Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-05 15:56:23 |
Softsong | 13 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Tunnels | Mentions: Aldershade(ID), Pebblesplash(ID), Clearsong, Open! Softsong kept up a fast pace as he followed his scent trail, his ears perking when he heard voices ring through the tunnels. He faintly recognised them as Pebblesplash and Clearsong. He refused the nervousness that tried to grip its claws into him, he was too proud of his discovery. He eventually saw a tiny light ahead and knew he had managed to find his way back. He had not even considered that he could have got lost underground. It had felt so natural to him to crawl there, and his instincts had simply proven to know exactly what he should do. Of course he had no idea that Aldershade was upset with him for having gone into the tunnels, though he should perhaps have foreseen that. His ears perked up when he heard Clearsong's voice call out to him. "I'm fine!" He shouted back, deciding to hurry up a little. He felt like he had found a missing piece of himself down in the tunnels, so was much more calm than he had been in moons. Snowecho | 25 Moons | Med. Cat | 30/30 | Starclan | Mentions: Stormberry, Horsetail, Open! Snowecho was relieved that Stormberry welcomed his comfort, making sure to give him many comforting licks to calm him before the battle. He nodded his head, a promise that he would make sure he was remembered in a fond light. He relished in the affection given in return, it gave him hope that he was still cared for by the deputy. "Your rightful place is with Starclan, but I won't let you leave me yet." He stated, though it was more like a promise. He reluctantly stayed back as the bigger tom stepped forwards. "You're forgiven." He mewed quietly, his voice almost choked. He dreaded the fight that would come, worried that he would lose Stormberry in it. He turned his head and looked at Horsetail. He saw that the other medicine cat had occupied himself with his family. He let his blue gaze fall on the battle, trying to pick out where his mother was. He felt more alone than ever as he sat there. He hated the feeling. Shaking his head, he got up and ran towards the forest, starting to pick the necessary herbs to heal his fighting Clanmates. "Forgive me for losing my belief in you." The medicine cat murmured quietly as he settled away from the fighting. He started sorting the herbs according to what they did. "I won't make up excuses, it was out of spite. I hated you for allowing Vixenpaw to die. I hated you more when cats started getting struck by lightning." He continued, speaking to no cat in particular. "Especially when you made Stormberry fall in love with Sunstar... Why did you let me develop feelings for him?" ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-06 14:17:16 |
Clearsong - 15 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Pebblesplash, Aldershade, Softsong Clearsong let out a large sigh as he saw Softsong emerge from the tunnels. He closed his eyes for a moment, then padded forward. "Look," he started, "I know you're a warrior now and you don't need supervision, but" he flicked his tail to the two worried cats behind him, "you cant just run off like that. You half scared us all to death thinking you could get lost or drown in a tunnel flood with the storm that seems to be coming." He stepped back a bit, "But I'm glad you're okay." He said with another sigh. He looked to Aldershade and nodded to take it from here, before stepping back to give him some room. He paused in case Softsong wanted to say anything, but if he didn't he figured Aldershade could handle things and he would go back. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-06 15:26:22 |
Aldershade - 13 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Clan territory (moors) - Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash (ID), Softsong (ID) Aldershade waited impatiently for Softsong to re-emerge from the tunnels, feeling bad that Clearsong and Pebblesplash had made their way out to the moors after him as well. The Clan had more pressing issues than Softsong's adventures in the tunnels, and it made him angry. It seemed sometimes that all the other tom cared about was himself and his own feelings, and now about Swallowfall too. The thought made his short fur bristle, and he waited with the other cats to listen for a reply from Softsong. "I've never been down the tunnels before, I just hunt on the moors whenever I've come out here." He explained to Clearsong, though he let out a small sigh of relief once he heard Softsong's voice ring out from the tunnels. From the sounds of things, though, Clearsong and Pebblesplash seemed content enough to let him deal with Softsong, and bring him back to their temporary camp. "I can deal with it, I'll bring him back to camp in no time." He mewed, his voice low but a little unsteady. ![]() Edited on 06/10/18 @ 15:38:27 by Ash [WCU] (#117922) |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-06 22:00:29 |
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw Mumblepaw blinked in surprise as he felt Spottedpaw's tongue press against his head. He kept silent for a while, feeling his pelt become warmer. His ear perked as he heard Spottedpaw talk about finding Hawkpaw. "He shouldn't be too far so we'll find him soon." Mumblepaw mewed, his eyes scanning for the other apprentice. It didn't take long for Mumblepaw to spot Hawkpaw, who seemed to be resting near a bush. "I found him. But I think he's asleep." He huffed. "Maybe we should let him be, a bit of rest should be good for him." He added as he turned towards Spottedpaw. "We can chat with some other clanmates, or we could just relax together." He suggested, before letting out a tired yawn. Mumblepaw instantly shut his muzzle before looking away. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit worn out. I haven't slept much... or eaten. I'm just stressing myself." He let out a defeated sigh. ![]() |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-07 01:53:10 |
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Open Having received no approval for her to join the patrol, Lynxpaw sighed to herself, and quietly turned to leave camp. The longer she waited around, the longer it took to gather the herbs somebody might need. She slipped away through the bushes, headed towards the forest that once belonged to Thunderclan. Chervil was a finicky plant- or so she'd heard, at least- and it only grew in a few select spots in the forest. If she was lucky, she'd find some poppies and maybe a little goldenrod to gather too. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-09 20:37:07 |
Stripecloud|13 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw "I like Breezestorm. Makes him sound brave and strong." Stripecloud gave a sigh. "Why so many predators? A fox took your brother away and a dog took mine. I just wish none of it had happened." He dug his claws into the ground anger and sadness flooding him. He looked to the ground emotions flooding his senses. "I'm sorry, I just-" He stopped taking a shaky breath. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 03:31:39 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud Rainpaw's eyes widened and pressed herself against Stripecloud to comfort him, giving his ears gentle licks. Her heart ached at his comment, agreeing whole-heartedly with it. Her eyes reflected the pain Stripecloud felt, and, in a way, she also pressed against Stripecloud to comfort herself. "I-I know." Her voice cracked, "But... but it must have happened for a reason..." She started, then stopped. Rainpaw couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence. She didn't want to think of why kits had been killed. It made her angry and regretful and sad at the same time. ![]() |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 05:58:39 |
|Earthquake|32Moons|Health:30/30| |Temp/CoLeader|Forest|Mentions:Lynxpaw| Earthquake woke, not even realizing he had fallen asleep the night before, just as he noticed his father accommodate a spacious bush for the new leadership den. His distracted thoughts were interrupted however, as Lynxpaw was leaving camp and by herself it seemed. He thought it out, giving his legs a much needed stretch and an evaluation of the forest would be helpful. He caught up to her just in time "Hope you don't mind if I tag along...?" he said in a soft tone, padding along her side "Every self-respecting high-rank needs an escort." he smiled and winked. Although Lynxpaw wasn't a full medicine cat, he had high hopes for all the apprentices to make their ranks with the best of their ability, but I didn't hurt to pretend. ![]() Edited on 10/10/18 @ 05:59:51 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 11:15:52 |
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw Stripecloud felt comfort and warmth when Rainpaw pressed herself against him. He looked at her and pressed even closer to her. He could tell she was feeling the same way as him. "I don't get why StarClan gets to punish us all the time. I respect StarClan but sometimes I feel they make weird choices. Like how cats got struck by lighting. Our camp burned down. I just want to know why they are so angry." Stripecloud sighed looking back up to the sky. "It just doesn't seem right to take it out on us. You know what I mean?" He looked back to Rainpaw. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 14:12:58 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud Rainpaw slowly breathed in Stripecloud's scent, closing her eyes. "Starclan seems to always be angry. For what, I don't know. If it's to add some spice into our life, I'm not buying it. That's cruel." She huffed angrily, she turned to look at Stripecloud. "I swore to protect this clan with my life when I was made an apprentice... but how long will that life be?" Then she remembered something, "Wait... didn't Starclan say they had no control over the disasters that happen to us at one point?" She narrowed her eyes in confusion, "Who causes it then?" She was now confused and scared more than anything. "What if Starclan are powerless to help, and... and they don't cause any of this." She shook her head, her brain hurt to think about it. ![]() Edited on 10/10/18 @ 14:13:33 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze 🎃 (#140966) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 14:39:29 |
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw Stripecloud shrugged. "I don't know." He admitted. "But what else could control it?"He murmured looking back up to the sky. He wrapped his tail around Rainpaw and looked back to her. "We both made an oath. An oath to protect our Clan. We will follow this oath for the rest of our lives. Short or not. But you are my Clan mate, my friend, and I will make sure to protect you no matter what." ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 15:09:12 |
Sunstar | 27 Moons | Co-Leader | 20/40 | [Location] | Mentions: Stormberry, Snowecho, Vixenpaw Sunstar was panting, a long scratch down his back after fighting a rather strong cat. His ear was also torn, and his head a little fuzzy as he shook it to concentrate. His tail lowered, and he looked around to see if anyone needed help. Just as he looked across the battlefield, he saw Vixenpaw fighting a fat tabby she-cat. The she-cat had her pinned down, and her claws were pressing down on Vixenpaw's throat. The starry apprentice had tears falling from her face, but she wasn't whining. She was looking at her with a fire in her eyes. Sunstar was about to make his way over when he saw Brokenbone. The evil Dark Forest leader was on a rampage, knocking down cats, and he was heading straight for Stormberry. His heart was beating so fast. He had to choose, now! The leader charged after Brokenbone, hissing at him and jumping at his back. The other tom screeched, kicking Sunstar off. "I thought you had your fair share of death, Sunstar? Apparently you've come back for another death at my paw. But first, I have some unattended business to attend to with your deputy. He has to pay for being chosen over me. I would be leading the clan now if it wasn't for him. So, both of you will die." Brokenbone slashed his claws across Sunstar's throat, but barely missed. He picked up the leader, and threw him tail lengths across the battlefield, where Sunstar hit a tree, hearing a crack. The orange tom let out a scream. In horror, Sunstar looked back at Vixenpaw with extreme guilt, and watch as the apprentice was killed, her body exploding into fragments of stardust, drifting off into the stars. I'm sorry.. May we meet again.. He looked toward Snowecho, who was on the edge of the forest, with herbs. He made eye contact with the medicine cat, and gave him a look. Almost as if he was begging. Please.. please save my mate. ![]() Edited on 10/10/18 @ 15:14:35 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 15:15:52 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Stripecloud Rainpaw nodded, relaxing. "You're right." She sighed, "Thank you." She twitched her whiskers a bit as she added, "But I can help you sometimes too. I don't want to rely on you all the time." She purred, feeling comfort at last. "I'm glad we became friends." ![]() |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 15:35:22 |
Lynxpaw | 9 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Forest | Mentions: Earthquake Lynxpaw looked back when someone suddenly spoke near her, offering to 'escort' her, and finding it to be Earthquake made her genuinely surprised. Why would a co-leader- even if it was temporary -waste their time with her? 'A self-respecting high rank? As if.' It was then that she remembered she still had to reply, and ending what might have been slightly too long a pause she simply answered, "Yeah... Thank you, I could use the help". Heading into the forest, Lynxpaw went over the mental list of herbs she needed for probably the 8th or 9th time, and tried to keep an eye out for any of them. She was also vaguely aware that she should probably say something to Earthquake, but considering their vastly different ranks, she wasn't really sure what he usually talked about. "So... how do you feel? About being picked as a temporary co-leader and all?" ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-10 16:17:34 |
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw "I know, I'll probably rely on you sometimes. I'm also glad we became friends." He purred feeling, happy. It felt nice to just talk to Rainpaw. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath in. "I wonder what will happen next." He murmured opening his eyes again. "Do you think the high ranks will wake up?" ![]() |