several StarClan cats coming towards them. The tom nodded his head to the former leader, Thistlestar. Horsetail had never met the former SHadowclan leader, but he had heard enough to recognise the leader. Horsetail then looked over the other cats, Vixenpaw, Ivytuft, and.... and he could not place the last cat. It did seem to be an apprentice though, maybe from another clan? Horsetail wondered. His ear twitched, as he noticed Stormberry stiffening. Did he know the young cat?
The medicine cat looked back, as the Starclan cats started to speak. Horsetail wanted to ask many question, but held his tongue for now. The experienced medicine cats tail lashed, as Thistlestar explained that, if the Dark Forest won a fight, Starclan and the clan would be destroyed. Noticing the fearful look Sunstar gave him, Horsetail set his shoulders. 'What were they supposed to do about it? They summoned for two leaders, two deputy's, and two medicine cats', Horsetail knew that Snowecho had initially trained to be a warrior, so maybe he could fight, but Horsetail had no clue about fighting. The dark sand colored to was in his right mind to say as much, when suddenly a distressed cry reached his ears. Getting to his paws, the dark sand colored tom turned in the direction it had come from. It had sounded like a young cat, maybe a kit or an apprentice. Horsetail was not keen on leaving the other cats, but he was too curious not to go and investigate. Slowly making his way into the direction he had heard the sound come from, the dark sand colored toms nose and ears where furiously working, to see if he could pick up anything else.

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw, Hollowfall|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Willowstar|Location: Makeshift camp

The large cat only half listened to Mumblepaws answer, once in a while Lioncloud would nod his head or say yes under his breath. The elder was focusing on keeping his step and making sure Hollowfall did not slip off his back. As he was still walking, listening to the apprentices words, a sudden chill went through the old toms bones. Lioncloud stopped for a few moments, now that he had a few moments to think, dred filled the elder a bit. He sensed that something big was about to happen, he did not know what, he just knew that something was going to happen. That could wait for later though, first they needed to take care of the collapsed cats and then they needed to a sign a temporary leader and deputy. As the old cat started to walk again, Lionclouds mind was going through names of cats that might be chosen. In the end would it really matter though, their true leaders and deputies would surely come back to their senses soon.
Reaching the place Sunstar and Willowstar had already been placed at, the elder let the deputy slowly and carefully slip off his back. Placing Hollowfall next to the leaders in a comfortable position, the large elder suddenly noticed that Mumblepaw had stopped to speak. Looking back at the apprentice, he saw the young cats expression. Mumblepaw was staring up at the sky, an incredulous expression on his face. "What's the matter?", Lioncloud asked, starting to walk back to where the apprentice had stopped in his tracks.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:07:40
Stagthorn | 30 Moons | Warrior | 29/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Honeyfrost, Clearsong

Stagthorn nodded to Honeyfrost and meowed, "Don't be afraid to ask me to be your voice. We've both seen quite a few of the ups and downs and I think with Clearsong's charisma and Lioncloud's wisdom we could all pull our clan together." If you don't mind me being so bold to say so that is. I just want to see this clan hold up for our leaders, deputies, and medicine cats and I pray to Starclan that they wake up safe." Stagthorn nudged her in as friendly a manner as he could muster and continued, "Don't worry, I have faith in this clan. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I think we should probably call all the cats to one place and address what has been happening. If worry and anxiety is allowed to continue it will surely break us apart."

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:38:34
Earthquake|33 Moons|Warrior|17/30|Makeshift Camp|Mentions: [Indirectly: Sunstar, Willowstar, Hollowfall Snowecho] Pebblesplash

Earthquake gave a thankful nod, as Pebblesplash helped him to his feet. By now the throbbing in his ears had ceased and his vision was clear, but what he saw drew a thorn through his heart. His leaders, even Snowecho had fainted "What in Starclan's name happened?"

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 18:38:59 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 20:37:17
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Clearsong, Snowecho (ID)
Sympathy shone in Pebblesplash’s gaze as she looked at her brother. He was completely right about everything that was happening.
“I understand. This whole situation is messed up, first the fire, then what feels like every cat getting hurt, and now all the high-ranked cats are unconscious for no reason... and the rain that can with no warning,” she took a deep breath.
“I just hope we find answers soon, and to be honest, get our act together,” she finished off, looking at Clearsong. Pebblesplash kneaded the ground with concern and anger, while looking at the dark sky.

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