Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 00:14:43
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight

Realizing that Shrewflight had no reaction to his eating the shrew, Foxflame chuckled. She mustn’t care much for her name then, he thought.

When she asked her question to him, Foxflame coughed and smiled. “Before I answer, I must correct your perception of me. ‘Tis a thing that is often spoken of me, and I see it in your eyes that you think the same.”

He paused, then continued.

“I am not so arrogant as my actions should make me seem. My arrogance is but a jest, and a crude one. Were I truly so arrogant, ‘tis likely I would have fought the fox I smelled like a mouse-brain. Then, you’d not be eating here but rather observing my remains in shock, would you not?” he teased again, nuzzling Shrewflight’s cheek. “If I pride myself by anything, it is my intellect alone. I am not so foolish as to think that my hunting skills surpass that of others, though I do my best to keep an air of elegance and grace about me as I hunt. Likewise, I do not believe I can confront a fox or train the apprentices alone. And attempting either of the tasks would be equally foolish, would it not?” He’d teased the apprentices this time.

Foxflame flicked his tail in amusement. “It seems there are some things I must explain to you. I should be happy to do so. You need only ask. Now, about leaf-bare—this shall be my first one as a warrior.”

He stifled a laugh, then made an exaggerated, pained face. “Woe is me—‘tis now my duty to teach these apprentices now, is it not? I no longer have the right to squeal like a kit in the snow, nor the right to grumble about the cold like an apprentice or elder. Truly, ‘tis the most sorrowful role by which to experience leaf-bare. Though it shall be less burdensome to endure with another,” he teased yet again, his malicious smile returning again to his face.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 00:18:43 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 00:23:00
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp
Light breaths can be heard from a snoozing body, a rustle every now and then too. Earthquake blinked awake and yawned, light pouring in on his eyes. Eventually, he gets up and stretches, his whiskers quivering with every pop of his bones, the stiffness in his limbs smoothed away. He steps away from his makeshift nest and out into the open, his hazel eyes lively as he headed to the middle of camp. He settled and groomed the knots out of his fur, just listening the bustle of camp. He cherished quiet moments like this "Never know when or what will happen next, better enjoy my peace while I can."

Snowball|27 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp
A ball of white was circling in the river, scaring fish and creating ripples on the once still water. If climbs the gravely edge, full of reeds and cattails.
Snowball shook vigorously, water droplets spraying everywhere, her water resistant fur nearly dry when she made it back to camp. She scanned around for some activity but just decided with getting a quick meal. Upon so she noticed another, Thunderclanian she assumed, grooming himself. She could fit a quick chat in, why not? She grabs a squirrel and sits next to him, expecting him to acknowledge her and start a conversation or even share her meal. He didn't even flick his ear, just kept attending himself. She bit into her food awkwardly, "So looking to patrol later?". She looked up only to realize that he had moved and was exiting camp. She huffed, feeling just a bit turned down but shook it off. "His loss..." she shrugged taking another bite of her now slightly bittersweet meal.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 01:57:37
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Stripepaw, Swallowpaw

Stormberry widened his eyes when Stripepaw seemed to take a turn for the worse, and it seemed like the best thing he could do would be to carry the apprentice back to camp. It didn't sound like a good idea to carry him by his scruff, though, as that might move his shoulder about and hurt him more. He decided it would be best to carry him on his back, like how he carried Snowecho back to camp on his back when he got injured by the rogue. He settled down low onto his belly close to the young tom and nudged him gently, trying to encourage him to move. "Come on, try and get onto my back. Swallowpaw, can you help lift him on?" He asked, his voice muffled slightly by the fresh-kill still in his mouth. He just wanted to get Stripepaw to the medicine cats as soon as possible.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 02:11:32
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 Health | Clan Territory | Mentions: Stormberry, Stripepaw

Swallowpaw let out an exasperated sigh and moved to Stormberry's other side. She gently grabbed Stripepaw by the scruff and moved him onto her mentor's back. "I'll go get the freshkill and then come back to camp." She said, slightly sulkily. The rain pattered more heavily around the cats as Swallowpaw disappeared into the undergrowth. She couldn't scent any nearby fox which was a plus, but her long fur was soaking up water like nobody's business. She shivered as the cold water reached her skin. Swallowpaw quickly dug up her plump squirrel and Stripepaw's mouse and began heading back to camp. She was worried about Stripepaw, but also kind of put out that he had cut their training short. She wanted to become a warrior as soon as possible, but that would be hard to do with other apprentices taking up her mentor's time.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 02:14:42 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 02:44:03
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory ---> Camp - Mentions: Stripepaw, Swallowpaw, Snowecho (indirectly), Horsetail (indirectly), open!

Stormberry waited until he was sure Stripepaw was safely on his back before he got up again, but he was worried slightly by Swallowpaw's change in tone. He knew she hated the heavy rain as much as he did, and he was sure she would be upset that their training was cut short by an accident that could have easily been prevented. He put his tail on her shoulder for a moment, hoping that he would be able to make her feel better once they both got back to camp and had a chance to dry off. "I'll see you back at camp, be careful." He said softly, before making his way back to camp as carefully as he could. Once he had made it through the camp entrance, he headed straight for the medicine cat den, hoping that Snowecho or Horsetail would be able to take care of Stripepaw's shoulder.

Alderpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw, open!

Alderpaw eventually lost interest in the medicine cat den and turned away, planning to go and get out of the rain when he saw one of the deputies come into camp with a seemingly injured apprentice on his back. He twitched his tail and shook his head, thinking that if it were him, he would never get injured so easily. Of course, he had no reason to think like that, especially as he had got injured falling as a young apprentice in the past, but he liked to think himself better than most cats a lot of the time. He sighed softly and was planning to go back into the apprentices' den to stay out of the rain when he was suddenly pounced on by Softpaw, bowling him into his side. He was about to respond with a sharp hiss, but he noticed who it was, and he let himself relax. "What do you think I am, an oversized mouse?" He asked, gently batting at Softpaw and starting to purr softly.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 03:02:10 by Ash [WCU] (#117922)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-22 07:45:20
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Horsetail

"Do you mean when I started to get sick?" He'd ask the tom, surely that's what he meant. But it doesn't seem like he was waiting for an answer since he was already beginning to resume to speaking. "Well.. hm." He'd mumble to himself before staring straight into Horsetail's eyes, his expression was blank and unreadable. "Would you believe me if I say I don't remember a thing besides chatting with Alderpaw and the other Apprentices?" He'd groan as he shook his head in pain. "That's when I began to feel my sickest, but I do remember a bit when I visited Snowecho about my clogged nose quite the while ago. He told me to sniff a bit of mouse-bile, which I did. I was able to breathe but I couldn't smell a thing after that. He did say it was only a side effect, but I never got better. In all honesty I started to get worse after that. Do you know how hard it is to get around without be able to smell?" He'd mew in a dead tone before removing his gaze at Horsetail by closing his eyes and taking a breathe. "Could it be that I'm allergic to mouse-bile? Is such thoughts even a thing?" He asked blankly while resuming to stare at him.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 08:03:44 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 08:41:22
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|5/18 Health|Clan Territory|Mentions: Swallowpaw

Stripepaw felt himself as he was pushed onto Stormberry's back. Mouse dung, I could've prevented this. Now look what you did to Swallowpaw. He thought his eyes narrowed. He then let them soften, maybe when they got to camp he could tell her he was sorry. He just let his temper get in the way of logic. He felt himself begin to go back to camp. This would put a pause on his training.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 10:20:38
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Foxflame

She felt a blush warm her body when he nuzzled his cheek; she hadn't expected that, and appreciated the friendliness. She smiled as she heard his explanation, her sharp gaze softening into an understanding one; she realized he was just a cat, same as her, trying to just make himself known in his own unique way. At his admittance to this going to be his first real Clan leaf-bare, she felt a chill, remembering her own. She chuckled softly.

"I do understand the reluctance; although this will be my first leaf-bare with this Clan, I'm ready for this. My mate's clan taught me what I need to know." She smiled sadly and continued. "I will be more than willing to help you, though I have no experience with apprentices, so this'll be a learning experience for both of us. I think it'll be fun! And," She nudged his cheek with her nose, her eyes playful. "We'll be able to complain about the cold to each other, instead of keeping it bottled up."

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 11:27:42
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight

Upon her mention of her mate, Foxflame stopped smiling. His eyes became soft, and he looked at her compassionately.

“I’ve been meaning to ask about your mate. I smelled the scent of a different cat when you’d arrived. Was it your mate whose scent I caught? ‘Twas not like yours. I know not the story of how you arrived here, but ‘twould seem it were something that distressed you.”

He shifted his paws, still holding his gingerly gaze.

“I apologize if ‘tis a painful thing to recount.”

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 15:02:07
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Green Bandana on Neck\

Knowing that they needed more cats for the patrol Hawkpaw walked over to Foxflame and Shrewflight. He cleared his voice, "Excuse me, Foxflame, Shrewflight. I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I would like to ask if you could join me and Featherheart on a hunting patrol. I do need to practice hunting." He meowed with a smile. He felt the rain splash on his pelt but it seemed to have slowed down.

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:17:49
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, Hawkpaw

When Hawkpaw interrupted Foxflame and Shrewflight, Foxflame let our a mrrow of amusement. Has this mouse-brain even thought to consider the conversation? He has, apologizing for his interruption, yet was it not apparent that we were discussing serious matters? he thought. I suppose ‘tis alright, since he mustn’t have heard us then, which is something for which I am thankful, but I’d thought it clear what sort of thing we were discussing.

After he stopped laughing, Foxflame looked at the small apprentice before him, pretending as though he had thought nothing of his intrusion.

“‘Tis not my decision. I shall go along if my fellow warrior does not mind your interruption.” He silently turned to Shrewflight for her response. “I yield his question to you,” he whispered, smiling.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 16:24:33 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:23:22
Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Alderpaw, Open

Softpaw triumphantly kept Alderpaw pinned to the ground, curling his tail as he started purring with the other apprentice. "Well, you've got short fur, big ears, and a long tail." He teased softly, playfully biting softly at one of Alderpaw's ears. "At least you're the most handsome oversized mouse in the forest." He purred. He stopped the playful biting, and licked the other apprentice's head affectionately. "Do you want to help me find some feathers in camp?" He asked, still remaining on Alderpaw.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:27:12
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw watched Foxflame with curiosity while he was laughing. What was so funny about asking if someone if they could hunt with you? Hawkpaw though feeling uncomfortable. He didn't usually talk to other Warriors, except Featherheart of course. He waited for Foxflame to stop laughing. He looked around then back to Foxflame. "Okay." He meowed awkwardly. He still didn't understand what was so funny.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:41:12
Just an announcement that after discussion by the admins, it has been decided that the Clans united 50 moons ago!

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:46:08
Snowpaw | 7 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 Health | Clan |
Snowpaw wakes up. She yawns and stretches. She stands sheepishly. She walks out of the apprentice den. Snowpaw sees Foxflame and walks up to him. "Hi Foxflame." She says. She sees Shrewflight. "Hello Shrewflight." He sees Hawkpaw "Hi Hawkpaw." She says sweetly. She sits down. "Do you mind if I join ya'll?" She asks. She hopes she's not being to invading.

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