Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-13 13:17:33


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit, Olivekit, Stormberry, Glade, Quietshadow

Maplekit let out a mew of thanks as Stormberry took care of Lionkit. She was truly worried there for a moment. After Stormberry's scolding, she lowered her ears and went back to the entrance of the nursery.
I was doing my best. I didn't even jump into the snow.
Welcome to life, hun. You'll get scolded even when you don't do anything wrong. Grown ups like blaming everyone but themselves.
Maplekit snorted, and looked over at Olivekit. "What do you want to do? I don't want to just sit here all day.."
She squinted, seeing Sunstar and Willowstar up on High rock. The small calico didn't know her uncle that well. He was gone for a long time, and no one truly knew where he was. She really wanted to visit the place where he went. Maybe she would find her mom and dad there.
Starlingkit took over suddenly, standing up and slipping outside the nursery. Her floof was cold, but she wanted to find out where her parents were. Making her way over to the elders den, she saw a dark she cat and a skinny siamese tom. She looked up at him. "Where are my parents? Tell me what I want to know or I'll get Sunstar."

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-13 16:56:39

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

She didn't know what to say to the tom. If it wasn't a sign, and able to take over his body, what could it be? Persuasion can be a horrible thing in the wrong hands, but I don't think persuasion would make him do something so abnormal for him as attacking another cat--a leader that quick and violently. She pressed her nose to the tom's ear. It was the only way she knew to comfort the tom now.
"We'll figure it out." She said softly, "Together." She added. She gave a soft, kind smile to the tom to boost his spirits.

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-14 09:41:28

Olivekit(paw) - Camp - Mentions: Maplekit (Sunstar, Willowstar)

Olivekit sighed, "I just want to become an apprentice already! I can't wait to pummel you guest the ground when you guys become apprentices as well. I'm gonna be the best-est warrior there ever was!" She had puffed her soft black chest out, her eyes shone with pride.

Olivekit turned her head to the two leaders, and began grooming herself once again, muffling, "It's gonna be the bethst theremony becauth I'm in it!" She giggled as she finished licking her back.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:01:38



Glade saw a small kit looking up at him a bit later, and he couldn't help but purr. The thing was.. he was there when her father died, and he knew where Hollowfall and Lioncloud were buried. He smiled at the little kit, lowering his front legs to be eye level with her.
"Well sweety, I do know where your father is. If you want to come with me, I'll show you."
He curled his tail around her, and while Sunstar had looked away, he brought Maplekit out of camp. Glade held onto her scruff, going a small section away from camp, to a small clearing with a flowers and vines. There were two piles of dirt in the middle, with grass starting to grow in chunks on top of them.
Letting Maplekit go, he looked at her. He tried to think what advantage he would take with her, or whether or not he wanted to bury her with the others. She seemed strong though, and would make a fine warrior one day.
"Maplekit.. I don't know how to tell you this.."
He let out a dramatic sigh, and looked at her with concern.
"I am your father."
The kit lowered her eyebrows, but a hint of fear glazed over the back of her eyes.
"Hollowfall took care of you while I was away, but now I'm back, and I'm ready to train you to be the most fierce warrior in the whole clan!"
He watched as the face of the kit slowly tilted into a grin.

YOU MUST ROLL to see if you saw him sneak away. That's if you were in the vicinity only.

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Edited on 14/12/18 @ 16:20:47 by Quakeflakes™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:23:00

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Glade, Clearsong, Harepaw, Pebblesplash (ID)
Quietshadow looked at the kit, folding her tail neatly over her paws. She tried to attack as natural as possible, covering for Glade while he showed the poor kit her father. She sighed, thinking of what it was like to raise kits. She would never do THAT again. As much as she loved Clearsong-- and some ember for her daughter-- the Clan and her brother came first. Standing up, she padded over to Clearsong and Harepaw.
"Good morning! How are you feeling today, Clearsong?" she eyed the vicious scarring on his face. Poor tom. Quietshadow dipped her head to Harepaw. She didn't exactly like the she-cat, but a covering was necessary for her son's sake.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 17:40:44

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw, Quietshadow, Glade (ID)

Clearsong closed his eyes and relaxed into Harepaw's shoulder fur. It was warm and comforting, he felt his fear finally start to subside.

"Together?" Clearsong said the word aloud. He let the thought of it linger for a moment, a quick smile appearing before it was gone again, he subconsciously hoped Harepaw saw, "I'd like that."

He was roused from his comfortable state by a cat approaching. Clearsong stayed laying with his fur brushing Harepaw's as he noticed his mother, his eyes narrowed.

"Good morning, Quietshadow." He said somewhat curtly. He had accepted her presence as a cat, but not as his mother. She had come back into his life abruptly, and the expression she had was too calculating for his liking. He didn't trust her.

"Do you need something?" He said, looking around. He didn't see Glade, Odd. Those two are joined at the hip. He thought, before meeting Quietshadow's steady green gaze again.


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud

Rainpaw purred to Stripecloud, her eyes shining. "You're mighty fierce to be braving the cold like this! Even I, Rainpaw the Great, wouldn't dare go out in such a blizzard!" She shook herself out for dramatic effect, padding forward and bumping her head against Stripecloud's, playfully.

"How about we watch the ceremony from a shaded part of the clearing until I get called up?" She offered, smiling softly. The light of humor in her eyes was replaced with a sly glint. "We can watch the others shiver while we stay mostly dry. The fools!" Her tail flicked in amusement.

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Edited on 14/12/18 @ 17:46:24 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Parhelion) (#140966)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-15 10:52:08

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Quietshadow, Glade (ID), *OPEN*

Harepaw kept her kind smile as the tom leaned on her. It was relaxing and peaceful for a few moments, before they go company. Harepaw squinted at the old she-cat as she approached. No Glade? Hm. She squinted more at the she-cat. Harepaw didn't like the other she-cat, not even a mouse whisker. Her and Glade made Harepaw's pelt crawl, and she would never turn her back to the two of them. She trusted them less than she liked them. And based off Clearsong's response, he wasn't too keen on the cat either.
"What do you want?" She would've hissed it, but out of respect for Clearsong, as she is his mother, she made herself say it as calmly as possible, but a hint of hostility still hung in her words.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-15 20:03:15


Snowecho | 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowstorm's whiskers twitched with amusement as Mumblepaw sleepily defended himself against a non-existing accuse of stealing herbs. "Nothing to do with herbs this time." He reassured quickly, taking a deep breath of the cold winter air. "There is a Clan meeting about to start, and once that is done, I was wondering if you'd join me for a hunt." He briefly explained. He still entertained the idea of being nearly invisible in the snow. From a sight based assessment, he supposed prey would find it harder to see him, as long as they did not see his eyes.
"I'm guessing the Clan meeting is going to be about Glade and Quietshadow, and according to a certain kit, it's going to be the best apprentice ceremony ever." He explained further, going back on the topic of the Clan meeting. He was of course referring to Olivekit. Last he had seen her, the little she-kit had seemed barely able to contain her excitement. "I'm also expecting the leaders to hold some warrior ceremonies, some are really overdue." He added on. While he looked forward to the meeting, he could not wait for it to be over. Whether Mumblepaw decided to join him hunting or not did not affect the fact that he would head out. He felt the need to stretch his legs and contribute to the Clan in another way than medicine for once.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-15 22:05:12
Ignore that

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Edited on 15/12/18 @ 22:42:15 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-15 22:43:22


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw

Stripecloud smiled shaking a little. "You need to be up at the front." He chuckled his tail twitching slightly. "I'll be fine so stop making fun of me." He nudged her with his shoulder his tail sweeping across the snow. "Why does snow have to be cold, why can't it be warm like the sun." He muttered talking to himself as he stretched his paws out. He let out a yawn waking himself up fully.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-16 12:39:29


Softsong | 16 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong purred loudly as Aldershade started helping him groom out the knots and tangles in his fur. "I could absolutely not." He protested, turning his head and leaning up a little to give the sleepy warrior a lick to his forehead. "How would I be able to keep you warm during leaf-bare without it?" He pointed out. He started grooming his chest fur, getting rid of some of the small tangles there. He heard the faint noises of kits playing and was reminded that one of them would be an apprentice soon. He hoped to be the lucky warrior appointed warrior, but considering his previous disappearance, he doubted it. Perhaps Aldershade would be her mentor, or maybe Stripecloud or Swallowfall. He was brought back to reality when Aldershade went to exit the den.

The black and white warrior followed him, stopping behind as a small plan formed in his head. He grinned and crouched down, then wiggled his butt before pouncing at Aldershade and bowling them out of the warriors den. Who said warriors could not have fun? He pinned his best friend down in the snow, laughing loudly. "Got you~" He purred. He glanced over to high rock and noticed Sunstar and Willowstar up there. He guessed they would call the meeting soon, which meant he still had some time with Aldershade before the meeting started. He bent his head and rested his muzzle close to the other warrior's ear. "Want to sneak out of camp a little before the meeting starts?" He whispered, getting off of him.

Somehow, despite having some days to take in the situation around them, they had still not been able to have a private talk together. He wanted just a few moments with just himself and his favourite warrior, just to confess and explain himself. Perhaps they could go out on their own after the meeting, depending on who got to be Olivekit's mentor of course.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-16 12:58:51


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Softsong (ID), Aldershade (ID)

Rainpaw nodded with a purr as she headed near to the front of the highrock with Stripecloud. It was then that the excitement of her warrior ceremony first hit her.

"I can't believe I'm finally going to be a warrior!" Rainpaw chirped, her tail lashing excitedly. "I guess I'm so used to being an apprentice that I didn't even realize I- we all- were overdue for a ceremony." She flicked her ears toward the apprentice den, she would have to remember a lot of new names!

When they reached the spot where they'd sit for the gathering, Rainpaw heard a playful shriek. She turned her head to see Softsong pounce on Aldershade and she let out an amused purr, squinting her eyes as she looked back at Stripecloud. She crouched, letting out a playful growl, before trying copy Softsong and bowl him over.

Just before leaping, however, her front paws slipped on the partially melted snow and she skidded into Stripecloud's side, flopping him over as she fell with him.

She sat up, shaking snow out of her fur as her ears grew hot. "Oops." She said shyly with an embarassed laugh.

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Edited on 16/12/18 @ 12:59:49 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Parhelion) (#140966)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-12-16 14:04:04


Stormberry - 33 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Lionkit, Horsetail, Maplekit (ID), Olivekit (ID), open!

Stormberry gave Lionkit a lick on the head after he set him down, glad that Horsetail was there to look after him. He eyed up the medicine cat for a few moments, wondering if he too remembered anything about their time in StarClan. None of the other cats that were there had seemed to remember - or perhaps they didn't want to talk about it. But it was something that had been burning in the back of his mind ever since he had woken up. Still, there was not time to talk about it right now. There were kits to check on, and ceremonies to be there for.

"No problem, I'll go check on them in a second." He mewed, about to walk away when Horsetail addressed him again. Could it be about StarClan after all? He would have to wait a bit to find out. "We could talk..I'm glad you asked, I could do with talking about...things." The large tom replied bluntly, before turning tail to check on Maplekit and Olivekit.

When he had got back, however, they were both gone from where he had left them. Had he sounded too harsh when he warned them about the danger? It wasn't his intention, he was only worried about them after all. Well, he expected Maplekit had gone back to the nursery like he said, and it looked like Olivekit was preparing herself for her apprentice ceremony. He flicked his one good ear, before deciding to sit near the Highrock and wait for the ceremony to start, to help take his mind off things for a while.


Aldershade - 16 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Softsong, Rainpaw (ID), Olivekit (ID), open!

Aldershade was distracted from his focus on Glade by the attention from Softsong, and as such, he did not see the siamese tom leave camp. He closed his eyes as his forehead was licked, but then turned to pad his way into the middle of camp. He didn't want to be late to any ceremony, he felt like he had done enough rule breaking in the past few moons.

The lanky tom yowled in surprise when Softsong pounced on him, and he responded by rolling them so he was under the fluffy warrior. He batted Softsong in the face without any claws, putting on an angry face, but being unable to disguise the small glint in his eye. No matter how dire things seemed to get, Softsong's company and playfulness always made him happy again. He thought he would hate the other tom for abandoning him and the Clan during Glade's short rule, but his heart was clearly being tugged in the other direction, much as he didn't want to admit it.

"You only got me because I'm tired, I'll get you back." He purred quietly, before listening to Softsong's suggestion of sneaking out of camp. Desperate as he was for alone time with his big crush, it wasn't worth the anger of a cat of authority. If Softsong had been in camp when times were at their toughest, he would understand that. "Softsong, please. We'll get Stormberry to let us go hunting alone together after the ceremony; we don't want to miss it."

Turning his head, he saw Rainpaw looking at them with amusement and felt his face heat up, before wriggling his way to his paws and giving his chest a few self-conscious licks. He gestured with his long tail for Softsong to follow him to the middle of camp and sit together. His mind began to turn to the ceremony itself - what if he was really given Olivekit as an apprentice? The thought intimidated him, but also excited him. More cats needed to be taught that being strong and fierce wasn't all that made a good warrior.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-16 16:57:03


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Camp] | Mentions: Willowstar, Glade, Stormberry, Everyone

Sunstar turned to Willowstar with a concern on his face. There was a pause before her responded. "Alright.. I guess we have a lot to catch up on anyways. There's so much that we've missed, and yet it feels like we never went anywhere."
He took a glance out at the crowd, seeing Glade staring at him still. He watched as Maplekit trotted up to him, and those both exchanged some words. Feeling his skin start to crawl, Sunstar turned to see Stormberry below. When he looked back up, the skinny tom and the kit were gone. The leader tried to get Stormberry's attention, hissing lowly.
"Stormberry! I think Glade just took off with Maplekit!"
He felt a lump rise in his throat, and he looked around the whole camp. He couldn't see them anywhere.
Suunstar had to get under control. He knew that Stormberry would find them, and everything would be alright. If Willowstar and himself waited any longer, cats would lose interest and leave.

"Let all those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the High rock for a clan meeting!"

"I understand that a lot has happened since our supposed disappearance. Well.. we're back now, and as a surprise to us, a lot of you look older than when we last saw you. After talking with some of the High ranks, it has come to our attention that some of you need to be pronounced new ranks and titles. It is very belated, and we apologize, but now we look to our ance-..."

Sunstar felt like he was shoved into the back seat of his mind, and suddenly images started flying over his gaze. He saw a battlefield, and it looked like Starclan. There were cats screaming, bodies exploding into dust and flying into the wind. He saw his father.. and a bunch of his ancestors.. fighting cats made of pure shadows.
He looked over at Willowstar with pure fear in his eyes, and his tongue was so twisted, he couldn't speak.

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Edited on 16/12/18 @ 16:57:58 by SnuhQuake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-12-16 19:13:38

Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|

Horsetail nodded his head, at Stormberry's words. Maybe talking with the deputy, would clear a few things up. Following after Lionkit, the medicine cat gave a sigh, kits where always so much trouble. Lionkit had sprinted on ahead and was waiting beside one of the empty nests, the young tom was now shuffling his paws, waiting impatiently for Horsetail to come in. "I'm really alright, just a bit cold's all", the young calico said, with a pouting face, he did not want to miss the ceremony. "I really am alright", Lionkit said again, bouncing around now, just to prove it. Letting out a sigh, Horsetail moved forward and pushed his nose into Lionkit's cheek. The kit was starting to warm up, that was good. "Give me your paws", Horsetail instructed. After the young tom obliged, Horsetail looked them over. No cracks and they were nice and pink again. Looking up, into the kit's eyes, the medicine cat nodded his head. "Fine, you can go", Horsetail said, relenting. "But", the medicine cat's paw shot out, trapping Lionkit's tail beneath it. As soon as the words had been out of the older tom's mouth, the kit had started to run off. "If you even feel the slightest on set of a fever, running nose, or sore throat, I want you back here immediately. "Alright, Horsetail, I understand", the kit said, nodding his head. He wanted to get out, he could here Sunstar's voice outside, had it already started? As soon as Horsetail released the calico kit's tail, Lionkit ran forward and out of the den.


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Lionkit, all|Location: Medicine cat den - Camp

As he looked after Lionkit, running out of the den, the tom shook his head. He was glad to see that the young tom did not have any injuries from falling into the snow, still he'd need to keep an eye on the kit just to be sure. His ear twitched, as Sunstar's voice carried into the den. The meeting must've started. Walking out of the den, the dark sand colored tom was about to sit down just outside of it, but paused as Sunstar cut off. Was something the matter? He wondered, looking up at the leader. Sunstar had a strange expression on his face, the only word Horsetail could find to describe the tom's gaze, was haunted.
Quickly rising to a standing position, the golden eyed medicine cat briskly walked forward. Skirting the edge of the gather clan cats, Horsetail paused beside the high rock and looked up. He come how felt he needed to help Sunstar, but he did not even know what the problem was. Maybe something was Starclan? Had the leader remembered something?


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Stormberry, Maplekit|Mentions Indirectly: Sunstar, Olicvekit, All|Location: Camp

Bouncing out, the kit was happy to see that he had not really missed anything. Spotting Stormberry, the young kit quickly ran over to the deputy. "Stormberry, where's Maplekit? I wanted us to sit together, for the meeting", the kit asked, coming to a stop beside the much larger tom. The young tom was sure that the deputy had said, that he would talk with Olivekit and Maplekit. He could see Olivekit clean herself, probably trying to look better for her ceremony. The kit could not see his littermate though, where was she? Looking around, the young tom searched for Maplekit. She was not by the nursery or under the other cats paws, there was no way she would be in the nursery. Had she left, like their mother and father, Lionkit suddenly thought. Noticeably more worried now, the fluffy calico kit looked back to Stormberry, "Where's Maplekit?", Lionkit asked.

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