Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-11-27 17:42:55

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~25/30~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Rainpaw, Glade, Quietshadow

The she-cat was amazed, that such a young cat would stand up that boldly to the tom. She approached the she-cat, and briefly touched her tail to her flank in reassurance.
"She's right you know." Her modulated and gentle tone seemed to stand out in the chaos around her. She glanced between Glade and the she-cat. "Neither of you belong here, and you," she hissed at Glade, "are not our leader, and should not be going to the moonstone!" Her tail lashed behind her, her claws working in the dirt. "You have done nothing for this clan, but starve us, and tear us apart!" She added.

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Edited on 27/11/18 @ 17:47:05 by Viper (#91328)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-11-28 10:36:11


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 24/30|Mentions Directly: Mublepaw, Pebblesplash, All|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Horsetail ripped his golden eyes, from Snowecho's face. He did not remember Horsetail, this had crushed the dark sand colored tom. His golden eyes grew dim, as Mumblepaw called for their attention. Letting out a sigh, Horsetail stood. Giving the fluffy white tom one last glane, Horsetail shook his head. Walking to Mumblepaw, with a bit of a stagger in his gate, Horsetail looked down at Clearsong. As Mumblepw continued with his rambling, Horsetail's now cold golden eyes turned to him.
Lifting his paw up, the medicine cat gave the young tom a smack on the ears, it was quite hard. Normally Horsetail would never do this, so it was very uncharacteristic. "Stop rambling", Horsetail hissed, "And stop trying to move him, you'll only make it worse." Leaning forward, Horsetail assessed the warriors wounds. They were deep and his life was fading rapidly. Without looking over to Mumblepaw, the medicine cat started to speak, "Instead of complaining, get to work. Run to the medicine cat den and tell Icepaw to bring all of the goldenrod, horsetail, honey, and willow bark we have. Then come back with as much cobwebs and moss as you can carry", Horsetail instructed all of this in a clam, but brisk voice. Placing his paw over the wound, to stop most of the bleeding, Horsetail's mind started to race. They needed to treat Clearsong quickly and then... his thoughts were cut off, as the voices of the cats still arguing, broke through.
"Enough", Horsetail breathed the words to himself. "Enough!", the medicine cat called, his golden eyes blazing, as they locked on all the cats in turn. "This has gone too far!", Horsetail called, "Clearsong, your own brother", the tom said, turning to Pebblesplash, "Is lying here dying and you are all still bickering, like kits." His head snapped to Glade, Willowstar, and Sunstar, "The leadership of this clan, only involves Sunstar, Willowstar, and... and Glade. Not all of you and it definitely does not involve the use of claws", there was a never before heard bitterness in the medicine cats tone, as he spoke. "Look at us, kin are turning on kin, like we're rouge. We are a clan, so start acting like it", there was a growl, as Horsetail finished speaking. Turning back to Clearsong, he started to lick away the blood, to clear the wound. He did not care what the other cats did, but he did not want this den filled up with injured cats, by the end of this day.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 4/5|Mentions Directly: Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Glade, All|Location: Camp

Lionkit scooted over to Sunstar's side, as more and more of the big cats around them started to speak in loud voices. What was going on? So many of the grownup cats were angry. His blue eyes turned to Glade. Everyone seemed to be mad at him, why? He was always so nice to Lionkit and his littermates. The siamese tom did not even mind, when Lionkit followed him around the camp yesterday.
The young kit grew a bit angry, because the other cats where so mean to Glade, even Sunstar was being mean. He keeped his mouth shut though, the kit knew that he would probably only get into trouble, if he spoke up. His calico head looked up, as Sunstar spoke to him. His name? had his uncle really forgotten his name? His anger forgotten, Lionkit smiled up, at the leader. "You're being silly", the kit said, chirping up, "I'm Lionkit." The young calico cocked his head to the side, find his dad? "But I thought he was with you and the other higher ups, asleep?", Lionkit asked, confused.

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Edited on 28/11/18 @ 10:50:34 by LightQueen🦉 (#59203)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-28 11:19:51


Snowecho | 27 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Horsetail, Mumblepaw, Clearsong, Open!

Snowecho listened quietly as the dark coloured tom, no, Horsetail, informed him of who he was. He tilted his head, then shook it. Before he had time to respond to him, Mumblepaw started scolding them. He felt a twinge of annoyance toward the apprentice. He had planned on tending to the warrior once the other cats stopped verbally tearing each other apart. He decided he would have to get to know Horsetail later, perhaps while they tended to the injured warrior. Perhaps he could also patch some cobwebs over the mouths of the cats that were being the loudest. The thought amused him and brought a small smile to his face. Shaking his head a little to focus more on the now, he joined Horsetail in tending to Clearsong. "Nice swat." He murmured quietly to him. He would have liked to knock some respect into Mumblepaw himself. His ears pricked when he told to get honey and quickly shook his head. "No, honey is scarce and we should only use it when necessary." He quickly butted in. "I can get the herbs, just stay here." He decided, hurrying off to the medicine cat den.

The white tom tried to be quiet as he entered the medicine cat den. He noticed that Aldershade was there and felt bad for the young tom. He hoped Softsong was okay. Come to think of it, he had not seen his half-brother since before he fell asleep. He would have to look for him once all this drama was over with. He quickly plucked out some marigold and cobweb. He assumed they would move Clearsong in for more treatment once the basics were dealt with. He padded out quietly and headed to Horsetail's side. "Here, this should be enough until we can get him moved." He mewed, starting to chew some marigold. He was glad that Horsetail wanted to put an end to all the chaos, hopefully the two, three?, leaders would be able to settle this down amongst themselves. There was no need to drag the entire Clan into this battle.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-28 15:14:50

Clearsong/Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 25/30 | Camp | Mentions: Glade, Horsetail (ID), Snowecho (ID), Quietshadow (ID) 

Clearsong opened his eyes slowly. He was still surrounded in black and his body screamed in pain from where the wounds had been inflicted on him, he could barely move.

Suddenly his vision flooded with color, he winced, but didn't see himself move. In front of him, he saw the coats of Snowecho and Horsetail, obviously trying to heal him.

"Who are you?"

He felt his ears flatten as his body acted defensively without him, he growled in his mind as Slateleaf took the lead.

"Wh-Where are my kits?"

His vision was cast around as he felt himself sit up, shaking himself out. He smelled the sticky scent of marigold on his fur.

Clearsong grunted, he was too weak from the struggle with his sister to fight against the she-cat as she took control of his body.

"Slateleaf, please, for your kin, don't do anything stupid."

Clearsong willed, hoping the she-cat would listen.


He watched himself bound over to the tom, leaving behind two confused medicine cats. Somehow, his physical body was fine but he still felt the pain as if Pebblesplash were still on him. What was happening? Couldn't she feel it too?

"It's been so long!"

He felt himself purr. Clearsong recognised his mother nearby, however Slateleaf took no notice of her, which only confused Clearsong more. Didn't she recognise her own daughter?

"I'm back. I'm finally back. Oh I've missed my kit!"

Clearsong felt Slatewing's urge to nuzzle her kit but her hesitation to do so radiate from him. He just wanted to crawl into a corner, surely he was attracting a lot of attention by calling Glade his son. Albeit, he technically wasn't calling Glade his kit, it sure wouldn't look like that when a young warrior was cooing over a senior warrior as if he were a kit.

"Don't you remember your mother?"

Slateleaf started up again,

"It's me, Slateleaf? Remember?"

Clearsong felt oceans of embarassment flood over him, almost dulling the pain of his wounds.

"Oh... right... I'm him..."

Cold realization flooded his voice as Slateleaf finally recognised the problem. Clearsong heard himself hiss in annoyance, while he lay battered and bruised at the back of his consciousness, desperately wishing for Slateleaf to stop making him look like he'd gone mad.

Key so you aren't confused :)



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Edited on 28/11/18 @ 15:23:45 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-11-28 16:02:54

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions:Horsetail, Hawkpaw, Clearsong (ID), Wilowstar (ID)
Pebblesplash looked at Hawkpaw, warmth seeping through her. She purred, nodding.”I’d love to go-“ she broke off when she heard Horsetail yelling at her. Or, the clan.
”THIS TOM ATTACKED WILLOWSTAR!” she was up in a flash, lashing her tail.
”Maybe he deserves what he got!” Glaring at Horsetail, Pebblesplash turned back to Hawkpaw, taking deep breaths. Stay calm, stay calm...

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Glade,Rainpaw, Blossomheart Pebblesplash (ID) Clearsong (ID)
Quietshadow looked at the silver she-cat and the white one too. She lashed her tail.
”How. Dare. You. I was here longer then you ever were. I guess you don’t know me? Forgive me. My name is Quietshadow. Mother to Clearsong and Pebblesplash,” she looked the younger she-cats dead in the eye. Turning back to her brother, she smiled slightly. They weren’t leaving soon.

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Edited on 28/11/18 @ 16:06:55 by •Hurri• (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-28 21:03:19


Hawkpaw|13 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Glade

Hawkpaw sighed. He walked next to Pebblesplash facing the Clan. "Our Clan is broken. Because of one cat, and one cat only." He stared at Glade his eyes full of disappointment. He turned around and walked off. He walked into the forest and sighed. He didn't like fighting. He flattened his ears and sat down by the river. He looked at his reflection. He saw something then sparkle in the water. He then jumped in.

(Ehhhh, I might edit this. Might not. I dunno.)

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Edited on 01/12/18 @ 13:43:48 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-28 21:10:37


Mumblepaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail / Snowecho / Icepaw

Mumblepaw let out a yelp as he felt a harsh swat land onto his ears. He... that no good- He hit me! He grumbled lowly to himself. He wasn't expecting Horsetail to hit him maybe scold him, but not hit him! He let annoyed sigh as Horsetail ordered him to get Icepaw to gather some herbs, but it seemed like Snowecho had beat him to it. The apprentice watched as the white tom made his way into the medicine cat den in a hurry and soon return with the needed herbs not too long after. What about me... He huffed. He wanted to help them, but he knew Icepaw would be more helpful since she was an actual medicine cat apprentice. "I should go look for Icepaw then..." He scoffed before padding off. Where would Icepaw be anyway? Mumblepaw would've assumed she would be in the medicine cat den but she didn't come back with Snowecho. He did seem like he was in a rush... he probably just went for the herbs and left without another word.. The young tom thought as he headed for the medicine cat den. As he reached the entrance he took a peek inside. "Icepaw?" He murmured softly for the she as he walked in. "Stupid bat-blinded furball... you better be in here." He groaned.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 14:26:14


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit

Maplekit peeked out the door to the nursery, not daring to go outside. It was scary out there, all of the older cats were arguing and not being very nice to each other. She missed her mom and dad, and wished they would return soon. She missed curling up to her mother's soft and warm belly. Lionkit wasn't the warmest to sleep by at night.
Oh just shut up already. People get hurt, we have to deal with it.

The tiny American Curl calico shivered. She was trapped in this body with someone else.. Someone that wasn't her. She was afraid to speak to the other, and hoped she would go away soon. Maplekit didn't like being around things that made her uncomfortable.

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Edited on 30/11/18 @ 15:52:33 by Quakeflakes™ (#69866)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 16:43:06
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Icepaw-12 moons-Med cat apprentice-18/18- Med cat den
Icepaw looked over the herbs they had. There was few and there were some in the wrong places. She started sorting them out when Snowecho came in. Wait Snowecho? But he was in and out of the den fast. She went back to sorting the herbs her mind full of questions. She picked up some marigold and put it in the back of the den. She was about to go back to get some more when she heard her name. "What? Who is it? Oh, it's you what do you want?" She looked at the tom recognizing Mumblepaw. She tried acting as if she wasn't offended by being called a stupid bat-blinded furball. It wasn't her fault she was born blind in her left eye.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 17:54:11
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: [D] Sunstar [ID] Willowstar, Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Lionkit
Earthquake felt his chest tightening by the minute, his head throbbing. Whatever had gotten into Clearsong and Pebblesplash he'd never know, deep down he felt it was his fault. "I'm supposed to protect them... I'm not doing a good job am I?" he tiredly looked up, half expecting Lioncloud to answer with encouragement.
In the past course, he had been branded with scars, sacrificed many meals, and had countless sleepless nights. He had held his faith in Starclan and prayed for his family, yet a curse had gripped them tightly in it's vise.
He lifted his gaze to Sunstar as he spoke with a small kit, he padded up beside him, Sunstar looked awfully healthy, compared to him anyways.
He needed comfort, something to bring him from the gray. Nostalgic, he missed the days he spent in Thunderclan as Sunstar's deputy, the blazing tom giving him reassurance whenever he needed it.
He cleared his throat when he realized he was staring "I...Can we talk Sunstar? I really feel there's much to discuss that hasn't been explained." he hoped the leader would say yes, he had recently neglected socializing with his old friend, maybe they could do more than just talk.

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Edited on 30/11/18 @ 14:07:13 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-11-29 19:22:38


Mumblepaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Icepaw

Mumblepaw's ear flicked as he suddenly heard Icepaw speak up, turning his head and walking over to where he heard her voice. "There you are. I didn't think you would be in here since I didn't see you return with Snowecho." He mewed. "Clearsong has been wounded quite badly. Snowecho and Horsetail are currently tending to his wounds but Horsetail told me to come get you." The apprentice explained blankly. "We're wasting enough time as it is and I'm in an absolutely terrible mood. Horsetail.. he smacked me right on my ears, I can't believe him! I did nothing wrong and Snowecho didn't even say anything about it! It's like he wanted it to happen that-!" Mumblepaw mumbled a few words under his breath before speaking clearly again. "Snowecho has been acting weird... mentioning he can't remember. I don't get it." The young tom let out a long sigh. "Forget it, like I said before we're wasting time. Come on furball." Mumblepaw groaned and turned to leave the medicine cat den.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 13:57:09

Stormberry - 32 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar, Lionkit (ID), Willowstar (ID), Glade, open!

Stormberry bumped his head against Sunstar before getting to his paws and following him out of the elders' den, being shocked to see the apparent starvation and suffering of his Clanmates in their long absence. He was jolted out of his horror by Lionkit burrowing his face into his chest, and at the mention of Hollowfall, his heart sank. From what Sunstar was saying, he didn't remember anything that had happened while they were in StarClan, and must still think that his brother was alive. But how to break the news? And to Lionkit, too? He stood in shock for a few moments as the two talked to one another, as if Lionkit's father really could be found.

"Sunstar, Hollowfall is.."

In that moment, his attention turned to Willowstar, approaching an unfamiliar cat who seemed to quickly get hostile. It wasn't long before a fight had broken out, and the deputy found himself lashing his bushy tail and approaching the scene, casting a glance back to Sunstar as he did so. Everything about what had happened in StarClan and Hollowfall could wait until whatever this was was sorted.

"Who do you think you are, taking advantage of our Clan and acting like you're in charge? The loyalty of this Clan sits only with its leaders, deputies and StarClan! Or does it only take a short while for everyone to forget that??" The large tom spat, wanting to make it quite clear to both Glade and all of the Clan who exactly was in charge.


Aldershade - 15 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Rainpaw, Softsong (ID), Swallowfall (ID), Glade (ID), open!

Aldershade listened carefully to what Rainpaw had to say - clearly she had more faith in Softsong than he did at this point. He flicked his tail as she suggested a visit to the moors to try and track him down, but what was the point? Glade was unlikely to let them go, and even if they did find him, they would just be bringing him back to a world of misery and suffering; a world they had been living in for some time now.

"I'd love to take a wonderful trip to the moors, but I don't exactly want to end up on the end of Glade's claws again." He grumbled, and as it sounded like commotion was starting outside, he became even more reluctant to go out of the medicine cat den. He definitely felt a lot better now, but that could all change at any point, especially if he tried interfering with whatever Glade was up to.

Looking back to Swallowfall, however, he found his face heating up a little. Was it really so obvious to the other cats in the Clan how he and Softsong felt about each other? Well, at least how he thought Softsong would feel about him. Still, his heart soon filled with a small amount of hope, as it sounded like the voices of the high-ranking cats just outside. Finally, they were back, and could easily send Glade running for the hills..right?

Following Rainpaw outside in a moment of confidence, he soon flattened his large ears at the sight of the confrontation between his Clanmates. He began to feel that emotion he'd felt before, a desire to run away from the seemingly endless suffering of Clan life to somewhere better, safer. With Glade distracted, surely there was no better time to go and find Softsong. He saw how angry Rainpaw seemed, and rightfully so, but he didn't want to see her get hurt. If they made it to the moors, they would be safe. He nudged the apprentice and whispered in her ear, trying not to draw attention from any other cat too much.

"I think now's a good time to take you up on that trip to the moors."

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 15:11:03


Sunstar | 28 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Camp] | Mentions: Willowstar, Lionkit, Stormberry, Earthquake, ALL

Sunstar giggled at the kit, he was clearly trying to be funny. He hadn't even met this kit before.
The leader leaned down toward Lionkit, and whispered, "Your daddy just likes to go out and find trouble. I promise you I'll find him and make sure he gives you plenty of cuddles. And if he doesn't.. tell me where to smack him." The words sounded foreign to him, speaking in a sense that he was an uncle. It felt.. good though.
His gaze traveled back up, and he was about to comment telling Stormberry he could finish his sentence, when his mate started to practically yell at everyone, just like Horsetail. He watched as Earthquake came up to him, but let the tom know that he'll speak with him as soon as the group had been dispersed. Sunstar told Lionkit to go back to the nursery, and wait for him to go back and visit him.
The orange tom straightened his shoulders, jumping up onto the High rock. It somehow felt unfamiliar, being up here.

A flash came across his memory. He saw lights, colors.. shapes. A pool of blood in a green grassy field. The wailing and war cries of cats. Familiar voices..

Within a second, the flash was gone. He knew it was still there, but it just zoomed to the back of his memory. He hoped Willowstar would come up here and join him.
His legs shook, and it took him a moment to realize that he didn't recognize half of his clan anymore. He had a lot of talking to do once this was over.
"The leadership here will handle all the issues going on. But for now, a hunting group and patrol group need to be sent out. There are many hungry, and the sun is setting soon. We need to focus on helping each other, so we don't descend ever more into misery. And if anyone knows where my brother Hollowfall is, please let me know."
He jumped off the rock, trotting over to Glade with his tail high.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 15:40:22


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Aldershade, Sunstar (ID), Glade (ID), Softsong (ID)

Rainpaw took a step back when he saw a flash of siamese fur, orange siamese fur. Finally, a leader to respect. Rainpaw hissed as she backed up from Glade. She wanted to see what Sunstar was about to say. Pushing Glade to the back of her mind she padded to the back of the crowd and sat down, she figured she could huff without being bothered there.

Sunstar spoke of patrols and stopping fighting, however Rainpaw was still itching to use her energy on something. She needed to move. Suddenly, she felt a nudge that almost made her jump, turning back, she nodded to Aldershade.

She stood and turned, catching Stripecloud's eye, silently telling him not to worry with a dip of her head. She lashed her tail, out on the moor she could run. Her claws itched for the moment she'd reach the grassy slopes. She thought for a moment of Swallowfall's denial of the search, hoping she wouldn't mention why the two had suddenly disappeared. The two didn't even realise Softsong had already been discovered.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-30 16:05:36


GLADE | CAMP | MENTIONS: Stripecloud, Quietshadow, Snowecho, Swalloawfall, Rainpaw, Sunstar, Horsetail, Pebblesplash, Hawkpaw, Clearsong

Glade was overwhelmed with all the voices and threats directed at him. He wanted to actually run and hide. He listened to all the noise as if it were static, itching the back of his neck and wanting to find some place quiet to think.
He looked at Swallowfall, and then at Quietshadow and Clearsong. His heart broke for Swallowfall. Not because he was sorry for any of this.. but because she saw the good in him. Too bad that was gone many, many moons ago..
His pelt froze when Clearsong started talking to him. But he wasn't acting like himself at all.
The skinny siamese cocked his head at the other tom. "Are you alright, Clearsong? I think you should rest, you just took a beating-"
The blood drained from his face. His mother told him that she would contact him once he found his sister. He leaned over toward Clearsong, and said very softly, "Slateleaf?"
Over her shoulder he saw Sunstar approach, and didn't know what to do. He suddenly had met more family than he knew he had, and it almost brought tears to his eyes.

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