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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 09:48:55
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 15/30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake, Harepaw
“Define okay,” Pebblesplash muttered, the pain in her back and back legs increasing. She looked over at Earthquake.
“You’re in worse shape then I am... and Harepaw...” she looked over to the tree. Harepaw! she leapt into action, and limped quickly over to the whole. A small paw was barely visible.
“I’m here Harepaw, hold on,” Pebblesplash reached her paw down in the hole, grasping Harepaw’s outstretched leg. Dragging her up just enough to see her face, she grabbed at her scruff and pulled the poor apprentice out even further. Afterwords, the grey she-cat collapsed with exhaustion. Her back felt like it was on fire. Shaking her head, she stood back up.
“Are you okay, Earthquake? Your tail...” she trailed off.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:57:48 by Hurri (#147819)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-27 10:08:14
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*
Harepaw opened her eyes when someone started to pull on her arm. She cracked her eyes open to see the fuzzy shape of Pebblesplash pulling on her. The gray she cat pulled her out partly, the sun blinding her. Pebblesplash fastened on to her scruff and finished hauling her out. Harepaw made no effort to move from the spot Pebblesplash laid her. Her body felt like boulders had fallen on her, while bees stung her with every move. A pure agonizing fire sweeping her body. She realized that laying here isn't what a worry would do, and started to force herself to her feet. Her legs trembled and buckled, her head hanging, as it hurt to try and raise it. She stumbled and toppled like a new born calf, until finally laying where she toppled once more. Her breathing heavy as she didn't have an once of energy to keep trying. She closed her eyes and laid there.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:30:42 by Viper (#91328)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 10:31:59
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health: 10/30|Temp. Co-Leader|Clan Border|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harepaw
As Pebblesplash pointed it out, Earthquake took a glimpse at his tail, it had a very noticeable crook in the middle of it, fur had been torn out even, at least he could still move his tail. It wasn't the only injury that was worse for ware, he was very badly bruised on his shoulder, a nick in his ear, a long scar had even made it onto his left eye. He was just lucky he hadn't lost an eye.His thoughts were cut off however as Pebblesplash was dragging out Harepaw, looking more crucial at the moment, the poor apprentice could barely stand up.
"I just need a bath in the river and I'll be fine." he grunts as he stood up "Harepaw is priority, help me pick her up." he grunted moving over to she-cat's side "please." he added, knowing very well that Pebblesplash wouldn't let him settle with just a bath in the river.
he was a seasoned warrior, he could cope.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:51:10 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 10:50:34
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 15/30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake, Harepaw
Pebblesplash padded over to Harepaw and supported her other side. She rolled her eyes at the idea of only needing a bath.
“Hold on, Harepaw, you’re going to be okay,” she whispered in the little she-cat’s ear. Harepaw was brave- and Pebblesplash admired her for that. And she wouldn’t -nocouldn’t -let her die. No more guilt on her conscious. It was hard enough to cope with what happened to Hawkpaw. If Harepaw died, she would never forgive herself.
“Snowecho better wake up soon, the poor apprentices are having a hard enough time as it is,” she muttered.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:58:38 by Hurri (#147819)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-27 11:13:17
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*
Harepaw attempted a thank you to the two warriors, but a raspy croak is all that came from her throat. She faintly heard Pebblesplash's whisper of comfort, and attempted another thank you. Another raspy croak escaped from her throat. Her back right leg hung down, no use from it at the moment. She attempted to use her other legs to help the two warriors carry her.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:30:06 by Viper (#91328)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 12:26:46
You NEED to track your health. Check the first post on Page one of this thread for injuries and their HP damage.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 10:05:45
Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 14/18 | Gorge | Mentions: Lynxpaw

Rainpaw glanced over her shoulder and saw the big black and white dog get out of the river a few fox lengths behind them. It shook itself, the shiny circle on its collar clinking loudly as it did so. It looked up, and met her eyes, immediately running after them again. She turned back and heard Lynxpaw yelp at her before seeing a root sticking up out of the ground. She lept, stumbling as she landed and felt Lynxpaw help her up again. She nodded and continued pelting forward.

In that small stretch of time, the dog seemed to have closed the distance by about half. The trees thinned out to a strech of land and she knew the gorge was ahead of her. "On my word!" She gasped.

Suddenly she felt hot breath by her tail. Rainpaw didn't have to look back to know the dog had reached them. "Faster!" She screamed with barely any breath.

Time seemed to slow. She was running faster than she ever had before, however it felt like she was swimming in molassas. Her muscles burned with fatigue and strain and she desperately urged the cliff to come into view.

She heard the dog growl and knew a lunge was coming, she veered off to the side, it decided the easier target would be Lynxpaw and it decided to chase after her instead. "No!" She yelped, chasing after the dog, trying to get in front. The lunge must have taken some effort from the dog because it didn't seem to want to try it again.

Somehow, Rainpaw managed to dash next to the dog without it knowing, the cliff of the gorge came into focus and she heard rushing water. She suddenly felt another rush of adrenaline and came in front again. Feeling the hot breath at her rear.

Ever closer it neared, Lynxpaw seemed to be tiring, as did she, but the fire in her eyes glowed as the thought of victory came to mind, she saw it in Lynxpaw's eyes to.

At that same moment, Rainpaw doubted the tale she had been told as a kit. Would she be able to turn in time? Or would she end up like the fabled Bluestar and fall off with the dog.

She snapped back into consciousness to see the cliff about the width of four trees away from her. Wait for it Lynxpaw! She urged silently. Ten foxlengths...





"NOW!" she yowled with all she had left in her as she threw herself in Lynxpaw's direction. She knocked her aside, just enough out of the way so the dog wouldn't trample them.

Surprisingly, the dog had been too caught up in the chase to notice the gaping wound in the earth that was the gorge. It was panting hard, slobber foaming, wild in the eyes as it realized what happened. Rainpaw heard a high pitch yowl as the dog went over that didn't end until she heard a hard crack as the dog hit the water, no doubt dying on impact.

Rainpaw lay, lying on Lynxpaw, panting to catch her breath. She rolled off of her and stayed on her back for a long time regaining her breath. Her muscles screamed at her to never move again, and she wouldn't be surprised if she passed out from over exertion.

(For when the patrol arrives)

She lay eyes barely open, she heard voices of cats approaching in the distance, it was too fuzzy for her to hear. She really didn't care, she just wanted to sleep.

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Edited on 28/10/18 @ 13:30:15 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze (Bast)🎃 (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 10:22:26
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 15/30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake, Harepaw
Pebblesplash’s breathing grew heavier as they travelled further. Harepaw was trying to help, and it was appreciated. But at the moment, everyone was wounded and exhausted. Blood still trickled from her own wounds. Shaking her head, she looked at Earthquake. Pebblesplash had been luckier then both of the cats. That wasn’t saying much, however- none of them escaped unscathed.
”Where is the rest of the clan?” she muttered under her breath, ”They should have heard something, right?”

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 10:24:51
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Softsong, Mumblepaw, Stripecloud, Lynxpaw (ID), Honeyfrost (ID), Pebblesplash (ID), Earthquake (ID)

"Alright, let's head out fast!" He said to the two cats next to him. He started running for the old Thunderclan territory, where he had seen Lynxpaw and Rainpaw run off earlier. They searched for a scent trail for a few moments, when he smelled to two she-cats. "This way!" He said to his patrol, indicating with his tail for the direction. He picked up the pace, dashing through the forest.

Soon, the trail led them toward the old Riverclan territory and he picked up a fresher scent trail overlapping the two shecats. He looked up and spotted the figures of Stripecloud and Mumblepaw. "What in Starclan's name are you two doing out here? You two do realise there are dogs on the loose, right?" He growled, at them as he came near. "Whatever, I need one of you to come along with me on my patrol to find Rainpaw and Lynxpaw, the other needs to join Honeyfrost and track down Pebblesplash and Earthquake. We're afraid the dogs may have-" he was cut off when he heard barking and the yowl of a cat. His fur bristled. "Look, we have no time, one of you go find Honeyfrost, the other comes with me, Softsong, and Wolfpaw." He flicked his tail to the two cats beside him, not wanting to waste any more time than he already had. He flexed his claws in wait for the cats to decide who would go where, his anxiety making him less tolerant than usual.

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Edited on 28/10/18 @ 10:25:52 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze (Bast)🎃 (#140966)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-28 12:37:11

Softsong | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Clearsong, Mumblepaw, Stripecloud, Open!

Softsong turned his head when he heard Clearsong ask him to join a patrol, slightly annoyed that he was unable to even start talking to Aldershade. He nuzzled against the other warrior apologetically. "We can talk later, perhaps we could hunt together so we can get some privacy." He suggested. He gazed affectionately at Aldershade before turning and padding over to Clearsong. He vaguely picked up that they were including Swallowfall instead of Wolfpaw. However, as they left, Wolfpaw came with, so he must have misunderstood. He hurried after them, though his mind lingered in camp and on Aldershade. He almost ran past Clearsong as the tom stopped and addressed Mumblepaw and Stripecloud. "I say Mumblepaw comes with us, enough apprentices are wandering alone as is." He injected, kneading the ground impatiently. He looked to Stripecloud. "Good luck, not that you'll need it." He mewed, giving the other tom a smile and a little wink. He clearly had faith in him, and was confident that he would be able to help the other patrol without any issue.

Snowecho | 26 Moons | Med. Cat | 11/30 | Starclan | Mentions: Horsetail(ID), Sunstar, Open!

Snowecho looked up from patching up his belly injury. "I'll live." He assured, pressing the poultice and cobweb harder against his wound. His ears flew up when he heard the leader mention Horsetail, a soft hiss escaping him as he was shoved. His blue eyes finally landed on the injured medicine cat, but he seemed frighteningly still. He pressed his ears flat against his skull, fearing the worst. He turned his head back to Sunstar, opening his mouth to talk to him"I could really use some help gett-" Before he could finish his sentence, the yellow tom ran off. He heaved a breath and got up, it seemed like he had to do this himself. He noticed that there was a cat over Horsetail, and he briefly feared having to fight to get to him. With one medicine cat already down, could they risk losing another? He sat back down. He would have to worry about keeping himself alive for now. If the clan lost both him and Horsetail today, he could not see a bright future for them. As much as it pained him, as much as his conscience screamed at him to run to Horsetail, he picked up goldenrod and started chewing it up with marigold. Unless someone brought Horsetail to him, there was nothing he could do.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 12:44:36
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 13/ 30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake,
Pebblesplash could feel herself fighting exhaustion. The pain in her back intensified. Her eyelids drooped. She struggled to take another step. Her mind told her to keep going, but her legs did not want to move.
”I-I’m sorr—“ before Pebblesplash could finish, her legs folded beneath her and she collapsed.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 14:33:31

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 0/30|Mentions Directly: Stormfang|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho|Location: Starclan

Horsetail felt his soul, his life, drift out of his body. The medicine cat’s eyes opened for a brief moment and he saw Stormfang leave, how strong and grown up he looked now. A dry chuckle escaped Horsetail, what strange thoughts he had. He was actually going to die, why here? Horsetail closed his eyes and pressed his head into the ground. It was lush and green now, the ground had changed. StarClan was weird. Horsetail closed his eyes, he felt so tired.
Suddenly something brushed against his fur, ’Leave me alone’, the tom thought. He wanted to die in peace, why was someone disturbing him?
There was another light brush, this time against his shoulder. Horsetail was annoyed, what could someone want now? Opening his eyes again, Horsetail was about to complain, forgetting about his throat wound which would’ve made it impossible for him to speak. Instead of finding a cat, maybe even Stormfang standing over him, Horsetail looked into a pair of golden eyes. It was a cat Horsetail had never seen before, was it really a cat. The thing was gold and silver, practically see-through. Was it a Starclan cat? No, none of the others appeared in this way.
”Wha…”, Horsetail croaked out, not really managing. ”Hushhh”, the ethereal cat said, leaning close to Horsetail’s ear. ”It is not your time yet, kit”, the voice was warm and kind, it sounded like the voice of a mother and a father at the same time, enveloping him. The cat leaned forward and drew its tongue over Horsetail’s side. As it moved a step back, there was a golden shimmer on Horsetail’s fur. ”Now, live!”, the ethereal cat declared, its voice ringing in many tones from many corners. As it spoke, the golden dust lept from its fur and surrounded Horsetail. The tom inhaled some of it, it tickled his nose as he did, the rest settled itself around his wounds.
Horsetail suddenly felt drowsy again, but this time it was a comforting warmth. The dark sand colored tom closed his eyes and as he did he felt his heart start to beat stronger. It was probably just his imagination. As the tom's side slowly rose and fell, he suddenly felt lighter. No, not lighter, he was disappearing. The dark sand colored tom's body, very slowly started to sink into the earth. First his head and then the tom's entire body vanished into the ground.
{The ethereal cat would appear as no more than a slight glow, drifting over Horetail}

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: |Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Camp

Horsetail's side slowly started to rise and fall. A small gasp of breath escaped the dark sand colored tom, as his his heart started to beat faster. His ridgid, cold body suddenly sprang to life. His legs started to slightly move and his ears twitched, next his nose started to work again. He could smell cats, so many cats. What was going on? Was he not dead? Suddenly the voices of the many cats around him, hit his ears. Horsetail laid his ears flat against his head, in pain at the sudden noises. His brain was still muddled and he had no idea where he was, his body felt strange. Almost like…. like it was his real body. Could it be, but why?
Slowly, very painfully, the medicine cat opened his eyes. Light hit his senses, not just his eyes, but his nose and ears seemed to be flooded as well. Horsetail fought hard, not to close his senses off again. Instead he waited until his eyes adjusted. After a few heartbeats, Horsetail could breath, hear, see, and smell like normal again. It felt strange, almost unreal. He was back, in his real body.
Lifting his head up a bit, a sharp pain suddenly appeared behind his eyes. Horsetail fell back down again and a hiss escaped from his mouth. His head was not hurting, but his actual eyes. What was going on? Opening his eyes again, his vision was suddenly blurry, ”What?”, Horsetail asked, this time out loud. Blinking his eyes, Horsetail’s vision was suddenly back to normal or was it?
{Horsetail now has golden, practically glowing eyes. Before, he had light green-blue eyes}

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Edited on 28/10/18 @ 15:23:14 by 👻LightQueen🎃LightON🦉 (#59203)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-10-28 16:21:11
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health: 10/30|Temp. Co-Leader|Clan Border|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harepaw
"We're almost th-" Earthquake was cut off, Pebblesplash having fainted. He rushed to her side "Pebblesplash! Pebblesplash c'mon, just a few more steps and you can rest..."
He might as well had conversated with the river, Pebblesplash gave no response.
Earthquake put on a solemn face, this wasn't the first time he carried Pebblesplash, he'd done so many times, when she was a kit.
He desperately looked around for someone to show up, anyone.
When no one came, he did only what he could do. Carefully, he picked up Pebblesplash, she sat sprawled on his back next to Harepaw. He almost buckled under the extra weight, but he had no choice and he wasn't about to leave Pebblesplash here.
His legs wobbled slightly, but he pushed on, albeit a lot more slowly, "Starclan help me..." was all he could muster.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-28 16:58:30
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*
Harepaw wanted to cry. Harepaw hates to cry. If she hadn't been so stupid, maybe this whole situation would be better. Harepaw wouldn't let herself cry. She could see Pebblesplashes fuzzy body collapsed on the floor next to her, and she couldn't feel anything but guilt. She should've been quicker, stronger, smarter, just something, anything, so this situation could be better, so she could be better. But she wasn't and didn't, and now here she is. Useless, and beaten on the ground. Earthquake heaved the two she cats on to his back, his body trembling. Harepaw would be forever endowed and grateful to these two warriors for helping her in a crucial time of need like they have. She made a silent vow to herself to always help these two whenever she was able to, whether it be to fill a spot in a patrol or to save them in battle, again, she would. It was the least she could do. She just hopped camp was close, and she would be able to get help in time, as blood pooled in her mouth.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-10-29 05:18:44
Icepaw-11 moons-med cat apprentice-Camp
Icepaw lifts her head to see Horsetail moving. Wait Horsetail? Moving? She goes to one side of and hears him say what. "Horsetail is that you? Why are you're eyes different?" She licks him on the top of his head. She had thought that he was dead. But what about Hollowfall? Maybe she should get Horsetail some water. She walks over to the medicine station to fetch some moss to soak with water. She walks over to the river to soak it and walk back over to Horsetail. She holds it in front of him. "Here is some water for you Horsetail."

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Edited on 29/10/18 @ 05:21:15 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

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