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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-23 15:41:32
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|7/18 Health|Medicine Den|Mentions: Swallowpaw, Mumblepaw

Stripepaw flickered his eyes open. He felt stiff, lifeless, and everything was blurry. He kept his head on his paws thinking of his dream. He lifted his head and everything came back to him. He let out a groan and set his head back on his paws. He didn't really feel any better. His shoulder felt like a million needles and now everything felt stiff. Stripepaw blinked and everything started coming back to focus. He looked across the den and saw Mumblepaw.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-23 16:13:47
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp, Clan Territory - Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowecho padded out of the camp, listening to Mumblepaw speak with delight. He was glad to hear how talkative he was, it could only mean that his throat must be much better than before. "Yes, my mother was friends with yours." He mentioned as Mumblepaw mentioned his Riverclan heritage. He listened to Mumblepaw confess his thoughts on rain, laughing softly with him and nodding his head. "The rain does create beautiful displays, and the sound of rain can be very soothing." He commented, going quiet again as the apprentice went on to talk about his kithood. He had not been in the Clan when Mumblepaw was born. He had come back in Mumblepaw's early kithood, so had witnessed his love for mud. "I remember that phase, you had Featherpool quite worried." He recalled the memories fondly. He shrugged a little as the apprentice talked about his name. "Giving names to a kit is personal thing to queens. Some may be stuck on names, some may name their kit the first thing that comes to mind." He explained, but of course being no expert himself. He gave a soft 'mrrow' of laughter. "If you talked too much, I'd cover your mouth with my tail." He joked, as they arrived at a nice patch of marigold close to the river. "Are you ready for me to talk much?"

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-07-23 16:32:07
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Swiftstrike, Mountainshadow *OPEN*
Harepaw followed after her mentor, looking back at Mountainshadow who didn't look happy. The she cat followed her mentor, absent mindedly. "Sw-Swiftstrike." She began nervously, twitching her tail and looking at her paws as she walked.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 16:34:03
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Horsetail, Sunstar (indirectly), open!

Stormberry flicked his ears when he heard another cat approaching the fresh-kill pile, and he lifted his head from his meal to see Horsetail. He waved his tail in greeting and shook his head at the medicine cat's question, swiping his tongue across his muzzle and finding his temper starting to cool as he began to feel full again. "Of course you can join me, how are you?" He asked, knowing that the medicine cat den had been a pretty busy place recently. He finished the last of his own squirrel and started to groom himself not long after, appreciating the opportunity to just talk and relax for a bit - even if the weather was pretty miserable. "This seems like a big storm on its way. Let's hope we all stay in one piece until this terrible weather is gone; I'm starting to miss the sun." He commented, glancing briefly at Sunstar out of the corner of his eye.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-23 16:43:29
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp Territory | Mentions: Snowecho

Mumblepaw would stay silent as Snowecho spoke, and for most of the small travel as well. He just hoped he wasn't coming off as rude for not replying to the things Snowecho was saying. Though he was listening carefully to the naming parts. "I suppose I wasn't the most lively kit when I was born." He'd huffed. "But I can't help wanting to wish for more in myself, both naming and how I come off to others." He'd sigh in a deep lifeless tone. "Sure you can explain as much as you need. I'll be listening to every word you say and not say a word unless needed, though I've been told to come off more chilling when I'm not speaking." He'd mew in a deep tone while giving Snowecho a bit of space by sitting down a bit far from him. He'd stay up at the dark cloudy sky for a moment. He felt his body tremble for a moment. 'Please don't tell me that's a storm..' He let out a silent panicked yelp before looking back at Snowecho. 'I shouldn't be getting distracted.' He'd hiss to himself.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 17:05:41
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Stormberry|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

Sitting down next to the deputy, the tom started eating. Through a mouth full of food, Horsetail looked up at Stormberry at his question, "A lot has happened in the medicine cat den recently", letting out a sigh, Horsetail swallowed his pray. Looking over at rest of the camp, Horsetail's blue-green eyes sweeped the camp, "Yes, hopefully everyone is smart enough not to get into too many dangerous situations", Horsetail said. A small chuckle escaped him though, as if he would have so much luck.
Finishing the rest of his squirrel, the dark sand colored tom sat back. Starting to clean his long tail, Horsetail glanced up at the deputy next to him, "Have you been taking care of yourself? You are a deputy, so you need to be in good health", the tom said.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 17:33:05
Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Flamelily, Fallowflower|Location: Elder's Den

The calico elder stretched his stiff old legs out and splayed his big paws. Letting out a large yawn, Lioncloud open his blue eyes, letting out a grunt he started to sit up. Letting his eyes adjust, the tom looked around the elders den. Fallowflower and Flamelily where in their respective nests, where they still asleep? What time was it? It felt like it was pretty late, but the light filtering through the dens entrance was dim.
Slowly getting to his paws, the calico tom walked to the entrance of the den. Poking his head outside he almost required when a raindrop landed on his nose, his fluffy ear twitched as some thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm? Lioncloud sat down and let his eyes wander through the camp.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-23 17:34:32
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|7/18 Health|Medicine Den|Mentions: Swallowpaw, Mumblepaw

Stripepaw lifted his head. He tried to stand up just so he could stretch. He had been laying in the same position for too long. He managed to stand up and tried stretching but stumbled and fell back down. He managed not to land on his shoulder but now didn't feel so stiff. He let out a sigh looking to the ground.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 17:39:20
Sunstar - 24 moons - Co-Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw

Sunstar frowned in sympathy, but nudged Softpaw up. "It's just noise, it's not going to hurt you. Come on, we won't stray far from camp."
He trudges out of camp, hoping Softpaw is following. He was worried about the apprentice; or maybe it was just his fault for not being around? Either way, he came to make amends and to give Softpaw the mentor he needs, maybe even more.
He stretched his muscles, making sure to warm up his body to show Softpaw how to catch. The apprentice probably already knows the minimal basics, but Sunstar was skilled at this. He could creep up on a mouse in the middle of the night, when no sounds were being made. That is, if he ate mouse. Some days he had to remember that he was a voletarian. The thought made him chuckle.
The sun hasn't shown in a while. Perhaps Starclan is trying to speak to the clan. Or maybe it's just nature. Who would know by now.
Snowecho or Horsetail.
Maybe he should consult them later, perhaps they have an answer to this long lasting storm.
"Hurry up Softpaw, we've got work to do."

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 17:43:28
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Horsetail, Stripepaw (indirectly), open!

Stormberry began work grooming the mane of fur around his neck as he listened to what Horsetail had to say, guessing from his sigh that things being busy was taking a bit of a toll on the medicine cats. Hopefully cats would try not to be so clumsy and careless in the future, to try and give the medicine cats a break. "I could tell, I had to bring Stripepaw in earlier because he fell from a tree while we were out training. If he was just more careful, maybe he wouldn't have got hurt." He explained, looking briefly at the medicine cat den and wondering how the apprentice was doing. "I'd say I'm in pretty good health. I had some scratches on my legs a little while ago but they've more or less healed now. I think most of all I'm just tired; deputy work takes a bit of getting used to." He mewed, with a small smile. "Luckily I got a mate recently, so I think overall I'm not doing bad." He added, having remembered that he hadn't shared the news with any other cat yet.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-23 18:18:17
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowecho thought about Mumblepaw's concerns about names and wanting more out of himself. "Leave it to the leaders to give you a nice warrior name. Trust me, you might grow to love your name once you're a warrior." He soothed, picking up some marigold and showing it to the apprentice. "This is marigold, it's good to prevent infections. You apply it to a wound after cleaning it thoroughly. Remember to chew the it into a fine pulp." He informed, glad he did not have any cat to demonstrate it on. "You can also use cobweb as a temporary replacement if you can't find any marigold. But cobweb won't prevent infections." He added on, looking around the area for some catchweed. Finding some, he padded over and brought some back. "Catchweed is good for keeping poultices in place."

Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar, Alderpaw

Softpaw managed to calm down fully and got up, glad that Sunstar was taking him out training. "I'll see you later." He mewed to Alderpaw, then followed Sunstar to the camp exit. He was reassured by his mentor's promise to not stray far away from camp, better to be close in case the skies decided to roar again. "What do you want me to catch?" He asked Sunstar, doing his best to keep up with him. He had a small hope that it would be a small creature, so he could show off his stalking. Hopefully he would not have to climb any trees for the prey, he had seen Stripepaw being carried back from his hunting trip by Stormberry earlier.

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 18:30:45 by Andy-tired-af (WCU) (#117962)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 18:22:05
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Stormberry|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Camp

The tom nodded his head, "Thank you for bringing him in so quickly. He's asleep right now, but Snowecho and I will see what we can do about Stripepaw's shoulder", Horsetail explained. The medicine cat was glad to hear that Stormberry was in good health, though he cocked his head to one side as the other tom mentioned that he was tired. b>"If you would like, I can bring you some poppy seed for you to take before you retire. You'll be able to sleep quicker after taking it", Horsetail offered.
For a few moments, the dark sand colored toms attention was slowly on his tail, a very pesky nettle had decided to cling to it. His head shot up though - with the nettle now not stuck to his, but too his chin - when he heard Stormberry's last words, " have a mate?", Horsetail said. "I am so happy for you", the tom added with a smile on his face. "Who is it?", the sand colored tom asked, running down a list of cats in his head.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 18:29:56
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp territory - Mentions: Foxflame, Hawkpaw, Snowpaw

Being so close to so many possible hunting places gave Shrewflight chills; her claws ached to sink into something soft and feathered. She smiled at the two apprentices and the other warrior, who had so kindly led them to a neutral spot after she'd trotted in front for a moment.
"I think, for practice, we should hunt in the underbrush around here. It'll give us all a chance to really bone up on our stalking and pouncing, and give the apprentices a chance to show off their skills and work on what they need to." She said brightly.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 19:03:02
Swiftstrike| 27 Moons |warrior| 30/30 Health | Clan |
"Yes?" He asks turning to face his apprentice. He wonders why she sounds so scared. Why is she scared, he thinks, is it because of Moutainshadow? He decides to ask. "Why are you scared? Is it because of Moutainshadow? Or something different? " He asks. He hears thunder roaring. He wished it was sunny again, but no. He hated the rain. He waits for Harepaw's reply.

Snowpaw| 7 Moons |Apprentice| 18/18 Health | Clan |
Snowpaw smiles. "Yeah, good idea. like the underbrush." She says ready to show what she can do. She hoped she didn't embarrass herself. Especially in front of her mentor. She wanted to show off her hunting skills, she hoped she would impress the warriors. She remembers last time she went hunting with Shrewflight, she remembers her saying she was good. She hoped she could do even better

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 19:53:03
Sunstar - 24 moons - Co-Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw

Sunstar smiled, glad his apprentice asked. He sniffed the air, instantly catching a faint smell of shrew. "Do you smell anything on the wind? What is it?"
Once Softpaw started sniffing around, he spoke up again. "Why don't you find the source, and show me your strategy you have so far. Then we can know what you need to work on. I'll be in the undergrowth near you, so I don't draw extra attention."
He nodded, having faith in Softpaw. Sneaking into the undergrowth closer to where the shrew was, he crouched, waiting for his apprentice to find the food.
The thundering was getting more obnoxious, and he couldn't help but worry for Softpaw's safety. As soon as they finish this session, they were heading back to camp in the safety of their dens.
Suddenly he heard whispers on the wind, and his tail went straight up.
"Clans divided.."
"Watch the skies.."
"They are falling.."

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