Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-11 16:22:46
Snowecho - 25 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - River - Mentions: Clearsong(ID), Earthquake(ID), Hollowfall(ID) Rainpaw, Open!

Snowecho looked around to check if any cat needed any help. They had helped many cats already, and he sat down to groom his messy fur a little. He knew that Hollowfall was a sensible cat, and would probably contact him if his lungs did not clear up. He raised a paw and ran it over his face, finally able to smooth out some of his fur. His moment of tranquility did not last long, as he soon heard Rainpaw's voice. He got up, assuming that he was needed elsewhere since the apprentice did not seem injured. "What happened?" He asked, though Clearsong spoke at the same time as him, so his question was ignored. It was still answered however, and the medicine cat grew worried. "Take me to him."

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 03:15:50
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 16/18 - River - Mentions: Snowecho, Pebblesplash, Brambleheart, Earthquake

Rainpaw nodded and flicked her tail in the direcrion she came, "It's this way!" She set the pace at a quick trot, seeing as Sbowecho would be no use if he arrived exhausted. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure he was following and soon she came to where the three cats gathered a few tail lengths from the river. She looked from Pebblesplash to Brambleheart who were trying to help, "He's here!" She said as she reached them and sat away from Earthquake so as not to bother Snowecho. She flicked her tail in impatience, she still had energy to use and gather herbs, she knew juniper grew close by. She knew, however, that this may not be the kind of wound for juniper.

(This can happen after lynxpaw arrives)

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Edited on 12/09/18 @ 04:16:04 by Swiftbreeze (#140966)

Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-09-12 03:17:37
Lynxpaw | 8 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | River | Mentions: Snowecho, Rainpaw, Clearsong, Open

Lynxpaw emerged from some bushes, trotting towards the camp quickly. After listening to Sunstar's announcement, she had immediately set about his command to collect herbs, and while Snowecho had stayed with the Clan to tend to the wounded she had quietly slipped away to find the herbs he needed; thyme and chamomile. Her trip was somewhat successful, she had found some thyme, but she wasn't sure about the "chamomile" she'd picked. She hoped it was chamomile, but she had passed a lot of large, white daisy-like flowers on her mission that all looked like it, and in the end all she could do was gather a bunch and hope for the best. Making her way through the crowd, she looked about for Snowecho, and eventually saw him talking to Rainpaw and Clearsong, but... he looked very concerned. Frowning slightly in worry, Lynxpaw quickened her pace and headed towards him.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 15:53:59
Stormberry - 29 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar (ID), Silvermoon, Swallowpaw, open!

Stormberry shot Sunstar a reassuring glance after the meeting was over and cats returned to their duties, hoping to ease his mate's mind in any way that he could. Whatever was going to happen would happen whether they worried about it or not, so he decided to set his mind to asserting himself and trying to restore some order to the Clan by forming a patrol with any cats who were free and well enough to join him. The large tom felt like it would help to do something that reminded him of normal Clan life, and surely it would mean the same for the rest of the Clan as well. Along the way, they could perhaps hunt if they saw prey or gather supplies to help make their temporary living near the river a bit more comfortable, especially for the injured cats. He noticed that Silvermoon seemed to be free and uninjured, so padded over to the warrior and dipped his head slightly in greeting. "Hello Silvermoon. I want to take some cats out for a patrol, you want to come?" He asked, looking over to Swallowpaw as well and gesturing for her to come over. After quite a while apart, he wanted to be able to spend time with his apprentice too.

Alderpaw - 12 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Softpaw, open!

Alderpaw curled his long tail and thought anxiously about what Sunstar had said, watching closely as he and Softpaw looked ready to leave together. Looking around, it seemed like everyone had a job to do and something to contribute to the Clan, especially in such times of turmoil. He wanted to prove his loyalty to his Clanmates, but at the same time, he wasn't the best definition of a team player. The apprentice wanted nothing more than to be able to go and do things on his own, but right now, he felt so restricted. That was a perk to being a warrior, at least. A warrior had the trust of their Clanmates, the ability to make a name and life for themselves in the larger community of the Clan. Alderpaw felt like nothing more than 'one of the apprentices'. The young tom sighed, not wanting to interrupt Sunstar and Softpaw's outing, but he was no use just sitting around and doing nothing, so he approached the two of them quietly and dipped his head in respect. "Are you going hunting?" He asked.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-09-13 17:57:16
Harepaw~9 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp/River~Mentions: Swiftstrike, *OPEN*
She tried to reply to her mentor, when the start of the meeting interrupted her. She listened with ears pricked to what was being said, and with out blame, visibly showed her shock and dampened mood as she dropped her ears and hunched forward. Her stomach sank like a rock when her own fears of what to come had been spoken. Worse was yet to come. But she would stand and fight tell her last breath for her clan, no matter what. She worked her claws slowly in the ground. She smiled lightly back at her mentor only hearing a little of what he said. "Yeah, hunting and training both sound good." She tried to sound positive, but even she could tell it wasn't believable.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 18:25:23
Swallowpaw | 13 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Territory | Mentions: Stormberry

Swallowpaw finally spotted Stormberry motioning her over and she gladly obeyed. She rubbed up against her mentor with a purr. "I'm really glad you're okay." She meowed, a small tremor in her voice betraying how worried she really had been. "Where should we go? I assume we're hunting? If we are, I would say the biggest prey we can easily catch because nobody has much energy but we have a lot of cats to feed and not much food." Swallowpaw continued, bombarding the older cat with questions and explanations. She curled her fluffy tail around his as if to keep him by her side and reassuring herself that he was still alive and well.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 20:36:18
Pebblesplash- 15 moons- warrior - 27/30- river- mentions: Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Snowecho, Brambleheart, Earthquake
Pebblesplash was relieved when Rainpaw arrived with Lynxpaw and Snowecho. The dark she-cat looked over at Brambleheart, hoping to hear how she found him. She looked back to Snowecho who frowned upon seeing Earthquake.
:that can’t be good!:
She shook out her fur.
“Anything I can do to help?” Pebblesplash asked tensely.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 20:57:28
Brambleheart | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | River | Mentions: Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Rainpaw

Brambleheart had been soaking wet, bending over the darker colored tom, who had passed out, and tried to figure out how to help. Before she could do anything, she heard Rainpaw and saw the apprentice bound over, Pebblesplash on the younger cat's heels. "Okay," She nodded, grabbing Earthquake's scruff and helping Pebblesplash drag him to a flatter area of ground. "I'm not sure. I'll try to keep him warm, you should try to get the water out of his lungs. Please keep and eye out for Snowecho."

Hollowfall | 28 Moons | Co-Deputy | 30/30 | Temp. Camp | Mentions: Snowecho, Spottedpaw (ID) OPEN

The darker cat lapped up the small berry, nodding as he lifted his head, swallowing the herb before speaking, "Thank you, Snowecho." His voice was still hoarse, but, it wasn't as hard to talk. Hollowfall was rather relieved as he padded away from the other tom. He wanted to rest for a small bit, but, Spottedpaw flashed to his mind. He hadn't taken her out in a while and, with everything that was going on, it might be good for the young she-cat to take her mind off of what was going on. Hollowfall made a mental note to remind himself later on as he laid down with a sigh near the outskirts of the temporary camp, tucking his tail close to himself as he rested his head on his paws.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 21:16:52
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -outside Camp -

Featherheart sat away from everyone now when she needed to help she would but that wasn't right now or she thought so anyway.She let out a long sigh this was going to be rough and it was.going to take a while to build.She knew that..but for now she sat alone thinking.Not really wanting to talk to anyone.Her tail wrapped around her paws she looked down at her paws so lost in thought she didn't norice much going on around her.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 02:57:24
Snowecho - 25 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - River - Mentions: Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Pebblesplash, Brambleheart, Earthquake, Open!

Snowecho flicked an ear when he heard small paw steps approach him, turning his head and seeing Lynxpaw. "Earthquake needs our help, leave the herbs here while we tend to him." He instructed, hurrying after Rainpaw. He arrived quickly at the scene, nervousness filling him at the sight of a small group of cats. He took a deep breath. I can do this. He thought to himself. He started looking over Earthquake pressing his ear against his chest to listen. "H-How long has he been unconscious?" He asked. He moved to the unconscious cat's head and leaned his muzzle down to feel his breath.

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GayDinoNuggy (#128606)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 04:43:04

Silvermoon - 20 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Hunting grounds - Mention-Stormberry, Swallowpaw

The big tom sniffed the air zoning out every other cat as he tried to listen for anything of danger so he almost jumped out of his pelt as he heard Stormberry behind him. He dipped his head the co-deputy and said " hello Stormberry, I would love to patrol! Anything to take my mind off the injured..." he said before shaking his head clearing his memory for a second and looked down at Stormberry's apprentice and he smiled as wondered what it would be to have an apprentice for himself but he knew he was thinking too far into the future and looked around before his amber eyes rested back on Stormberry and said " What are we going to do?"

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 08:54:54
Dappledpaw|12 moons|apprentice|18/18|hunting grounds|SIlvermoon,Stormberry,Swallowpaw
Dappledpaw had decided to take a break and go out hunting. She was stalking a mouse when she smelled a hunting patrol coming. As they padded past, the mouse's ears pricked up and it scampered off into the undergrowth. Her pelt bristling with annoyance, Dappledpaw stalked off to find something else.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-14 13:11:39
Stripepaw|13 Moons|Apprentice |15/18 Health|River|Mentions:Hawkpaw, Featherheart

Feeling ignored Stripepeaw kept walking. Hawkpaw was having teouble and almost fell down a few times. The grey tom placed Hawkpaw on the floor. "You will be treated here." He watched Snoweho run towards Brambleheart for. moment then saw Featherheart. "Hey Featherheart!" He ran over to the she cat.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-09-14 18:00:42
Mumblepaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 15/18 | River | Mentions: Spottedpaw / Open

Mumblepaw would let out a small groan. He felt lightheaded and extremely exhausted; when was the last time he fully slept? I still have to drop Spottedpaw over to the healing station. he reminded himself, though how in the name of Starclan was he suppose to help Spottedpaw if he couldn't even care for himself? Mumblepaw stopped dead in his tracks as he sat down, it's like he no longer has control of his body. Mumblepaw, now beginning to lay down felt his head throb in pain. I should've taken better care of myself! he gave himself a hiss-like yawn. He would close his eyes as he felt himself begin to doze off, mumbling a name as he did. "Spotted-" The young tom huffed. "Spottedpaw- sorry.. river.. about-" His mumbles became softer, less understandable as he fumbled with his words. Though it's not he could say more, the apprentice had now fallen asleep.

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Lioness (#155313)

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Posted on
2018-09-15 01:57:42
Can someone give me a small recap? It's very hard to join the RP when it's already 145 pages long XD. And what means that reputation-thing?

Goldenpaw | 6 moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | River | Mentions: Sunstar

Goldenpaw slowly woke up. At first she didn't know where she was. All those weird sounds, water rumbling, so hard that it managed to wipe out all the other sounds, except for the talking of the other cats.
Then she remembered. The fire. All those flames in the camp. They had to set up a camp right here, by the river.
As soon as they came at the river, Goldenpaw lay down and fell asleep. She was not in the camp while it catched fire, so she was not hurt by the smoke and the fire, but all those impressions made her very sleepy and exhausted.
But now she had to help the Clan. She leaped up, smelled the air for one of the leaders and she ran to Sunstar, who was sitting close by. She sat down. 'Sunstar, is there anything I can do for the Clan? Do I need to help setting up the camp, or do I need to go hunting. I'm not hurt by the fire, so I can do anything!'
She felt guilty for not helping the Clan when they needed her the most; by building up the start of the camp, and helping all the wounded cats. A voice in her head said that she couldn't have helped them, because she was too exhausted to set one paw in front of the other, but she ignored it. She had to make her guilt dissapear, and this was the only way.

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