Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-09-23 18:46:40
Wolfpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Clan Cats

The sounds of yelling and constant chatter woke Wolfpaw from his slumber and his tail twitched in annoyance. Everyone seemed to be a lot more vocal with the higher ranked cats out of it and the fluffy tom let out a grunt. Half of his face was covered by the long fur on Willowstar’s side, so his narrowed eyes and his ears were really the only visible parts of his head. Hearing many of the apprentices being called for had caught his attention, but whatever it was seemed to matter to the ones being called out, so he remained curled up next to his older sister. Her flank was still rising and falling, so it still indicated that she was still alive, which helped ease his uneasiness just a small bit. With his sister in her unknown condition, he didn’t feel like being part of anything with the others and continued to worry over her. Until she and the others woke up, Wolfpaw felt comforted to just remain where he was.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-23 19:28:46
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|River|Mentions: Rainpaw, Alderpaw, Pebblesplash(ID)

Stripepaw turned his attention towards Pebblesplash. He looked to Rainpaw and Alderpaw questioningly. He shrugged and half limped over. He flicked his ear as a rain drop hit it. He wondered what was going on. It must e important, Pebblesplash was yelling at the who Clan. "Maybe they've figured out who the temporary leader is." He meowed half to himself.

Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|River|Mentions: Pebblesplash(ID)

Hawkpaw gave a groan flattening his ears. He gave a groan trying to stand up. 'C'mon Hawkpaw, use your paws!' He told himself in his head struggling to stand. The brown tom finally got himself up but he felt his legs wobble. 'At least you did it.' He thought taking a shaky step forward. He panted his paw down trying to keep his balance. 'Go Hawkpaw go!' He kept telling himself. 'Positive thinking!" He took another step a little less shaky. He walked over slowly taking slow steps toward Pebblesplash.

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 03:34:13
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Territory, approaching Clan | Mentions: Open

Lynxpaw curled up in a ball under the log, only a muffled mewl revealing her location. Ever since the higher ranks had collapsed- including her mentor -she had spent more and more time in the woods, unable to deal with the new weight on her shoulders. Would they be alright? How would she be the Clan's healer? What if she failed? What about Starclan? It was all too much, all too sudden, and for now all she felt was panic. Deep down, she knew she shouldn't be in the woods, she should be with her Clan, helping those who needed it. And yet she couldn't. No matter how she tried to get up, worry and fear struck her back down again. She hated it.

Her paws brushed against the ground and the small bundle of herbs she had been collecting, and a familiar, awful feeling welled up. What good was she, a medicine cat that couldn't even care for herself, let alone others? They were waiting for her to come back and help them, and here she was mewling like a kit. Wiping her face on her paws, she slowly rose, staggering a little, and once more picked up the herbs and began the walk back to the Clan. As long as she kept everyone happy and healthy, she'd be ok too... right?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 04:22:11
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 17/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripepaw, Alderpaw, Pebblesplash (ID)

Rainpaw looked from Stripepaw to Alderpaw, and back to Stripepaw again. She stood up and padded over to Alderpaw, and placed her tail on his shoulder for a moment in a way to comfort him, "Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll understand it soon." In the distance, she heard their names being called. Pricking her ears to the sound, she recognised the voice of her friend Pebblesplash. She padded back over to Stripepaw and bumped her head against his, "Come on, lets go see what's going on." She looked at Alderpaw and waved for him to follow as she trotted toward center clearing.

Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Lioncloud, Honeyfrost, Stagthorn
(My backspace button got stuck and erased half of this :cri:

Clearsong watched as Pebblesplash ran off. For a moment there was silence, then a flock of robins burst from the trees as he hears shrieking. For a moment his pelt rised in fear, then flattened again when he realized she was just calling for the apprentices. "Noisy furball," he chuckled, "Her yowling will be the death of me." He looked over his shoulder, "Come on, let's go sit by the tree. Lioncloud should climb to the low branch to address the clan." When he finished, he padded near to the base of the tree, but far enough so he could look up without craning his neck. He'd sit and wait there for his sister to sit beside him.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 07:17:44
Icepaw- 7 moons-apprentice-18/18-Medicine station
Icepaws head whirled around to where she heard her name. It was Pebblespalsh telling the,m to go to the temporary camp. Why was she yelling? She probably scared all the prey from here to StarClan. She turned back to Hawkpaw. He looked like he needed help. He was groaning. "Um, Hawkpaw do you need help? I can help you if you want." Just then a thought struck her if Snowecho and Horsetail weren't here then she would have to take care of everyone. Then she remembered Lynxpaw she would help her. She was sure of it. Where was Lynxpaw?

Spottedpaw-7 moons -apprentice-14/18-River
Spottedpaw looked around at Mumblepaw. "I'm not going to fall like a newborn kit" She starts giggling knowing her she was going fall just for saying that. She turned her head to hear someone yelling names like crazy. Where they in trouble? She knew the high ranked cats were unconscious, If they were going to be in trouble then who would punish them. She limps over to Mumblepaw. "I think we should go to the temporary camp" She looks at Mumblepaw a tiny hint of fear in her eyes.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 07:50:57
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 30/30- river- mentions:
“Come. There is an important announcement to be made,” she purred to the apprentices. They looked mildly confused. Once Hawkpaw reached them, Pebblesplash turned around to bring them back to camp. Pebblesplash walked with a spring in her step. It’s been so long since the clan has had something to celebrate! She lead them back to the camp, where Lioncloud was waiting to make them warriors.

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 08:45:39
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|18/18|river
Dappledpaw heard the call to the apprentices and hurried over to the river, curious of what was going on. Suddenly she tripped over a log and limped as fast as she could, hoping she wasn't missing anything.

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 11:45:36
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Icepaw

Lynxpaw quietly rejoined the Clan, slipping past various cats on her way to the medicine station, and occasionally stopping to pick up a herb she'd dropped. As the area came into sight, she happened to notice Icepaw there, looking around with a look of concern. What had happened now? She trotted across, quickening her pace, and passed Icepaw to put down the herbs somewhere safe before turning around again to greet her. "Something wrong, Icepaw?" As she spoke, her paws busily sorted the herbs she'd picked up into separate piles, ready to store safely for later use. Most of it consisted of herbs that she hopefully wouldn't need too soon; chamomile, fennel and a small clump of dock leaves, but it was always better to be prepared.

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 12:47:16
Dappledpaw|12 moons|Apprentice|river
Dappledpaw scented Pebblesplash nearby and skidded to a halt, turning around and running after them again. What was going on? they seemed happy. Dappledpaw hoped there would finally be some good news. Finally she caught up with the other apprentices. "What's going on?" she asked, falling in beside her clanmates.

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Edited on 24/09/18 @ 12:56:08 by Deathbringer (#142050)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 12:49:16
Please make sure all replies are 4+ lines in length in compliance with the rules!

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 14:06:05
Alderpaw - 13 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Rainpaw, Stripepaw, Softpaw (ID), Swallowpaw (ID), Pebblesplash (ID), open!

Alderpaw looked up after he almost wandered straight into Rainpaw and Stripepaw, curling his tail more in embarrassment and refusing to make eye contact with the she-cat. He didn't feel much like being around or even talking about Softpaw and Swallowpaw, and he hadn't told a single cat how he felt about Softpaw yet. So how could he tell the truth? Trying to overcome his emotions, he shook his head and gave his pelt a few licks to keep it from standing on end, though there was still pain in his eyes. "I'm fine, I-I..." He trailed off, just in time for Pebblesplash's announcement, calling them to what sounded like the start of a ceremony. "Maybe they have." He mewed to Stripepaw quietly, appreciating the distraction. Difficult as he found it to connect with his Clanmates, he was glad he wasn't alone to brood on what he had just seen, and grateful of the company of the other apprentices. His gaze softened a bit and he gave a small purr of thanks to Rainpaw as she laid her tail on his shoulder. She seemed to understand that he was upset without having to ask about the details, which he definitely appreciated. Following her and Stripepaw over to Pebblesplash, he perked his ears at the mention of a special announcement. The warrior seemed rather excited about the whole thing, so at least it probably wasn't even more bad news, he thought.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 15:44:00

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Pebblesplash, Clearsong, All|Mentions Indirectly:|Location: Makeshift camp

The elder, let out a slight chuckle, at Clearsongs words. "She's just exited", the old tom said. The elder looked in the direction Pebblesplah had bounded off in, oh to be young again. Turning around, Lioncloud nodded his head to Clearsong, as the tom voiced the elders previous thoughts, about holding the meeting from the branch. Looking up at the branch, Lioncloud swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat all of a sudden, this made the long scar streaking across his throat bounce up and down. He suddenly felt anxious, he was no leader, but....
Letting out a sigh, the large tom set his shoulders. Clearing his throat, Lioncloud stepped past the others and walked to the tree. Looking up at the branch, the elder narrowed his eyes. Bunching his still strong muscles, Lioncloud swiftly jumped up the tree. Landing on the branch, Lioncloud looked over the cat's below him. It felt strange, almost like he was a Starclan cat looking down at the still living cats bellow him. Moving to the end of the thick and sturdy branch, the elder looked across their makeshift camp. Pebblesplash was already starting to round up the apprentices, do to her calling, some of the other cats had also started to take notice that something was happening.
Taking a deep breath, Lioncloud dug his long claws into the branch, as if to steady himself. "Let all clan cats gather for a clan meeting!", Lioncloud called, his usually raspy voice, now clear. The old tom's voice rang across the entire camp and even beyond.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 17:03:56
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 30/30- river- mentions: Clearsong, Lioncloud, Apprentices (ID)
Pebblesplash skidded next to Clearsong. She looked at him with excitement.
“This is so awesome!” She purred. Even after she said it ten times, she still meant it. Pebblesplash kneaded then ground. Stilling herself, she looked up to Lioncloud, her eyes shining.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-24 17:13:34
Softpaw - 13 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Territory, River - Mentions: Swallopaw, Pebblesplash, Rainpaw, Stripepaw, Lioncloud, Alderpaw, Swallowpaw, Open!

Softpaw was about to guide Swallowpaw to the tree he had spoken about when he heard Pebblesplash yowl his name. He closed his eyes and cursed softly under his breath. "We should see what it is." He mewed, rubbing his body against the slightly larger apprentice before padding off. He heard Lioncloud call a meeting and sped up to get a good spot. He spotted Alderpaw by Pebblesplash, Stripepaw and Rainpaw. He raised his tail and waved it at the other apprentice, before walking over to sit next to him. "You're back." He purred, curling his tail over his paws after settling close to the other apprentice. He looked from Alderpaw to Swallowpaw, a soft, happy sigh escaping him. "Have you noticed how beautiful Swallowpaw is?" He asked, his tone dreamy. It did not occur to the tom that his friend had feelings for him. He just thought they were really good friends.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-24 17:54:18
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|River|Mentions: Rainpaw, Alderpaw, Softpaw, Lioncloud(ID), Open!

Stripepaw let out a small yawn looking over to Rainpaw and Alder. "What do you think it's about?" He asked hearing Lioncloud call for a Clan meeting. The tom flicked his ear as Softpaw walked over asking, in Stripepaw's opinion, an odd question. "Erm, whatever you say Softpaw." He meowed awkwardly to the tom looking back to Rainpaw. 'Rainpaw definitely looks prettier that Swallowpaw.' He thought looking back up to Lioncloud.

Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|River|Mentions: Icepaw, Lioncloud(ID)

"I think I got it now." He meowed sitting down. "Ow. I forgot how much it hurts to sit down sometimes." He grunted wrapping his tail around his paws. Everything felt sore. He heard Lioncloud call for a Clan meeting. "Hmmm, you know what that's about?" He asked looking to the Medicine Apprentice. He flicked his ear then felt a sneeze coming on. He probably looked stupid as it went away.

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