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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 21:45:47

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw, Glade (ID), Pebblesplash (ID), Earthquake (ID)

Clearsong padded alongside the apprentice, lending her his shoulder to support her a bit. He remembered the look he recieve from Pebblesplash and sighed, watching his paws and he padded toward the moss pile he and Glade had collects days prior. Ever since Glade became leader, his sister talked less and less to him. It hurt him to see her turn away from him when he tried to talk to her and growl at him when she passed. Earthquake hadn't talked to him much either, he missed the two.

"It'll blow over," he told himself quietly, he lashed his tail once, Why can't they see Glade is trying his best. He thought angrily. If he was the only one who understood Glade, then so be it. He huffed, giving up the topic, he was starting to feel like he was acting petty.

Clearsong was glad Harepaw accepted his company. Glade hadn't separated them so far, so he assumed he was okay in helping out Harepaw recover. "If anything, I don't think it was right to send you to gather moss with how your leg is," He leaned down and picked some moss up with Harepaw, "Though it cwoud jus be more twaining." He said behind his bundle, before turning back toward Camp with her.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-17 00:11:45


Stripecloud|15 Moons|Warrior|25/30| Temporary Camp|Mentions:

Stripecloud walked over to Glade. He didn't like him but he wanted to go hunting. Just wanted to feel the wind on his fur and hunt for his Clan. He was starving. The last thing he had eaten was a crow, and that was ages ago. His stomach rumbled as he thought about food. He walked up to Glade. "Erm, Glade, do I have the permission to go hunting? I want to keep us healthy and strong." The tom kept his voice even, or rude or shy, even.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-17 10:43:12

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong

Harepaw picked up as much as she could, wanting to make as few trips as possible.
"But, it's what he wants." She muffled around the moss. "And maybe, but we got to do this first." She sighed, and turned back to camp with Clearsong. When would the next warrior ceremony be? I doubt Glade even knows about the warrior ceremony. She flicked her ears to distract herself from her thoughts; most her thoughts being questions, that she doubt would get answers soon.

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 10:44:44 by Viper (#91328)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 12:50:02

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Returning to Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong nodded as he padded up the river toward camp, for a split second he heard a splash and he turned his ears to it. Looking over, he saw a fish swimming downstream had leapt out of the water and back in again and again. The fish had a little pink body, but his stomach growled at the sight. Slowly he put down the moss and laid his tail on Harepaw's shoulder. He stalked over to the waters edge, shivering at the thought of falling in. If he weren't so hungry, he wouldn't have thought twice about not going after it, but he was, so he sat by the river. The fish was coming closer, the cold river moved along sluggishly, tiredly. Clearsong knew it must be freezing. Suddenly, the fish was in reach. Remember his sister's lessons, he flashed his paw in, the cold water burning his paw, before scooping out the fish. He wobbled for a moment, almost falling in, but he regained his balance and dealt a death blow to the salmon's spine. He padded back, to Harepaw and placed it at her feet. "Eat this, you haven't eaten in a while and you need to keep up your strength for your leg. Clean yourself very thoroughly afterword, Glade mustn't know we've eaten." Clearsong began to clean his paws, ridding them of the scent of blood and the cold touch of water.


Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Open!

In the past few days, Rainpaw had grown increasingly snappy. She was able to tolerate cats much less and all she thought about was when her next meal would be. She didn't know how Glade managed to become leader so quickly. He was well recieved, and Earthquake spent a lot of time mourning his father. Glade had a naturally ambitious air to him, and she watched as his greedy eyes looked at the hungry cats, he grow plump off of their food. He was supposed to be "just passing through" for Starclan's sake! She had no clue how Clearsong had begun to accept the leader. She growled every time he came near, she couldn't stand the thought of the orange tom. He sat there, sucking up to him. "Clearsong, fetch me more moss!" He says, "Right away." He says. The little crust." She grumbled. Rainpaw's claws itched to shut him up just one time.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 13:17:09

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Glade
Pebblesplash watched th fish impatiently. She just needed one large fish to at least help the clan. Narrowing her eyes, she watched a rather large trout frisk by, oblivious to the desperate she-cat. Crouching lower, she lashed a paw out flipping it onto the rocks. Finally. The she-cat has been struggling to hunt since the dog attack, and this was the first real catch she had in days

Observing the fish, she realized it could maybe feed the apprentices and a warrior- if they took small bites. But knowing Glade, he would take most of the fish and leave them to starve. Turning her gaze back to the water, she looked for another fish. But of course, all but one or two have scattered. Pebblesplssh would have to make do with the trout and the other fish- assuming she could catch it- for the clan. Taking stance again, she reached out once more. This time she wasn’t as lucky.

Padding back to camp sullenly with the trout, she dropped it in the former prey-pile place.
”This was all I could catch,” she said the Glade, irritated. Pebblesplash shouldn’t have to hunt in her state. She couldn’t stalk birds or chase mice. Only fish. And she was lucky to catch one.

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 13:17:17 by Hurri (#147819)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-17 13:45:12

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong

Harepaw watched, in slight horror and amazement, as Clearsong snatched the fish from the water. She was surprised the tom had willing gone into the water, even if it was just his paw, and hadn't fallen in either. The fish only flopped for a moment, making Harepaw's stomach grumble and cramp in hunger, before Clearsong gave the final blow. Harepaw placed the moss at her feet, as Clearsong instructed her to eat. She couldn't hide the shook on her face.
"Thank you, but are-are you sure that's a good idea? Even if we cover up the smell, are you sure he won't find out?" She hated that she had stammered, but the young cat was confused on what to do. Her stomach cramped more as she looked at the fish, but she didn't want to go against Glade's orders, even if she didn't know is he should be there. What was the right thing to do, when both answers didn't seem right?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 13:57:51

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong was looking around for anyone watching, "You have to eat. You're going to get sick if you don't! You haven't eaten in a long while and, at this rate, your leg wont heal!" His voice rose in a small panic before he quieted himself again, "Look, it isn't a big fish any way, we can throw the remains in the river. If we had brought it back to camp, it wouldn't be fed to the queen first, it'd go straight to Glade." He lashed his tail. As much as he respected Glade, he knew they'd starve without food. He couldn't bring himself to think of Harepaw immobilized due to hunger. He looked into Harepaw's eyes, "Please. I'll take the blame if we get caught." He looked around again, keeping his large ears pricked for any on-lookers.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-17 14:20:47

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong

The she cat didn't like the tom being so panicked. She tore off one side of the fish and placed it in front of Clearsong.
"Fine, but you have to eat too. Everyone's hungry, not just me. I just wished we-i could go hunting." She flattened her ears a little, upset a little. She wanted to help her clan, but Glade didn't seem to want the cal fed either. So would she really be able to do anything? She started to munch on the fish a little, thinking about everything that had happen in the past few days, and what it meant or her clan, and her. Would Starclan really send this cat to lead them? Would they really wish this cruel treatment on the clan? No, they want the best for us! But look at the past few months. Rain, storms, cats being struck by lightning, the fire, and now, well, Glade is here. They haven't, exactly, been that nice and caring lately. But their kin being starved is what they want? She shook her head again, rather roughly, before beginning to clean her face to hide the distress her own thinking had caused. She's glad that Clearsong was here to provide company to her; she wasn't sure how much longer her self tirade would've gone on for if she hadn't remembered the tom was here. And the urgency he shown for her health reassured the she-cat. Maybe she could talk to him about everything going on in her head?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 15:02:27

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw

Clearsong sighed as he watched Harepaw rip the fish in two. He didn't hear anybody, his heart raced, were they going to get away with this? He took a few breaths and looked down at the fish Harepaw put by his paws. He looked at it for a moment before being told to eat it. A small smile crept onto his face, "Fine, you win, but if I eat, you eat." He said before tearing into his small meal in quick, ravished bites.

The fish managed to fill the void slightly, but he was still greatful. He knew if he'd eaten too much, he'd get stomach pains, so the small meal was decent for the time being. He carefully cleaned his face, hoping to hide any smells of lrey or blood on him. He rubbed his face in a smelly bush before coming back and disposing of the fish pieces in the river.

After they were done and clean, he sat back by Harepaw. "We should start moving soon, Glade will want to know what's taking so long." He bumped his head against Harepaw's for a moment, "Thank you." He said quietly. Clearsong confused himself with the gesture, it was supposed to be just a friendly tap and a thanks, but Clearsong lingered for a moment longer. Closing his eyes, he smiled for a second, before bouncing back. "Sorry! I didn't mean to be awkward!" He gave an embarassed chuckle before turning to pick up the moss again.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 15:09:07
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:12/30|Warrior|
|Temp.Camp|Mentions:[D] Glade
[ID] Sunstar, Willowstar

Emerging from the makeshift leader's den, he was just going to check on Pebblesplash and Harepaw when Glade had begun ordering cats around.
Earthquake's eyes narrowed and venom was laced in his voice, he stared at Glade as if he had apples growing from his ears. "I'd soon skin myself before I'd raise a claw to help you." he spat."Just who do you think you are anyway?" he walks up to Glade, as he remarked smugly about the cats he injured. Disgusted by the fact that Glade had been anywhere near him, especially while he slept, made him bristle.
Although he was in no condition to fight and the inflicted scar on his back proved more so.
He grinned, deciding to play this little game Glade had going, he saw right through his facade like a patch of ripe death berries. It made something inside him stir as he stood over Glade, but he squashed it down. "If you hadn't noticed-" he began, "We have rules. "Strict rules". he emphasized. "Confused? Let me clarify, please." he mocked in Glade's sickeningly sweet tone.
"You aren't our leader." he stated simply and to the point.
He's wasn't mouse-brained, and neither was he about to reveal who the real leader was, he had a feeling that they'd soon be mourning another loss, coincidentally.
"I have to get to Sunstar and Willowstar before he does..."

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 15:21:45 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 15:18:07


Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Softsong (ID), Swallowfall (ID)

Rainpaw looked around, noticing someone missing aside from those who were told to be. She couldn't put a name to it, she just knew there was an absence. Closing her eyes, Rainpaw tried to remember who returned to camp recently. She shook her head, unable to remember.

She padded forward, not knowing what really to do. For fear of being injured, the she cat had stayed far away from Glade. She felt bad for Swallowfall and Aldershade, who were currently in the medicine den, trying to cope with wounds inflicted by Glade. She growled again, thinking of how much pain Softsong must be in since Aldershade was injured.

Rainpaw looked around again, narrowing her eyes. That's right, he didn't come back did he? She didn't see the tom's black and white pelt, and he hadn't been to visit Aldershade recently. Where is he?

Discreetly, she made her way to the dirtplace, slinking along the wall in the ferns until she reached the medicine den. She looked around for a moment, then darted in and found Aldershade.

"Hey, Aldershade? You up?" She hissed quietly to the tom while poking him. She didn't want to wake Swallowfall who lay nearby. She quickly placed her tail near his muzzle in case he was starled or became loud."Has Softsong visited you recently? I haven't seen him in days." She crouched in the shadows, she was ready for an adventure. She needed to get out.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-17 15:23:39

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong

Harepaw sighed, knowing he was right. Clearsong bumped heads with her, a soft 'thank you' coming from the tom. He lingered for a moment, and Harepaw didn't mind. She smiled and gave a slight friendly chuckle to the tom, before touching her tail to his flank in a comforting gesture.
"It's okay, don't worry your fur out." She teased playfully, before picking up her moss as well. She hobbled along side the tom heading back to camp.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-17 18:25:23


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Stormberry, Open!

Snowecho felt really tired, like he could sleep for several moons. He shifted a little as a paw smacked, or so he thought. His body refused to move as he wished. This confused him, so he opened his eyes to look around. How long had he been asleep? His limbs should not feel stiff after a single night's rest. Just as the strangeness of his stiff limbs hit him, he realised that the scent of three unfamiliar cats were in the air. That, and he realised that it was a cat smacking him that had first stirred him from his slumber. This caused adrenaline to pump through him, possibly awakening his limbs some as he shot to his paws. He stumbled around a little before backing away from the three cats around him. Who were these cats? The white tom looked at each of them, two of them seemed to be awake - a golden tom with dark siamese patterns and a calico she-cat. He glanced towards the last sleeping cat. It was a dark brown tabby tom with a white paw. Deep down he felt a little sting of déjà vu.

The white medicine cat soon shook the strange feeling off and left the den without another word. He needed to find a cat that could explain to him what he had done in a den with three strangers. His determined stride faltered to a stop as he saw the camp for the first time. Another unfamiliar scent hit him, and he could sense that something was off. He spotted another tom with a siamese pattern, this one white. He briefly wondered why there were so many strangers in camp, then his eyes landed on Earthquake. Finally a familiar face! He was about to approach the tom, but hesitated as he watched him confront the white siamese cat.

Feeling confused, Snowecho stepped aside from the den he had been in and stood uncertainly at the edge of camp. He was unsure of what he should do, and it seemed like all the cats he knew were either talking to the stranger, or out of camp.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 19:07:05
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Wolfpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho

As Wolfpaw’s attention lingered on Earthquake confronting Glade, he almost didn’t notice a white pelt slip out of the den that he had spent almost all of his time watching over. At first he thought it was just him imagining things, but as he watched him a little more, he realized that it was Snowecho and that he was finally awake. As much as he wanted to run to the den and see if his sister was up, he felt he needed to check up on his kin and see if he was okay. The fluffy gray and white tom darted out from the bush he hid in and raced over to the white tom, lightly head butting his shoulder. “Snowecho! You’re awake!” His ears flattened when he realized he might’ve been too loud and backed up into the shadows along the edge of the camp close by his cousin, motioning with his tail for the medicine cat to come closer. He couldn’t afford Glade noticing and trying to start a problem with him after he just woke up. “I’m glad you’re awake. I was almost worried that none of you guys would come back to us ever again.” He sighed. “A lot has happened and I’m sure you might be confused. I’ll try and answer whatever questions you might have.”

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 19:50:20

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw, Glade, Earthquake, Pebblesplash

Clearong padded into camp with the moss, setting it down just in front of the entrance so Glade wouldn't see he was helping out. He laid his tail on Harepaw's shoulder. "You can take it from here, I wanna go ask Glade something."

He trotted into camp, and saw Earthquake talking to Glade, no snarling at him. His pelt prickled, Earthquake is going to get hurt! Clearsong pelted forward, "Dont do it Earthquake!" He shouted as he came closer, however before he could make it to the tom, he was barreled over by a familiar gray and black pelt. "Wha-? Pebble? What are you-?"

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 19:54:08 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

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