Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 14:17:33

Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 0/12|Mentions Directly: |Mentions Indirectly: |Location:

As his last breaths were leaving him, Lioncloud looked to the sky. So this is where he was going to die? He always thought that he would pass in the elders den, surrounded by his kin. Instead he was now fading, out here, at the claws of a strange/psychopathic cat. As his eyes closed for the last time, Lioncloud's mind started to free itself from his body.

As his eyes opened, Lioncloud found himself in the warriors den. His body felt strong a firm, much like it had when he was a young warrior. "Wait you three, let your father sleep!", a soft and familiar voice called from just outside of the warriors den. Shortly after, three tiny kits came barreling into the den. Practically running over their aunt, Lynxclaw, who let out a soft, but firm growl as they scampered over her. Some of the other warriors looked up in surprise, as the three made their way quickly to their large father. "Earthkit, Amberkit, Cloudykit, what are you doing in here? You know you're not supposed to be", Lioncloud scolded the small kits. Getting up, Lioncloud quickly grabbed the closest one -Amberkit- and ushered the others out with a nudge. As they went, he gave the other warriors apologetic nods. At the entrance stood his mate, Duskstorm. Lioncloud purred, they were all together, all five of them.
As he reached the entrance, Lioncloud was briefly blinded by the light. Closing his eyes, the calio tom flinched a bit. When he opened his eyes again, Lioncloud felt a heaviness fall over his body. Darkness was now all around him as well, in his mouth was no longer a kit. Lioncloud was alone. As he looked into the darkness, he could make out a large earth colored shape. His son and only remaining kit, still alive. Shapes appeared beside his son, one large and a few small ones. Lioncloud gave a small sad, but proud, smile in the direction of his son.
As a tear slid down his cheek, Lioncloud turned. With one last glance in the direction of his son, the large fluffy calico tom walked into the darkness.

LIoncloud is officially DEAD

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 14:52:46
Sunstar | 28 Moons | Co-Leader | 1/40 | [Starclan] | Mentions: Willowstar, Snowecho, Horsetail, Stormberry

Sunstar suddenly felt rejuvenated, and watched as his father and Brokenbone began to wrestle on the ground. He glanced in the direction of his mate, and his tail dropped. "Stormberry.."
He used his tail to turn Stormberry to face him, looking into the tabby's eyes. "I can't let Brokenbone win. I can't let my father die. And I'd rather be the one to fall, and save all of you. If anyone died for my fight, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
The orange tom pressed his cheek to the deputy's, and then quickly licked the same spot in goodbye. Sunstar rolled his shoulders, getting up and approaching the circle. His claws were unsheathed, and he dug them into the ground as he broke into the middle, his face emotionless.
Thistlestar shrieked as Brokenbone bit into his shoulder, and staggered backwards. Sunstar yelled, "Brokenbone!"
The leader of the Dark Forest whipped his head around, blood dripping from his lips. He sneered. "Ah, so you're finally ready to die? Well come- I'll give it to you!"
Sunstar looked beyond the battle, looking at Willowstar, Snowecho, his mate.. He thought of his brother Hollowfall, and Horsetail. He'll finish this.. for them.
The leader leaped at Brokenbone, landing a scratch on his neck.
You'll never be good enough. He'll beat you. He'll kill you.
Brokenbone slammed his paw against Sunstar's head, knocking him to the ground.
Get up. You're not done yet. Do this for them.
The wicked leader put his paw on Sunstar's throat, his claws sliding out. Sunstar whimpered, the pain bursting through his skin.
If you're going to die now, at least put your back into it.
He slashed open Brokenbone's stomach, enough to leave a deep cut. He recoiled, yelling. Sunstar grinned, going up for the kill.
I'm so proud of you, brother.
Sunstar was frozen. The pain that exploded from his neck was deafening. He fell to the ground, staring at his father as Thistlestar stepped back, tears falling from his eyes.
"I'm sorry son. I'm so, so sorry. But.. I couldn't let you kill my mate."
Thistlestar stood beside Brokenbone, helping the other tom get up. "I know you understand... but I hope one day you'll forgive me."
Sunstar's head fell, and tears fell from his cheeks as blood spilled from his mouth. He looked to the distance, as clouds rolled in from the dark forest. Starclan would soon be consumed by darkness.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 15:25:21
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Softsong, Wolfpaw, Mumblepaw, Lynxpaw, Rainpaw, Glade, Lioncloud, Pebblesplash, Harepaw

Clearsong watched as the partially fortified brambles of the temporary camp wall came into view. The five cats had made considerable ground after everything was sorted and he walked through the barrier. The scent of death was muffled by Lynxpaw's fur and his eyes were half closed as he focused on keeping her balanced. They made it to the spot where the medicine den was and lowered the two apprentices down, if they needed to be checked, they would be. He turned around to address the cats before they went off, his eyes landing on Mumblepaw first.

He noticed the young tom stumble and lag behind a few times and realised that the young tom would need to sleep as soon as possible. He padded forward and helped the tom lower Rainpaw with Wolfpaw. "Thank you for your help, Mumblepaw, we'll take it from here. I want to to get some rest immediately. The rest of you, do what you can to help if you're still up to it." Clearsong lowered his head a bit to the apprentice, then to the other two, dismissing them and thanking them at the same time.

When he turned around, the smells and sights hit him for the first time and he suddenly realized why the cats had made faces when they placed the others down. The scent of fear mingled with grief, and the sound of shocked silence started to ripple through the clan for a moment. When he looked up, he saw why.

The cat who had introduced himself as Glade before he had left had just re-entered the camp with a heap dragging behind him from his jaws. As his eyes focused on the calico fur, he started to notice the stocky, elderly shape of a cat. Any sounds made after that echoed around him dully. Nearby, he saw Harepaw laying next to his sister. His eyes flashed, fur rising, his breathing become short and ragged. "Wha-?" He started, stiffly moving forward. His sister's pelt was torn and bloody and she seemed unconscious. And Lioncloud...

Was dead. Clearsong let out an eerie sound, almost like a low caterwaul and a growl combined, and crawled forward. His pupils became small, barely any light was let in, and his legs felt like they were in thick mud, trying to suck him down. He came nose to nose with Glade, and glared at Lioncloud's body. He looked up at the cat, eyeing him suspiciously, before shoving the cat away from his grandfather. He picked him up and dragged him next to Pebblesplash and curled around the two protectively. His only family left besides Earthquake... He didn't see Earthquake. He didn't want to, if he was dead too, Clearsong wouldn't know what to do. If any cat approached him, he would hiss at them furiously to back up.

He looked at Harepaw, who already lay next to Pebblesplash. After a moment of contemplative staring, he decided to let the apprentice lay where she was. He let out an angry, mournful growl once more and buried his face in Lioncloud's fur.

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Edited on 08/11/18 @ 15:36:41 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze (Bast)🎃 (#140966)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 15:39:37
Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 14/18 | Thunderclan Territory | Mentions:

Rainpaw's body woke her slightly as the sensation of being place in moss engulfed her. She felt oddly comfortable, not wanting to move at all. Her ear twitched a bit as she heard talking, at first distant, but then becoming more clear. She would continue to lie in her position, seemingly asleep. After a few moments, she heard pawsteps slowly approach...

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Edited on 08/11/18 @ 15:42:12 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze (Bast)🎃 (#140966)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-08 16:00:41

Snowecho | 27 Moons | Med. Cat | 30/30 | Starclan | Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Open!

Snowecho looked up from tending to another cat's wounds. It seemed like the more he healed, the more got injured. Once one cat was patched up, two more fell injured. This fight was turning sour quickly, and he did not like it one bit. He lifted his gaze to survey the battle field once more, spotting Sunstar by Brokenbone and some other dead tom. He felt a twinge of hope. Would the battle be over if Sunstar killed who seemed to be the Dark Forest leader? He dared creep a little closer to the battling cats, keeping himself lowered to avoid any confrontation. He was glad that Sunstar seemed to have the second dead cat on his side, two against one was a sure victory. However, he should probably be ready to leap in to heal them after the battle was finished. He crept closer and closer, only pausing when he was worried about being discovered by a few battling cats close-by. The cats kept him from approaching them any more.

The white tom held his breath as he watched Sunstar leap onto Brokenbone, eyeing the starry dead tom curiously for a reaction. As the battle between the two toms dragged on, and Snowecho could see that Sunstar was going to win, he smiled a little. Sunstar seemed to be stronger than he had expected, then again, he had not seen his leader in battle before. His eyes widened as he watched Sunstar fall to the ground. It had happened so quickly. His jaw almost fell as he heard what the starry tom said. He almost felt like walking right up to the two and strike them both down, but he was held back by shock. One of their leaders had fallen. Everything was going wrong.

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Edited on 08/11/18 @ 17:44:37 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-08 17:44:59
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw, Glade, Lioncloud

Stripecloud walked into the temporary medicine den. He wanted to see if he could help at all. He then heard a yowl. He poked his head out of the den. He looked over to see a horrifying sight. Lioncloud... was dead. Stripecloud couldn't bring himself to run over. The elder had made Stripecloud a warrior. He was always so helpful and kind. Stripecloud stepped back into the medicine den breathing heavily. He turned around and saw Rainpaw laying on the ground. He walked over to her and laid down beside her. "Rainpaw?" He pressed his nose into her fur. She was unconscious, or at least he thought she was. "I don't know if you can hear me, I actually hope you can't, but I have something to tell you. Life just seems so short, cats die, even the good ones. I-I-" He pulled away and took a deep breath in. "I, like you, more than just a friend. You probably don't get any of this, I mean I-" He laughed nervously. He didn't even understand why he was telling her. But he just saw Lioncloud dead, reminded him of his brother. Life really was short, he didn't want to die without telling Rainpaw his feelings. She was going to be a warrior soon anyways.

(I kinda rushed this.)

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 17:58:59
Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 14/18 | Thunderclan Territory | Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw was drifting back to sleep again when a voice spoke next to her, bringing her back to consciousness again. Lazily, she listened to the cat, not paying much attention at first. Only when she recognised the voice as Stripecloud's did she realise what he had said. He- She opened her eyes slightly, seeing his gray fur near to her. She gave a small smile, a small amused breath passing out her nose, before Rainpaw closed her eyes again and started purring.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 18:06:33
|Temp.Camp|Mentions: Lioncloud, Glade

Earthquake crashed through the brush, having heard the yells he came rushing back as his father's name was called into the wind. "Dad?!" he searched around frantically, like a lost kit looking for it's mother.
He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes landed on the limp form of Lioncloud, Clearsong wailing in his fur. He bristled, a deep growl in the back of his throat, his thick black claws puncturing the earth until they tore gashes where he stood.
Earthquake wasn't usually one to get angry, his father was always there to cool his temper, but now...
It took every fiber of his being to not tear Glade's head off his shoulders.
When he spoke, his voice was nothing but a guttural growl "What happened." he demanded more than questioned.
The vibrant jade in his once lively eyes was replaced with a cold stricken green, his teeth were bared, and blood was roaring in his ears.
-but he wasn't one to attack strangers.
He got close to Glade until they were almost touching noses, his bulk towering over the male before Glade could even begin to explain.
"I'll make this plain and simple; I don't trust you, don't come near me or my family." he spoke in a surprisingly calm voice, his pupils thin.
He stepped away, walking past and to his father where he joined Clearsong to silently mourn his loss.

It was Glade that had called out for help surely, Earthquake couldn't mistake it. Glade was with his father before his death, dog or no dog. He held on to this little bit of knowledge, like a piece of prey.

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Edited on 08/11/18 @ 18:22:02 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 18:13:37
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 10/30| Warrior| Camp |Mentions: Lioncloud (ID), Clearsong, Earthquake, Glade
Pebblesplash opened her eyes. Pain screamed at her every second. She coughed, but managed to stay awake. When the world came into focus, the chaos hit her. Grief scents, anger scents, and unfamiliar ones surrounded. The she-cat gazed around the camp. Then she saw it. Lioncloud lay only fox-lengths away, and Clearsong and Earthquake bent over him in anguish.
”No, StarClan, no... What happened?” Pebblesplash choked out. Not another loss. Another cat caught her eye. A newcome.
”Who in the name of StarClan are you?” the injured cat spat at the new cat. She could feel the pain throbbing, but she ignored it. At least, for now. Right now, all she could think about was Lioncloud. The memories, how he had helped them through Quietshadow and Amberstone’s deaths. How well he had served this clan. He didn’t deserve to die and the paws of anything! Lioncloud has deserved a peaceful death. How cruel this world was.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 18:31:22
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake

Clearsong heard Earthquake's growl and his fur flattened a bit, Good he's alive. He thought for a moment before watching his uncle pad over. Lioncloud was his father, Clearsong backed up a bit so Earthquake could sit with Lioncloud as well. When he heard Pebblesplash speak, he was relieved. As long as those two were alive, he'd be okay. He turned back and looked back at his grandfather, how much he looked like his own father, Amberstone, and remembered his father. Sprawled on a thunderpath when a monster hit him. Clearsong let out a shaky breath and buried his nose in Lioncloud's fur once more.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-08 19:21:30
Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: *OPEN*
She could feel the hustle and bustle of camp around her, well what was made of the camp. She cracked her eyes open again, the drool from the dog hardening her fur, making it more uncomfortable for the she-cat. She could feel that something had happened, that something was wrong. Missing. She curled her toes again, worried if they were even functional anymore. She wanted to be there for her clan, but she couldn't be. She hates that. She moved her eyes around, trying to look around. Her eyes quickly teared, and her vision blurred more. She closed her eyes, and tried hard not to fall asleep.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 21:09:07
Icepaw-12 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18- Temp camp
Icepaw dashes around looking all the injuries. She runs into the medicine station grabbing some marigold and cobweb. What else would they need? Strengthening herbs. She quickly grabs a small bundle of the herbs she had prepared earlier and rushes out of the den to Horsetail. "Do we need something else? I think we could also use horsetail. She didn't want to miss any herb she would use to heal her clanmates from the dog attack. She walked over to Harepaw. She looked really badly wounded. Icepaw starts putting cobwebs over Pebblesplashs wounds.

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Edited on 10/11/18 @ 23:02:21 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-09 10:28:49

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Clearsong, Stripecloud, Icepaw, Glade|Mentions Indirectly: All, Pebblesplash, Harepaw|Location: Camp

Horsetail looked over, as Icepaw came running. She had cobwebs, merigold, and a gathering of strengthening herbs in her jaw. "Yes, horsetail would be good, but I think -since we already have the merigold- goldenrod would be better", the medicine cat said, nodding his head at his apprentices words. "Keep pressure on the wounds, I'll look for a stick to splint Pebblesplashe's leg and some goldenrod ", the dark sand colored tom said. Moving over he tapped his apprentice on the shoulder, "Keep calm and breath, you can do this", Horsetail said, reassuringly.
Turning, the tom walked along the river. Stopping in a small clearing, Horsetail looked around. Here he would probably find the goldenrod and probably a good stick. He did not have to look long, for the large golden plant. Snagging a bushel, the tom scand the ground for a good stick. At the side of a tree, he spotted a large straight stick. That would work perfectly, reaching over, he spotted some small vines. A smile broke on his face, was Starclan looking over him for once? This vine plant was bindweed, it was perfect for holding the stick securely to the she-cats leg.
With his mouth completely filled, the dark sand colored tom headed back to the makeshift camp. Almost tripping on the bindweed several times as he walked, Horsetail finely made it back to camp. As he did, a loud cry of pain hit his ears. The tom flinched, not again. What had happened now? Preparing his heart for what ever might await him, Horsetail stepped into camp. His breath caught, as his eyes fell on the large lifeless body of Lioncloud. No! Not another thing, when was this going to end? He thought.
His jaw set, Horsetail walked briskly to the medicine cat den. Placing the stick, bindweed, and horsetail down, he quickly turned to Icepaw, "I know this is hard, but keep focused on treating them", Horsetail told his apprentice, indicating the injured cats. "Chew the goldenrod and merigold into a pulp and spread it over their wounds, I'll go outside and... and see if I can help", the mentor told his apprentice.
Turning on his heels, the medicine cat headed outside. Taking a deep breath, he set his shoulders. Reaching the large dead calicos side, the tom looked him over. Lioncloud was definitely killed, the old tom did not deserve to die like that. Looking up, Horsetail hesitated for a moment, as his eyes fell on the stranger 'Glade'. Around the slim tom was a dark cloud/mist, it was coming from his pelt almost as if he was on fire. Strange..... Shaking his head, Horsetail took it as just another side effect of being in Starclan.
Turning back around, Horsetail cleared his throat and started to speak, "Earthquake, Clearsong, please place Lioncloud into the center of camp, so that the clan can mourn his passing. Stripecloud!", Horsetail called the toms name, "I want you to go and fetch anyone who is still out, everyone needs to return, it is far too dangerous out there", Horsetail's voice was different, as he spoke. This needed to end, everyone should stay in, where it is save. Looking to Glade, a growl came from the medicine cat, something very uncharacteristic. "Glade", Horsetail practically spit the word out, "I don't like or trust you, so stay over there", Horsetail said, indicating a far corner of the camp. Briskly turning away from the tom, Horsetail walked back to the medicine cat den. He need to tend to Harepaw and Pebblesplash.

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Edited on 09/11/18 @ 10:29:04 by LightQueen🦉 (#59203)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 10:46:38
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Horsetail, Harepaw

Clearsong looked up, his eyes dull, as he heard a cat call his and Earthquake's name. He sat back and look in the direction, seeing Horsetail awake, his piercing gold eyes staring back at him. He looked to Earthquake and placed his tail on his uncle's shoulder, "Come on, we should move him." Clearsong croaked. Looking at his sister, he gave her ear a brief lick before turning and tugging at Lioncloud's scruff.

A moment later, he and Earthquake had moved Lioncloud's body to the center of the camp, he nuzzled his grandfather's ear one last time before stepping back and padding over to Horsetail. "Anything I can do to help?" He asked, casting a sidelong glance to Pebblesplash and Harepaw.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-10 20:21:35
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 10/30| Warrior| Camp |Mentions: Lioncloud (ID), Clearsong, Icepaw, Glade
Glade. What an odd name. Pebblesplash flicked her tail. She glared at "Glade" and turned to Clearsong- er turned her head.
"Great StarClan Clearsong, calm down! I'm sure Horsetail and Icepaw have this handled," she looked at Icepaw, who was tending her leg,
"Thank you, by the way." The grey she-cat turned her attention back to Clearsong.
"Listen...I know it's gonna be hard with out... Lioncloud, and..." Pebblesplash broke off, thinking of Amberstone. She stopped talking and laid her head down. She couldn't even reassure herself.

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Edited on 10/11/18 @ 20:22:08 by Hurri (#147819)

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