Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 19:59:00

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Glade (ID), Earthquake(ID)
"Earthquake can beat that poor excuse of a cat!" Pebblesplash hissed to Clearsong, "Because he actually has the guts to stand up to that horrid cat. Why can't you what he's done?!" her voice was rising rapidly. She firmly held Clearsong down, but was careful not to draw blood. Great StarClan, how she wanted to knock some sense into this tom! Turning her gaze to Earthquake, she watched him circle Glade.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 20:12:34

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Glade, Earthquake

Clearsong struggled under his sister's grasp, despite his size and strength, he was weak from lack of training and food. "Pebblesplash! Glade's just trying his best! I don't know how you can't see that! He's been really stressed out lately and doesn't know what to do, it's not his fault he was a rouge before hand!" Clearsong's voice rose to almost a whine. Why had it all changed? What had happened? Clearsong felt his chest tighten at the thought of how easily thier bond had be broken.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-17 20:49:30

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash, Earthquake

Harepaw muffled a 'thank you' around her mouthful of moth. She appreciated the toms help, and enjoyed his company. She struggled to pick up the bundle the tom laid down, but she managed.

She hobbled into camp, her partially filled stomach would give her energy soon, and over a few sunrises before the hunger took it's toll on her again. She dropped the moss from her mouth in shock at the sight that lay in front of her. Earthquake circled Glade like those mange pelts from a few sunrises ago. She wasn't use to seeing the tom in that manner. And...Pebblesplash had Clearsong pinned to the ground! Anger clear on the she-cat's face as she held him there. Now Harepaw was stuck in what to do. She swore to herself that she would be there for these two after the dog attack they survived together, but now she wanted to attack them in anger. But it proved to her that she wasn't the only one unhappy or unsure of Glade being leader. But she truly hated the thought of Clearsong being hurt. Before she even realized it she was hobbling toward Pebblesplash, trying to use her bad leg too.
"Get off him! That's your brother!" She called as she approached. Clearsong yowls made her even more stressed to get to Pebblesplash. But her bad leg shook and trembled with each step, probably slowing her down more than helping, honestly.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 20:52:33
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Spottedpaw-10 moons-Apprentice-18/18-Camp Territory
Spottedpaw stuck her nose up in the air trying to smell prey. She pricked her ears up thinking she heard a mouse scuffling in the leaves She starts to stalk forward and steadily making her way through the leaves. She did this until she could see the mouse. She crept forward until she was behind the mouse. She pounced. Catching the mouse by surprise. She caught it and gave it a swift killing blow to the neck. She stood up and buried it. She wanted to see if she could catch more prey.

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 20:58:41 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 20:54:55


GLADE | MENTIONS: Swallowfall, Clearsong, Pebblesplash, Horsetail, Earthquake, Wolfpaw

Glade had finished visiting Swallowfall in the medicine den, when he walked back out into the clearing to be met by Earthquake, who was in a hissy fit. He lifted his neck up, making it look longer as he grinned down at the other tom. His chest tingled a bit, and he didn't know why. "Last I checked, you did have a leader. You know what happened to him, Earthquake? He's dead. The dog killed him, when I was trying to save him."
His mood turned sour, and he got upset. He was trying here! "If you don't have the ability to get the job done, then someone else has to do it. So, who's going to patrol the borders?" He hissed, looking out into the camp. A lot of the cats were exhausted and tired, with not much energy to spare. Glade felt a small pinch, deep down, but he buried it. I can't feel bad for them. I won't.
The leader noticed that Clearsong was trotting into camp with moss, and a smirk came across his face. He could count on the other tom to get done what he needed done. He considered asking the tom if he would be his "deputy", or whatever you call them..
Glade watched as Pebblesplash went up to the fresh kill pile, and he ignored everyone else, going straight up to her. He loomed over her, asserting his dominance. "How dare you come back here with this.. this.. mouse-crap. You should be ashamed, everyone will have empty stomachs again because of you. Maybe you should just leave. I doubt anyone else wants to waste their time on you."
He swung his tail, immediately leaving her without giving Pebblesplash the chance to respond. Glade noticed on the way to his den that a smaller cat was roaming near the edge of camp, by a den. There was another white cat beside him, a thick white and fluffy cat. He stopped momentarily. "Hey! If you're just going to stand there and chat, you might as well share that conversation with me! Get to work!"
Glade growled lowly before stalking off into his leader den, taking a seat beside Horsetail.
"So.. this whole "become a leader" thing. We need to visit this place so I can receive the lives I have earned. You will take me there. We must leave immediately. If you do show me how to lead, and take me to this magical stone.. you can have all the fresh kill you want. I'll even catch it for you myself. You've proved to be a good healer to me as well as my clan."
Looking up at Horsetail, a shiver went through his spine as he noticed that the cat's eyes were practically.. glowing. It startled him. Not many things can do that. "And also.. have you always had eyes like that?

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 21:04:15

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Glade, Harepaw
He distraught she-cat snarled at Harepaw as she approached.
”My brother....” Pebblesplash’s voice turned to laughter, but the not kind she used to have. This was a broken laugh. Hollow. Empty. And what did her brother do about it...
”This tom is not my brother.”

Standing up, she left the tom and his friend alone. A glimmer of guilt appeared in her stomach as she left Clearsong and Harepaw behind. She had been cruel. But no, Pebblesplash shook it off. At least for now. She retrieved the fish and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. Dropping the fish, she mournfully stared at the tiny pile of what used to hold more then a fish and mouse. About to turn away, she saw Glade approaching. He loomed over her. Ranted
to her about "how selfish she was" and how "she should just leave". Blood pounded in her ears.
"What are we supposed to do, STARVE?!" Pebblesplash shouted at the "leader".

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Edited on 18/11/18 @ 12:08:18 by Hurri (#147819)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-17 21:22:08

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harepaw, a mysterious figure

"This tom is not my brother."

Clearsong's eyes widened, he felt his legs grow weak. Time seemed to slow. Ringing. Loud ringing. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't stand, he couldn't hear. His breathing grew weak and jagged, "Peb-I..." His tail curled tightly against him and his ears flattened. Slowly he backed up, this couldn't be happening. He shut his eyes, No...

He needed to escape the ringing, it was too loud. "Run away." A soft voice coaxed in his mind, he felt an invisible touch, "She told you she doesn't care. Go." He shook his head slowly, backing up. He needed air, he couldn't breathe.

He dashed out through the woods, running deep into the heart of the old Shadowclan terriorty, he paused gasping for air. The thick air of Camp long behind him. He enjoyed the quiet of the pine forest, at least the ringing had stopped.

Suddenly a scent wafted to him on the breeze. Looking up he saw something, a shape, a cat. Her eyes glowed at him from the shadows, he had to approach. Who was this mysterious figure? "Hello?" He called. The shape was blending into the shadows. Somehow...


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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-18 01:16:45
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:12/30|Warrior|
|Temp.Camp|Mentions: [D] Pebblesplash, Clearsong

Earthquake scraped his claws in the dirt, his blood boiling while he stared daggers at Glade. "You're losing your temper!" his mind scolded him. "Stop it!" He took a deep breath, his fur lying flat as he tried to blow the whole situation off.
In his anger, he managed to miss Pebblesplash's and Clearsong's argument, whatever the she-cat had said seemed to have deeply wounded Clearsong however.
He watched with sorrowful eyes as Clearsong left, he felt distraught, his chest tightening with pain "This isn't what I wanted! Our family is falling apart!"
"Our entire clan is in shambles..." he reminded himself with a tired sigh.
"Pebblesplash." he called her in a soft tone, a familiar tone he used when they were just kits. He gave her a knowing glance, family discussion time, as he soon followed after Clearsong.
But before he left, he mumbled something inaudible to Glade, "By Starclan, as long as I am Lioncloud's son and he is my father through and through, I will lead this clan.
He turned, giving Pebblesplash a gentle nudge to follow him out.

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Edited on 18/11/18 @ 01:18:11 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-18 12:11:47

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong (ID), Glade (ID), Earthquake
Pebblesplash turned to Earthquake with mournful eyes. She had a faint clue of what he wanted right now. But she didn’t need to see her brother. You mean Clearsong right? After all, you said he wasn’t your sibling anymore.
Looking at Earthquake again, she sighed.
”What can we possibly do...” the she-cat has basically given up hope. It hurt to be defeated. Glade had ruined their lives.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-11-18 12:38:44

Swallowfall | 15 Moons | Warrior | 14/30 | Camp (Med Den) | Mentions: Aldershade, Glade
Swallowfall blinked her eyes blearily and shivered. She attempted to sit up but her body screamed in protest so she slumped back in the nest. Swallowfall looked about, icy eyes taking in her surroundings. She gathered that she was in the medicine den but had no recollection of getting there or why her body was so bruised and battered. She spotted Aldershade nearby in the den and recoiled at the sight of him. He looked like he had had a fight with a badger and most definitely lost. Before she could call out his name however, a slim siamese entered the den and made his way toward her. She was struck by his grace and her heart fluttered softly. "My love.. I'm sorry. I won't hurt you ever again, I promise." He said. Swallowfall was touched by the cat's concern but mildly confused as to why he addressed her so tenderly. Nevertheless, she gave him a soft bump with her nose, accepting his apology. When the stranger had left she turned back to Aldershade, eyes swimming with worry. "Aldershade...are you okay? What happened?!" She said, obviously upset. Her stomach growled and she longed for a bite to eat or even a sip of fresh water. Swallowfall ran her tongue over her parched lips, trying to recall what it felt like to be full and not aching.

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Edited on 18/11/18 @ 13:16:23 by Denebola (#121897)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-11-18 16:15:08

Aldershade - 15 moons - Warrior - 14/30 health - Temporary camp - Mentions: Glade (ID), Softsong (ID), Icepaw (ID), Rainpaw, Swallowfall

Aldershade felt his whole body trembling as he tried not to writhe with pain and anguish. The young tom was a weak fighter and didn't stand much chance against Glade's ferocity, and he had learned that the hard way. Terrible as he was at handling any kind of pain or injury, things were different now that he was a warrior, not a kit or an apprentice. He felt like there were new expectations on him, that showing pain too openly was unbecoming of a cat of his age and rank. That didn't make it hurt any less, however, and he would occasionally give in and let out a long, low noise when he could hold it in no longer.

And worst of all, Softsong had abandoned him, and while he was somewhat pleased by the thought that his running away meant the black and white tom didn't get hurt, anger was beginning to seep up inside of him, the more he thought about it. How come Softsong gets to run away, and be safe, and I don't? He had thought the fluffy tom cared about him, but from what had happened in the past few days, it definitely didn't feel like it. If he ever did come back, Softsong would have his paws full. The lean warrior was not a very forgiving cat.

Aldershade looked up when Icepaw came to check on his wounds, curling his tail and having to forcibly stop himself from hissing as the herbs were added to his injuries. Before she left, he thought for a moment or two about asking for anything more to ease the pain, but then subtly shook his head to himself. Much as he felt like chowing down on a million poppy seeds right now, he didn't feel like it would do him any good. Besides, he was already feeling drowsy.

He wouldn't sleep just yet, though, as Rainpaw made her way inside to see him. The fact that cats were starting to take a bit of interest in him helped him to feel better - after all, it did seem like it was his over-reliance on Softsong that had made this situation so much harder. If only he could branch out and find other cats to be close with, the loss of one individual perhaps wouldn't affect him so badly.

"No, as f-far as I know, he ran away." The tom explained, a small hint of a hiss in his voice as he spoke. "Last time I saw him was on the moors." He added, turning his head to look at Swallowfall as she woke up. He had felt jealousy and even a little anger towards the she-cat in the past, when she seemed to be the focus of all Softsong's affections, but Softsong having abandoned them all, and Swallowfall being so worried for him, softened his heart towards her.

"Glade." He whispered, fearful of the siamese tom hearing. "That's what happened."

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-18 16:48:10


Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, Aldershade, Softsong (ID)

Rainpaw felt herself let out a hiss, "Glade." She spat the word out as if it were maggot-filled crowfood, "That useless sack of fleas doesn't deserve any of the praise he gets."

The usually hyperactive, excitable cat that Rainpaw was had been torn away ever since Glade had wiggled his way into the leader position. Her mask of smiles and lies was finally being removed and her bitterness was beginning to break through. Her claws itched to score deep wounds across that mange-pelt's smug face, as well as any cat who thought he was even remotely deserving of that position.

Rainpaw shook her head, that wasn't why she was here. She took in a deep breath and tried to calm down, a huff escaping her as she did.

"I don't know why he left, but Softsong is a part of our clan. Knowing Glade, it may have had something to do with him. I've seen how that tom acts around you, he wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye." She looked at Aldershade, resting her tail comfortingly on his shoulder. She could see the pain that glittered in his eyes, it was appearing much too often in her clanmates' faces recently.

She gave a swift look to Swallowfall, then back to Aldershade, "I may not know what's going on, but I need to find out. I came here first to see if you maybe wanted to come with me to find him. That is, if your injuries aren't too harsh to travel across the moor." Rainpaw nodded to both cats, extending her invitation to travel.

A flicker of fear appeared in her chest for a moment. Rainpaw had been present to witness the affection Glade showed for Swallowfall. She was inviting the cat in good tidings, however she was also inviting her, in part, as to not have any witnesses for their disappearance. Her tail tip flicked at the thought of Swallowfall giving out information to Glade and their trek to find Softsong being cut short.

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Edited on 18/11/18 @ 16:50:26 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-18 18:32:55

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Makeshift Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash(ID), Earthquake(ID), *OPEN*

Harepaw was stunned by Pebblesplash's response. She never knew the She-cat could be that cold. Before she could respond, Clearsong had ran passed her. She turned around slowly.
"Clearsong!" She called after the tom, though she doubt he heard her. Her legs shook beneath her as she continued to hobble after the tom, before tripping over herself and half toppled over just a few feet from where she started. She needed strength, and soon. She forced herself to her feet, and hobbled, slowly, to the medicine cat den.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-18 23:21:02


Stripecloud|15 moons|25/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions Indirectly: Glade, Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Earthquake

Stripecloud stepped back. He didn't want to talk to the tom anymore. 'I'll just take my chances and go out. I don't want him snapping at me.' Stripecloud turned around. He would get something, his stomach rumbled as he ran. He didn't count Glade as his, "leader". Once all the high ranks woke up, Glade would be gone and the Clan would be normal again. Well, as normal as you can be when your camp burns down. Stripecloud looked over at Pebblesplash and Clearsong. Earthquake would deal with it, he already was. Stripecloud felt a little pity for the family. 'I survived for most of my life alone. What is it like to have an unbroken family? Something I'll never know, that's for sure.' Stripecloud bounded off wondering what would have happened if his father hadn't left. 'Would things be different?' He sighed and kept walking. Stripecloud sniffed the air. Rabbit. He followed the scent still pondering on the thought. Stripecloud started walking slower as the scent got stronger. A rabbit! Stripecloud got low in a crouch the wind whipping his face. He approached it slowly then sprang forward. The rabbit ran off. Stripecloud chased after it. He lunged snapping his jaws and grabbing the scruff of the rabbit. He killed it quickly then buried it. He sniffed the air again. He walked around trying to find a scent. There. A crow stood on a rock. Stripecloud crouched low. His stomach rumbled as he stepped forward. He groaned and ran forward. He leaped as the crow flew off. He batted the crow's wing but only hit its wing tip. The crow let out a loud screech and flew off. Stripecloud fell onto the ground and rolled a little. "Mouse dung!" He cursed standing back up. He watched the crow fly far away. The screech probably chased everything off. Stripecloud sighed and undug his rabbit. He took it in his mouth and walked back to camp. At least the rabbit was average sized. He didn't care if he got yelled at, which he probably would, he wanted to feed his Clan more than anything.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-19 12:55:29


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 25/30|Mentions Directly: Glade, Icepaw|Mentions Indirectly: All in camp, Pebblesplash, Harepaw|Location: Temporary camp

Horsetail's ear twitched, as so many voices drifted over to him. The medicine cat was a bit startled, as Icepaw suddenly appeared at his side. "Quick work", Horsetail said, giving her an approving nod. Looking up, as Glade reprimanded Pebblesplash, the dark sand colored tom shook his head. "Go check on Pebblesplash and Harepaw, their injuries are not yet completely healed, I don't want them to open again", Horsetail told his apprentice. As his gold eyes turned up, he saw that their 'Leader' had angled his stepps in his direction. "Go now", the tom told his apprentice, pushing her away with his tail. Knowing that he was currently the only medicine cat, gave him a privileged status. Horsetail was safe from any physical outbursts, but he was not yet sure how safe his apprentices where.
As Glade dew closer, the medicine cats golden eyes followed the slim siamese tom. The clan had suffered some, these past days. After Lioncloud's death, the medicine cat had hoped that Earthquake would step up and take charge. Maybe the large brown tom, just did not have the confidence yet. Horsetail straightened up and wrapped his long tail around his paws, once Glade stopped next to him and sat down. The dark sand colored tom discreetly dug his claws into the dirt, as Glade spoke. His golden eyes turned to the siamese tom. This tom was trying to be a good leader, he was also the one who brought Lioncloud's body back. Now, now? Maybe this cat would be the right leader. Horsetail was about to answer, when Glade mentioned his strange eyes.
Channeling his former mentors aloofness and evasiveness, Horsetail stood. "We'll go to the Highstones then, to where the Moonstone lies", the medicine cat slowly said, evading Glade's question about his golden eyes. He did not like the idea of going out alone with Glade, searching for anyone to join them. His eyes fell on the receding back of his apprentice, "I'd like for Icepaw to come with us, it would be a good experience for her and...", Horsetail hesitated a bit at his next words, "It might also be a good idea to bring along a warrior."


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Snowball, Glade, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: NPC littermates|Location: Nursery - Just outside of Nursery

The fluffy kit bounded around the nursery, the day had only just started, but the large kit had been up for a long time. He wanted to out and explore, bouncing into the nest he shared with his mother and littermates, Lionkit landed on his sisters tail. "Sorry", Lionkit squealed, as his sister snapped at him. Weaving through his littermates, the fluffy calico stopped by his mother's head. "Come on, wake up", Lionkit said, prodding Snowball's head.
His head went to the entrance, as a strange tom peaked inside. His name was.... was.... Glade? Lionkit thought, automatically saying hello back. Not really getting any reaction from his mother, Lionkit huffed. Fine, then he'd just go out on his own.
Turning around, the fluffy kit tumbled over his littermates, getting grunts and curses through at him for his progress. Reaching the entrance of the nursery, Lionkit poked his head out. It was such a nice day outside, the sun was shining and the camp was alive with chatter. The young kit, in his innocent naivety, smiled. Maybe he could go and explore or maybe a apprentice had time to play. With a bounce in his step, the fluffy calico kit walked outside and looked for something fun to do.

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Edited on 19/11/18 @ 12:55:50 by LightQueen🦉 (#59203)

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