Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 13:47:47
Earthquake|32 Moons|Health: 30/30|Temp/Co-Leader|Temporary Camp|Mentions:[Open]
Earthquake stirred from his spot, having stayed up all night made his muscles cramped and stiff. Despite having not slept last night, he was still rather restless, he watched idly as light scattered the shadows of the tree leaves above him. The sounds of camp just bustling about, he continued to watch the shadows of the leaves, one shape of light making the faintest outline of a cat. He huffed in amusement not thinking much of it as the wind tugged at his fur.
They had to think of some way to contact their sleeping members in Starclan, he would most likely discuss it later with his father.
Distracted by the lightened outline of the cat again, he drew one claw and wrote a greeting in front of it, it brought a grin to his face but that was about it. He tapped the earth sighing, they seemed so close to Starclan, just right under their noses yet so far away they couldn't communicate the simplest message. It complicated things for the clan, although things seemed in order he couldn't help but miss Sunstar and Willowstar, he was pretty sure the others missed them as well.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 14:09:17
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Moor|Mentions: Clearsong
Pebblesplash padded up to him.
"I think you should do what you think is right," she said after hesitating for a moment, "Personally, I would give them a little longer to return." Pebblesplash thought the reasoning was fine. Clearsong, however, was the temporary deputy. She would follow him if decided to go after the new warriors.
"I think they just need time to reflect," she reasoned.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-09-30 14:37:46
Harepaw~10 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp/River~Mentions: *OPEN*
The she-cat dropped a squirrel in a small kill pile that was growing. She never had to rebuild a camp before, so it was a new experience for her. She was more than happy to do it for her clan, but has no clue where to start. She looked around, lost, looking for someone that might have an idea of where to start, or could tell her where to start. She hated this feeling: lost. She wanted to know what to do in every situation, well maybe that's unrealistic. Maybe not every situation, but at least in most situations that would face the clan. Pray to Starclan it doesn't, but knowing to build a camp could be handy again in the future.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-30 14:37:46
Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|Temprary Camp|Mentions: Featherheart, Honeyfrost

Hawkpaw was glad that they had new leaders and deputies. 'I wonder if they will stay temporary.' He thought sadly looking to all the high ranks. He gave a sigh and stood up. He looked around wondering where Featherheart was. he saw her walking with Honeyfrost. He ran up to her, the pain was mostly gone. But not really. He could feel it. "Hi, Honeyfrost, Featherheart." He meowed.

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 14:42:51
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|18/18|temporary camp|Honeyfrost
Dappledpaw leaped excitedly. She had a mentor! This is what she had always dreamed of! Happily she padded after her mentor.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 14:44:23
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Temporary Camp

Featherheart looked at Hawkpaw."Hello Hawkpaw.."She said wondering where the apprentice had been she sighed."Are you ok?"She said finally as she twitched her ears she realized how much she truly needed to train the apprentice more but where should she start?She asked herself hunting maybe or battle training?She didnt know but she would decide later right now she needed to focus on doing what she needed to do.She sighed again thinking of all the things she needed to do.

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Edited on 30/09/18 @ 16:02:59 by Ash167 (#137584)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 15:59:02
Mininum 4+ lines per reply! Thank you!

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-30 16:18:27
Hawkpaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|15/18 Health|Temprary Camp|Mentions: Featherheart

"Healing." He replied looking to his mentor. He looked around for a second, for no reason, then back to his mentor. He only saw two of the newly made warriors. He shrugged. "Where are you going?" He asked flicking his ear. He kept pace with her, he was only a little bit smaller than her. But that was because he was still growing.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-30 16:20:12
Aldershade - 13 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Clan territory (Moors) - Mentions: Softsong, Clearsong (ID), Pebblesplash (ID)

Aldershade sniffed a little at the entrance to the small tunnel - Softsong was surely down there. The tunnel was big enough to fit him inside too, but he was unsure. The young tom was not fond of small spaces; one of the reasons why the forest felt so oppressive and restricted. He was worried about his fellow warrior, of course, but it was no good to any cat if something bad happened, and it killed or injured them both. So instead of launching himself into the tunnel, he poked his head in and narrowed his eyes as he looked into the darkness. "Softsong! Softsong, are you in there?" He called, as loud as he possibly could. He didn't know how long this tunnel was, didn't know how far in Softsong was. He pulled his head back out and sighed, waiting impatiently for an answer. Softsong had led him into danger and almost certainly some kind of trouble, and the other tom could expect a harsh welcome when he came back out of the tunnel.

His large ears perked when he faintly heard voices, but they weren't Softsong. In the distance, he could see Clearsong and Pebblesplash, and he curled his tail in anxiety. Had they been sent to bring them back to camp for punishment? Hesitantly, he waved his long tail at them, not willing to put up a fight if that was the case. He wasn't the type of cat to disobey the rules..what was he out here for? On the other end of the spectrum however, who else would go after Softsong and talk him down? He saw the other tom as his responsibility, and yes, he loved him. But the more Softsong placed doubts in his head and lead him into trouble, the more his patience was tried. He wasn't going to wait his whole life for Softsong to get himself together. They were warriors now, the silliness had to stop.

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GayDinoNuggy (#128606)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 05:53:43

Silvermoon - 20 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Temp Camp - Mention-Featherheart, Hawkpaw

Silvermoon padded around the temp camp his amber eyes scanning the crowd of cats. Soon he spotted Featherheart and Hawkpaw and he padded up to them and dipped his head as he said " hello Featherheart and Hawkpaw and smiled. As he looked at them he said " what is wrong? you both look as if someone just took your favorite prey." he felt that the morale of the camp was kind of going both ways but he felt it was more bad than good. As he looked around he spotted Dapplepaw and waved his tail to her for her to come over.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-01 14:23:42
Softsong - 13 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Tunnels - Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong's concentration was broken by a sudden voice interrupting the quiet of the tunnel, resulting in him slamming head-first into one of the walls. He winced and rubbed his head with his paw where it hit, then turned his head towards where the voice had come from. He recognised it as Aldershade's, warmth filling him when he realised that meant he had followed him all the way here. He turned tail and started making his way back to where he had come from. He followed his own scent trail easily enough, but he figured he must have explored for a while, as he could not see any light from up ahead. Perhaps he would just have to follow his trail for a bit longer. He doubted he was lost. His mind whirled with excitement over what he had discovered. This meant so much for the hunting possibilities for the clan! If he and other small cats could scare rabbits out of tunnels like these, they would never have to go hungry during leaf-bare again!

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 14:33:17
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Aldershade, Softsong (ID)

He nodded to pebblesplash, padding next to her as he tried to gather his thoughts. A movement suddenly caught his eye, focusing his vision he realized he was about to trip over a branch, but a little too late, he tripped over the branch. His tail flailed wildly as he fought to regain balance. When he finally did he realized the movement was Aldershade greeting him. "Very professional, Clearsong!" He grumbled to himself before trotting forward to meet the young warrior. He shook himself when he stopped to recollect himself, when he noticed a certain absence. His eyes widened, He was right! Something HAD happened. "Where's Softsong!" His gaze turned to the opening next to him. It smelled of rabbit and... he moved closer... Softsong! "Did he go down there! He'll get lost! Those burrows can go on from here to the old Thunderclan camp!" He started to pace, his thoughts going wild. He was always one to fret easily over things.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 14:40:03
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Temporary Camp

Featherheart."Patrol.."She said her tail twitching she looked down at him her ears twitched.She then wrapped her tail around he paws as she sat down.She licked her fur down nice and neat.She sighed she thought of things to do after the patrol she didnt knoe but she was sure she would think of something to do.There were probably plenty of things to do right?She asked herself.She then thought of something else how long would they stay this way?How long would the temporary leaders be the leaders?She tail twitched as she thought about all this but she pushed all those thoughts aside for now.She would think about this later.

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GayDinoNuggy (#128606)

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Posted on
2018-10-02 04:52:53

Silvermoon - 20 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Temp Camp - Mention-Featherheart, Hawkpaw

Silvermoon tilted his head slightly as he said " patrol? what about it?" he was worried for Featherheart as he felt the despair rolling off of her like waves. As he sat down in front of her he smiled and said " if you're worried about the temporary leader you don't have to worry I'm sure we will get the original ones back soon!" he said with a little of enthusiasm. As he looked around the camp he thought about it himself ' what if they never come back? what if we have temporary leader forever? what if we never can go home?' he said as his mood turned dark.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-02 07:36:15
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Moor|Mentions: Clearsong, Aldershade
Pebblesplash sprang forward.
“I can go look,” she offered, “better me then you, Clearsong. You’re the deputy right now! We can’t afford to have you get lost in the dark.” she looked at Aldershade.
“Are you sure he’s lost?” Pebblesplash didn’t want to unnecessarily put herself on the line in Softsong was confirmed alright. If Aldershade didn’t know, she would spring into the tunnels.

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Edited on 02/10/18 @ 07:36:35 by Hurri (#147819)

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