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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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In memory of: Softsong (Warrior), Quietshadow (Senior Warrior) and Clearsong (Warrior)
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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-15 13:39:41


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Badly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Clearsong(ID), Quietshadow(ID)

Hawkstrike opened his eyes. Everyone had left. He shrugged it off until he heard Pebblesplash yowling. He looked over making him wince. Hawkstrike saw Clearsong laying on the ground, dead. He stumbled as he tried to stand up. Hawkstrike hissed to himself as he fell back down. He stood up, finally, but his legs were wobbly. Pain was the strongest feeling he had.
Hawkstrike stepped forward. His whole body was shaking. Everything hurt. But only one thought stuck to him. Woah, what'cha doin' there. I don't like this. Hawkstrike. Go rest. Pebblesplah will be fine. She'll be fine, no, let's go heal. Hawkstrike ignored his head. Well at least tried to. He felt his leg give way and he fell to the ground.
Hawkstrike! Go rest! Please! You're gonna hurt yourself! Maybe, but Pebblesplash needs me right now. Fine, but at least promise me something. After this, you will go rest. Hawkstrike nodded and stood back up. He felt a new emotion spread through him. Determination. Hawkstrike limped over to Pebblesplash. Other cats surrounded him. He moved around them, he just wanted to get to Pebblesplash. He didn't know why. He might not even help her. But he had to try. He had to show her that he was there. He would be there for her whenever she needed him. Or at least, he would try to be. Hawkstrike just sat next to Pebblesplash. He didn't know what to do, so he just sat there. Silent. He looked at Clearsong and Quietshadow. He didn't understand what she was feeling, he really didn't. But that didn't matter. He would still be there for her. After this, he was going to sleep for a moon.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-02-15 19:43:25

Harefeather~14 Moons~Warrior~Healthy/Expecting~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, *OPEN*

Her gaze was frozen to her mate’s body. She couldn’t pull her gaze from him, no matter how hard she tried. And even when she would be able to look away, that image would be burned into her memory. She wanted to run to his body, and hold it in her paws, crying, as she pleaded for it all to be a dream, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t, for she truly didn’t believe this was the end of her mate--her other half. But just when she started to think her final moments with him were truly gone, he appeared again with the shimmer glow of Starclan in his pelt, and eyes. She couldn’t believe this either, but before she could embrace the tom a quarrel began between him and Slateleaf.

It was the end, the end of his turmoil, the clans turmoil, and Starclans. There lay a dead Slateleaf, killed by Clearsong. Everything was happening too fast for her mind to comprehend any more, and this day would always be a kinda blur to her in some places. She was quickly pulled back to earth by her mate wrapping around Pebblesplash, Earthquake and herself. His smell so warm and comforting, his larger body pressing against them, and his purr. She knew this is Clearsong without a doubt, but she knew this would only last for a few precious moments, and that it did. Clearsong gave one last ‘I love you’, before he was gone..again. She wasn’t even able to utter a single word, and her heari broke to know she never told him I love you’ back.

Harefeather yowled out in heart break as she neared Clearsong’s body. The image would be engraved in her memory for moons to come. There he lay. The he laid with his stomach slashed open, blood soaking the earth, the smell of iron choking her nose. A lump formed in her throat that she probably would never be able to yell, scream, or cry away. His soft orange tabby coat had been tarnished and dirtied by the dirt, and his white underbelly stained the harsh color of crimson red, and the slightest peak of what was contained inside his stomach. And his blue eyes--oh his blue eyes. They had already began to glaze over into a ghostly white stare. She yowled as loud and long as she ever had, her throat becoming dry and hoarse, before she ended it in a sob. Tears stung her eyes, before racing down her own dirt covered face. Her heart ached in a way that she would never, ever, be able to describe to another cat, even moons from now. She sobbed still, her stomach turning in knots over and over again. She parted her lips, attempting to call his name, but all that came out was a horse weep. Her paws felt numb as they brought her a step closer. She couldn’t bare the sight in front of her, but she couldn’t look away. Her bottom lip quivered as much as her legs shook as they continued to carry her numbly to her mate. Her tears splattered on his pelt, as she looked down on him. Sobs shook her body, as denial consumed her mind. She slowly lowered herself to the ground, and crawled under the toms front leg. She rubbed her face against the toms chest, not caring if his blood stained her pelt. ”Clearsong…” She finally coarsely mumbled into his pelt, before sobs shook her again.

Harepaw felt gloomy, tucked away in her nest in the medicine den after the dog attack. Her pelt burned to do something--anything! She watched her tail twitch in boredom, when the warmth of the sun was drowned out and a shadow cast over her. She raised her head to face the visitor, and there he stood. Clearsong. He looked like a Starclan cat with how the light shone out around his larger build. His orange pelt look like flames from where she lay, and his blue eyes barely visible in the blinding light.

She felt like a kit again, stumbling out of the medicine den after the, rather handsome, tom. He was the only tom, or cat, to pay attention to her during her time of healing, well besides the medicine cats, and fresh kill being brought to her. He remarked about how he didn’t want her skills to go to waste, and her pelt felt warm from the comment, and a little embarrassed. But the interaction, and training was more than welcomed.

She bounded through the snow covered forest, after her talk with Horsetail. Her heart could beat out of her chest and into the sky like the mightiest bird after their talk. She knew what she had to say; what she had to do. She just hopped she would have the courage to when she was there in the moment. She slowed to a brisk walk as she neared the camp wall. Adrenaline roared in her ears, and her heart made it’s rhythmic beat on her chest, probably loud enough for every cat to hear. The courage and bravery ran through her veins as she neared Clearsong, but when the tom turned around and she caught eyes of those cool blue eyes all of that went away in a drift of butterflies, and her pelt warmed under his gaze.
“I-I need to talk to you--tell you something. Well--I kinda--You see--” She stumbled awkwardly with the words in her mouth, like honey was stuck to the roof of her mouth. She sighed slowly. Clearsong smiled softly at her, a small purr in his throat. Could it be possible for a confident cat like him to like an awkward and unsure cat? She swallowed, and took a small breath, “C-C--,” she paused and took another breath, “Can we go for a walk and talk?” She asked slowly; her chest was tight with anticipation. She hoped one day, maybe, she could be as confident, or even half as confident as him.

The two laughed as they raced away from the camp as the full moon raised in the sky, illuminating the forest in cool gray-blue light. The two slowed to walk as the decided they were far enough away; walking close to each other, their pelts brushing. They had headed for the river on their late night journey. And soon it’s reflecting top was visible.
“Come on!” Harefeather cheered as she approached the iced over edge of the water. Clearsong stayed a tail length back, shaking his massive head at the gray she-cat. The water had been extra calm by the sunning rocks on that night, mirroring the clear sky on it. Wonder and awe clear of Harefeather’s face, reflecting in the water, as she took in every detail in the water. The tom cautiously approached his arch nemesis: water, until he was able to sit down next to the she-cat, entwining his tail with hers. A soft rumbly purr emitted from the tom as he contently watched the she-cat’s expression in the water. At just the right moment, the stars would look like they were in her eyes, and for Clearsong, that was truthful for him. She did hold the stars in her eyes every time he looked into them. Harefeather broke her mesmerized gaze from the water, and looked up at the tom, a radiant smile on her muzzle.
That would be the night their kits would be made.

The couple laid in their nests, next to each other, though the had slowly merged into one large one. Harefeather laid curled next to Clearsong. Her eyes half closed when Clearsong wiggled around onto his back. A sleepy smile crossed her muzzle, as she knew the tom would soon lay on his side, smothering her under his legs and fur, but she honestly didn’t mind. The tom was quirky in his own little ways that she adored to the end of Starclan and back. She purred softly as her eyes closed, and sure enough Clearsong turned back onto his side. His legs and fur covering Harefeather with warmth and comfort.

Harefeather’s heart physically ached now, as she clung to his lifeless body still. She could feel herself becoming hollow with each sob, and knew she would not be the same cat after this day. So she took the last chance she could to savor his scent, what little remains in the drowning waves of iron that had started to coat him. It would be the last time she would ever lay by his side, feel his long fur, or the weight of his legs, well leg, on her for the last time. This was her last chance for everything with the tom, so she did the only right thing; ”I love you, Clearsong.” She mumbled against his cheek...for the last time.

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Edited on 15/02/19 @ 19:49:12 by Viper (#91328)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-16 07:48:48

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Basic Injuries | Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Breezekit (NPC)

Raindrop shifted her gaze to Breezekit, wondering if she should answer for him. He met her gaze and shook his head, sitting with his tail curled over his paws. He turn to look at him,

"My name is Breezekit. I'm Raindrop's... late brother." He momentarily looked at his paws before flicking his ears and padding to Raindrop. His young, sandy pelt still posessing some soft fluff, though he was taller than her. "I'm not meant to be fighting here, but I wanted to give Raindrop strength. The fighting seems to be dying down now, though."

Raindrop felt a spark of shame in her pelt that she hadn't been spending that much time fighting. She looked around at the shambles the clan was in from the fight, many dead, many more injured. Yet, here she was, a few scratches and a nicked ear to account for her fight. She sighed, shaking herself. "We should help out with whatever's left of the fighting." Raindrop suggested, the worst of Stripecloud's wounds had healed, though he seemed mostly confused. "Do you think you're well enough to fight?"

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-16 11:54:17


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Harefeather, Earthquake (D) Clearsong, Quietshadow, Lioncloud
Pebblesplash’s heart was breaking. Her brother and mother lay dead. Clearsong had come back for minutes before leaving again— permantly. Was he seeing their family again? Did they miss her? Were they happy? Her head hurt thinking about it. She sucked in another breath, still in shock she was alive.

But at what cost?

If only she’d been stronger. If only she could have defended herself. But she couldn’t. So her mother joined her Clearsong, Amberstone, Lioncloud…

Harefeather’s cry jolted her back to reality once more. The poor she-cat was curled up next to Clearsong. Pebblesplash heaved herself up and sat next to her brother’s mate. She wanted to curl up next to Clearsong and Quietshadow, act like nothing had happened and leave painful reality behind. But right now she had to be strong. For Harefeather. Maybe for Earthquake too. And…

Hawkstrike pulled himself over to where the three grieving cats were. He was still injured… the tom shouldn’t be up and about yet. But alas, there was no stopping him. Pebblesplash would have told him off if she had a voice. Instead she left him off the hook.

Pebblesplash couldn’t see him die too. So she kept a close eye on him. But mostly, she was just grateful he’d made the effort to come comfort her and just be here. Biting back another cry, she focused on the cats who were around her right now, united. It was in the worst way but…

But at least they were together.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-16 14:00:00


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Breezekit(NPC)

Stripecoud looked at Breezekit. So his assumption had been right. The tom barely heard Raindrop speaking.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dazed I guess." He meowed. He was not fine. He knew that. But he didn't want to be not fine. He was lying, but it was mostly to himself. He stood up and looked around. He was still a little confused on how he was back. And why StarClan had given him another chance. He looked back to Raindrop. "Let's go kick some cats." He murmured standing taller. He felt weak, he probably shouldn't be fighting. But he didn't care. He noticed his cough was gone. He noticed his whole sickness was gone. He just felt a little weak. Maybe it's because I just died. Probably does a number on you. He thought to himself. "Together." He added looking down to Raindrop.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-18 17:16:00


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Badly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike was happy Pebblesplash didn't snap at him. He wound his tail around hers and scooted closer to her. He felt his shoulders slump over. His body felt tired and weak. It also hurt. Everything hurt. Every tiny cut or scar screamed in agony. The cobwebs that Snowecho had wrapped around him had blood bleeding through them. His cheek hurt the most. That was where he had been cut the most. He let out a small sigh as he tried to ignore the searing pain.


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Lostfire(NPC)

Stripecloud heard a voice behind him.
"Hello there, I'm looking for a cat. Brown fur, green eyes, that's what I've heard he looks. The last time I saw him his name was Hawkkit. Small thing he was, like his mother." Stripecloud turned around and felt his body freeze. In front of him was a white cat with an orange tail. She had long ugly scars running down her eyes which were faded white. Stripecloud felt like he knew this cat. He felt like he had seen her before. That's when it hit him. Lostfire. She was the cat who had gotten her eyes blinded by her own mate. Those were the stories anyways. She had to retire early and had a temper. Stripecloud knew this from experience.
"Lostfire?" He had to make sure he was guessing correctly. He was almost one hundred percent certain that this was the respected elder he knew long ago.
“Oh, Stripekit. My, my. You have grown big." Lostfire glanced over to Raindrop. "And uh..." She trailed off not knowing who Raindrop was.
"That's Raindrop, and it's Stripecloud now." Stripecloud hissed lashing her tail. He couldn't say he wasn't a little scared. Her eyes just downright terrified him.

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Edited on 18/02/19 @ 17:16:38 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-19 16:32:53

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Basic Injuries |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Lostfire (NPC)

Raindrop nodded to Stripecloud before a voice resounded behind the pair. She spun, fur bristling, to meet the newcomer.

"" Raindrop mumbled the name, it sounded familiar on her tounge but she could only faintly recall the white and orange she-cat. Raindrop pondered on who this cat was for a moment as she rambled on, only for her attention to be pulled back when she heard a pause after "big." Raindrop noticed Lostfire was looking at her, she puffed up.

"Hey! Just because I'm small, doesn't mean I can't put up a fair fight!" Raindrop hissed, flexing her claws into the cold soil. Her guard was up. Even though this cat didn't necessarily sound malicious, that didn't change the fact that she was on a battlefield and her coat lacked the star-dappled looked of a Starclan cat.

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Edited on 20/02/19 @ 07:56:08 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-19 20:51:57


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Lostfire(NPC)

Stripecloud looked over to Raindrop and smiled.
"Did I say anything about you being small? I wouldn't even know that. But now I do." Lostfire sat down pointing her nose to the sky. "So, have you seen him?" Her voice was laced with venom.
"I wouldn't tell you if I did. What do you want with him anyway?" Stripecloud hissed crouching down.
"That's none of your business Stripecloud." She snapped her tail swaying from side to side. Stripecloud looked at her his eyes narrowing slightly. What were they gonna do know? Just stare at each other? Or was a fight going to break out?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-20 07:55:19

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Basic Injuries |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Lostfire (NPC)

Raindrop narrowed her eyes at the she-cat, tilting her head slightly to whisper to Stripecloud. Noting the cloudiness of Lostfire's eyes.

"Try not to get too worked up, she seems blind so she may not put up too hard of a fight." She hoped she spoke low enough for only dtripecloud to hear, but by the way the she-cat snapped her head around to meet her gaze, she knew Lostfire had heard, and it had prodded a soft spot. Raindrop flinched under her stare.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-20 16:25:03


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Lostfire(NPC)

Stripecloud froze at the glare Lostfire shot. He looked to Raindrop his eyes wide. Lostfire may be blind but he knew she was still a good fighter. No one messed with her. She was a snappy cat. She didn't like being told what to do or really be talked to. She never really seemed to have any friends. Stripecloud honestly felt bad for her. Fully blinded by her mate. If Stripecloud had been fully blinded by Raindrop he would be devastated. She didn't really have any friends. Stripecloud knew what that was like, not having many connections to his Clanmates. He mostly stayed alone on purpose though, he wasn't the talkitive type. Stripecloud was so lost in thought he hadn't seen Lost fire let out a yowl throwing herself at Raindrop pinning her to the ground. Stripecloud stepped back quickly out of shock. He shook his head. He had to focus.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-02-20 16:38:25

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud, Lostfire (NPC)

Raindrop's eyes widened as she heard Lostfire let out a yowl; she had definitely set the she-cat off. Preparing herself for what was surely going to happen in a few moments, Raindrop decided to do the one thing she was decent at in battles: defense.

Then Lostfire lept for her, seeming to want to pin her down. Muscles already bunched, however, Raindrop leaped sideways. Lostfire had whorled around just as fast to meet her. Despite being blind, she had incredible accuracy, leaping forward and swiping her paws from underneath her. Surprised by the precision of the blind cat, Raindrop forgot to evade, falling to the ground.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-20 16:47:59


Snowecho | 31 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade(ID), Sunstar(ID), Mosspaw(ID), Hawkstrike, Pebblesplash, Open!

Snowstorm stepped away from Aldershade once he had delivered his medicine and quickly went to look over the other injured cats. He ended up trying to track down some of the apprentices to check up on them. He saw Mosspaw next to Sunstar, and although the orange tom was on the ground, he assumed the apprentice was safe with the leader. His heart went out to the young tom, losing a mentor was hard. He suddenly remembered Hawkstrike and rushed over to where he had last seen the brown tom. He was relieved to see Pebblesplash still with him. He could already tell that the tom was in pain, so hurried back to the medicine cat den for some supplies. He zoomed past the cats in there, barely registering them as he only had treating Hawkstrike on his mind. He quickly exited with more cobweb, poppyseeds, thyme and marigold. Before he knew it, he was at Hawkstrike's side again. "I'm back, I brought some poppyseeds for your pain." He began, then turned to Pebblesplash. "And some thyme for your shock. Must be terrible to see a dear friend in such pain" He finished, giving the herbs to the right cats.

He waited a few moments for Hawkstrike to register the pain relieving seeds, then started taking off the cobwebs to clean the wounds. Hopefully the poppyseeds would kick in quick, and the pain would be as dulled as possible. "Just tell if it hurts too badly." He mewed. He gently removed the cobweb and started cleaning the worst wound carefully. He glanced at Pebblesplash, confident that she would do anything to keep them safe while he treated who seemed to be her crush. Though he was not allowed to have a mate, he could tell when a cat had a crush.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 10:38:50


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Unconscious|//|Lioncloud|Starclan Cat|Mentions Directly: Earthquake|Mentions Indirectly: Harefeather, Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Sunstar, Lionkit, Swallowfall|Location: Camp

A deep purr came from the large calico starclan tom, as Earthquake pressed into him. This, having his kit so close to him, felt so much like old times. Better times, times when his mate and all of his kits where still alive. "I will", the big calico tom said, leaning down to touch his nose to Earthquake's cheek. Lioncloud had a smile on his face and gave a chuckle, "Oh stop that"", he said, "You're not useless, little one", he added. He gave a chuckle though, at his son's jab. Knowing his son and figuring that he'd said the last words to build up a front, Lioncloud leaned back a bit and looked into Earthquake's face. "Come on"", Lioncloud said, lifting Earthquake's face up, so that hey could look at each other.
"Clearsong...",, Lioncloud paused for a heartbeat, before continuing, "Clearsong was a warrior, he was old enough to know what he was doing. I know that you feel responsible, you helped raise Clear and Pebble like they where your own, but look", Lioncloud stopped to nod at Pebblesplash and Harefeather. "Pebblesplash is still alive and so is Harefeather, the mate and mother of Clearsong's unborn kits. Remember him, me, every cat that has passed here, but you need to be strong now. Protect them, protect your kin", there was kindness and strength in Lioncloud's eyes. Realizing that this might be a bit much to place on Earthquake's shoulders, he purred, "Remember, I will always be there for you and for them. You might not be able to see me, but I will always be here", at this, Lioncloud placed his large paw on Earthquakes chest, right over his heart. "And look", the tom pointed to Pebblesplash who was now with Hawkstrike. "There are other cats who can help, who all of you can lean on", Lioncloud told Earthquake.
Lioncloud gave a sigh, he knew that he'd have to leave soon. His blue star specked eyes wandered over in the directions to where he could just make out Lionkit lying beside Swllowfall, some other cats, and his littermate. Looking back to Earthquake, he gave the dark brown and white tom a smile. "I will always have my eyes on you", Lioncloud said, nodding to Lionkit. Getting to his paws, the large Starclan tom now looked over his shoulder to where Sunstar stood. Could he already leave? He was torn, he wanted to stay and get rid of the last Dark Forest cats, but also wanted to help rebuild Starclan.

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Edited on 21/02/19 @ 10:39:13 by 🌸LightQueen🌊Galaxy❄️ (#59203)

Q (#86568)

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Posted on
2019-02-21 11:22:30


Sunstar | 31 Moons | Co-Leader | Lightly Injured| 7/9 Lives | [Camp] | Mentions: Mosspaw (D), Brokenbone, EVERYONE!

Seeing that Clearsong's family was mourning him, Sunstar felt that burden again. The burden of losing another member of the clan.. it almost felt too much to handle. But then he remembered. All the cats that died for him, for the clan, for his family. Instead of pressing him to burst, he felt stronger than before.
Sunstar picked himself up, looking Mosspaw dead in the eye. "If you want to be a leader one day, you need to be strong. Especially for the ones that mean the most to you. Your clanmates are going to die. Your loyalty is going to be tested time and time again.. and you're expected to be at the top of your game. So let me tell you the truth- it's impossible. Don't bother worrying about everyone thinks of you. If you die defending your clan, you earn the greatest honor that this universe can give. True freedom."
He inspected the clearing, seeing that most of the Dark Forest cats had been killed off. Only a few stragglers were running out of the camp, trying to get away.
Sunstar yelled to any available cats. "Make sure to get the stragglers! We can't let them leave!"
He turned back to Mosspaw. "Brokenbone needs to be stopped. I'd be grateful for your help, if you want to. Starclan honors you either way. You've served your clan multiple times over. Maybe once this over we talk about your apprenticeship. I'd be honored to take over as your mentor."
Brokenbone emerged from the underbrush, standing face to face with Sunstar and Mosspaw. He snarled, baring his teeth. "You think you defeated us, Sunstar? Looks like you've lost more than you can handle. Are you so sure you can take me on, especially when you're so emotionally compromised? You're such a child."
The co-leader straightened his back, unsheathing his claws. "The thing that you'll never understand, Brokenbone is that.. I will always have family. You have nothing. Revenge has consumed you. It's not too late to stop this."
Brokenbone lowered his ears. He looked afraid for a moment, like he knew that he had a choice. But a moment later, his face was plastered with anger and hate. "I will never go soft, I'll kill you 7 times more before I do!" The tom pounced through the clearing, and Sunstar shoved Mosspaw over at the last moment before hissing in defense and jumping at the shadow.

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Edited on 21/02/19 @ 11:23:03 by Quake™ [Side] #DHS (#86568)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-21 17:17:47


Stripecloud|17 moons|Slightly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Lostfire(NPC)

Stripecloud hissed as he saw Longfire smirk. Just before she clawed her sharps claws against Raindrop's neck Stripecloud knocked her over. She ended up only hitting Raindrop's shoulder. Lostfire hissed stumbling away from the two. She stood taller watching Stripecloud. She then turned around and Stripecloud saw her stiffen.
"This was fun, but I have to go." She smiled their way then ran off. Stripecloud ran back over to Raindrop.
"Raindrop, are you okay?"


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Badly Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Snowecho

Hawkstrike lapped up the seeds gratefully.
"Thanks, Snowecho." He croaked lying down. His body didn't have enough strength to hold him up. He felt Snowecho took off the cobwebs that covered his body. He winced as Snowecho started to clean the worst wound. It hurt, but not too bad. He felt the poppy seeds start kicking in seeming to wash most of the pain away. But he could still feel the slight tang every now and then. It was like he had only been clawed once, not a thousand times. He laid his head on his paws. Now he just felt tired.

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