Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-21 14:20:53

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Former ShadowClan territory| Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake
Quietshadow stepped forward, flicking her tail. Of course they wouldn’t think this was really her. She’d been “dead” for moons. She’d missed her kits grow up. Their ceremonies and all.
”Clearsong...what happened while I was gone?” Quietshadow whispered quietly. Her intense eyes stared into the two toms in front of her are she waited for a response

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-21 15:49:07


GLADE | CAMP | MENTIONS: Pebblesplash, Horsetail, Willowstar, Sunstar, Snowecho, Lionkit (ID), Clearson (ID)

Glade nodded to Horsetail, his gaze mischievous and excited to receive more lives. Then he would practically be immortal! Even if he did die, he would just come back again and be able to continue ruling once more.
"Then it is settled. We must leave immediately."
He narrowed his eyes when Horsetail suggested to bring more cats with them, and he scoffed at him. "We don't need anyone else.. We have me! You know I can protect you just fine, Horse-fly."
With a swish of a tail, he was in the middle of getting to his feet when Pebblesplash erupted into the room, full of anger and scorn.
The leader was up in a flash, and knocked Pebblesplash to the ground in the small den. He stood over her, leaning down with almost an inaudible voice, "I will rule this clan however I want it to be ruled. If you have a problem with it.. then just leave. If you dare try to raise a paw against me while I try to bring this clan to glory.. then I will strike you down with nothing but a claw."
He got off of Pebblesplash, sheathing his claws and giving a look at Horsetail before exiting the den. His gaze scanned across the camp, and he was set off guard when he saw a small group of cats over by the elder's den.
Have they been in camp before? It feels like there's more cats here the more I bother to look.. but oh well. More paws to get work done around here..
He called out to the orange tom and the calico she-cat, "Get back to work! This clan doesn't get anywhere if you just stand around and chat all day. Especially the kits.. look, this one right here must be hungry. Go get it some food."
He summoned Horsetail with his tail, and hoped that they would soon be off. He only wished Clearsong would be back so that he could leave the tom in charge. If not.. he'll have to choose someone to watch over the clan. But who does he trust?

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Edited on 21/11/18 @ 15:50:23 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-21 16:18:29

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Quietshadow, Earthquake, Glade (ID)

"Too much." Clearsong said, he would never grow used to hearing her say his name. Standing, he waved his tail, "Let's go to camp. We'll talk on the way." He needed time to think about how he was going to put it.

"After you had left, Amberstone and Earthquake had been jointly helping in raising Pebblesplash and me. On a hunt to drive out a local fox, Amberstone got hit by a monster on the thunderpath." Clearsong said it simply, a matter of fact. He had gotten over the details and had accepted it. He stopped speaking as they got to the thunderpath.

The scent of monster was very stale and he didn't hear any rumbling in the distance, crossing was easy however they still dashed across to be safe. Once across, he cast a glance to Earthquake. Mentally telling him he wouldn't share everything, "There was a fire recently, and a rouge came to our clan. Don't get on his bad side." He didn't want to mention that Glade was a leader now, he'd let the she cat find out on her own. He filled her in on minor details such as kits, new warriors, and who was in the clan before the barrier of camp came into view. Clesrsong stood back, allowling Earthquake to talk and eventually lead them into the camp.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-21 16:53:09


Stripecloud|15 moons|25/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Glade, Horsetail

Stripecloud watched the 'leader’ walk away with Horsetail. He narrowed his eyes still holding the rabbit in his jaws. He looked around and wondered who looked the hungriest. He dug a small hole that was about three inches deep. He dropped the rabbit in but didn't bury it. He looked around again wondering what to do know. Maybe go hunt again?

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 11:11:54 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-21 17:31:10


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 20/30|Mentions Directly: Glade, Pebblesplash, Lionkit|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

The medicine cat cat sat quietly, as Glade spoke. The toms jaw did work a bit, when the 'leader' called him Horse-fly. The sand colored tom had wanted Icepaw to come with them, it would've been a rare chance for her after all. Nodding his head, Horsetail was about to get to his paws and follow Glade, when Pebblesplash suddenly erupted into the leaders den. Jumping up, his hackles raised, claws digging into the ground, and a glint of angry red in the back of his golden eyes, the medicine cat watched Glade and Pebblesplash closely. He was both prepared to stop Glade from harming the she-cat and vice versa. Horsetail relaxed, when Glade released Pebblesplash. Horsetail moved forward, she did not seem injured, good. "Stay low for now. Are you really that keen on dying?", Horsetail hissen. He might not like Glade anymore then Pebblesplash did, but he had relented to the fact that Glade did make an effort to lead, which was something no one else had done.
Turning, Horsetail followed Glade out of the leaders den. Leaving the closed off area was a relief, he might not like the prospects of leading this Loner to the Moonstone, but it was better than having to be in a situation like that again. Although Horsetail did not notice who Glade was talking to, his golden eyes did wander to Lionkit, who Glade was pointing at. He did not like the idea of the siamese tom directing anything past a glance, at a kit. Though he doubted the tom would actually harm a kit. Taking note of the 'leaders' summons, Horsetail walked forward. He gave the small calico kit a nod, as he past Lionkit.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 4/5|Mentions Directly: Stormberry, Sunstar, Willowstar, Hollowfall|Mentions Indirectly: Glade, Horsetail|Location: Camp

Lionkit looked up, as he felt someone pointing at him. The young kits mouth hung open, he was still trying to get the last of the dried up leaf out of his mouth. Well, he was a bit hungry, but if they'd only let him hunt.... Lionkit's thought trailed off, as his blue eyes landed on the cats Glade had been speaking to. Was that... no way!
As Glade and Horsetail went off, Lionkit jumped to his paws and ran over. "Stormberry!", Lionkit called in a high pitched voice. Burrowing his face in the large, fluffy toms chest. "You're back", Lionkit said happily. Bouncing up and down, his eyes traveled from Sunstar too Willowstar and back to Stormberry. "Where's my dad? Where's Hollowfall?", the calico kit asked looking around for his father.

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Edited on 21/11/18 @ 17:31:27 by LightQueen🦉 (#59203)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-21 22:37:21

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Glade, Horsetail, Camp (ID)
Pebblesplash stood up hastily, growling at Glade. The tom could not kill her with a claw! The arrogant “leader”. She looked around camp at the cats looking at him and her. As Horsetail whispered to her about standing down, she felt a rush of defiance.
”I will help get this clan back,” the she-cat responded. Pebblesplash ignored the looks she received from the rest of clan. Shock was dominant in them. An idea formed in her mind. She impatiently waited for Glade to leave.

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Former ShadowClan territory| Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake
Quietshadow gasped. Amberstone was...dead? A fire in camp?And a rouge was welcomed in camp as an adult? So much had happened in less then twenty moons...
”I’m so sorry I wasn’t there... I should have...” her voice cracked. She dipped her head gratefully to Earthquake.
”Thank you for helping raise my kits. How is Pebble—splash?”

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Edited on 21/11/18 @ 22:37:58 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 09:56:40
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:12/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: [D] Clearsong, Quietshadow [ID] Pebblesplash
Earthquake couldn't help but feel a slight tug, they hadn't seen Quietshadow in moons. When she thanked him, he head-butted her playfully "It's no problem at all, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Clearsong and Pebblesplash are like my own, and spending time with them is a blessing from Starclan."
He turned to Clearsong with a genuine smile and bumped him with his hip as they headed back to camp. He smile faded when Quietshadow mentioned Pebblesplash "She's fine. A little argumentive, but fine. Although we really should have a talk, ever since the clan took a rough turn around a sharp edge, things have been..." Earthquake sighed "Well, you'll see."

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 10:37:36

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Earthquake, Quietshadow, Pebblesplash, Glade, Horsetail

Clearsong gave a small smile as he watched Earthquake headbutt Quietshadow, This can't be that bad, I hope? He thought, distracted. He yipped a little and Earthquake bumped against his side and quickly covered it up by clearing his throat.

Padding forward, the trio entered camp and the first gaze Clearsong saw was his sister's. He stared back for a moment, hoping she had cooled down, however when he saw the fury in her eyes he quickly looked at his paws and padded forward. When he looked up again, he almost bumped into Glade. He jumped back, "Sorry, Glade! I was lost in thought."

He looked over a bit and saw Horsetail by Glade's side: they seemed to have been leaving. "Where are you going, if I may ask?" He asked, looking between the two toms. Glade had a small light of anticipation in his eyes that Clearsong almost missed.


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Swallowfall

Rainpaw looked between the branches of the medicine den as she waited for Aldershade and Swallowfall to make a decision. She itched to leave and track down Softsong. The she-cat didn't know the tom nearly as well as Aldershade did, however she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't disappear withoutsaying goodbye.

A movement outside caught her eye, causing her to growl. She saw Glade and Horsetail heading for the camp entrance. What in Starclan are they doing? Please don't let Horsetail get hurt! She prayed as she watched Clearsong pad up to the two. Her fur crawled and she had to look away, her claws had gouged small holes in the earthen floor. She sighed, looking back at the two cats inside the den.

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 11:07:57 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-24 15:07:35


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Sunstar(ID), Horsetail(ID), Willowstar(ID), Glade, Wolfpaw, Open!

Snowecho listened carefully to what Wolfpaw told him, narrowing his eyes a little in disapproval as he heard about what Glade had done. He flicked an ear at the mention of a 'Horsetail', for a second wondering if his cousin was referring to the plant. He leaned toward guessing it was the plant, and concluded that Lynxpaw was the one behind it. He felt warm pride spread through his chest. "Well, we better hurry then, and I should probably find our leaders." He murmured quietly. He paused as Wolfpaw turned and headed towards the strangers he had been sharing the elder's den with. He decided to let him talk to the calico he seemed so happy over seeing. He sat down as he waited and lifted a paw to start grooming himself. As he groomed himself, he noticed a kit with Mumblepaw. He felt intrigued and wanted to join talking, but just then Wolfpaw bolted past him. He turned his head to look at the calico she-cat and gave her a cold glare. How dare she make his cousin run off like that!

Pushing himself up to stand as tall as he was, he was about to head over to her to give her a piece of his mind, but stopped as Glade yelled out another order to work. He could not resist his annoyance at this tom any longer. Nobody told him to hunt. The only things he hunted were herbs. "Medicine cats don't hunt." He replied innocently before heading to the camp entrance as well. "Well, at least not anything that would fill a belly. So I'll just put my knowledge towards finding some more herbs. Wolfpaw was just informing me that we needed some more." He went on. He looked at the sandy coloured tom next to Glade. Yet another stranger... He huffed softly. Why was the Clan overrun by them? There were at least 5 strangers in camp, and nobody was doing anything about it!

The snow-white tom was irritated when he saw Clearsong enter and almost bump into Glade. Judging by the way he was acting, Clearsong had respect for the stranger. He wondered how long he had been asleep. He had been convinced it was just a night's rest! But it was clear by how everyone was acting, and how things looked, that it had been longer. He was about to continue on his way out of camp when he heard the question Clearsong asked. Intrigued, he decided to listen in.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 15:39:08


Swallowfall | 15 Moons | Warrior | 26/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Rainpaw, Aldershade, Glade

When the name of Glade fell upon Swallowfall's ears a memory bloomed in her mind. Glade...the stranger...and the last thing she remembered was falling asleep, curled around the body of Willowstar before being awoken to vicious claws raking across her pelt. "I do not think that it would be wise for me to travel with you Rainpaw, Glade would almost certainly notice my disappearance even if he didn't notice yours." Swallowfall looked almost apologetic as she said this. Turning to Aldershade she nuzzled the tom saying, "I know how you two feel about each other and I think that Softsong will need someone to bring him back to the clan." She nodded once before rising stiffly and making her way unsteadily out of the medicine den. Swallowfall spied Glade across the camp and made her way over. "You're leaving?" She inquired as she brushed up along his side. Waiting for his answer she gazed around and saw a group of cats by the elder's den. Her heartbeat escalated within the second as she recognized the clan's lost leaders, deputies, and one remaining medicine cat. They had finally awakened! Swallowfall longed to run to them but something told her to not distract Glade and bring too much attention in their direction.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 15:47:32
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Willowstar | 36 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Snowecho, Glade, Sunstar, Stormberry

Seeing the fluffy tom run off, something in Willowstar wanted to run after him and comfort him, but she shook her head and let him run off. She didnt know who he was, but he was probably confused and needed time to himself. 'He'll come back whenever he feels better. Plus, maybe he'll bring back some prey as well.' Feeling eyes on her, she turned her head to see her cousin glaring at her. She tilted her head slightly, confused as to why he would be glaring at her, but before she could question him, the sound of an unfamiliar voice barking orders caught her attention. Something about this cat made her feel uneasy and angered her at the same time. She cast a glance at the other two high ranking cats beside her before making her way over to this new tom, eyes narrowed. "I don't know who you are, but what right do you have ordering the clan around? You are not the leader or one of the leaders of this clan nor are you a deputy. To my knowledge, you aren't even a member of this clan, so in my eyes, you are a stranger and have no right to be here. So I ask you, who are you and what business do you have here? From what i've seen, you clearly aren't a welcomed guest."

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Wolfpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 | Forest/Moor | Mentions: Willowstar, Snowecho, Softsong

His sister's words echoed in his head as he raced from the camp and out into the forest. He didnt know where he was running and nor did her care. He just needed to get away from there and gather his thoughts away from the clan and everyone there. His paws lead him along side the river, the scent of water and fish slowly clearing the panic from his mind and he eventually came to a halt. He sat down and finally gave some thought to previous events, realizing that maybe he acted too hastily. Despite realizing that maybe confronting his sister as soon as she woke up wasnt the brightest idea, his heart couldnt help but hurt knowing that even after finally waking up, she only believed that she only had one brother. The fluffy tom shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts when a faint scent caught his attention, and a familiar one at that. Thinking back on it, he realized that he hadn't seen the owner of the scent in awhile and figured he should check to see if his other cousin was okay.

He looked around, finally realizing he was at the edge of the more and glanced around. Thankfully, it was mostly clear land so if he was out and about, he would be able to find him a bit easier. Getting back to his feet, Wolfpaw stepped onto the moor and began to follow the faint scent of his kin. As he padded through the grassy land, it was becoming obvious to him that Softsong probably wasnt out in the open and when he though about it, he didn't blame him. With the threat of Glade, he probably wouldnt want to be out in the open where the other tom could easily find him. As the scent got stronger, a large shape came into view and Wolfpaw realized that this probably was the barn that his sister had told him about when he was younger. He never really wandered around on the moor as he felt more comfortable by the river and reeds, so he never had seen the wooden structure himself. He noticed that there was a patch of trees close by and guessed that was probably where his cousin would be. He carefully walked closer and called out into the patch of trees. "Softsong? Are you in here?"

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 21:01:53 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 15:59:58


GLADE | CAMP | MENTIONS: Horsetail, Clearsong, Snowecho

Glade was about to head off with Horsetail toward the place to get his extra lives, when suddenly he was bumped by Clearsong. Hey! Just the cat he wanted to see.
"Hey, Clearsong.. I was actually wanting to see you."
He pulled the cat aside, mumbling at Horsetail to give him a minute. "I need someone I trust to run the clan while I'm gone. That being said, you've looked out for me, and I want you to watch over everyone while I'm gone. Maybe you can get some of these cats to actually work. Ya know.. make them want to. For the good of the clan." He winked at Clearsong, and waited to get the other tom's opinion.
While he waited, he heard a white cat mumbling, and could make out the words he said. He hissed at the tom, "I don't care if you're a queen or an elder.. everyone does something to keep this clan together! We're not going to waste precious time picking flowers, especially when there's mouths to be fed!"
His fur flew up when he felt a warm side touch his, and he saw Swallowfall beside him. "Yes. I'm just about to leave with Horsetail. I hope to be back before sun high tomorrow."
The tom licked Swallowfall's cheek before heading out of camp. A few steps in, that calico she cat approached him, saying that he wasn't the leader. How dare you..
He takes a swing at her, landing a scratch on her cheek. He took another swipe, barely missing her neck. Frustrated, he looked to Clearsong. "Help me show her what happens to cats who rise against us!"

WILLOWSTAR: You have entered a battle with Glade!
Glade's Health: Healthy
Willowstar's Health: Healthy
To WIN: Roll 3 die over 14. You can either spare the opponents life, or kill them.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 17:18:41

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Glade

Clearsong smiled at Glade, dipping his head at the tom's offer, "I'll do my best." He said. He stepped back as more cats had arrived, slowly congregating around Glade. He felt a bit bubbly with excitement with his new position, although temporary, he could help! What would he do first? They probably needed herbs. He'd tell Horsetail to quickly gather herbs before Glade came back.

A yelp broke him from his thoughts, he finally realized that the sleeping cats had awoken but in ill timing. A low growling sound came from Willowstar as she faced Glade, the sea of cats parting.

"Help me show her what happens to cats who rise against us."

Clearsong's eyes widened and he suddenly realised he was inside the circle. Three cats, Glade, Willowstar, and Clearsong. A test of loyalty. He was shocked, rooted to the ground. The voice sounded again, he was starting to get used to it.

"Run. You don't have to choose." The voice coaxed in his head, "Staying will only ruin you. Run away. Hide in Shadowclan's past home like you usually do." He took a step back, the voice was sweet, calming. "Make your choice, and live with the consequences. Or run and be free of loyalties, Clearsong. Or would you like another option?" Clearsong took another step back. He closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

"Good. Let me handle things." The voice became gravelly, Clearsong felt himself let out an eerie moan as his body convulsed. His legs felt stiff, he felt empty. He was scared...

Clearsong looked up, a new fire in his eyes. An expression he had never had on his face was there now: a grin, crooked and devoid of meaning spread across his face. He squinted his eyes glaring at the two cats in front of him.

He felt himself take a step forward, he turned his head in confusion. He didn't do that? He did it again and tried to prevent it. Clearsong felt like he had been paralyzed but his body was moving. A flame of panic erupted in him. His head rose and a cackle escapted him. "My, my..." He heard himself growl before he felt himself being flung forward.

No! I don't want this! Stop! He pathetically tried to move but couldn't, what was happening? "Stop struggling! Let me be!" The voice snapped at him. Who..?

He felt himself bolt towards a pelt. He focused on fur, noticing patches of orange. No! He couldn't speak, he didn't want to fight! Especially not Willowstar! He tried to struggle, but he could merely watch as his world crumbled down around him. His life was ruined. Everyone would hate him, they'd think him mad. Maybe he should have run while he had the chance...

Clearsong yanked his attention to the present, he couldn't just watch as this happened! He felt himself jerk forward toward Willowstar's neck, he panicked as a fire spread throughout him. Willowstar will not die! He screamed in his head as he tugged. His muscles screamed as he did so, he felt like he was pulling his limbs out of their sockets, but it was working.

"What are you doing?" The voice hissed in his head, "I thought you wanted this, Clearsong. How much you grieved over your mother and father. Glade reminded you of them didn't he. He showed up, came into your life, just as quickly as Quietshadow and Amberstone left. The fools." The poison of the words wrapped around Clearsong, he almost dropped his pull. "They both left you. You sought me for comfort. I never left, unlike the rest of your family did."

He watched as the voice's form's teeth clenched Willowstar throat. Clearsong shrieked as he pulled, throwing himself aside. He tasted blood, but not enough for it to be that bad of a puncture. He head cleared as he smacked the ground. The black faded from his vision.

He looked up, tucking his tail in submission as he saw Willowstar. He bowed low, it was only a bite mark, thank Starclan.

Enough for an expulsion from the clan. He started letting out a low yowl, grief in every last inch of his soul for what he had done.

He had attacked Willowstar.

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 18:17:29 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 17:36:45

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Swallowfall (ID), Glade (ID), Willowstar
Pebblesplash watched Glade interact with the rest of clan with disgust. With Swallowfall, with Clearsong, with Willowstar. But the disgust in her belly blossomed in horror as Clearsong attacked Willowstar. It didn't click. It couldn't click. The she-cat sprang up.
"CLEARSONG! What IN THE NAME OF STARCLAN ARE YOU DOING?!?!" she snarled as he attacked Willowstar. In her anger, she didn't see Earthquake... and a new cat enter cat. The cat looked strangely familiar. Like her...

Shaking it off, she watched Clearsong yowl in grief. Pebblesplash padded over to Willowstar.
"Are you okay?" she whispered to the she-cat. It must have been hard for her to fight after her experience in StarClan. Glaring at her brother, she turned her back on him. In more ways then one.


Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Former ShadowClan territory| Mentions: Clearsong, Glade (ID), Pebblesplash (ID), Willowstar (ID), Swallowfall (ID), Earthquake (ID)
Quietshadow sighed, wondering how bad things were. What could have happened to Pebblesplash?
"I'm glad they were... alright in my absence." She walked in silence back to camp. When they arrived, she let her mind take over.
Very... stress-heavy. Many cats hungry. No one content or satisfied. Expect a few. The Siamese is a leader. The calico she-cat is confused, but has an air of dominance. The grey she-cat is ready to rebel. The other grey she-cat is... something to the leader. This is an odd situation.
During her observing, she had missed a crucial part. Clearsong was well respected by the leader. She listened to the Siamese put him in charge as he left. Then a fight between him and the calico she-cat broke out. She watched with shame. What had happened to this clan? Besides the point, Quietshadow couldn't help but feel a connection to the leader. Why?

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 17:50:51 by •Hurri• (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-24 18:43:27


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong

Hawkpaw turned around. He saw Glade and Willowstar, and Clearsong. He walked over confused. "I'll do my best." He heard Clearsong say. Hawkpaw couldn't even believe what he saw next. Clearsong went for Willowstar's neck. But wait, he resisted. Clearsong could have killed her. ANd wait, Willowstar? Hawkpaw ran over to Clearsong when he was done. "Clearsong! What in the name of StarClan just happened!" He hissed softly. His gaze softened. He could see it in the tom's eyes. Clearsong knew he had messed up. "Hey, I'm sure you can fix it." He smiled.


Stripecloud|15 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Glade, Willowstar, Clearsong

Stripecloud glared at Glade. He then watched in horror as Clearsong attacked Willowstar. Willowstar! Their leader! Awake! Stripecloud dug his claws into the ground. He narrowed his eyes. He watched in disgust as Clearsong went for her neck. Stripecloud ran over when they were done. He saw Hawkpaw run over... to Clearsong. 'That cat just attacked our real leader and you're comforting him. I'll never understand you Hawkpaw.' He turned back to Willowstar. "Willowstar, are you alright?" He looked at Pebblesplash and nodded to her. At least she knew where her loyalties lied. He turned back to Clearsong narrowing his eyes. "How could you Clearsong!" He hissed his voice like ice.

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 18:56:03 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

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