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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-14 21:42:43

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 10/30| Warrior| Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw

”It was a dog. Same on, actually. I think. They all look the same,” Pebblesplash managed a weak laugh.
”I had to make sure you were okay. I didn’t see you around camp, so I got worried.” She took a deep breath.
”We have a new cat in camp. His name is Glade. And very soon after, Lioncloud died. Glade claimed he was killed by a dog. Oh Hawkpaw, it’s so awful right now!” the she-cat was having a bit of a mental breakdown. His wasn’t right. Everything started going down after the fire. Actually, probably since Quietshadow left.
”Why can’t anyone in my life stay there?!”

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Edited on 15/11/18 @ 17:14:48 by Hurri (#147819)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-14 22:24:15

Mumblepaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw gave a long, weary sigh as he sat and closed his eyes. I can finally get some rest... but when did I become such a sleepy-slug? He let out a low grumble before getting to his paws and sluggishly making his way towards the river. The thought of napping near the quiet river was something that would surely help Mumblepaw relax. But for some reason he couldn't help but wonder how everyone else was dealing with everything. Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw... how were they holding up? I'll check in with them as soon as possible, especially Spottedpaw. The young tom gave himself a nod of agreement. He could see the river as he continued to walk, though he managed to see something else too, something way too familiar. Mumblepaw stopped in his tracks as he stared at the sandy pelt in the distance. It was so similar to... Horsetail? But there is absolutely no way. An intruder... but that's almost impossible. I have to be hallucinating at best, am I really that tired? He mumbled to himself as he continued to walk towards the figure, his drowsy eyes squinting to better make out the figure. "...Horsetail?" The apprentice mewed the name slowly. "What are you... why are you-?" He mumbled tiredly before yawning.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-15 04:24:11


Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 17/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Horsetail (ID), Stripecloud

Rainpaw hadn't meant to worry the tom. As she watched him walk out of camp toward the river, she saw the stiffness in the way he walked and she knew she had. Rainpaw sighed, she figured he'd probably want to be left alone and turned around again. Tiredness still sucked at her limbs, but her pads were no longer in pain, she still placed them down tentatively, however, afraid of dirtying or removing the herbs. Rainpaw padded back over to Stripecloud and sat down again. " I can't remember the last time that camp was in this much disarray." She sighed, leaning against Stripecloud, "Something had to have happened during that moon. The one where Breezekit and your brother died, as well as Quietshadow leaving to join a gang of rouges. That is the only time I can remember the clan acting similar to this" She shook her head, confusion filling her gaze.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-11-15 15:52:57

Stormberry - 32 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - StarClan - Mentions: Sunstar

Stormberry turned his head slightly as he felt Sunstar's tail against his cheek, and he gazed into his mate's eyes as he spoke. He felt himself tense up; from the sound of things, Sunstar didn't expect to come out of this battle alive. Such a thought made his heart hurt, but what was he to do? Physically hold the leader down? They were likely to both become goners if so.

"But it's not just your fight, Sunstar, you don't have to do everything on your own. We all grew up knowing we might have to defend our Clanmates with our lives, didn't we?"

Though he felt like begging the other tom to stay, the lick to his cheek told him that Sunstar had already made up his mind. He didn't let the other tom go without licking his cheek in return, and he paced nervously as he watched his mate go to face Brokenbone. He was confident in Sunstar's abilities, of course, but he didn't know the capabilities of a cat like Brokenbone. But, to his horror, it was Sunstar's own father that struck him - and Brokenbone was his mate?

The large tabby tom stood frozen in shock, as the blood drained from Sunstar's body, and seemingly with it, his life. He couldn't even pause to yowl in emotional agony, because the changes started happening thick and fast. All around him, the light of StarClan began to be replaced by a thick darkness. The lush plants around him withered and died as the threatening presence consumed everything in its path, and the Dark Forest advanced ever closer. There was nothing the deputy could do, except stand and watch his world crumble before his very eyes.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-15 17:00:57

Softsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong felt instantly calmer as Aldershade wrapped his tail around him. He took a deep breath when he heard the question. So he did not know... "L-Lioncould is..." He gulped and licked his lips. "H-He's dead." He mewed, his voice barely above a whisper. It hurt to admit that the elder was gone, but Aldershade deserved to know. "A-And there's a n-new cat." He added, not sure if he already knew about him. "A-Aldershade I don't want to be a warrior." He whispered, shame clear in his tone. His entire body trembled, and he just wanted out. If cats could shed tears of sadness, he would have streams soaking his cheek-fur. But cats can not cry tears, so the black and white tom let out a low mournful noise instead.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-15 22:20:39


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|20 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Sunstar|Location: Beside river

The medicine cat looked up, his golden eyes turning to Mumblepaw. The dark sand colored tom seemed to almost look through the apprentice, "Oh", Horsetail said. Not really an answer, his mind was still not working. Who, who was that? He just had the name. Name? What name? What was his name? Was he there? Here? Where was he, if not here? But he was not here, not really. If he was here, he would've seen himself, like normal. But others could see him, could they? This.... this.... what was the name again? M... Mumblepaw? Yes, that was it. Had acted like he was maybe not there, should he be? No, he should be somewhere else. He was needed somewhere else, he had been somewhere else.

As his mind keeps spiraling out of control, Horsetail had started to close his golden eyes. As he moved a paw, the tom shifted a rock. The sound of this, pebble, seemed like the drumming of a thousand boulders in his head.
Horsetail looked up, as if stung by a bee.
There, he could see them. There was Snowecho and there Sunstar. But no, that couldn't be, they were unconscious. Not in Starclan, in Starclan they were fighting.

Horsetail's head started to hurt, screwing his eyes shut. The medicine cat fell to the ground with a thud and placed his paws over his eyes. He did not want to see, not this, not what ever this was.
Without a warning, the medicine cat jumped to his paws and bolted to the river. With his forepaws in the cold water, Horsetail dunked his head under. Breathing out, large bubbles breached the water's surface. When there was no more air left in his lungs, Horsetail just stood there, motionless. The medicine cat suddenly came up again, gasping for air. His eyes still closed, Horsetail backed up a bit and sat down.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 15:29:42



Glade woke up early in the morning, stretching his legs as he walked out of the leaders den. He smiled as the horizon lit up, a good day on its way. He walked over to the dens, calling, "Everyone get up! The sun shines upon this new day! Pebblesplash, you have until sunhigh to get food for the whole clan. If everyone starves, it's all on you."
He smiled, then greeted the little kits roaming around in the nursery. "Hello, little ones."
Going back out into the clearing, he yelled, "Earthquake! You'll patrol the border. Make sure there's no nasty animals trying to get into my territory. And if you fight me again like yesterday, I'll give you a bigger wound than the one I just gave you on your spine. (( -18 HP))
Harepaw! Get moss for my bed- It's not fluffy enough for my liking. Get it done, now.
And Horsetail! Meet me in my den.. We need to discuss this whole Moonstone thing so I can finally get all those lives. Who would've known this place would become my kingdom?"

Swallowfall and Aldershade were in the medicine den, suffering from injuries that Glade inflicted on them as well. ((They are both at -20 HP))
The rest of the cats have been starved for the past two days, while Glade lives on a full stomach. ((Aka, everyone is weak and hungry, possible parched as well.))
He goes into the medicine den quickly, seeing Swallowfall and being upset. "My love.. I'm sorry. I won't hurt you ever again, I promise."

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 15:33:56 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 16:03:34

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Glade, Harepaw

Clearsong had watched his clan started to shift and change when Glade had come into power. Despite the death of his grandfather, he had slowly gotten used to it and began to believe Glade's story, eventually growing to respect the older tom. A feeling of familiarity growing in him with each encounter of the smaller siamese. He believed the tom was a bit overwhelmed, he had been a rouge before becoming leader, after all. He went from only having to care for himself, to having a whole clan to take care of, however Glade seemed determined to make the situation work. Clearsong was beginning to feel like one of the very few that felt like this, however.

As the nature of the clan shifted, cats grew skinny. So, too, had the large orange tom. He looked down at his thin fur, cold weather was coming soon, as it was leaf bare, and he didn't know how prepared the hungry cats would be. He looked up at a large gray sycamore, watching as a breeze blew a brown leaf from the tree and fluttered it slowly down onto the cold green grass. He turned, gazing over the clan as they worked, oblivious to any sorrow that may have ensued from this situation.

That wasn't the only thing that had changed after Glade's leadership, however. Over these past few days, he had gained a friend, keeping her occupied while her paw was mending. Clearsong padded over to the she-cat, smiling at her. "How's that leg of yours doing today? Up for some excersizes again, Harepaw?" Clearsong asked.

He had grown more like a mentor to the brown and white she-cat with each passing day. At first, Horsetail seemed opposed to it, but Clearsong didn't like seeing the soon-to-be warrior wasting away in stillness. He had approached her and eventually started doing some training that would temporarily accommodate for her broken leg, eventually it blossomed into a friendship and he rather enjoyed her company.

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 16:47:52 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 16:40:01

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 12/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong,Glade
Pebblesplash cursed her luck and stood up on shaky legs. It had been just days since the dog attack, and she wasn’t feeling any better. After Hawkpaw had helped her through her mental breakdown, the she-cat has returned and chaos unfolded. And then Glade rose to power. The warrior ,helpless against him, saw most of the clan ha approved. But two days of starvation went by. And now Pebblesplash, a healing warrior, had to hunt. For the clan. A small thought crossed her mind. You could leave, you know. She shook it off. She wouldn’t be like Quietshadow. She glared at Glade sullenly as she limped bast him.

”I guess I’ll go catch some fish,” she said to no one in particular. Passing Clearsong, she hissed quietly. Angry with the tom, she swept past him without a greeting. He had let this happen. He had bonded with that awful cat, and was oblivious to the hurt Glade was causing the clan. To her.

The river was her place of rest. Where she could go. Where Pebblesplash could see her friends and family without fear of being yelled at. She hoped Hawkpaw would be here. The she-cat needed to talk to someone. Wincing as she settled down, Pebblesplash prepared to catch a few fish.

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 18:12:05 by Hurri (#147819)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 17:13:06


Sunstar | 28 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Elders Den] | Mentions: Snowecho, Stormberry, Willowstar

Sunstar shifted, but there was no body to shift. He felt himself drifting off into the cosmos, until suddenly, something caught him. He called out, but there was no answer. Trying to figure out what was going on, Sunstar realized that he had died.
But why was he still here? Was this his consciousness? He tried to reach out mentally, but nothing happened. It was eerily silent.
A calm presence washed over him, and he saw a small silvery golden dusty light form in his form of vision. "Help.. please, let this pain end."
He imagined all of his clanmates, his mate, and all the sorrow he brought to them. He wanted to be a better leader. No.. he promised he would be a better leader.
"Get up. The universe isn't done with you yet."
In an instant, he felt his senses crash into his body, and he felt cold. Very cold. A moment later, he opened his eyes. The voice that he heard sounded so familiar.. it sounded like..
Sunstar couldn't help but feel.. emotional. Glad. Glad that his brother was still out there, somewhere.
A voice startled him, and he jolted up from whatever jumbled position he was in. He was in the elders den! He was alive! He looked around, and his heart melted to see Stormberry, Snowecho, and Willowstar next to him. He smacked them with a paw. Why were they asleep? Work needed to be done!
He felt like he had gone somewhere.. but where did he go? Why isn't he in his leader den? He went to bed there last night.. A wave of confusion washed over him. One thing was for certain though.. he was starving.

(I have used Stardust on him, and he now has glowing eyes similar to Horsetail's. Except they glow his natural color.. and it seems that he suddenly has some gray hairs.. (Same age though))

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 17:28:59 by Quake™ (#69866)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-16 17:45:41


Softsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Edge of old Windclan territory, far away from Camp | Mentions: Open!

Softsong had almost lost count of how many days had passed since he had ran away from the Clan. He felt bad about abandoning everyone, but the new cat had scared him too much to stay. He had managed himself fine away from the rest. He had hunted for himself and even made himself a little shelter. He had started to enjoy the loner's life, but his heart felt heavy and empty. Not a moment passed without him missing Aldershade. It had felt like several seasons had passed since he last saw his warm beautiful copper gaze. His heart ached as his thoughts lingered on the handsome tom. He felt another wave of guilt threaten to crush him. He closed his eyes against it and rode it out like usual. A few moments passed and he opened his eyes again and looked from the forest and into the moor. He longed to stretch his legs out properly while chasing rabbits, but most of all he missed the tunnels. He had hardly got to exploring them, had not even been able to suggest hunting in them yet, but he still missed it.

He wanted to approach the border, find a border patrol just to get a status update. If the high-ranks were back, he wanted to return. He was aware that Horsetail was awake, as he had seen him, but just one was not nearly enough for him to feel comfortable. He missed his half-brother, Snowecho. He also missed Stormberry, Willowstar and Sunstar. He heaved a sigh and turned from the border. He would stay in the area for the next patrol, hopefully Aldershade was on it.

The black and white loner took a few moments to take in the scents of the area around him, then crouched low to stalk his next prey. Being small had been a great advantage to him when hunting rabbits, often he could follow them into their dens. He thought that if he offered food as a sign of peace, perhaps the cats he met would manage to forgive him. If only he had not been such a coward in the first place.

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 17:47:02 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 17:46:10


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 25/30|Mentions Directly: Glade, Lynxpaw, Icepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Aldershade, Swallowfall, Pebblesplash|Location: Camp

Horsetail looked up, as he heard Glade issuing orders. His golden eyes watched, as Pebblesplash went out to hunt. She would not be out there yet, the medicine cat thought. As the leader got to calling his name, the dark sand colored tom stood up. Horsetail had been sorting out dried up herbs from the store. Turning to Icepaw and Lynxpaw, the medicine cat said, "I want the two of you to keep cleaning out. Lynxpaw, once you're done go out and gather burnet and goldenrod; Icepaw, please redress Aldershade's injury."
Turning, the medicine cat veered towards the leaders den. He saw Glade walk to into the medicine cat den. Horsetail's claws dug into the dirt, he honored the siamese tom as a leader, but he did not like the idea of Glade with the cats he had injured. Sitting his slim frame down before the leader den, Horsetail waited for Glade. His shining golden eyes trained on the back of their new leader, he could see Glade clearly, even from this distance. Over the past days, the medicine cat had gotten used to his new eyes. The tom looked over the clan cats, everyone had grown so thin. Horsetail was one of the slimmest ones, the few prey that they received, Horsetail mostly shared with his apprentices and the injured cats.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 19:00:29
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Willowstar | 36 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Elder’s Den | Mentions: Sunstar, Snowecho, Stormberry

Willowstar felt a paw smack her and she let out a tired grunt, tucking her nose under her tail as she curled up into a tighter ball. Whatever time it was, it didn’t feel like it was time to get up and she still felt tired. “Not now, Sunstar. It’s still early in the day.” As she went to go drift off again, two scents caught her attention that she typically wouldn’t smell in her den and tiredly raised her head to see both Stormberry and Snowecho in the den. Seeing Sunstar nearby was something she was used to since they were co-leaders, but what the co-deputy and co-medicine cat were doing there was the question on her mind. Looking around, it became clear that they were actually not in the leader’s den, but what looked like the elder’s den of the camp. The long-furred calico was confused as to why all of them were there, but she couldn’t think of any answers at the top of her head. Her stomach let out a rumble and she gave up the idea of getting more sleep and pushed herself to her paws. As she stretched, her gaze turned to Sunstar. “How did we all end up here? I don’t recall any of us agreeing to sleep in elder’s den last night.”

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Wolfpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 | Camp | Mentions: Open

The tom ignored his growling stomach as he laid in a set of bushes within the camp with a clear view of the elder’s den. After Glade had taken over, the high ranks had been moved to the elder’s den and had taken over the leader’s den. His tail lashed at the thought of the rogue self-proclaiming himself as their new leader and narrowed his eyes as he could see the same rogue walk through the camp, giving orders before he slipped into the medicine cat den. He would never acknowledge him as a leader and knew that role belonged to both Sunstar and his older sister. Wolfpaw did his best to keep away from Glade and out of his sight as it made it easier to watch over the high ranks without the possibility of the other tom causing any issues for him. He wanted to help his clanmates, but he wasn’t sure how without the threat of becoming a target of Glade’s wrath.

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 19:12:38 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-11-16 19:58:27
<aImage and video hosting by TinyPic/>

Spottedpaw-10 moons-18/18- apprentice-Temporary camp
Spottedpaw looked around the camp. Everything felt different because of Lioncloud's death and Gale being the leader. Gale had no right to be leader. She shook her head. That was the way things were. She should go hunting the fresh kill pile would get low soon. She wanted to go on a patrol but she thought she should just hunt alone. She let her gaze wander around the camp one more time. There were many cats hurt from the dogs too. She headed out into the forest. Always keeping in mind that she needed to catch something for her hurt clanmates.

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Icepaw-12 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18-Temporary Camp
Icepaw looked at Horsetail nodding her head as he told her to redress Aldershade's wound. She padded up to him and looked at his injury. She gave it a good sniff. It didn't have an infection but it would need more marigold to completely stop it from getting infected. She quickly grabbed some marigold and goldenrod. Would she need any other herb? She decided she didn't and went back to Aldershade. She chewed the marigold and goldenrod and put it on Aldershade's wound. "There all done." She went back to Horsetail. "Is there anything else to be done"?

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Edited on 16/11/18 @ 20:16:14 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-16 20:54:38
Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Forest~Mentions: Clearsong
Harepaw sighed as she struggled to her paws. Now more coherent and able to be involved with others, though still having the broken leg and still had the cuts healing. One clan mate, a warrior, had actually helped ease her boredom the past few days: Clearsong. She appreciated his company, and had grown to enjoy the toms presence. Speaking of which. Harepaw hobbled along, glancing up at Clearsong, before looking back her paws in determined concentration.
"I have to get Glade's moss, and then we can." She explained in between hobbles. She did want to continue the training with him, but Glade's orders had to come first, as he was...leader. The she cat wasn't sure how to feel about a strange cat coming into their territory, their camp, and becoming their leader. Well, I guess Glade's territory, and camp. The she cat shook her head the best she could to clear her mind.

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