Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-24 19:55:06

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Makeshift Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Stripcloud, *OPEN*
Harepaw watched from the Medicine den as the events unfolded in front of her. She wanted to run to Clearsong and comfort her friend, but she didn't think it would be the right thing for him now. She worked her claws in the ground quietly; she didn't want anyone to think the wrong thing about her doing this. When Stripcloud approached Clearsong, Harepaw hobbled to Clearsong's side and placed her tail tip on the tom's flank for a few moments in a comforting gesture.
"Give him a chance to defend himself at least!" She yowled at the cats. The she cat was confused on what to do now. Willowstar was there leader, by Starclan, but Glade's orders were to attack her. Which one was right? Or were they both wrong? Either way, she knew this was not like Clearsong to attack a clan mate, especially going for the throat immediately, and she would do her best to prove this wasn't really him.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:07:58
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:12/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: [D] Clearsong, Glade, Horsetail
Earthquake stayed alongside Quietshadow as Clearsong slipped away. He shared her same resentment "Quietshadow, I..." a cat's yowl broke the air, and Earthquake recognized Clearsong's cry above the clamor. He rushed through the crowd just in time to see the fight between Willowstar and his own.
Earthquake felt his blood run cold, his muscles tensed and his claws instinctively unsheathed. "It's one thing to endanger his leader but another to endanger his family." he stood between Willowstar and Clearsong
"This stranger that arrived a moonlight ago, is planning on leading our clan." he called out to the clan, his eyes shifted to meet Glade's gaze. "Ever since you came here it's been a curse!" he hissed "You put my family's life in harm's way, and your influence has even driven Clearsong crazy. Never in my life of raising him have I seen him harm a fly.
Don't you see?!"
he called out, his tail lashing. "It's all because of you." he turned to Glade as he circled him, growling. "We have leaders here real ones, and you nearly killed one of them. He gestures to Willowstar. "Do you need help leaving or should I assist you?" he spat.
"We don't need you or your help."

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 20:30:42 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:08:20


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Clearsong, Stripecloud, Aldershade, Willowstar, Hawkpaw, Harepaw

Rainpaw tilted her head in curiosity as a gathering started to form. She looked at Aldershade, "I'm gonna head out for a moment." Rainpaw padded forward and poked her head outside just in time to see Clearsong attack Willowstar.

Dashing forward, Rainpaw stopped beside Stripecloud. Glancing at him before looking back at Clearsong. "I knew you were trouble. We should have thrown you out with Glade long ago." She hissed.

She watched as Harepaw and Hawkpaw stood up for the tom. Rainpaw spat, "That goes for you two too, and anyone else. You stand up for that traitor, then you're worth no more than the dirt under your paws!" She lashed her tail, glaring at the four cats in front of her, then to the rest of the cats.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:27:26


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong, Rainpaw, Stripecloud, Harepaw

Hawkpaw hissed. "I'm with Harepaw. Let him explain." He glared at Stripecloud. He looked over at Rainpaw. "Shut up Rainpaw, you aren't our leader. You can't just send us off. Clearsong could have killed Willowstar. But he didn't, did he? He hesitated." Hawkpaw lashed his tail narrowing his eyes. Clearsong needed to explain himself. The situation was confusing but Hawkpaw wouldn't let these cats pick on Clearsong.


Stripecloud|15 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Glade, Willowstar, Clearsong, Rainpaw, Hawkpaw, Harepaw

Stripecloud hissed. "Don't you dare tell her to shut up." Stripecloud glared at the tom. "I'm with Rainpaw, you are all traitors. We should kick you out with Glade. And so what if he hesitated. He still attacked her!" Stripecloud lashed his tail glaring at the apprentice. He towered over basically everyone there. He looked at Harepaw glaring at her too. "But fine, I'll give-" Stripecloud almost said 'that piece of mouse dung. "I'll give Clearsong a chance. Explain yourself." He turned his glare to Clearsong.

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 21:41:47 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:29:53


Mumblepaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Clearsong

Mumblepaw turned his head at the commotion, and as he saw what was happening before him his eyes widened. Clearsong, he just attacked a cat! The cat looked so similar to... "Willowstar!" The apprentice yelped in surprise as he began to sprint his way over, running as fast as his paws would let him. Why would Clearsong attack Willowstar of all cats? Would he go far enough to even kill the leader? Mumblepaw didn't think so, but he wasn't going to take that chance. Remember your training... remember something aggressive! The tom lunged his body onto the warrior. Aggressive, aggressive! The apprentice hissed, sinking his claws into the tom's back. "Clearsong you've gone mad! You fox-hearted excuse of a clan warrior! Why'd you do it, why did you attack her? Answer me you traitor!" The young tom yowled in fury.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:33:35

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong,Glade, Rainpaw, Harepaw, Hawkpaw, Mumblepaw
Pebblesplash stood up quickly. She looked around at the camp, Glade and everyone else. As Rainpaw snarled at Hawkpaw, Harepaw, and Clearsong, she padded up beside her.
"She's right," the she-cat snarled at her former brother and former friends. She was hurt by Hawkpaw's... well, she couldn't call it a betrayal. The she-cat would talk to him later.Then turning to Glade, she decided once again she couldn't keep her jaws shut.
"I don't know who you think you are to say you could kill a fully trained warrior. I will fight to the death to protect this clan from a leader as awful as you," Pebblesplash snarled, stepping forward.
"I don't care which one of your followers I fight. I will prove that you are too cowardly and too weak to lead this clan."

She turned her head, and stalked towards Clearsong. Nodding to Mumblepaw, she said,
"Let me handle this traitor."

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Edited on 24/11/18 @ 20:36:27 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:52:44

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Makeshift Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Rainpaw, Stripecloud, Pebblesplash, Hawkpaw, (Indirectly: Sunstar and Willowstar),*OPEN*

The she cat puffed up as accusations of being a traitor were hurried at her. She wanted to rip everyone to shreds that accused her of it. She was far from being a traitor, and was just trying to do the right thing. She dug her claws into the ground to keep from lashing out at one of the many cats in front of her.
"I am NOT a traitor!" She basically screamed it at the gathered cats. "But we all know Clearsong would never attack, or kill a clan mate, normally! This isn't like him! He's always been there for all of us, trying to cheer us up! And if you can stand here and judge him from one mistake, then you better make sure that your paws are clean before you point tails! Cause not a one of us is mistake free! And if you still are going to pass judgement on him so quickly, well, then you're no better than Glade himself!" She hissed the last bit out as she stepped closer to Clearsong. "Look, I don't know what's right here, Glade is our leader at the moment, and I don't feel it's right, at all. And I know Sunstar and Willowstar are our true leaders. And until this all gets figured out, right now is not the time to be fighting like this!" She panted a little as she looked at the cats around her.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-24 20:57:21


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Clearsong(ID), Glade, Swallowfall, Willowstar, Sunstar, Harepaw, Open!

Snowecho heaved a heavy sigh at Glade's rebuke. This cat clearly had no clue on how Clans worked. If the cat had been kinder to him, he might have liked him. He stepped boldly towards the entrance, but before he could get far, he spotted a familiar fluffy pelt slink closer to the siamese tom. He turned his head to confirm his thoughts and could not help but brighten up when he saw Swallowpaw. He changed direction and padded instead over to her and ushered her away from Glade, displeased after seeing the sign of affection he gave her. "Did you hear how he just spoke to me?" He asked her in disbelief, not caring if he was heard. "I'm the medicine cat, I heal and interpret signs from Starclan, I'm the only one here who can do this." He added, turning his head to cast a small glare at the tom who had offended him. Before he could go on about his complaining, the calico she-cat challenged Glade, and things soon escalated into a fight. He stepped back and watched confusedly as cats freaked out over Clearsong launched an attack at her. He cast his gaze to Swallowpaw, hoping she would explain why everyone was so worked up.

His ear turned briefly in the direction of the rest of the cats. Had he just heard the suffix 'star'? Was the Clan leaders, whoever they were, finally back? He tore his attention from the 'apprentice' and looked at the calico, noticing that the orange siamese patterned tom beside her seemed rather mighty. He decided to quietly listen as everyone started defending and attacking him left and right. Finally, he stepped forward as Harepaw spoke up. "Willowstar and Sunstar? They're our leaders?" He asked, glancing around camp. "Then where are they? Why don't I know about them?"

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 21:08:11

Honeyfrost | 36 moons| 25/30| Warrior| Temp. Camp |Mentions: Clearsong, Glade, Harepaw, Everyone basically

Honeyfrost looked at the apprentice with searching amber eyes and then back to the chaos of the camp around her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to calm herself. Now is not the time to start getting scared, she thought. So, as she braced herself for whatever her clanmates threw her way, she gathered herself to her paws and padded over to Harepaw's side.

"Harepaw's right!" she said, raising her voice. "I may not know Clearsong very well, but I know that he'd never do this! If anyone is to blame, it's Glade." She spat out his name as if it were crowfood. "Glade is the reason we're all at each other's necks! He's the reason we're all starving! He's the reason we're all beside ourselves with bitterness!"

She turned her head to look the Siamese tom straight in the eye. "If we want things to be back the way they were, Glade's gotta go."

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 21:34:58


Swallowfall | 15 Moons | Warrior | 26/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Glade, Snowecho

Swallowfall nodded to Glade before she felt a cat leading her away from the slim siamese. "Snowecho!" She gasped, purring and nuzzling the white tom. "You have no idea how much I've missed you and the others..." Swallowfall trailed off as she saw the anger in Snowecho's eyes. "Come, it's better if I explain away from...this" She said, gesturing at the gathered cats with her fluffy tail. Leading the medicine cat to a quiet edge of the camp she listened to his frustration at Glade's treatment of him.
"I don't know why you can't remember, but yes. Willowstar and Sunstar are our leaders. You, them, and the rest of the high ranks were in a deep sleep for a long time. We were all very worried about you and unfortunately Hollowfall did not make it." She paused for a moment, honoring the dead deputy's memory. "During that time we elected temporary leaders and a warrior ceremony was held. I am Swallowfall now, and Aldershade, Softsong, and Stripecloud were also made warriors. I believe I held my vigil not long ago but I do not remember much after as Lioncloud, one of our elected leaders was killed by dogs shortly after and I also received the news of Hollowfall's death. The last thing I remember was sleeping by Willowstar's body and then I was attacked. I woke up in the medicine den and came out to this. From what I can gather, I believe Glade has taken over the clan and possibly deprived all but him of food. We are all weak and yet he seems to have the strength to travel." Her tail lashed in frustration.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 22:05:32

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 23/30 | Camp | Mentions: ???

Clearsong had flattened himself into the dirt. "I'm sorry... I'm... I'm..." Pressing low, he felt the stares, heard the accusing taunts, felt the claws. It hurt. Oh it hurt so badly.

"It could have been different."

"SHUT UP!" Clearsong shrieked, feeling his voice crack. "I'm not you! Get out of my head! I didn't want to attack her!" His throat burned as he screamed. He didn't hear anyone talking, he couldn't hear them. His vision tinted red. The ringing was loud, so loud. He shook his head, it wouldn't stop.

"I didn't ask for you to do this..." Clearsong whispered, weak from the stress and the strain.

"But you did. We will meet soon. We are kin, after all..." The sickeningly sweet voice engulfed him and he fell silent. His eyes glazing as pain and fear took control.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-11-24 22:18:22
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Willowstar | 36 Moons | Co-Leader | 32/40 | Camp | Mentions: Glade, Clearsong, Clan Cats(Everyone)

Feeling claws rake her muzzle, her eyes widened in surprise before backing up and feeling a gust of wind near her throat that she could only assumed was his paw. She let out a growl and before she could retaliate, her eyes shifted towards the cat this 'Glade' addressed and narrowed her eyes when she realized it was Clearsong. If Clearsong was acquaintances with this tom, then his next actions would determine how she would react to him. When he heard the order to help show what happened to those who defied them, she could almost see a flicker of panic in his eyes. It didn't last long however as he seemed to have a change in behavior, almost like he had a shadow hanging over him. He didn't seem like the same Clearsong that she knew and frowned, seeing the crooked grin that took place on his face. There wasn't a moment to question what was about to happen before she was tackled to the ground and felt fangs at her throat and let out a surprised yowl as she could feel his teeth start to sink in. Due to being caught off guard, she froze up, forgetting to fight back and wondered whether this was the time she was going to lose one of her lives or not. Something in the air changed though when his teeth didn't go any further and he quickly got off. Quickly gathering her thoughts, she pushed herself up to her paws and shook the dirt off her pelt, searching for where Clearsong had went and seeing that he was crouched to the ground submissively. The female leader was shocked that one of her warriors had attacked her, but she had trust in her clanmates that they wouldn't do something of the sort without a type of reason.

The rest of the clan seemed to appear around them after what happened and they were all at each others throats, casting blame on what was happening and the disorder was causing Willowstar to have a hard time to decide how to handle any of this. Everything had seemed fine when they had fell asleep, and now waking up to madness like this, it was hard for her to wrap her head around it. Hearing some of the clan cats ask about her health, she gave a faint nod. "I'm fine." Though she kept most of her focus on Glade, she scanned over camp clearing, the arguing cats causing her anger to grow. She wasn't one who liked to get angry, but when everyone seemed ready to attack each other, her wish for there to be peace in the clan seemed unlikely and it bothered her. Once she saw some of the cats attack and prepare to attack Clearsong, she let out a snarl and glared at every cat around them. "That is enough out of all of you! This is not the clan i'm proud to be a leader of when everyone is against each other. This disorder is getting out of hand and i'm already tired of it. If anyone will be handling Clearsong, it'll be Sunstar, the deputies, and I and get to the bottom of this. I don't know what has happened for whatever time we were asleep, but im disappointed to see that this is how things turned out."

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 00:01:14

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong,Glade (ID), Willowstar (ID)
Pebblesplash, ignoring Willowstar, continued to circle Clearsong. His screeching did nothing to sway her. No matter... how insane he might be, this tom had plagued her too long, with his words of trusting Glade. Was that cold and extreme of her? Yes. But right now, the old Pebblesplash was gone. Buried beneath the grief and strife her family had suffered.
"This ends now."
Leaping at Clearsong, she tackled him, pinning him to the ground. Unsheathing her claws, Pebblesplash raised her paw above her head.
"This could have been different. You didn't have to side with that wretched tom...And unfortunately, I am not afraid to fight you."
Shutting her eyes, she let her claws slam down into his fur, piercing it. Feeling the warm, sticky blood of her brother.

When she opened them, nothing-- not even what she just did-- could get the look of pure ice out of her eyes.

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Edited on 25/11/18 @ 00:07:39 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 13:49:09

Clearsong / ??? | 15 Moons | Warrior | 1/30 | Camp | Mentions: ???, Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Quietshadow, ??? ;)

Clearsong opened his eyes in terror as his sister leapt at him. At first he only felt the pain of his head smacking the ground, however he flattened his ears as he was rolled over, claws piercing his neck and stomach. His fur grew hot and sticky and the iron scent of blood filled his nose as he started choking on air. "I'm... sor-" He couldn't finish the last word, it was hard. His tail flicked wildly as he struggled under the weight of his sister.

He was going to die, this was it. He couldn't understand how it had gone so far downhill so quickly. He went limp, his sister had just barely missed vital organs but it didn't stop the reaction his body was having to feeling a foreign body so close to them. He convulsed, his eyes wide. Clearsong managed to roll onto his side and cough out the blood from his throat with the last of his strength. He went limp, the only sign left of life was shallow breathing.

Clearsong drifted into a deep, restless, dream-like state. He opened his eyes slowly, painfully. Whispering filled his ears.

He was in a sunny field in green-leaf, water ran somewhere in the distance. He spotted a mouse and tried to hunt for it. Dropping into a hunting crouch, Clearsong's knees buckled. A sharp pain rising from his throat, head, and belly. He squinted at the pain in confusion when a large orange tom approached him.

"Clearsong. My boy." The tom purred with approval. "This isn't the end. Tough days are coming, prepare yourself." The tom rubbed his head against his own. It was warm.

The sunny place collapsed, his father turned to stars, as he began falling. Blackness surrounded him and his nose was filled with the scent of decay. Tall grey pines rose around him and, under his feet, pine needles and yellow, dead grass crunched.

Clearsong stood on shaking legs as a she-cat approached him. It was a grayish-black female with cold, green eyes. She had many scars from old battles, but the most prominant one was a neck wound that had never healed- that must have been how she died.

The she-cat stopped, looked at Clearsong with a puzzled expression, before a crooked smile spread across her face. "I warned you." She chuckled. The warm, motherly sound of her voice bounced off invisible walls and echoed inside his skull.

"Who...?" He asked, unable to form a proper sentence.

"My, my! How rude of me! You don't know who I am, do you?" She smiled again, using Clearsong's confused gaze as an invitation to continue. "My kits have grown into such fine cats, Clearsong. I couldn't be prouder of your mother and your uncle. I'm their mother, you see. I was called Slateleaf."

Clearsong gave another confused stare, "Earthquake isn't your son, his mother is Duskstorm." The first coherent statement he had said in a while...

Slateleaf gave a disapproving snort. "And I'm not talking about that tom. I'm talking about the other one, whatever he goes by these days." She lashed her tail as a wicked smile spread across her face.

Clearsong's eyes widened in shock as a weight came crashing down onto him. No... Wait...

Slateleaf nodded, "He was looking for his sister; I told him she was alive."

"QUIET!" Clearsong shouted at his grandkin, this was too much to take in. Of all times, when his family was so dysfunctional, she has to throw this news at him?

Slateleaf bowed her head, "As you wish. I will let him know his sister has arrived." Another chuckle rattled the air as Slateleaf wrapped herself around Clearsong, "I will always defend you." She whispered with a purr.

Clearsong watched in horror as a black fog engulfed the she-cat, leaving nothing but emptyness when it disappated. Clearsong was left in shock, pain searing his body and words that should have been left unsaid were ruining him.

She was about to destroy their family unlike anything that had happened prior.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 15:08:13

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Former ShadowClan territory| Mentions: Clearsong, Glade, Pebblesplash (ID), Earthquake (ID)
Quietshadow pinned back her ears as she watched her son and the grey she-cat fight. Well, mostly the she-cat ignore Clearsong's yowling and attack him. The fight was over as soon as it began. Clearsong was lying on the ground, choking on his blood. Instead of running over, her eyes glazed over. Fairly certain, after listening to them talk, the grey she-cat was Pebblesplash. How could this be their relationship? Earthquake wasn't lying. Her thoughts drifted to her family. The small memories she had. Mostly of travelling and wandering off. She got lost after chasing a butterfly. Stupid of her. Then a fox chased her further away until she reached Clan ground. The leader took her in and she was raised by adoptive parents. However, she remembered nursing next to a tom with her real family. She also remembered the mother was Slate---something. Quietshadow remembered her stories of the clans. Her mother despised them. But they still took her in. She still wonders why to this day.

Shaking it off, she dipped her head down and headed toward the leader.
"Excuse me? My name is... Quietshadow. I was a warrior before you took over, but I had business outside the clan. I humbly request to rejoin the clan," she smoothed her fur down on her back, trying to be as non-threatening as possible. Hopefully this would work. Eyeing the tom, a spark of familiarity bloomed in her. Who was this tom? Why did something about him feel... Off?

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