Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-10-02 15:44:45
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-11/18-river
Spottedpaw looks at Lioncloud and Stagthorn. She dips her respectfully. "Thank you Lioncloud." She limps slowly, her muscles feeling sore. She limps away to Mumblepaw. "Hey Mumblepaw. I talked to Lioncloud and assigned me a temporary mentor. Stagthorn." She looks at Mumblepaw excitedly. She was really glad that Lioncloud agreed to give her a mentor.

Icepaw-7 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18-River
Icepaw looks at the herbs she collected. She only found a little bit of feverfew and horsetail. Maybe she should get Lynxpaw and see what herbs she got. They also needed to find a safe place to put the fresh herbs. She walks slowly over to the medicine station the scents of feverfew and horsetail mixing together. She sets down the herbs slowly. Hopefully no one grew ill. "Hey Lynxpaw are you here?"

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Edited on 02/10/18 @ 16:14:02 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-10-02 19:12:07
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Spottedpaw

Mumblepaw would angrily mutter to himself as he sat by himself. His ear perked as someone began speaking to him. The young tom looked over, it was Spottedpaw. "Oh, hello Spottedpaw." He smiled softly before listening to the she talk about her new temporary mentor. "That's great, you'll be getting back into training in no time. I'm sure you'll learn a lot from Stagthorn while Hollowfall is... gone." Mumblepaw looked down to the ground, narrowing his eyes. After a while he looked back to Spottedpaw. "Let's move on from that." He sighed. "I haven't talked to Hawkpaw much, we could go hang with him for a bit. Just hang and relax, get out minds away from the stress." He mewed. "I could use some calming down... I hate all of this..." He added aloud.

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Edited on 02/10/18 @ 19:13:29 by ∞ Komasan ∞ (#147164)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 12:53:08
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Aldershade, Softsong

Clearsong lashed his tail, "No!" He said, a little more aggressively than he meant. He padded around Pebblesplash and looked at her, blocking her way with himself. "I wont let you go down there, you'll get lost too, you don't know how far down he is." He paused, thinking over how Softsong could get out. He padded to the hole and gazed into it's darkness for a second before shouting into it. "Softsong? Can you get out? Are you okay?" He hoped he didn't sound like an anxious mother, knowing it may only make the tom not want to come out more. He sat beside the entrance before looking to Aldershade. "Have you two ever gone down rabbit burrows before?" He decided that maybe Softsong went down because he may be confident enough to traverse the winding tunnels, though it was mostly to reassure himself.

Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Open!

Rainpaw suddenly felt a wave of weariness crash into her. She stumbled, as her joints locked for a moment. She stretched, feeling her muscles ripple under her silver pelt, before padding off to the river to have a quick swim. Feeling refreshed, she padded into camp and shook out her coat, the water falling off. She sat down and started grooming herself.

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 13:43:23
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|18/18 | Temporary camp, Territory|Rainpaw, Open
Dappledpaw shot after a mouse, pinning it to the ground just as it saw her. It's shrieking died off as she dug her claws into it's throat. Triumphantly she padded over to a tree's twisting roots and unburied three other mice and a thrush and proudly walked back to the temporary camp. "Hey, Rainpaw!" Dappledpaw greeted the wet apprentice as she padded into the camp. She headed for the fresh kill pile, deciding afterwards to go see if her mentor had anything planned.

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Edited on 08/10/18 @ 10:15:08 by Deathbringer (#142050)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 14:17:40

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: NPCs {Branchshadow, Flowerkit, Rabbitpaw}|Mentions Indirectly: NPCs {Fishtail}|Location: StarClan

The medicine cat looked in shock, as the battle started. 'This was wrong, it was just wrong', Horsetail thought, a bit incredulous that this battle was actually taking place. The dark sand colored tom walked a bit forward, towards the edge of the tree line. He could not believe what he was seeing, so many cats, cats that should be resting here in peace, where fighting. Was his kin somewhere down there as well? As his light blue-green eyes scanned the battle scene below him, Horsetail let out a sigh. To be honest, he did not want to know. What if his kin died here in Starclan, what then? Where would they go?
Turning away from the blood shed bellow him, Horsetail plucked him his courage. He needed to find herbs, cats would be hurt after all. As he moved through the bushes, the toms nose searched for any signs of herbs. Horsetail paused, as another smell hit his keen senses. It was so fermillier, where had he? Horsetail froze in his tracks, then started to run. Breaking through some bushes, Horsetails breath caught in his throat. In front of him was a group of cats, apprentices and kits with a few she-cats as well. There at the very front of the group, there she stood. His sister, Rabbitpaw. "Rabb...", Horsetails words got caught and he called again, "Rabbitpaw!!", there was such joy, but also pain. Horsetail started walking towards the group, his eyes trained on his sister. The last time he had seen her, she was killed by a monster. They had been out alone, Rabbitpaw had been helping Horsetail, back then Horsepaw, to gather some herbs. They had not been allowed out alone, but still they had gone and then..... and then the monster. It had come out of nowhere, as they walked over the old thunderpath, there were never any monsters there. Reaching his sister, Horsetail purred. The medicine cat reached down and Rabbitpaw reached up with her head, the littermates touched noses. "I am so glad to see you", Horsetail purred. Looking passed his sister, he spotted a young kit standing next to a beautiful cream colored she-cat. "FLowerkit, Branchshadow!", Horsetail called, walking over to his mother and sister. He touched noses with both of them in turn, "You're my brother, right?", the little kit asked. They had never really met, since Flowerkit had died before any of them had ever opened their eyes."Yes, I'm your brother", Horsetail said. Looking to his mother, the tom asked, "Where is Fishtail?" Horsetail was looking around for his father, "Is he.....?", the medicine cat trailed off, as Branchshadow only nodded her head. His father had gone to fight, fight the cat of the place of no stars. Horsetail hung his head a bit, but cleared up again, as his eyes fell on Flowerkit and Rabbitpaw.

Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Camp

A smile came to the old calico toms face, as he saw so many cats heading off to fulfill their duties. Lioncloud was a bit amazed that he and Earthquake had been accepted as leaders, without any protest. At least now, the clan seemed to be a bit more relaxed. As the old tom started walking, he looked to the uncountius high ranking cats. A sigh escaped him, when would everything go back to normal? He wondered.
Shaking out his fur, the old tom looked oud the edge of the camp for anyplace for him to take a rest. It was starting to get late and his old body was finally starting to give way. He saw no place that would be good enough. As he turned to look towards the large tree, he had called the meeting from, Lioncloud noticed a brake in the bushes at its side. That should be good enough, it might even be big enough for both temporary co-leaders. Passing by many cats, the old tom nodding his head to them as he went. With in a few strides, Lioncloud reached the bushes. Ducking his head inside, the old tom smiled. This would be perfect. Walking inside, a bit hunched, Lioncould inspected the hollow. The branches would not make it watertight, just yet, so there was still some work to be done, but otherwise it looked good. It was also pretty large, so both him and Earthquake could probably stay in it. The old calico leader lay down on the grown, not really caring that he did not yet have a nest. With his head pointing out the entrance, Lioncloud watched his clan mates.

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Edited on 04/10/18 @ 14:18:14 by LightQueen [Dwarf] {Light OFF} (#59203)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 17:54:21
Spottedpaw-7 moons-apprentice-11/18-River
"Oh ok. Where is Hawkpaw?" Where was he? Was he doing all right? She heard Mumblepaw say that he hated this. She really hated this to especially with her mentor unconscious. She limps closer to him and licks the top of his head. "I hate this to. Now we should where Hawkpaw is. I think he might be resting somewhere." She looks around some more hoping to find the tom.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 19:37:07
Stripecloud|13 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripecloud saw Rainpaw stumble. "Are you alright?" There was worry in his eyes. He didn't want anything to happen to Rainpaw, or anybody in general. So many cats were hurt, they didn't need more. Stripecloud flicked his ear nervously. If she was hurt what could he do about it? 'Don't overreact, f she responds she'll be okay. I hope."

Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Featherheart

Hawkpaw saw her sit down. "Well you better catch up with it. I think I'm gonna rest. Everything still hurts a bit." He chuckled. He flicked his tail in goodbye and walked of leaving Featherheart to think. Well, limped off. The tom settled down near a bush. Many cats were walking around. Hawkpaw would help but he felt tired. He laid his head on his paws and closed is eyes.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 19:47:41
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw shook herself, "Yeah, just tired." She said. She saw the worry in his eyes and placed her muzzle in his shoulder fur in comfort. She felt very calm near him. She laid down, watching the clans movements. The sun was close to setting and the two new warriors still seemed to be missing. "What do you think will happen if they don't come back in time for their vigil? Will Starclan not accept them?" She curled her tail toward her, flattening her ears a bit a the thought of Starclan's anger, though they've had a lot of that already.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 20:19:14
Stripecloud|13 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

"They'll make it back. They got two Warriors with them. Two that know more than them." He let out a sigh laying down next to her. "I'm glad they made us Warriors, but I always imagined Sunstar or Willowstar doing it." He let out a sigh. "I guess I also imagined my brother here. But that changed too. We can wish thing, but can't always get them. Is that strange that I think about these things?" He sighed.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-05 03:28:21
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw nodded, her gaze soft as she looked at him, "Not at all." She shook her head slowly, "We all wish certain things never happened. I wish I didn't make such stupid decisions as a kit. I wish we didn't leave camp and that we never found the fox den. I wish my brother hadn't been taken from me." She closed her eyes, her voice growing quiet as she went on. "Maybe then he would be walking with me and not Starclan." She looked up agsin, "We can wish and we can think, that's how we know we're alive... but I... I wish that some wishes came true, as do you, and every other cat." She added. She felt her fur brush his and she felt her pelt lie flat again, it was warm and soft. She felt comfort from it.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-05 06:57:39
Stripecloud|13 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

"I'm sorry that happened to your brother. Foxes are savages. They don't have minds as we do. Were you and your brother close?" He asked softly. He didn't want to make her feel bad. He felt her fur brush his and smiled. He looked up to the sky thinking of his brother and hers. The tom flattened his ears and looked back to Rainpaw. His gaze was soft and warm.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-05 14:42:30
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud

She nodded, "Any time I went looking for trouble, he'd follow me to make sure I wasn't going to do something stupid. I guess I got used to it. I forced him up early one morning to go check out a hole I discovered the day before. I could never have guessed how it ended up." She shook her head, "You think they became friends in Starclan? Breezekit and your brother, I mean. You think they're warriors now? Or kits still?" She smiled, the first time she had smiled while thinking of her brother. "I hope they became warriors."

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-05 15:17:06
Stripecloud|11 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp| Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripecloud looked up to the sky thinking of his own brother. His ears pinned back against his head going as far as they could. Stripecloud didn't smile like Rainpaw had. He felt sad. "I don't know what's going on up there. I hope they became warriors. I can just imagine my brothers Warrior name, Tanglefur. He always wanted to be Tanglestrike, but I said I always bet he would be Tanglefur. I guess I'll never know now." He sighed smiling a bit.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-05 15:44:07
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud

"I like the name Tanglefur, though Tanglestrike isn't bad either." She looked up at the sky, following Stripecloud's gaze to a lone star in the sky. Did he see that as Tanglefur...strike...paw? She imagined it to be Breezekit, "I wonder what Breezekit's name would have been. Breeze... flight? Breezeheart? Breezestorm?" Breezestorm She liked the way it sounded. She looked back at Stripecloud, seeing him smile again. She smiled once more in return, before looking up at the star again. Breezekit. Are you up there? she prayed, If I ever held you back for being caught up on your death, I'm sorry. She looked at the missing patch of fur on her tail, fluffed it once, then flicked her tail back behind her. Stay happy wherever you ended up.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-05 15:49:00
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Moor|Mentions: Clearsong, Aldershade
Pebblesplash dipped her head to Clearsong.
"He's probably too far down for him to hear us. I don't know what to do," panic rose in her voice.
"Aldershade, do you know why he went down there?" she mewed to him. He eyes flashed as anxiety crept in once more. This can't be happening! Not now!
"Should we return to camp?" Pebblesplash paused for a moment.
"The tunnels won't flood... right? With the sky darkening rain is coming for sure..." Pebblesplash kneaded the ground nervously.

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