Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-25 15:32:14


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong, Rainpaw, Stripecloud, Harepaw, Pebblesplash

Hawkpaw watched Pebblesplash attack Clearsong. He froze. "Pebblesplash stop! He's your brother!" Hawkpaw shouted. He ran up and pushed Pebblesplash away from Clearsong. She had already made her mark. Clearsong was bleeding badly. "Come with me." Hawkpaw led Pebblesplash to a different area. "What did you do that for!" He stared at her waiting for an answer.


Stripecloud|15 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Clearsong

Stripecloud watched Pebblesplash land her blow. He saw the blood. His heart raced and everything felt like it was going in slow motion. "Pebblesplash..." She just attacked her kin. Her own brother. Stripecloud stepped back. He didn't even think that was possible. Attacking your own kin... Stripecloud shook his head. What if she killed him? The Clan would be in chaos. He then watched Clearsong choke on his own blood. Stripecloud ran over. "Someone get a medicine cat!" He yowled. He might not like CLearsong, but that didn't mean he wanted him to die.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 15:41:02


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash, Stripecloud, Glade

Rainpaw hissed as she was told to shut up, she stepped forward. "You can't make-" She was cut off as she saw Pebblesplash fling herself at Clearsong. She almost just killed him... She thought morbidly. Rainpaw squinted her eyes shut. Pressing against Stripecloud, she took a deep breath. "As much as I don't like him, that was too brutal." She told Stripecloud. She shook her head, her eyes glazing as she thought about how her clan was acting. She looked up at Glade, raising her voice. "He needs to go." She said never dropping her eye contact.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 16:55:00

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID), Wilowstar (ID)
Pebblesplash whipped around and glared at the surrounding cats.
"He's not my brother !My brother is gone! This tom..." she trailed off as Hawkpaw lead her away. She let him yell. It was alright.
"Clearsong has shown where his loyalties lie. He attacked Willowstar! How is that okay with you?" she fumed. How could they not see she had done the right thing? Clearsong was too naive and he paid for it. Brutal? Maybe. But needed.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-25 17:15:05

Harepaw~12 Moons ~Apprentice~5/18~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash, Honeyfrost(ID), Willowstar (ID) *OPEN*

The she-cat felt a weight lifted from her shoulders, almost literally, when Honeyfrost spoke her support for the younger she-cat, but was quickly slapped across the face with it, when Willowstar announced her disappointment in the clan. And just moments after Pebblesplash had launched herself at Clearsong. The she-cat was genuinely overwhelmed, and seemed frozen in place. Though her paws didn't move an inch, even with the scent of iron chocking her nose. Her head raced at a hundred leaps a mouse whisker twitch. What should I do? Her mind argued with itself, like it was under multiple cats control. Run! Stay! Fight! Stay! Fight! Run! Run! Run! Clearsong! Pebblesplash! Run! Willowstar! Stay! Clearsong! Run! Clearsong! Fight! All the orders got muffled together in a loud angry buzz in her head. She haphazardly hobbled over to Clearsong, her paws working on their own. She pressed her nose to the tom's shoulder, then the side of his head. The blood was obvious on his pelt, but there was no reason to call for a medicine cat, as she faintly heard someone else call for Horsetail already.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-25 19:02:36



Glade was in shock as the events panned out in front of him. I thought all of these cats were tight knit and cared for each other? Now one of them is trying to kill their own kin!
He had stepped away from Willowstar, just watching from the sidelines as all chaos broke loose. At least his plans of splitting the clan apart had worked..
But the real reason he was here had nothing to do with the clan. It didn't even have anything to do with leading any of them- he had killed Lioncloud for fun and lead the clan because he felt like it. No.. the real reason he was here was much darker. He had received a messaged from his mother in the dark forest, who told him that his sister was to be here soon. His sister.. that he never knew. He came here to reunite with her, spoil her, and rule with her at his side. He was tired of being alone.
Everything became a blur as Clearsong went down, being attacked by his sister Pebblesplash. The siamese didn't even bother to go over and help the tom.. there was nothing he could do.
Glade listened to Earthquake give him a talk-over, but he just shrugged him off. He had no power of him. In fact, he had no power over his own clanmates.
With the swish of his tail, he was about to speak, when he saw a dark she-cat near the outskirts of everything. A shiver ran up his spine, and he stared over at her.
When she suddenly came over, his pelt began to get hot, and he realized he was nervous. "Quietshadow.. I didn't know it would take this long to finally be able to meet you. Mother told me you'd come.."
He didn't know what would become of him, so he whispered the words to her. If they knew the two were related.. she might get caught up in the mess as well.
Glade exclaimed, "Enough! Everyone stop fighting. I hear what you're saying. That I'm not a wise leader of this clan. But.. once I travel to the Moonstone and receive my extra lives from this place called Starclan, I will be a better leader and can bring us together once more. So everyone.. stop claiming to be the leader. Especially when you can only serve one."

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Edited on 25/11/18 @ 19:07:42 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-25 20:36:11


Stripecloud|15 moons|30/30|Warrior|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Hawkpaw, Rainpaw, Glade, Sunstar, Willowstar

Stripecloud looked at Rainpaw. "It was a bit brutal." He watched Hawkpaw lead Pebblesplash away. 'Oh Hawkpaw, always trying to make things right.' He turned back to Glade.
"Recieve my extra lives... You can only serve one." Those were the most important parts Stripecloud heard. He did something that was a cross between a growl and a snarl.
"You-Are-Not-Our-Leader." He narrowed his eyes glaring at the tom. "You are no one's leader." He walked forward about a mouse length from the tom. "Willowstar and Sunstar are our leaders. Understand?" His eyes were full of harshness and cold. He would not follow Glade any longer.


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong, Harepaw, Pebblesplash

"Clearsong didn't mean it. Pebblesplash," Hawkpaw paused his harsh glare softening to his normal, kind look. "I don't care if he attacked Willowstar. He will get punished for that. Didn't you see him hesitate? Didn't you see him lay on the ground afterward? He knew he made a mistake. He has so much hate being thrown at him. He seeks comfort from his sister the most. Harepaw and I are good, but don't you think he would rather have his sister by his side? You two are siblings for gosh sakes. Your lucky to have each other. I don't have any siblings. I have no kin in the Clan. I wish every day that I had kin in the Clan. Someone I can call family. You and Clearsong have that. You two are family." Hawkpaw flattened his ears. He never knew his father, and his mother had no family in the Clan since she was a loner before. "Do you understand?" He meowed his voice soft and calm.

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Edited on 25/11/18 @ 20:41:36 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 16:01:58

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID)
Pebblesplash flattened her ears as she listened to Hawkpaw talk. He was right. Deep down, she still cared for her brother and wanted the best for him. But right now, their relationship was broken. It might be impossible to mend.
”I know what you mean... but it’s so hard to forgive him right now. I do hope he doesn’t much as I am upset with him...” Pebblesplash
lowered her head, shame flooding through her.
”Do you hate me now?” she asked quietly.

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Glade, Pebblesplash (ID) Clearsong (ID)
Quietshadow stiffened as Glade whispered to her. My... brother? She looked at him. The she-cat’s tail stuck up. She had found him. Well, more like he found her. And Mother was here too? Warmth seeped through the normally cold(ish) cat. Maybe she did have more then her kits.

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Edited on 28/11/18 @ 16:03:33 by •Hurri• (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-26 16:32:34


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkpaw shook his head. "Of course I don't hate you." He purred looking at her. He sat down thinking for a bit. "I could never hate you." He meowed flicking his ear. He stood up his tail swaying from side to side. "Do you wanna go hunting?" He asked looking back at Pebblespash. "I mean, I think the Clan could use the prey. Like because Glade basically starved up half to death. And some cats have lower health." Hawkpaw cleared his throat. He didn't really know what he was trying to say.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-26 20:22:59


Softsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Open!

Softsong had started giving up hope about seeing anyone from the clan patrolling. He had been standing at the border for so long that his paws started feeling cold. He sighed softly and picked up the rabbit he had caught as an offering, about to turn tail and leave when he heard the familiar voice of Wolfpaw. Dropping his rabbit, the white and black cat whirled around and all but launched himself onto his cousin. "Wolfpaw!" He cried happily. He quickly nuzzled against his cousin and bumped his head affectionately against him. "I've missed you so much! I'm sorry I didn't return. I-I was scared and..." He stopped as he took in how hungry the apprentice looked. He quickly pushed the rabbit towards him. "Here, have this." He insisted. He could always catch a new rabbit as a peace offering for his disappearance. Wolfpaw's health was more important. He felt awful for not having returned to his family, especially Snowecho. He sniffed at Wolfpaw and scented his half-brother's scent on him.

"Have the high ranks woken up yet? Is Aldershade okay?" He asked, unable to stop himself. While he wanted to give Wolfpaw some silence to eat, there were so many questions on his mind. "I bet Aldershade is mad at me... I should have come back for him, o-or at least offered for him to come with me!" He sighed softly and sat down, curling his black tail over his paws. He felt like he had really screwed up his relationship with the other tom. What was he thinking earlier when he thought he was just his best friend? He shook his head at himself and looked toward camp. He willed Aldershade to be okay, to be healthy and the reason he had not come being that he was grumpy. His heart felt like sharp claws were squeezing it every time he thought about how he had ran off at the first sign of danger the day Lioncloud died. He doubted any cat would forgive him.


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Swallowfall, Glade, Horsetail, Open!

Snowecho tilted his head, puzzled as Swallowfall addressed him. "There's that name again, Wolfpaw called me it just now." He murmured, just loud enough for the new warrior to hear. He returned her affections before following her aside, wanting to pay full attention to the information she had. As she spoke, he glanced around in order to try to pinpoint who these supposed leaders were. He figured that the calico was Willowstar, but who was Sunstar? He looked at the three toms he did not recognise. Perhaps it was the big brown tabby? Or was it the sand coloured one? Perhaps the golden siamese? He blinked his eyes, then returned his focus to Swallowfall. His jaw almost dropped as he heard about the warrior ceremony. "I missed Softpaw's ceremony??" He sounded so dismayed. He groaned and spat out a small curse. "He'll never forgive me." He huffed, clearly displeased. "Well, congratulations, you truly deserve it after all this time." He mewed, purring softly at Swallowfall. He gave her a proud look, then turned his head to Glade. "He sounds like a terrible leader. Perhaps Willowstar or Sunstar should mentor him a little. He could perhaps be misguided." He mused.

The white medicine cat's attention was soon snagged by the mention of the Moonstone, and he straightened up to look at Glade. "I didn't know he was headed there..." He almost whispered. He frowned a little, but started padding to the supposed leader. "I'm sure with some guidance you'll be a wonderful leader, you clearly have the right ambitions." He started out, trying to sweeten the cat he hardly knew. "Though you'll need a medicine cat with you, and I think I have my paws full from what both Wolfpaw and--" He was interrupted by Stripepaw, Stripecloud, storming over and acting very aggressive towards the siamese cat. He decided to step back instead and looked over at the sand coloured tom. "You're one of the new cats, right?" He mewed, not giving him enough time to respond before continuing. "My name is Snowstorm, I'm the only medicine cat here. We're supposed to have two, but the apprentice is still in training" It was now probably clear to the rest of the cats gathered that Snowecho had no memory of Horsetail, Willowstar, Sunstar or Stormberry.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 20:44:36


Swallowfall | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Snowecho, Glade, Clearsong, Stripecloud, Willowstar

Swallowfall's heart dropped to her paws as Snowecho spoke. What did he mean about his name? What had happened to him in his sleep? Her mind raced with questions as she purred gratefully at his praise. Snowecho then moved back over the group of cats. A fight had clearly broken out and Willowstar was trying to reason with the gathered cats. This distressed Swallowfall as she hated to see her clan beaten down and turned against one another.
She followed the fluffy white tom to the crowd and shuddered at Clearsong's state. She was upset by his actions but a clanmate was a clanmate and he had always been loyal. There must have been some reason he turned... "Glade..." She said softly, moving closer to the slim siamese. Standing by his side she turned to Stripecloud. "Please, stop this...our clan is broken enough, fighting will only make it worse!" She said in as soothing a voice as possible. "I understand that there have been some disagreements over leadership but nothing will get better if you and others continue to make threats. I hope, for the sake of our clan, you realize that. And Glade, love? Please don't hurt anyone, I know it's a difficult time but it will be better for everyone if we all stay calm."

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Edited on 26/11/18 @ 20:47:11 by Denebola (#121897)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-26 21:17:14


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 24/30|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Everyone|Location: Camp

Horsetail, who had stood at Glade's side as everything started, had moved several steps away. Things were getting more and more out of paw, as more cats gathered and started to bikker. Horsetail was shocked, as Willowstar suddenly showed up. When had she...? The others where they too....? Was Snowecho.....? Horsetail was to confused with the whole situation, that none of his thoughts finished. Looking around his golden eyes fell on Sunstar and Stormberry, standing just outside of the elders den.
His golden eyes cast down to his paws, if the leaders were back, then.... then there was no reason for Horsetail to bring Glade to the Moonstone, right? Sunstar and Willowstar where already leaders, they were still leader after all. Horsetail shook his head, this was getting more and more confusing by the moment. The dark sand colored tom looked up, as the commotion of the cats got louder, claws flashed, and blood was spilled. Horsetail dug his claws into the dirt, he knew better than to jump in. These were warriors and a leader fighting and he, like aways, did not know how to fight. The medicine cats eyes unnatural golden eyes glowed a deeper gold, as the situation grew hotter, a deep red color started to grow in his eyes. He needed to jump in, do something.
Horsetail's ear twitched, as someone suddenly started to speak to him. Slowly turning his head, the red in his golden eyes disappeared. "Snowecho", the tom whispered. His claws sheathed and his eyes grew wide, was it really Snowecho? Horsetail had not seen the white tom, do to all of the other cats gathered. Horsetail rose to his paws and was about to walk forward and nuzzle Snowecho, but stopped dead in his tracks, as the fluffy white medicine cat started to speak. New cat? They've known each other, since they were apprentices. Was he just playing a prank, if so it was a bad one. Opening his mouth, Horsetail was about to say as much, but stopped, when the white tom continued. "What? What do you mean?", Horsetail breathed, the blood was rushing so loudly in his ears, that he could barely hear his own words. Was it a side effect, like his golden eyes had been? Had Snowecho really forgotten him? Horsetail's shoulders fell, this as not real, it could not be. Turning his golden eyes to the ground, Horsetail chuckled. Starclan had fallen after all, only a Shadow Clan cat could've thought of this kind of torture.
Horsetail needed to sit, he was afraid his legs would give way, if he did not. Taking a deep breath, the dark sand colored toms golden eyes turned up to look into Snowecho's face again. "Snowecho..", Horsetail started, his voice quivering a bit. "I'm Horsetail, I am also the medicine cat. Icepaw is my apprentice. We are both the united clans medicine cats", on the last bit, Horsetail nodded his head to Snowecho. There was not much hope in the toms eyes as he spoke, Snowecho looked at him, like he truly did not remember Horsetail.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-26 23:03:20


Mumblepaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho / Horsetail

Mumblepaw took in a long, deep breath at Clearsong's barely functioning body. Pebblesplash almost killed the cat! The young tom couldn't help but feel guilty, as he and Pebblesplash were the only two to attack Clearsong. Though, Pebblesplash did the most damage out of the two of them this probably wouldn't have happened if Mumblepaw had attacked Clearsong first. He could hear the warrior's shallow breathing ever so slightly, the apprentice was sure the cat would die at this rate. His direction then went over to Snowecho as he claimed to the only medicine cat. What? The apprentice huffed to himself. How and when did the medicine cat ever come to that conclusion? Mumblepaw let out a chuckle of slight nervousness in disbelief, only to frown when he noticed how serious the tom was. As he was about to say something to the confused medicine cat Mumblepaw heard Clearsong's dying breathes once more, the sound filling his ears, echoing and growing louder as if it wanted to be the only thing he could hear. Mumblepaw began to grow anxious, what would happen if Clearsong was to actually die of his wounds? What was the punishment of killing a cat? Surely it was exile, exiled for murder... the thought scared Mumblepaw more than death itself. A short, yet loud frightened yelp managed to slip from the young tom's muzzle as he padded over to Clearsong's body, desperately trying to lift it.

After he was too tired to continue he stopped and turned his head towards the two medicine cats, he scowled at them, but his eyes were clearly filled with desperation. "Hey, herb-muddlers!" He hissed at the pair. "I'm so sorry to interrupt your heartbreaking conversation, no really I am." He scoffed. "But there's a dying warrior over here. Snowecho... I have absolutely no idea what could be going on in that mind of yours, but I really hope you at least remember how to heal cats. Do you think marigold and cobwebs would be the best choice for this situation, I mean you are the medicine cat after all and this is your specialty anyway. Horsetail, or somebody with decent amount of strength help me carry Clearsong to the medicine den..." Mumblepaw huffed to catch his breath. "Icepaw. Where is that bat-blinded puffball anyway..." He chuckled ever so slightly before turning his attention back to Clearsong. He let out a deep sigh. "...And if nobody bothers to help me... then I'll just heal the tom myself. But it seems like non of you care, since we're all too busy trying to kill the cat next to us... myself included!" He grumbled before trying to lift the body once more. Mumblepaw instantly regretted his claim of healing Clearsong himself. He was warrior apprentice, not a medicine cat apprentice, he didn't have the knowledge of herbs like a medicine cat apprentice would, why couldn't he just deal with that?

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-27 14:02:12


Sunstar | 28 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Location] | Mentions: Glade, Willowstar, Snowecho, Lionkit, Stormberry

Sunstar went outside with Willowstar, unsure what was going on until blood was spilled. His fur bristled at what his clan had become while he was gone, and his claws dug deep into the earth beside him. His tail thrashed, and he looked over at Willowstar after she had been injured. He lowered his head to her ear. "Are you okay? We need to get you away from here. All the high ranks should meet before we attack Glade. He's clearly sure he's the leader, and it seems that some cats support him."
When he heard a small kit talking to him, his fur went up. Hollowfall had kits while he was asleep?! Why did he not tell me? What on earth is happening? I need to breathe, and get a grip on everything happening right now. Glade, this outsider, thinks he's leading the clan.. Clearsong and Pebblesplash are currently not on good terms. Hollowfall had a kit and I'm.. I'm..
He blurted out to no one in particular, "I'm an uncle?"
Sunstar turned to his mate, his legs turned into jelly. He didn't know what to say, or what to think. And by looking at the kit, it looked exactly like the elder, Lioncloud.. I wonder what it's name is.
Swallowpaw was trying to diffuse the outsider, and he was grateful for her. But why was she being.. romantic about it?
With all the commotion going on right now, Sunstar couldn't help but want to retreat to a place where he could think. But as leader, he straightened his shoulders, put on his leader face, and stood beside Willowstar.
"Nevermind. We need to get our clan back in check. Get Glade to stand down. We should ask Lioncloud to use the elders den as a cell for now, until we figure out what to do with him."
He didn't hear what happened between the two cats, but there was another new cat talking beside Glade. It looked like an older she-cat. Perhaps she's working with Glade. They may have to put both of them in the cell, and nurse their clanmates back to health.
Sunstar leaned down to speak to Lionkit. "Hello, little one. What's your name? I'll find your daddy, I promise."

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Edited on 27/11/18 @ 14:03:45 by Quakeflakes™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-27 16:57:42

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~25/30~Makeshift camp~Mentions:

The she-cat watched from a comfortable distance, as cats yelled like animals at each other. Single pawed, this tom had divided her clan, and effortlessly. She hated the tom, from the bottom of her stomach. Her pelt crawled when ever she would look at him, and she tries to very little. Whoever throws that cat out will be lucky to do so. She lashed her tail in anger, stirring the dust up around her slightly. When the unknown older cat, saying she was a former warrior, approached the flea bitten mound of dirt, she had to hold back a shudder. That she-cat didn't seem right to her either.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-27 16:59:19


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Glade, Stripecloud, Quietshadow

Rainpaw hissed in dismay, "I'm sorry, leader." She spat the words at Glade, "We should all bow to the one and only ruler. The almighty Glade in all his tiny glory!" She yowled sarcasticly, bowing her head in an overdramatic display. She flicked her tail padding up next to Stripecloud, she felt more confident to stand up to Glade at his side. Was it confidence or was it recklessness?

"You did see what happened to your friend, right? He's dying at your paws and you're just going to sit and talk to... to... whoever that is!" She paused, eying the dark female, something about her... she looked like was going to be another one of Glade's suck-ups. Rainpaw huffed. "Clearsong is a large tom who can hold his own in a fight, I'll give him that, but his sister's claws are sharper and I'd watch out if I were you." She glared at Glade, defiance and malice laced her words.

She knew the consequences of her actions would be terrible, considering what she had just said, however she'd been itching a claw this scrap of fur for days. She quickly glanced around, It's only Stripecloud and me. Is everyone else too scared to stand up for themselves? Rainpaw thought, an angry huff escaping her.

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