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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 13:30:24


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Glade, Maplekit, Stormberry|Mentions Indirectly: Harefeather, Wolffang, Hawkstrike, Raindrop, Sunstar, Willowstar|Location: Camp - Burial site

The small fluffy calico looked up at the much larger tom, he wanted to help. If his sister had wandered off, he just needed to help after all. "But...", Lionkit only got out, before Stormberry nudged him and had quickly turned on his paws and left. Pouting, the young kit looked after the deputy. Maybe he could sneak after him? Maybe Maplekit had found something interesting. Yes, maybe he should go. Lionkit was about to bound after the large deputy, but stopped in his tracks as he heard the leaders voices drifting over the gathered cats. The meeting, this would be his first gathering, he needed to stay. The young tom was pulled between where he should go, the meeting or look for his sister?
His blue eyes looked over, as Wolfpaw, Rainpaw, Harepaw, and Hawkpaw where called forward. They were going to become warriors, he wanted to be a warrior. Digging his claws into the dirt, the young calico looked in the direction Stormberry had gone off in. He would see more than enough apprentice and warrior ceremonies in his life, the only one he really wanted to see was his own. Turning round, Lionkit snuck out of camp.
It was easy following Stormberry's trail, the large tom had left shallow paw prints in the dirt. As Lionkit heard voices up ahead, he knew better than to just stumble into whatever was going on up ahead. Turning off the deputy's trail, the small calico tom headed for a bush. Sneaking his way through, Lionkit peaked out the other end. He could see Maplekit, Stormberry, and Glade. They were standing next to two large mounds, that was where... Lionkit had known, he had known the truth, he'd just not wanted to believe it. Lionkit had overheard some clan mates talking about his father death, he'd just not wanted to believe them.
Lionkit stiffened, as he heard what Glade was saying. His daughter? Glade was their father? No, not possible! Hollowfall was their father, not this.... this... stranger. Everyone seemed to hate him, Lionkit had never had a bad experience with Glade, but this...? How could he?
Unbenounced to him, Lionkit's small claws had creeped out and his teeth were bared, the young calico had also moved forward a bit. Enough to maybe be visible.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 17:28:42

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp | Mentions: Hawkstrike, Wolffang, Harefeather, Stripecloud

Raindrop looked around her as she heard the group's new name's being chanted. "Raindrop?" Raindrop mumbled, as if tasting her new name. She smiled softly to herself, she liked the sound of it. Her excitement made her paws knead the ground, her paws sinking slightly into the slush on the ground. She turned around, and looded at her clanmates, her eyes reflecting her joy. It felt nice.

As the crowd quieted again she backed into the crowd next to Stripecloud, "Looks like we're both warriors now!" She purred, At long last.

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harefeather, Raindrop, Wolffang, Hawkstrike, Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID)

Clearsong watched in awe as the four cats were given their warrior names. He smiled slightly, this surely would brighten the demeanor of the clan. As the clan raised their voices to chant, Clearsong merely shyly joined in, chanting at a spoken level, however his heart swelled with pride at how far these cats had come.

"This many new warriors makes for quite the crowded den, don't you think so? Slateleaf tried to small talk in Clearsong's mind. He was starting to get used to her presence, however whenever she appeared, a hot fire spread across his nose.

Clearsong nodded in response, as long as his kin wasn't trying to take control, what use was there fighting her? He licked his paw and tried cleaning his muzzle to cool down his face.

"What's wrong? Where's that typical confident Clearsong?" She forced him to his paws, "Chant with them, you sad excuse for a clanmate." Clearsong growled, he was proud of them, yes, but his current reputation with his clanmates was not all that high after he tried to attack Willowstar. He didn't know if he wanted to chant and praise the new warriors, or stay defiant against Slateleaf.

"I'm not doing this for you, don't think you got your say in what I do." Clearsong growled under his breath before he stood and stepped out of the shadows.

Prowling forward, he stood at the back of the crowd and caught Harefeather's eye. He smiled, taking in a breath before chanting loudly. "Harefeather! Wolffang! Hawkstrike! Raindrop!"

After a moment, the chanting died down and Sunstar continued from where Willowstar left off, yet satisfaction shone in Clearsong's eyes as he stood amongst his clanmates.

Clearsong thought he heard a purr in the back of his mind.

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Edited on 23/12/18 @ 17:30:07 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-23 23:08:38


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho (ID), Sunstar (ID)

Mumblepaw could hear the voices of his leaders and clanmates around him, though they were drowned to muffled chatter in his mind, until he heard Sunstar say his name, and to his surprise he heard Snowecho's name somewhere in his words too. The tom's drowsy eyes immediately shot wide open as he straightened his head to look up at the leader, forcing himself to bite his tongue so that he wouldn't yowl in pain from ache he felt from his neck. After a few low grumbles to himself he paid his attention back to Sunstar, he saw the tom give him a small nod and a kind smile. Starclan, why? Mumblepaw broke out into a sheepish grin towards the leader, quietly nodding back. He instantly felt guilty for not paying better attention to the meeting, he probably missed something important.. this was a true punishment. What in Starclan's name just happened? That was all Mumblepaw could wonder as he nervously looked to his paws and mumbled foul curses to himself. There's no way I can ask around... I'll just have to find out myself. Maybe Snowecho will talk about it when we go hunting, maybe even after the meeting.. and if not I'll just have to trick it out of him.. He thought. Now all he had to do was sit through the rest of the meeting, and this time he would pay more attention.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-27 17:28:00

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Raindrop,Clearsong, Leaders, Wolffang (ID), Stripecloud (ID ish), Harefeather (ID)
<"Hawkstripe! Raindrop! Wolffang! Harefeather!" Pebblesplash yowled to the sky, pleased with how things were slowly returning to normal. Well... almost. Clearsong wouldn't speak to her, and she didn't speak to him. It would probably take moons, if not seasons to reconnect- if the ever did. She wanted to talk to him, because something seemed very wrong.
Shaking off the feeling, Pebblesplash padded foward to Hawkstrike and Raindrop.
"Finally! Great job. It's good to have new warriors," she purred, looking at them. She lowered her voice, and whispered to Raindrop, "Stripecloud looks so happy."
A nagging feeling tugged at her stomach. If she was this concerned about him she should ask for advise. Not from Hawkstrike or Raindrop, but from an outside perspective.
Standing up, she quickly walked over to the leader's den. Then stopped.
Is this is a good idea?

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-12-27 19:14:54

Honeyfrost|36 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike (ID), Raindrop (ID), Wolffang (ID), Harefeather (ID), Pebblesplash

Honeyfrost's muzzle twitched upwards into a smile as the new warriors were named. "Hawkstrike! Raindrop! Wolffang! Harefeather!" she yowled to the sky. She watched as the new warriors talked excitedly amongst themselves before they began to disperse. The warrior den would need a few more nests, but they knew how to handle that themselves. She needed to talk with Earthquake though, to see how he was holding up with everything. He looked around, spotting a familiar grey coat hesitating in front of the leader's den for a second. She hurriedly jogged up to her, calling out. "Pebblesplash!" she said, coming to a stop. "Hey," she mewed. "Would you happen to know where Earthquake is? I need to talk with him"

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-28 10:39:56

Harefeather~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar (ID), Sunstar (ID), Hawkstrike (ID), Raindrop (ID), Wolffang(ID), *OPEN*

Harefeather called out the fellow warriors name's with the clan, a small smile on her face. She paused for a moment to watch in awe at her clans growing morale from the ceremony. She met Clearsong's gaze as he cheered. Her smile grew as well as the warm buzz that surrounded her, making her pelt puff slightly in excitement. She forced it down as she was a warrior now and needed to keep her composure.

Once the crows started to disperse she weaved her way through the clan to the back where Clearsong was. Her smile was still plastered on her face, the excitement still buzzing in her ears as she approached him. She slowed to a walk, before stopping in front of Clearsong. Her breath billowing out in a thin wispy clouds in front of her for a moment before disappearing.
"Hey." She breathed out into one of the clouds. She didn't know what else to say to the tom.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 11:19:39

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harefeather, Mumblepaw (ID), Sunstar (ID)

Clearsong watched Harefeather approach, slipping through the crowd to him. He smiled to her, "Hey, Harefeather." He greeted her with a wave of his tail, "A night of vigil and you'll be with us in the warriors den, I'm glad." Clearsong felt the tips of his ears warm, despite the cold. He flicked his ears to Sunstar, "and a new medicine cat apprentice as well, hopefully that furball wont accidently poison us." He chuckled, sitting down again and tucking in his tail to keep it warm.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 11:31:11


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Clearsong, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: All, Sunstar, Mumblepaw, Snowecho, Icepaw|Location: Camp

Horsetail smiled happily, as the new warriors were named. It would be good for the clan, to have so many new warriors. The medicine cat called out the young warriors names, like all other. Horsetail's ears pierced, as Sunstar started to go on. His golden eyes turned to Mumblepaw, as the leader announced the news. So it had been decided, the tom was already older, but hopefully he'd become a great medicine cat. Speaking of apprentices, where was his? The tom asked himself, looking around for Icepaw. He could not find her, where had the young she-cat gone? He wondered, maybe he'd look for her later.
His golden eyes moved back to Sunstar, a bit of worry still showing. He really needed to speak with Stormberry, about what happened in Starclan. Seeing that he meeting would still go on, and not really seeing a point in sitting up front, since- knowing them well enough- the leaders would not accept any help anyways, Horsetail stood up. Moving along the edge of the gathered cats, his mind wandered. Apprentices should soon be named and.... and would a new deputy be named as well? The medicine cat wondered. As he passed by the warriors, his golden eyes moved to Clearsong. The warrior seemed better now, he was glad. Horsetail nodded his head at the warrior's former apprentice, Harefeaher, who came trodding up to Clearsong.
Moving passed the rest of the group, Horsetail walked to the medicine cat den. Horsetail looked inside, it was empty,. They'd need new nest, he wished he could get a chance to talk with Snowecho. The tom looked to his paws, he needed to speak with the other medicine cat. What should he do? Sort herbs? No, he was not up for that now. Shaking his head, the golden eyed tom walked out of the den again. He was bored and that was bad, this ment his mind would go back to the time he spent in Starclan. Lying down, just outside of the camp Horsetail let out a sigh. His ears still trained on the gathering, just so he would not miss anything important, Horsetail closed his eyes. "Stormfang", the dark sand colored tabby tom said, with a sigh.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 13:11:14
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D] Pebblesplash, Honeyfrost [ID] Sunstar, Willowstar, Clearsong, Glade
Earthquake, out in front of the crowd felt his chest swell with pride as the new upcoming warrior's names were being chanted through the treetops. In the midst of the cold, the clan was a beacon of warmth, supporting and protecting one another. Being a senior, he had watched many a cat grow into fine fighters and protectors, all to serve Sunstar and Willowstar "It's order, prosperity and happiness. It's our way of living. he thought to himself. "Despite whatever Glade thinks." he sneered, but it didn't feel right. Glade was apart their team whether he liked it or not, perhaps he'd give the big nosed, slimy, little, cretin another chance and redeem his...partnership with his fellow warrior.
He got up eventually to dispatch from the crowd, in a much lighter mood, his chest rumbling with a deep purr, maybe if he tried hard enough he could spread the feeling.
His niece and nephew particularly...and Honeyfrost.
Yes, it was true, he had feelings for the sugar coated she-cat, he just hoped it wasn't that obvious.
Pebblesplash came into view first, and somehow looked slightly older(?) it was probably just the light, and to his surprise she was with Honeyfrost. When he got close he overheard her asking about him, he approached behind her all the same "Why would you need to ask if I'm right here?" he answered smiling and then walking over to his niece. He bumped heads with Pebblesplash, not content with that, he began to smother her like a proper Uncle.

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Edited on 28/12/18 @ 13:14:00 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-28 14:20:06


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Hawkstike, Wolffang, Harefeather, Pebblesplash(ID)

"Raindrop, Hawkstrike, Wolffang, Harefeather!" Stripecloud cheered with the rest of the Clan. For some reason, he didn't know why, he felt nervous. He shook it off. 'Rainpaw is now Raindrop, I'm gonna have to get used to the name now.' He chuckled to himself as Raindrop settled herself beside him. Stripecloud flicked his ear, "Yeah, both warriors." That's when it hit him. He was probably nervous because he was thinking of the future. What was gonna happen? 'Woah Woah Woah Stripecloud. Now is no time to panic. Too late, I'm panicking.' He didn't even hear what Peblesplash said. His face still wore a smile though, like he wasn't panicking inside. Only his eyes showed a bit of panic. Hopefully, Raindrop didn't notice.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 18:13:27

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Honeyfrost, Earthquake, Clearsong (ID)
Pebblesplash looked up, waving her tail in greeting.
"Good question!" she purred, letting the good mood sink in for a minute. Why ask the leaders when Honeyfrost and Earthquake both could help?
"This is really strange, but what should I do about... Clearsong?" she sighed, pawing the earth. It was awful she had to ask for advice on how to mend a relationship with her brother, but she needed help. Blinking, she looked up at the two older cats hopefully.

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 18:45:15

Honeyfrost|36 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Clearsong (ID)

The orange she-cat's pelt fluffed up in surprise as Earthquake came up behind her, letting out a yelp as she spun around. She felt her cheeks warm up at his words, but soon remembered herself, and found herself fighting a smile off of her face. "You big furball!" she exclaimed, swatting at him playfully. "You startled me!" She chuckled. If only good times like this could last.

She sat down on her haunches as Pebblesplash spoke, knitting her brows together in thought. She opened her mouth, not fully sure what she should say. She was an only child, she never had this kind of problem. "I think..." she started. "I think you should at least try to get his side of the story. Clearsong is a good cat, he wouldn't do something like that out of the blue."

She reached out a paw, laying it on Pebblesplash's shoulder. "I think you should apologize as well. Things like this shouldn't come between this clan. We need to be strong and to be strong, we need to be united. Being united means we don't let things like this get in between us." she said, quietly.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 19:27:05
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D] Pebblesplash, Honeyfrost
Earthquake nodded in agreement at Honeyfrost's words, he licked Pebblesplash's ear reassuringly We're family Pebblesplash, you can talk with us anytime, I'm here for you and Clearsong's support. If you want to make up with him, the first thing is to admit your fault and show that you care."
Clearsong's action were out of the ordinary "If you talk to him, I'm sure he'll understand.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 19:45:17

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Pebblesplash

Raindrop greeted Pebblesplash with a smile, purring in agreement at the note of fufilled anticipation in her voice for the four becoming warriors. She heard Pebblesplash lower her voice and the tips of her ears warmed when she realized it was directed at her. She glanced at Stripecloud for a moment, "He does." She purred again.

After Pebblesplash had started to walk off Raindrop looked back to Stripecloud, he seemed distracted but he didn't visably seem distressed to her. Raindrop watched him for a moment before leaning into him. Whatever he was thinking about, she hoped she could help the tom. Once again, she let out a purr, this time soft and continuous.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 21:14:07
(Thanks Melloe MArshmellow for the new picture!)

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Honeyfrost, Earthquake, Clearsong, Harefeather, Glade (ID)
Pebblesplash tucked her tail in.
"Thanks so much for the advice. I'm going to take it... I'm going to talk to him. You'll find out how it goes form on of us, I guess," she dipped her head respectivly to the two of them, and made her way to the center of camp. She spotted her brother with Harefeather and padded over.
"Clearsong, I..." her voice caught in her throat. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "I... I know that this isn't going to make up for what I did, but I am so sorry. I should not have done what I did to you. I left Glade drive a wedge between us... and I have to live with the consequences. I nearly killed you, Clearsong. I don't know why, or how, but I know... I know I wouldn't have done that had I had a clear head on me. Anyway, I hope you can... forgive me," Pebblesplash shut her jaws, stepping back nervously. Her gaze darted from Harefeather to Clearsong as she waited for an reaction-- from either of them.

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Edited on 28/12/18 @ 22:31:21 by •Hurri• (#147819)

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