Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-28 16:13:48

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: spottedpaw, Stagthorn|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: camp

Lioncloud looked over, as Spottedpaw came up next to him. For a few heartbeats, the old tom thought the apprentices question over. Looking to the warriors around him, Lioncloud wondered who should temporarily take over the apprentices training. The old toms blue eyes fell on a warrior close by, "Stagthorn!", the temporary leader called out to the warrior. As he caught the toms attention, Lioncloud pointed to Spottedpaw. "Do you mind taking over Spottedpaws training? while Hollowfall is unable to", the old calico tom asked.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-28 19:37:25
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Lioncloud, Softsong, Aldershade

Clearsong nodded as Lioncloud asked him to watch over the newly made warriors. Scanning the crowd to see if he could find them, he noticed only two of the four. Softsong and Aldershade were missing. He turned to Pebblesplash and rolled his eyes, "Starclan above, it's always those two running off somewhere! I swear, if they didn't have eachother they'd never go anywhere." He got up to leave, inviting anyone who wanted to help search for them with a few flicks of his ears.

He padded along, mouth slightly parted, to take in the scents. Eventually he felt his paws cross into the old Windclan territory and he looked up. "Why are they all the way out here?" He wondered aloud, fearing the worst could have happened to the two on their journey. He did detect fear in the scent trails, and they were fairly recent. He lashed his tail, looking up finally, to see if anyone had followed him. He might need backup for what had scared the two cats. He then shook his head, they were together: he could tell by the overlapping trails, and if they were together they were a fighting force. He opened hid mouth again and continued along the trail.

Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Spottedpaw, Stripecloud, Aldershade (ID), Softsong (ID), Pebblesplash (ID)

Rainpaw chuckled, "I guess." When she saw Softsong run off and Aldershade not far behind him. Narrowing her eyes, she was going to say something, when Spottedpaw padded up and asked them about her mentor. Then left after looking awkward for a second. Rainpaw shook her head, confused, when she hesrd Stripecloud ask what would happen next. She sat down heavily and let out an exhausted sigh, shaking her head, "Honestly, I say we just ride the current and see what happens." Her eyes focused again on Stripecloud's yellow gaze, and smiled. "This day has been... eventful. I'm glad the roughest of it seems to be over and we could lighten the mood once again."

She watched as Clearsong dashed past, almost stepping on her tail as he went the direction of Softsong and Aldershade. She let out a small hiss, yanking her tail in. The clan didn't need a bruised tail on their list of things to fix and she was most certainly not going to put more work on the shoulders of the young medicine apprentices. She closed her eyes, and her mind cleared up of foggy thoughts as she realised she had made a new friend in Stripecloud. She looked up once more and murmured "Thank you." Just loud enough for him to hear, she was glad to have a friend to talk to. Sure she had Pebblesplash, but she felt like the fact that she is four moons older than her borders the line of friendship and respect. Stripecloud however, was a kit and apprentice for a longer time with her. She felt as though his friendship could be more casual. Though, she still loved both of her friends and wouldn't trade them for anything. She shook her head, realising she had been lost in thought for a moment, At this rate, I'm gonna be as sentimental as Clearsonng! She scoffed, inwardly.

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Edited on 28/09/18 @ 19:40:44 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 08:56:52
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Open

With the meeting over, Lynxpaw quietly trotted away from the other cats to retreat into the medicine station. She smiled to herself, feeling very glad- not only for the new warriors, but for the temporary deputies and leaders too. The Clan had certainly needed the mood boost, she figured. Looking around the medicine station, she turned her attention to the few herbs she had stored around her. There weren't that many bundles she could see, and the more she looked the more apparent it was to her that she and Icepaw were terribly, terribly understocked. This she found both irritating and somewhat worrying, and so she set about checking what herbs they did and didn't have- the ones she could remember, at least.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 09:07:22
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Temporary Camp

Featherheart sighed she carefully groomed herself making her fur neat at least for now she knew that the minute she went hunting or patroling it would get messed up but hey might as well be neat for now right?Her tail twitched as she looked around the camp she then wrapped her tail around her paws watching everyone who was in the camp.She needed to train Hawkpaw more she would do that when she could find him.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 10:58:41
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Mentions: Clearsong, Honeyfrost
Pebblesplash shook her head.
“I swear, Clearsong leave them alone until vigil time!” She called after him. They probably just wanted alone time to reflect the ceremony. Of course, that was just what Pebblesplash was telling herself. She heard Rainpaw yelp as Clearsong stepped on her. Toms! she thought with irritation. Springing to her feet, she started after Clearsong. Honestly, they aren’t need back yet!
Pebblesplash found herself heading out to the moor. Why here?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 11:35:03
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Moor- Mentions: Pebblesplash

The wind was blowing away from him which made it harder for Clearsong to track the two warriors. He sniffed the grass once more before tilting his head in confusion, Why do I smell- his though was cut short when he heard pawsteps apporaching. Turning around, he saw the tall, mostly black shape of Pebblesplash two tail lengths behind. "Hey!" He called, I" think they're around here somewhere... Though I may have lost the trail with the wind." His tail flicked, if only his nose was better at scenting open land. He was used the forest, where the scents lingered do to many things to brush against, but out here in the open, there was only the occasional heather bush and blackberry shrub to hold scents. Other than that, it was up to strong sniffers or low winds. "Where are they?" He growled half to himself, looking at Pebblesplash once more he added, "I know they can look after themselves, but our clan has shranken since the time of merging and there's just so much ground to cover."

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 11:51:43
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|18/18 health|temporary camp|Lioncloud
Dappledpaw padded up to the elder, dipping her head respectfully. "Lioncloud- many of the older apprentices became warriors, and I know I don't have a mentor, but I've been trying hard to help and training the best I can whenever I have free time. All I want is to be a warrior!" She pleaded, sitting at his paws to show that she knew he was in charge and th decision was entirely up to him.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-29 11:59:24
Softsong - 13 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Moor Tunnels - Mentions: Aldershade (ID), Open!

Softsong crawled further into the alluring darkness ahead of him, his small frame making it easier for him to manoeuvre the tunnels. He closed his eyes and focused more on his other senses, feeling the cool dirt below his pads, the walls against his whiskers, and the sound of his tail swaying and hitting the floor and sides. With his earlier worries erased, the black and white warrior proceeded to crawl deeper into the dark abyss ahead of him. His mind was almost blank. He was so focused on his surroundings, it felt almost liberating. A smile spread across his face, and his heart leapt with joy. Why had he never been here before? He had no idea that his Clanmates were looking for him, and certainly no clue that Aldershade was standing outside the tunnel he had taken his escape into. For now, it was just him and the coolness below ground.

Whiskers and careful steps guided the newly made warrior through the darkness, each successful step giving him more and more confidence. He sped up a little, thriving in a personal challenge to not crash into a wall. The old scent of rabbit grew fresher, and he slowed down his pace. He felt surprise wash over him. He had no idea that rabbits used these tunnels. Had he discovered some new way to hunt rabbits? He amused himself with the thought, then crouched down and started stalking. One paw gently put down in front of the other. The scent grew stronger. He faintly heard the thumping of another animal's feet against the cold floor of the tunnel. He tensed his muscles, instinct taking over and making this an easy decision. He took a deep breath. Heartbeats later, he launched himself into a sprint, chasing after the rabbit. He relied solely on his ears, whiskers and nose now. One wrong step, and he would slam against a wall.

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Edited on 01/10/18 @ 14:18:43 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 17:09:12
Stagthorn | 30 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Lioncloud, Clearsong, Earthquake, Honeyfrost, Spottedpaw, Dappledpaw

Stagthorn's fur prickled as Lioncloud made the announcement and questioned to himself why such a young and inexperienced cat was chosen but decided that he must have faith in the decision. One cat who doubted could bring down the clan. He nodded to the chosen cats politely and took a step back. A few moments later when Lioncloud asked him to take over Spottedpaw's training he happily agreed. "Of course I will," he meowed. An apprentice was just what he needed to take his mind off everything else going on. Stagthorn noticed that Dapplepaw was also asking for a mentor. He turned again to Lioncloud and said "I've had plenty of apprentices in my time and I wouldn't mind taking her on if that suited you."

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-09-29 17:53:47

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Spottedpaw, Stagthorn, Dapplepaw, Honeyfrost|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: camp

Lioncloud was glad, that Stagthorn had agreed to take on Spottedpaw. As the old tom was about to stand up to attend to other duties, the calico toms attention was taken by Dapplepaw. That was right, the young she-cat never did have a mentor, did she? Lioncloud thought. The old tom then looked back to Stagthorn, as the warrior offered to take on Dapplepaw as well. The old tom grumbled, he did not like the idea of having one warrior take on two apprentice at once.
Nodding his head to Stagthorn, the old tom started to speak, "Although I am pretty sure that you could manedge, I think the clan needs your strength and wisdom. I think that taking on two apprentices would take to much of your time right now.", Lioncloud then turned to Dapplepaw, "That being said....", the elder paused for a few heartbeats and looked around. "Honeyfrost!", the calico tom called to the deputy. Getting the she-cat attention, Lioncloud continued. "I know that you where just named deputy, but do you mind taking over Dapplepaws training? If not, then.... then I might", Lioncloud finished, the last statement came out a bit hesitant.

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 06:15:10
Honeyfrost | 36 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 Health | Temp Camp | Mentions: Lioncloud, Clearsong, Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Dapplepaw, Softsong, Aldershade, Stagthorn, Featherheart

Honeyfrost's icy blue eyes widened in surprise as she gasped. She was chosen to be deputy!... Well, deputy until Stormberry and Hollowfall woke up, at least. Still, it was nice to feel important. She purred in delight as cats came up to her, congradulating her of her new, *Temporary,* she reminded herself, position. Hearing her name being called, she turned to Lioncloud again, already making up a list of names once she heard, "Patrol." She nodded again, turning to Dapplepaw with a warm smile.

"Come along," she said. "Stagthorn, Spottedpaw, and Featherheart will be coming with us on patrol. Then you can show me everything you know so I know what to teach you." She turned away for a second to yowl Featherheart's name before turning back and trotting away. "Are you up for it?" she asked Stagthorn as she walked past.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 09:09:16
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Mentions: Clearsong
Pebblesplash sighed and followed him further.
“I know you’re just trying to be a good deputy, but maybe they just need some... alone time,” she tried to reason, “I could be completely wrong though.” She opened her jaws to scent the air. only a faint trace... Pebblesplash lashed her tail with irritation. She was beginning to see Clearsong’s reasoning. This was kinda causing more stress for the clan.

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 12:12:55
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Icepaw (Indirect), Honeyfrost

Lynxpaw paced around, becoming increasingly anxious as she counted all the herbs she was missing. Chervil, poppy seeds... they didn't even have dandelions! She sighed to herself, tidying up the herb piles she had disturbed while counting, and recounted the list she'd made in her head one last time before leaving the medicine station. Icepaw would have to deal with any incidents while she was herb collecting, but hopefully she wouldn't be too long. As she began to leave camp however, she suddenly heard someone mention a patrol and turned to look. Honeyfrost seemed to be organising a group to leave camp with, and Lynxpaw's ears perked up in interest. A useful opportunity, perhaps if they weren't too busy, the patrol could assist with carrying herbs with her on the way back to camp. Trotting across, she approached the new (temporary) deputy and gave her a polite but friendly smile. "Would it be alright if I came along too? We're missing quite a few herbs; it would be a huge help if I could search for them while following the patrol".

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 13:41:13
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Moor- Mentions: Pebblesplash

Clearsong tipped his head to once side, his eyes widening. "You-" his voice cracked and he cleared his throat, "You don't think I'm overstepping my boundaries, do you?" He asked, Maybe she's right. They could just be chasing rabbits for all I know. He kneaded the grass, his paws easily sinking into the wet earth as he did so. "Oh, I dunno, Pebblesplash. They could just be spending some quality time together, you've seen how Alderp- Aldershade," He corrected himself, "Acts toward Softsong. Do you think we should just head back?" He started to doubt himself, was he just worrying for no reason? His fur rippled along his spine as he thought of one of them being in trouble or getting separated. He set his gaze once more and kept his claws unsheathed in the dirt, steadying himself. "No." His voice shook once more, "But what if they're in trouble? We can't not check!" Once again his thoughts contradicted eachother, They aren't helpless kits! They can fend for themselves. Warriors head off all the time anyway. One part of him grumbled, But what if a fox started attacking them! There's only the two, they wouldn't separate from eachother! If they got hurt no one would know! Another part fretted. While his thoughts were racing, he almost didn't hear Pebblesplash's response. "I could be completely wrong, though." "What do you think we should do, Pebble?" He asked, finally.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 13:46:43
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Temporary Camp

Featherheart stood up following Honeyfrost."Sorry.."She said quietly she was very quiet mainly because she was thinking but she pushed all her thoughts aside she was needed now so she couldnt be thinking about anything else right now while on patrol.She needed to focus not be thinking her tail twitched as she perked her ears you always had to listen while you were on patrol for any noises that might give away that something or someone was there.

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