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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-29 20:30:30
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 12/30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake
Pebblesplash was faintly aware of Earthquake hoisting her on his back. Thank you... her mind whispered what would not come out of her mouth. The pain was steadily rising again. She groaned faintly, attempting to apologize. Blinking her eyes, she could make out camp so, so close... but Pebblesplash’s eyes closed and this time her world went dark.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 17:37:28
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Softsong, Mumblepaw, Stripecloud, Lynxpaw

Clearsong nodded at Softsong's comment. Turning to Stripecloud, he added, "I want you to report directly back to camp and tell whoever is there that Mumblepaw has joined my group, you can decide what you want to do from there." He flicked his tail, dismissing any further questions

Clearsong started off after the scent trail again. The trees thinned for just a bit and he could see the tail of a large dog bobbing in the distance. "I saw it!" He said, hopping onto a stepping stone. The river was a bit high today, watter lapped the sides of the stones, however the tops weren't wet enough to slip off of. That put his mind at ease for a bit while crossing. He waited on the opposite bank for the rest of the group to arrive.

The scent of dog had grown decently stronger by now as he trotted quickly along the trail. He was heading in the direction of the gorge, he had realized, and his heart started to race with fear. Starclan, don't let them have been chased over! He glanced back at his group and saw he was not the only one with the thought.

He quickened his pace, terror growing stronger as he still didn't see the two young cats. Before he knew it, he was running, only to slow to a trot again when he saw the silvery coats of the she cats.

He fell to the back of the group, letting Softsong take the lead with Wolfpaw and Mumblepaw just behind the tom. The fact that the cats seemed almodt unconscious unsettled him, however the heavy breathing of the cats was a clear sign that they were still alive.

He stepped aside to scent for the dog, the trail seemed to continue to the edge of the gorge and over. He backed up a few fox lengths and sat beside where Rainpaw and Lynxpaw were, he would ask them what happened after they had recovered a bit. They would surely have a story to tell.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-30 18:23:28
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Clearsong

"Alright, Clearsong." Stripecloud muttered making his way back to camp. 'Why couldn't I go with them? I'm a warrior now. Mumblepaw and Wolfpaw went and they are only apprentices.' He shook his head. 'I shouldn't dwell on it. It just means Clearsong trusted me to get important information back to our Clan. Yeah, that's it." He felt better thinking of it that way.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 19:17:21

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Icepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Snowecho, OPEN|Location: Camp

The medicine cat shook his head a bit, just to clear it. When he opened his eyes again, Icepaw stood in front of him. Why was his apprentice in Starclan? The tom though, his drowsy mind still thinking that he was in Starclan and not with his clan mates again. Eyes? the tom thought, why his eyes? He could see just fine, maybe a bit clearer then normal, but that was it.
He almost gave a slight start, as the young she-cat came back with a water drenched wad of moss. "Thank you", the tom said lightly, reaching forward with his head, the medicine cat started to drink the water dripping down. After several heartbeats of doing this, his throat finely felt alive again. It seemed his eyes had been the first to adjust, strange. Drawing his head back, Horsetail nodded his head to the young she-cat. "Thank you, nicely done", Horsetail said, complementing his apprentice.
Collecting himself, the dark sand colored tom started to look around. Her was lying between Sunstar and Snowecho, they seemed to be.... unconscious? "So that's what happened to our body's?", Horsetail mumbled. Letting out a grunt, as his body was still a bit cold and wet, Horsetail started to sit up. His body felt so stiff. Once he was sitting, the tom started to slowly stretch himself. "What did you mean, about my eyes? and how long have we been.... like this?", Horsetail asked, Icepaw. His eyes were drifting over the camp, the other cats seemed to have been built up a camp around them. How much has changed, the tom wondered.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-10-30 23:54:10
Mumblepaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Riverclan Territory | Mentions: Clearsong / Softsong / Wolfpaw / Rainpaw / Lynxpaw

Mumblepaw mumbled a few words under his breath, now he was a part of a patrol with Softsong, Clearsong oand Wolfpaw in search of two other apprentices. Just great... He muttered to himself before following behind unenthusiastically. As he walked the young tom realized they were soon near the stepping stones. Mumblepaw narrowed his eyes, studying the water flow and the stones themselves. His attention was quickly brought back to Clearsong as he mentioned spotting something, the apprentice could only assume it was a dog the warrior had seen as he watched Clearsong quickly cross the stepping stones. Letting out a sigh, Mumblepaw carefully stepped across the stepping stones.
It was only after the young tom had fully reached the other side when he realized Clearsong was already running towards the picked up scent of dog. Mumblepaw tried his best to keep up with the tom, but he knew he was nowhere as good of a runner as he was a swimmer. He managed to reach the warrior again, though Mumblepaw took notice at how slow Clearsong was moving, looking at the tom for a moment before look forward. He could see a pair of pelts beginning to appear, was that Lynxpaw and Rainpaw? Trotting more quickly Mumblepaw finally reached the two seemingly unconscious bodies. He leaned his head onto Rainpaw's body, listening to her breathing pattern. He then did the same to Lynxpaw's body.
After he was done he mumbled something to himself. "I wonder if they can hear me..." He mewed before sitting down, looking down at Lynxpaw. An idea popped into his mind. "I wouldn't be sure how to react if we lost both a medicine cat and a medicine cat apprentice." He mewed blankly. "It would be a great lost to the clan..." He huffed. "...But that is why Lynxpaw will get better and wake up, because we need her, the clan needs her... and she knows that." He mewed as he continued to look down at the she cat. "That goes for Rainpaw... we need her too, of course we do." Mumblepaw chuckled softly, but it was soon replaced with a frown. The apprentice sighed, standing and stepping back. I don't talk to either them that much, not at all actually... Mumblepaw thought to himself. But even though I didn't- "Even if I barely talked to either of them at all, it still hurts to see them in this situation..." He managed to croak out, his paw raking at the ground.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-31 16:24:28

Snowecho | 26 Moons | Med. Cat | 17/30 | Starclan | Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Stormberry(ID), Willowstar(ID), Horsetail, Open!

Snowecho watched in horror as Horsetail's body disappeared from Starclan. A wave of guilt crashed into him, drowning him and any logical thought. "NO!" He yowled. He choked on his breath, his decision to stay where he was now seemed selfish. Had his convincing thought about it being for the good of the Clan just been made up? He felt less pain from his wound, so he got up after sucking in a breath. His gut screamed at him to run to the spot where Horsetail had disappeared, perhaps it was still not too late. He shook his head. He was needed here, he reminded himself. The white tom let his gaze drift across the battlefield, and he soon grabbed any and all herbs around him and rushed to help the injured cats. It was all he could do for now. Heal the injured and stay alive. With Horsetail, his best friend, gone... He dreaded telling Icepaw, she would be devastated. His mind quickly wandered to Lynxpaw. He needed to get back to soon.

After patching up a small warrior of Starclan, he looked around for the high ranks of his Clan. He could not spot Hollowfall, feeling a pang of guilt as he realised he had not been there in time to save the deputy. His gaze fell on Willowstar next. She seemed to be doing well for now, so he continued looking. He saw Stormberry and Sunstar, glad that the two seemed to have teamed up. Seeing as most of his living friends and one relative were doing well, he returned to tending to the cats who were injured the most. Doing this helped him stay focused on something that was not his grief over losing Horsetail, he just hoped he could make up for his selfishness. While moving around seemed easier, it still felt painful. How he wished for poppy seeds. He wondered if his body showed any signs of injury, and if it did, would patching it up in the living world work better than up in Starclan? Perhaps he would wait and see.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-31 19:56:38
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Horsetail

Stripecloud made it back to camp. He looked around the camp and flicked his ear. His eyes landed on Horsetail. The medicine cat was awake! Stripecloud ran over. "Horsetail! Are you alright? What happened? Where were you? Why did you all fall unconscious?" He gasped for breath. "Sorry. I jsut have so many questions!"

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-11-01 15:08:27
Icepaw-11 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18-temporary camp
Icepaw looked at her mentor feeling happy that he had praised her. Maybe he would need strengthening herbs. Where in StarClan was Lynxpaw? She shook her head maybe the she-cat would be back soon. She looked back at Horsetail. What had happened to their bodies? Shouldn't they know that? "Well you went unconscious and we didn't know what to do. But its ok. Do you want any strengthing herbs?" She hears him grunt. He looked cold and wet. Before she could dry him up Stripecloud came. "Hi, Stripecloud." She wanted to shoo him away so that Horsetail could get some rest but, she had done the same thing when she found out he wasn't dead. "Stripecloud could you watch Horsetail while I get some strengthing herbs, please?"

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-01 19:42:32
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Horsetail, Icepaw

"Yeah I sure can." Stripecloud meowed to Icepaw. He sat down curling his tail around his paws. He looked back to Horsetail. "So, what did happen? You all just kinda collapsed. So much has happened though. Everyone was so worried without all the high ranks. I was so afraid that you were all were..." He trailed off not wanting to admit his terrifying fear.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-02 20:06:23

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Icepaw, StripeCloud(paw)|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

I see", Horsetail answered, nodding his head a bit. So they had fallen unconscious? interesting. The medicine cat looked up, as his apprentices question. A praising smile was on his face and he nodded his head, "Yes, that could help", Horsetail answered. He was glad, that his apprentice had paid enough attention to know what to do in this situation.
Hearing another cat come over and start to speak, quite rapidly, Horsetail closed his eyes. His mind was still a bit fuzzy and not able to handle the rapid questions thrown at him, quite yet. The medicine cat closed his eyes and brought his paw up to massage his temple, "Could you please talk a bit slower Stripepaw?", the dark sand colored tom asked(He does not know that the apprentices, were made warriors). Turning to face the young tom, Horsetail opened his eyes again. His brilliant, almost glowing, golden eyes staring into Stripecloud.

Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Glade, Harepaw, Earthquake, Pebblesplash|Mentions Indirectly: Icepaw, Lynxpaw, Horsetail|Location: Camp - Just outside of camp

The large temporary leader sat down before the newcomer, the stench of dead dog seemed to cling to the others pelt. "So, do you wish to join us or just travel through?", the large calico tom asked, a slight growl deep in his throat. "Well, you did save us the trouble of taking out that dog", Lioncloud said, looking down his nose at this 'Glade'. Nodding behind him, the large fluffy tom indicated the fresh-kill pile. "You may rest and share our prey", Lioncloud said.
Getting to his paws, the large leader turned, as he heard something going on behind him. Was it the high ranks again? Had another one died? Before he could turn all the way though, Lioncloud's brilliant blue eyes fell on a few shapes coming up to the camp. Who could it now be? Lioncloud wondered. His eyes opened in amazement, as he recognised them. First Harepaw came into focus and then... then Earthquake carrying, oh great Starclan, no.... his son was carrying his grandkit on his back. The old toms claws dug into the dirt, no, not another one. Halfe turning, the old tom bellowed out, "Icepaw, Lynxpaw!", that is when his eyes fell on Horsetail. His mind stopped and then jumped back into motion, "Horsetail! Pebblesplash is injured, help!", Lioncloud finished.
Quickly turning on the spot, the large tom bounded forward, meeting the oncoming cats. Earthquake, what happened?", he asked, stopping before his kit. His sharp blue eyes traveled over the limp she-cat, she looked dead. No, he could not think of that. Moving closer, he sniffs her. There was still warmth and there, her chest rose and fell. "Bring her inside, quick", the large calico tom said, moving to brace Earthquakes side.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-03 07:41:18
GLADE | Mentioned: Lioncloud

Glade watched as chaos unfolded around the camp, and he held a bubbling excitement in his chest. He saw a pile of food, going over and taking a big bite out of a vole. With a purr, he devoured the rest of the tasty and snack and followed where Lioncloud was. He remained patient, not asking any questions until the (seemingly) leader was ready to talk. Though, he could smell another dog nearby, and didn't know how much longer they'd have until it barged into the camp. Hmm, perhaps that is how he'll be killed. Just have the dog kill him. Ah, but what fun would that be?

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-03 07:56:12
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health: 10/30|Temp. Co Leader|Camp|Mentions: Lioncloud

Earthquake could barely register what his father was saying "D-dog..." he couldn't take it, his legs buckled and he doubled over, panting. He could hear his own blood roaring in his ears, his head was pounding, his vision spinning. "Water...p-please." he begged. He could feel himself slipping, he held on, trying his hardest to be strong for his family. He carefully turned looking back at Pebblesplash and Harepaw, still on his back, he could feel their heartbeats but only just barely.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-03 08:39:23
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Lioncloud, *OPEN*
Harepaw was becoming fuzzy, her hearing was fading as quickly as her vision. She could fuzzily make out the voice of Lioncloud as he approached. Earthquake tried as hard as he could to move her and Pebblesplash to camp, but everyone has their limits. He toppled from the weight of the two she cat, Harepaw thumbed against the ground. Even though help was here, she wondered if it would be in time for her. No, she can't think like that. She twitched her tail ever so slightly, and slightly curled and uncurled her paw to let the others know she was still here, still fighting.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-03 08:56:13

Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Harepaw, Pebblesplash|Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Camp - Territory

"I... I see", Lioncloud said, so they had encountered a dog as well. "First get into the safety of the camp, then you can rest and get some water", the large tom said. Feeling Earthquake buckle, Lioncloud quickly went to brace his son. "Don't worry, just a bit further", the large calico told his son. As they started to slowly walk again, the calico felt and heard Harepaw slip off his son's back. Reaching over, he grabbed the apprentice by the scruff of her neck. Giving Earthquake an encouraging smile, the large tom carried to apprentice. In the large toms jaws, the apprentice almost looked like a kit.
As they reached the boundaries of the camp, Lioncloud placed Harepaw under a bush. Looking up, he checked to make sure that a medicine cat was coming to help. Looking to Earthquake, he nuzzled his son's shoulder. "You did well, rest and look after them", Lioncloud said, nodding to Harepaw and Pebblesplash. His eyes grew hard and determined, as the tom looked past his son and into the forest. "I'll go after the others, that are still out there. It's bad enough that we have dogs and", here Lioncloud nodded over his shoulder, "a stranger, but to have so many of our warriors and apprentices out. We need to have them back here", the temporary leader told his co leader. "Rest", the large fluffy tom told Earthquake again, tapping his shoulder as he past.

Heading out of the makeshift camp, Lioncloud paused on a ridge. Parting his jaw, the large tom tasted the air. Slowly, but surely the scents of all his clanmates came into focus. So many where out, Lioncloud shook his head. He had made a bad call, everyone should've stayed inside. Bounding off the ledge, the large tom started to head after the strongest scent trail. He soon stopped though, when a noise reached his ears, there was something out there and it was closing in on his fast. Getting into a stance, to meet whatever was coming at him head on, Lioncloud braced.
A large dog suddenly broke through the underbrush to his right, the large tom quickly moved out of the way as the beast pounced for him. Letting out a growl and a hiss, the large calico swiped at the dogs flank. His claws made contact and tore through the dogs hind flank. The beast quickly turned and snapped for Lioncloud, the old tom only just was able to get out of the way. This dog was large, far larger than the dog that had been near the camp before. There was fire in his old bones, how dare these beasts come and attack their clan. Leaping forward, Lioncloud landed on the dogs back. Biting down hard the large tom held onto the dogs neck, as it tried to throw him off. After several heartbeats, Lioncloud let go and landed safely on his paws. A evil grin came to the old tom's face, when he was younger this old cat had face many enemies in battle, including dogs. Letting out a screech, Lioncloud bolted forward and latched onto the dogs throat. Biting down hard, the large tom held on, as the dog struggled. Until the mange pelt composed, being dragged down by Lionclouds weight and from blood loss and air loss. Releasing the now dead dog, the old tom looked down at it. The dogs where this close, maybe he should stay around camp, just to make that they were not attacked. Shaking out his ruffled pelt, the tom walked away from the dead dog.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-03 10:21:24
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 11/30| Warrior| Camp (Dream state) |Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake (ID), NPCs
It was a beautiful evening. Pebblekit ran out from the nursery, squealing. The she-kit looked around for her someone.
”Ready or not, here I come!” With a jolt, the younger version of herself began sniffing around camp, padding from place to place. With luck, Pebblekit stumbled into the ferns surrounding camp.
”You can’t hide from me, Clearkit!” Leaping into the ferns, she tagged the orange tabby kit. ”Haha! I got you now!” Clearkit sighed melodramatically in defeat.
”Cl..clear...kit,” Pebblesplash faintly heard herself stammer. ”Come here kits! It getting late,” Pebblekit turned her head, looking up. Quietshadow stood by the nursery, calling them. The two kits teetered over to their mother. Over to the side, she could see Earthquake and her father, Amberstone, talking amongst themselves. She stood transfixed, but also confused. Weren’t Amberstone and Quietshadow dead? She closed her eyes, trying to decipher what the truth was.

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Edited on 03/11/18 @ 10:22:01 by Hurri (#147819)

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