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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-26 20:05:19


Mumblepaw | 16 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | Healthy | Clearing | Mentions: Stagthorn (D), Willowstar (D), Wolffang (D), Snowecho (ID), Horsetail (D)

Mumblepaw’s eyes opened slowly, soon widening in surprise. He was no longer tending to Willowstar’s wounds in the medicine cat den, instead standing in a clearing in unfamiliar territory. The entire clan was here too. ”Everything is just getting freakier and creepier…” He mumbled. He soon heard someone call for him and Snowecho, it sounded quite a lot like Horsetail. "I'm alright, Horsetail!" He had a feeling the tom was a bit worried, perhaps calling back would help. He soon began to think about his mentor Snowecho and some of the injured cats, Willowstar, and Stagthorn. ’Wait... Oh great Starclan, Stagthorn!’ He practically screamed to himself. Would the warrior even be alright? Being injured and out of the snow sounded terrible. The last time he had seen the tom was in the medicine cat den when Horsetail said he would take over in tending to the tom. And Willowstar, even though she wasn’t exactly in the same terrible condition as Stagthorn, and would have Wolffang to help her, he was suppose to be tending to the leader’s wounds and couldn’t help but feel responsable if anything bad were to happen to her or Stagthorn. ”Stagthorn! Willowstar, Wolffang!” Mumblepaw would call out, looking around for one of the three cats. Unlike Snowecho who, thanks to the current weather could literally pass as walking snow with blue eyes, the cats he was looking for should be much easier to spot.


Whorlpaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Clearing | Mentions: Mosspaw (D)

Whorlpaw was on the ground, her face planted into the snowy covering. ’What the-?!’ She thought in surprise as she lifted her head up, spitting out the melting snow in her mouth. She looked around to see that she, along with all her clanmates were in an unknown place. ’...Are we dead?” She asked herself. What if they all died quick deaths in battle and they were all now ghostly figures themselves? And if that was so where was Starclan… or was this it? ’There isn’t any time for this!’ She hissed lowly, she wasn’t going to find any answers with “what ifs”. It seemed like some of her clanmates were breaking off and searching the unknown area and it didn’t seem like a bad idea, not that she had many anyway. ”Mosspaw! Hey Mosspaw!” Whorlpaw called for the other apprentice. She hasn’t seen him since she left him during the battle, perhaps she could stick with him longer this time. She hoped the older apprentice was alright.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-26 20:16:48


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Healthy|Warrior|I Don't Even Know|Mentions: Open!

Hawkstrike felt a tingling sensation run through his body. What was going on? Was this what death felt like? Was he actually just gonna die here? Next to a cat that was already dead? He was too lost in thought to notice that he was being surrounded by darkness. No, I'm too young to die! You mean we're too young to die? Yeah, we're to young to die! A flash of white blinded Hawkstrike for a moment as he was transported to a snowy white forest. He blinked. Was this StarClan? He looked around. He let out a sigh of relife. Hey, we ain't dead. Or maybe we're all dead. Where is the camp? Wait, do you feel that? Feel what? Nothing! Well, I mean something, but all the pain is gone. Oh, praise StarClan. But that just supports my decision that we're dead! Hawkstrike started hyperventilating. His throat closed up and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "We're all dead!" Hawkstrike cried running around in a circle. Hawkstrike! Calm down you mouse brain. Hawkstrike kept running in his circle dramatically.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 20:21:40

Mosspaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Mysterious Clearing | Mentions: Sunstar, Whorlpaw (D), Brokenbone

Mosspaw released his grip and stumbled back when Sunstar indicated, chest aching where Brokenbone had managed to land a hard kick. He bared his teeth when the shadowy cat struggled to stand, only to crumple back to the ground. Black ichor dripped from the tom's deep wounds, hissing away into a vapor before it touched the snow.

The apprentice glanced sideways at Sunstar as the shadowy tom finally dissolved away, vanishing into the air like smoke with one final vicious threat. The ginger cat looked shocked about what Brokenbone had said, the apprentice could see it in his stance and expression. After a long moment Mosspaw decided it was best not to pry. It was Sunstar's business, not his.

He glanced around the clearing, seeing the remaining Dark Forest cats break and scatter. Its finally over. A rush of relief hit him, all the tension in his limbs suddenly draining away. He met Sunstar's gaze, and returned the offered smile with a small one of his own. The leader walked away, and he let out an exhausted sigh as the adrenaline wore off and the effects of his injuries began to take hold. The apprentice caught himself when he swayed, then froze as a strange tingling ran down his back and across his fur.

The young tom glanced around nervously as the odd sensation lingered, growing stronger with each passing second. Suddenly the sky flashed, brilliant light filling his vision. He flinched and let out a hiss of pain, shutting his eyes tightly against the stabbing brightness.

The light seemed to fade after a moment, and he very cautiously cracked open an eye. What... Shock shot through him cold as ice as the world resolved itself. He stared, confused and frightened, at his surroundings. Gone was the familiar camp, the churned, bloody snow, the bodies of his fallen clanmates... The forest that stood around him was completely foreign, bleak and featureless. Panic hedged his thoughts as he spun a slow circle, green-gold eyes wide with alarm. He could see some of his clanmates around him, looking equally confused, but... it was as if their home had simply ceased to exist.

"What...what is this? What's happening?" His voice wavered, threatening to give out on him. The apprentice dug is claws into the snow, only to quickly snatch his injured leg back up, braced for the wave of pain. But there was none. He slowly turned the limb over, searching for the deep bite mark that he knew was there, but saw only smooth, unbroken skin and dried blood. It's gone... but how? This- this is impossible!

A voice calling his name helped to drag him out of the sea of panicked confusion that had started to swamp him. He looked up, seeing Whorlpaw making her way towards him through the deep snow.

"Whorlpaw!" He exclaimed, relief flooding him that the other apprentice had made it through the battle. "Are you all right?" He asked, stumbling over to meet her.

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xena (#152934)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 21:04:46


IvyPaw|7Moons| Medicine Cat Apprentice| Healthy|Snowy Clearing| Mentions:Open!! Direct: Horsetail, Mumblepaw | Indirectly: Raindrop, Stripecloud
Ivypaw suddenly jumped up, flinging snow from beneath her. Her pelt was wet, as the she-cat woke up buried in the snow. Her stomach was twisted. Had she passed out? Was she dead? were just a few of the questions swarming her head. Luckily, a Juniper Berry bush wasn’t too far from her current location. She padded toward the snow dipped bush and started pushing snow out of her way. After digging a big enough patch to access the berries, she wolfed down a few to ease her angry stomach.
Ivy looked all around her. Cats were just waking up while others seemed to have been woken up for a while. She looked for familiar faces in the strange clearing. ”Horsetail?? Mumblepaw??”, she shouted. Soon after shouting Horsetail’s name, she found the Tom examining something with two other felines. She recognized them as Raindrop and Stripecloud. Approaching the trio, she asked”What’s that Purple thingy??”. Cautiously, she sniffed the strange, twine looking thing. She couldn’t quite place a scent but it was odd for sure.
Her attention turned to the huge Paw Print sitting on a rock. ’Huh?’, she thought to herself. She sniffed the strange Paw that sat in front of her. She couldn’t place an exact scent. The scent did have a hue of familiarity though. Was she the only one that smelt this? The weather was only getting worse. The freezing breeze bit at her muzzle and the she-cat flinched. Only once in her life had she seen snow before. She faced up-wind. ’Wait…, she growled lowly, ’That’s a cat not from our clan’. The only way she could even figure out that this unfamiliar scent was foreign was because the unknown cat had made one mistake. They were standing downwind.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-27 21:59:06


Whorlpaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Clearing | Mentions: Mosspaw, Hawkstrike (ID)

Whorlpaw tilted her head a bit. "I'm fine, it's gonna take a lot more to hurt me!" She said with a toothy grin. "But what about you Mosspaw? I haven't seen you since the battle. Did you get anymore bad wounds?" She'd ask as she began to study the other apprentice, only to see that he had no injuries at all. 'Wha-?' She swore, no she knew when she saw him back at the battle that he had a few injuries. But now it was like they were never there at all. What exactly was going on? Her head turned at the sound of a panicking Hawkstrike, yelling about how they were all dead. "...I knew it! I wasn't the only one who thought we were dead!" Whorlpaw mewed as she turned back to Mosspaw. 'But how can I be sure?' She would wonder, then an idea came to her. She'd put her paws over Mosspaw's ears, shaking his head softly. 'I wonder if ghostly cats are able to touch other ghostly cats...' She thought. "This odd territory, the missing injuries, these odd objects everyone's investigating, they all have to be connected somehow... right?" She'd ask Mosspaw. 'But it's not like he'd have any answers... everyone was in the same confused situation!' Letting out a growling hiss of frustration she'd let go of Mosspaw ears. "Sorry about that Mosspaw. Everything's just confusing and I want answers, you know?" She huffed.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-02-28 06:35:53


Snowecho | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Ivypaw (ID), Horsetail(D), Raindrop(D), Open!

Snowecho was not sure what had just happened. One moment they had been in camp, and the next they had been in an unfamiliar clearing. The white snow was almost blinding, so he closed his eyes for a little bit. He opened them when he felt like his eyes had adjusted and looked around. He thanked Starclan that the clan did not have many white cats, as he could see his other clanmates just fine. He noticed that some had already started exploring the unfamiliar area. Perhaps he should join them. His fur puffed out as he heard Horsetail call out for him and Mumblepaw, an unexpected loud noise. His heart throbbed painfully as his thoughts immediately wandered to Softsong. He closed his eyes against the fresh pang of grief and decided to push it away. "Coming!" He called back, hurrying over to his fellow medicine cat.

The white tom could tell that the other tom had moved since calling out, as now, Horsetail was in front of a strange rock along with Raindrop and Ivypaw. He paused when he arrived and looked at the purple twine the warrior had found. His eyes drifted from the rock, to the twine and he went on his hind legs for a better look. "If it smells similar, perhaps you should put it on the rock?" He suggested. It was not much to go on, only a gut feeling, but perhaps if they collected things that smelled similar on the rock, something would happen?

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Edited on 28/02/19 @ 07:22:18 by The Cat Prince(Clean) (#117962)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 09:05:27


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Snowecho, Ivypaw|Mentions Indirectly: Raindrop, Stripecloud, Mumblepaw|Location: Clearing

Horsetail's ear twitched, as he heard someone call his name. Turning away from the rock, he looked over his shoulder to find out who had called. With the white snow all around them, he did not have to search long before he spotted Mumbepaw. The golden tabby tom nodded to the medicine cat apprentice, letting him know that he'd heard. Horsetail let out a sigh, he was glad to see that the apprentice was alright. Just as he turned back to look at the rock and strange print, he noticed a small light golden she-cat heading over to them. Ivypaw! The medicine cat realised. Horsetail looked to his paws, as he realized that he'd called Mumblepaw's and Snowecho's name, but not the name of his own apprentice.
Before he could think further though, the young she-cat had already reached the three cats. He gave her a kind smile and took notice of the slight scent of juniper berry. His smile turned from a kind greeting to pride, the young she-cat had only been his apprentice for a moon and she already knew how to keep herself clam. Horsetail jumped a bit, as he suddenly heard Snowecho's voice. Looking over, he was staring at the other medecine cat. He'd not even noticed Snowecho coming over to them, this snow was really going to be a bother. "Might be an idea", Horsetail said, nodding at Snowecho's suggestion. Not for the first time he wondered were they where and not just that, but also how they'd gotten here. Maybe.... Starclan? Horsetail wondered, looking around. No, it felt different, then again the Dark Forest had control of Starclan for a while, it might have changed.
Taking a step closer to Snowecho, the tom looked him over. "Are you alright?", Horsetail asked. He'd heard from some other cats that Softsong had passed, he knew that Snowecho and the young warrior had been related. He wanted to move closer to Snowecho, but knew that it was probably not the right time for it. Hearing a small growl from his side, his gold eyes glazed over. It had been Ivypaw, what was the matter? "Are you alright?", he asked, not having noticed anything. "Are you cold?", the mentor asked, leaning down to the young apprentice. That's right, Ivypaw is not that old yet, so she would not be that used to the cold. "If you are cold, you can come closer", the mentor offered, placing his long tail on his apprentice's back.

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xena (#152934)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 10:03:37


IvyPaw|7Moons| Medicine Cat Apprentice| Healthy|Snowy Clearing| Mentions:Closed|Direct: Horsetail | Indirect: Snowecho
Ivypaw held her gaze on the hill in front of her, looking for a flick of a tail or twitching ears. Nothing. The petite she-cat whipped her head around to face Horsetail. ”Face upwind. Do you smell a strange cat?” she asked with her peripheral vision set on the hill blanketed in snow. She gently nudged his hind legs, facing the Tom upwards.
The scent that was once vague seemed to get stronger every five minutes or so. She lowered her stance, baring her teeth. She looked towards Horsetail in a worrying way. Not too far past her Mentor was Snowecho, he seemed to be very knowledgeable about many things. Just the looks of him gave an intelligent vibe. A snarl slipped out of Ivypaw’s muzzle as she turned her head toward the odd scent.
”I can’t be the only one that smells th-”she stopped. Something wasn’t right. She faced her mentor”Is that Water Hemlock? she asked desperately. She listened closely to her surroundings. There was no running water or swamps within her reach of sight, scent, or hearing. ’How did the Hemlock even get there? Is whoever is hiding over there trying to kill us?
IvyPaw panicked. Everything became blurry as she couldn’t comprehend anything. The sent of the Hemlock haunted her. She was lost in her right mind.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 11:19:03


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Ivypaw, Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Raindrop, Stripecloud|Location: Clearing

"A strange cat?", Horsetail asked, raising his eyebrow at his apprentice. Looking in the direction Ivypaw had indicated, he tried to make out anything. There was nothing there, but trees and snow. His head snapped back to the young medicine cat apprentice, when she suddenly started to get more distraught and starting rambling something about water hemlock. His golden eyes studied the young light ginger she-cat's face, starting to get a bit worried. "Did you really eat juniper berries, not something else?", Horsetail asked, leaning down to sniff the young apprentice.
No, she definitely smelled of juniper. "Calm down, alright", the medicine cat said, gently nuzzling the apprentices cheek. "This place is new and... strange, of course there are going to be new scents", Horsetail said, trying to reassure his apprentice. Letting out a sigh, he straightened again. Looking to Snowecho, he shook head head and then turned back to his young apprentice. "We need to keep our heads on, Ivypaw", Horsetail told the young she-cat.
Looking back to Snowecho, he moved a bit closer. "Could we em... you know... talk?", Horsetail asked Snowecho. Looking to Raindrop, he gave a her a look, asking if she could look after Ivypaw, until he came back. He really wanted to talk with Snowecho and everyone was still getting their bearings, and there were no injured cats, so now would be as good a time as any.

{You know who I used that rose on}

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 16:10:10


Sunstar | 31 Moons | Co-Leader | Healthy*| 7/9 Lives | [Camp] | Mentions: Stormberry (ID/D), Anyone!

Sunstar winced from the sensation of spinning, afraid to open his eyes. He breathed heavily, not sure what to do. If he opened his eyes, what would he see? He knew his clanmates were around him, chatting, but he didn't want to know what had just happened to them. He felt snow tickling his pelt, and his paws getting cold.
Sunstar opened his eyes, and a wave of shock went through him. He felt sick, and his head started to spin even faster than it did before. His chest was heaving, and he didn't know what to do.
He couldn't see.
No.. this can't be possible. Am I.. did I go blind?
He stumbled around the clearing, whining out to anyone to hear. "Help.. help.." He whimpered, desperate. Where was his mate? He needed to touch to Stormberry or he would lose his mind. Great Starclan.. did he deserve this for killing Starclan's enemy?
Sunstar sat on the ground, lifting his head up to the black sky only he could see. His eyes were glazed blue, a certain void that his clanmates could see. He mewed in nothing but a whisper, "This is just a dream. It's a dream. It's a dream, it's a dream, it's a dream.
It's a dream.
I'm in a sick dream.
Send me home.
Send me home now Starclan! I'm done with the games!!!"

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Edited on 28/02/19 @ 16:10:30 by Quake™ #Queen (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 22:11:51


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Minor Injury| Warrior|Clearing|Mentions: Whorlpaw, Mosspaw (D) Sunstar (ID) open!
**if someone could do the @‘s for me that’d be great- sorry discord is complicated right now~**
Pebblesplash backed away from her leader, deciding that maybe now wasn’t the best time. She quickly turned around, gaze scouring the camp. Her heart was aching in her chest, the memory of…
even thinking their names made her want to scream.
She finally let her gaze rest of Whorlpaw and Mosspaw. She walked dejectedly over, eyes heavy.

”Whorlpaw… Mosspaw…” she mumbled a greeting.
”I need to tell you something…” it was hard to form the words. Great StarClan it was so hard to speak about them. An image of her family graced her brain, what they had once been before they all left.

”Softsong, Quietshadow…” the grey she-cat took in a shuddering breath, “and Clearsong are dead.”

Pebblesplash blurted the final words out, unable to hold them in. Reality set in with her words. They are never coming home… Clearsong will never see his kits grow up, Quietshadow won’t get to be the bossy grandmother, and Softsong won’t ever get a chance to find love… how is it life can be this cruel?!?

She bit her tongue. Pebblesplash finally understood Sunstar’s pain. Losing a brother was like losing a piece of yourself. She kneeled down, a yowl emitting from her body as she felt the pain weigh heavy on her heart.

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xena (#152934)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 22:33:29


IvyPaw|7Moons| Medicine Cat Apprentice| Healthy|Snowy Clearing| Mentions:Closed|Direct: SunStar | Indirect: N/A
”We need to keep our heads on, Ivypaw”. Ivy knew her mentor was right. She needed to calm down. Everything was new and so stressful. ”of course..”, she muttered. ’You’re just smelling things’, she thought to herself. She turned away from the snowy trees that gave her anxiety. ’Breathe in, Breathe out’, she told herself.
Her breathing eased up as she sighed. She could sense something but decided not to say anything. I mean, look what she had just gotten out of. ”Help..Help..”. She heard the cry for help from a familiar voice. “Sunstar?”, the young she-cat called out. She quickly found the Tom looking up to the sky, mumbling something she could not hear.
”Hey, hey! Sunstar”, she blabbed out,”Are you alright?”. A blue tinge covered the eyes of her leader. She hadn’t recognized this from her mentor’s teachings. Unfortunately, they weren’t near any twoleg gardens so she did not have access to chamomile. Ivy sat down, bending her head towards the leaders chest. ”I’m just checking your heart rate”, she said softly. ”please explain what happened from the start” She said, lifting her head into the cold breeze, shifting her gaze to Sunstar.

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Edited on 28/02/19 @ 22:50:09 by (WCU) Xena |#152934| (#152934)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-01 15:33:11


Snowecho | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Snow Clearing | Mentions: Horsetail(D), Ivypaw(ID), Mumblepaw(ID), Sunstar(ID), Open!

Snowecho turned his nose to the direction Ivypaw had mentioned scenting the strange cat, able to pick it up too. He saw how distressed the medicine cat apprentices started to get, but relaxed as Horsetail calmed her down. That reminded him, he should check on Mumblepaw soon. He had to check if he was injured, generally alright, amongst other things. Or at least, he would check once he had had his chat with Horsetail. He nodded, this was the best time to talk. "Let's find somewhere private. I think Mumblepaw and Ivypaw can handle things here until we're back." He replied. He got back on his hind legs to scout out a secluded place, then dropped back down onto all four and lead the way to the side of the clearing.

Finally somewhere private, he turned his gaze to his fellow medicine cat. It felt like moons had passed since they last had a good conversation, and it felt refreshing to just be the two of them for once. Perhaps they could also discuss Sunstar's sudden outburst without being interrupted as well. "Did you hear Sunstar? I think something happened to him."

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 14:12:55


Stripecloud|17 moons|Healthy|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud sighed softly. "MAybe, why does everything have to be so complicated. Why can't we just all sleep? So much has happened, I just wanna curl up in my nest. But our nests are gone!" He shivered against the cold. "Raindrop, what do you think happened? I haven't asked that yet. Like where do you think we are?" He looked over to Raindrop shivering slightly. He wished they were somewhere warmer. His pelt offered almost no protection at all against the cold weather of leafbare. He closed his eyes trying to ignore the ice cold weather.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 15:07:24

Raindrop | 15 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: 
Directly: Stripecloud
Indirectly: Snowecho, Horsetail, Ivypaw

Raindrop moved the string onto the pawprint at Snowecho's suggestion and waited, half expecting something to happen. When nothing did, she shrugged and turned as Horsetail caught her gaze. She nodded, understanding his wishes before the pair padder off to converse amongst eachother.

She looked at Ivypaw, noticing her gaze fixed on Sunstar. Raindrop took a step forward toward the medicine apprentice, however she trotted quickly off to Sunstar. Sighing, she turned once more to the rock, tilting her ears toward Stripecloud as he spoke to her.

Raindrop shook her head slowly, still trying to find the souce of the familiar scent on the print and string. "Honestly, I'm unsure. Sure, it was winter back home, but here... Here, there's so much more snow." Raindrop gave up trying to discover the scent and fell back on her rump, subconsciously pulling the purple thread toward her.

"It's disorienting. I don't know what's out there, I don't think any of us do. Search patrols will have to be sent out sometime and I'm definitely going to volunteer for it." A light of adventure lit in her eyes as she began to tie the purple thread on her foreleg. "Whatever's out there might tell us what this is! I have to know." Raindrop swiftly turned to Stripecloud, excitement starting to bubble in her. When she noticed Stripecloud shivvering, however, she stopped. It really was cold out. The cold hadn't bothered her too much previously since she was distracted, however it finally hit her. Padding up to Stripecloud, she arched up to brush her fur against his side.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 15:08:05 by ❄Swiftbreeze [WB🐾]❄ (#140966)

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