Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 18:30:27

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Injured |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud
Indirectly: Lostfire (NPC), Sunstar

Raindrop hissed as she felt sharp claws rake into her left shoulder after Stripecloud knocked Lostfire away. It could have been worse, she had seen where Lostfire had her gaze trained before Stripecloud intervened. She watched Lostfire stalk off, tail held high in victory.

Raindrop looked up to Stripecloud, a pained smile on her face as she felt the burning sensation in her shoulder. She struggled to her paws, favoring her left leg. She touched her nose to Stripecloud's ear for a moment, "I'll be fine, now."

She hissed once more as a pain shot through her, "I can still try to fight. I'm fine." She forced weight onto her left paw, speaking through gritted teeth. She decided it would be better to tuck in her leg and think of a better fighting tactic to heed Sunstar's call for help.

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Edited on 22/02/19 @ 18:44:48 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 18:44:19


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Snowecho, NPC (D) Sunstar, Harefeather (ID)
She dipped her head gratefully to Snowecho as he brought over herbs for her and Hawkstrike.
”You might need a few more herbs… for Harefeather…” she murmured. Pebblesplash choked down the thyme, feeling a little bit better.

Then Sunstar’s cry rang out across the clearing. ”Kill the stragglers! Don’t let them leave!” she had no intention of leaving the medicine cat’s side. But she had to obey orders. Her mind got made up for her when a black tom streaked past her.
”Oh no you don’t!” Snarling, the grey she-cat bowled him over. He hissed and attempted to claw her stomach. Wincing, Pebblesplash was filled with refreshed anger for all the cats who had died. She struck him hard, feeling his shadowy fur rip under her claws.
”This is for everything you dark cats have taken!” he clawed her face viciously as he spoke. This cat must have suffered as a Clanmate.
Pebblesplash ignored the thought and reared up and raised her paw, claws gleaming.
”No. This is for everything your shadow friends took from me and this Clan.” she let her paw fall and felt the shadow spill out around her. Without looking back, she raced back over to where Hawkstrike and Snowecho were. Good, they are safe.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-21 19:26:38


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Badly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Lostfire(NPC)

"Hawkkit!" Hawkstrike lifted his head hearing his old name. He looked around and saw a cat running towards him. He froze. Would it be? He used the last ounces of strength he had to stand up.
"Brightfire? Brightfire!" Hawkstrike ran up to the old cat feeling a jolt of excitement run through him giving him the strength to run. He ignored the pain he felt as he ran boldly. He knew her name was Losttfire, but he never accepted that name. She would always be Brightfire to him.
"Hawkkit!" Lostfire ran up to him nuzzling his head as he buried his face into her neck.
"Brightfire, is it really you?" He looked up his eyes full of hope.
"It is my dear Hawkkit." Lostfire smiled nuzzling him again.
"Oh, you don't know how much I missed you Brightfire. Guess what, I became a warrior. I'm Hawkstrike now." The pain seemed to be gone, or maybe he was just ignoring it. But he felt like his old self again. Happy and bubbly. Lostfire had been a good friend of his mothers. And a good friend to him. She had cared for him like she was his mother. He missed her dearly when she had died. "What are you doing here?" He asked looking up to her.
"I knew you would be here, and I had to see you. When I heard about the attack I was so excited. Nervous because I knew I would have to fight someone, but I knew I would be able to see you again." She purred her voice soft. Hawkstrike saw that she was looking at him. Like actually looking at him.
"Can you see me?" He asked hopefully.
"Yes I can, StarClan granted me my sight." Hawkstrike looked at her pelt. Her smooth white fur and her bright orange tail. Yet, she was part of the dark forest, he knew that because of the strange scent and smoke she had. She seemed to know what he was about to ask when he opened his mouth. "I was kicked out of StarClan I'm afraid. I have made many mistakes in my life, some I would have to pay for." She murmured softly. Hawkstrike nodded not wanting to ask any more questions. His exhaustion seemed to come back. He leaned against Lostfire closing his eyes and just relaxing. He felt safe by her side, even if she was from the dark forest. She purred softly curling his tail around him.
"I missed you Brightfire." He murmured.
"I missed you too Hawkstrike."


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Snowecho(ID)

"Yeah... no. You obviously are not fine. You are checking in with Snowecho about that." He meowed sharply. He wasn't letting Raindrop get hurt. She was precious to him, and he didn't want her to get even more hurt than she was. He wanted her to be safe. He felt protective of her. Like he was destined to protect her. Maybe that's what he had come back for. To protect Raindrop. Even if that was probably not true, he liked to believe it was. "C'mon, lets go make sure that won't get infected."

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-22 18:36:46

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Injured |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud

Raindrop stared stubbornly at Stripecloud for a moment, despite knowing his concerns were all to valid. She shook her head with a huff, before giving in.

"Fine. You win." She said, leaning against Stripecloud's shoulder for support. "But only because I don't want to hold you back." Raindrop knew Stripecloud would give his life to protect her, she would do the same for him. That may just happen if she were to continue to fight, she already wasn't the greatest fighter.

Keeping an eye out for a medicine cat, the two picked their way to the medicine den. Raindrop, struggling to walk on three legs as one was tucked under her, was thankful for Stripecloud's help.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-22 22:10:09


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Horsetail

Stripecloud let Raindrop lean on him as the two walked to the medicine den. He walked inside and looked around. He led Raindrop to one of the nests and called out.
"Horsetail? Snowecho?" He saw Horsetail checking out Blossomheart. He walked over. "Horsetail? I hope I'm not interrupting anything. But when you're done do you think you could check Raindrop's would? It's not the worst injury ever but I'm worried it could get worse if not treated too." He meowed stepping back. He walked back over to Raindrop. "How bad does it hurt?" He asked sitting down and curling his tail around his paws.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-02-23 09:48:54

Mosspaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | Injured |Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Brokenbone (D), Softsong (ID)

Mosspaw turned to face Sunstar as the ginger tom pushed himself up off the ground. The apprentice steeled his nerves and met the leader's intense gaze, claws digging into the ground as if to anchor himself.

The young tom's green-gold eyes widened fractionally as he listened to Sunstar's words, saw the fire and determination in the other tom's eyes. It frightened him, this was a whole new side to Sunstar he hadn't seen before, but at the same time it was also reassuring. When the leader finally looked away from him, he let out a shuddering sigh, the words echoing in his slightly hazy mind.

"I understand." The apprentice murmured, expression bleak as he turned his gaze down to the bloodstained snow at his feet. The clearing seemed to calm around him, the sounds of battle fading slowly away. Have we won? He wondered, eyes darkening. At what cost?

His thoughts drifted to his mentor. Softsong... a wave of pain washed over him, sharp as claws digging into his heart. Maybe... if I had only looked for him, stood by his side, he- might still be here. His throat tightened, threatening to choke him. No- no... not now. With an effort, he dragged himself back from the brink of that chasm of grief. He knew that this was not the time or place to give in to his emotions, he needed to be strong, hold out a little longer.

The grey-and-white tom's head snapped back up as Sunstar adressed him again. His eyes slitted, and the apprentice gave a sharp nod. He drew in a breath, gathering all the grief and pain that threatened to drown him and manufacturing it into determination and anger. "I will help, however I can. No one should face an enemy alone." He said, voice steady despite the exhaustion that weighed on him.

The underbrush rustled. Mosspaw turned, flattening his ears as a vicious-looking tom stepped out of the undergrowth to face them. Brokenbone... He thought grimly, casting a sidelong glance at Sunstar as the Dark Forest tom snarled cruel words. You're wrong. We have defeated your friends, and we will defeat you too!

He bared his teeth in a slight snarl, unsheathing his claws as Sunstar responded. The young apprentice narrowed his eyes when his leader tried to reason with the Dark Forest cat. No... he's too far gone, he won't listen. Mosspaw realized with alarm as Brokenbone's face curled into a hateful snarl. Fear flashed through him as the shadowy cat charged at them, long strides eating up the clearing and closing the distance rapidly.

The young tom staggered to the side as Sunstar pushed him out of the way. He caught himself awkwardly on his injured leg, drawing a little cry of pain from him. He quickly righted himself, gritting his teeth against the stabbing pain and little wave of dizzyness that followed, and watched for an opening as Sunstar pounced on the shadowy cat.

There! The apprentice hesitated only a second, then launched himself at Brokenbone with a ferocious hiss, aiming for the tom's back legs in a effort to unbalance him.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 15:35:00


Sunstar | 31 Moons | Co-Leader | Lightly Injured| 7/9 Lives | [Camp] | Mentions: Mosspaw (D), Brokenbone, EVERYONE!

Roleplay Update!
Sunstar tackled Brokenbone, using all of the hope and determination he had left in him. The dark leader fought back, not wanting to die without causing more bloodshed.
After they both were out of breath, Sunstar flicked his tail at Mosspaw for him to back off. "Thank you Mosspaw.. I'm sure I can handle it from here on out."
Brokenbone lay panting on the ground, a deep scratch on his flank. His mouth gurgled, but he still tried to get up. A thick, black substance drained from his pelt, vanishing into thin air before it hit the ground.
"I always wanted to be better than you. I wanted to be leader and drive you out of the clans. Because you're a fool and kind hearted."
Sunstar looked down at him defiantly, despite the itching scratches on his nose and ear. "What's wrong with being kind? What's wrong with being good, Brokenbone? Why would you let this revenge consume you?"
Brokenbone snarled, "Because you're my half brother!"
Sunstar stood still, his eyes wide with shock, and his vision blurry.
"Our mother.. wasn't the oh-so-perfect cat.. you thought she was. No.. Briarheart put her heart out to many cats, don't you see. She craved it. She.. needed to be loved. Look what it.. got her."
Hollowfall was his half brother, he knew that.. but Brokenbone was too? How does this make any sense?
Brokenbone heaved, his shadow starting to fade away. "Mark my words, Sunstar. Wherever I end up.. I will find you and kill you for good. I deserved to be greater than you."
And with that, his shadow dissipated into the sky, leaving a black fog across the sky.

Sunstar looked around at his clan, not sure what to do. He wanted to know where Willowstar was so they could get the clan back together. See who was injured, and try to bring things back to normal. He looked at Mosspaw, giving him a pained smile before heading over to the medicine cat den.

In the middle of his walk, he noticed something was off. Things weren't.. right.

Seconds passed, and the sky turned black. Everything was turning black.

"Believe without seeing. Follow the trial, and seek your destiny. Do not fail."

His body shuddered, and he realized that a tingling sensation reached through his whole body. Little did he know, everyone around him was feeling the same tingling feeling.

A flash of white penetrated the sky, and everything went quiet and still.

All of the cats of the United Clans stood in a snowy clearing, a slight breeze chilling their fur. They looked around, not sure what could have happened. Then, suddenly, everything clicked.
Their territory was gone. Trees were everywhere. Snow was pouring down slowly, leaving snow dappled pelts.

The United Clans have arrived at the beginning of the new Arc! They have gone back in time and are surrounded by the unknown. What are they doing here, how did they get here? Who has the answers? Time to find out!

Current NPCs to interact with (for character development purposes): Sparrowshine (Elder), Sparkblaze (Elder).

Objects/inanimate objects to interact with:
Broken twig
Snow covered rock
Purple twine hanging off a nearby branch
The scent of a wild cat


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Edited on 01/03/19 @ 21:23:16 by Quake™ #Queen (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 21:20:54

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Open!
Indirectly: Stripecloud

Raindrop decided to settle herself down where she stood, her shoulder wound was starting to burn and, despite the shoulder she had to lean on, she still felt off balance. She sat, gingerly placing her left leg on the cool gound before closing her eyes for a moment as Stripecloud entered the medicine den.

She suddenly felt her body tingle, it was an odd sensation. At first, she firgured the wound was doing a lot more to her than she realized as a dull throb pulsed through her left shoulder. However, when a blinding white shone behind her eyelids, making her squint when she opened her eyes, she knew something was off.

Snow covered the clearing thickly as more lazily floated from the sky. That wasn't what confused her most, though. Her surroundings were completely unbeknownst to her, a small flame of panic flairing in her chest due to it. What happened to the tall oaks of camp? There were many more trees, thickly cluttered around the clearing. Where were the dens? The fresh-kill pile? Raindrop shook her head a few times, but the scenery stayed the same.

She jolted to her feet, wincing as a throb filled her leg, however it slowly ebbed. Oddly, the wound on her shoulder was no longer bleeding - no - it had healed. Raindrop tried to step a few times, and surely enough, her leg was almost fine.

Once again she looked around at the trees and shrubs surrounding the clearing, each thickly covered in snow and shining white under the weak sunlight. Suddenly, a wisp of purple caught her eye. Raindrop tilted her head as her steady gait approached it. There. In the lower branches of one of the trees was a thread of something purple, almost like a thick cobweb.

Raindrop studied the tree, it wouldn't be too difficult a climb if she tried. There was a considerable knot two-thirds of the way up to the branch, she only had to make it up to there with her balance, luckily her mentor taught her how to climb trees fairly decently. Carefully, she picked her way up the trunk, careful of where she placed her paws. Soon, she was on the branch of the purple thread. Why had she been so compelled to do this? It didn't look that interesting? Still, Raindrop gingerly picked it up in her jaws and scurried back down the trunk into the snowy clearing once more. Gently placing the twine in the snow, she sniffed it. She couldn't quite place the scent, but it seemed odd.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-25 21:43:09


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Open!

Stripecloud felt a tingling feeling. He looked around noticing the area was slowly turning black. He stepped back trying to get away from the darkness, but it surrounded his vision. A blinding flash of white shone making him close his eyes.

When he opened them he found himself to be in an entirely different area. He felt fear creep into his body. He blinked but it was still there. He felt cold. There were no dens, just trees. He felt himself start to breathe heavily. His fear taking over he started walking backward. Where were they? What were they doing here? How did they get here? A million questions swarmed in his mind.
He took a deep breath. In and out. In and out. Over and over again. Stripecloud looked around taking deep breaths still. He sniffed the air. He caught a strange scent. What was it?
He looked around and spotted Raindrop climbing a tree. He felt his whole body tense up. What on earth was she doing? You can't climb a tree with a would like she had. But then he realized he had no wounds. He looked at his body. Everything had healed leaving no trace. Raindrop probably didn't have hers either. He walked over to her. She had a purple string in her mouth.
"What is that?" He asked aloud walking to stand beside her. "Also, can you smell anything, odd?" He wanted to know if anyone else could smell the strange scent in the air. It smelled like a cat. Yet he didn't know.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 13:21:48


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Stripecloud, Raindrop, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Mumblepaw|Location: Camp - Mysterious clearing

The golden tabby tom looked over, as Snowecho rushed in, quickly spoke to him and then turn to head out of the den again. "What was that about?", Horsetail asked, looking after the fluffy white medecine cat. 'Maybe he finally remembers me?', the tom thought, looking down at his paws in thought. Hearing hurried paw steps rushing into the medicine cat den, Horsetail looked up. Spotting Stripedcloud and Raindrop rush in, Horsetail immediately checked both over with his eyes. Raindrop was limping and seemed injured, Stripecloud had some small injuries as well, but did not look that bad. "Alright, Stripecloud take her....", Horsetail stopped in his directing of the tom, as his eyesight suddenly went blurry and he staggered a bit.
Falling a bit to the side, he bumped against Stormflight. The large gray Starclan tom did not budge, "Sorry", Horsetail whispered the apology with his weak voice. Straightening again, the medicine cat took his weight off Stormflight. Suddenly there was darkness all around him, but before he could do much else, the darkness was driven away by a bright light. Horsetail recoiled a bit and blinked his golden eyes rapidly, trying to clear them. After giving his head a resounding shake, Horsetail opened his golden eyes.
The sight made him recoile again, this time not from the light, but the things around him. He was no longer in the medicine cat den, instead he was standing in a clearing. "What?", Horsetail whispered, his mind razing. Where were they? What had happened? Moving his paws, a sudden chill ran up his legs. The medecine ca had not even noticed the thick blanket of snow on the ground. Leaning down he dug his nose into the snow, as if he'd never seen snow before. It was cold and wet, well of course, it was snow after all.
Hearing paw steps, Horsetail turned around and spotted Stripecloud and Raindrop, the she-cat was climbing a tree. As he'd moved, the cobwebs wrapped around his neck had slipped. Reaching up, to straighten it, he stopped. It didn't hurt. Twisting around, he looked to the wound on his leg. Tarring the cobweb binding off, Horsetail gasped. It was gone, not healed, but instead his injury was just gone. Horsetail could not comprehend the whole thing at all now, what in Starclan's name was happening again?
Looking around again, he searched for Snowecho. With all the snow, it would probably be hard to see the fluffy white tom. Wait, where was Mumblepaw? A small rush of fear spread through Horsetail. "Mumblepaw! Snowecho!", the medicine cat called. Starting to walk through the snow, looking around for the smaller apprentice and white tom. Wandering around the clearing, he could not spot them at first. Taking the chance, he instead looked around the very confused clan cats, also in the clearing. No one seemed to have an idea, what was going on. Turning his head away from the clearing, he came up to the tree Raindrop had just climbed down from.
Horsetail's ear twitched, as Stripecloud mentioned a strange scent. Before he could say anything though, his eyes fell on a rock nearby. Furrowing his brows, Horsetail walked over to it. The rock was pretty flat and covered in a blanket of snow, then again everything seemed to be, but the thing that had caught the golden tabby tom's attention was a print. The print was squarely on the top of the rock and it was large, very large. It was also a strange shape, like two large leaves. The back was smaller than the front and there was also a strange pattern in the print. Leaning down closer, Horsetail tried to see if he could make out a scent, but there was nothing. Maybe one of the warriors would be able to figure it out? Turning around, he nodded his head to Stripecloud and Raindrop, to get their attention, "Check this out!", the medicine cat called, pointing with his long tail to the strange print.


Lionkit|Kit|5 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Lioncloud, Maplekit/Starlingkit, Earthquake, Swallowfall|Location: Camp - Mysterious clearing

One moment Lionkit was large, looking through the wise eyes of Lioncloud. Being even bigger than Earthquake, who the Starclan tom had still been holding close. The all of a sudden, with no warning a large shudder traveled through the Lioncloud. To the kit, it almost felt as if the earth was shaking. "What in Starclan's name?!", which one of them had said this? it almost felt like it had been Lionkit, but it had been in the much larger cat's deep tone.
Suddenly there was a bright light, they both closed their eyes. Then there was a whisper in Lionkit's ear, "Stand strong", a deep voice said, Lioncloud said.
Lionkit let out a gasp, taking a big gulp of air. His large blue eyes opened and his pelt immediately started to shiver. He'd expected to be cold, since his unconscious body had been placed on the ground, but this cold? The snow was thick around his body, so deep that his thick calico pelt did not save him from the cold wet. Leaning up, the kit blinked several times. His eyesight was blurry, so it took the kit a bit to get used to the brightness around him. He was confused, nothing looked familiar. Maybe he was just a bit out of camp, where he had not been before. Getting up slowly, his body was cold and stiff, Lionkit shook out his pelt. Shivering, Lionkit tried to get his bearings, there was still snow on his claico pelt. "Swallowfall?! Maplekit?!", he called, looking around for the deputy or his sister. "Starlingkit?", the young tom asked, a bit quieter. His blue eyes searched around for his sister.

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Edited on 26/02/19 @ 13:28:36 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 14:22:57

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Horsetail, Stripecloud

Raindrop shrugged at Stripecloud's words shaking her head. "There's so many new scents around, it's a little overwhelming." Raindrop paused to give the thread another contemplative sniff, her ears flattening. "The only thing that smells vaguely similar to an old scent I know is this thing." She gave a dissatisfied grunt.

Raindrop's ears perked as she heard Horsetail call for them. Carefully picking up her object to protect it from being buried in the snow. Raindrop trotted over to him, curious of what he may have found. She paused as she saw the odd shape on the rock. Placing her thread in a safe spot, she decided to sniff the shape.

The same feeling of familiarity tugged at her stomach as she sniffed it. "That smells like the cobweb I found, here." She moved the purple twine over to the shape on the rock, curling it neatly. "Maybe they're related to each other?"

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 16:03:41


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Sunstar (D) Raindrop, Stripecloud, Hawkstrike, Snowecho (ID) open!
**if someone could do the @‘s for me that’d be great- sorry discord is complicated right now~**
Pebblesplash was picking her way back over to the medicine cat and Hawkstrike as something shifted. She felt it. She blinked once. Twice.

What in the name of—

The snow fell softly, and the trees looked ominously above her. An unfamiliar scent hung in the air. But the most noticeable thing was how they weren’t in camp.

She turned in a full circle, fluffing up her fur against the cold. Pebblesplash looked at the other cats, who had already began investigating the new place. Raindrop and Stripecloud were already checking something out. The grey she-cat contemplated joining them, but someone else caught her eye. She spotted Sunstar standing in the center. He looked shocked..

”Sunstar…?” she nervously approached him, ”Are you okay? Do you know what happened?”

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 16:03:47
*sorry Phone issue*

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Edited on 26/02/19 @ 16:07:18 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 16:38:29
Earthquake|40 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Cold Clearing|Mentions: [D] Lionkit [ID] Pebblesplash, Maplekit, Starlingkit
Earthquake's head pounded in his ears forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut, searing pain coursing through his body, and was gone. "What?.." he mumbled breathlessly, opening his eyes.
He was...surrounded by snow? His eyes widened, exasperated, camp was no where to be found, it was all too foreign to him.
Earthquake shivered, and not from the cold "What in Starclan's name happened?" he felt pressured to go find Pebblesplash, just to make sure she was okay, or he would have hadn't it been for a kit calling out.
Earthquake knew Lionkit, although he'd never truly interacted with him, yet something tugged within him, he needed help of course but something a special connection seem to have weaved it's way into Earthquake. "I just hope Pebblesplash is alright."
He scampered over to Lionkit, the snow nearly above his ankles. The cold hardly ever bothered him, yet the young kit looked awfully cold, he called out to who he assumed was probably his family.
"Hey, need some help?" he stood over Lionkit "Here lemme...urr" Earthquake contemplated for sometime before lifting Lionkit in his maw, albeit gently.
at least he was out of the snow.
He carried on, in search of Maplekit and Starlingkit "We're gonna group up with the others and get someplace warm, alright?" he huffed around a mouthful of neck fur.

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Edited on 26/02/19 @ 16:49:03 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 17:12:07


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Earthquake|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit|Location:

Lionkit looked over, as he saw a large brown and white cat coming over. The cat was large and he'd never seen the warrior from this angle, but he knew that it had to be Earthquake. Here he was so tiny, seriously the warrior's paw was probably bigger than him. Who was he anyway? Was he really Lionkit, a kit of the United Clan's, or was he Lioncloud, Starclan warrior and one of the most respected cats of the clan? 'Who are you?', as he thought all of these things, the fluffy calico tom keeped sinking deeper into the snow.
Lionkit flinched, as he was suddenly lifted up. This was stupid, he was almost old enough to be an apprentice. He did like this vantage point though, from up in the air he would be able to spot Maplekit faster. "Alright", Lionkit mumbled. The calico kit swung his paws a bit, to get the snow clumps off them. He then turned his right paw up to his face, it was the coldest paw so he'd planed on licking it, but stopped when he saw a mark on his paw pad. Lifting it closer to his face, he saw that there was a black mark in the shape of a heart. Was that always there? the kit wondered.

{Lioncloud had the same heart shaped mark on his paw pad & Earthquake could have seen it}

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Edited on 26/02/19 @ 17:12:30 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

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