Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 07:36:01 |
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Stripepaw, Mumblepaw, Open Snowecho momentarily stopped what he was doing when he heard Mumblepaw laugh, turning to give him a concerned look. Only to then get enraged when he heard that he got catmint. "Catmint isn't supposed to be picked by anyone other than medicine cats! It could make the difference between a cat's life or death if they catch greencough." He scolded. His expression softened a little, and he went a bit closer to Mumblepaw. "If you're scared to come here, I'll teach you some basic things, and which herbs you should avoid at all costs." He mewed gently. He was not a cross cat, he preferred to be peaceful, but he was not afraid to put his paw down. "But if you get seriously injured or sick, you must come here." He demanded. He glanced back towards Stripepaw. There was not much he could do for a broken shoulder. It was much more difficult to heal than a broken leg or paw. "I can take you out of camp to teach you now. You seem fine, so after that you can return to your apprentice duties." ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 08:01:31 |
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Snowecho Mumblepaw would freeze in fear from what Snowecho said. His ears would and tail would droop as he kept silent for awhile. He'd look down at his pause before clearing his throat and refusing to look at him. "I'm- I should've thought more about what I was doing. I'm sorry." He'd mewed sadly. Though his ear would flick when he said something about teaching him a few herbs. "Really?" He looked up at the tom with a somewhat joyed expression. "I'd really like if you could teach me a little bit more about herbs Snowecho, and I promise to come here when I get seriously harmed and such." He'd mew with a sparkle of joy in his eyes. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 08:16:44 |
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Snowecho, Mumblepaw, open! Stormberry paused outside the medicine cat den when he saw Snowecho go back in, and he remembered that he needed to talk to the medicine cat when they could get some time alone. He perked his ears when he heard the conversation between Mumblepaw and Snowecho, and he was distinctly unimpressed with the apprentice. "If you're so smart with herbs, Mumblepaw, why aren't you a medicine cat already? I'm sure I'd be so much happier being looked after by a 9 moon old apprentice rather than a fully trained medicine cat with moons of experience." He muttered to himself sarcastically, shaking some of the water out of his thick fur. The bad weather and incident while out training had put him in a sour mood, but protective as he was over Snowecho, he decided to let him fight his own battles. Oh well, at least Mumblepaw had apologised now. He then remembered that he hadn't eaten in a long time, so he padded over to the fresh-kill pile to fill his empty belly. He picked up a squirrel and started to eat ravenously, thinking that when more warriors were about, he would be able to set up some patrols. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 08:30:19 |
Sunstar - 24 moons - Co-Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw After making his rounds, Sunstar finally searched for his apprentice. He felt a ton of guilt for leaving the poor cat alone, and needed to make amends. He looked around camp, and found Softpaw. "Hey, Softpaw!" He smiled, sitting beside him. "I'm really sorry for disappearing out of the blue. I'm here now though, and I want to start training you right away. How about we get you a break from camp and go do some hunting practice?" Sunstar hasn't trained an apprentice for a while. He wondered if he would be able to train a cat to be great, like his father was, the last leader of Shadowclan. Perhaps he had the spirit in him. And Softpaw was a bright and smart apprentice, so he suddenly had some faith. Lightning streaked across the clouds, and he narrowed his eyes. A storm is coming. ![]() |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 09:01:15 |
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, Hawkpaw Foxflame closed his eyes when he heard Shrewflight describe her mate. Upon hearing Hawkpaw pipe up, he simply flicked his ears. It was obvious such a thing might occur if Shrewflight shared such sensitive topics here. Still, the apprentice should have known. There was a reason Foxflame offered to leave. “You’ve a brave heart I can admire,” Foxflame said to Shrewflight. “Should I face such grief, ‘tis likely I should never speak again. And that would be a shame, would it not?” Foxflame had said his comforting words and begun to jest. He grinned his malicious grin. “So I must take care not to love another in my life. ‘Tis the only thing that can be done. But I suppose I’d give up my speech for a cat like you,” he meowed, winking. His face became soft and smiling, but serious. “Let us dwell upon sorrows no longer. My ears tell me one of the other apprentices has tried something mouse-brained, and if we do not leave now we shan’t be able to.” Duskflight | 25 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp Territory | Mentions: Wolfpaw Duskflight couldn’t help but purr at his apprentice’s response. His joy was interlaced with sorrow, and he could feel some caterwauling rising in his chest. He admired his apprentice’s compassion for his clanmates. He loved how he seemed to value his connections to others, unlike how Duskflight himself had been endlessly teased, endlessly laughed at, and he’d become unable to approach others, though he felt a similar compassion within himself in spite of the suffering he had endured. He gazed into his apprentice’s eyes as if he were a kit. “I have said this once, but I will say it again—I will teach you everything that I know,” Duskflight choked. He found a place in the river where the water flowed the fastest. He gazed into the river and made sure it was shallow enough so that a cat could hardly fall in and drown, let alone a RiverClan apprentice. “Now, let’s begin,” he spoke at last. “I’ve chosen a place for you to practice where the river flows it’s fastest. It’s also shallow enough so that if you fall in, you won’t drown. Whenever you practice, I want you to do it here, even if you’re doing it with another warrior and not me. It’s different if you’re with a hunting party, but you’ll have to practice here. Remember not to go out alone though.” Foxflame padded downstream a bit, to calmer water, beckoning with his tail for his apprentice to follow. “Before we try catching a fish though, we should perfect your technique.” He padded around, found a leaf, and tossed it in the stream, near the bank. “Pretend that’s a fish. How would you catch it?” ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 09:32:52 |
Snowpaw| 7 Moons |Apprentice| 18/18 Health | Clan | Snowpaw looked at Shrewfligh. "I won't tell anyone." She promises. She turns back to Hawkpaw and mumbles quietly so the warriors can't hear. "Blood makes me feel sick. I also help tie up a rouge and I really really bad for the rouge." Snowpaw immediately hates herself for saying that. "It's dumb, I know." She says siting back up hoping that Foxflame didn't hear. ![]() |
Angie (#151211)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 10:07:10 |
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp, Camp Territory - Mentions: Foxflame, Snowpaw (indirectly) Shrewflight's ears perked up as she smiled; Foxflame knew just how to cheer her up, it seemed. She glanced at Snowpaw and nodded, not really paying attention to the apprentice; she wanted desperately to leave camp. "It'd be quite a shame to never hear such a nice voice again, yes." She mewed, hiding her smile behind her paw. "But yes, let's get out of here and hunt something. I'm dying to get a good run in, and after that little confession, I need it that much more." She smiled at him and trotted out towards the treeline; the sounds of the birds amidst the rain made her heartbeat pick up. ![]() |
Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 10:36:31 |
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Swiftstrike, Mountainshadow *OPEN* The young she cat followed her mentor through camp, occasionally looking at the sky, before looking at her paws. The young cat had a lot on her mind, and in her absent thinking bumped into another cat in camp. "Watch it!" Hissed Mountainshadow at the little she-cat, his fangs contrasting against his dark fur. The apprentice stood her ground, not in fear, but not in challenge either. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 12:51:03 |
Alderpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw, Sunstar, open! Alderpaw laughed again at what Softpaw said and was glad to be able to get up again. He rolled his eyes when the other apprentice revealed what he was collecting the feathers for, but he was happy to take any excuse to be around Softpaw. "You think you need feathers to look dashing?" He blurted out, before quickly deciding to change the topic and focus on the weather instead. "Looks like a big storm is coming in, you sure you'll be okay?" He asked, only able to get out his question moments before Softpaw was scared by the loud noise of the thunder. He quickly curled up close to the other tom and looked at him worriedly, having dealt with this situation several times before. "It's okay, it was just thunder. I'm here, just breathe." He mewed quietly, looking up when he saw Sunstar approach. He expected that the leader wanted to take Softpaw out training, but he was worried that the constant loud noise from the approaching thunder would make him too scared. Still, he had no reason to believe Sunstar wouldn't take very good care of Softpaw, so he dipped his head to the leader and sat back up. "Hello Sunstar. If you're taking Softpaw out training, take good care of him please. He's afraid of the loud noise from the thunder." He explained, his voice monotone but slightly tinged with worry. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 13:17:11 |
Snowpaw| 7 Moons |Apprentice| 18/18 Health | Clan | Snowpaw runs after Shrewflight. Snowpaw grinned happy to hunt. She hoped to impress Foxflame. She wanted to show him her hunting skills. But you suck at fighting, she thinks. She shakes off that thought and takes a deep breath. She could smell the incoming storm but she could already smell a mouse. She also smelled a bird and a shrew. She smiles happily. Swiftstrike| 27 Moons |warrior| 30/30 Health | Clan | Swiftstrike growls at Mountainshadow. "Hey, don't be rude, Moutainshadow. " Swiftstrike snaps. He walks into the woods. He stops and smells the air. Mouse, bird, shrew, and stale rabbit. He licks his lips suddenly realizing how hungry he is. I need to hunt first, he thinks. He looks back at Harepaw and signals her with his tail to follow him. He walks deeper into the woods ![]() |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 14:20:23 |
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, Hawkpaw, Snowpaw Foxflame sighed. "Come along then, you daft little furballs. Let us go and hunt." His words were harsh, but his compassionate smile and soft gaze were not so. "I've no interest in tarrying any longer." Foxflame padded to the camp entrance, beckoning the apprentices and Shrewflight to follow. He sniffed the air. He didn't smell fox now, at least. Having done this, he turned back to the rest of the group. "Where do you wish to hunt?" ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 14:36:48 |
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Stripepaw, Mumblepaw, Open "As long as you promise to not do it in the future, you're forgiven." Snowecho assured, starting to lead the way out of the den. He would make sure to not spend too long out with Mumblepaw, as he wanted to be back to check on Stripepaw before he woke up. "We'll go now, hopefully the rain has eased up a little." He mewed. He padded out of the den and was a little disappointed that it was still just as bad. Hopefully the trees would cover for them once they were in the forest. He set up to a little trot towards the camp exit, hoping to spend the least amount of time out in the rain as possible. "The lesson won't be too long." He mentioned. "Despite my Riverclan heritage, I'm not the biggest fan of rain." He purred, joking a little. Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Alderpaw, Sunstar, Open Softpaw gave a loud purr at the blurted comment, but it did not last long thanks to the thunder. His eyes were wide with panic and he shrank in on himself as much as possible. Alderpaw's comforting helped him calm down, and he started trying to take deep breaths instead of the short ones he was currently taking. He shuddered, trying to pull himself together and ease his panic. He faintly heard Sunstar approach, though it took him a couple more heartbeats to calm himself down enough to have his feet steady. He took some more deep breaths before daring to speak up. "I'd love to go hunting." He replied, his voice a little shaky. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 14:50:56 |
Snowpaw| 7 Moons |Apprentice| 18/18 Health | Clan | Snowpaw follows Foxflame. Foxflame had asked where to hunt, she thinks. "I don't know." She says. She shrugs and walks into the woods. She lifts her head up high and smells. She hears thunder but ignore it. She smells some mouse, a hare that maybe passed a while ago, some birds in the trees. She looks back at the group to see if they were following. She waits for them ![]() |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 15:34:13 |
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Snowecho "I promise." He'd mew at the tom. He'd stand up and began padding along side Snowecho. Then he paused for a moment. 'Wait, if I shouldn't be using catmint, where am I going to put my pile of it?' He'd ask himself. "Snowecho, what am I going to do with the cat-" He'd cut himself when Snowecho mentioned rain. "Ooh did you say 'rain'?" His eyes sparkled for a moment. "How can you not like rain? I 'love' rain!" He'd purr. "Actually just water in general. I was born to get paws soaked, I thank my ancestors for blessing me with the skills of a Riverclan cat." He'd smile. " You know, with long legs like mine you would assume I'd be a good runner." He'd explain. "But I am absolutely terrible at running, though I can hold my stamina for a while so it makes up for it I suppose." He'd continued. "W-Would you call me crazy if I said my most favorite thing about rain.. is when the sky clears up and you get an absolutely magnificent view of the horizon.. and the sun shines on all the little rain drops making wonderful sparkles in them, ones that you just get lost in?" He laughed. "I enjoy mud aswell.. I use to love the smell of mud and rolling in it." He'd chuckle. "I use to eat mud as a kit.. it was a phase of course!" He looked up in panic. "I nicknamed myself Mudkit because I hated Mumblekit. Sure calling myself Mudkit wasn't much of an upgrade, but I would've loved to be anything but Mumblekit.. I wish my parents named me something more exciting and dangerous like Rush, Leopard, or Ragged. Or something silly that'd bring a smile to your muzzle like Fuzzy. I always wanted to be an Owl.. Owlkit, Owlpaw.. just not Mumble. " He'd mew before looking up at Snowecho. "Am I talking too much?" ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-23 15:39:15 |
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Stormberry, OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Mumblepaw, Stripepaw|Location: Medicine cat den - camp Horsetail had walked away from Mumblepaw, to retrieve some herbs, by the time he had come back Snowecho was there already to give the young cant his medicine. Sitting by the entrance of the herb store, Horsetail listened to Mumblepaws and Snowecho conversation. Was the apprentice interested in becoming a medicine cat? Horsetail wondered. Once Snowecho and Mumblepaw had left, the sand colored tom stepped forwards to inspect Stripepaw. The apprentices should did look quite injured, leaning forward he gave the shoulder a sniff. It was both good and bad that the wound was not open, still there was not much he could do while Stripepaw was asleep. Looking out of the den into the raining camp, Horsetails stomach let out a loud grumble. Aside from a small mouse in the morning he had not eaten anything, since there was no one right now that need his attention and he would not be too far away if Stripepaw would need him, he should probably take the opportunity and eat something. Polstering Stripepaws nest with a bit more moss, the tom headed for the freshkill pile. Spotting Stormberry, Horsetail nodded his head in greeting to the deputy. Grabbing a squirrel by its tail, Horetail walked over to Stormberry, "Mind if I join you?", he asked placing the squirrel on the ground. ![]() Edited on 23/07/18 @ 15:41:43 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203) |