Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-17 01:00:30


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho, Sunstar (ID)

Mumblepaw listened as Snowecho told him a meeting was about to start, as well as asking if he would want to join the cat with hunting after. He began to think for a bit and tilted his head as he did, suddenly letting out a small yelp when he felt a familiar pain in his neck. "Hunting doesn't sound too bad, but I do have a cramp or two... I think my nest is too small for me now." He grumbled as he slowly moved his neck side to side. Mumblepaw then resumed listening as Snowecho told him who he thought the meeting would be about, how excited a kit was about becoming an apprentice, and explain the warrior ceremonies that would be made. "Warrior ceremonies?" Mumblepaw repeated. That meant he and a few other apprentices would become warriors then. "Oh. I'm sure everyone is overjoyed. I just hope my warrior name won't be completely terrible." The tom let out a blank chuckle. Mumblepaw didn't seem too excited or joyed at all, and in fact he wasn't. His ear flicked as he heard Sunstar's voice announce a meeting. He slowly looked to the ground, he didn't want Snowecho to see him frown. Come on, I'm becoming a warrior for Starclan's sake! The best thing that could happen to an apprentice and I'm not even happy about it! I should at least pretend like I care... He hissed softly. Letting out a sigh Mumblepaw slowly looked back to Snowecho, giving the medicine cat a forced smile as he spoke. "Come on, this will be a more exciting clan meeting. I'll look for you after so we can hunt, don't forget about me and leave or I'll hunt you down instead." He huffed jokingly, giving the medicine cat a quick goodbye and leaving to gather with everyone else. Let's just go get this over with. He groaned and he sat down, listening to Sunstar's words. It didn't take long for Mumblepaw to get bored, letting himself slowly begin to zone

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-18 17:45:32


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw, Sunstar (ID)

"Did that seriously just hit you?" The tom laughed. He was excited for Rainpaw. The tom was thinking when he felt Rainpaw knock him over. It took him a moment to think what had just happened. He started laughing but he was then felt the snow start to melt in his pelt and stood up.

Stripecloud shook off the snow that was starting to melt on his pelt. "Brrrr, cold." He shivered looking back to Rainpaw. He saw her embarrassment and chuckled nudging her. "It's cool." He gave her a toothy smile then heard Sunstar call a Clan meeting. He flicked his tail and walked over to High Rock and sat down a little ways away. He watched as Sunstar stumbled with his words. What was going on with the leader?


Hawkpaw|14 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Sunstar(ID)

Hawkpaw blinked stretching his jaws in a wide yawn. He heard Sunstar call for a clan meeting. He sighed not even knowing why he was so tired. He then remembered, he kept having weird dreams that kept waking him up. He shook his pelt and walked over to High Rock. He sat down and curled his tail around his paws. He let himself zone out still not fully awake.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-19 14:13:38
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D]OPEN [ID] Sunstar
Earthquake emerged from the warrior's den and gave a wide yawn, having slept most of the day away, yet his shoulders were still heavy and dreary, his eyes half lidded. He was surprised to see that the clan wasn't bustling with patrols, but held his tongue, he nearly slept past a clan meeting! Still slightly hazy with sleep, he gathered towards the front, hoping he hadn't missed anything crucial. His clanmates surrounding him, shivering, was it really that cold? The cold never really bothered him, thank Starclan, he had been blessed with such a thick and nearly impenetrable coat.
He turned his attention back to the more important meeting, craning his head upward to watch Sunstar on his high perch, he waited for the tom to speak, although his usually flamboyant leader seemed to be in a state of disarray. His eyes wide and strained as if he had just witnessed a mass murder.

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Edited on 19/12/18 @ 14:15:08 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-12-19 20:17:05
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Willowstar | 37 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Everyone

She gave her friend a small nod and let out a nervous sigh when he turned to go and address the rest of the clan. With all that has gone on, she knew that he was probably not going to take the news too well, and she couldn’t blame him. She hadn’t taken her own loss too well back when it happened, but more because she blamed herself. If the orange tom needed some time to grieve, then she would give him whatever time that she was able. Things were still tense over the situation with Glade, but the clan would get by and survive like it always had. Once he gave the call, Willowstar walked up and stood at his side, looking over the cats gathering in the clearing. Listening to him address their clanmates, she quietly listened until the tom beside suddenly stopped speaking. She turned her head to see what was going on and was surprised to see the amount of fear that shown in his eyes. Her eyes cast a quick glance down at the cats below and could see that they had also noticed his odd behavior. If any of them started to worry or panic, getting them to calm down would be difficult, as they had proven that not too long ago. The fluffy calico lightly bumped her shoulder against his to remind him that she was there and moved her head by his ear. “I’ll keep the ceremony going until you feel comfortable joining back in and we can talk about this once we’re done. Take some time to relax and you can tell me what suddenly had you so scared.” She quietly murmured to him and rest her tail on his back to reassure him.

Willowstar turned her attention back to the cats below and raised her voice so they all could hear. “As Sunstar was saying, many of you have grown during our time away and that means that it’s long overdue for those few to finally have their own ceremony, whether you’re becoming a warrior or becoming an apprentice and gaining a mentor. We apologize for our lateness on the matter, but we’re proud to hold this ceremony today and reward you for your efforts. For now, we’ll start with announcing our new group of warriors. So, I would like the cats with the following names to come forward; Hawkpaw, Harepaw, Rainpaw, And Wolfpaw.” She paused for a minute to allow them to step forward before she continued on. “Though we may have been gone for awhile, I know from before then that they have trained hard and from what I have heard, they are well trained and skilled, having them be worthy to earn their new names and become warriors. I would like to call upon our ancestors to look after these four young cats as they continue to follow the code that you have given to us that guides us through each and every day. Their strength and patience have brought them to this point and I would like to ask each of you, Harepaw, Wolfpaw, Hawkpaw, and Rainpaw, do each of you swear to protect the clan with your lives and to follow and uphold the warrior code?” The fluffy calico looked down at the four cats warmly as she waited to hear each of their responses.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-19 21:26:18


Rainpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Willowstar, Harepaw, Hawkpaw, Wolfpaw

Rainpaw smiled back at Stripecloud, her whiskers twitching in amusment at tumble. Following him to the spot near the base of the Highrock, she sat and quickly flattened some fur that stuck up.

As Willowstar began to speak, Rainpaw stood at her name being called. Her heart swelled with pride at the thought that she would very soon gain a new name. She locked eyes with Stripecloud for a moment before turning and stepping forward. She smiled at Hawkpaw, Wolfpaw, and Harepaw each in turn before looking back to Willowstar.

"I do." Rainpaw's voice rang out smoothly. She was surprised when her voice didn't shake, internally she felt eerily calm but at the same time she was filled with energy. With a breath, she smiled, straightening out herself to stand taller.

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Harepaw, Sunstar, Willowstar, Quietshadow

Clearsong managed to pull his gaze away from Quietshadow when Sunstar began the meeting. He listened as Sunstar spoke, then paused, as if haunted by something. He shook his head, yet he wasn't seeing it. Clearsong sympathized with Sunstar. Whatever the tom was witnessing, Clearsong could see it was haunting.

Clearsong watched as Willowstar spoke lowly to him and then continued on with the ceremony. Looking over at Harepaw when her name was called, he smiled, touching his nose to her ear. "Next time we meet, you'll be a warrior." He said warmly before she left.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-20 08:34:13


Snowecho | 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 |Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Willowstar(ID), Sunstar(ID), Rainpaw(ID), Open!

Snowstorm nodded his head a little as Mumblepaw told about his ailments. He would knead the spot later to help ease tension, perhaps line his new nest with comfrey to help with stiffness. He let out a small 'mrrow' of laughter at the name comment. "I felt the same when I was about to get my medicine cat name. Imagine if they had named me Snowfrost. It's the same thing!" He laughed softly. His whiskers twitched with amusement, getting up to settle at the edge of the gathered cats. He would wait by the exit of the camp once the meeting was over with. He looked up at Sunstar, though tilted his head as the leader faltered and stopped speaking. He blinked his eyes, confused as to why the leader froze up like that. He briefly considered approaching him to ask what was up, but Willowstar smoothly took over. He relaxed a littler and curled his tail around his paws as he waited for her to call out the apprentices.

"Wha?" The confused whisper left him before he could stop himself. Why had she not called out Mumblepaw's name? He furrowed his brows and glanced down briefly before casting his gaze to the apprentice. Had Willowstar simply forgot to call him out? Was this some sort of punishment? Questions whirled around in his mind and it took all he had in him to force them out and refocus on the ceremony. Rainpaw spoke up and he instead intensely focused on her, taking in the energy she gave off and reflecting on her tone. She sounded calm, but judging by her looks, she was definitely excited about finally receiving her warrior name. This in turn cast his mind to Softsong. He was sure his brother had been the same when he got his warrior name. He still felt bad about not being present during the ceremony. Oh well, at least he could make up for it by being present for every other life event.


Softsong | 16 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Rainpaw(ID), Stripecloud(ID), Open!

Softsong laughed heartily at Aldershade's retort, despite knowing the truth it held. His ears drooped when his suggestion was shot down, though he tried to pretend like it was no big deal. "Alright, it's about time the other's joined us in the warrior's den. We might have to expand it though, there's so many new warriors coming." He commented. He then followed Aldershade to settle in the middle of camp, blissfully unaware of Rainpaw's shenanigans with Stripecloud. He leaned his head against his best friend and looked up at the leaders as they started speaking. He did not really care if this was inappropriate during a ceremony, nor did he know. As long as nobody had strictly forbidden it, he did not see reason for something to not be done. He was far too busy spacing out and thinking about how to tell Aldershade how he felt, and worse, admit that he had been wrong, to notice Sunstar's sudden change and pause. He only noticed the change when he heard Willowstar's voice ring out instead. He wrote off the confusion and tried to pay attention to the rest of the meeting. Hopefully it would not take too long.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-20 14:50:25

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~30/30~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Same as Harepaw's, *OPEN*

Blossomheart picked a spot in the middle of the gathering cats to watch the ceremony. She hoped one day she would have her own apprentice to receive in one of these ceremonies, or the day that, maybe, her own kits could become apprentices and warriors, if she ever had any. She pulled her tail tight around her paws, as she sat proud and strong in the growing group of cats. Sunstar and Willowstar approached high rock.

Harepaw~13 Moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar (ID), Sunstar (ID), Hawkpaw (ID), Rainpaw (ID), Wolfpaw(ID), *OPEN*

Harepaw hadn't noticed the gathering cats in the camp. The realization of what is happening creeped up on her. Her pelt felt hot and tingly, almost causing a shiver for the she-cat. She felt proud, even before the ceremony had officially began. She had forgotten that it was time for her to become a warrior. Weight was shifting on her shoulder, as she mentally prepared herself for the naming ceremony and vigil she would hold tonight. The touch to the ear from Clearsong was the last bit she needed, before a shiver of excitement and awe. She smiled at her...friend. His blue eyes stick out more against the snow. She walked forward, head held high and proud, to join the other apprentice's that had been summoned.

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Edited on 20/12/18 @ 15:03:31 by Viper (#91328)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-12-20 15:09:01


Stormberry - 33 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp ---> Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Lionkit, Glade, Maplekit

Stormberry looked up at the two leaders ready to begin the Clan meeting, and when he saw Sunstar look down at him, he fluffed up his fur slightly and felt a warmness in his chest. It didn't last long, however. The other tom quickly seemed agitated, and he picked up a hiss aimed at him - that Glade had run off with Maplekit. Immediately perking up and looking around for the siamese tom and the kit, his stomach dropped when he couldn't seem to see them anywhere in camp. In that moment, he noticed Lionkit approach him and ask about Maplekit, which only heightened his worry - he trusted Glade as much as he would trust a fox.

"I think she must have wandered off, Lionkit, but I'll go fetch her and bring her back, okay? Just make sure you stay nice and safe in camp until then." He replied softly, nudging the young kit gently with his nose. In the few days he'd been awake, he felt a bit responsible for Lionkit, especially knowing what happened to Hollowfall. Still, there was little time to dwell on that - he had to find and bring back Maplekit first. He didn't want to make a scene about it in the middle of the ceremony, however, and so he took himself away to track the two cats down as quietly as he could.

It didn't take the deputy long to pick up Glade and Maplekit's scents once he has trotted hurriedly out of camp, and now that he was alone, he began to pick up the pace. His tail curled with anticipation as he drew closer, and as he approached a clearing populated with flowers and other plants, he felt strangely uneasy. Something felt wrong about this place, but it was probably just the thought of confronting Glade in the first place. Pausing to listen for a few moments, he thought he heard the siamese tom's voice, although he didn't quite pick up what he said. The large tabby took a deep breath, before he made his way towards Glade and Maplekit with his head held high.

"Glade? Why exactly have you brought Maplekit out of camp?" He asked, his deep voice being cool, but with a hint of hostility mixed in.


Aldershade - 16 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Softsong, Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Rainpaw (ID), open!

Aldershade noticed Softsong's disappointment at not being able to sneak off during the ceremony, but they had all the rest of the day to be able to go out together and hunt by themselves. "In my eyes it's more cats in our den to keep me warm while it's so cold." He mentioned, with a hint of amusement in his voice. As the two of them sat down to listen to the ceremony, he let Softsong lean his head against him and closed his eyes for a few moments. Although there were still things that stressed him out about life in the Clan, things definitely seemed to have settled down just recently. He had Softsong back by his side, and maybe, in the next few moons, he would find the courage to really tell him how he felt. He knew that the black and white tom was a big flirt, but there was something in his gut telling him that he might just feel the same.

As the ceremony started, however, he did his best to concentrate only on the words of Sunstar and Willowstar. He flicked his large ears when Sunstar trailed off during his speech, but his attention was sparked by Willowstar picking up. She was his former mentor, after all, and he was always especially interested to listen to what she had to say.

Watching several cats become warriors at last made him smile slightly; and of course, it meant that he was no longer one of the very youngest warriors in the Clan. It also felt nice to think that cats he knew well would join him and Softsong as warriors - Rainpaw especially. She had been a good friend to him, especially during the difficult times under Glade. He knew that he wasn't exactly the easiest cat to befriend, but she was still there regardless. For that alone, she deserved to become a warrior and receive the praise that came with that so much.

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Edited on 23/12/18 @ 09:09:38 by Ash [WCU] (#117922)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2018-12-20 16:46:53
(Still working on a ref for him, sorry!)
Mosspaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Hawkpaw, Rainpaw, Wolfpaw, Harepaw (ID), Open!

Mosspaw settled near the edge of the gathered clan as the ceremony began, getting comfortable only to sit up a bit when Sunstar suddenly trailed off mid-sentence. A small flutter of worry passed through him when he thought he caught a glimpse of fear in the orange tom's expression, though it was hard to tell from his position. Eventually, his concern eased as Willowstar took charge and picked up where Sunstar had left off, and he was able to focus back on the ceremony.
He craned his neck to see his fellow apprentices through the crowd, pushing down the twinge of jealousy he felt as his gaze landed on them. They all looked so calm and confident, standing there before the leaders of the clan. Someday that'll be me up there getting my warrior name, he thought to himself, fluffing up his fur a bit against the chill. But for now he was still young, and, he grudgingly admitted, had a lot more to learn. He listened closely as Willowstar continued to speak, leaning forwards a bit and pricking his ears eagerly as the soon-to-be-warriors spoke one by one, with Rainpaw taking the initiative and speaking up first.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-20 22:32:57


Hawkpaw|14 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Willowstar

Hawkpaw heard Willowstar speak by and he looked over with tired eyes. 'The warrior ceremony." He stood up as he name was called his eyes brightening. He didnt feel tired anymore. Only excited, and maybe a little nervous. "I do." He spoke clearly and boldly fluffing his chest out and standing as tall as he could which still wasn't very tall. His eyes were shining and his ears were rall. His tail was twitching twitching with excitement and nerves all mixed together. The tiredness he had been feeling before had been completely flushed out of his system as he stood tall and proud. He looked at the other apprentices. Harepaw, Rainpaw, and Wolfpaw. He looked at the sky. He would make StarClan proud, he would be the best warrior he could be. 'I swear that I will always protect my Clan, always follow the code, and I will always try my hardest even when it seems impossible.' Hawkpaw made the oath in his head closing his eyes.

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Edited on 20/12/18 @ 22:33:22 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-21 08:48:36

Pebblesplash|15 moons| 14/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkpaw, Rainpaw,Clearsong (ID)
Pebblesplash's ears perked up as she heard Hawkpaw and Rainpaw called up. Joy filled her, seeing as two of her close friends were being made warriors. They deserved it- especially Hawkpaw, who had to wait an extra moon then most apprentices.
She cast a side glance at Clearsong. Hest prickled her pelt- probably shame. Shaking it off, she turned her attention back to Highrock.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-12-21 21:10:22
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Wolfpaw | 14 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Hawkpaw, Harepaw, Rainpaw

His ear twitched as he heard the ceremony start and glanced in confusion when Sunstar suddenly stopped in the middle of it. Only a few heartbeats passed before his elder sister picked up in the other leader’s place as if nothing happened. Though curious, it was none of his business and he pushed himself to his paws and walked up to the others when their names were called. Wolfpaw cast a faint smile at his fellow denmates, their excitement slowly starting to rub off on him. He glanced up at Willowstar’s question and his eyes darkened for a moment, thinking that even though it was still her giving him his name, she hadn’t the slightest idea who he was, and he felt hurt by it. He didn’t plan on bringing it up at all and simply answered her question to help finish it along. “I do.”

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Willowstar | 37 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Harefeather, Wolffang, Hawkstrike, Raindrop, Sunstar, Everyone

Once she heard confirmation from each of the four apprentices, she gave a slight dip of her head, hopping off of the Highrock and approached the four cats before she continued on. “Then, from this day forward, Harepaw, you shall be known as Harefeather. Starclan honors your courage and cleverness and each of us welcomes you as a new warrior within the clan. Wolfpaw, you will be now known as Wolffang. Starclan honors your loyalty and patience, and we welcome you as a warrior of the clan. As for Hawkpaw, you now will be called Hawkstrike. Starclan honors your strength and spirit and we welcome you as a warrior amongst the clan. Last but not least, Rainpaw, you now shall be known as Raindrop. Starclan honors your kindness and intelligence and all of us happily welcome you as a warrior of the clan.” As she gave each young cat their new name, she rest her muzzle softly on top of their heads. As she went down the line, the fluffy gray tom, who she recognized from the day she woke up, flinched beneath her and she paused. The fluffy calico glanced down at him in confusion, but she continued on like nothing happened.

Once each of them had their names, she made her way back up onto the Highrock and went on with the warrior ceremony. “Welcome, Harefeather, Wolffang, Hawkstrike, and Raindrop, our newest warriors of our clan!” She gave the clan a moment to call out as she proudly watched over the newly made warriors before turning her attention back to the other leader beside her. Willowstar looked him over, allowing herself to look concerned for him while the clan was distracted. “How are you feeling? Are you doing okay? I know I said we can talk about this afterwards, but if it’s important, let me know and we can hold off on the rest of the ceremony for a bit.”

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-22 14:07:32


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions:

Hawkpaw flicked his ear. Hawkstrike, he liked that name. He was a warrior. A warrior, finally. He wished he had become a warrior earlier but this was fine. He was finally a warrior and that's all that happened. Now he just had to get used to being called Hawkstrike instead of Hawkpaw. Hawkpaw took a deep breath in. He felt joy, and only joy.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 20:27:05


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Camp] | Mentions: Willowstar, Stormberry, Mumblepaw, everyone

Sunstar shivered and looked back at Willowstar after she finished naming the new warriors. He didn't know what came over him! The images that flashed across him memory were like anything he had ever seen, but somehow.. they felt real.
He resumed his stature, willing his heart to calm down. "I'll be fine. I just need to get through the day and everything will be better. Yes though.. I have quite a bit to discuss with you once we have time later. I'm confident Stormberry will find Hollowfall and see what Glade is up to, and then we can have a normal day for once."

Sunstar looked out at the crowd. "We also want to announce that recently one of our medicine cat apprentices decided to leave the clan and go live a better life somewhere. That being said.. we need to appoint a new medicine cat apprentice.
Mumblepaw.. I know you've always felt intrigued and connected to the life of a medicine cat, and Willowstar and I feel that this new position will suit you. You'll start training immediately with Snowecho, who will show you how to master the ability of healing as well as the prevention of sickness. I wish you the best of luck."

He nodded down at the apprentice, smiling softly.

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Edited on 22/12/18 @ 20:27:27 by SnuhQuake™ (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 20:45:41


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | 5/5 | [Burial Site] | Mentions: Glade, Stormberry

Starlingkit looked up at Glade. "Why do I look so different from you then? Explain that one to me, dad. But other than that, yeah. I'd love to be the greatest warrior in the clan."
Maplekit squirmed inside, wishing she could do something. She wasn't as powerful as Starlingkit. You need to stop! This is guy is obviously bad, and we can't trust him!
Oh, shut up. If we hang out with the stronger people, we'll learn more and become even greater than Sunstar and Willowstar themselves. Just you wait. You and I are going to be legends.


GLADE | OUTSIDE CAMP | MENTIONS: Maplekit, Stormberry

Glade chuckled at the kit. "Your mother looks like you though. She had soft fur too."
He ears flattened when he saw Stormberry approach. He put a protective paw next to Maplekit. "Nothing harmful of the sort! I'm making sure I show my daughter how to be an excellent warrior. There's no time to waste at ceremonies when she has training to do."
He let off an evil grin at the deputy, luring him in. Taunting him. Making sure he was the dominant one. "Anyways.. better not worry about me."
The siamese goes up to Stormberry, whispering in his ear, "Persuasion is a powerful thing. Now stay out of my way, or you'll be buried next." He flicked his tail over at the two graves, and then retreated to get his "daughter". Maplekit looked slightly frightened, some of her back hairs floating straight up.

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